Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 04-17-064.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 308-56A WAC, Certificates of title -- Motor vehicles etc., specifically WAC 308-56A-500 Definitions and 308-56A-530 Vehicle brands and comments.
Hearing Location(s): Department of Licensing, Conference Room 107, 1125 Washington Street S.E., Olympia, WA 98507, on December 7, 2004, at 10:30 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: January 4, 2005.
Submit Written Comments to: Dale R. Brown, P.O. Box 2957, 1125 Washington Street S.E., Olympia, WA 98507-2957, e-mail, fax (360) 902-3827, by December 6, 2004.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Dale R. Brown by December 6, 2004, TTY (360) 664-8885.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of the rule is to allow the inclusion of brands from other jurisdictions than Washington to be added to the vehicle certificate of ownership and registration documents. The anticipated effects are to educate and protect the public by allowing more brands on the vehicle record.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: This would accomplish greater public awareness and safety.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 46.01.110.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: , governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Katherine Iyall Vasquez, 1125 Washington Street S.E., Olympia, WA, (360) 902-3718.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. A small business economic impact statement is not required pursuant to RCW 19.85.030 (1)(a). The proposed rule making does not impose more than a minor cost on businesses in the industry.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The contents of the proposed rules are explicitly and specifically dictated by statute.
November 3, 2004
Steve Boruchowitz
Policy and Projects Office
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-08-081, filed 4/6/04,
effective 5/7/04)
WAC 308-56A-500
The following definitions
apply to terms used in chapters 46.12 and 46.16 RCW and
chapter 308-56A WAC:
(1) (("Affidavit in lieu of title" is a written
declaration confirming the certificate of ownership,
registration certificate, validation tab are unavailable,
lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated. The affidavit in lieu
of title may be used to release interest in the vehicle. The
signature of the owner completing the affidavit in lieu of
title must be notarized or certified as described in WAC 308-56A-270.
(2) "Affidavit of loss" is a written statement confirming
the certificate of ownership, registration certificate,
validation tab or decal has been lost, stolen, destroyed or
mutilated. The affidavit of loss release of interest form may
be used to release interest in the vehicle and transfer gross
weight license for that vehicle to a new owner. The signature
of the owner completing the affidavit of loss release of
interest must be notarized or certified as described in WAC 308-56A-270.
(3))) "Affixed" means attached.
(((4))) (2) "Brands" means a permanent notation on the
certificate of ownership and vehicle registration certificate
that records a circumstance or condition involving a vehicle.
(3) "Brands incident date" is the date that a brand was first applied to a vehicle. For states/jurisdictions participating in the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS), it's the date the brand was first reported. For all other states/jurisdictions, it's the date the current title was issued. Brands on Washington records prior to January 2005 will reflect a brand incident date equal to the date the last Washington certificate of ownership was issued.
(4) "Chattel lien" for the purposes of this section a "chattel lien" means: A lien obtained by a person, firm, or company who provides services or materials for a vehicle at the owner's request, in the event of nonpayment by the owner. A person, or firm that provides services or material for a vehicle at the owner's request may obtain a lien on such vehicle. In the event of nonpayment the lien may be foreclosed as provided by law.
(5) "Certificate of ownership" (or "title") is a legal document indicating proof of ownership.
(6) "Comment" means an indication on the certificate of ownership, vehicle title/registration application or vehicle registration certificate that relates to tax liability, type of ownership, title transaction type or a previous condition of the vehicle.
(7) "Commercial parking company" means any business directly engaged in providing vehicle parking upon property owned or controlled by the business and approved for public parking of vehicles.
(8) "Current license plate registration" means the current registration or one that has been expired less than one year.
(9) "Declaration in lieu of title" is a written declaration confirming the certificate of ownership, registration certificate, validation tab is unavailable, lost, stolen, destroyed, or mutilated. The declaration in lieu of title may be used to release interest in the vehicle. The signature of the owner completing the declaration in lieu of title must be signed under penalty of perjury, as described in WAC 308-56A-270.
