WSR 04-16-038



[ Filed July 27, 2004, 2:28 p.m. ]

     Washington's Lottery has recently adopted or revised the following policies:

     POL 110.013 - Cellular Phone Usage (Revision)

     Definition of cellular telephone (cell phone) that it is a portable devise that transmits voice or data, using radio waves to communicate with radio antennas placed within adjacent geographic areas called cells.

     To the sentence that said the lottery's director of information services (or designee) must approve the allocation of all state cellular phone purchases, cellular services contracts, installation of state phone lines on employees' personal cellular phones, or reimbursement for usage of personal cellular phones for Lottery business, on a cellular phone authorization and use agreement.

     Included the information "monitoring their time limitations per calling plan..."

     To the paragraph that said information services customer support will audit cellular telephones and cellular telephone services billing and usage. Customer support will receive cellular usage and billing via electronic media. Bills will be audited for plan adherence, cost overrun, and abuse and randomly for unauthorized calls.

     To the paragraphs that said employees authorized to use cell phones for business use may have that authority revoked and may face appropriate disciplinary action for failure to follow agency policy, which includes staying within calling plan limitations.

     The Lottery director is the only authority to allow exceptions to this policy. Those exceptions will be in writing and maintained by information services customer support.

     Signed April 28, 2004.

     POL 120.015 - Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (Revision)

     This policy explains and prohibits discrimination and harassment in the workplace. It also establishes a process for reporting, investigating and resolving complaints about these types of behaviors.

     Signed July 1, 2004.

     POL 120.017 - Shared Leave Program (Revision)

     The amount of sick leave a person can donate has increased. An employee can now donate sick leave, so long as the donation does not cause his or her sick leave balance to fall below one hundred seventy-six hours.

     A person can donate sick leave more long as a person keeps their sick leave at or above one hundred seventy-six hours, there is not [no] longer a limit on the number of sick leave hours a person can donate.

     A person can now donate leave to support an employee who has been called to military service. Employees may now donate vacation leave, sick leave, or a personal holiday to a fellow sate [state] employee who has been called to military service.

     Signed December 31, 2003.

     POL 250.005 - Prize Claim Validation and Payment (Revision)

     To the sentence that said manually logs onto Help Star ticket.

     To the "NOTE" that said report not printed to reduce the risk of internal identity theft.

     To the sentence that said call the help desk with the winner's name and Social Security number and wait for confirmation.

     Signed November 24, 2003; updated July 12, 2004 (to clarify salient points).

     To receive a copy of these policies, contact Candace Martin, Legal Division, Washington's Lottery, P.O. Box 43025, Olympia, WA 98504-3025.

July 27, 2004

Candace Martin

Legislature Code Reviser 


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