Original Notice.
Exempt from preproposal statement of inquiry under RCW 34.05.310(4).
Title of Rule: Chapter 251-30 WAC, Combined fund drive and chapter 356-60 WAC, Combined fund drive.
Purpose: Incorporate the provisions of SB 5156 (2003) regarding the combined fund drive into chapter 251-30 WAC for higher education and chapter 356-60 WAC for state agencies.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 41.06 RCW.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 41.06.150.
Summary: The modifications to chapters 251-30 and 356-60 WAC reflect changes made by SB 5156 in 2003.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Bring the WACs up to date with current law.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Sharon Whitehead, 521 Capitol Way South, Olympia, WA, (360) 664-6348; Implementation and Enforcement: Department of Personnel.
Name of Proponent: Department of Personnel, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The changes to these rules will reflect the changes made by SB 5156 passed by the legislature in 2003.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: See above.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Not required.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption.
Hearing Location: Department of Personnel, 521 Capitol Way South, Olympia, WA, on May 13, 2004, at 2:00 p.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Department of Personnel by May 7, 2004, TDD (360) 753-4107 or (360) 586-8260.
Submit Written Comments to: Sharon Whitehead, Department of Personnel, P.O. Box 47500, fax (360) 586-4694, by May 7, 2004.
Date of Intended Adoption: May 13, 2004.
March 24, 2004
E. C. Matt
(2) The committee shall be known as the Washington state combined fund drive committee and referred to in these rules as the CFD committee.
(3) The CFD committee shall be composed of not more than
twelve members appointed by the governor for three year terms.
Appointments shall be consistent with Executive Order 01-01. ((The members shall be selected from the following groups:
(a) Public employees' unions;
(b) The legislative branch;
(c) The judicial branch;
(d) State agencies;
(e) Higher education institutions;
(f) Elected officials;
(g) Retired public employees;
(h) Other groups as may be recommended by the director of
the department of personnel.))
(4) The CFD committee shall have the following responsibilities:
(((4))) (a) ((The committee shall)) Meet to conduct
necessary business, elect a chairperson annually, and elect
such other officers as may be needed. Fifty percent of the
appointed members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of
business. A majority vote of the quorum will be needed to
carry a motion.
(b) Organize and effect one solicitation effort for charitable donations each year.
(c) Establish standards and criteria for participation in the fund drive. The standards and criteria will be incorporated into the application printed and distributed by the CFD. The application will be completed and submitted by those not-for-profit organizations and federations seeking approval to participate in the CFD campaign. Changes in the standards and criteria shall be made only after 60 days notice is given.
(d) Evaluate each application, based on its standards and criteria, and determine which not-for-profit organizations or federations are approved to participate in the annual CFD campaign.
(e) Establish staff and volunteer positions and committees as necessary to assist in the annual CFD campaign. An organizational chart is available from the CFD Committee through the Department of Personnel, P.O. Box 47500, Olympia WA 98504-7500.
(f) Determine and recover its reasonable administrative expenses to conduct the CFD campaign.
(g) Develop the official CFD campaign and publicity materials. The CFD committee may contract for marketing services to develop the CFD campaign material in a manner that is consistent with RCW 41.04.0332.
(h) Establish a procedure for CFD staff to collect, process and deposit individual employees contributions during the annual fundraising. Contributions from fundraising efforts shall be deposited into the CFD account in the custody of the state Treasurer according to state laws.
(i) Engage a CFD program manager to exercise general supervision over all operations of the CFD and strive to take necessary steps for the achievement of CFD campaign objectives. The CFD program manager establishes and maintains the official list of agency, higher education institutions and local CFD campaign committee volunteers and the geographical area each covers. The CFD program manager will forward all disputes to the CFD committee for resolution.
(5) Based on pledges received for an annual CFD campaign, when the annual net contribution for any participating organization or federation is estimated at two hundred fifty dollars or less, the CFD committee may direct the contributions be made in a lump sum at the end of the CFD campaign year to the recipient organization or federation.
(6) The CFD Committee shall direct that payments originally pledged to an organization or federation that has been decertified, is in receivership, has filed for or been placed in bankruptcy, or has been or is in the process of being dissolved, shall be returned to donors. If the CFD committee determines it is not feasible to return such funds to donors, it shall determine the appropriate disposition of the funds.