(10) "Declaration of loss" is a written statement confirming the certificate of ownership, registration certificate, validation tab or decal has been lost, stolen, destroyed, or mutilated. The declaration of loss release of interest form may be used to release interest in the vehicle and transfer gross weight license for that vehicle to a new owner. The signature of the owner completing the declaration of loss release of interest must be signed under penalty of perjury, as described in WAC 308-56A-270.
(11) "Department" means the same as described in RCW 46.04.162.
(((10))) (12) "Department temporary permit" is a permit
issued temporarily in lieu of permanent registration and
license plates when required documentation is unavailable.
(((11))) (13) "Electronic filing" is the use of an
electronic method to transmit information to the department
that may include, but is not limited to, the use of the
internet and facsimile.
(((12))) (14) "Involuntary divestiture" means a change in
vehicle ownership without the registered owner's involvement.
(((13))) (15) "Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship"
(JTWROS) means two or more people who own a vehicle in joint
tenancy with the right to own individually if one of them
(((14))) (16) "Jurisdiction code" means an abbreviation
assigned by the department generally based on the U.S. Postal
Service designation that indicates state, province, district,
or country.
(((15))) (17) "Legal owner" means the same as described
in RCW 46.04.270.
(((16))) (18) "Lien holder" means a person or entity that
has a legal right or interest in another's property until a
debt or duty that it secures is satisfied.
(((17))) (19) "Not eligible for road use" (NEFRU) means a
vehicle that does not meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
standards, other federal and/or state standards for public
road use as adopted, applied, and enforced by the Washington
state patrol described in RCW 46.37.005.
(((18))) (20) "Penalty of perjury" means a statement
signed by the applicant to the effect - "I declare under
penalty of perjury that the information I have provided on
this form is true and understand per RCW 40.16.030 that
providing false information is a Class C felony."
(21) "Person" means the same as described in RCW 46.04.405.
(((19))) (22) "Personal representative" means:
(a) An individual appointed by the court; or
(b) An individual named in the last will and testament and confirmed by the court to manage the estate of a deceased person.
Personal representative may also include executor, administrator, special administrator, and guardian or limited guardian and special representative as defined in RCW 11.02.005(1).
(((20))) (23) "Registered owner" means the same as
described in RCW 46.04.460.
(((21))) (24) "Security interest" means a property
interest created by agreement or by operation of law to secure
performance of an obligation (repayment of a debt).
(((22))) (25) "Security interest holders" means in this
instance, the same as "lien holder" as defined in subsection
(16) of this section.
(((23))) (26) "Secured party" means in this instance the
same as "lien holder" as defined in subsection (16) of this
(((24))) (27) "Standard brand" is a brand found on the
brands list maintained by the National Motor Vehicle Title
Information System (NMVTIS) program.
(28) "Transferee" means a person to whom a vehicle is transferred, by purchase, gift, or any means other than by creation of a security interest, and any person who, as agent, signs an odometer disclosure statement for the transferee, when applicable.
(((25))) (29) "Transferor" means a person who transfers
ownership in a vehicle by sale, gift, or any means other than
by creation of a security interest and any person who, as
agent, signs an odometer disclosure statement for the
transferor, when applicable.
(((26))) (30) "Unique brand" means a brand issued by a
state that is not participating in the National Motor Vehicle
Title Information System (NMVTIS) program.
(31) "Washington vehicle licensing office" means an office that is operated by the department or an agent or subagent appointed under RCW 46.01.140 for the purpose of carrying out the vehicle titling and registration provisions in Title 46 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 04-08-081, § 308-56A-500, filed 4/6/04, effective 5/7/04; 02-19-016, § 308-56A-500, filed 9/9/02, effective 10/10/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 65.20.110. 00-13-083, § 308-56A-500, filed 6/20/00, effective 7/21/00; 00-06-004, § 308-56A-500, filed 2/18/00, effective 3/20/00; 90-11-091, § 308-56A-500, filed 5/18/90, effective 6/18/90.]
