WSR 04-22-043


[ Filed October 27, 2004, 3:49 p.m. ]

     Below is a table of toxics cleanup program (TCP) policies, procedures, or implementation memos that have been updated, deleted, or are newly created. A description of each document, the document number, description of the document contents, and the action taken are included.

     This information is also being forwarded to Linda Thompson to be included in the toxics cleanup program site register. In addition, Carol Dorn, TCP's Forms and Records Analyst, and Barb Huether, TCP's Internet Coordinator, are being notified of the changes.

     To receive a copy of any one of the following documents please contact Carol Dorn at (360) 407-7224.


Policy (POL) Number

Title Description Change Contact for


POL 330A Listing of sites on the hazardous sites list. This policy outlines the steps and criteria that the toxics cleanup program will use in determining which sites will be added to the hazardous sites list. Updated to clarify and reflect current practice. Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

POL 330B Removal of sites from the hazardous sites list. This policy outlines the steps and criteria that the toxics cleanup program will use in determining which sites will be removed from the hazardous sites list. Updated to clarify and reflect current practice. Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

POL 340 Priority setting for sites under formal ecology oversight. This policy outlines the steps and criteria that the toxics cleanup program will use in determining which sites will be worked on under formal ecology oversight on a priority basis. Updated to clarify and reflect current practice. Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

James J. Pendowski

Program Manager

Toxics Cleanup Program

Legislature Code Reviser 


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