WSR 06-03-060



[ Filed January 11, 2006, 4:44 p.m. ]

     The University of Washington has recently created or revised the following policy statements:

"Policy on Information Technology, Telecommunications and Networking Projects and Acquisitions," effective July 14, 2005 (Administrative Policy Statement 2.3).

"Affirmative Action Program," revised effective October 17, 2005 (Administrative Policy Statement 46.2).

"Indemnification of University Personnel," revised effective October 20, 2005 (University Handbook, Vol. 1, Part III, Chapter 5).

"Personnel Actions," revised effective October 27, 2005 (University Handbook, Vol. 2, Part I, Chapter 12, Section 12-21, Subsection C.6).

"University-Wide Organization List," revised effective November 10, 2005 (Administrative Policy Statement 1.2).

"Policy on Reasonable Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities," revised effective November 17, 2005 (Administrative Policy Statement 46.5).

"University Organization Chart," effective December 5, 2005 (Administrative Policy Statement 1.1)

     To view any current policy statement from the University Handbook, go to the University Handbook web site; to view a UW Administrative Policy Statement, go to the Administrative Policy Statements web site, or, to request a paper copy of any policy statement, contact Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director of Rules Coordination, University of Washington, 4046 12th Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98105, e-mail at, or fax (206) 221-6917.