(((5))) (7) Members of the CFD committee shall serve
without additional salary, but shall be reimbursed by their
((employing agencies)) state employers for travel, lodging and
meals in accordance with state law and regulations. Public
retirees, who qualify, will receive normal travel, lodging and
meal expenses reimbursed or paid by CFD.
(((6) The committee shall be a policy committee which
shall organize and effect one solicitation effort each year.
(7) The committee shall establish standards and criteria
for participation in the fund drive. (WAC 356-60-040 and
(8) The committee shall print and distribute an
application form which agencies shall use to apply for
participation in the fund drive.
(9) The committee shall evaluate each application, based
on its criteria, and determine which agencies engaged in
charitable and public health, welfare and social service
purposes shall participate in one annual combined effort to
secure funds from state employees through payroll deduction or
other payment method.
(10) The committee may establish departmental combined
fund drive leaders, local combined fund drive coordinators,
local campaign steering committees and local campaign managers
to assist in the fund drive.))
(8) The CFD committee may enter into contracts and partnerships with a private institution, persons, firms or corporations for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the CFD. The CFD committee may also engage in advertising activities for the support of the administrative duties of the CFD. However, CFD activities shall not result in the direct commercial solicitation of state employees or in a benefit or advantage that would violate one or more provisions of chapter 42.52 RCW, the state ethics law.
(((11))) (9) Agency directors, elected officials, and
higher education presidents may allow employees the
opportunity to serve as CFD campaign executives to assist in
the conduct of the ((state's annual charitable)) CFD campaign.
The CFD campaign executive opportunity is a rotational
assignment that develops leadership, communication, and
teamwork skills that will benefit the employing organization
upon the employee's return. Those appointed as CFD campaign
executives remain on the payroll of their employing
organization during this assignment.
(((12))) (10) State agencies and higher education
institutions, at their discretion, are authorized to use
reasonable state resources to support, promote, and conduct
the annual combined fund drive campaign within their
organization. Reasonable uses are not excessive in volume or
frequency and do not interfere with, disrupt, or distract from
the performance of the agency mission.
(((13))) (11) The department of personnel shall provide
the administrative support for the operation of the committee.
(((14) All costs such as printing of brochures,
preparation of slide presentations, and other promotional
costs shall be the responsibility of those organizations
designated to participate in the distribution of all funds
collected. In circumstances where promotional costs cannot be
associated with an individual charitable service organization,
the costs shall be shared in a percentage relating to the
total funds distributed.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 356-60-010, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(2) The intent of these ((regulations)) rules is to:
(a) Lessen the burdens of government and of local communities in meeting the needs of human health and welfare;
(b) Provide a convenient channel through which state
employees and public agency retirees may contribute to the
efforts of the ((qualifying voluntary health and welfare))
participating organizations and federations providing services
in the community or region where the employees and public
agency retirees live and work and overseas;
(c) Minimize both the disruption of the state work place
and the costs to taxpayers ((that)) caused by multiple
charitable fund drives ((have caused)); and
(d) Ensure that ((recipient agencies)) participating
organizations and federations are fiscally responsible in the
uses of the moneys so raised.
(3) The CFD campaign is the only authorized formal solicitation of Washington state employees in the workplace on behalf of participating not-for-profit organizations and federations. A CFD campaign may be conducted during a seven-week period, from September 1 to December 15, as determined by each state agency and higher education institution in accordance with these rules. In extraordinary circumstances, the CFD committee may consider granting approval for solicitations at other times.
(4) These rules in WAC 356-60 do not apply to the collection of gifts-in-kind, such as food, clothing and toys.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 356-60-020, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(((2) State combined fund drive campaign - An arrangement
by which the committee provides one or more other
participating organizations with the opportunity to receive
funds contributed to them in the annual campaign, based on
their compliance with the regulations herein.))
(2) CFD - Washington state combined fund drive.
(3) CFD campaign - The annual period of organized solicitation of state employees and public agency retirees. This solicitation is conducted to obtain voluntary contributions, donations and charitable commitments to be allocated to approved, not-for-profit participating organizations and federations, during the ensuing year of contributions.
(((3) Participating organization - A health and welfare
agency whose application has been accepted by the committee.))
