Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 03-21-079.
Title of Rule: WAC 260-24-510 Stewards.
Purpose: To clarify and provide for a process to be used by the stewards in making initial agency determinations of violations of agency rules and to provide standard guidelines for standard violations.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 67.16.020.
Statute Being Implemented: SHB 2575.
Summary: To amend the current rule to make the stewards responsible to the executive secretary for the conduct of each race meet, establishes that the stewards will make the initial agency determination of alleged rule violations, replaces the stewards hearing with a stewards ruling conference, adds a penalty matrix outlining standard penalties for common rule violations, including first, second and third violations within a calendar year, outlines the authority of the stewards and includes a process to appeal the actions of the board of stewards.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: With passage of SHB 2575 in the fifty-eighth legislative session, steward are now granted authority to reprimand, fine, suspend, revoke or any combination persons violating the rules of racing. The legislation also requires the agency to establish in rule a standard penalty matrix.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Robert Lopez, 6326 Martin Way, Suite 209, Olympia, WA 98516, (360) 459-6462; Implementation and Enforcement: Robert Leichner, 6326 Martin Way, Suite 209, Olympia, WA 98516, (360) 459-6462.
Name of Proponent: Washington Horse Racing Commission, governmental.
Agency Comments or Recommendations, if any, as to Statutory Language, Implementation, Enforcement, and Fiscal Matters: Implements portions of SHB 2575.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: WAC 260-24-510 Stewards, addresses the authority of the stewards and their responsibilities regarding the conduct of a race meet. The section is being amended to replace the stewards hearing process with the stewards ruling conference as part of the agency initial determination of alleged rule violations. The amendment also establishes standard penalties for common rule violations within a calendar year. If adopted this rule will simplify the agency's initial determination and provide easier access to appeal stewards' decisions and provide the licensees some expectation of the penalty if the alleged rule violation they are accused of is sustained.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: Makes the stewards responsible to the executive secretary for the conduct of a race meet, and to make the initial agency's determination of alleged rule violations. Outlines the authority of the board of stewards. Replaces the current stewards hearing process with the stewards ruling conference. Places into rule a penalty matrix for common rule violations. Establishes a process to appeal the findings and penalties of the stewards.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Not applicable.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption.
Hearing Location: Auburn City Council Chambers, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA, on May 13, 2004, at 10:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Patty Sorby by May 12, 2004.
Submit Written Comments to: Robert M. Leichner, Executive Secretary, Washington Horse Racing Commission, 6326 Martin Way, Suite 209, Olympia, WA 98516-5578, fax (360) 459-6461, by May 13, 2004.
Date of Intended Adoption: May 13, 2004.
March 22, 2004
R. M. Leichner
Executive Secretary
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-13-074, filed 6/13/03,
effective 7/14/03)
WAC 260-24-510
(1) General authority:
(a) The stewards for each meeting shall be responsible to
the ((commission)) executive secretary for the conduct of the
race meeting and the initial agency determination of alleged
rule violations in accordance with these rules;
(b) The stewards shall enforce ((these rules and the
racing laws of this jurisdiction)) the rules of racing in
chapters 260-12 through 260-84 WAC;
(c) The stewards' authority includes ((supervision))
regulation of all racing officials, track management, licensed
personnel, other persons responsible for the conduct of
racing, and patrons, as necessary to insure compliance with
these rules;
(d) All nominations, entries, declarations and scratches shall be conducted under the supervision of the stewards;
(e) The stewards shall have authority to resolve conflicts or disputes related to violations of the rules of racing and to discipline violators in accordance with the provisions of these rules;
(f) The stewards shall take notice of any questionable conduct with or without complaint thereof;
(g) The stewards have the authority to interpret the rules and to decide all questions of racing not specifically covered by the rules;
(h) Should any case occur which may not be covered by these rules of racing, it shall be determined by the stewards of the race meeting in conformity with justice and in the best interest of racing; and the stewards of the meeting are hereby given authority to exercise their full power, recommending to the commission the impositions of more severe penalties, if in their judgment the penalty should be more drastic.
