(Economic Services Administration)
(Division of Child Support)
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: The Washington state legislature has adopted the updated Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) as chapter 26.21A RCW, effective January 1, 2007. The division of child support (DCS) is adopting new and amended rules [that] will be required in order to allow the Washington child support program to comply with UIFSA under our state plan under Title IV-D of the federal Social Security Act. There are eleven new rules and nine amended rules in this filing.
Amended Rules: WAC 388-14A-2105 Basic confidentiality
rules for the division of child support, 388-14A-3304 The
division of child support may serve((s)) a notice of support
debt and demand for payment when it is enforcing a support
order issued in Washington state, a foreign court order or a
foreign administrative order for support, 388-14A-3925 Who can
ask to modify an administrative support order?, 388-14A-5300
How does the division of child support recover a support
payment which has already been distributed?, 388-14A-6100 The
division of child support accepts oral requests for hearing or
conference board, 388-14A-7100 The division of child support
may register an ((An)) order from another state ((may be
registered in Washington)) for enforcement or modification,
388-14A-7110 The division of child support may assess and
collect interest on amounts owed under support orders entered
or established in a jurisdiction other than Washington state,
and 388-14A-7200 DCS can serve notices in other states under
the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.
Newly Adopted Rules: WAC 388-14A-3305 What can I do if I disagree with a notice of support debt and demand for payment?, 388-14A-3306 Does a notice of support debt and demand for payment result in a final determination of support arrears?, 388-14A-3307 How does the division of child support proceed when there are multiple child support orders for the same obligor and children?, 388-14A-7125 What happens at a hearing on a notice of support debt and registration?, 388-14A-7135 What is the effect of confirmation of a registered order on the finality of the support debt calculation?, 388-14A-7305 How do I ask DCS to do a determination of controlling order?, 388-14A-7315 When might DCS deny a request for a determination of controlling order?, 388-14A-7325 How does DCS notify the parties of its determination of the controlling order?, 388-14A-7335 What happens if someone objects to DCS' proposed determination of controlling order?, 388-14A-7345 What is the effect of a determination of controlling order on the finality of the debt calculation?, 388-14A-7400 What can I do if I want to contest an interstate order to withhold income served on my employer?, and 388-14A-7500 What can I do if I am concerned about the release of my personal information in an interstate referral?
Note: The DSHS DCS has adopted emergency rules under WSR 07-02-070, effective January 1, 2007, so that we would have rules in effect while going through the regular rule-making process.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 388-14A-2105, 388-14A-3304, 388-14A-3305, 388-14A-3925, 388-14A-5300, 388-14A-6100, 388-14A-7100, 388-14A-7110, and 388-14A-7200.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 34.05.220(2), 43.20A.550, 74.04.055, 74.08.090, 74.20.040, 74.20A.310.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 07-04-066 on February 1, 2007.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 11, Amended 9, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 11, Amended 9, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: March 28, 2007.
Jim Schnellman, Chief
Office of Administrative Resources
3797.6(2) DCS discloses information and records only to a person or entity listed in this section or in RCW 26.23.120, and only for a specific purpose allowed by state or federal law. See WAC 388-14A-7500 regarding disclosure of personal information in the context of referrals under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA).
(3) DCS may disclose information to:
(a) The person who is the subject of the information or records, unless the information or records are exempt under RCW 42.17.310;
(b) Local, state, and federal government agencies for support enforcement and related purposes;
(c) A party to a judicial proceeding or a hearing under chapter 34.05 RCW, if the superior court judge or administrative law judge (ALJ) enters an order to disclose. The judge or presiding officer must base the order on a written finding that the need for the information outweighs any reason for maintaining privacy and confidentiality;
(d) A party under contract with DCS, including a federally recognized Indian tribe, if disclosure is for support enforcement and related purposes;
(e) A person or entity, including a federally recognized Indian tribe, when disclosure is necessary to the administration of the child support program or the performance of DCS functions and duties under state and federal law;
(f) A person, representative, or entity if the person who is the subject of the information and records consents, in writing, to disclosure;
(g) The office of administrative hearings or the office of appeals for administration of the hearing process under chapter 34.05 RCW. The ALJ or review judge must:
(i) Not include the address of either party in an administrative order, or disclose a party's address to the other party;
(ii) State in support orders that the address is known by the Washington state support registry; and
(iii) Inform the parties they may obtain the address by submitting a request for disclosure to DCS under WAC 388-14A-2110(2).