(2) What brands are assigned to vehicles by the department? Brands used by the department include, but are not limited to:
(a) Former exempt, as defined in RCW 46.16.020;
(b) Former for hire, as defined in RCW 46.72.010;
(c) Former taxicab, as described in RCW 46.72.010;
(d) Rebuilt as required in RCW 46.12.075, when a vehicle reported destroyed under RCW 46.12.070 or 46.80.090 and WAC 308-56A-460 meets the definition of salvage vehicle in RCW 46.12.005;
(e) Street rod as defined in RCW 46.04.571;
(f) Nonconformity uncorrected or safety defect uncorrected as defined in RCW 19.118.021 (13) and (18);
(g) ((Former rental, designation used on a certificate of
ownership when a vehicle is removed from a rental fleet and
sold as nonrental;
(h))) Nonconformity corrected or safety defect corrected
as defined in RCW 19.118.021 (13) and (18);
(((i) Not eligible for road use as described in RCW 46.09.020.)) (h) Returned to manufacturer;
(i) Odometer - Not actual;
(j) Odometer - Exceeds mechanical limits;
(k) Repaired - Wrecker/insurance bill of sale.
(3) What brands are carried forward from the other states/jurisdictions by the department?
(a) Brands for states/jurisdictions participating in the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) program (known as "Standard Brands," include, but are not limited to:
(i) Rebuilt;
(ii) Junk;
(iii) Destroyed;
(iv) Salvage - Damaged;
(v) Salvage - Retention;
(vi) Salvage - Stolen;
(vii) Salvage - Other;
(viii) Flood damage;
(ix) Hail damage;
(x) Saltwater damage;
(xi) Totaled.
(b) Brands from states/jurisdictions not participating in NMVTIS (known as "unique brands") will be carried forward on Washington certificates of ownership and registration certificates exactly as they appear on the foreign title.
More than one brand may appear on the vehicle registration or certificate of ownership.
((The department will carry forward all brands and
jurisdiction codes shown on foreign certificates of
ownership/titles. Brands that do not match Washington
terminology or that are not listed below will be shown as
"nonstandard." Brands carried forward from foreign
certificates of ownership/titles may use the same terminology
as a Washington brand, but may not have the same definition as
the Washington brand. Other brands not used in Washington but
carried forward from other jurisdictions are:
(A) Junk;
(B) Destroyed;
(C) Salvage.)) (4) Will a brand be applied to destroyed
vehicles that have been sold on an out-of-state wrecker or
insurance bill of sale, then repaired, and inspected? Yes.
Vehicles not reported to DOL as destroyed and then sold using
an insurance or wrecker bill of sale in lieu of a certificate
of ownership/title, then brought into Washington from another
jurisdiction that is not subject to reporting under RCW 46.12.070 repaired, and inspected will be branded ((in
accordance with RCW 46.12.075 whether or not the vehicle had
been reported as destroyed in any other jurisdiction)). The
brand will appear as "repaired-wrecker/insurance bill of
The jurisdiction code will be identified as "((XX)) WA."
(((3) What brands are carried forward from other
jurisdictions? In addition to the brands listed in subsection
(2) of this section, the department will apply the following
brands assigned by other jurisdictions together with the
applicable jurisdiction code: Destroyed, salvage, junk. Any
other brands assigned by another jurisdiction will be
identified by the words "nonstandard."
(4))) (5) Why is a brand used? A brand is used in the
circumstances above for consumer protection. The brand is
used to inform any subsequent owners of the current or former
condition or use of the vehicle.
(((5))) (6) Will the department remove a brand? Brands
stay on vehicle records indefinitely. The department will
only remove a brand if((:
(a))) the brand was applied to a Washington certificate
of ownership in error; or
(((b) A vehicle branded not eligible for road use has
been modified according to the manufacturer specifications and
federal and state standards in such a way to qualify the
vehicle for highway use;
(c) The lemon law administrator certifies that a vehicle
branded nonconformity uncorrected should be branded
nonconformity corrected;
(d) The lemon law administrator certifies that a vehicle
branded safety defect uncorrected should be branded safety
defect corrected.))