(4) Participating organization - A public 170 (c)(1) or private 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose application is approved by the CFD committee to participate in the CFD campaign.
(((4) Annual campaign - The once-a-year period of
organized solicitation of state employees and public agency
retirees conducted annually to obtain voluntary contributions
from state employees and public agency retirees for charitable
commitments to be allocated during the ensuing year of
(5) Federation - A public or private not-for-profit umbrella organization made up of five or more individual member organizations approved by the CFD committee to participate in the CFD campaign.
(((5))) (6) Year of contributions - The annual calendar
year for collection of the voluntary payroll deductions for
charitable contributions authorized by state employees and
public agency retirees pursuant to these ((regulations))
rules. The normal, full annual calendar year of contributions
shall begin with January and end with the ensuing December.
(((6))) (7) ((Health and welfare agency)) Not-for-profit
organization - ((The terms "voluntary agency," "voluntary
health and welfare agency," "voluntary charitable agency," and
"voluntary charitable health and welfare agency" mean an)) An
organization that is ((organized and)) operated for the
purpose of rendering, or of materially or financially
supporting the rendering of, one or more of the following
services ((for the benefit of human beings)):
(a) Delivery of health care to ill or infirm individuals;
(b) Education and training of personnel for the delivery of health care to ill or infirm individuals;
(c) Health research for the benefit of ill or infirm individuals;
(d) Delivery of education, training, and care to physically and mentally handicapped individuals;
(e) Treatment, care, rehabilitation, and counseling of juvenile delinquents, criminals, released convicts, persons who abuse drugs or alcohol, persons who are victims of intra-family violence or abuse, persons who are otherwise in need of social adjustment and rehabilitation, and the families of such persons;
(f) Relief of victims of crime, war, casualty, famine, natural disasters, and other catastrophes and emergencies;
(g) Neighborhood and community-wide social services that directly assist needy, poor, and indigent individuals, including provision of emergency relief and shelter, recreation, transportation, the preparation and delivery of meals, educational opportunities, and job training;
(h) Protection of families that, on account of economic or other need, poverty, indigence, or emergency, are in long-term or short-term need of family, child care, and maternity services, child and marriage counseling, foster care, and guidance or assistance in the management and maintenance of the home and household;
(i) Relief of needy, poor, and indigent infants and children, and of orphans, including the provision of adoption services;
(j) Relief of needy, poor, and indigent adults and of the elderly;
(k) Delivery of services or assistance that conserve, protect, or restore the environment;
(l) Delivery of services or assistance to threatened or endangered species;
(m) Delivery of services in the performing, visual, literary and media arts.
(((7))) (8) Local presence - Demonstration of direct and
substantial presence in the local CFD campaign community
(a) The availability of services, such as examinations,
treatments, inoculations, preventive care, counseling,
training, scholarship assistance, transportation, feeding,
institutionalization, shelter, and clothing to persons working
or residing in the local CFD campaign community((.)); or
(b) The presence within the local CFD campaign community,
or within reasonable commuting distance thereof, of a facility
at which services may be obtained, such as an office, clinic,
mobile unit, field agency, or direct provider, or specific
demonstrable effects of research, such as personnel or
facilities engaged therein or specific local applications
thereof((.)); or
(c) The availability to persons working or residing in the local CFD campaign community of communication with the voluntary charitable agency by means of home visits, transportation, or telephone calls, provided by the voluntary agency at no charge to the recipient or beneficiary of the service.
(d) Any not-for-profit federation or charitable organization whose services are rendered exclusively or in substantial preponderance overseas, and that meets all the criteria set forth in these rules, except for the requirement of local presence, and is approved by the CFD committee, shall be eligible to be a participating federation or participating organization.
(((8))) (9) Overseas - Areas outside of the District of
Columbia and the fifty states of the United States of America.
(10) State employer - Washington state agencies and higher education institutions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 356-60-030, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(2) Each state employer and local county committee may develop promotional and fundraising events, provide training and recognition to CFD local coordinators, develop marketing plans, supervise CFD campaign executives, and expend state or CFD funds to conduct the local CFD campaign.