(2) The stewards' period of authority shall commence 10 days prior to the beginning, or at such other time as is necessary in the opinion of the executive secretary, of each meeting and shall terminate with the completion of their business pertaining to the meeting. One of the three stewards shall be designated as the presiding steward by the commission.
(3) ((Disciplinary action:
(a) The stewards shall take notice of alleged misconduct
or rule violations and initiate investigations into such
(b) The stewards shall have authority to charge any
licensee with a violation of these rules, to conduct hearings
and to impose disciplinary action in accordance with these
(c) The stewards may compel the attendance of witnesses
and the submission of documents or potential evidence related
to any investigation or hearing;
(d) The stewards may at any time inspect license
documents, registration papers and other documents related to
(e) The stewards shall have the power to administer oaths
and examine witnesses;
(f) The stewards shall consult with the official
veterinarian to determine the nature and seriousness of a
laboratory finding or an alleged medication violation;
(g) The stewards may impose any of the following
penalties on a licensee for a violation of these rules;
(i) Issue a reprimand;
(ii) Assess a fine;
(iii) Require forfeiture or redistribution of purse or
award, when specified by applicable rules;
(iv) Place a licensee on probation;
(v) Suspend a license or racing privileges;
(vi) Revoke a license; or
(vii) Exclude from grounds under the jurisdiction of the
(h) The stewards may suspend a license for not more than
one year per violation; or they may impose a fine not to
exceed $2,500 per violation; or they may suspend and fine; or
they may order that a person be ineligible for licensing. For
violations covered by Chapter 260-70 [WAC] Medication, the
stewards shall follow the penalty guidelines as set forth in
WAC 260-70-690;
(i) A stewards' ruling shall not prevent the commission
from imposing a more severe penalty;
(j) The stewards may refer any matter to the commission
and may include recommendations for disposition. The absence
of a stewards' referral shall not preclude commission action
in any matter;
(k) Purses, prizes, awards and trophies shall be
redistributed if the stewards or commission order a change in
the official order of finish;
(l) All fines imposed by the stewards shall be paid to
the commission within 48 hours after the ruling is issued,
unless otherwise ordered.)) Stewards ruling conference
regarding violations of rules of racing:
(a) The stewards shall take notice of alleged misconduct or rule violations and initiate investigations into such matters.
(b) The stewards shall have authority to charge any licensee with a violation of these rules, to make rulings and to impose penalties including the following:
(i) Issue a reprimand;
(ii) Assess a fine not to exceed $2,500.00, except as provided in WAC 260-70-690;
(iii) Require forfeiture or redistribution of purse or award, when specified by applicable rules;
(iv) Place a licensee on probation;
(v) Suspend a license or racing privileges for not more than one year per violation;
(vi) Revoke a license; or
(vii) Exclude from grounds under the jurisdiction of the commission.
(c) Issue reprimands, fines and suspensions based on the following penalty matrixes:
Class A & B Licensed Facilities | |||
Violations with calendar year | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense |
Smoking in the barn | $25 | $50 | $100 |
Tampering with a smoke detector | $50 | $100 | $250 plus possible suspension |
Vehement verbal quarrel or use of profanity or abusive language towards another person | $100 | $250 | Suspension |
Physical fight or altercation | $100 and/or probation | $250 plus suspension | |
Licensing - fail to divulge a felony | $100 plus possible denial of license | ||
Licensing - fail to divulge a misdemeanor | Warning - $50 | $50 | |
Licensing - nonparticipation | License canceled | ||
Violation of any claiming rule in chapter 260-60 WAC (Return of horse and payment of bills) | $200-$500 plus possible suspension | ||
Use of profanity or abusive language | $50 | $100 | $250 |
Failure to follow instructions of security or a racing official | $25 | $50 | $100 plus possible suspension |
Unsafe vehicle operation | $50 | $100 and recommend racing association revoke vehicle pass | |
Financial responsibility | 30 days or before the end of the meet (whichever is sooner) to resolve or suspension | ||
Fail to appear - hearing | Suspension pending appearance | ||
Fail to honor call - agents | $75 | $100 | $200 |
Reporting incorrect weight - jockeys | $50 | $100 | $200 |
Fail to appear for films - jockeys | $50 | $100 | $200 |
Fail to fulfill riding engagement after entries | $100 | $200 | |
Easing mount without cause | $250 | $400 plus suspension | |
Jockey failing to maintain straight course - no disqualification | Warning - $250 | $250 - $500 | $500 - $1000 |
