Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 04-21-035.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 456-09 WAC, Formal hearings -- Practice and procedure; and chapter 456-10 WAC, Informal hearings -- Practice and procedure.
Hearing Location(s): Board of Tax Appeals, 910 5th Avenue S.E., Olympia, WA 98504, on May 25, 2005, at 1:00 p.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: June 21, 2005.
Submit Written Comments to: Anne Solwick, 910 5th Avenue S.E., Olympia, WA 98504, e-mail, fax (360) 586-9020, by May 25, 2005.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Jeanette Nelson by 12 p.m., May 24, 2005, (360) 753-5446.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: RCW 82.03.170 provides that all proceedings before the Board of Tax Appeals be conducted in accordance with rules of practice and procedure prescribed by the board. Chapters 456-09 and 456-10 WAC embody those rules for formal and informal proceedings respectively.
The proposed revisions provide more precise guidance in some instances, clarify procedures in other instances, and include new provisions designed to facilitate the orderly and economical resolution of disputes between taxpayers and the taxing authorities.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: To facilitate practice before the board.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 82.03.170.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 82.03 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: , governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Anne N. Solwick, 910 5th Avenue S.E., Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 753-5446.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The proposed changes do not impose any new performance requirement or administrative burden on any small business not already required.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The proposed rule is not a significant legislative rule as defined by RCW 34.05.328.
April 20, 2005
Anne N. Solwick
Executive Director
WAC 456-09-001
Purpose and application of chapter.
This chapter concerns administrative matters of the board of
tax appeals (board) and explains how adjudicative proceedings
are conducted before the board in accordance with the
Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW. This chapter
augments but does not supplant the provisions of chapter 82.03 RCW.
(2) The rules of practice and procedure contained in this chapter govern the conduct of formal hearings before the board and will be construed to secure the just, speedy, and economical determination of every action.
(3) To the extent these rules of practice and procedure differ from the model rules adopted by the chief administrative law judge pursuant to RCW 34.05.250 and found in chapter 10-08 WAC, these rules shall prevail.
(4) Where procedures are not covered by this chapter and chapter 10-08 WAC, the board may, upon its own motion or upon written application by any party, refer to and apply any rule provided for in the superior court civil rules.
Informal hearings are requested by a majority of parties
appearing before the board of tax appeals. Decisions entered
in an informal appeal may not be appealed to court. Courts
may have jurisdiction, however, to hear a timely filed action
pursuant to RCW 82.32.180 or 84.68.020 (see RCW 82.03.180).))
(1) In all appeals over which the board has jurisdiction,
a party ((taking)) making an appeal may elect, with its notice
of appeal, either a formal or informal hearing ((pursuant to
RCW 82.03.140)). Formal hearings are conducted pursuant to
the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, and the
rules of practice and procedure of this chapter. Informal
hearings are conducted pursuant to chapter 456-10 WAC. Failure to elect a formal or informal hearing at the time of
((filing)) submitting the notice of appeal shall result in the
proceeding being conducted as informal.
(a) A formal decision of the board is subject to judicial review pursuant to RCW 34.05.570. Judicial review is limited to the record made of the proceedings before the board. The record made of the proceedings includes a verbatim account of the hearings together with the evidence, pleadings, and documents submitted to the board by the parties. In appeals from a decision of a board of equalization, the record includes the decision of that board together with the evidence submitted thereto.
(b) Decisions entered in an informal appeal are not subject to judicial review as authorized under the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW.
(c) Aggrieved parties may have avenues of further appeal allowed by law which are not pertinent to the statutory authority granted to the board and are not discussed herein.
(2) The appeal may be converted from a formal to an informal proceeding as provided below.
(a) The respondent, as a party to an appeal pursuant to RCW 84.08.130 (appeal from a decision by a board of equalization) may, within twenty calendar days from the date of the board's mailing of the acknowledgment of the notice of appeal, submit to the clerk of the board a notice of intention that the hearing be a formal hearing.
(b) In appeals under RCW 82.03.190, the department of revenue may, within thirty calendar days from the date of the board's mailing of the acknowledgment of the notice of appeal, submit to the clerk of the board a notice of its intention that the hearing be a formal hearing.
(c) In appeals under RCW 82.03.130 (1)(e), the department of revenue may, within ten calendar days from the date of the board's mailing of the acknowledgment of the notice of appeal, submit to the clerk of the board a notice of its intention that the hearing be a formal hearing.
(d) At any time up to thirty days prior to the date of the hearing, the parties may submit to the clerk of the board a notice signed by all parties of intention to convert the proceedings to either a formal or informal hearing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 94-07-044, § 456-09-010, filed 3/10/94, effective 4/10/94; 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-010, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) "Board" means the board of tax appeals as described in chapter 82.03 RCW and chapters 456-09 and 456-10 WAC. Where appropriate, the term "board" also refers to the designated hearing officers or agents of the board of tax appeals.
(2) "Presiding officer" or "hearing officer" shall mean
any member of the board, tax referee, ((administrative law
judge,)) or any person who is assigned to conduct a conference
or hearing by the board. The presiding officer shall have
authority as provided by WAC 10-08-200 and chapter 34.05 RCW.
(3) "Appellant" means a person, natural or otherwise, who appeals any order or decision to the board of tax appeals.
(4) "Respondent" means a person, natural or otherwise, who is named as a responding party in any appeal before the board of tax appeals.
(5) "Formal hearing" means a proceeding conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW and this chapter.
(6) "Informal hearing" means a proceeding governed by those rules specified in chapter 456-10 WAC.
(7) "Decision" means a written judgment or ruling, including orders, issued by the board of tax appeals or the designated hearing officers or agents of the board of tax appeals.
(8) "Party" means any person who in a proceeding before the board is an appellant, respondent, or an intervenor as allowed in WAC 456-09-340.
(9) "To submit" means to present or to deliver. Submissions to the board may be delivered personally, by mail, by commercial delivery service, or by fax or electronic transmission as provided in these rules. As used herein, the terms "to submit" and "to file" are used interchangeably.
(10) "To file" means to present or to deliver. Filings with the board may be delivered personally, by mail, by commercial delivery service, or by fax or electronic transmission as provided in these rules. As used herein, the terms "to file" and "to submit" are used interchangeably.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-110, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-110, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-110, filed 5/2/89.]
The board offices are open each day for the transaction of business from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. All submissions, requests, and communications shall be sent to the board at its principal office at 910 5th Avenue S.E., Post Office Box 40915, Olympia, Washington 98504-0915. The phone number of the board office is 360-753-5446; its fax number is 360-586-9020; its electronic mail address is Information about the board is available at its web site at
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-120, filed 5/2/89.]
The board offices are open each day for the transaction
of business from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays,
Sundays, and legal holidays. All submissions, requests, and
communications shall be sent to the board at its principal
office at 910 5th Avenue S.E., Post Office Box 40915, Olympia,
Washington 98504-0915.)) Two members of the board shall
constitute a quorum for making orders or decisions or for
promulgating rules and regulations relating to its procedures
and may act although one position on the board may be vacant.