(3) The annual CFD campaign begins on September 1 and ends on December 15. Each year the director of each state agency and president of each higher education institution may determine the time period of the CFD campaign within the September 1 to December 15 timeframe. Each annual CFD campaign normally is conducted for a seven-week period. However in unusual circumstances, the individual state employers may extend the seven week period as local conditions require. The CFD campaign shall not extend beyond December 15.
(4) Employees and public agency retirees may be solicited for contributions using payroll deduction, checks, money orders, credit cards, cash or electronic methods.
(5) State employers may grant permission to participating organizations and federations to distribute material related to the CFD campaign during work hours. During the CFD campaign, participating not-for-profit organizations may distribute or orally share bonafide educational materials describing their services or programs. All CFD participating organizations must be given an equal opportunity for communication in a state employer's local CFD campaign. The local state employer may grant sharing of oral information by participating organizations if the agency or institution determines such communication is not disruptive to the local state office or institution.
(6) This section shall not be construed to require a state employer to distribute or arrange for oral or written information other than the official CFD campaign and publicity material.
(7) Solicitations of employees shall be conducted during duty hours using methods that permit true voluntary giving and shall reserve to the individual the option of disclosing any gift or keeping it confidential to the extent confidentiality is permitted by law. Campaign kick-offs, recognition events, awards and other non-solicitation events to build support for the CFD are encouraged.
(8) Special CFD fundraising events, such as drawings, auctions, bake sales, carnivals, athletic events, or other activities not specifically provided for in these rules are permitted 30 days prior to and during the annual CFD campaign if approved, in advance, by the state employer.
(9) At the discretion of each state employer, state employees may be authorized to attend CFD promotional and fundraising events on state work time.
(2) Fundraising expenses shall not be taken or deducted from donations collected during a fundraising event. These fundraising expenses may be paid by the state agency or higher education institution, and, then, upon request and submission of proper documentation, reimbursed by the CFD.
(3) The CFD campaign expenses will be shared proportionately by all the participating not-for-profit organizations and federations reflecting their individual percentage share of gross CFD campaign receipts.
(2) The following process will be used for requests for reconsideration of noneligibility:
(a) Within fifteen calendar days after receiving notice of noneligibility, an affected organization or federation may submit a written request for reconsideration to the CFD committee. Requests for reconsideration and any supporting materials must be based solely on new or additional information that was not available to the CFD committee at the time the initial determination was made.
(b) Within thirty calendar days of receiving the request for reconsideration, the CFD committee will issue a written decision. The CFD Committee's reconsideration decision is final.
(c) The CFD committee may extend the time periods established in this section if it determines there is good cause to do so.
(d) Any written requests or notices made under this section will be deemed received three business days after deposit in the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed.
((For the purposes of this section, any written requests
or notices will be presumed to be received no more than three
business days after mailing.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 356-60-055, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(a) ((Failure)) Failing to comply with the rules
contained in this chapter;
(b) Filing an application to participate in the state combined fund drive campaign which contains false or intentionally misleading information; or
(c) ((An)) Receiving an annual contribution pledge from
an annual CFD campaign of two hundred fifty dollars or less.
(2) ((Any decertified health and welfare agency or
federated organization shall be disqualified from
participating in the next state employee combined fund drive
campaign.)) The CFD committee will provide written notice of
the decertification decision, including a description of the
determination made, the date and by whom it was made, the
basis for the determination, and the procedure for requesting
(a) Decertification is effective on the first day of the following year's CFD campaign. A decertified organization or federation is disqualified from participating in the CFD campaign as of that effective date.
(b) Payments of contributions to a decertified organization or federation will cease on the last day of the current year's CFD campaign. Payments received after that date but originally pledged to an organization or federation that is decertified shall be disbursed as directed by the CFD committee.
(3) ((The committee may order that the annual net
estimated contribution for any health and welfare agency or
federated organization receiving an annual pledge of two
hundred fifty dollars or less in an annual campaign may be
made in a lump sum at the end of the year of contributions.))
Requests for reconsideration of a decertification decision
shall be governed by the procedures set forth for
reconsideration of eligibility in WAC 356-60-055.
