(Economic Services Administration)
(Division of Child Support)
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 04-07-113 and 03-23-107.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 388-14A WAC, Division of Child Support (DCS) rules, this notice of proposed rule making combines two CR-101 filings with rule making on two subjects which both involve amendments to WAC 388-14A-3304. A list of rule sections is shown below, identifying all proposed WAC sections, and then breaking the sections into Project 1 (Assessment of Interest on Child Support Arrears) and Project 2 (changes to the rules re: the notice of support owed and notice of support debt).
Amending WAC 388-14A-3304 The division of child support
serves a notice of support debt when it is enforcing a
((foreign)) support order issued in Washington state, a
foreign court order or a foreign administrative order for
support, 388-14A-3310 The division of child support serves a
notice of support owed to establish a fixed dollar amount
under an existing child support order, 388-14A-3320 What
happens at a hearing on a notice of support ((debt or notice
of support)) owed?, and 388-14A-7100 An order from another
state may be registered in Washington for enforcement or
New sections WAC 388-14A-3317 What is an annual review of a support order under RCW 26.23.110?, 388-14A-3321 What happens if the custodial parent requests a hearing on a notice of support debt and demand for payment?, 388-14A-7110 The division of child support may assess and collect interest on amounts owned under support orders entered or established in a jurisdiction other than Washington state, 388-14A-7120 When does DCS update the interest assessed on a case?, and 388-14A-8600 Does the division of child support enforce interest on unpaid support arrears?
Hearing Location(s): Blake Office Park East (behind Goodyear Courtesy Tire), Rose Room, 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA, on March 8, 2005, at 10:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not earlier than March 9, 2005.
Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504, delivery 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA, e-mail, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5:00 p.m., March 8, 2005.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Fred Swenson, DSHS Rules Consultant, by March 4, 2005, TTY (360) 664-6178 or (360) 664-6097.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: (1) DCS is adopting rules regarding the assessment ad collection of interest on support arrearages on child support cases, in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, while providing that DCS will continue its policy and practice of not assessing or collecting interest on support arrearages under Washington orders unless such interest is reduced to judgment; and
(2) DCS seeks to clarify the procedures for the notice of support debt and notice of support owed.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: See above.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 26.21.016 for Rules in Project 1 - Assessment of Interest on Child Support Arrears, 388-14A-3304, 388-14A-7100, 388-14A-7110, 388-14A-7120 and 388-14A-8600; and RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220(1), and 74.20A.310 for Rules in Project 2 - Notice of Support Debt and Notice of Support Owed, WAC 388-14A-3304, 388-14A-3310, 388-14A-3317, 388-14A-3320, and 388-14A-3321.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 26.21.016 for Rules in Project 1 - Assessment of Interest on Child Support Arrears, WAC 388-14A-3304, 388-14A-7100, 388-14A-7110, 388-14A-7120 and 388-14A-8600; and RCW 26.23.110 and 74.20A.040 for Rules in Project 2 - Notice of Support Debt and Notice of Support Owed, WAC 388-14A-3304, 388-14A-3310, 388-14A-3317, 388-14A-3320, and 388-14A-3321.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of Social and Health Services, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Nancy Koptur, DCS HQ, P.O. Box 9162, Olympia, WA 98507-9162, (360) 664-5065.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. This rule does not have an economic impact on small businesses. It only affects individuals who have support obligations or individuals who are owed child support.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The rule does meet the definition of a significant legislative rule but DSHS/DCS rules relating to the liability for care of dependent children are exempt from preparing further analysis under RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(vii).
January 12, 2005
Andy Fernando, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
3448.5(2) DCS serves a notice of support debt like a summons in a civil action or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(3) In a notice of support debt, DCS includes the information required by RCW 74.20A.040, the amount of current and future support, accrued support debt, interest (if interest is being assessed under WAC 388-14A-7110), any health insurance coverage obligation, and any day care costs under the court or administrative order.
