Other Findings Required by Other Provisions of Law as Precondition to Adoption or Effectiveness of Rule: RCW 67.16.160, 67.16.200, and 67.16.270.
Purpose: To adopt rules to allow the commission to comply with RCW 67.16.160 Rules implementing conflict of interest laws, 67.16.200 Parimutuel wagering at satellite locations -- Simulcasts, and 67.16.270 Advance deposit wagering, which became effective on April 1, 2004. This includes amending WAC 260-14-040 Wagering, 260-48-700 Interjurisdictional common pool wagering, 260-48-710 Participation in common pools as a guest, 260-48-720 Participation in common pool wagering as a host, amendments to chapter 260-72 WAC, Communications from grounds, and the adoption of new chapter 260-49 WAC, Advance deposit wagering.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 260-72-030; and amending WAC 260-14-040, 260-48-700, 260-48-710, 260-48-720, and 260-72-020.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 67.16.020.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 04-18-098 on September 1, 2004.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 10, Amended 5, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 10, Amended 5, Repealed 1.
Date Adopted: October 14, 2004.
R. J. Lopez
for Robert M. Leichner
Executive Secretary
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 73.3, filed 6/28/73)
WAC 260-14-040
(1) No commission employee
shall make any wager at a facility under the jurisdiction of
the commission.
(2) No ((regulatory)) commission employee shall make any
wager on the outcome of any horse race at a meeting ((at which
he is employed)) under the jurisdiction of the commission.
Commission employee means both regulatory employee and
employee as defined in WAC 260-14-010.
(3) No commissioner ((or employee)) shall make any wager
((except through authorized pari-mutuel betting)) on the
outcome of any horse race at a meeting under the jurisdiction
of the commission.
[Order 73.3, § 260-14-040, filed 6/28/73.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 99-06-026, filed 2/23/99,
effective 3/26/99)
WAC 260-48-700
Multijurisdictional common pool wagering.
(a) The host association is the association conducting a licensed parimutuel meeting from which authorized contests or entire performances are simulcast.
(b) The guest association is the association that offers licensed parimutuel wagering on contests conducted by the host association.
(2)(a) Except as otherwise authorized by the commission,
a request for simulcasting must be filed on a form provided by
the commission not later than ((7)) seven business days before
the first simulcast race covered by the request. The
executive secretary may approve a request for simulcasting,
subject to rescission of the approval by the commission at its
next regular meeting.
(b) The application must include at a minimum:
(i) The simulcast agreement between the host and guest association;
(ii) The approval by the horsemen's association represented at the host and guest site;
(iii) The alternate jurisdiction approval;
(iv) When acting as the host site, approval also requires a list of all locations that will be receiving and/or wagering on the races under the guest site; and
(v) The executive secretary may require the association to submit additional information if the executive secretary determines the additional information is necessary to effectively evaluate the request.
(3) A class 1 racing association shall not be allowed to simulcast until the following are filed with the commission.
(a) A written agreement with the local horsemen's group.
(b) A description of how simulcast purse ((monies))
moneys are to be maintained.
(c) A description of how breeder awards are to be maintained.
(d) A monthly statement showing amounts contributed to and balance in the purse fund and the breeders awards fund. This statement shall be filed with the commission no later than ten days after the end of each month.
(4) The approval of any particular simulcasting or wagering on particular simulcast races or programs is not binding on the commission for other requests for approval of simulcasting or wagering on simulcast races or programs.
(5) In determining whether to approve ((an
interjurisdiction)) a multijurisdiction common pool which does
not include the host track or which includes contests from
more than one association, the commission shall consider and
may approve use of a bet type which is not utilized at the
host track, application of a takeout rate not in effect at the
host track, or other factors which are presented to the
(6) No class 1 racing association shall enter a contractual agreement that is in violation of, or may be construed as waiving any provision of chapter 67.16 RCW, Title 260 WAC and any federal, state or local law.
(7) The mutuel manager or the mutuel manager's designee
shall be present on association grounds at all times that the
class 1 racing association is accepting wagers on simulcast
races. He/she shall be responsible for communicating all
errors or omissions regarding simulcast wagering to the
((board of stewards or the commissions on duty mutuel
inspector)) executive secretary.
(8) There shall be a facsimile machine located in each mutuel area or tote room and a direct, private telephone line to be located in the tote room. Phone access to the tote room shall not require routing through the switchboard.