(((4) Any health and welfare agency or federated
organization decertified under subsection (1)(a) or (b) of
this section shall have any further payment of contributions
terminated. The committee shall determine the method of
disbursement of any future payments originally pledged in an
annual campaign to such health and welfare agency or federated
(5) Any decertified health and welfare agency or
federated organization may request reconsideration of the
committee's action using the procedures described under WAC 356-60-055.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 356-60-057, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative
Code are recodified as follows:
Old WAC Number | New WAC Number |
WAC 356-60-010 | WAC 356-60-030 |
WAC 356-60-020 | WAC 356-60-010 |
WAC 356-60-030 | WAC 356-60-020 |
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 356-60-040 | Basic standards and criteria for agency membership applicable to all agencies. |
WAC 356-60-050 | Required characteristics of eligible federations (umbrella organizations). |
WAC 356-60-060 | Qualifications for local campaign manager. |
(2) The committee shall be known as the Washington
((employee)) state combined fund drive committee and referred
to in these rules as the CFD committee.
(3) The CFD committee shall be composed of not more than
twelve members appointed by the governor for three year terms.
Appointments shall be consistent with Executive Order 01-01. ((The members shall be selected from the following groups:
(a) Public employees' unions;
(b) The legislative branch;
(c) The judicial branch;
(d) State agencies;
(e) Higher education institutions;
(f) Elected officials;
(g) Retired public employees;
(h) Other groups as may be recommended by the director of
the department of personnel.))
(4) The CFD committee shall have the following responsibilities:
(((4))) (a) ((The committee shall)) Meet to conduct
necessary business, elect a chairperson annually, and elect
such other officers as may be needed. Fifty percent of the
appointed members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of
business. A majority vote of the quorum will be needed to
carry a motion.
(b) Organize and effect one solicitation effort for charitable donations each year.
(c) Establish standards and criteria for participation in the fund drive. The standards and criteria will be incorporated into the application printed and distributed by the CFD. The application will be completed and submitted by those not-for-profit organizations and federations seeking approval to participate in the CFD campaign. Changes in the standards and criteria shall be made only after 60 days notice is given.
(d) Evaluate each application, based on its standards and criteria, and determine which not-for-profit organizations or federations are approved to participate in the annual CFD campaign.
(e) Establish staff and volunteer positions and committees as necessary to assist in the annual CFD campaign. An organizational chart is available from the CFD Committee through the Department of Personnel, P.O. Box 47500, Olympia WA 98504-7500.
(f) Determine and recover its reasonable administrative expenses to conduct the CFD campaign.
(g) Develop the official CFD campaign and publicity materials. The CFD committee may contract for marketing services to develop the CFD campaign material in a manner that is consistent with RCW 41.04.0332.
(h) Establish a procedure for CFD staff to collect, process and deposit individual employee contributions during the annual fundraising. Contributions from fundraising efforts shall be deposited into the CFD account in the custody of the state Treasurer according to state laws.
(i) Engage a CFD program manager to exercise general supervision over all operations of the CFD and strive to take necessary steps for the achievement of CFD campaign objectives. The CFD program manager establishes and maintains the official list of agency, higher education institutions and local CFD campaign committee volunteers and the geographical area each covers. The CFD program manager will forward all disputes to the CFD committee for resolution.
(5) Based on pledges received for an annual CFD campaign, when the annual net contribution for any participating organization or federation is estimated at two hundred fifty dollars or less, the CFD committee may direct the contributions be made in a lump sum at the end of the CFD campaign year to the recipient organization or federation.
(6) The CFD Committee shall direct that payments originally pledged to an organization or federal that has been decertified, is in receivership, has filed for or been placed in bankruptcy, or has been or is in the process of being dissolved, shall be returned to donors. If the CFD committee determines it is not feasible to return such funds to donors, it shall determine the appropriate disposition of the funds.
(((5))) (7) Members of the CFD committee shall serve
without additional salary, but shall be reimbursed by their
((employing agencies)) state employers for travel, lodging and
meals in accordance with state law and regulations. Public
retirees, who qualify, will receive normal travel, lodging and
meal expenses reimbursed or paid by CFD.
(((6) The committee shall be a policy committee which
shall organize and effect one solicitation effort each year.
(7) The committee shall establish standards and criteria
for participation in the fund drive. (WAC 251-30-040 and
(8) The committee shall print and distribute an
application form which agencies shall use to apply for
participation in the fund drive.
