(Aging and Disability Services Administration)
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 05-07-132.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 388-101 WAC, Certified community residential services and support, vulnerable adult abuse and neglect reporting requirements in certified supported living programs, including due process and appeal rights.
Hearing Location(s): Blake Office Park East, Rose Room, 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA 98503 (one block north of the intersection of Pacific Avenue S.E. and Alhadeff Lane. A map or directions are available at or by calling (360) 664-6097), on April 4, 2006, at 10:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not earlier than April 5, 2006.
Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504-5850, delivery 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA 98503, e-mail, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5:00 p.m., April 4, 2006.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Stephanie Schiller, DSHS Rules Consultant, by March 31, 2006, TTY (360) 664-6178 or (360) 664-6097 or by e-mail at
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Residential care services division recently assumed responsibility for conducting investigations of entities and alleged perpetrators where allegations of abandonment, abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation in certified supported living programs are reported. Portions of WAC 388-71-0100 through 388-71-1280, adult protective services and WAC 388-97-077 Resident protection program, are being incorporated without material change into chapter 388-101 WAC to reflect this change in responsibility.
No substantive changes are being made to any existing requirements including those governing: (1) Vulnerable adult abuse and neglect reporting, (2) abuse and neglect investigations and notification, and (3) due process and appeal rights.
The only change for certified supported living providers is that they will be required to call a different phone number to make mandated reports regarding vulnerable adult abandonment, abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.
These proposed rules only address some of the elements identified in preproposal statement of inquiry WSR 05-07-132. The department plans to propose additional changes to chapter 388-101 WAC under WSR 05-07-132.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposed WAC amendments reflect an internal change of responsibility for conducting investigations of alleged abandonment, abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation in certified supported living programs. Chapter 388-101 WAC needs to indicate that ADSA-residential care services division is conducting certain investigations previously done by ADSA-adult protective services.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 71A.12.030 and 71A.12.080.
Statute Being Implemented: Chapter 71A.12 RCW.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of social and health services, aging and disability services administration, residential care services division, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: John Gaskell, P.O. Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98504-5600, (360) 725-3210; Implementation and Enforcement: Joyce Stockwell, Director, P.O. Box 45600, Olympia, WA 98504-5600, (360) 725-2401.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The department has analyzed the proposed rules and determined that they will not result in more than minor costs to small businesses or nonprofits required to comply with the rules. A comprehensive small business economic impact statement is not required.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. Under RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(iii) the proposed changes to chapter 388-101 WAC are exempt from a cost-benefit analysis because the rule is incorporating language from other state regulations without material change.
February 23, 2006
Andy Fernando, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
3643.3 (2) Reports must be made to ((one of two different areas
at DSHS:
(a) Service providers giving supported living services
must report to adult protective services (APS); and
(b) Service providers giving services through group homes
must report to residential care services (RCS))) the
centralized toll free telephone number for reporting
abandonment, abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of
vulnerable adults, provided by the department.
(3) Reports must be made to law enforcement agencies,
((when appropriate)) as required under chapter 74.34 RCW.
(4) Service providers must have policies and procedures
complying with state law that specify reporting requirements
for client abandonment, abuse, neglect, and financial
exploitation((, or mistreatment)).
(5) Each administrator, owner, staff person, and volunteer must read and sign the policy about reporting requirements. The service provider must retain the signed policy for staff and volunteers.
[05-05-077, recodified as § 388-101-1100, filed 2/15/05, effective 2/15/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.080, and chapter 71A.12 RCW. 04-23-070, § 388-820-440, filed 11/15/04, effective 12/16/04. Statutory Authority: Title 71A RCW. 01-22-020, § 388-820-440, filed 10/26/01, effective 1/1/02.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
WAC 388-101-1105
Investigation of mandated reports.
The department will determine whether a mandated report of
client abandonment, abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation
needs to be investigated, in accordance with established
(2) The department investigation will include an investigation of allegations about one or more of the following:
(a) A service provider;
(b) Anyone associated with a service provider; or
(c) A client receiving services under this chapter.
(3) If, after completing an investigation under this chapter, the department concludes that it is more likely than not that a specific individual abandoned, abused, neglected, or financially exploited a client, the department will make an initial finding against the individual.
(2) The department shall make a reasonable, good faith effort to determine the last known address of the individual.
(3) The time frame for notification can be extended beyond ten working days to include the time needed to translate the notification letter or make provisions for the safety of the alleged victim.
(4) Notice of the initial finding will be served as provided in chapter 388-02 WAC.
(a) Other divisions within the department;
(b) The agency or program identified under RCW 74.34.068 with which the individual is associated as an employee, volunteer or contractor;
(c) Law enforcement; and
(d) Other investigative authorities consistent with chapter 74.34 RCW.
(2) The notification will identify the finding as an initial finding.
(2) The request must be made in writing to the office of administrative hearings.
(3) The office of administrative hearings must receive the individual's written request for a hearing within thirty calendar days of the date the individual was served with notice of the initial finding.
(4) The written request for a hearing must include:
(a) The full legal name, current address and phone number of the individual;
(b) A brief explanation of why the individual disagrees with the initial finding;
(c) A description of any assistance needed in the administrative appeal process by the individual, including a foreign or sign language interpreter or any accommodation for a disability; and
(d) The individual's signature.
(2) Confidential information such as the name and other personal identifying information of the reporter, witnesses, or the client will be redacted from documents unless otherwise ordered by the administrative law judge consistent with chapter 74.34 RCW and other applicable state and federal laws.
(2) The administrative law judge shall determine whether a preponderance of the evidence supports the initial finding that the individual abandoned, abused, neglected, or financially exploited a vulnerable adult, and shall issue an initial order.
(2) If the department appeals the administrative law judge's decision, the department will not modify the finding in the department's records until a final hearing decision is issued.
(a) The department gives the individual notice of the initial finding pursuant to WAC 388-101-1110 and the individual does not request an administrative hearing;
(b) The administrative law judge:
(i) Dismisses the hearing following withdrawal of the appeal or default; or
(ii) Issues an initial order upholding the finding and the individual fails to appeal the initial order to the department's board of appeals; or
(c) The board of appeals issues a final order upholding the finding.
(2) The final finding is permanent and will not be removed from the department's records unless:
(a) It is rescinded following judicial review; or
(b) The department decides to remove a single finding of neglect from its records based upon a written petition by the individual provided that at least one calendar year has passed since the finding was finalized and recorded.
(1) The individual;
(2) The service provider that was associated with the individual during the time of the incident;
(3) The service provider that is currently associated with the individual, if known;
(4) The appropriate licensing authority; and
(5) The department's registry of findings of abandonment, abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. The findings may be disclosed to the public upon request.