(4) After service of a notice of support debt, the NCP must make all support payments to the Washington state support registry. DCS does not credit payments made to any other party after service of a notice of support debt except as provided in WAC 388-14A-3375.
(5) A notice of support debt becomes final and subject to immediate wage withholding and enforcement without further notice under chapters 26.18, 26.23, and 74.20A RCW, subject to the terms of the order, unless, within twenty days of service of the notice in Washington, the NCP:
(a) Files a request with DCS for a conference board under
WAC 388-14A-6400. The effective date of a conference board
request is the date DCS receives the request; ((or))
(b) Obtains a stay from the superior court; or
(c) Objects to either the validity of the foreign support order or the administrative enforcement of the foreign support order, in which case DCS proceeds with registration of the foreign support order under WAC 388-14A-7100.
(6) A notice of support debt served in another state becomes final according to WAC 388-14A-7200.
(7) Enforcement of the following are not stayed by a request for a conference board or hearing under this section or WAC 388-14A-6400:
(a) Current and future support stated in the order; and
(b) Any portion of the support debt that the NCP and custodial parent (CP) fail to claim is not owed.
(8) Following service of the notice of support debt on the NCP, DCS mails to the last known address of the CP and/or the payee under the order:
(a) A copy of the notice of support debt; and
(b) A notice to payee under WAC 388-14A-3315 regarding the payee's rights to contest the notice of support debt. The CP who is not the payee under the order has the same rights to contest the notice of support debt.
(9) If the NCP requests a conference board under subsection (5)(a) of this section, DCS mails a copy of the notice of conference board to the CP informing the CP of the CP's right to:
(a) Participate in the conference board; or
(b) Request a hearing under WAC ((388-14A-3320))
388-14A-3321 within twenty days of the date of a notice of
conference board that was mailed to a Washington address. If
the notice of conference board was mailed to an out-of-state
address, the CP may request a hearing within sixty days of the
date of the notice of conference board. The effective date of
a hearing request is the date DCS receives the request.
(10) If the CP requests a hearing under subsection (9) of this section, DCS must:
(a) Stay enforcement of the notice of support debt except as required under subsection (6) of this section; and
(b) Notify the NCP of the hearing.
(11) If a CP requests a late hearing under subsection (8) of this section, the CP must show good cause for filing the late request.
(12) The NCP is limited to a conference board to contest the notice and may not request a hearing on a notice of support debt. However, if the CP requests a hearing, the NCP may participate in the hearing.
(13) A notice of support debt must fully and fairly inform the NCP of the rights and responsibilities in this section.
(14) A notice of support debt that does not include interest does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may have accrued or may accrue under the support order covered by the notice.
(15) A notice of support debt that does include interest deals only the amount of debt, including interest, that is due and owing for the indicated time periods. Such a notice does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may have accrued or may accrue for any other time periods.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220(1), 74.20A.310. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-3304, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-435.]
(a) If a support obligation under a court order is not a fixed dollar amount; or
(b) To implement an adjustment or escalation provision of the court order.
(2) The notice of support owed may include((s)) day care
costs and medical support if the court order provides for such
(3) DCS serves a notice of support owed on an NCP like a summons in a civil action or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(4) Following service on the NCP, DCS mails a notice to payee under WAC 388-14A-3315.
(5) In a notice of support owed, DCS includes the information required by RCW 26.23.110, and:
(a) The factors stated in the order to calculate monthly support;
(b) Any other information not contained in the order that was used to calculate monthly support and the support debt; and
(c) Notice of the right to request ((a)) an annual review
of the order ((once yearly)) or a review on the date, if any,
given in the order for an annual review.
(6) The NCP must make all support payments after service of a notice of support owed to the Washington state support registry. DCS does not credit payments made to any other party after service of a notice of support owed except as provided in WAC 388-14A-3375.