One member or designated hearing officer may hold hearings and
take testimony. The findings of such member or hearing
officer shall not become final until approved by a majority of
the board in accordance with WAC 456-09-925 and 456-09-930.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-130, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-130, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-140, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Taxpayers who are natural persons representing themselves;
(2) Attorneys at law duly qualified and entitled to practice in the courts of the state of Washington;
(3) An authorized officer, partner, or full-time employee
of an individual firm, association, partnership, or
corporation who appears for such firm, association,
partnership, or corporation; ((and))
(4) County assessors or their duly authorized representative;
(5) Certified public accountants licensed in Washington; and
(6) Other persons permitted by law.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 91-07-038 (Order 91-01), § 456-09-210, filed 3/15/91, effective 4/15/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-210, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-210, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-220, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board will acknowledge to the appellant in writing receipt of a notice of appeal.
(2) In the alternative, an appellant may file a notice of
appeal)) that ((shall)) substantially contains the following:
(a) ((A caption in the following form:
In all cases the appellant shall be the party appealing
to the board. The respondent shall be the government agency
or the property owner, as the case may be.
(b) Numbered paragraphs stating:
(i))) Appellant's name, mailing address, telephone
number, and that of the representative, if any.
(((ii))) (b) Name of the respondent together with
respondent's mailing address.
When the respondent is a government agency or agencies, the board may add respondents in order to ensure that all necessary persons are a party to the appeal.
(c) The date of the order or determination from which the appeal is taken together with a copy of the order, decision, or application appealed from.
(((iii))) (d) The nature of the tax((, and:
(i) In excise tax cases, the amount of the tax in controversy and the period covered thereby;
(((B))) (ii) In property tax cases, ((a legal description
or)) the parcel number of the property under appeal, the year
for which the valuation has been determined, the full value as
determined by the local board of equalization, and a
declaration of true and fair value as alleged by the
appellant; and
(((C))) (iii) In property tax exemption cases, ((a legal
description and/or)) the parcel number of the property under
appeal, the year(s) for which the exemption is at issue, the
basis under which exempt status should be granted or denied,
and the use of the property.
(((iv))) (e) Specification of the issue to be decided by
the board.
(f) A clear, separate, and concise assignment of each
error alleged and a short statement of facts upon which the
appellant relies to sustain each contention((, and the issue
to be adjudicated in the proceeding)).
(((v))) (g) A notice of intention that the hearing be
held pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act.
(((vi))) (h) The relief sought.
(((c) A statement that the appellant has read the notice
and believes the contents to be true, followed by the party's
signature and/or signature of their attorney or qualified
representative, if any. The signature of a party, attorney,
or qualified representative constitutes a certificate that the
pleading has been read and that to the best personal
knowledge, information, and belief, there is good ground to
support it, and that it is not interposed for delay. If
determined by the board that a pleading is not signed or is
signed with the intent to defeat the purpose of this section,
it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the
pleading had not been served.))
(i) The signature of the appellant or the appellant's representative.
(2) The board may, upon motion of a party or upon its own motion, require a more complete statement of the claim or defense or any matter stated in any notice of appeal.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 98-22-039, § 456-09-310, filed 10/29/98, effective 11/29/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-310, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-310, filed 5/2/89.]
(((1))) (a) Appeals taken pursuant to RCW 82.03.190,
thirty days from the mailing of the determination.
(((2))) (b) Appeals from a county board of equalization
pursuant to RCW 84.08.130, thirty days from the mailing of the
(((3))) (c) Appeals by an assessor or landowner from an
order of the director of revenue made pursuant to RCW 84.08.010 and 84.08.060, thirty days from the mailing of the
(((4))) (d) Appeals by an assessor or owner of an
intercounty public utility or private car company from
determinations by the director of revenue of equalized
assessed valuation of property and the apportionment thereof
to a county made pursuant to chapters 84.12 and 84.16 RCW,
thirty days from the mailing of the order.
(((5))) (e) Appeals by an assessor, landowner, or owner
of an intercounty public utility or private car company from a
determination of any county indicated ratio for such county
compiled by the department of revenue pursuant to RCW 84.48.075, fifteen days after the mailing of the
(((6))) (f) Appeals from the decisions of sale price of
second class shorelands on navigable lakes by the department
of natural resources pursuant to RCW 79.94.210, thirty days
from the mailing of the notification.
(((7))) (g) Appeals from urban redevelopment property tax
apportionment district proposals established by governmental
ordinances pursuant to RCW 39.88.060, thirty days from the
mailing of the ordinance.
(((8))) (h) Appeals from interest rates as determined by
the department of revenue for use in valuing farmland under
current use assessment pursuant to RCW 84.34.065, thirty days
after the publication of the rate.
(((9))) (i) Appeals from revisions to stumpage value
tables used to determine value by the department of revenue
pursuant to RCW 84.33.091, on or before the sixtieth day after
the date of final adoption.
(((10))) (j) Appeals from denial of tax exemption
application by the department of revenue pursuant to RCW 84.36.850, thirty days from the mailing of the determination.
(2) If the last date for submitting the notice of appeal falls upon a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the submission shall be considered timely if performed on the next business day.
(3) Any party may, by motion, challenge the jurisdiction of the board in any appeal. The board may, upon its own motion, raise such jurisdictional issues.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-315, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-315, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) All documents may be ((filed)) submitted with the
board via ((facsimile)) fax machine or electronic mail
transmission. However, ((filing)) the submission will not be
deemed complete and the board will not acknowledge receipt of
the notice of appeal as provided in WAC 456-09-325 unless the
following procedures are ((strictly)) observed:
(a) ((A facsimile)) Documents received by fax machine or
electronic mail ((document)) will ((only)) be stamped
"received" by the board between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
Any transmission not completed before 5:00 p.m. will be
stamped "received" on the following business day. The date
and time indicated by the board's ((facsimile)) fax machine or
computer shall be evidence of the date and time of receipt of
(b) The original notice of appeal must be ((filed with))
mailed and postmarked or otherwise submitted to the board
((within ten business days from)) on or before the date of fax
or electronic transmission.
(c) All fax or electronic transmissions are sent at the risk of the sender.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 98-22-039, § 456-09-325, filed 10/29/98, effective 11/29/98; 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-325, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 94-07-044, § 456-09-325, filed 3/10/94, effective 4/10/94; 91-07-038 (Order 91-01), § 456-09-325, filed 3/15/91, effective 4/15/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-325, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-325, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-330, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-330, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-335, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) When the board determines that an appeal has been
untimely filed, an order of dismissal will be mailed to all
parties. An exception to the order of dismissal may be filed
within twenty calendar days after mailing of such order. The
exception shall be filed with the board and a copy served upon
all other parties.)) (1) Any person or agency whose interest
may be substantially affected by an appeal may petition the
board to be granted status as an intervenor in the appeal.
(2) In determining whether a petitioner qualifies as an intervenor, the presiding officer shall apply the rules of the superior courts of this state.