Jockey failing to maintain straight course - disqualification | 3 days or $2500 (jockey's option) | 3 day suspension | 6 day suspension |
Jockey disqualification | Warning - $250 | $250 - $500 | $500 - $1000 |
Jockey who is aggressor in physical altercation - public area or jockeys quarters | $200 | $500 plus possible suspension | $1000 plus suspension |
Jockey who participates in physical altercation - public area or jockeys quarters | Warning - $100 | Warning - $150 | Warning - $500 |
Jockey's misuse of whip | Warning - $2500 | ||
Use of stimulating device (may include batteries) | 1 year suspension plus mandatory referral to commission for revocation | ||
Possession of stimulating device (may include batteries) | 1 year suspension | ||
Attempting to manipulate outcome of a race | 1 year suspension plus mandatory referral to commission for revocation | ||
Entering ineligible horse | $100 | ||
Arriving late to receiving barn | Warning - $50 | Warning - $50 | $50 - $100 |
Fail to follow instructions in the paddock | $50 | $100 | $100 |
Fail to have foal papers on file - resulting in a scratch | $100 | $100 | $100 |
Fail to handle business properly - late equipment change, etc. | $50 | $100 | $100 |
Insufficient workouts - resulting in scratch | $100 | $100 | $100 |
Class C Licensed Facilities | |||
Violation within calendar year | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense |
Smoking in the barn | $25 | $50 | $100 |
Tampering with a smoke detector | $50 | $100 | $250 plus possible suspension |
Vehement verbal quarrel or use of profanity or abusive language towards another person | $100 | $50 | Suspension |
Physical fight or altercation | $100 plus possible probation | $250 plus suspension | |
Licensing - fail to divulge a felony | $100 plus possible denial of license | ||
Licensing - fail to divulge a misdemeanor | Warning - $25 | $50 | |
Licensing - nonparticipation | License canceled | ||
Violation of any claiming rule in chapter 260-60 WAC (Return of horse and payment of bills) | $100 - $250 plus possible suspension | ||
Use of profanity or abusive language | $50 | $100 | |
Failure to follow instructions of security or a racing official | $25 | $50 | $100 plus possible suspension |
Unsafe vehicle operation | $50 | ||
Financial responsibility | 30 days or before the end of the fall meet (whichever is sooner) to resolve or suspension | ||
Fail to appear - hearing | Suspension pending appearance | ||
Fail to honor call - agents | $25 | $50 | $100 |
Reporting incorrect weight - jockeys | $25 | $50 | $100 |
Fail to appear for films - jockeys | $25 | $50 | $100 |
Fail to fulfill riding engagement after entries | $50 | $100 | |
Easing mount without cause | $100 | $200/Suspension | |
Fail to maintain straight course - no disqualification | Warning - $250 | $250 - $500 | $500 - $1000 |
Fail to maintain straight course - disqualification | 3 day suspension or $1000 (jockey's option) | 3 day suspension | 6 day suspension |
Jockey disqualification | Warning - $250 | $250 - $500 | $500 - $1000 |
Jockey who is aggressor in physical altercation - public area or jockeys quarters | $100 | $250 plus possible suspension | $500 plus suspension |
Jockey who participates in physical altercation - public area or jockeys quarters | Warning - $50 | Warning - $100 | Warning - $250 |
Jockey's misuse of whip | Warning - $2500 | ||
Use of stimulating device (may include batteries) | 1 year suspension plus mandatory referral to commission for revocation | ||
Possession of stimulating device (may include batteries) | 1 year suspension | ||
Attempting to manipulate outcome of a race | 1 year suspension plus mandatory referral to commission for revocation | ||
Entering ineligible horse | $25 | $50 | $50 |
Fail to follow instructions in the paddock | $25 | $50 | $50 |
Fail to have foal papers on file - resulting in a scratch | $50 | $50 | $50 |
Fail to handle business properly - late equipment change, etc. | $50 | $100 | $100 |
Insufficient workouts - resulting in scratch | $50 | $50 | $50 |
Class A, B & C Licensed Facilities | |||
Violation within calendar year | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense |
Fail to pay or default on L&I payment | Suspension until paid plus $25 for each quarter payment is late | ||
Unlicensed or improperly licensed personnel (trainer's responsibility) | L&I premium plus $100 | L&I premium plus $500 | L&I premium plus $500 |
Licensed personnel but not in groom slot (trainer's responsibility) | L&I premium plus $100 | L&I premium plus $500 | L&I premium plus $500 |
Unlicensed person on the backside | Report violation to the racing association |
(d) Circumstances which may be considered for the purpose of mitigation or aggravation of any penalty shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i) The impact of the offense on the integrity of the parimutuel industry;
(ii) The danger to human and/or equine safety;
(iii) The number of prior violations of the rules of racing or violations of racing rules in other jurisdictions; and/or
(iv) The deterrent effect of the penalty imposed.