(4) DCS may publish information about a noncustodial parent (NCP) for locate and enforcement purposes.
(5) WAC 388-14A-2114(1) sets out the rules for disclosure of address, employment or other information regarding the custodial parent (CP) or the children in response to a public disclosure request.
(6) WAC 388-14A-2114(2) sets out the rules for disclosure of address, employment or other information regarding the NCP in response to a public disclosure request.
(7) DCS may disclose the Social Security Number of a dependent child to the noncustodial parent (NCP) to enable the NCP to claim the dependency exemption as authorized by the Internal Revenue Service.
(8) DCS may disclose financial records of an individual obtained from a financial institution only for the purpose of, and to the extent necessary, to establish, modify, or enforce a child support obligation of that individual.
(9) Except as provided elsewhere in chapter 388-14A WAC, chapter 388-01 WAC governs the process of requesting and disclosing information and records.
(10) DCS must take timely action on requests for disclosure. DCS must respond in writing within five working days of receipt of the request.
(11) If a child is receiving foster care services, the parent(s) must contact their local community services office for disclosure of the child's address information.
(12) The rules of confidentiality and penalties for misuse of information and reports that apply to a IV-D agency employee, also apply to a person who receives information under this section.
(13) Nothing in these rules:
(a) Prevents DCS from disclosing information and records when such disclosure is necessary to the performance of its duties and functions as provided by state and federal law;
(b) Requires DCS to disclose information and records obtained from a confidential source.
(14) DCS cannot provide copies of the confidential information form contained in court orders. You must go to court to get access to the confidential information form. DCS may disclose information contained within the confidential information form if disclosure is authorized under RCW 26.23.120, chapter 388-01 WAC, or chapter 388-14A WAC.
(15) DCS may provide a Support Order Summary to the parties to an administrative support order under WAC 388-14A-2116.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 26.23.120, 74.08.090. 02-07-091, § 388-14A-2105, filed 3/19/02, effective 4/19/02; 01-03-089, § 388-14A-2105, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-030.]
(a) A "foreign" order is one entered in a jurisdiction other than a Washington state court or administrative forum.
(b) DCS uses the notice of support debt and demand for payment when there is only one current child support order for the NCP and the children in the case.
(c) When there are multiple current support orders for the same obligor and children, DCS determines which order to enforce as provided under WAC 388-14A-3307.
(2) DCS serves a notice of support debt and demand for payment like a summons in a civil action or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(3) In a notice of support debt and demand for payment, DCS includes the information required by RCW 74.20A.040, the amount of current and future support, accrued support debt, interest (if interest is being assessed under WAC 388-14A-7110), any health insurance coverage obligation, and any day care costs under the court or administrative order.
(4) After service of a notice of support debt and demand for payment, the NCP must make all support payments to the Washington state support registry. DCS does not credit payments made to any other party after service of a notice of support debt and demand for payment except as provided in WAC 388-14A-3375.
(5) A notice of support debt and demand for payment becomes final and subject to immediate wage withholding and enforcement without further notice under chapters 26.18, 26.23, and 74.20A RCW, subject to the terms of the order, unless, within twenty days of service of the notice in Washington, the NCP:
(a) Files a request with DCS for a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400. The effective date of a conference board request is the date DCS receives the request;
(b) Obtains a stay from the superior court; or
(c) Objects to either the validity of the foreign support order or the administrative enforcement of the foreign support order, in which case DCS proceeds with registration of the foreign support order under WAC 388-14A-7100.