(3) If the petitioner qualifies for intervention, the presiding officer may impose conditions upon the intervenor's participation in the proceedings, either at the time that intervention is granted or at any subsequent time. Conditions may include:
(a) Limiting the intervenor's participation to designated issues in which the intervenor has a particular interest as demonstrated by the petition;
(b) Limiting the intervenor's use of discovery, cross-examination, and other procedures so as to promote the orderly and prompt conduct of the proceedings; and
(c) Requiring two or more intervenors to combine their presentations of evidence and argument, cross-examination, discovery, and other participation in the proceedings.
(4) The presiding officer may timely grant or deny each petition and specify conditions, if any.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-340, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-340, filed 5/2/89.]
Thereafter any amendments can only be made after approval
of the board. Amendments shall be freely granted and may be
denied only upon a showing by the adverse party of
unreasonable and unavoidable hardship. The board may, upon
motion of a party or upon its own motion, require a more
complete statement of the nature of the claim or defense or
any matter stated in any pleading.)) (1) All notices,
pleadings, exhibits, correspondence specific to an appeal, and
other papers submitted to the board shall be served upon all
counsel and representatives of record and to unrepresented
parties or upon their agents designated by them or by law.
(a) Service shall be made personally or, unless otherwise provided by law, by first-class, registered, or certified mail; by fax and same-day mailing of copies; or by commercial delivery company.
(b) Service by mail shall be regarded as completed upon deposit in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark, properly stamped and addressed. Service by fax shall be regarded as completed upon production by the fax machine of confirmation of transmission and deposit on the same day in United States mail. Service by commercial parcel delivery shall be regarded as completed upon delivery to the parcel delivery company, properly addressed with charges prepaid.
(2) Where proof of service is required by statute or rule, receipt of the papers by the board, together with one of the following, shall constitute proof of service:
(a) An acknowledgment of service.
(b) A certificate that the person signing the certificate served the papers upon all parties of record in the proceeding by delivering a copy thereof in person to (names).
(c) A certificate that the person signing the certificate served the papers upon all parties of record in the proceeding by:
(i) Mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid, to each party to the proceeding or his or her attorney or authorized agent; or
(ii) Transmitting a copy thereof by fax, and on the same day mailing a copy, to each party to the proceeding or his or her attorney or authorized agent; or
(iii) Depositing a copy thereof, properly addressed with charges prepaid, with a commercial delivery company.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-345, filed 5/2/89.]
(((2) The board may limit discovery upon motion by any party.
(3) The board may decide whether to permit the taking of depositions, the requesting of admissions, and all other procedures authorized by rules 26 through 37 of the superior court civil rules. The board may condition use of discovery on a showing of necessity and unavailability of other means. In exercising such discretion, the board will consider the criteria set forth in RCW 34.05.446.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-510, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-520, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-520, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) In the event the appeal does not settle, hearing on the matter shall be set. The presiding officer of the hearing will not be the person who conducts the settlement conference.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-530, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-530, filed 5/2/89.]
(a) Simplification of issues;
(b) The necessity or desirability of amendments to the pleadings;
(c) The possibility of obtaining stipulations, admissions of fact and admissions of the genuineness of documents which will avoid unnecessary proof;
(d) Limitations on the number and consolidation of the examination of witnesses;
(e) Procedural matters;
(f) Dates by which the parties must provide documentary evidence to the board and to other parties;
(g) The method for identifying exhibits and other attachments to briefs, motions, and other pleadings;
(h) The number of copies of documentary evidence, briefs, motions and other pleadings to be submitted to the board; and
(i) Such other matters as may aid in the disposition or settlement of the proceeding.
(2) Prehearing conferences may be held by teleconference or at a time and place specified by the presiding officer.
(3) Following the prehearing conference, the board shall issue an order reciting the action taken at the conference, and the agreements made by the parties concerning all of the matters considered. The order shall control the subsequent course of the proceeding unless modified for good cause by subsequent order.
(4) Documentary evidence not submitted in accordance with the prehearing conference order may not be received in evidence in the absence of a clear showing that the offering party had good cause for the failure to comply with the order.
(5) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to limit the right of the parties to attempt settlement at any time.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-540, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-540, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Documentary evidence which is to be introduced at hearing and briefs, if any, shall be submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345 at least ten business days prior to hearing. Each page of documentary evidence shall indicate whether it is submitted by the appellant or respondent and shall be numbered. Failure to comply may be grounds for exclusion of such evidence or dismissal in accordance with WAC 456-09-750.
(2) An original and three copies of reply briefs, if any, shall be submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345 at least five calendar days prior to hearing.
(3) Documentary evidence submitted to a board of equalization and forwarded to this board is excepted from the requirements of this provision.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-550, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The motion requesting amicus status must include a statement of the following:
(a) Applicant's interest, or the interest of the person or group represented by applicant, in the proceeding before the board;
(b) Applicant's familiarity with the issues involved in the proceeding before the board and with the scope of the arguments presented or to be presented by the parties;
(c) Specific issues to which the amicus curiae brief will be directed; and
(d) Applicant's reason for believing that additional argument is necessary on these specific issues.
(3) The brief of amicus curiae may be filed with the motion but must be filed no later than the time set for the filing of the brief for the party whose position the amicus supports.
(4) The board, on its own motion and with notice to the parties, may request a brief of amicus curiae from any person deemed to be substantially affected by a proceeding before the board.
(a) A statement of the relief or order sought;
(b) The reason for the relief or order;
(c) A statement that the moving party has made a good faith effort to confer with the other party to resolve the subject matter of the motion;
(d) The amount of time needed for argument;
(e) Whether court reporting services are requested; and
(f) Shall include proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345.
(2) All motions shall be properly captioned and signed by the party or their representative.
(3) At the discretion of the board, the hearing on motion may be by teleconference or in person.
(4) A response to the motion shall be submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345 within ten business days following the date of service of the motion.
(2) A request for a postponement, continuance, or extension of time may be oral or written. The party requesting the postponement, continuance, or extension of time must consult with the other party prior to making the request. If the other party is opposed, the request for continuance must be in writing and comply with WAC 456-09-555. The board shall promptly schedule a conference to hear argument and to rule on the request. Requests for continuance will not be granted absent a showing of good cause.
(3) This section shall not extend any applicable time for appeal to this board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-560, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board may require documentary evidence to be submitted sufficiently in advance of the proceeding.
(2) The notice shall state that if a limited-English speaking or hearing-impaired party or witness needs an interpreter, a qualified interpreter will be appointed and that there will be no cost to the party or witness. The notice shall also state that persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to allow their participation in the hearing. The notice shall include a form for a party to indicate if an interpreter is needed and identification of the primary language, or if a participant is hearing impaired; or to describe the reasonable accommodations requested.
(3) Defects in notice may be waived if the waiver is knowing and voluntary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-570, filed 5/2/89.]
(a) Shall be written in the primary language of the party; or
(b) Shall include a notice in the primary language of the party which describes the significance of the notice and how the party may receive assistance in understanding and responding to the notice.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, the term "limited-English-speaking person" means any person involved in a legal proceeding who cannot readily speak or understand the English language. The term has the same meaning as "non-English-speaking person" as defined in RCW 2.43.020.
