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Any person currently on the excise tax rules maintenance list or property tax rules list will automatically receive a copy of the rule development agenda.
Activity planned by July 31, 2004
Rule Number | Last Revised |
Subject | Explanation | Assigned To |
Status |
458-10-050 | 1997 | Accreditation of real property appraisers. | Update per rule review. | Mark Mullin | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-12-050 458-12-095 458-12-100 458-12-105 458-12-110 |
1968 1968 1982 1968 1968 |
Listing of personal property. | Update per rule review. Anticipate combining info into one or two rules. | Mark Mullin | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-14-001 458-14-015 458-14-025 458-14-046 458-14-056 458-14-066 458-14-076 458-14-105 458-14-116 458-14-127 458-14-170 |
1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 |
Board of equalization. | To incorporate
chapters 185 and 187,
Laws of 2001.
Kim Qually | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-16-180 | 1994 | Cemeteries. | Update per rule review. | Kim Qually | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-16A-110 | 2003 | Senior citizen/disabled person exemption. | Recognize federal law changes. | Kim Qually | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-16A-115 | 2003 | Senior citizen/disabled person exemption. | Recognize federal law changes. | Kim Qually | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-19-045 | 2002 | Levy limit -- Removal of limit. | Incorporate provisions of chapter 24, Laws of 2003 1st sp.s. | Kim Qually | Candidate for expedited process. |
458-20-102 | 1994 | Resale certificates. | Incorporate provisions of the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003). | Sue Goldstein | Candidate for expedited process. |
458-20-104 | 1992 | Small business tax relief based on volume of business. | Update. | Gayle Carlson | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-110 | 1991 | Freight and delivery charges. | Incorporate provisions of the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003). | Sue Goldstein | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-141 | 1983 | Duplicating industry and mailing bureaus. | To incorporate chapter 367, Laws of 2002 and update per rule review. | JoAnne Gordon | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-20-173 | 1983 | Installing, cleaning, repairing tangible personal property. | Incorporate provisions of chapter 367, Laws of 2002, and the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003). | Diane Bren | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-177 | 1983 | Sales of vehicles to nonresidents. | Update per rule review. | Gil Brewer | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-20-178 | 1986 | Use tax. | Incorporate provisions of the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003), update per rule review. | JoAnne Gordon | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-20-17801 | New | Use tax exemptions. | Incorporate and update exemption info now in WAC 458-20-178. | JoAnne Gordon | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-20-17803 | New | Promotional materials. | To incorporate provisions of chapter 367, Laws of 2002. | JoAnne Gordon | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-20-186 458-20-18601 |
1994 1995 |
Tax on cigarettes. Cigarette vendor licenses. |
Incorporate provisions of chapter 114, Laws of 2003. Possible consolidation into one rule. | Margaret Partlow | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-193C |
1986 |
Inbound and
interstate sales of
tangible personal
property. Imports and exports. |
Update per rule review. May consolidate information into one rule. | Mark Mullin | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-196 | 1983 | Bad debts. | Incorporate provisions of the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003). | Nathan Schreiner | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-211 | 1996 | Leases/rental of tangible personal property. | Incorporate provisions of the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003), update per rule review | JoAnne Gordon | CR-102 public hearing anticipated. |
458-20-216 | 1999 | Successorship. | Incorporate provisions of chapter 13, Laws of 2003 1st sp.s. | Diane Bren | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-228 | 2001 | Returns, penalties, and interest. | Incorporate provisions of chapter 13, Laws of 2003 1st sp.s. | Gil Brewer | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-229 | 1993 | Refunds. | Incorporate provisions of chapter 73, Laws of 2003 | Pat Moses | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-243 | 1983 | Litter tax. | Update per rule review and incorporate chapter 120, Laws of 2003. | Gayle Carlson | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-245 | 1983 | Telephone service. | Incorporate provisions of the "streamlined bill" (chapter 168, Laws of 2003), update per rule review. | Gil Brewer | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-20-New | Mobile sourcing. | Incorporate provisions of chapter 67, Laws of 2002 | Gil Brewer | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. | |
458-20-252 | 1989 | Hazardous substance tax/petroleum products tax. | Update per rule review. Possible incorporation of petroleum products tax into a new rule. | Anne Solwick | 2nd CR-101 public meeting scheduled 2/9/04. |
458-20-263 | 1999 | Exemption for alternative power sources. | Update per rule review. | Gil Brewer | CR-101 public meeting anticipated. |
458-40-660 | 2001 | Timber/forest tax stumpage values. | Required semi-annually. | Gil Brewer | Must be completed before July 1st and January 1st each year. |
Alan R. Lynn
Rules Coordinator