(7) A notice of support owed becomes final and subject to
immediate ((wage)) income withholding and enforcement without
further notice under chapters 26.18, 26.23, and 74.20A RCW
unless the NCP, within twenty days of service of the notice in
(a) Contacts DCS, and signs an agreed settlement;
(i) Files a request with DCS for a hearing under
((subsection (9) of)) this section; or
(ii) Obtains a stay from the superior court.
(b) A notice of support owed served in another state becomes final according to WAC 388-14A-7200.
(8) DCS may enforce at any time:
(a) A fixed or minimum dollar amount for monthly support stated in the court order or by prior administrative order entered under this section;
(b) Any part of a support debt that has been reduced to a fixed dollar amount by a court or administrative order; and
(c) Any part of a support debt that neither party claims is incorrect.
(9) For the rules on a hearing on a notice of support
owed ((is only for interpreting the court order for support
and any modifying orders and not for changing or deferring the
support provisions of the order. The hearing is only to
(a) The amount of monthly support as a fixed dollar
(b) Any accrued arrears through the date of hearing; and
(c) If a condition precedent in the court order to begin
or modify the support obligation was met.
(10) If the NCP requested the hearing, he or she has the
burden of proving any defenses to liability that apply under
WAC 388-14A-3370 or that the amounts stated in the notice of
support owed are incorrect.
(11))), see WAC 388-14A-3320.
(10) A notice of support owed or ((an initial or review
decision)) a final administrative order issued under
((subsection (9) of this section)) WAC 388-14A-3320 must
inform the parties of the right to request ((a)) an annual
review of the order ((once yearly or on the date, if any,
given in the order for an annual review)).
(((12))) (11) If an NCP or custodial parent (CP) requests
a late hearing, the ((NCP)) party must show good cause for
filing the late hearing request if it is filed more than one
year after service of the notice of support owed.
(((13))) (12) A notice of support owed fully and fairly
informs the NCP of the rights and responsibilities in this
(((14))) (13) For the purposes of this section, WAC 388-14A-3315 and 388-14A-3320, the term "payee" includes
"physical custodian" or "custodial parent."
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220(1), 74.20A.310. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-3310, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-415.]
(2) For purposes of chapter 388-14A WAC, an "annual review of a support order" is defined as:
(a) The collection by DCS of necessary information from CP and NCP;
(b) The service of a notice of support owed; and
(c) The determination of arrears and current support amount with an effective date which is at least twelve months after the date the last notice of support owed, or the last administrative order or decision based on a notice of support owed, became a final administrative order.
(3) A notice of support owed may be prepared and served sooner than twelve months after the date the last notice of support owed, or the last administrative order or decision based on a notice of support owed, became a final administrative order, but the amounts determined under the notice of support owed may not be effective sooner than twelve months after that date.
(4) Either CP or NCP may request an annual review of the support order, even though the statute mentions only the NCP.
(5) DCS may request an annual review of the support order but has no duty to do so.
(6) For the purpose of this section, the terms "payee" and "CP" are interchangeable, and can mean either the payee under the order or the person with whom the child resides the majority of the time.
(a) The amount of monthly support as a fixed dollar amount;
(b) Any accrued arrears through the date of hearing; and
(c) If a condition precedent in the court order to begin or adjust the support obligation was met.
(2) Either the noncustodial parent (NCP) or custodial parent (CP) may request a hearing on a notice of support owed. The party who requested the hearing has the burden of proving any defenses to liability that apply under WAC 388-14A-3370 or that the amounts stated in the notice of support owed are incorrect.
(3) The office of administrative hearings (OAH) sends a
notice of hearing ((on a notice of support debt)) to the
noncustodial parent (NCP), to the division of child support
(DCS), and to the payee. The NCP and the payee each may
participate in the hearing as an independent party.
(((3))) (4) If only one party appears and wishes to
proceed with the hearing, the administrative law judge (ALJ)
holds a hearing and issues an ((initial decision)) order based
on the evidence presented or continues the hearing. See WAC 388-14A-6110 and 388-14A-6115 to determine if the ALJ enters
an initial order or a final order.