(2) Every interpreter shall, before beginning to
interpret, take an oath that a true interpretation will be
made to the person being examined of all the proceedings in a
language or in a manner which the person understands, and that
the interpreter will repeat the statements of the person being
examined to the ((agency conducting the proceedings)) board,
in the English language, to the best of the interpreter's
skill and judgment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-740, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-740, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Photographic and recording equipment of others shall be permitted at hearings; however, the presiding officer may impose such conditions upon their use as deemed necessary to prevent disruption of the hearing, or when a statute or law limits such use.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-742, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90.]
(((2))) Within ten business days after service of the
default order or dismissal under ((subsection (1) of)) this
section, the party against whom the order was entered may
((file)) submit to the board together with proof of service
pursuant to WAC 456-09-345 a written objection requesting that
the order be vacated and stating the specific grounds relied
upon. The board may, for good cause, set aside an entry of
dismissal, default, or final order.
(2) Upon stipulation by both parties, an appeal may be submitted to the board on the record and the attendance of a party may be excused. However, the board in its discretion may require attendance for argument.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-745, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) When all parties so stipulate((;)). Stipulations on
the value of property shall contain the parcel number,
assessment year, the agreed upon value of the subject
property, and a brief statement supporting the agreed upon
(2) As a matter of right when the appellant requests in writing to withdraw the appeal prior to the scheduled hearing.
(3) Upon motion of the appellant at the hearing prior to
the presentation of the respondent's case((; (3))).
(4) Upon motion by the respondent alleging that the
appellant has failed to prosecute the case, failed to comply
with this chapter, or failed to follow any order of the
board((; or (4))).
(5) Upon the board's own motion for failure by the parties to comply with applicable rules or any order of the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-750, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board's experience, technical knowledge, competency, and specialized knowledge may be used in evaluation of evidence.
(3) If not inconsistent with subsection (1) of this section, the board may refer to, but shall not be bound by, the Washington rules of evidence.
(4) Documentary evidence may be submitted in the form of copies or excerpts, or by incorporation by reference.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-755, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Federal law. The Constitution; congressional acts, resolutions, records, journals, and committee reports; decisions of federal courts and administrative agencies; executive orders and proclamations; and all rules, orders, and notices published in the Federal Register.
(2) State law. The Constitution of the state of Washington; decisions of the state courts; acts of the legislature, resolutions, records, journals, and committee reports; decisions of administrative agencies of the state of Washington, executive orders and proclamations by the governor; and all rules, orders, and notices filed with the code reviser.
(3) Counties and cities. Ordinances and resolutions enacted by cities, counties, or other municipal subdivisions of the state of Washington.
(4) Governmental organization. Organization, territorial limitations, officers, departments and general administration of the government of the state of Washington, the United States, the several states, and foreign nations.
(5) Agency organization. The department, commission, or
board organization, administration, officers, personnel,
official publications, and practitioners before its bar.)) (1)
The board may take official notice of the following:
(a) Any judicially cognizable facts;
(b) Any matter of public record;
(c) Technical or scientific facts within the agency's specialized knowledge; and
(d) Codes or standards that have been adopted by an agency of the United States, of this state or of another state, or by a nationally recognized organization or association.
(2) If any decision is stated to rest in whole or in part upon official notice of a fact which the parties have not had a prior opportunity to controvert, any party may controvert such fact by petition for review if such notice is taken in an initial decision pursuant to WAC 456-09-930 or by a petition for reconsideration if notice of such fact is taken in a final decision pursuant to WAC 456-09-955. Such controversion shall concisely and clearly set forth the sources, authority, and other data relied upon to show the existence or nonexistence of the fact assumed or denied in the decision.
(3) A party proposing that official notice be taken may be required to produce a copy of the material to be noticed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-765, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Any evidence from the department of revenue concerning assistance requested under this section shall only be presented in open hearing after notice to all parties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-910, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-915, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Be correctly captioned as to the name of the board and name of the proceeding;
(2) Designate all parties and representatives participating in the proceeding;
(3) Include a concise statement of the nature and background of the proceeding;
(4) Contain appropriate numbered findings of fact meeting the requirements in RCW 34.05.461;
(5) Contain appropriate numbered conclusions of law, including citations of statutes and rules relied upon;
(6) Contain an initial or final decision disposing of all contested issues; and
(7) Contain a statement describing the available posthearing remedies.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-920, filed 5/2/89.]
(((1))) (a) An appeal has been heard by only one member
of the board;
(((2))) (b) An appeal has been heard by only two members
of the board at a time when there is no vacancy on the board
and the two members cannot agree on a conclusion;
(((3))) (c) An appeal has been heard by a hearing
officer; or
(((4))) (d) The board shall otherwise elect to do so.
(2) If a petition for review as provided in WAC 456-09-930 is not submitted to the board within twenty calendar days of the date of mailing of the initial decision, the initial decision shall be deemed the final decision of the board unless the decision specifies otherwise.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-925, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-925, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Be correctly captioned as to the name of the board and name of the proceeding;
(2) Designate all parties and representatives participating in the proceeding;
(3) Include a concise statement of the nature and background of the proceeding;
(4) Contain appropriate numbered findings of fact meeting the requirements in RCW 34.05.461;
(5) Contain appropriate numbered conclusions of law, including citations of statutes and rules relied upon;
(6) Contain an initial or final decision disposing of all contested issues;
(7) Contain a statement describing the available
posthearing remedies.)) (1) Any party to an adjudicative
proceeding may make a petition for review of an initial
(2) The petition for review shall be made, by mail or otherwise, with the board within twenty calendar days of the date of mailing of the initial decision unless the decision specifies otherwise together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345.
(3) The petition for review shall specify the portions of the initial decision to which exception is taken and shall refer to the evidence of record which is relied upon to support the petition.
(4) Any party may make a reply to a petition for review. The reply shall be made, by mail or otherwise, with the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-09-345 within ten business days of the date of the letter acknowledging receipt by the board of the petition for review.
