Document Title: 2003 Municipal Water Law Interpretive and Policy Statement.
Subject: To describe and provide interpretation of parts of the municipal water law, and describe generally applicable procedures ecology will use in managing municipal water rights.
Document Description: This interpretive and policy statement is a review of the applicable sections of the state water code (chapter 90.03 RCW) amended or added by the 2003 municipal water law. The statement describes how ecology intends to apply the various sections of the law to municipal water management. This statement is the second of three policy documents prepared by the department of ecology and the department of health. The first policy document is entitled Draft Section 5(2) Policy Statement, which was circulated for comment on February 17, 2006, and covers coordinated review of water system planning documents. A copy of the 5(2) Policy Statement can be found on ecology's web site at This second document, interpretive and policy statement, contains ecology's interpretation of elements of the municipal water law within ecology's jurisdiction. The third document will be a memorandum of understanding between ecology and department of health addressing coordination efforts relative to water system planning review. The department of health will be developing its own policies, rules and guidance concerning their sections of the municipal water law.
To receive a copy of the municipal water interpretive and policy statement, contact Doug Rushton, Water Resources Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, phone (360) 407-6513, fax (360) 407-6574, e-mail, web site