(9) The committee shall evaluate each application, based
on its criteria, and determine which agencies engaged in
charitable and public health, welfare and social service
purposes shall participate in one annual combined effort to
secure funds from state employees through payroll deduction or
other payment method.
(10) The committee may establish departmental combined
fund drive leaders, local combined fund drive coordinators,
local campaign steering committees and local campaign managers
to assist in the fund drive.))
(8) The CFD committee may enter into contracts and partnerships with a private institution, persons, firms or corporations for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the CFD. The CFD committee may also engage in advertising activities for the support of the administrative duties of the CFD. However, CFD activities shall not result in the direct commercial solicitation of state employees or in a benefit or advantage that would violate one or more provisions of chapter 42.52 RCW, the state ethics law.
(((11))) (9) Agency directors, elected officials, and
higher education presidents may allow employees the
opportunity to serve as CFD campaign executives to assist in
the conduct of the ((state's annual charitable)) CFD campaign.
The CFD campaign executive opportunity is a rotational
assignment that develops leadership, communication, and
teamwork skills that will benefit the employing organization
upon the employee's return. Those appointed as CFD campaign
executives remain on the payroll of their employing
organization during this assignment.
(((12))) (10) State agencies and higher education
institutions, at their discretion, are authorized to use
reasonable state resources to support, promote, and conduct
the annual combined fund drive campaign within their
organization. Reasonable uses are not excessive in volume or
frequency and do not interfere with, disrupt, or distract from
the performance of the agency mission.
(((13))) (11) The department of personnel shall provide
the administrative support for the operation of the committee.
(((14) All costs such as printing of brochures,
preparation of slide presentations, and other promotional
costs shall be the responsibility of those organizations
designated to participate in the distribution of all funds
collected. In circumstances where promotional costs cannot be
associated with an individual charitable service organization,
the costs shall be shared in a percentage relating to the
total funds distributed.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 251-30-010, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(2) The intent of these ((regulations)) rules is to:
(a) Lessen the burdens of government and of local communities in meeting the needs of human health and welfare;
(b) Provide a convenient channel through which state
employees and public agency retirees may contribute to the
efforts of the ((qualifying voluntary health and welfare))
participating organizations and federations providing services
in the community or region where the employees and public
agency retirees live and work and overseas;
(c) Minimize both the disruption of the state work place
and the costs to taxpayers ((that)) caused by multiple
charitable fund drives ((have caused)); and
(d) Ensure that ((recipient agencies)) participating
organizations and federations are fiscally responsible in the
uses of the moneys so raised.
(3) The CFD campaign is the only authorized formal solicitation of Washington state employees in the workplace on behalf of participating not-for-profit organizations and federations. A CFD campaign may be conducted during a seven-week period, from September 1 to December 15, as determined by each state agency and higher education institution in accordance with these rules. In extraordinary circumstances, the CFD committee may consider granting approval for solicitations at other times.
(4) These rules in WAC 251-30 do not apply to the collection of gifts-in-kind, such as food, clothing and toys.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 251-30-020, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(((2) State combined fund drive campaign - An arrangement
by which the committee provides one or more other
participating organizations with the opportunity to receive
funds contributed to them in the annual campaign, based on
their compliance with the regulations herein.))
(2) CFD - Washington state combined fund drive.
(3) CFD campaign - The annual period of organized solicitation of state employees and public agency retirees. This solicitation is conducted to obtain voluntary contributions, donations and charitable commitments to be allocated to approved, not-for-profit participating organizations and federations, during the ensuing year of contributions.
(((3) Participating organization - A health and welfare
agency whose application has been accepted by the committee.))
(4) Participating organization - A public 170 (c)(1) or private 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose application is approved by the CFD committee to participate in the CFD campaign.
(((4) Annual campaign - The once-a-year period of
organized solicitation of state employees and public agency
retirees conducted annually to obtain voluntary contributions
from state employees and public agency retirees for charitable
commitments to be allocated during the ensuing year of
(5) Federation - A public or private not-for-profit umbrella organization made up of five or more individual member organizations approved by the CFD committee to participate in the CFD campaign.
(((5))) (6) Year of contributions - The annual calendar
year for collection of the voluntary payroll deductions for
charitable contributions authorized by state employees and
public agency retirees pursuant to these ((regulations))
rules. The normal, full annual calendar year of contributions
shall begin with January and end with the ensuing December.