(5) The disposition may be in the form of a written order denying the petition and adopting the initial decision as the final decision, granting the petition and issuing a final decision, or granting the petition and setting the matter for further hearing. The board may require the parties to submit written briefs or statements of position or to appear and present oral argument regarding the matters on which review was sought, within such time and on such terms as may be prescribed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-930, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-930, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-930, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The petition shall be deemed denied if, within twenty
calendar days from the date the petition is received by the
board, the board does not either((: (1))) dispose of the
petition; or (((2) serve)) provide the parties with a written
notice specifying the date by which it will act on the
(3) The disposition shall be in the form of a
((decision)) written order denying the petition, granting the
petition and dissolving or modifying the final decision, or
granting the petition and setting the matter for further
hearing. The board may require the parties to submit written
briefs or statements of position or to appear and present oral
argument within such time and on such terms as may be
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-033 (Order 95-01), § 456-09-955, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-955, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-056 (Order 89-02), § 456-09-955, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) If a petition for judicial review of a final order is made, by stipulation the parties may agree to shorten the record to be filed with the court. Either party unreasonably refusing to stipulate to such a limitation, including shortening or selecting only portions of a transcript, may be ordered to pay the additional costs involved as allowed in RCW 34.05.566.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 34.05.250, 82.03.140 and 82.03.160. 90-11-105, § 456-09-960, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 456-09-160 | Form and size of documents. |
WAC 456-09-170 | Docket number. |
WAC 456-09-320 | Notice of appeal -- Filing and service. |
WAC 456-09-350 | Notice of appeal -- Response. |
WAC 456-09-355 | Parties in exemption appeals. |
WAC 456-09-365 | Conversion of hearing. |
WAC 456-09-410 | Service of papers. |
WAC 456-09-420 | Method of service. |
WAC 456-09-430 | Service of papers -- When complete. |
WAC 456-09-440 | Proof of service -- Certificate. |
WAC 456-09-610 | Conferences -- Two types. |
WAC 456-09-615 | Settlement conference -- Purpose. |
WAC 456-09-620 | Settlement conference -- When held. |
WAC 456-09-625 | Settlement conference -- Agreements. |
WAC 456-09-635 | Prehearing conference -- When held. |
WAC 456-09-640 | Prehearing conference -- Documentary evidence. |
WAC 456-09-645 | Prehearing conference -- Excerpts from documentary evidence. |
WAC 456-09-650 | Prehearing conference -- Failure to supply prehearing information. |
WAC 456-09-655 | Prehearing conference -- Agreements. |
WAC 456-09-705 | Advance submission of evidence -- Delivery to adverse party. |
WAC 456-09-710 | Hearing -- Setting of time and place. |
WAC 456-09-715 | Continuance -- Extensions of time. |
WAC 456-09-720 | Teleconference proceeding. |
WAC 456-09-725 | Briefs. |
WAC 456-09-730 | Hearing -- Notice of hearing -- Time -- Contents. |
WAC 456-09-732 | Hearing -- Notice to limited-English speaking parties. |
WAC 456-09-735 | Hearing -- Standard and scope of review. |
WAC 456-09-760 | Rules of evidence -- Admissibility criteria. |
WAC 456-09-770 | Official notice -- Material facts. |
WAC 456-09-775 | Motions -- Application -- Requirements. |
WAC 456-09-935 | Petition for review and replies. |
WAC 456-09-940 | Finality of initial decision. |
WAC 456-09-945 | Final decision following initial decision -- Record. |
WAC 456-09-950 | Final decision -- Precedential decisions. |
WAC 456-10-001
Purpose and application of chapter.
This chapter explains how informal hearings are conducted
before the board of tax appeals (board). Although informal
hearings are available to all parties, the informal process is
helpful for persons who are not represented by counsel. In
the informal process a taxpayer does not need to possess legal
expertise in order to pursue an appeal. These rules of
practice and procedure will be liberally construed to secure
the just, speedy, and economical determination of every
(2) Where procedures are not covered by this chapter, the board may, upon its own motion or upon written application by any party, refer to and apply any rule provided for in chapter 456-09 - Formal Hearings -- Practice and Procedure, chapter 10-08 Washington Administrative Code (WAC) - Model Rules of Procedure, or the superior court civil rules. This chapter augments but does not supplant the provisions of chapter 82.03 RCW.
(3) The superior court civil rules, rules of professional conduct, the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), and the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) referred to herein are available in public libraries and on-line at various web sites.
Informal hearings are requested by a majority of parties appearing before the board of tax appeals. Decisions entered in an informal appeal may not be appealed to court. Courts may have jurisdiction, however, to hear a timely filed action pursuant to RCW 82.32.180 or 84.68.020 (see RCW 82.03.180).
In all appeals over which the board has jurisdiction, a
party taking an appeal may elect, with its notice of appeal,
either a formal or informal hearing pursuant to RCW 82.03.140.
Failure to elect a formal or informal hearing at the time of
filing shall result in the proceeding being conducted as
informal.)) (1) A party making an appeal may elect, with its
notice of appeal, either a formal or informal hearing.
Informal hearings are conducted pursuant to the rules of
practice and procedure set forth in this chapter. Formal
hearings are conducted pursuant to the Administrative
Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, and the rules of practice
and procedure of chapter 456-09 WAC. Failure to elect a
formal or informal hearing at the time of submitting the
notice of appeal shall result in the proceeding being
conducted as informal.
(a) A formal decision of the board is subject to judicial review pursuant to RCW 34.05.570. Judicial review is limited to the record made of the proceedings before the board. The record made of the proceedings includes a verbatim account of the hearings together with the evidence, pleadings, and documents submitted to the board by the parties. In appeals from a decision of a board of equalization, the record includes the decision of that board together with the evidence submitted thereto.
(b) Decisions entered in an informal appeal are not subject to judicial review as authorized under the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW.
(c) Aggrieved parties may have avenues of further appeal allowed by law which are not pertinent to the statutory authority granted to the board and are not discussed herein.
(2) The appeal may be converted from an informal to a formal proceeding as provided below.
(a) The respondent, as a party to an appeal pursuant to RCW 84.08.130 (appeal from a decision by a board of equalization) may, within twenty calendar days from the date of the board's mailing of the acknowledgment of the notice of appeal, submit to the clerk of the board a notice of intention that the hearing be a formal hearing.
(b) In appeals under RCW 82.03.190, the department of revenue may, within thirty calendar days from the date of the board's mailing of the acknowledgment of the notice of appeal, submit to the clerk of the board a notice of its intention that the hearing be a formal hearing.
(c) In appeals under RCW 82.03.130 (1)(e), the department of revenue may, within ten calendar days from the date of the board's mailing of the acknowledgment of the notice of appeal, submit to the clerk of the board a notice of its intention that the hearing be a formal hearing.
(d) At any time up to thirty days prior to the date of the hearing, the parties may submit to the clerk of the board a notice signed by all parties of intention to convert the proceedings to either a formal or informal hearing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 94-07-043, § 456-10-010, filed 3/10/94, effective 4/10/94; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-010, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) "Board" means the board of tax appeals as described in chapter 82.03 RCW and chapters 456-09 and 456-10 WAC. Where appropriate, the term "board" also refers to the designated hearing officers or agents of the board of tax appeals.
(2) "Presiding officer" or "hearing officer" shall mean
any member of the board, tax referee, ((administrative law
judge,)) or any person who is assigned to conduct a conference
or hearing by the board. The presiding officer shall have
authority as provided by WAC 10-08-200 and chapter 34.05 RCW.
(3) "Appellant" means a person, natural or otherwise, who appeals any order or decision to the board of tax appeals.
(4) "Respondent" means a person, natural or otherwise, who is named as a responding party in any appeal before the board of tax appeals.
(5) "Formal hearing" means a proceeding conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW and chapter 456-09 WAC.
(6) "Informal hearing" means a proceeding governed by those rules specified in chapter 456-10 WAC.
(7) "Decision" means a written judgment or ruling, including orders, issued by the board of tax appeals or the designated hearing officers or agents of the board of tax appeals.
(8) "Party" means any person who in a proceeding before the board is an appellant or respondent.
