(Examining Board of Psychology)
Subject of Possible Rule Making: Psychology rules, WAC 246-924-040 Psychologists -- Education prerequisite to licensing, 246-924-060 Psychologists -- Experience prerequisite to licensing, 246-924-070 Psychologists -- Written examination, 246-924-080 Psychology examination -- Application submittal date, 246-924-090 Psychologists -- Oral examination, 246-924-095 Failure of oral examination, 246-924-100 Qualifications for granting of license by endorsement, 246-924-150 Certificates of qualification -- Procedure for additional areas of function, 246-924-160 Continued supervision of persons receiving certificates of qualification, and 246-924-480 Temporary permits.
Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 18.83.050 (1), (3), 18.83.070 (2), (3), (4), 18.83.170 (2)(c), chapter 262, Laws of 2004.
Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: ESSB 6554 was passed in 2004 to eliminate barriers to licensing for health professionals. The legislation gave further authority and discretion to the board in several areas. It gave authority to the board to determine the method of administration of the licensing examination(s); it removed the requirement that one year of an applicant's supervised experience be obtained after the doctoral degree was completed; it allowed the board to recognize credentials issued by certain professional organizations. The board is now able to adopt by rule the certificate of qualification, the National Register, and/or other credentialing organizations certification.
The board is also considering adopting previously identified rules requiring completion of a course in psychopharmacology and requiring two interns per internship setting.
Rules on these subjects are needed to notify applicants about the education, experience and examination requirements they must meet for licensure, as well as an alternative mechanism for meeting requirements for a temporary permit and licensure by endorsement. The board is asking for assistance in addressing the following before moving forward in the decision-making process:
1. Should the board recognize the Association of State and Provincial's Certificate of Qualification and/or the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, or some other organization, as the approved credentialing organization for the purpose of licensing by endorsement and issuing temporary permits?
2. Should education requirements be changed to include coursework in psychopharmacology and require internships to have at least two interns?
3. How should the two year/3,000 hour experience requirement be distributed?
4. What is the most effective method of examination administration to assess minimum competency for a psychology license? Should the oral examination be eliminated?
5. Should passing a written examination on Washington state laws be required for licensure?
Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: None.
Process for Developing New Rule: Collaborative.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by attending board meetings and rule-writing workshops, submitting written comments, reviewing and commenting on draft rule proposals, and by providing testimony at the rule hearing.
Please send comments to Janice K. Boden, P.O. Box 47869, Olympia, WA 98405-7869 [98504-7869], (360) 236-4912, fax (360) 236-4909,,
August 5, 2004
Janice K. Boden
Program Manager