WSR 04-09-051



[ Filed April 15, 2004, 1:22 p.m. ]

     The University of Washington has recently adopted or revised the following policy statements:

     Revised effective January 30, 2004, unnumbered UW Executive Order, "Organization of the Faculty" (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part I, Chapter 13, Section 13-22).

     Revised effective January 30, 2004, unnumbered UW Executive Order, "Legislative Authority of the Faculty" (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part I, Chapter 13, Section 13-23).

     Revised effective January 30, 2004, unnumbered UW Executive Order, "Faculty Authority Concerning Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure" (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part I, Chapter 13, Section 13-24).

     Revised effective January 30, 2004, unnumbered UW Executive Order, "Campuses, Colleges, and Schools" (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part II, Chapter 23, Section 23-11).

     Revised effective January 30, 2004, "Establishment of Departmental Organization" (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part II, Chapter 23, Section 23-22).

     Revised effective January 30, 2004, unnumbered UW Executive Order, "Campuses, Colleges, Schools, and Departments: Definitions" (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part II, Chapter 23, Section 23-23).

     Revised effective February 19, 2004, UW Executive Order No. 19, "Attorney General's Division," (University Handbook, Volume 2, Part I, Chapter 12, Section 12-27).

     Revised effective March 1, 2004, Administrative Policy Statement 2.1, "UW Information Systems Security."

     Revised effective March 8, 2004, Administrative Policy Statement 1.4, "Rules Coordination."

     Revised effective April 5, 2004, Administrative Policy Statement 1.2, "University-Wide Organization List."

     To view any policy statement from the University Handbook, go to the University Handbook website:; to view a UW Administrative Policy Statement, go to the Administrative Policy Statements website: Or, to request a paper copy of any policy statement, contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director, Rules Coordination Office, University of Washington, 4014 University Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105-6203, or by e-mail at, or by fax at (206) 616-6294.

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