(Division of Vocational Rehabilitation)
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 06-19-077.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 388-890 WAC, Rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities (independent living program -- Title VII, Part B); and relevant sections of chapter 388-891 WAC, Vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities.
Proposed new sections WAC 388-891-0103 Can DVR obtain personal information about you? and 388-891-1137 What if the employment goal I choose is religious in nature?; and amending WAC 388-891-0140 Can I obtain copies of information in my case service record?, 388-891-0255 How do I request a fair hearing?, 388-891-0330 Does DVR consider academic awards and scholarships as income?, 388-891-0360 What personal resources are not counted in the decision about whether I have to help pay for services?, 388-891-0520 What is the criteria for priority category 1 -- Individuals with most severe disabilities?, 388-891-0530 What is the criteria for priority category 2 -- Individuals with severe disabilities?, 388-891-0540 What is the criteria for priority category 3 -- Individuals with disabilities?, 388-891-0840 What are supported employment services?, 388-891-0880 What happens if my DVR counselor and I do not find a source for extended services and/or we cannot establish natural supports during the initial 18 months of my individualized plan for employment? and 388-891-1300 Why does DVR close a case service record?; and repealing WAC 388-891-0870 Are supported employment services time-limited?, 388-890-0780 What is the independent living (IL) program?, 388-890-0785 What types of services does the IL program offer?, 388-890-0790 Who is eligible for Title VII IL program services?, 388-890-0795 What is a significant disability?, 388-890-0800 Who provides IL program services?, 388-890-0805 What are my responsibilities in the IL program?, 388-890-0810 How do I apply for IL program services?, 388-890-0815 What happens after I submit my application for IL program services?, 388-890-0820 Who decides if I am eligible for IL program services?, 388-890-0825 Where does the IL program get the information needed to decide if I am eligible?, 388-890-0830 How do I find out if I am eligible for IL program services?, 388-890-0835 What if I disagree with a decision about my eligibility for IL or a decision about IL program services?, 388-890-0840 Under what conditions can I get IL program services?, 388-890-0845 How are my IL program services planned?, 388-890-0850 What is included on a written or verbal IL plan?, 388-890-0855 Who signs and keeps a written IL plan?, 388-890-0860 How often is my IL plan reviewed?, 388-890-0870 What are IL advocacy services?, 388-890-0875 What are IL rehabilitation technology services?, 388-890-0880 What are IL communication services?, 388-890-0885 What are IL counseling services?, 388-890-0890 What are IL housing services?, 388-890-0895 Are IL program payments for home modifications limited?, 388-890-1000 What is IL skills training?, 388-890-1005 What are IL information and referral services?, 388-890-1010 What is IL peer counseling?, 388-890-1015 What is IL mobility training?, 388-890-1020 What is IL personal assistance training?, 388-890-1025 Does the IL program pay for attendant services as part of personal assistance training?, 388-890-1030 What are IL physical rehabilitation services?, 388-890-1035 What are IL preventive services?, 388-890-1040 What are IL recreational services?, 388-890-1045 What are IL program services to family members?, 388-890-1050 What are IL therapeutic services?, 388-890-1055 What are IL transportation services?, 388-890-1060 What other services does the IL program offer?, 388-890-1065 How long can I receive independent living services?, 388-890-1070 Why does the IL program stop providing or paying for IL program services?, 388-890-1075 Am I involved in the decision to stop receiving IL program services?, 388-890-1080 How does the IL program notify me that my services are stopping?, 388-890-1085 If the IL program decides I am not eligible for IL program services, is the decision reviewed?, 388-890-1090 Does the IL program keep a record of my IL program services?, and 388-890-1095 Does the IL program keep personal information confidential?
Hearing Location(s): Blake Office Park East, Rose Room, 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA 98503 (one block north of the intersection of Pacific Avenue S.E. and Alhadeff Lane. A map or directions are available at or by calling (360) 664-6097), on February 27, 2007, at 10:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not earlier than February 28, 2007.
Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504, delivery 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA 98503, e-mail, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5:00 p.m. on February 27, 2007.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Stephanie Schiller, DSHS Rules Consultant, by February 23, 2007, TTY (360) 664-6178 or (360) 664-6097 or by e-mail at
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The proposed rules are intended to comply with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in August, 1998 including Title I Vocational Rehabilitation Services; Title VI Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities; 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 361 and Part 363 and RCW 74.29.020(8) for rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities. The proposed rules are also intended to comply with 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 160 to Part 164 for disclosure of public records and access to DSHS records; the Washington State Constitution, Article I, Section 11 prohibiting state funds to pay for religious education or training in support of an employment goal that is religious in nature.
The proposed rules are intended to support the division of vocational rehabilitation's (DVR) mission to help people with disabilities go to work. The proposed rules are also intended to inform the public about DVR's vocational rehabilitation (VR) services and the conditions under which DVR provides them. The rule changes affect DVR customers, contractors and service providers. Major areas covered include: Independent Living Program Title VII, Part B; individualized plan for employment; comparable benefits; customer financial participation in the cost of services; supported employment; order of selection; case closure; and use of confidential information.
Major content changes include:
• | Repealing WACs for the Title VII, Part B Independent Living Program. DVR has not directly provided Title VII, Part B Independent Living Services since February 2003. These services have been, and will continue to be contracted; the WACs governing these services are not relevant to the business DVR does with the contractors. |
• | Adding a rule to prohibit DVR from supporting education or training for an employment goal that is religious in nature. |
• | Amending a rule to indicate that academic awards and scholarships based on merit are not considered comparable benefits. |
• | Amending a rule to clarify that while academic awards and scholarships based on merit are not considered comparable benefits, they may be considered as personal resources when determining the customer's ability to pay for services. |
• | Amending a rule to clarify that a supported employment case can be closed before eighteen months of service when it is determined there is no reasonable expectation that a source of funding for extended services will become available and that natural supports are not available. |
• | Repealing a rule about the eighteen month time-limited supported employment services and including the eighteen month time-limit in another rule. |
• | Amending a rule by removing supported employment (type of service) as criteria for category 1 -- Individuals with most severe disabilities. Also, terms are added to describe serious functional losses. |
• | Amending a rule by removing a reference to receiving Social Security benefits as criteria for priority category 2 -- Individuals with severe disabilities. Also, terms are added to describe functional losses. |
• | Amending a rule to clarify a reason for closing a supported employment case when options for extended services or natural supports will not become available. |
• | Amending a rule to no longer require a customer to submit a written request to review or obtain copies from his/her case service record. Also, to require other agencies or service providers that provide personal information about a customer to inform DVR of the conditions under which DVR can share that personal information. |
• | Adding a new rule to: |
o | Clarify the reasons why DVR may obtain specific personal information about the customer; |
o | Allow DVR to obtain specific personal and financial information with or without the customer's consent; and |
o | Clarify that information collected by DVR from service providers or other agencies will not be released to others without the customer's written consent. |
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposed rules eliminate unnecessary rules, clarify other rules, and incorporate policies into rules where appropriate. The proposed rules increase compliance with the intent of federal and state laws and protect program funding. The proposed rules support practices that are likely to increase funding availability for services to customers, increase the number of customers served, decrease the length of time customers have to wait for services, increase the protection of customer personal information and increase customer satisfaction.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090.
Statute Being Implemented: August 1998 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; 34 C.F.R. Part 361 and 34 C.F.R. Part 363; chapter 74.29 RCW.
Rule is necessary because of federal law, August 1998 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; 34 C.F.R. Part 361 and 34 C.F.R. Part 363.
Name of Proponent: Department of social and health services, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Michael Cunningham, Program Administrator, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 45340, Olympia, WA 98504-5340, e-mail, (360) 725-3621; Implementation and Enforcement: Lynnae Ruttledge, Director, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 45340, Olympia, WA 98504-5340, (360) 725-3618.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. DSHS/division of vocational rehabilitation has analyzed the proposed rule changes and concludes that they will impose no new or disproportionate costs on small businesses. The preparation of a comprehensive small business economic impact statement is not required.