(9) Every class 1 racing association shall file with the commission an annual report of its simulcast operations including financial data as specified by the commission.
(10) Not less than ((30)) thirty minutes prior to the
commencement of transmission of the performance of parimutuel
contests for each day or night, the guest association shall
initiate a test program of its transmitter, encryption and
decoding, and data communication to assure proper operation of
the system.
(11) ((The audio or the video signals must be present at
the start of a wagering event in order for wagering to begin
and shall continue to be displayed to the public during the
entire wagering card.
(12) In the event of the loss of both the audio and video
signals the class 1 association mutuel manager shall ensure
that wagering and racing information is provided through the
public address system or totalisator information screens.
(13) If a guest association is unable to establish or to
maintain the audio or video signal from the host association,
the guest association may continue to accept wagers while
attempting to establish the signal provided:
(a) An announcement is made to the public informing them
of the technical difficulties;
(b) The totalisator system licensee transmits the odds on
the affected race to the video department to be displayed to
the patrons; and
(c) The totalisator system licensee locks all wagering on
the affected race at zero minutes to post to ensure the
integrity and transfer of the wagering pools.
(14) Wagering may not take place without the presence of
both the audio and the video signals on a performance day
following a performance day in which either the audio or the
video was missing.
(15) If the host association loses the ability to
transmit the audio or video signal, the host association:
(a) Shall notify all receiving locations of the technical
difficulties being experienced;
(b) May continue to accept wagers from the receiving
location on that days races; and
(c) May not accept wagers from the receiving locations
for subsequent race days until the technical difficulties have
been corrected.
(16) The content and format of the visual display of
racing and wagering information at facilities in other
jurisdictions where wagering is permitted in the
interjurisdiction common pool need not be identical to the
similar information permitted or required to be displayed
under these rules.
(17))) Washington intratrack breakage and minus pools
shall be prorated based on amounts wagered.
(((18))) (12) The commission may permit adjustment of the
takeout from the parimutuel pool so that the takeout rate in
this jurisdiction is identical to that at the host
jurisdiction, or identical to that of other jurisdictions
participating in a merged pool.
(((19))) (13) Any surcharges or withholdings in addition
to the takeout shall only be applied in the jurisdiction
otherwise imposing such surcharges or withholdings.
(((20))) (14) Where takeout rates in the merged pool are
not identical, the net price calculation may be the method by
which the differing takeout rates are applied.
(((21))) (15) Parimutuel pools may be combined for
computing odds and calculating payouts but will be held
separate for auditing and all other purposes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 99-06-026, § 260-48-700, filed 2/23/99, effective 3/26/99.]
(2) Rules established in the jurisdiction of the host association designated for a parimutuel pool shall apply.
(3) The guest association and all authorized receivers shall conduct parimutuel wagering pursuant to the applicable jurisdiction rules.
(4) Class 1 racing associations which import races and propose to offer types of wagers other than those currently defined in chapter 260-48 WAC, shall submit to the commission a copy of the host jurisdiction's rule governing the wager.
(5) If, after the close of wagering, ((it becomes
impossible to successfully merge the bets placed into the
interjurisdiction common pool, the association shall make
payouts in accordance with payout prices that would have been
in effect if prices for the pool of bets were calculated
without regard to wagers placed elsewhere:)) a guest
racetrack's wagers cannot be successfully merged in the
multijurisdictional common pool via data circuit or manual
merge, the mutuel manager shall:
(a) Refund the pools not successfully merged after announcing to the public that the pools were not merged successfully and the pools will be refunded; or
(b) Pay the winning wagers based on the prices established at the host racetrack.
The mutuel manager shall report the failure to merge any common pool to the commission. The report must be made on a form prescribed by the executive secretary and be filed no later than the day after the date the common pool failed to merge.
In the event the host association has offered a wager not
covered by chapter 260-48 WAC, the ((ARCI)) Association of
Racing Commissioners International model rules regarding such
wager shall govern. Information regarding this emergency
procedure shall be posted throughout the class 1 racing
association facility and published in its racing program.
(6) An authorized class 1 racing association when acting as a guest association shall provide:
(a) A voice communication system between each guest association and the host association, providing timely voice contact among the commission designees and parimutuel departments.
(b) Parimutuel terminals and odds displays, modems and equipment enabling parimutuel data transmissions, and data communications between the host and guest associations.