(((6))) (7) ((Health and welfare agency)) Not-for-profit
organization - ((The terms "voluntary agency," "voluntary
health and welfare agency," "voluntary charitable agency," and
"voluntary charitable health and welfare agency" mean an)) An
organization that is ((organized and)) operated for the
purpose of rendering, or of materially or financially
supporting the rendering of, one or more of the following
services ((for the benefit of human beings)):
(a) Delivery of health care to ill or infirm individuals;
(b) Education and training of personnel for the delivery of health care to ill or infirm individuals;
(c) Health research for the benefit of ill or infirm individuals;
(d) Delivery of education, training, and care to physically and mentally handicapped individuals;
(e) Treatment, care, rehabilitation, and counseling of juvenile delinquents, criminals, released convicts, persons who abuse drugs or alcohol, persons who are victims of intra-family violence or abuse, persons who are otherwise in need of social adjustment and rehabilitation, and the families of such persons;
(f) Relief of victims of crime, war, casualty, famine, natural disasters, and other catastrophes and emergencies;
(g) Neighborhood and community-wide social services that directly assist needy, poor, and indigent individuals, including provision of emergency relief and shelter, recreation, transportation, the preparation and delivery of meals, educational opportunities, and job training;
(h) Protection of families that, on account of economic
or other need, poverty, indigence, or emergency, are in
long-term or short-term need of family, child((-))care, and
maternity services, child and marriage counseling, foster
care, and guidance or assistance in the management and
maintenance of the home and household;
(i) Relief of needy, poor, and indigent infants and children, and of orphans, including the provision of adoption services;
(j) Relief of needy, poor, and indigent adults and of the elderly;
(k) Delivery of services or assistance that conserve, protect, or restore the environment;
(l) Delivery of services or assistance to threatened or endangered species;
(m) Delivery of services in the performing, visual, literary and media arts.
(((7))) (8) Local presence - Demonstration of direct and
substantial presence in the local CFD campaign community
(a) The availability of services, such as examinations,
treatments, inoculations, preventive care, counseling,
training, scholarship assistance, transportation, feeding,
institutionalization, shelter, and clothing to persons working
or residing in the local CFD campaign community((.)); or
(b) The presence within the local CFD campaign community,
or within reasonable commuting distance thereof, of a facility
at which services may be obtained, such as an office, clinic,
mobile unit, field agency, or direct provider, or specific
demonstrable effects of research, such as personnel or
facilities engaged therein or specific local applications
thereof((.)); or
(c) The availability to persons working or residing in the local CFD campaign community of communication with the voluntary charitable agency by means of home visits, transportation, or telephone calls, provided by the voluntary agency at no charge to the recipient or beneficiary of the service.
(d) Any not-for-profit federation or charitable organization whose services are rendered exclusively or in substantial preponderance overseas, and that meets all the criteria set forth in these rules, except for the requirement of local presence, and is approved by the CFD committee, shall be eligible to be a participating federation or participating organization.
(((8))) (9) Overseas - Areas outside of the District of
Columbia and the fifty states of the United States of America.
(10) State employer - Washington state agencies and higher education institutions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 251-30-030, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(2) Each state employer and local county committee may develop promotional and fundraising events, provide training and recognition to CFD local coordinators, develop marketing plans, supervise CFD campaign executives, and expend state or CFD funds to conduct the local CFD campaign.
(3) The annual CFD campaign begins on September 1 and ends on December 15. Each year the director of each state agency and president of each higher education institution may determine the time period of the CFD campaign within the September 1 to December 15 timeframe. Each annual CFD campaign normally is conducted for a seven-week period. However in unusual circumstances, the individual state employers may extend the seven week period as local conditions require. The CFD campaign shall not extend beyond December 15.
(4) Employees and public agency retirees may be solicited for contributions using payroll deduction, checks, money orders, credit cards, cash or electronic methods.
(5) State employers may grant permission to participating organizations and federations to distribute material related to the CFD campaign during work hours. During the CFD campaign, participating not-for-profit organizations may distribute or orally share bonafide educational materials describing their services or programs. All CFD participating organizations must be given an equal opportunity for communication in a state employer's local CFD campaign. The local state employer may grant sharing of oral information by participating organizations if the agency or institution determines such communication is not disruptive to the local state office or institution.