(9) "To submit" means to present or to deliver. Submissions to the board may be delivered personally, by mail, by commercial delivery service, or by fax or electronic transmission as provided in these rules. As used herein, the terms "to submit" and "to file" are used interchangeably.
(10) "To file" means to present or to deliver. Filings with the board may be delivered personally, by mail, by commercial delivery service, or by fax or electronic transmission as provided in these rules. As used herein, the terms "to file" and "to submit" are used interchangeably.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-110, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-110, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-110, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-120, filed 5/2/89.]
The board offices are open each day for the transaction of business from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. All submissions, requests, and communications shall be sent to the board at its principal office at 910 5th Avenue S.E., Post Office Box 40915, Olympia, Washington 98504-0915. The phone number of the board office is 360-753-5446; its fax number is 360-586-9020; its electronic mail address is Information about the board is available at its web site at
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-140, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-140, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-150, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-160, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-160, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Taxpayers who are natural persons representing themselves;
(2) Attorneys at law duly qualified and entitled to practice in the courts of the state of Washington;
(3) ((Attorneys at law entitled to practice before the
highest court of record of any other state, if attorneys
licensed in the state of Washington are permitted to appear
before the courts of such other state in a representative
capacity, and if not otherwise prohibited by state law;
(4))) Public officials in their official capacity;
(((5))) (4) Certified public accountants ((and licensed
public accountants entitled to practice accountancy)) licensed
in the state of Washington;
(((6))) (5) A duly authorized director, officer, or
full-time employee of an individual firm, association,
partnership, or corporation who appears for such firm,
association, partnership, or corporation;
(((7))) (6) Partners, joint venturers, or trustees
representing their respective partnerships, joint venturers,
or trusts; and
(((8))) (7) Other persons designated by a taxpayer with
approval of the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-210, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-220, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board will acknowledge to the appellant in writing receipt of a notice of appeal.
(2) In the alternative, an appellant may ((file)) submit
a notice of appeal that ((shall)) substantially contains the
(a) ((A caption in the following form:
(b) Numbered paragraphs stating:
(i))) Appellant's name, mailing address, telephone
number, and that of the representative, if any.
(((ii))) (b) Name of the respondent together with
respondent's mailing address.
When the respondent is a government agency or agencies, the board may add respondents in order to ensure that all necessary persons are a party to the appeal.
(c) The date of the order or determination from which the appeal is taken, together with a copy of the order, decision, or application appealed from.
(((iii))) (d) The nature of the tax((, and: (A))).
(i) In excise tax cases, the amount of the tax in controversy and the period covered thereby;
(((B))) (ii) In property tax cases, ((a legal description
or)) the parcel number of the property under appeal, the year
for which the valuation has been determined, the full value as
determined by the local board of equalization, and a
declaration of true and fair value as alleged by the
appellant; and
(((C))) (iii) In property tax exemption cases, ((a legal
description and/or)) the parcel number of the property under
appeal, the year(s) for which the exemption is at issue, the
basis under which exempt status should be granted or denied,
and the use of the property.
(((iv))) (e) Specification of the issue to be decided by
the board.
(f) A clear, separate, and concise assignment of each error alleged and a short statement of facts upon which the appellant relies to sustain each contention.
(((v))) (g) The relief sought.
(((c) A statement that the appellant has read the notice
and believes the contents to be true, followed by the party's
signature and/or signature of their attorney or qualified
representative, if any. The signature of a party, attorney,
or qualified representative constitutes a certificate that the
pleading has been read and that to the best personal
knowledge, information, and belief, there is good ground to
support it, and that it is not interposed for delay. If
determined by the board that a pleading is not signed or is
signed with the intent to defeat the purpose of this section,
it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the
pleading had not been served.))
(h) The signature of the appellant or the appellant's representative.
(3) The board may, upon motion of a party or upon its own motion, require a more complete statement of the claim or defense or any matter stated in any notice of appeal.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 98-22-040, § 456-10-310, filed 10/29/98, effective 11/29/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-310, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-310, filed 5/2/89.]
(1))). All time periods set forth below are expressed in
calendar days.
(a) Appeals taken pursuant to RCW 82.03.190, thirty days from the mailing of the determination.
(((2))) (b) Appeals from a county board of equalization
pursuant to RCW 84.08.130, thirty days from the mailing of the
(((3))) (c) Appeals by an assessor or landowner from an
order of the director of revenue made pursuant to RCW 84.08.010 and 84.08.060, thirty days from the mailing of the
(((4))) (d) Appeals by an assessor or owner of an
intercounty public utility or private car company from
determinations by the director of revenue of equalized
assessed valuation of property and the apportionment thereof
to a county made pursuant to chapters 84.12 and 84.16 RCW,
thirty days from the mailing of the order.
(((5))) (e) Appeals by an assessor, landowner, or owner
of an intercounty public utility or private car company from a
determination of any county indicated ratio for such county
compiled by the department of revenue pursuant to RCW 84.48.075, fifteen days after the mailing of the
(((6))) (f) Appeals from the decisions of sale price of
second class shorelands on navigable lakes by the department
of natural resources pursuant to RCW 79.94.210, thirty days
from the mailing of the notification.
(((7))) (g) Appeals from urban redevelopment property tax
apportionment district proposals established by governmental
ordinances pursuant to RCW 39.88.060, thirty days from the
mailing of the ordinance.
(((8))) (h) Appeals from interest rates as determined by
the department of revenue for use in valuing farmland under
current use assessment pursuant to RCW 84.34.065, thirty days
after the publication of the rate.
(((9))) (i) Appeals from revisions to stumpage value
tables used to determine value by the department of revenue
pursuant to RCW 84.33.091, on or before the sixtieth day after
the date of final adoption.
(((10))) (j) Appeals from denial of tax exemption
application by the department of revenue pursuant to RCW 84.36.850, thirty days from the mailing of the determination.
(2) If the last date for submitting the notice of appeal falls upon a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the submission shall be considered timely if performed on the next business day.
(3) Any party may, by motion, challenge the jurisdiction of the board in any appeal. The board may, upon its own motion, raise such jurisdictional issues.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-315, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-315, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) All documents may be ((filed with)) submitted to the
board via ((facsimile machine)) fax or electronic mail
transmission. However, ((filing)) submission will not be
deemed complete and the board will not acknowledge receipt of
the notice of appeal as provided in WAC 456-10-300 unless the
following procedures are ((strictly)) observed:
(a) ((A facsimile machine)) Documents received by fax or
electronic mail ((document)) will ((only)) be stamped
"received" by the board between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Any transmission not completed before 5:00 p.m. will be
stamped "received" on the following business day. The date
and time indicated by the board's ((facsimile machine)) fax or
computer shall be evidence of the date and time of receipt of
(b) The original notice of appeal must be ((filed with))
mailed and postmarked or otherwise submitted to the board
((within ten business days from)) on or before the date of fax
or electronic transmission.
(c) All fax or electronic transmissions are sent at the risk of the sender.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 98-22-040, § 456-10-325, filed 10/29/98, effective 11/29/98; 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-325, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 94-07-043, § 456-10-325, filed 3/10/94, effective 4/10/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-325, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-325, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-330, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-330, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-335, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Such service upon the representative shall be considered valid service for all purposes upon the party represented.