(6) A notice of support debt and demand for payment served in another state becomes final according to WAC 388-14A-7200.
(7) Enforcement of the following are not stayed by a request for a conference board or hearing under this section or WAC 388-14A-6400:
(a) Current and future support stated in the order; and
(b) Any portion of the support debt that the NCP and custodial parent (CP) fail to claim is not owed.
(8) Following service of the notice of support debt and demand for payment on the NCP, DCS mails to the last known address of the CP and/or the payee under the order:
(a) A copy of the notice of support debt and demand for payment; and
(b) A notice to payee under WAC 388-14A-3315 regarding the payee's rights to contest the notice of support debt. The CP who is not the payee under the order has the same rights to contest the notice of support debt and demand for payment.
(9) If the NCP requests a conference board under subsection (5)(a) of this section, DCS mails a copy of the notice of conference board to the CP informing the CP of the CP's right to:
(a) Participate in the conference board; or
(b) Request a hearing under WAC 388-14A-3321 within twenty days of the date of a notice of conference board that was mailed to a Washington address. If the notice of conference board was mailed to an out-of-state address, the CP may request a hearing within sixty days of the date of the notice of conference board. The effective date of a hearing request is the date DCS receives the request.
(10) If the CP requests a hearing under subsection (9) of this section, DCS must:
(a) Stay enforcement of the notice of support debt and demand for payment except as required under subsection (6) of this section; and
(b) Notify the NCP of the hearing.
(11) If a CP requests a late hearing under subsection (8) of this section, the CP must show good cause for filing the late request.
(12) The NCP is limited to a conference board to contest the notice and may not request a hearing on a notice of support debt and demand for payment. However, if the CP requests a hearing, the NCP may participate in the hearing.
(13) A notice of support debt and demand for payment must fully and fairly inform the NCP of the rights and responsibilities in this section.
(((14) A notice of support debt that does not include
interest does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may
have accrued or may accrue under the support order covered by
the notice.
(15) A notice of support debt that does include interest
deals only the amount of debt, including interest, that is due
and owing for the indicated time periods. Such a notice does
not relieve the NCP of any interest that may have accrued or
may accrue for any other time periods.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 26.21.016, 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220(1), 74.20A.310, 26.23.110, and 74.20A.040. 05-07-059, § 388-14A-3304, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220(1), 74.20A.310. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-3304, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-435.]
(1) If either party objects to the enforcement of a non-Washington support order, that party may request that DCS register that order under Chapter 26.21A RCW. DCS then serves a notice of support debt and registration as provided in WAC 388-14A-7110.
(2) If the noncustodial parent (NCP) objects to the amount of current support or the amount of support debt stated in the notice, the NCP may request a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400.
(a) The custodial parent (CP) may participate in the conference board under this section.
(b) The CP may choose to convert the proceeding to an administrative hearing. The NCP may participate in a hearing held under this section.
(3) If the custodial parent objects to the amount of current support or the amount of support debt stated in the notice, the CP may request an administrative hearing. The NCP may participate in a hearing held under this section.
(4) See WAC 388-14A-3304 for a more full description of the hearing process on the notice of support debt and demand for payment.
(a) The debt determination is not a final determination under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA), chapter 26.21A RCW.
(b) Any party may request that a tribunal determine any amounts owed as interest on the support debt.
(2) The final administrative order comes about by:
(a) Operation of law if nobody objects to the notice;
(b) Agreed settlement or consent order under WAC 388-14A-3600;
(c) Final conference board decision under WAC 388-14A-6400;
(d) Final administrative order entered after hearing or a party's failure to appear for hearing.
(1) Using the criteria listed in RCW 26.21A.130, DCS decides which child support order it should enforce and serves a notice of support debt and demand for payment under WAC 388-14A-3304.
(2) If DCS decides that a determination of controlling order under chapter 26.21A RCW is required, DCS serves a notice of support debt and registration as provided in WAC 388-14A-7100.