(a) An ((initial decision)) order issued under this
subsection includes an order of default against the
nonappearing party and limits the appeal rights of the
nonappearing party to the record made at the hearing.
(b) If neither the NCP nor the payee appears or wishes to proceed with the hearing, the ALJ issues an order of default against both parties.
(((4))) (5) If the payee requests a late hearing on a
notice of support owed ((or a notice of support debt)), the
payee must show good cause for filing the late hearing
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-3320, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01.]
(2) The office of administrative hearings (OAH) sends a notice of hearing to the NCP, to the division of child support (DCS), and to the payee.
(a) The NCP and the payee each may participate in the hearing.
(b) "Participating in" or "proceeding with" the hearing may include signing a consent order or agreed settlement under WAC 388-14A-3600.
(3) If only one party appears and wishes to proceed with the hearing, the administrative law judge (ALJ) holds a hearing and issues an order based on the evidence presented or continues the hearing. See WAC 388-14A-6110 and 388-14A-6115 to determine if the ALJ enters an initial order or a final order.
(a) An order issued under this subsection includes an order of default against the nonappearing party and limits the appeal rights of the nonappearing party to the record made at the hearing.
(b) If neither the NCP nor the payee appears or wishes to proceed with the hearing, the ALJ issues an order of default against both parties.
(4) If the payee requests a late hearing on a notice of support debt, the payee must show good cause for filing the late hearing request.
(5) When DCS uses a notice of support debt to assess and collect interest on an out-of-state support order, see WAC 388-14A-7110.
(6) For the purpose of this section, the terms "payee" and "CP" are interchangeable, and can mean either the payee under the order or the person with whom the child resides the majority of the time.
(a) ((The)) At the option of the division of child
support (DCS), the support order or income-withholding order
may be registered with the superior court pursuant to RCW 26.21.490 or it may be registered with the administrative
tribunal according to subsection (2) of this section((, at the
option of the division of child support (DCS))). Either
method of registration is valid.
(b) A support order or income-withholding order issued in another state is registered when the order is filed with the registering tribunal of this state.
(c) DCS may enforce a registered order issued in another
state in the same manner and ((is)) subject to the same
procedures as an order issued by a tribunal of this state.
(d) DCS may assess and collect interest on amounts owed under support orders entered or established in a jurisdiction other than the state of Washington as provided in WAC 388-14A-7110.
(2) DCS must give notice to the nonregistering party when it administratively registers a support order or income-withholding order issued in another state.
(a) The notice must inform the nonregistering party:
(i) That a registered order is enforceable as of the date of registration in the same manner as an order issued by a tribunal of this state;
(ii) That if a party wants a hearing to contest the
validity or enforcement of the registered order, the party
must request a hearing within twenty days after ((the date of
receipt by certified or registered mail or personal service of
the notice given to a nonregistering party within the state
and within)) service of the notice on the nonregistering party
within Washington state. If the nonregistering party was
served with the notice outside of Washington state, the party
has sixty days after ((the date of receipt by certified or
registered mail or personal)) service of the notice ((on a
nonregistering party outside of the state)) to request a
hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the
registered order;
(iii) That failure to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order in a timely manner will result in confirmation of the order and enforcement of the order and the alleged arrearages and precludes further contest of that order with respect to any matter that could have been asserted; and
(iv) Of the amount of any alleged arrearages, including interest, if interest is being assessed under WAC 388-14A-7110.
(b) The notice must be:
(i) Served by certified or registered mail or by any means of personal service authorized by the laws of the state of Washington; and
(ii) Accompanied by a copy of the registered order and any documents and relevant information accompanying the order submitted by the registering party.
(c) The effective date of a request for hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order is the date DCS receives the request.
(3) A hearing under this section is for the limited purpose of determining if the nonregistering party can prove one or more of the defenses listed in RCW 26.21.540(1).