(c) Adequate transmitting and receiving equipment of acceptable broadcast quality, which shall not interfere with the closed circuit TV system of the host association for providing any host facility patron information.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 99-06-026, § 260-48-710, filed 2/23/99, effective 3/26/99.]
(2) Unless otherwise permitted by the commission, every simulcast will contain in its video content the date, a digital display of actual time of day, the host facility's name from where it emanates and the number of the contest being displayed.
(3) The host association shall maintain such security controls including encryption over its uplink and communications systems as directed or approved by the commission.
(4) Any contract of ((interjurisdiction))
multijurisdiction common pools entered into by the association
shall contain a provision to the effect that if, for any
reason, it becomes impossible to successfully merge the bets
placed in another jurisdiction into the ((interjurisdiction))
multijurisdiction common pool formed by the class 1 racing
association, or if, for any reason, the commission's or the
association's representative determines that attempting to
effect transfer of pool data from the guest jurisdiction may
endanger the association's wagering pool, the association
shall have no liability for any measures taken which may
result in the guest's wagers not being accepted into the pool.
(5) If for any reason it becomes impossible to
successfully merge pool data into the ((interjurisdiction))
multijurisdiction common pool of the class 1 racing
association, or it is determined that attempting to effect
transfer of pool data from the guest jurisdiction may endanger
the class 1 racing associations wagering pool, or cause an
unreasonable delay of the racing program, the class 1 racing
association representative shall determine under the
circumstances whether to manually merge guests pools, exclude
guests pools or delay the Washington pools.
(6) Scratched horses must be communicated via facsimile machine, telephone or other approved method by the host mutuel manager to all guest mutuel managers except when the operating totalisator protocol performs these functions automatically or when the information is disseminated to the wagering network via satellite or video display. The host mutuel manager must communicate program changes to all guest sites via facsimile machine, telephone or other approved method.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 99-06-026, § 260-48-720, filed 2/23/99, effective 3/26/99.]
(1) "Account" shall mean an account for advance deposit wagering with a complete record of credits, wagers and debits established by an account holder and managed by an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider.
(2) "Account holder" shall mean a natural person, at least twenty-one years of age for whom an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider has opened an account.
(3) "Advance deposit wagering" means a form of parimutuel wagering in which an individual deposits money in an account with an entity authorized by the commission to conduct advance deposit wagering and then the account funds are used to pay for parimutuel wagers made in person, by telephone, or through communication by other electronic means.
(4) "Authorized advance deposit wagering service provider" means an entity licensed by the commission, pursuant to this chapter, to conduct advance deposit wagering including such entity's facility location, equipment and staff involved in the management, servicing and operation of advance deposit wagering.
(5) "Applicant" is a natural person, at least twenty-one years of age, who has submitted an application to establish an account with an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider.
(6) "Application" shall mean the form or forms and other required submissions received from an applicant for the purpose of opening an account.
(7) "Class 1 racing association" shall mean any person or entity holding a current and valid license issued by the commission pursuant to chapter 67.16 RCW to hold race meets.
(8) "Commission" means the Washington horse racing commission.
(9) "Communications by other electronic means" includes communications by any electronic communication device or combination of devices including, but not limited to, the following: Personal computers, the internet, private networks, interactive televisions and wireless communication technologies or other technologies approved by the commission.
(10) "Confidential information" shall include the following:
(a) The amount of money credited to, debited from, withdrawn from, or present in any particular account holder's account;
(b) The amount of money wagered by a particular account holder on any race or series of races;
(c) The account number and secure personal identification code of a particular account holder;
(d) The identities of particular entries on which the account holder is wagering or has wagered; and
(e) Unless otherwise authorized by the account holder, the name, address, and other information in the possession of an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider that would identify the account holder to anyone other than the commission, the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider, the regulatory authority in the state that regulates the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider or as otherwise required by state or federal law.
(11) "Credits" shall mean all deposits of money into an account.
(12) "Debits" shall mean all withdrawals of money from an account.
(13) "Deposit" shall mean a payment of money by cash, check, money order, credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer made by an account holder to the account holder's account.
(14) "Foreign jurisdiction" shall mean a jurisdiction of a foreign country or political subdivision thereof.
(15) "Natural person" shall mean any person, at least twenty-one years of age, but does not include any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or estate.
