WSR 07-09-015



[ April 5, 2007 ]





NO. 25700-A-866

     The Pattern Forms Committee having recommended the adoption of the proposed amendment to CrRLJ 4.2(g), and the Court having determined that the proposed amendment will aid in the prompt and orderly administration of justice and further determined that an emergency exists which necessitates an early adoption;

     Now, therefore, it is hereby


     (a) That the amendment as attached hereto is adopted.

     (b) That pursuant to the emergency provisions of GR 9 (j)(1), the amendment will be published expeditiously and become effective upon publication.

     DATED at Olympia, Washington this 5th day of April, 2007.
     Alexander, C. J.

     C. Johnson, J.

     Chambers, J.

     Madsen, J.

     Owens, J.

     Sanders, J.

     Fairhurst, J.

     Bridge, J.

     J. M. Johnson, J.

Case Name: Cause No.:

     "Offender Registration" Attachment: sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree, communication with a minor for immoral purposes, or attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit a sex offense, or a kidnapping offense involving a minor, as defined in RCW 9A.44.130. (If required, attach to Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty.)

     1. General Applicability and Requirements: Because this crime involves sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree, communication with a minor for immoral purposes, or attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit a sex offense, or a kidnapping offense involving a minor, as defined in RCW 9A.44.130, I will be required to register with the sheriff of the county of the state of Washington where I reside. If I am not a resident of Washington but I am a student in Washington or I am employed in Washington or I carry on a vocation in Washington, I must register with the sheriff of the county of my school, place of employment, or vocation. I must register immediately upon being sentenced unless I am in custody, in which case I must register at the time of my release with the person designated by the agency that has me in custody and I must also register within 24 hours of my release with the sheriff of the county of the state of Washington where I will be residing, or if not residing in the state of Washington, where I am a student, where I am employed, or where I carry on a vocation.

     2. Offenders Who Leave the State and Return: If I leave this state following my sentencing or release from custody but later move back to Washington, I must register within 30 three business days after moving to this state or within 24 hours after doing so if I am under the jurisdiction of this state's Department of Corrections. If I leave this state following my sentencing or release from custody, but later while not a resident of Washington I become employed in Washington, carry on a vocation in Washington, or attend school in Washington, I must register within 30 three business days after attending school in this state or becoming employed or carrying out a vocation in this state, or within 24 hours after doing so if I am under the jurisdiction of this state's Department of Corrections.

     3. Change of Residence Within State and Leaving the State: If I change my residence within a county, I must send signed written notice of my change of residence to the sheriff within 72 hours of moving. If I change my residence to a new county within this state, I must send signed written notice of the change of address at least 14 days before moving to the county sheriff in the new county of residence, and I must register with the sheriff of the new county within 24 hours of moving., and I must also give signed written notice of my change of address to the sheriff of the county where last registered within 10 days of moving. If I move out of Washington State, I must send written notice within 10 days of moving to the new state or foreign country to the county sheriff with whom I last registered in Washington State.

     4. Additional Requirements Upon Moving to Another State: If I move to another state, or if I work, carry on a vocation, or attend school in another state I must register a new address, fingerprints, and photograph with the new state within 10 days after establishing residence, or after beginning to work, carry on a vocation, or attend school in the new state. I must also send written notice within 10 days of moving to the new state or to a foreign country to the county sheriff with whom I last registered in Washington State.

     5. Notification Requirement When Enrolling in or Employed by a Public or Private Institution of Higher Education or Common School (K-12): If I am a resident of Washington and I am admitted to a public or private institution of higher education, I shall, within 10 days of enrolling or by the first business day after arriving at the institution, whichever is earlier, notify the sheriff of the county of my residence of my intent to attend the institution. If I become employed at a public or private institution of higher education, I am required to notify the sheriff for the county of my residence of my employment by the institution within 10 days of accepting employment or by the first business day after beginning to work at the institution, whichever is earlier. If my enrollment or employment at a public or private institution of higher education is terminated, I am required to notify the sheriff for the county of my residence of my termination of enrollment or employment within 10 days of such termination. (Effective September 1, 2006) If I attend, or plan to attend, a public or private school regulated under Title 28A RCW or chapter 72.40 RCW, I am required to notify the sheriff of the county of my residence of my intent to attend the school. I must notify the sheriff within 10 days of enrolling or 10 days prior to arriving at the school to attend classes, whichever is earlier. If I am enrolled on September 1, 2006, I must notify the sheriff immediately. The sheriff shall promptly notify the principal of the school.