(e) For violations covered by chapter 260-70 WAC, Medication, the stewards shall follow the penalty guidelines as set forth in WAC 260-70-690.
(f) The stewards may refer any matter to the commission and may include recommendations for disposition. The absence of a stewards' referral shall not preclude commission action in any matter. A stewards' ruling shall not prevent the commission from imposing a more severe penalty.
(g) Authority to conduct stewards' ruling conference:
(i) The stewards shall have the authority to:
(A) Conduct a ruling conference;
(B) Direct the attendance of witnesses and commission employees;
(C) Direct the submission of documents or potential evidence;
(D) Inspect license documents, registration papers and other documents related to racing;
(E) Question witnesses; and
(F) Consider all relevant evidence.
(ii) The stewards shall serve notice of a conference to person(s) alleged to have committed a violation, which shall contain the following information:
(A) A statement of the time and place the conference will be held;
(B) A reference to the particular sections of the WAC involved;
(C) A short and plain statement of the alleged violation; and
(D) A statement that if the person does not appear, the ruling will be made in his/her absence, and that failure to appear will be considered a separate violation of the rules of racing.
(iii) Failure to appear as required in (f)(i) and (ii) of this subsection shall be considered a violation of the rules of racing for which penalties may be imposed.
(iv) It is the duty and obligation of every licensee to make full disclosure to the board of stewards of any knowledge he/she possesses of a violation of any rule of racing. No person may refuse to respond to questions before the stewards on any relevant matter within the authority of the stewards, except in the proper exercise of a legal privilege, nor shall any person respond falsely before the stewards.
(v) The stewards shall allow the licensee to make a statement regarding the alleged violation.
(h) Every ruling by the stewards must be served in writing on the person(s) found in violation within five days and shall include:
(i) Time and place the ruling was made;
(ii) Statement of rules violated;
(iii) Details of the violation;
(iv) Penalties to be imposed;
(v) Procedure for appeal to the commission; and
(vi) Plain statement of licensees' options, which shall include:
(A) Accepting the penalty imposed by the stewards; or
(B) Appealing the stewards' determination within twenty days.
(i) The stewards' ruling shall be posted and a copy provided to the racing association.
(j) If a person does not file an appeal with the commission within twenty days or in the format required by chapter 260-88 WAC, then the person is deemed to have waived his or her right to appeal. After twenty days, if an appeal has not been filed, the stewards' penalty shall be imposed.
(k) "Service" shall mean either personal service on the licensee or depositing the notice of ruling conference or stewards' ruling into the mail to the licensee's last known address in which case service is complete upon deposit in the U.S. mail.
(l) If the stewards determine that a licensee's actions constitute an immediate, substantial danger to human and/or equine health, safety, or welfare, the stewards may enter a ruling summarily suspending the license pending a ruling conference before the board of stewards. A summary suspension takes effect immediately on issuance of the ruling. If the stewards suspend a license under this subsection, the licensee is entitled to a ruling conference before the board of stewards, not later than five days after the license was summarily suspended. The licensee may waive his/her right to a ruling conference before the board of stewards on the summary suspension.