(16) "Principal residence address" shall mean that place where the natural person submitting an application for an account resides at least fifty percent of the time during the calendar year.
(17) "Proper identification" shall mean a form of identification sufficient to ensure that the person making a transaction is an account holder.
(18) "Secure personal identification code" shall mean an alpha and/or numeric character code chosen by an account holder as a means by which the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider may verify a wager or account transaction as authorized by the account holder.
(19) "Source market fee" shall mean the part of a wager made on any race by a person whose principal residence address is in Washington that is returned to the class 1 racing association and the commission.
(20) "Source market fee area" means the state of Washington.
(21) "Withdrawal" shall mean a payment of money from an account by an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider to the account holder.
(2) Advance deposit wagering by any person whose principal residence address is in the state of Washington may be conducted only by an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider licensed by the commission pursuant to this chapter.
(3) A class 1 racing association must obtain commission approval of its contract with an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider.
(4) No advance deposit wagering service provider shall solicit, accept, open or operate an account for any person with a principal residence address in the state of Washington unless the service provider has received a license in good standing from the commission.
(5) The commission may suspend or revoke a license to operate as an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider, withdraw approval of a contract between a class 1 racing association and an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider and/or impose fines, if the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider, its officers, directors, or employees violate chapter 67.16 RCW or Title 260 WAC.
(6) An authorized advance deposit wagering service provider located within Washington shall not solicit, accept, open or operate advance deposit wagering accounts for persons whose principal residence is outside of the state of Washington, including residents of foreign jurisdictions unless:
(a) The service provider has received a license from the commission in good standing;
(b) Wagering on that same type of live racing is lawful in the jurisdiction which is the person's principal residence; and
(c) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider complies with the provisions of the Interstate Horseracing Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 3001 to 3007, and the laws of the jurisdiction, which is the principal place of residence of the applicant.
(7) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall provide a bond or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount set by the commission for the purpose of ensuring that payments to the commission and to Washington account holders are made. In the alternative, a service provider may provide other means of assurance of such payment including, but not limited to, evidence of bond(s), irrevocable letter(s) of credit or other forms of financial guarantees posted and in good standing with regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions, which shall be subject to the approval of the commission. Any bond, letter of credit or other assurance of payment acceptable to the commission provided by the service provider shall run to the Washington horse racing commission as obligee, and shall be for the benefit of the commission and any account holder who suffers a loss by reason of the service provider's violation of chapter 67.16 RCW or these rules. The bond, letter of credit or other assurance of payment shall be conditioned on the obligor as licensee faithfully complying with chapter 67.16 RCW and these rules. The bond shall be continuous and may be canceled by the surety only upon the surety giving written notice to the executive secretary of its intent to cancel the bond. The notice of cancellation shall be effective no sooner than thirty days after the notice is received by the executive secretary. In the event of cancellation of the bond, letter of credit or other assurance of payment the service provider shall file a new bond, letter of credit or other assurance of payment prior to the effective date of the cancellation notice.
(8) Persons whose primary residence is within Washington shall not participate in advance deposit wagering unless such activity is conducted through an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider.
(9) The content and frequency of reports from an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall be at the discretion of the commission.
(10) No class 1 racing association shall enter into a written agreement under this section that is in violation of, or may be construed as waiving any provision of chapter 67.16 RCW, Title 260 WAC or any applicable federal, state or local law.
(11) Every class 1 racing association approved under this chapter shall file with the commission a monthly statement showing amounts contributed to and balances in the purse fund and the breeders awards fund. This statement shall be filed with the commission no later than twenty-five days after the end of each month.
(12) In determining whether to approve an application under this chapter, the commission shall consider the following factors:
(a) The impacts on all entities conducting business as part of the Washington horse racing industry;
(b) Whether the commission deems the state compliance and monitoring efforts of the state where the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider is located are sufficient for compliance with applicable laws and for the protection of the public and to ensure the integrity of all operations and financial transactions under the agreement between the class 1 racing association and the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider; and
(c) Any other factor the commission identifies on the record as relevant to its determination.
(2) An application to operate as an advance deposit wagering service provider must address the requirements of this chapter, and the class 1 racing association shall file with the commission an original and five copies of the application and plan of operation.
