WAC 388-845-0205 was filed permanently by the department of social and health services in WSR 06-01-024 on December 13, 2006. Due to a clerical error, the two lines that are shown below in bold were inadvertently deleted during the publication process. These two lines were on the original copy filed by the department of social and health services. The internet copy of WSR 06-01-024 and WAC 388-845-0205 have been corrected.


     WAC 388-845-0205 Basic waiver services.

AGGREGATE SERVICES: May not exceed $1425 per year on any combination of these services

Behavior management and consultation
Community guide
Environmental accessibility adaptations
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Specialized medical equipment/supplies
Specialized psychiatric services
Speech, hearing and language services
Staff/family consultation and training
EMPLOYMENT/DAY PROGRAM SERVICES: May not exceed $6500 per year
Community access
Prevocational services
Supported employment
Sexual Deviancy Evaluation Limits are determined by DDD
Respite care Limits are determined respite assessment
Personal care Limits are determined by CARE assessment
MENTAL HEALTH STABILIZATION SERVICES: Limits are determined by a mental health professional or DDD

Behavior management and consultation
Mental health crisis diversion bed services
Skilled nursing
Specialized psychiatric services
Emergency assistance is only for services contained in the Basic waiver $6000 per year; Preauthorization required

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