(4) Protests, objections and complaints. The stewards shall cause an investigation to be conducted and shall render a decision in every protest, objection and complaint made to them. They shall maintain a record of all protests, objections and complaints. The stewards shall file daily with the commission a copy of each protest, objection or complaint and any related ruling. The stewards are vested with the power to determine the extent of disqualification in case of fouls. They may place the offending horse behind such horses as in their judgment it interfered with, or they may place it last.
(5) Stewards' presence:
(a) On each racing day at least one steward shall be on duty at the track from 3 hours prior to first race post time. The full board of stewards shall sit in regular session to exercise their authority and perform the duties imposed on them by the rules of racing;
(b) Three stewards shall be present in the stewards' stand during the running of each race. In case of emergency, the stewards may, during the meeting, appoint a substitute subject to the confirmation of the commission.
(6) Order of finish for parimutuel wagering:
(a) The stewards shall determine the official order of finish for each race in accordance with these rules of racing;
(b) The decision of the stewards as to the official order of finish, including the disqualification of a horse or horses as a result of any event occurring during the running of the race, shall be final for purposes of distribution of the parimutuel wagering pool.
(7) The stewards have the authority to cancel wagering on an individual betting interest or on an entire race and also have the authority to cancel a parimutuel pool for a race or races, if such action is necessary to protect the integrity of parimutuel wagering.
(8) Records and reports:
(a) The stewards shall prepare a daily report, detailing their actions and observations made during each day's race program. The report shall contain the name of the racetrack, the date, the weather and track conditions, claims, inquiries, objections and hearings and any unusual circumstances or conditions. The report shall be signed by each steward and be filed with the commission;
(b) Not later than seven days after the last day of a race meeting, the presiding steward shall submit to the commission a written report regarding the race meeting. The report shall contain:
(i) The stewards' observations and comments regarding the conduct of the race meeting, the overall conditions of the association grounds during the race meeting; and
(ii) Any recommendations for improvement by the association or action by the commission.
(9) Stewards' list:
(a) The stewards shall maintain a stewards' list of the horses which are ineligible to be entered in a race because of poor or inconsistent performance or behavior on the racetrack that may endanger the health or safety of other participants in racing;
(b) The stewards may place a horse on the stewards' list when there exists a question as to the exact identification or ownership of said horse;
(c) A horse which has been placed on the stewards' list because of inconsistent performance or behavior, may be removed from the stewards' list when, in the opinion of the stewards, the horse can satisfactorily perform competitively in a race without endangering the health or safety of other participants in racing;
(d) A horse which has been placed on the stewards' list because of questions as to the exact identification or ownership of said horse, may be removed from the stewards' list when, in the opinion of the stewards, proof of exact identification and/or ownership has been established.
(((10) When the stewards feel that a rule, other than a
rule of the race, has been violated by any person, the
procedure shall be as follows:
(a) He or she shall be summoned to a hearing before the
stewards, called for that purpose;
(b) Adequate notice of said hearing shall be given to the
summoned party. The stewards' decision as to what is adequate
notice shall be final;
(c) No penalty shall be imposed until such hearing;
(d) Nonappearance of the summoned party after adequate
notice shall be construed as a waiver of right to hearing
before the stewards;
(e) No special announcement of the hearing or of the
alleged infraction of rules shall be made until after said
hearing. Immediately after a hearing, provided the matter is
settled, the stewards shall transmit their findings in a
stewards ruling to the commission and to the party in
question. Thereafter, if a penalty is imposed for the
infraction of the rules but only in the case of penalty, the
commission may make a public statement.
(11) Nothing in this rule shall prohibit the stewards
from taking necessary action to prevent or avoid the immediate
danger to the public health, safety or welfare or the
integrity of racing.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. 03-13-074, § 260-24-510, filed 6/13/03, effective 7/14/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 98-01-145, § 260-24-510, filed 12/19/97, effective 1/19/98.]