(3) Upon request, DCS may do a determination of controlling order (DCO).
(a) See WAC 388-14A-7305 for how you can ask for a DCO.
(b) See WAC 388-14A-7315 for how DCS decides whether or not to do a DCO.
(4) If DCS does a DCO and decides that a Washington order is the controlling order, DCS refers the case to superior court.
(5) If DCS does a DCO and decides that a non-Washington order is the controlling order, DCS serves a notice of support debt and registration as provided in WAC 388-14A-7325.
(a) Any circumstances that have changed; and
(b) The proposed new support amount.
(2) The petitioning party must file the request for modification with DCS.
(3) DCS serves a copy of the request for modification and
notice of hearing on all other parties by first class mail at
their address last ((know)) known to DCS.
(4) DCS, the administrative law judge (ALJ), or the department review judge:
(a) Prospectively modifies orders according to the terms of chapter 26.19 RCW and RCW 74.20A.059; and
(b) May only modify an order issued by a tribunal in
another state according to the terms of ((RCW 26.21.580)) RCW 26.21A.550.
(5) If the nonpetitioning party fails to appear at the hearing, the ALJ issues a default order based on the Washington state child support schedule and the worksheets submitted by the parties, considering the terms set out in the request for modification.
(6) If the petitioning party fails to appear at the hearing, the ALJ enters an order dismissing the petition for modification.
(7) If the petition for modification does not comply with the requirements of subsection (1)(a) and (b) of this section, the ALJ may:
(a) Dismiss the petition; or
(b) Continue the hearing to give the petitioning party time to amend according to WAC 388-14A-3275 or to complete the petition.
(8) The ALJ may set the effective date of modification as the date the order is issued, the date the request was made, or any time in between. If an effective date is not set in the order, the effective date is the date the modification order is entered.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220(1), 74.08.090, 74.20A.055, 74.20A.056. 02-06-098, § 388-14A-3925, filed 3/4/02, effective 4/4/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.050, 74.20A.055, 74.20A.059. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-3925, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-11-140.]
(a) Distributed the money in error;
(b) Distributed the money based on a check that is later dishonored;
(c) Is required to refund or return the money to the person or entity that made the payment; or
(d) Distributed money under a support order that was later modified so as to create an overpayment.
(2) DCS serves a notice to recover a support payment like a summons in a civil action or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(3) In the notice, DCS must identify the support payment DCS seeks to recover.
(4) DCS may take action to enforce the notice to recover a support payment without further notice once the notice becomes final.
(a) A notice to recover a support payment becomes final unless the person who received the payment requests a hearing under subsection (5) of this section within twenty days of service of the notice to recover a support payment in Washington. The effective date of a hearing request is the date DCS receives the request.
(b) A notice to recover a support payment may be served
in another state to recover a payment disbursed by DCS under
((RCW 26.21.385)) RCW 26.21A.290. A notice to recover a
support payment served in another state becomes final
according to WAC 388-14A-7200.
(5) A hearing on a notice to recover a support payment is for the limited purpose of resolving the existence and amount of the debt DCS is entitled to recover.
(6) A person who files a late request for a hearing on a notice to recover a support payment must show good cause for being late.
(7) In nonassistance cases and payment services only cases, DCS may recover a support payment under a final administrative order on a notice to recover a support payment by retaining ten percent of current support and one hundred percent of amounts collected on arrears in addition to any other remedy authorized by law.
(8) If a public assistance recipient receives a support payment directly from a noncustodial parent (NCP) and fails to remit it to DCS as required, DCS recovers the money as retained support under WAC 388-14A-5500.
(9) DCS may enforce the notice to recover a support payment as provided in subsection (7), or may act according to RCW 74.20A.270 as deemed appropriate.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 74.20A.057, 74.20A.310. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-5300, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-272.]
(2) The subject matter of the objection determines whether the matter is set as a conference board or hearing, unless there is a specific request for an administrative hearing under chapter 34.05 RCW.
