WSR 04-03-041



[ Memorandum -- January 15, 2004 ]

     The following list represents the regular meeting notices submitted to the Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings for 2004.

Regular Meetings 2004

Committee Chair
Animal Care & Use Committee
Applied Mathematics Ka Kit Tung
ASUW Board of Directors
ASUW Senate
Bioengineering Dr. Yongmin Kim
Board of Regents
Chemical Engineering Eric M. Stuve
Classics James J. Clauss
Communication Gerald Baldasty
Comparative Medicine Dr. Melvin B. Dennis, Jr.
Dental Public Health Sciences Douglas S. Ramsay
Dental School, Faculty Council Michael Martin
Drama Arlene Hamilton
Faculty Women
Forest Resources Faculty Rick Gustafson
Genome Sciences Robert H. Waterston
Geography James Harrington
Graduate School Council
Harborview, Board of Trustees
History John Findlay
Immunology Chris Wilson
Information School Mike Eisenberg
Law School Faculty
Material Science and Engineering Rajendra K. Bordia
Mathematics Selim Tuncel
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Bruce Adee
Medical Education & Biomedical Informatics Fred Wolf
Medical History and Ethics Dr. Wylie Burke
Medicine Board-UWMC Specific Committees Dennis Okamoto
Neurological Surgery
Nursing, Ad Hoc Committee
Nursing, APT Committee E. Bond
Nursing, Deans and Chairs Nancy F. Woods
Nursing, Dept. Faculty for BNHS M. Heitkemper
Nursing, Dept. Faculty for FCN K. Swanson
Nursing, Dept. Faculty for PCH B. Berkowitz
Nursing, Faculty Council B. Belza
Nursing, Faculty Meeting B. Belza
Nursing, Faculty Retreat S. Elmore
Nursing, Governing Council Nancy F. Woods
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Executive/Finance
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty Meetings
Oceanography Bruce Frost
Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Budget Council Frederick A. Matsen III, M.D.
Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Exec. Sessions Frederick A. Matsen III, M.D.
Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Faculty Meetings Frederick A. Matsen III, M.D.
Pathobiology Ken Stuart
Pathology Nelson Fausto, M.D.
Periodontics Murray R. Robinovitch
Pharmacy Curriculum Committee Valerie Daggett
Pharmacy, Faculty Danny Shen
Philosophy Kenneth Clatterbaugh
Physics David Boulware
Physiology and Biophysics Stan Froehner
Portage Bay Insurance BOD Meeting
Portage Bay Insurance Membership Meeting
Portage Bay Insurance Public Meetings
Psychiatry Advisory Committee Richard Veith
Psychology Ana Mari Cauce
Public Health Executive Committee Patricia Wahl
Rehab Medicine Lawrence R. Robinson, M.D.
Scandinavian Studies Terje Leiren
Services & Activities Fee Committee
Statistics Peter Guttorp
Tacoma, Building and Facility Use Linda Schmitz
Tacoma, Business Dr. Patricia Fandt
Tacoma, Education Sara Contera
Tacoma, Faculty Assembly IAS Michael C. Kalton
Tacoma, Institute of Technology Dr. Larry Crum
Tacoma, Review and Approval Process for Programs Jack Nelson
Tacoma, Social Work Program, Dept. Marcie Lazzari
Tacoma, Social Work Program, Faculty Terri Simonsen
Washington Technology Center, Board of Directors Lee Cheatham
Women's Studies Judith Howard

[These schedules are available for public inspection at the Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings, 4014 University Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105-6203, phone (206) 543-9180, fax (206) 616-6294, e-mail, campus mail Box 355502.]
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