(3) As part of the application, the class 1 racing association shall submit a detailed plan of how its proposed advance deposit wagering service provider would operate. At a minimum, the operating plan shall address the following issues:
(a) The manner in which the proposed simulcasting and advance deposit wagering service provider will operate and the regular hours of operation;
(b) Programs for responsible wagering;
(c) A plan for verification of an applicant's identity, age and residence when establishing an account;
(d) Establish a dispute resolution process for account holders who file a claim against the advance deposit wagering service provider;
(e) The requirements for accounts established and operated for persons whose principal residence is outside of the state of Washington;
(f) The process for an account holder to make withdrawals from the account holder's account;
(g) The process for handling wagers when wagering pools cannot be merged with the wagering pools of the race track where the race is being run live; and
(h) Any additional information required by the commission.
(4) The commission may require changes in a proposed plan of operations as a condition of granting a license.
(5) The commission may conduct investigations or inspections or request additional information from the class 1 racing association, as it deems appropriate in determining whether to license the class 1 racing association to operate as an advance deposit wagering service provider.
(6) A license authorizes only the class 1 racing association to establish, manage and operate an advance deposit wagering service provider. The class 1 racing association shall not subcontract operation of the advance deposit wagering service provider to another person or entity.
(7) Approval of a license under this section shall be for twelve months from the date of approval, unless rescinded by the commission.
(8) No subsequent changes in the advance deposit wagering service provider's plan of operations may occur unless ordered by the commission or until written approval is obtained from the commission.
(9) The commission, or its staff, shall be given access to review and audit all records and financial information of a class 1 racing association related to the conduct of advance deposit wagering, including resident and nonresident accounts. This information shall be made available to the commission or its staff by the class 1 racing association at its location at reasonable hours. The commission may require the class 1 racing association to annually submit to the commission audited financial statements of the advance deposit wagering service provider.
(a) An agreement with a class 1 racing association, that has been approved by the commission; and
(b) A license from the commission to conduct advance deposit wagering.
(2) An application to operate as an advance deposit wagering service provider must address the requirements of this chapter, and the entity shall file with the commission an original and five copies of the application and plan of operation.
(3) The operator of an advance deposit wagering service provider applying for a license to conduct advance deposit wagering must provide the following information as part of the application:
(a) If the service provider is an individual, his/her legal name and the legal name of his/her spouse and dates of birth and address;
(b) If the service provider is a corporation:
(i) The date and place of incorporation;
(ii) The names and addresses of its shareholders, and the names, addresses and dates of birth of directors and officers who are natural persons; and
(iii) If a shareholder is a corporation then the date and place of its incorporation, and the names and addresses and dates of birth of those corporations' directors and officers. If the service provider is a corporation ultimately owned by a not-for-profit entity without any shareholders, or is a publicly traded corporation, the information required in this subsection shall be required from the directors of the not-for-profit entity, or the directors and officers of the publicly traded corporation, in lieu of the shareholders;
(c) If the service provider is a general or limited partnership, the names, addresses, and dates of birth of the partners; if a partner is a corporation, the date of incorporation, the place of incorporation and the names and addresses and dates of birth of its directors and officers must be provided;
(d) The commission reserves the right to require fingerprints as part of the license application process;
(e) Information from the service provider that demonstrates whether the service provider has the financial resources to operate as an advance deposit wagering service provider;
(f) A copy of the written agreement between the class 1 association and the advance deposit wagering service provider and an assurance that the commission will be notified of any other agreements between the association and the facility pertaining to this section, whether written or oral;
(g) Written approval to conduct advance deposit wagering from the appropriate regulatory authority in the state where the advance deposit wagering service provider is located;
(h) A description of how the state where the service provider is located regulates and monitors the advance deposit wagering facility for compliance with applicable law and protection of the public; and
(i) Any other information required by the commission.
(4) The written agreement between the class 1 racing association and the advance deposit wagering service provider must contain substantially the following terms:
(a) A description of the fee structure and fees to be paid to the class 1 racing association under the agreement;
(b) A provision requiring the facility to agree it shall not accept any wager that violates Washington law or rule.
(5) The commission's approval of a specific agreement under this section is not binding on the commission as to any other agreement.
