UW Executive Order No. 61, "Policy for Addressing Allegations of Scientific and Scholarly Misconduct," revised effective May 14, 2003.
Administrative Policy Statement 15.1, "Accountability for Tax-Free Ethyl Alcohol," revised effective June 16, 2003.
Administrative Policy Statement 47.2, "Personal Use of University Facilities, Computers, and Equipment by University Employees," revised effective April 14, 2003.
University Handbook, Volume 2, Part II, Chapter 24, Section 24-34, "Qualifications for Appointment at Specific Ranks and Titles," revised effective June 5, 2003.
University Handbook, Volume 4, Part III, Chapter 11, Section 3, "Honors Awards," revised effective June 20, 2003.
To view UW Executive Orders and University Handbook sections, go to the University Handbook website: http://www.washington.edu/faculty/facsenate/handbook/handbook.html; to view administrative policy statements, go to the UW Administrative Policy Statements website: http://www.washington.edu/admin/adminpro/APS/APSIndex.html or, for paper copies, contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director, Administrative Procedures Office, University of Washington, 4014 University Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105-6203, by e-mail at adminpro@u.washington.edu, and by fax (206) 616-6294.