(a) If the contesting party presents evidence establishing a full or partial defense under RCW 26.21.540(1), the presiding officer may:
(i) Stay enforcement of the registered order;
(ii) Continue the proceeding to allow the parties to gather additional relevant evidence; or
(iii) Issue other appropriate orders.
(b) DCS may enforce an uncontested portion of the registered order by all remedies available under the law of this state.
(c) If the contesting party does not establish a defense under RCW 26.21.540(1) to the validity or enforcement of the order, the presiding officer must issue an order confirming the registered order.
(d) The custodial parent (CP) or payee of the order may participate as a party to any hearing under this section.
(4) Except as provided below in subsections (5) and (6) of this section, confirmation of a registered order precludes further contest of the order with respect to any matter that could have been asserted at the time of registration. Confirmation may occur:
(a) By operation of law upon failure to contest registration; or
(b) By order of the administrative law judge (ALJ).
(5) Confirmation of a registered order that does not include interest does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may have accrued or may accrue under the confirmed order.
(a) If interest is later assessed, the NCP or CP may not dispute the confirmed amount of the support debt.
(b) The NCP or CP may dispute the amount of interest due and owing on that confirmed amount by requesting a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400.
(6) Confirmation of a registered order that does include interest confirms only the amount of debt, including interest, that is due and owing for the indicated time periods. Such confirmation does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may have accrued or may accrue for any other time period.
(7) A party or support enforcement agency seeking to modify, or to modify and enforce, a child support order issued in another state may register the order in this state according to RCW 26.21.560 through 26.21.580.
(a) The order must be registered as provided in subsection (1)(a) if the order has not yet been registered.
(b) A petition for modification may be filed at the same time as a request for registration, or later. The petition must specify the grounds for modification.
(c) DCS may enforce a child support order of another state registered for purposes of modification, as if a tribunal of this state had issued the order, but the registered order may be modified only if the requirements of RCW 26.21.580 are met.
(((6))) (8) Interpretation of the registered order is
governed by RCW 26.21.510.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220, 74.20A.310. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-7100, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-260 and 388-14-495.]
(a) The request is from:
(i) Another state's IV-D agency;
(ii) An Indian tribe;
(iii) A foreign country which has entered into a reciprocal agreement with the United States of America or with the state of Washington; or
(iv) A custodial parent (CP) or noncustodial parent (NCP) who resides outside of Washington state who has filed a petition under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA), chapter 26.21 RCW.
(b) The party requesting that DCS assess and collect interest provides a calculation of the interest claimed which has been certified by a IV-D agency or a certified public accountant (CPA); and
(c) The support order was entered or established in a jurisdiction other than Washington state.
(2) When a foreign support order has been submitted for enforcement under UIFSA, DCS may, at its option, either:
(a) Use the notice of support debt and demand for payment to assess and collect interest on an out-of-state support order. See WAC 388-14A-3304 for the rules regarding the notice of support debt and demand for payment; or
(b) Use a notice of support debt and registration to assess and collect interest on the foreign order. See WAC 388-14A-7100 for the rules regarding registration of a foreign order.
(3) When an out of state order has been submitted for registration for enforcement and modification under UIFSA, DCS uses a notice of support debt and registration to assess and collect interest on the out of state order. See WAC 388-14A-7100 for the rules regarding registration of a foreign support order.
(4) Any hearing held on a notice of support debt and registration which includes a claim for interest is conducted in accordance with WAC 388-14A-7100(3) and WAC 388-14A-7115.
(a) WAC 388-14A-7100(4) describes the procedures for confirmation of the registered order.
(b) WAC 388-14A-7100(4) describes the effect of confirmation of the registered order.
(5) At any time after the notice of support debt and registration becomes a final administrative order, DCS may update the amount of interest as provided in WAC 388-14A-7120.
(2) The calculation of the amount of interest which has been certified by a IV-D agency or a CPA must be accepted as evidence at a hearing on a notice of support debt and demand for payment or on a notice of support debt and registration.
(a) Such certified calculation is prima facie evidence of the amount of interest owed by the NCP.