(6) As part of the application for licensure as an advance deposit wagering service provider, the applicant shall submit a detailed plan of operations in a format and containing such information as required by the commission. At a minimum, the operating plan shall address the following issues:
(a) The manner in which the proposed simulcasting and wagering system will operate and the regular hours of operation;
(b) The process for handling wagers when wagering pools cannot be merged with the wagering pools of the race track where the race is being run live;
(c) Programs for responsible wagering;
(d) A plan for verification of an applicant's identity, age and residence when establishing an account;
(e) Establish a dispute resolution process for account holders who file a claim against the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider;
(f) The process for an account holder to make withdrawals from the account holder's account;
(g) An advance deposit wagering service provider located in Washington must include how the provider will implement the requirements for accounts established and operated for persons whose principal residence is outside of the state of Washington; and
(h) Any other issues as required by the commission.
(7) The commission may require changes to an advance deposit wagering service provider's proposed plan of operations as a condition of granting a license. No subsequent material changes in the plan of operations may occur unless ordered by the commission or until written approval is obtained from the commission.
(8) The advance deposit wagering service provider applying for a license shall provide to the commission the number of Washington accounts on file with its business as of 1:00 p.m. PST April 1, 2004, and the total wagering activity since that time until the date of the application for license in Washington. Any operator of an advance deposit wagering service provider authorized by the commission to conduct advance deposit wagering shall pay the source market fee on all advance deposit wagers for all accounts since 1:00 p.m. PST April 1, 2004, that have Washington as the principal resident address.
(9) The commission may conduct investigations or inspections or request additional information from the applicant for a license under this section as it deems appropriate in determining whether to approve the license application.
(10) Approval of a license under this section shall be for twelve months from the date of approval, unless rescinded by the commission.
(11) The advance deposit wagering service provider accepting a license from the commission recognizes and accepts the jurisdiction of the state of Washington as provided in RCW 4.28.185. The advance deposit wagering service provider shall provide to the commission or its staff access to review and audit all records and financial information of the advance deposit wagering service provider, including all Washington account information. An advance deposit wagering service provider located in Washington, shall also provide access to the commission, or its staff to review and audit all records and financial information maintained by the advance deposit wagering service provider that relate to applications and accounts for persons whose primary residences are not located in Washington. This information shall be made available to the commission or its staff by the advance deposit wagering service provider at the service provider's location upon notice from the commission or commission staff at all reasonable times. The commission may require the service provider annually submit to the commission audited financial statements of the advance deposit wagering service provider.
(a) To establish an account, an application form must be signed or otherwise authorized in a manner acceptable to the commission and include:
(i) The applicant's full legal name;
(ii) Principal residence address;
(iii) Telephone number;
(iv) Proper identification or certification demonstrating that the applicant is at least twenty-one years of age; and
(v) Any additional information required by the commission.
(b) Each application submitted shall be verified with respect to name, principal residence address, and date of birth by either an independent service provider or another means which meets or exceeds the reliability, security, accuracy, privacy and timeliness provided by an independent service provider. If there is a discrepancy between the application submitted and the information provided by the verification described above or if no information on the applicant is available from such verification process, another individual reference service may be accessed or another technology meeting the requirements described above may be used to verify the information provided. If the applicant's information cannot be verified, the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall not establish an account.
(2) Each account shall have a unique identifying account number. The identifying account number may be changed at any time by the advance deposit wagering service provider provided the account holder is given notice in writing prior to the change.
(3) The applicant shall supply a secure personal identification code when the account holder is placing an advance deposit wager. The account holder has the right to change this code at any time.
(4) The holder of the account shall receive at the time the account is approved:
(a) Unique account identification number;
(b) Copy of the advance deposit wagering rules and such other information and material that is pertinent to the operation of the account;
(c) Notice that the account holder must be at least twenty-one years of age, and that individuals under the age of twenty-one shall not have access to the account;
(d) Such other information as the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider or the commission may deem appropriate.
(5) Accounts shall only be accepted in the name of a natural person.
(6) The account is nontransferable between natural persons.
(7) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider may close or refuse to open an account for what it deems good and sufficient reason, and shall order an account closed if it is determined that information that was used to open an account was false, or that the account has been used in violation of these rules.
(8) Any disputes between an account holder and an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall follow the dispute resolution procedures contained in the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider's plan of operations as approved by the commission. If the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider fails to resolve the dispute, the commission may take appropriate action including claims against the bond or other form of financial security.
(9) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall state in all advertising in the state of Washington that residents under the age of twenty-one are not permitted to open, own or have access to an advance deposit wagering account.