(3) DCS processes oral and written requests for hearing in the same manner.
(4) An oral request for hearing is complete if it contains enough information to identify the person making the request, the DCS action, and the case or cases involved in the hearing request.
(5) The effective date of an oral request for hearing is the date that someone makes a complete oral request for hearing, to any DCS representative in person or by leaving a message on the automated voice mail system of any DCS field office.
(6) When making an oral request, you do not need to specify whether you want a hearing under chapter 34.05 RCW or a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400.
(7) You can make an oral request for hearing or conference board on behalf of another person, if you have written authorization to act on their behalf. The effective date of an oral request for hearing or conference board made on behalf of another person is the later of the date of the complete oral request for hearing or the date that DCS receives the written authorization.
(8) There are two types of hearing requests which must be in writing:
(a) A petition for prospective modification under WAC 388-14A-3925; and
(b) A petition for reimbursement for day care expenses under WAC 388-14A-4300.
(9) You must also make the following requests in writing:
(a) A request for a determination of controlling order under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA), chapter 26.21A RCW, as described in WAC 388-14A-7305; and
(b) An objection to the determination of controlling order contained in a notice of support debt and registration issued by DCS under WAC 388-14A-7325. WAC 388-14A-7335 describes how to make this objection.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 34.05.220. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-6100, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-500.]
(a) At the option of the division of child support (DCS),
the support order or income-withholding order may be
registered with the superior court pursuant to RCW
((26.21.490)) 26.21A.505 or it may be registered with the
administrative tribunal according to subsection (2) of this
section. Either method of registration is valid.
(b) A support order or income-withholding order issued in another state is registered when the order is filed with the registering tribunal of this state.
(c) DCS may enforce a registered order issued in another state in the same manner and subject to the same procedures as an order issued by a tribunal of this state.
(d) DCS may assess and collect interest on amounts owed under support orders entered or established in a jurisdiction other than the state of Washington as provided in WAC 388-14A-7110.
(e) DCS may notify the parties that it is enforcing a non-Washington support order using the notice of support debt and demand for payment under WAC 388-14A-3304 or using the notice of support debt and registration as provided in this section and in WAC 388-14A-7110. Either method of notice is valid.
(2) DCS must give notice to the nonregistering party when it administratively registers a support order or income-withholding order issued in another state. DCS gives this notice with the Notice of Support Debt and Registration (NOSDR).
(a) The notice must inform the nonregistering party:
(i) That a registered order is enforceable as of the date of registration in the same manner as an order issued by a tribunal of this state;
(ii) That if a party wants a hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order, the party must request a hearing within twenty days after service of the notice on the nonregistering party within Washington state. If the nonregistering party was served with the notice outside of Washington state, the party has sixty days after service of the notice to request a hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order;
(iii) That failure to contest the validity or enforcement
of the registered order in a timely manner will result in
confirmation of the order and enforcement of the order and the
alleged arrearages and precludes further contest of that order
with respect to any matter that could have been asserted;
(iv) Of the amount of any alleged arrearages, including interest, if interest is being assessed under WAC 388-14A-7110; and
(v) Whether DCS has made a determination of controlling order under chapter 26.21A RCW, as described in WAC 388-14A-7325.
(b) The notice must be:
(i) Served on the non-registering party by certified or registered mail or by any means of personal service authorized by the laws of the state of Washington; and
(ii) Served on the registering party by first class mail at the last known address: and
(iii) Accompanied by a copy of the registered order and any documents and relevant information accompanying the order submitted by the registering party.
(c) The effective date of a request for hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order is the date DCS receives the request.
(3) ((A hearing under this section is for the limited
purpose of determining if the nonregistering party can prove
one or more of the defenses listed in RCW 26.21.540(1).
(a) If the contesting party presents evidence
establishing a full or partial defense under RCW 26.21.540(1),
the presiding officer may:
(i) Stay enforcement of the registered order;
(ii) Continue the proceeding to allow the parties to
gather additional relevant evidence; or
(iii) Issue other appropriate orders.