(b) Any party challenging the certified calculation has the burden of proving that the amount of interest claimed is incorrect.
(3) A party challenging the certified calculation may challenge the calculation for one or more of the following reasons:
(a) The amount of principal is incorrect because credit was not given for payments made;
(b) The amount of principal is incorrect because credit was given for payments which were not actually made; or
(c) The interest calculation was not properly done.
(4) If the administrative law judge (ALJ) finds that the party challenging the interest calculation has shown that the amount of principal is incorrect, the ALJ:
(a) Enters an order stating the correct amount of principal;
(b) Orders the IV-D agency or CPA which certified the original interest calculation to:
(i) Recalculate the interest based on the new principal amount; and
(ii) Submit the new certified calculation to the ALJ within a reasonable amount of time; and
(c) After receiving the new certified calculation, enters an order determining the amount of debt, including interest, for the period claimed in the notice.
(5) If the ALJ orders a new certified calculation, DCS may enforce any amounts of principal the ALJ found to be due and owing under the support order while the administrative order under subsection (4)(c) of this section is pending.
(6) A claim that the interest calculation was not properly done must be supported by an interest calculation which is certified by a IV-D agency or a certified public accountant (CPA). The ALJ then determines which calculation is best supported by the evidence.
(7) The division of child support does not perform certified interest calculations for use in a hearing under this section.
(2) The calculation of the amount of interest which has been certified by a IV-D agency or a CPA must be accepted as evidence at a conference board on a notice of support debt and demand for payment or on a notice of support debt and registration.
(a) Such certified calculation is prima facie evidence of the amount of interest owed by the NCP.
(b) Any party challenging the certified calculation has the burden of proving that the amount of interest claimed is incorrect.
(3) A party challenging the certified calculation may challenge the calculation for one or more of the following reasons:
(a) The amount of principal is incorrect because credit was not given for payment made;
(b) The amount of principal is incorrect because credit was given for payments which were not actually made; or
(c) The interest calculation was not properly done.
(4) If the conference board determines that the amount of principal is incorrect, the conference board may request that the IV-D agency or a certified public accountant that performed the initial calculation provide a new calculation based on the new principal amount.
(5) DCS may collect undisputed amounts of principal while the final conference board decision is pending.
(6) A claim that the interest calculation was not properly done must be supported by an interest calculation which is certified by a IV-D agency or a certified public accountant. The conference board then determines which calculation is best supported by the evidence.
(7) The division of child support does not perform certified interest calculations for use in a conference board under this section.
(8) The conference board issues a decision, based on the evidence, determining the debt amount, including interest, for the period claimed in the notice.
(2) To notify the parties to the order that DCS has updated the amount of interest, DCS uses a form called the Updated Interest Calculation Letter.
(a) The updated interest calculation letter is based upon a calculation of interest which has been certified by a IV-D agency or certified public accountant (CPA).
(b) DCS sends the updated interest calculation letter to the noncustodial parent (NCP), by first class mail to the NCP's last known address.
(3) The updated interest calculation letter advises the NCP of:
(a) The new, updated amount of interest owed for the arrears period; and
(b) The updated total amount of support owed, including interest.
(4) An NCP who objects to an updated interest calculation letter may request a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400 to dispute the terms of the letter.
(5) The calculation of the amount of interest which has been certified by a IV-D agency or CPA must be accepted as evidence at a conference board on an updated interest calculation letter.
(a) The certified calculation is prima facie evidence of the amount of interest owed by the NCP.
(b) Any party challenging the certified calculation has the burden of proving that the amount of interest claimed is incorrect.
(2) DCS does not assess or collect interest on administrative or court orders for support entered in the state of Washington unless the amount of interest has been reduced to a judgment.
(3) DCS may assess and collect interest on support orders entered outside of Washington state as provided in WAC 388-14A-7110.
(4) DCS may update the interest assessed on a case as provided in WAC 388-14A-7120.