WSR 05-16-113


[ Filed August 3, 2005, 9:09 a.m. ]

     Below is a table of toxics cleanup program (TCP) policies, procedures, or implementation memos that have been updated, deleted, or are newly created. A description of each document, the document number, description of the document contents, and the action taken are included.

     This information is also being forwarded to Linda Thompson to be included in the Toxics Cleanup Program Site Register. In addition, Carol Dorn, TCP's Forms and Records Analyst, and Barb Huether, TCP's Internet Coordinator, are being notified of the changes.

     To receive a copy of any one of the following documents please contact Carol Dorn at (360) 407-7224. These documents are also available on ecology's toxics cleanup program's web site


Policy (POL) Number

Title Description Change Contact for Copies
POL 840 Data Submittal Requirements This policy describes the requirements for submitting environmental monitoring data generated/collected during the investigation and cleanup of contaminated sites under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) and the sediment management standards. Rescind Procedure 840 and replace with this new policy. Carol Dorn



Natural Attenuation Guidance for Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water Guidance on Remediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Ground Water by Natural Attenuation, Washington State Department of Ecology, Pub. No. 05-09-091; Provides technical guidance on evaluating the feasibility and performance of cleanup action alternatives that use natural attenuation, either alone or in conjunction with other cleanup action components, to clean up petroleum-contaminated ground water. New Guidance Carol Dorn



Natural Attenuation Guidance for Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water

User's Manual: Natural Attenuation Analysis Tool Package for Petroleum-Contaminated Ground Water, Washington State Department of Ecology, Pub. No. 05-09-091A; and, Provides instructions for the use of the data analysis tool package described below. New Guidance Carol Dorn



Natural Attenuation Guidance for Petroleum Contaminated Ground Water Data Analysis Tool Package: Two MS Excel Workbooks (for 2002 Version) Provides Excel spread sheets for conducting natural attenuation evaluations using site-specific data. New Guidance Carol Dorn



James J. Pendowski

Program Manager

Toxics Cleanup Program

© Washington State Code Reviser's Office