(10) If the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider is located in Washington, no account shall be established for any natural person under the age of twenty-one.
(2) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider may suspend any account or close any account at any time provided that when an account is closed, they shall, within seven calendar days, return to the account holder all moneys then on deposit by sending a check to the last known principal residence address.
(3) Credits to an account after the initial establishment of the account may be made as follows:
(a) Deposits to an account by an account holder may be made in the following forms:
(i) Cash, which may be deposited at financial or retail outlets designated by the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider;
(ii) Check, money order or negotiable order of withdrawal given or sent to an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider;
(iii) Charges made to an account holder's credit card or debit card upon the direct and personal instruction of the account holder, if the use of the card has been approved by the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider;
(iv) Transfer by means of an electronic funds transfer from a monetary account controlled by an account holder to his/her account, said account holder to be liable for any charges imposed by the transmitting or receiving entity with such charges to be deducted from the account; or
(v) Funds so deposited will be made available for wagering use in accordance with financial institution funds availability schedules.
(b) Credit for winnings from wagers placed with funds in an account and credit for account wagers on entries that are scratched shall be posted to the account by the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider.
(4) Debits to an account shall be made as follows:
(a) Upon receipt by the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider of an advance deposit wager, the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall debit the account in the amount of the wager;
(b) For fees for service or other transaction-related charges by the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider;
(c) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider may close accounts in which there has been no activity for at least six months, returning funds remaining therein to the account holder at his/her last known principal residence address; or
(d) In the event an account holder is deceased, funds accrued in the account shall be released to the decedent's legal representative upon receipt of a copy of a valid death certificate, tax releases or waivers, probate court authorizations or other documents required by applicable laws.
(5) Account holders may communicate instructions concerning advance deposit wagers to the advance deposit wagering service provider in person, by mail, telephone, or other electronic means.
(6) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall not accept wagers from an account holder in an amount in excess of the account balance.
(7) Notwithstanding any other rules, the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider may at any time declare the advance deposit wagering closed for receiving wagers on any parimutuel pool, race, group of races, or closed for all wagering. Any time advance deposit wagering is closed other than coincident with the start of a race, a written report must be filed with the commission within forty-eight hours. Any time the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider is closed during its normal hours of operation a written report must be filed with the commission within forty-eight hours.
(8) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider has the right at any time and for what it deems good and sufficient reason to refuse to accept all or part of any wager.
(9) Accounts are for the personal use of the account holder. The account holder is responsible for maintaining the secrecy of the account number and his/her personal identification code.
(10) Payment on winning parimutuel wagers and credits for advance deposit wagers on entries which are scratched shall be posted to the credit of the account holder as soon as practicable after the race is declared official.
(11) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall provide written or electronic statements of an individual's account activity at any time upon the request of the account holder.
(12) No employee or agent of the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall divulge any confidential information related to the placing of any wager or any confidential information related to the operation of the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider, except to the account holder or as required by these rules, the commission, and as otherwise required by state or federal law, or Title 260 WAC.
(2) The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider shall, at least monthly, distribute the total source market fee as follows:
(a) Ninety percent of the total source market fee directly to the class 1 racing association and the remaining ten percent directly to the commission.
(b) The class 1 racing association shall distribute two and one-half percent of the total source market fee to the breeders' award fund.
(c) The class 1 racing association and the recognized horsemen's organization shall negotiate a separate agreement for contributions to the purse account from the source market fee and submit the agreement for review and approval by the commission. The class 1 racing association shall distribute the horsemen's share of the source market fee in accordance with the horseman's agreement.
(d) The commission shall distribute two and one-half percent of the total source market fee to the Washington bred owners' bonus account and one-half of one percent of the total source market fee to the class C purse fund account and seven percent of the total source market fee to the commission's operating account.
(3) The commission shall annually review the distribution of the source market fee. Any changes to the distribution shall be adopted by rule.
(2) The source market fee generated from races conducted outside Washington shall be allocated proportionate to the gross amount of all sources of parimutuel wagering during each twelve-month period derived from the associations' live race meets after deducting contributions to the commission, one percent owners' bonus, breeders awards, and class C purse fund per WAC 260-49-070. The remaining proportional share of the source market fee from races conducted outside Washington shall be distributed in accordance with the agreement between the class 1 racing association and the recognized horsemen's association. "All sources of parimutuel wagering" shall mean the total of in-state and out-of-state wagering on the associations' live race meet. This percentage must be calculated annually. The commission shall calculate the proportion of the source market fee for each class 1 racing association based upon the preceding calendar year. The commission shall inform the authorized advance deposit wagering service provider(s) of the percentage of source market fee to be distributed to each class 1 racing association. The authorized advance deposit wagering service provider(s) shall distribute the source market fee to the class 1 racing associations according to the percentages established by the commission.