(6) This section shall not be construed to require a state employer to distribute or arrange for oral or written information other than the official CFD campaign and publicity material.
(7) Solicitations of employees shall be conducted during duty hours using methods that permit true voluntary giving and shall reserve to the individual the option of disclosing any gift or keeping it confidential to the extent confidentiality is permitted by law. Campaign kick-offs, recognition events, awards and other non-solicitation events to build support for the CFD are encouraged.
(8) Special CFD fundraising events, such as drawings, auctions, bake sales, carnivals, athletic events, or other activities not specifically provided for in these rules are permitted 30 days prior to and during the annual CFD campaign if approved, in advance, by the state employer.
(9) At the discretion of each state employer, state employees may be authorized to attend CFD promotional and fundraising events on state work time.
(2) Fundraising expenses shall not be take or deducted from donations collected during a fundraising event. These fundraising expenses may be paid by the state agency or higher education institution and, then, upon request and submission of proper documentation, reimbursed by the CFD.
(3) The CFD campaign expenses will be shared proportionately by all the participating not-for-profit organizations and federations reflecting their individual percentage share of gross CFD campaign receipts.
(2) The following process will be used for requests for reconsideration of noneligibility:
(a) Within fifteen calendar days after receiving notice of noneligibility, an affected organization or federation may submit a written request for reconsideration to the CFD committee. Requests for reconsideration and any supporting materials must be based solely on new or additional information that was not available to the CFD committee at the time the initial determination was made.
(b) Within thirty calendar days of receiving the request for reconsideration, the CFD committee will issue a written decision. The CFD Committee's reconsideration decision is final.
(c) The CFD committee may extend the time periods established in this section if it determines there is good cause to do so.
(d) Any written requests or notices made under this section will be deemed received three business days after deposit in the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed.
((For the purposes of this section, any written requests
or notices will be presumed to be received no more than three
business days after mailing.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 251-30-055, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
(a) ((Failure)) Failing to comply with the rules
contained in this chapter;
(b) Filing an application to participate in the state combined fund drive campaign which contains false or intentionally misleading information; or
(c) ((An)) Receiving an annual contribution pledge from
an annual CFD campaign of two hundred fifty dollars or less.
(2) ((Any decertified health and welfare agency or
federated organization shall be disqualified from
participating in the next state employee combined fund drive
campaign.)) The CFD committee will provide written notice of
the decertification decision, including a description of the
determination made, the date and by whom it was made, the
basis for the determination, and the procedure for requesting
(a) Decertification is effective on the first day of the following year's CFD campaign. A decertified organization or federation is disqualified from participating in the CFD campaign as of that effective date.
(b) Payments of contributions to a decertified organization or federation will cease on the last day of the current year's CFD campaign. Payments received after that date but originally pledged to an organization or federation that is decertified shall be disbursed as directed by the CFD committee.
(3) ((The committee may order that the annual net
estimated contribution for any health and welfare agency or
federated organization receiving an annual pledge of two
hundred fifty dollars or less in an annual campaign may be
made in a lump sum at the end of the year of contributions.))
Requests for reconsideration of a decertification decision
shall be governed by the procedures set forth for
reconsideration of eligibility in WAC 251-30-055.
(((4) Any health and welfare agency or federated
organization decertified under subsection (1)(a) or (b) of
this section shall have any further payment of contributions
terminated. The committee shall determine the method of
disbursement of any future payments originally pledged in an
annual campaign to such health and welfare agency or federated
(5) Any decertified health and welfare agency or
federated organization may request reconsideration of the
committee's action using the procedures described under WAC 251-30-055.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.06.150. 02-17-114, § 251-30-057, filed 8/21/02, effective 9/30/02.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative
Code are recodified as follows:
Old WAC Number | New WAC Number |
WAC 251-30-010 | WAC 251-30-030 |
WAC 251-30-020 | WAC 251-30-010 |
WAC 251-30-030 | WAC 251-30-020 |
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 251-30-040 | Basic standards and criteria for agency membership applicable to all agencies. |
WAC 251-30-050 | Required characteristics of eligible federations (umbrella organizations). |
WAC 251-30-060 | Qualifications for local campaign manager. |