If a former rental brand was applied prior to the effective date of this rule, it will remain on the certificate of ownership and/or vehicle registration unless applied in error.
(((6))) (7) Where are brands located on the documents? ((The brand is)) Brands are located in the ((comments/))brands
section of the certificate of ownership and vehicle
registration. ((The)) Brands will display beginning with
Washington issued brands, followed by unique brands, then
standard brands. If applicable, "WA REBUILT" will show as a
banner across the certificate of ownership.
(((7))) (8) What is a comment? For the purposes of this
section a comment is an indication on the certificate of
ownership, vehicle title/registration application or vehicle
registration certificate that relates to tax liability, type
of ownership, title transaction type ((or a previous condition
of the vehicle)).
(((8))) (9) What comments could the department print on
certificates of ownership?
(a) Comments relating to the ownership that include: Bonded, leased, JTWROS.
(b) Comments relating to tax liability that include: Use tax waived - gift, value code, value year.
(c) Comments relating to the type of title transaction, which include duplicate, and reprint.
(d) Miscellaneous comments that include: ((Safety defect
uncorrected, safety defect corrected, nonconformity
uncorrected, nonconformity corrected, return to
manufacturer,)) Not eligible for road use.
(((9))) (10) What ((brands and/or)) comments could the
department print on vehicle registration certificates? ((Brands and/or)) Comments printed on vehicle registration
certificates may include, but are not limited to:
(a) (("Vehicle Driver And Owner Subject To Federal Drug
Program" Title 49 CFR Part 382;
(b) "Rebuilt" or "WA REBUILT";
(c))) "CVSEF PAID" or "commercial vehicle safety
enforcement fee paid";
(((d))) (b) "Because scale weight exceeds gross weight,
D.O.T. permit also required";
(((e))) (c) "Commercial vehicle safety enforcement fee
not paid";
(((f))) (d) "Display tab on back license plate" only - front plate is still required;
(((g))) (e) "*Check vehicle data base record for actual
expiration date";
(((h))) (f) "Replica";
(((i))) (g) "Proof of FHVUT verified";
(((j) "Safety defect";
(k) "Safety defect corrected";
(l) "Nonconformity uncorrected";
(m) "Nonconformity corrected";
(n))) (h) "No title issued" or "no title issued - ownership in doubt";
(((o))) (i) "Excise exempt NRM";
(((p))) (j) "Excise exempt native American";
(((q))) (k) "Excise exempt van pool";
(((r))) (l) "Excise exempt rideshare";
(((s))) (m) "Registration only";
(((t))) (n) "Prorated gross weight to be more than
(((u))) (o) "Additional owners on record";
(((v))) (p) "Not eligible for road use";
(((w))) (q) "Perm plt";
(((x))) (r) "Use tax waived: Gift";
(((y) "Return to mfg.";
(z))) (s) "Permanent fleet vehicle";
(((aa))) (t) "*Perm";
(((bb))) (u) "Color";
(((cc))) (v) Comments relating to the ownership; bonded,
leased, JTWROS, registration only;
(((dd))) (w) Tax liability DAV, native American, NRM,
value code/year, use tax option, rideshare, POW, tax code 95,
double transfer;
(((ee))) (x) Title transaction type duplicate, reprint,
NTI, dual registration, corrected title data, corrected
(((ff))) (y) Miscellaneous gift, ride, previous plate VIN
flag, farm vehicle restrictions, Federal Drug Program (Title
49 CFR Part 382) vehicle color, odometer code, RETURN TO MFG, not
eligible for road use (NEFRU).
(((10))) (11) What comments would the department carry
forward from other jurisdictions? The department does not
carry forward comments assigned by other jurisdictions.
(((11))) (12) Why are comments used? Comments are used
for consumer protection, to inform any subsequent owners and
vehicle licensing personnel of the current tax liability, type
of ownership, or title transaction type.
(((12))) (13) Will the department remove a comment? The
department will remove a comment if:
(a) The comment was applied in error; or
(b) The comment no longer applies.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 02-19-016, § 308-56A-530, filed 9/9/02, effective 10/10/02.]