(b) DCS may enforce an uncontested portion of the
registered order by all remedies available under the law of
this state.
(c) If the contesting party does not establish a defense
under RCW 26.21.540(1) to the validity or enforcement of the
order, the presiding officer must issue an order confirming
the registered order.
(d) The custodial parent (CP) or payee of the order may
participate as a party to any hearing under this section.
(4) Except as provided below in subsections (5) and (6)
of this section, confirmation of a registered order precludes
further contest of the order with respect to any matter that
could have been asserted at the time of registration. Confirmation may occur:
(a) By operation of law upon failure to contest
registration; or
(b) By order of the administrative law judge (ALJ).
(5) Confirmation of a registered order that does not
include interest does not relieve the NCP of any interest that
may have accrued or may accrue under the confirmed order.
(a) If interest is later assessed, the NCP or CP may not
dispute the confirmed amount of the support debt.
(b) The NCP or CP may dispute the amount of interest due
and owing on that confirmed amount by requesting a conference
board under WAC 388-14A-6400.
(6) Confirmation of a registered order that does include
interest confirms only the amount of debt, including interest,
that is due and owing for the indicated time periods. Such
confirmation does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may
have accrued or may accrue for any other time period.
(7))) A party or support enforcement agency seeking to
modify, or to modify and enforce, a child support order issued
in another state may register the order in this state
according to RCW ((26.21.560)) 26.21A.540 through
((26.21.580)) 26.21A.550.
(a) The order must be registered as provided in subsection (1)(a) if the order has not yet been registered.
(b) A petition for modification may be filed at the same time as a request for registration, or later. The petition must specify the grounds for modification.
(c) DCS may enforce a child support order of another
state registered for purposes of modification, as if a
tribunal of this state had issued the order, but the
registered order may be modified only if the requirements of
RCW ((26.21.580)) 26.21A.550 are met.
(((8))) (4) Interpretation of the registered order is
governed by RCW ((26.21.510)) 26.21A.515.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 26.21.016. 05-07-059, § 388-14A-7100, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 26.23.035, 34.05.220, 74.20A.310. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-7100, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-14-260 and 388-14-495.]
(a) The request is from:
(i) Another state's IV-D agency;
(ii) An Indian tribe;
(iii) A foreign country which has entered into a reciprocal agreement with the United States of America or with the state of Washington; or
(iv) A custodial parent (CP) or noncustodial parent (NCP)
who resides outside of Washington state who has filed a
petition under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
(UIFSA), chapter ((26.21)) 26.21A RCW.
(b) The party requesting that DCS assess and collect interest provides a calculation of the interest claimed which has been certified by a IV-D agency or a certified public accountant (CPA); and
(c) The support order was entered or established in a jurisdiction other than Washington state.
(2) When a foreign support order has been submitted for enforcement under UIFSA, DCS may, at its option, either:
(a) Use the notice of support debt and demand for payment to assess and collect interest on an out-of-state support order. See WAC 388-14A-3304 for the rules regarding the notice of support debt and demand for payment; or
(b) Use a notice of support debt and registration to assess and collect interest on the foreign order. See WAC 388-14A-7100 for the rules regarding registration of a foreign order.
(3) When an out of state order has been submitted for registration for enforcement and modification under UIFSA, DCS uses a notice of support debt and registration to assess and collect interest on the out of state order. See WAC 388-14A-7100 for the rules regarding registration of a foreign support order.
(4) Any hearing held on a notice of support debt and
registration which includes a claim for interest is conducted
in accordance with WAC ((388-14A-7100(3))) 388-14A-7125 and
(a) WAC ((388-14A-7100(4))) 388-14A-7135 describes the
procedures for confirmation of the registered order.
(b) WAC ((388-14A-7100(4))) 388-14A-7135 describes the
effect of confirmation of the registered order.