(3) Decisions or orders of the board shall be served upon
both the party and their counsel or representative of record,
if any.)) (1) All notices, pleadings, exhibits, correspondence
specific to an appeal, and other papers submitted to the board
shall be served upon all counsel and representatives of record
and upon unrepresented parties or upon their agents designated
by them or by law.
(a) Service shall be made personally or, unless otherwise provided by law, by first-class, registered, or certified mail; by fax and same-day mailing of copies; or by commercial delivery company.
(b) Service by mail shall be regarded as completed upon deposit in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark, properly stamped and addressed. Service by fax shall be regarded as completed upon production by the fax machine of confirmation of transmission and deposit on the same day in the United States mail. Service by commercial delivery shall be regarded as completed upon delivery to the delivery company, properly addressed with charges prepaid.
(2) Proof of service. Where proof of service is required by statute or rule, receipt of the papers by the board, together with one of the following, shall constitute proof of service:
(a) An acknowledgement of service.
(b) A certificate that the person signing the certificate served the papers upon all parties of record in the proceeding by delivering a copy thereof in person to (names).
(c) A certificate that the person signing the certificate served the papers upon all parties of record in the proceeding by:
(i) Mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid, to each party to the proceeding or his or her attorney or authorized agent; or
(ii) Transmitting a copy thereof by fax, and on the same day mailing a copy, to each party to the proceeding or his or her attorney or authorized agent; or
(iii) Depositing a copy thereof, properly addressed with charges prepaid, with a commercial delivery company.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 98-22-040, § 456-10-410, filed 10/29/98, effective 11/29/98; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-410, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board may limit discovery upon motion by any party.
(3) The board may decide whether to permit the taking of depositions, the requesting of admissions, and all other procedures authorized by rules 26 through 37 of the superior court civil rules. The board may condition use of discovery on a showing of necessity and unavailability of other means. In exercising such discretion, the board will consider the criteria set forth in RCW 34.05.446.
(1) Documentary evidence which is to be introduced at hearing and briefs or other supporting statements shall be submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-10-410 at least ten business days prior to hearing. Failure to comply may be grounds for exclusion of such evidence or dismissal in accordance with WAC 456-10-555.
(2) ((Evidence of comparable sales, listed in the notice
of appeal, which are subsequently changed, shall conform to
this section and will be excepted from the requirements of WAC 456-10-345 (Amendments of notice of appeal).
(3) All correspondence and all subsequent pleadings or
papers filed with the board shall indicate that copies have
been mailed or delivered to the attorney or representative of
record or the adverse party if not represented.
(4) An acknowledgement of service or certificate of
mailing as provided in WAC 456-10-440 shall be filed with the
board together with the advance submission of documentary
evidence as required in subsection (1) of this section.))
Reply briefs or other supporting statements, if any, shall be
submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant
to WAC 456-10-410 at least five calendar days prior to
(3) Documentary evidence submitted to a board of equalization and forwarded to this board is excepted from the requirements of this provision.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-505, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-505, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The motion requesting amicus status must include a statement of the following:
(a) Applicant's interest, or the interest of the person or group represented by applicant, in the proceeding before the board;
(b) Applicant's familiarity with the issues involved in the proceeding before the board and with the scope of the arguments presented or to be presented by the parties;
(c) Specific issues to which the amicus curiae brief will be directed; and
(d) Applicant's reason for believing that additional argument is necessary on these specific issues.
(3) The brief of amicus curiae may be filed with the motion but must be filed no later than the time set for the filing of the brief for the party whose position the amicus supports.
(4) The board, on its own motion and with notice to the parties, may request a brief of amicus curiae from any person deemed to be substantially affected by a proceeding before the board.
(a) A statement of the relief or order sought;
(b) The reason for the relief or order;
(c) A statement that the moving party has made a good faith effort to confer with the other party to resolve the subject matter of the motion;
(d) The amount of time needed for argument; and
(e) Shall include proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-10-410.
(2) All motions shall contain the docket number assigned to the appeal by the board and be signed by the party or the representative.
(3) At the discretion of the board, the hearing on motion may be by teleconference or in person.
(4) A response to the motion shall be submitted to the board together with proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-10-410 within ten business days following the date of service of the motion.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-510, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-510, filed 5/2/89.]
(2))) Postponements, continuances, and extensions of time
may be ordered by the board on its own motion or may be
granted on timely request of any party, with notice to all
other parties.
(2) A request for a postponement, continuance, or extension of time may be oral or written. The party requesting the postponement, continuance, or extension of time must consult with the other party prior to making the request. If the other party is opposed, the request for continuance must be in writing and comply with WAC 456-10-510. The board shall promptly schedule a conference to hear argument and to rule on the request. Requests for continuance will not be granted absent a showing of good cause.
(3) This section shall not extend any applicable time for
appeal to this board ((nor extend the time for providing
notice of appeal to any named party)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-515, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Contents. The notice shall contain:
(a) The names and mailing addresses of the parties and their representatives, if any;
(b) The docket number and name of the proceeding;
(c) The name, official title, mailing address, and telephone number of the presiding officer, if known;
(d) A statement of the time, place, date, and general nature of the proceeding (e.g., excise, property, etc.);
(e) A statement that the hearing is held pursuant to this chapter and chapter 82.03 RCW;
(f) ((A statement of the issues or matters asserted and
the particular sections of the statutes or rules involved as
stated in the notice of appeal and responsive pleading, if
(g) A statement that a party who fails to attend or
participate at a hearing may be held in default in accordance
with WAC 456-10-550; and
(h))) A statement that, if a limited-English speaking or
hearing-impaired party or witness needs an interpreter, a
qualified interpreter will be appointed at no cost to the
party or witness. The notice shall also state that persons
with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to
allow their participation in the hearing. The notice shall
include a form for a party to indicate if an interpreter is
needed and identification of the primary language, or if a
participant is hearing impaired; or to describe the reasonable
accommodations requested.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-530, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95; 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-530, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) Administering of oath;
(2) Appellant's opening statement;
(3) Respondent's opening statement;
(4) Appellant's case in chief:
(a) Direct examination of witness;
(b) Cross-examination by respondent;
(c) ((Questions by board or presiding officer;
(d))) Redirect examination by appellant;
(((e))) (d) Recross examination;
(((f))) (e) The above procedure is followed for each
(5) Respondent's case in chief:
(a) Direct examination of witness;
(b) Cross-examination by appellant;
(c) ((Questions by board or presiding officer;
(d))) Redirect examination by respondent;
(((e))) (d) Recross examination;
(((f))) (e) The above procedure is followed for each
(6) Appellant's closing argument;
(7) Respondent's closing argument;
(8) Appellant's closing rebuttal;
(9) The board may pose questions to the parties, their representatives, and any witness at any time during the hearing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-540, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Every interpreter shall, before beginning to
interpret, take an oath that a true interpretation will be
made to the person being examined of all the proceedings in a
language or in a manner which the person understands, and that
the interpreter will repeat the statements of the person being
examined to the ((agency conducting the proceedings)) board,
in the English language, to the best of the interpreter's
skill and judgment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-545, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-545, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Photographic and recording equipment shall be permitted at hearings; however, the presiding officer may impose such conditions upon their use as deemed necessary to prevent disruption of the hearing, or when a statute or law limits such use.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 91-07-039 (Order 91-02), § 456-10-547, filed 3/15/91, effective 4/15/91.]