A cost-benefit analysis is required under RCW 34.05.328. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis may be obtained by contacting Michael Cunningham, Program Administrator, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 45340, Olympia, WA 98504-4350[5340], phone (360) 725-3621, fax (360) 407-3942, e-mail
December 22, 2006
Andy Fernando, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
3819.3(2) DVR may obtain financial information about you from state and federal agencies to verify benefits you receive from other agencies or programs, earnings and income from employment or self-employment. DVR will only collect such information if the state or federal agencies have legal authority to release it to DVR. This may occur with or without your consent.
(3) If DVR collects information about you from service providers or other agencies, the information will not be released to others without your written consent.
(a) If DVR believes the medical, psychological, or other records in your case service record may be harmful to give to you, DVR only releases the records to a third party that you choose, such as your representative, parent, legal guardian or a qualified medical professional.
(b) If DVR receives personal information about you from
another agency or service provider, DVR may ((only)) share the
records ((as authorized)) only by, or under the conditions
established by the agency or service provider that provided
the information.
(c) If a representative has been appointed by a court to represent you, the information must be released to the representative.
(2) DVR provides access or gives you copies of records
within ((ten)) five business days of receiving your
((written)) request. If DVR cannot fulfill your request
within ((ten)) five business days, DVR will send you a written
notice of the reason(s) the request cannot be met and the date
you are granted access or the date the requested information
will be provided.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0140, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
(1) To ask for a fair hearing, send a written request to the office of administrative hearings. You must include the following information in your written request:
(a) Your name, address, and telephone number;
(b) The name of the DSHS program that the fair hearing involves (such as DVR);
(c) A written statement describing the decision and the reasons you disagree; and
(d) Any other information or documents that relate to the matter.
(2) You must submit your request for a fair hearing
within ((twenty)) forty-five calendar days of the date the VR
counselor makes the decision with which you disagree.
(3) You may ask any DVR employee for instructions or assistance to submit a request for a fair hearing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0255, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0330, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
(1) The value of your primary home and furnishings;
(2) The value of items that you keep because of personal attachment, rather than because of monetary value;
(3) The value of one vehicle per household member needed for work, school, or to participate in VR services;
(4) Retirement, insurance, or trust accounts that do not pay a current benefit to you or your family;
(5) If a retirement, insurance or trust account pays a current benefit, only the monthly benefit is counted as income and the balance of the account is excluded;
(6) ((Awards or scholarships you earn based on merit;
(7))) Up to five thousand dollars of your total assets
are excluded as exempt;
(((8))) (7) Equipment or machinery used to produce
(((9))) (8) Livestock used to produce income; and
(((10))) (9) Disability-related items and/or services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0360, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
(1) ((You require supported employment; and/or
(2) You meet the criteria for an individual with a severe
disability as defined in WAC 388-891-0530,)) You require two
or more VR services over an extended period of time (twelve
months or more); and
(2) You experience serious functional losses in four or more of the following areas in terms of an employment outcome:
(a) Mobility;
(b) Communication;
(c) Self-care;
(d) Cognition and learning (Self-direction);
(e) Interpersonal ((skills));
(f) Work tolerance; or
(g) Work skills.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0520, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
(1) ((You are receiving disability benefits under Title
II or Title XVI of the Social Security Act, but do not meet
the criteria for priority category 1; and/or
(2) You meet the eligibility requirements outlined in WAC 388-891-0540,)) You require two or more VR services over an
extended period of time (twelve months or more); and((,))
(2) You experience serious functional losses in one to three of the following areas in terms of an employment outcome:
(a) Mobility;
(b) Communication;
(c) Self-care;
(d) Cognition and learning (Self-direction);
(e) Interpersonal ((skills));
(f) Work tolerance; or
(g) Work skills.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0530, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0540, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
(1) Ongoing support services as described in WAC 388-891-0845; and
(2) Vocational rehabilitation services listed in WAC 388-891-0600.