(5) At any time after the notice of support debt and registration becomes a final administrative order, DCS may update the amount of interest as provided in WAC 388-14A-7120.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 26.21.016. 05-07-059, § 388-14A-7110, filed 3/11/05, effective 4/11/05.]
(1) If the contesting party presents evidence establishing a full or partial defense under RCW 26.21A.530(1), the presiding officer may:
(a) Stay enforcement of the registered order;
(b) Continue the proceeding to allow the parties to gather additional relevant evidence; or
(c) Issue other appropriate orders.
(2) DCS may enforce an uncontested portion of the registered order by all remedies available under the law of this state.
(3) If the contesting party does not establish a defense under RCW 26.21A.530(1) to the validity or enforcement of the order, the presiding officer must issue an order confirming the registered order.
(4) The custodial parent (CP) or payee of the order may participate as a party to any hearing under this section.
(a) By operation of law upon failure to contest registration; or
(b) By order of the administrative law judge (ALJ).
(2) Confirmation of a registered order that does not include interest does not relieve the noncustodial parent (NCP) of any interest that may have accrued or may accrue under the confirmed order.
(a) If interest is later assessed, the NCP or the custodial parent (CP) may not dispute the confirmed amount of the support debt.
(b) The NCP or CP may dispute the amount of interest due and owing on that confirmed amount by requesting a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400.
(3) Confirmation of a registered order that does include interest confirms only the amount of debt, including interest, that is due and owing for the indicated time periods. Such confirmation does not relieve the NCP of any interest that may have accrued or may accrue for any other time period.
(a) A notice and finding of financial responsibility under WAC 388-14A-3115; and
(b) A notice and finding of parental responsibility under WAC 388-14A-3120;
(c) A notice of paternity test costs under WAC 388-14A-8300; or
(d) An affidavit of birth costs under WAC 388-14A-3555.
(2) A notice and finding of financial responsibility, a notice of paternity test costs, or an affidavit of birth costs becomes final and subject to immediate wage withholding and enforcement without further notice under chapters 26.18, 26.23, and 74.20A RCW unless the noncustodial parent (NCP), within sixty days of service in another state:
(a) Contacts DCS and signs an agreed settlement or consent order; or
(b) Files a written request for a hearing under:
(i) WAC 388-14A-3115 for a notice and finding of financial responsibility;
(ii) WAC 388-14A-3555 for an affidavit of birth costs; or
(iii) WAC 388-14A-8300 for a notice of paternity test costs.
(3) The effective date of a hearing request is the date DCS receives the hearing request.
(4) A notice and finding of parental responsibility becomes final and subject to immediate wage withholding and enforcement without further notice under chapters 26.18, 26.23, and 74.20A RCW unless the NCP, within sixty days of service in another state:
(a) Contacts DCS and signs an agreed settlement or consent order;
(b) Files a written request for a hearing under WAC 388-14A-3120 with DCS; or
(c) Files a written request for paternity testing under WAC 388-14A-8300 to determine if he is the natural father of the dependent child named in the notice and cooperates in the testing. A request for a hearing or paternity testing is filed on the date the request is received by DCS.
(5) If the results of paternity tests requested under subsection (4) of this section do not exclude the NCP as the natural father of the dependent child, the notice and finding of parental responsibility becomes final and subject to immediate wage withholding without further notice under chapters 26.18, 26.23, and 74.20A RCW unless the NCP, within sixty days of service of the paternity test costs in another state:
(a) Contacts DCS and signs an agreed settlement or consent order; or
(b) Files a written request for a hearing under WAC 388-14A-3120.
(6) Administrative law judges and parties must conduct administrative hearings on notices served in another state under this section under the special rules of evidence and procedure in chapter 26.21A RCW and according to chapter 34.05 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 34.05.220, 74.20A.055, 74.20A.056. 01-03-089, § 388-14A-7200, filed 1/17/01, effective 2/17/01. Formerly WAC 388-11-305 and 388-14-260.]