(((2))) Within ten business days after service of the
default order or dismissal under subsection (1) of this
section, the party against whom the order was entered may
((file)) submit to the board together with proof of service
pursuant to WAC 458-10-410 a written objection requesting that
the order be vacated and stating the specific grounds relied
upon. The board may, for good cause, set aside an entry of
dismissal, default, or final order.
(2) Upon stipulation by both parties, an appeal may be submitted to the board on the record and attendance of a party may be excused. However, the board in its discretion may require attendance for argument.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-550, filed 5/2/89.]
(1) When all parties so stipulate((;)).
Stipulations on the value of property shall contain the parcel number, assessment year, the agreed upon value of the subject property, and a brief statement supporting the agreed upon value.
(2) As a matter of right when the appellant requests orally or in writing to withdraw the appeal prior to the scheduled hearing.
(3) Upon motion of the appellant at the hearing prior to
the presentation of the respondent's case((; (3))).
(4) Upon motion by the respondent alleging that the
appellant has failed to prosecute the case, failed to comply
with this chapter, or failed to follow any order of the
board((; or (4))).
(5) Upon the board's own motion for failure by the parties to comply with applicable rules or any order of the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-555, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board's experience, technical knowledge, competency, and specialized knowledge may be used in evaluation of evidence.
(3) Documentary evidence may be submitted in the form of copies or excerpts.
(4) If not inconsistent with subsection (1) of this section, the board may refer to, but shall not be bound by, the Washington rules of evidence.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-560, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) The board's experience, technical knowledge, competency, and specialized knowledge may be used in evaluation of evidence.
(3) Documentary evidence may be submitted in the form of
copies or excerpts.)) (1) The board may take official notice
of the following:
(a) Any judicially cognizable facts;
(b) Any matter of public record;
(c) Technical or scientific facts within the agency's specialized knowledge; and
(d) Codes or standards that have been adopted by an agency of the United States, of this state or of another state, or by a nationally recognized organization or association.
(2) If any decision is stated to rest in whole or in part upon official notice of a fact to which the parties have not had a prior opportunity to controvert, any party may controvert such fact by exception pursuant to WAC 456-10-730 if such notice is taken in a proposed decision or by a petition for reconsideration if notice of such fact is taken in a final decision pursuant to WAC 456-10-755. Such controversion shall concisely and clearly set forth the sources, authority, and other data relied upon to show the existence or nonexistence of the fact assumed or denied in the decision.
(3) A party proposing that official notice be taken may be required to produce a copy of the material to be noticed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-565, filed 5/2/89.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-710, filed 5/2/89.]
(((1))) (a) An appeal has been heard by only one member
of the board;
(((2))) (b) An appeal has been heard by only two members
of the board and the two members cannot agree on a conclusion;
(((3))) (c) An appeal has been heard by a hearing
officer; or
(((4))) (d) The board shall otherwise elect to do so.
(2) If an exception as provided in WAC 456-10-730 is not submitted to the board within twenty calendar days of the date of mailing of the proposed decision, the proposed decision shall be deemed the final decision of the board unless the decision specifies otherwise.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-725, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) ((Contents.)) Exceptions shall contain the specific
factual and legal grounds upon which the exception is based.
No new evidence may be introduced in the written exception;
nor may the party or parties raise an argument in the
exception that was not raised at the hearing. The party or
parties making the exception shall be deemed to have waived
all objections or irregularities not specifically set forth. ((The statement of exceptions may contain the exceptor's
proposed findings of fact and/or conclusions of law addressing
the factual and legal issues to which exceptions are being
(3) Failure of a party to comply with the requirements
for exceptions may result in the board issuing a decision
adopting the proposed decision as the final decision of the
board on the ground that no legally sufficient statement of
exceptions had been made.)) (3) Any party may make a reply to
a written exception. The reply, together with proof of
service pursuant to WAC 456-10-410, shall be submitted to the
board within ten business days of the date of the letter
acknowledging receipt by the board of the written exception.
(4) The disposition may be in the form of a written order denying the exception and adopting the proposed decision as the final decision, granting the exception and issuing a final decision, or granting the exception and setting the matter for further hearing. The board may require the parties to submit written briefs or statements of position or to appear and present oral argument regarding the matters on which exceptions were taken, within such time and on such terms as may be prescribed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-730, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-730, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-730, filed 5/2/89.]
(2) Where a final decision has been issued and no
proposed decision was first issued, any party may ((file))
submit a petition for reconsideration with the board((. Such
petition must be made, by mail or otherwise,)) together with
proof of service pursuant to WAC 456-10-410 within ten
business days from the mailing of the final decision. ((The
petition for reconsideration shall be filed with the board and
served upon all parties and representatives of record.)) The
board may require ((that a response be made and served in the
same manner)) or any party may at its own option, within ten
business days of the date of the letter acknowledging receipt
by the board of the petition for reconsideration, submit to
the board a response together with proof of service pursuant
to WAC 456-10-410.
(3) The ((filing)) submitting of a petition for
reconsideration shall suspend the final decision until action
by the board. The board may deny the petition, modify its
decision, or reopen the hearing. ((A petition for
reconsideration is not available where a proposed decision was
first issued.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 95-05-032 (Order 95-02), § 456-10-755, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170, 82.03.140 and 82.03.150. 90-11-106, § 456-10-755, filed 5/22/90, effective 6/22/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.03.170. 89-10-057 (Order 89-03), § 456-10-755, filed 5/2/89.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 456-10-130 | Use of formal rules in informal proceedings. |
WAC 456-10-170 | Form and size of documents. |
WAC 456-10-180 | Docket number. |
WAC 456-10-320 | Notice of appeal -- Filing and service. |
WAC 456-10-340 | Jurisdiction -- Issue raised by board -- Procedure. |
WAC 456-10-345 | Amendments to notice of appeal. |
WAC 456-10-355 | Parties in exemption appeals. |
WAC 456-10-360 | Conversion of hearing. |
WAC 456-10-420 | Method of service. |
WAC 456-10-430 | Service of papers -- When complete. |
WAC 456-10-440 | Proof of service -- Certificate. |
WAC 456-10-525 | Briefs. |
WAC 456-10-535 | Hearing -- Standard and scope of review. |
WAC 456-10-570 | Motions -- Application -- Requirements. |
WAC 456-10-720 | Proposed findings and conclusions -- Submission. |
WAC 456-10-735 | Reply to exceptions. |
WAC 456-10-740 | Finality of proposed decision. |
WAC 456-10-745 | Final decision following proposed decision. |
WAC 456-10-750 | Final decision -- Precedential decisions. |