WSR 05-02-033



[ Memorandum -- December 30, 2004 ]

     Following is a list of the regular meeting notices submitted to the Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings for 2005.

Regular Meetings 2005

Committee Chair
Aeronautics and Astronautics Adam P. Bruckner
Anesthesiology Frederick W. Cheney, MD
Animal Care Committee (IACUC)
Applied Mathematics Ka Kit Tung
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Jane Meredith
Astronomy Bruce Balick
ASUW Board of Directors
Biology Thomas Daniel
Bothell, Academic Council Tom Bellamy
Bothell, Business Steve Holland
Bothell, Computing and Software Systems Frank Cioch
Bothell, Education Susan Franzosa
Bothell, General Faculty Org-Executive Council Linda Watts
Bothell, Graduate Nursing Faculty May Baroni
Bothell, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences JoLynn Edwards
Bothell, Master of Arts in Policy Studies JoLynn Edwards
Bothell, Nursing Advisory Committee Mary Baroni
Bothell, Nursing Faculty and Staff Mary Baroni
Chemical Engineering Eric M. Stuve
Classics James J. Clauss
Communication Gerald J. Baldasty
Comparative Medicine Dennny Liggitt
Computer Science and Engineering Executive Committee David Notkin
Computer Science and Engineering Faculty David Notkin
Dance Program Elizabeth Cooper
Dental Public Health Sciences Douglas S. Ramsay
Dentistry, Chairs
Dentistry, Faculty Council
Dentistry, Faculty Meeting
Drama Sarah Nash Gates
Electrical Engineering R. Bruce Darling
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences David Kalman
Epidemiology Scott Davis
Evans School of Public Affairs Sandra Archibald
Faculty Senate
Family Medicine Alfred O. Berg
Forest Resources Richard R. Gustafson
Geography James Harrington, Jr.
Germanics Sabine Wilke
GPSS Exec.
GPSS Senate
Harborview, Board Bond Oversight Committee
Harborview, Board Executive Committee
Harborview, Board Facilities Ad Hoc Committee
Harborview, Board Finance Committee
Harborview, Board Health Care/Strategic Planning
Harborview, Board Joint Conference Committee
Harborview, Board Lunch
Harborview, Board Meeting
Harborview, Hospital Quality Assurance
Health Services Bill Dowling
Immunology Christopher Wilson, M.D.
Industrial Engineering Richard L. Storch
Information School Mike Eisenberg
Law School Dean Knight
Materials Science and Engineering Rajendra Bordia
Mathematics Selim Tuncel
Mechanical Engineering Mark E. Tuttle
Medicine Board Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Microbiology E. Peter Greenberg
Music Robin McCabe
Near Eastern Languages and Civilization Michael A. Williams
Nursing, Ad Hoc Committee for Professors
Nursing, APT Committee TBD
Nursing, BNHS Faculty M. Heitkemper
Nursing, Deans and Charis Dean Nancy F. Woods
Nursing, Faculty Council F. O'Connor
Nursing, Faculty Meeting F. O'Connor
Nursing, Faculty Retreat S. Spieker
Nursing, FCN Faculty K. Swanson
Nursing, Governing Council Dean Nancy F. Woods
Nursing, PCH Faculty B. Berkowitz
Nutritional Sciences Adam Drewnowski
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Executive Finance Committee David Eschenbach
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty David Eschenbach
Orthodontics Gregory J. King
Pathobiology Andy Stergachis
Pathology Nelson Fausto
PBI Board Meetings
Pharmacy, Curriculum committee Valerie Daggett
Pharmacy, Executive Committee Sid Nelson
Pharmacy, Faculty Danny Shen
Philosophy Kenneth Clatterbaugh
Physics David Boulware
Public Health Executive Committee Patricia Wahl
Radiation Oncology George Laramore
Rehabilitation Medicine Lawrence R. Robinson, MD
Restorative Dentistry Dr. Richard McCoy
Social Science Chairs and Administrators Dean Bob Stacey
Social Work Dean Dorothy Van Soest
Sociology Stewart Tolnay
Statistics Werner Stuetzle
Tacoma, Building and Facilities use Linda Schmitz, Ann Gagner
Tacoma, Business Dean Shahrokh Saudagaran
Tacoma, Education
Tacoma, Executive Committee Robert Jackson
Tacoma, Faculty Assembly Robert Jackson
Tacoma, Institute of Technology/CSS Larry Crum
Tacoma, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Bill Richardson
Tacoma, Nursing Marjorie Dobratz
Tacoma, Social Work Program Marcie Lazzari
Tacoma, Urban Studies Brian Coffey
Technical Communication Dr. Judy Ramey
Urology, Executive Committee Paul H. Lange, M.D.
Urology, Faculty Paul H. Lange, M.D.
Urology, Faculty Retreat Paul H. Lange, M.D.
Use of University Facilities Committee (UUFC) K. J. (Gus) Kravas
Women Studies Judith Howard

     [These schedules are available for public inspection at the following address: Office of Public Records and Open Public Meetings, University of Washington, 4014 University Way N.E., Box 355502, Seattle, WA 98105-6203].
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