(3) These services may be provided to you:
(a) As part of your individualized plan for employment;
(b) To support and maintain you in supported employment;
(c) For a period of time not to exceed eighteen months, unless under special circumstances, you and the VR counselor jointly agree to extend the time in order to achieve the employment goals in your rehabilitation plan for employment. This eighteen month period begins on the date when the delivery of ongoing support services start to be provided under your individualized plan for employment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0840, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-0880, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
(1) You achieve an employment outcome;
(2) DVR determines that you are not eligible or no longer eligible;
(3) You are no longer available to participate in services;
(4) You decline VR services;
(5) You cannot be located;
(6) You ask DVR to close your case service record; ((or))
(7) You refuse to cooperate in required or agreed upon conditions or services; or
(8) You require supported employment services and you and your VR counselor have explored all available options for securing a source of funding for extended services or natural supports and there is no reasonable expectation these services will become available.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020, 74.08.090, August 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 34 C.F.R. Parts 361 and 363, chapters 74.29, 43.19 RCW, RCW 43.43.832, 4.24.550, 71.09.340, 9A.44.130, and chapter 26.44 RCW. 03-02-014, § 388-891-1300, filed 12/20/02, effective 2/3/03.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 388-891-0870 | Are supported employment services time-limited? |
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 388-890-0780 | What is the independent living (IL) program? |
WAC 388-890-0785 | What types of services does the IL program offer? |
WAC 388-890-0790 | Who is eligible for Title VII IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0795 | What is a significant disability? |
WAC 388-890-0800 | Who provides IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0805 | What are my responsibilities in the IL program? |
WAC 388-890-0810 | How do I apply for IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0815 | What happens after I submit my application for IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0820 | Who decides if I am eligible for IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0825 | Where does the IL program get the information needed to decide if I am eligible? |
WAC 388-890-0830 | How do I find out if I am eligible for IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0835 | What if I disagree with a decision about my eligibility for IL or a decision about IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0840 | Under what conditions can I get IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-0845 | How are my IL program services planned? |
WAC 388-890-0850 | What is included on a written or verbal IL plan? |
WAC 388-890-0855 | Who signs and keeps a written IL plan? |
WAC 388-890-0860 | How often is my IL plan reviewed? |
WAC 388-890-0870 | What are IL advocacy services? |
WAC 388-890-0875 | What are IL rehabilitation technology services? |
WAC 388-890-0880 | What are IL communication services? |
WAC 388-890-0885 | What are IL counseling services? |
WAC 388-890-0890 | What are IL housing services? |
WAC 388-890-0895 | Are IL program payments for home modifications limited? |
WAC 388-890-1000 | What is IL skills training? |
WAC 388-890-1005 | What are IL information and referral services? |
WAC 388-890-1010 | What is IL peer counseling? |
WAC 388-890-1015 | What is IL mobility training? |
WAC 388-890-1020 | What is IL personal assistance training? |
WAC 388-890-1025 | Does the IL program pay for attendant services as part of personal assistance training? |
WAC 388-890-1030 | What are IL physical rehabilitation services? |
WAC 388-890-1035 | What are IL preventative services? |
WAC 388-890-1040 | What are IL recreational services? |
WAC 388-890-1045 | What are IL program services to family members? |
WAC 388-890-1050 | What are IL therapeutic services? |
WAC 388-890-1055 | What are IL transportation services? |
WAC 388-890-1060 | What other services does the IL program offer? |
WAC 388-890-1065 | How long can I receive independent living services? |
WAC 388-890-1070 | Why does the IL program stop providing or paying for IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-1075 | Am I involved in the decision to stop receiving IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-1080 | How does the IL program notify me that my services are stopping? |
WAC 388-890-1085 | If the IL program decides I am not eligible for IL program services, is the decision reviewed? |
WAC 388-890-1090 | Does the IL program keep a record of my IL program services? |
WAC 388-890-1095 | Does the IL program keep personal information confidential? |