(3) A class 1 racing association is not entitled to source market fees until it has completed one race meet in accordance with the requirements of RCW 67.16.200.
(4) A class 1 racing association must complete a live race meet in accordance with RCW 67.16.200 within each succeeding twelve-month period to maintain eligibility to continue participating in advance deposit wagering and to receive a proportionate share of the source market fee.
(a) A nonrefundable application fee of five thousand dollars must be submitted with all license applications to conduct authorized advance deposit wagering.
(b) The applicant will be billed and shall be responsible for any costs involved in the background checks, investigation, and review of the application in excess of five thousand dollars.
(2) An annual license fee of one thousand dollars shall be payable to the commission on issuance of the original license. Thereafter, the annual renewal license fee shall be one thousand dollars due thirty days prior to the license expiration. The licensee will be billed and shall be responsible for any costs in excess of one thousand dollars associated with the review and investigation of the annual renewal application.
(2) The commission may suspend or revoke a license issued to an advance deposit wagering service provider, withdraw approval of a contract between a class 1 racing association and an advance deposit wagering service provider and/or impose fines, if the licensee:
(a) Violates any of the requirements of chapter 67.16 RCW or these rules;
(b) Fails to provide a bond or letter of credit or evidence thereof in another jurisdiction to the satisfaction of the commission;
(c) Fails to make payments in a timely manner as required by these rules;
(d) Fails to comply with any conditions on the license imposed by the commission;
(e) Has demonstrated willful disregard for complying with ordinances, statutes, administrative rules, or court orders, whether at the local, state, or federal level. This includes, but is not limited to, failure to make required payments to other state regulatory agencies;
(f) Poses a threat to the effective regulation of wagering or creates or increases the likelihood of unfair or illegal practices, methods, and activities in the conduct of wagering activities, as demonstrated through the prior activities, criminal record, reputation, habits, or associations;
(g) Fails to provide at the office of the commission any information required under the commission's rules within the time required therefore by applicable rule, or if no maximum time has been established respecting the particular kind of information by other rule, then within thirty days after receiving a written request therefore from the commission or its staff;
(h) Commits, or has committed, any other act that the commission determines constitutes a sufficient reason in the public interest for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses or approval of agreements.
(3) The commission shall afford a licensee the opportunity for an adjudicative proceeding prior to denial, suspending or revoking a license or imposing fines, and shall provide a class 1 racing association and/or an authorized advance deposit wagering service provider a hearing on refusal of approval or withdrawal of approval of the agreement between the association and the service provider.
(4) The commission shall have authority to ensure compliance with these regulations, including, but not limited to, injunctive relief and the imposition of fines, suspensions and revocation of license and repayment of outstanding source market fees.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-20-029, filed 9/27/00,
effective 10/28/00)
WAC 260-72-020
Transmission of race results.
(((1) No
association licensed by this commission shall knowingly
transmit or allow to be transmitted by telephone, telegraph,
teletype, semaphore, signal device, radio, television or other
method of electrical, manual or visual communication from the
enclosure of its track the result of any race until said race
is declared official: Provided, however, associations
licensed by this commission may allow radio or television
broadcasts of racing programs upon approval of the commission,
as stipulated in WAC 260-72-030.
(2))) A class 1 racing association may seek approval to
broadcast its races for the purpose of satellite wagering as
authorized in RCW 67.16.200 Satellite locations -- Parimutuel
wagering. The class 1 association shall ensure that the
audio-visual signal of such broadcast shall be encrypted or
manipulated to mask the original video content of the signal
and so cause such signal to be indecipherable and
unrecognizable to any unauthorized receiver.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.040. 00-20-029, § 260-72-020, filed 9/27/00, effective 10/28/00; 94-04-003, § 260-72-020, filed 1/20/94, effective 2/20/94; Rules of racing, § 385, filed 4/21/61.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 260-72-030 | Transmission or broadcast of information relating to feature races. |