(2) A request for a determination of controlling order may be made at any time, unless there has already been a determination of controlling order for the same obligor and children.
(3) DCS can provide a form which contains all the required elements for a request for determination of controlling order. A request for a determination of controlling order:
(a) Must be in writing;
(b) Must contain copies of any child support orders known to the requesting party. DCS waives this requirement if DCS has a true copy of the order on file; and
(c) State the reason the requesting party thinks DCS is enforcing the wrong order.
(4) A request for determination of controlling order does not constitute a petition for modification of a support order.
(a) There is only one support order for the obligor and the children;
(b) There is no current support owing under any existing support order for the obligor and the children; or
(c) There has already been a determination of controlling order performed for the obligor and the children.
(2) The denial of a request for determination of controlling order does not:
(a) Stop the party or other state's IV-D agency from bringing an action in superior court.
(b) Give rise to a right to administrative hearing.
(a) If DCS decides that the order that should be enforced is a Washington order, we immediately refer the matter to the superior court for a determination of controlling order proceeding under chapter 26.21A RCW.
(b) If we decide that the order that should be enforced is an order which was not entered in the state of Washington, DCS follows the procedures set out in subsections (2) through (4) of this section.
(2) DCS serves a notice of support debt and registration (NOSDR) as provided in WAC 388-14A-7100. DCS serves the NOSDR on the obligor, the obligee, and on all identified interested parties. The NOSDR includes a determination of controlling order.
(3) DCS serves the notice on the non-requesting party by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service.
(4) DCS serves the notice on the requesting party and other interested parties by first class mail to the last known address.
(a) The reason the party objects to the determination of controlling order. Examples of reasons to object include, but are not limited to:
(i) There is another order that was not considered in making the determination;
(ii) The alleged controlling order has been vacated, suspended or modified by a later order, which is attached to the objection;
(iii) The issuing tribunal lacked personal jurisdiction over the non-petitioning party;
(iv) The order was obtained by fraud; or
(v) Any other legal defense available under chapter 26.21A RCW.
(b) A copy of the order which the party believes should be the controlling order, if that order was not included with the notice.
(c) A statement of facts in support of the party's objection.
(2) DCS refers the objection to the prosecuting attorney or attorney general to bring an action for determination of controlling order under RCW 26.21A.130 in the superior court.
(2) Acting as an administrative tribunal under chapter 26.21A RCW, the division of child support (DCS) does not have the authority to quash income-withholding orders.
(3) An NCP who seeks to contest an income-withholding order as described in subsection (1) must seek relief in the superior court under RCW 26.18.140.
(2) If you believe that it would be dangerous for DCS to release your personal information to the other state, you may make a request for nondisclosure of your personal information under RCW 26.21A.255.
(3) The way DCS handles your request for nondisclosure depends on what version of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) has been adopted by the state where DCS is referring your case.
(a) The state may have enacted a version of UIFSA which is similar to the version enacted by the state of Washington as chapter 26.21A RCW (known as "UIFSA 2001"); or
(b) The state may have enacted a version of UIFSA which is similar to the version which was formerly enacted by the state of Washington as chapter 26.21 RCW (known as "UIFSA 1996").
(4) If DCS is making a referral to another state which has enacted UIFSA 2001:
(a) DCS must disclose your personal information to the other state.
(b) DCS sends to the other state a declaration for non-disclosure of information which you have signed under penalty of perjury.
(c) The other state must seal your personal information and may not disclose that information to the other party or to the public unless a tribunal orders disclosure of the information in the interest of justice, after a hearing in which the tribunal considers your (or your child's) health, safety and liberty.
(5) If DCS is making a referral to another state which has enacted UIFSA 1996:
(a) DCS holds a conference board under WAC 388-14A-6400.
(b) If the conference board finds that your (or your child's) health, safety or liberty would be unreasonably put at risk by the disclosure of the information, the conference board issues a non-disclosure finding.
(c) DCS does not disclose your personal information to the other state, and instead provides the other state with the non-disclosure finding.