     6. Registration by a Person Who Does Not Have a Fixed Residence: Even Iif I lack do not have a fixed residence, I am required to register. Registration must occur within 24 hours of release in the county where I am being supervised if I do not have a residence at the time of my release from custody. or wWithin 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, after ceasing to have a losing my fixed residence, I must send signed written notice to the sheriff of the county where I last registered. If I enter a different county and stay there for more than 24 hours, I will be required to register in the new county. I must also report in person to the sheriff of the county where I am registered on a weekly basis. The weekly report will be on a day specified by the county sheriff's office, and shall occur during normal business hours. I may be required to provide a list of the locations where I have stayed during the last seven days. The lack of a fixed residence is a factor that may be considered in determining a sex offender's risk level and shall make me subject to disclosure to the public at large pursuant to RCW 4.24.550.

     7. Reporting Requirements for Persons Who Are Risk Level II or III: If I have a fixed residence and I am designated as a risk level II or III, I must report, in person, every 90 days to the sheriff of the county where I am registered. Reporting shall be on a day specified by the county sheriff's office, and shall occur during normal business hours. If I comply with the 90-day reporting requirement with no violations for at least five years in the community, I may petition the superior court to be relieved of the duty to report every 90 days.

     8. Application for a Name Change: If I apply for a name change, I must submit a copy of the application to the county sheriff of the county of my residence and to the state patrol not fewer than five days before the entry of an order granting the name change. If I receive an order changing my name, I must submit a copy of the order to the county sheriff of the county of my residence and to the state patrol within five days of the entry of the order. RCW 9A.44.130(7).

Defendant's signature

______Court of Washington,

For _____________________





No: ________________

Petition for Deferred Prosecution of Criminal Mistreatment Charge (DPPF)

Violation Date: _____

     Comes Now the defendant and petitions the court for deferred prosecution of a criminal mistreatment charge pursuant to RCW Chapter 10.05, and states as follows:

     1. I am the natural or adoptive parent of the alleged victim.

     2. The wrongful conduct charged is the result of parenting problems for which I am in need of services.

     3. I am in need of child welfare services under chapter 74.13 RCW to improve my parenting skills in order to better provide my child(ren) with the basic necessities of life.

     4. I want to correct my conduct to reduce the likelihood of harm to my child(ren).

     5. I have cooperated with the Department of Social and Health Services to develop a plan to receive appropriate child welfare services.

     6. I agree to pay the cost of the services if I am financially able to do so.

     7. I understand that the court will not accept a petition for deferred prosecution from me if I sincerely believe that I am innocent of the crime(s) or if I sincerely believe that I do not need child welfare services.

     8. I have not previously been placed on a deferred prosecution for a Chapter 9A.42 RCW or similar municipal ordinance violation.

     9. The Department of Social and Health Services' case history and child welfare service plan have been filed with this petition pursuant to RCW 10.05.020.

     10. I understand and acknowledge I have the following rights: (a) to have a lawyer represent me at all hearings; (b) to have a lawyer appointed at public expense if I cannot afford one; (c) to a speedy, public jury trial; (d) to appeal any conviction; (e) to remain silent and not testify; (f) to question witnesses who testify against me; (g) to call witnesses to testify for me, at no cost; (h) to be presumed innocent unless the charge(s) against me is proven beyond a reasonable doubt; and (i) to present evidence and a defense. By deferring prosecution on these charges, I understand I give up my right to: (a) a speedy trial; (b) a jury; (c) testify; (d) question witnesses; (e) call witnesses; and (f) present evidence or a defense.

     11. I stipulate to the admissibility and sufficiency of the facts in the attached police reports. I acknowledge that the above items will be entered and used to support a finding of guilty if the deferred prosecution is revoked.

     12. If my deferred prosecution is revoked and I am found guilty, I understand that I may be sentenced up to the maximum penalty allowed by law.

     13. I understand that if I proceed to trial and I am found guilty, I may be allowed to seek suspension of some or all fines and incarceration if I seek treatment. I understand that I may seek treatment from a public or private agency at any time, whether or not I have been found guilty or placed on deferred prosecution.

     14. I understand that if the court grants this petition, I may not operate a motor vehicle on the public highways without a valid operator's license and proof of liability insurance pursuant to RCW 46.29.490. I understand that if my parenting problems and resulting wrongful conduct are based on alcohol dependency, I may shall also be required to install an ignition interlock or other device on any motor vehicle I operate as set forth in under RCW 46.20.720. The required periods of use of the interlock shall be not less than the periods provided for in RCW 46.20.720 (2)(a), (b), and (c). I may also be required to pay restitution to victims, pay court costs, and pay probation costs authorized by law. To help ensure continued sobriety and reduce the likelihood of reoffense, the court may order reasonable conditions during the period of the deferred prosecution including, but not limited to, attendance at self-help recovery support groups for alcoholism or drugs, complete abstinence from alcohol and all nonprescribed mind-altering drugs, periodic urinalysis or breath analysis, and maintaining law-abiding behavior. Alcoholism programs shall require a minimum of two self-help recovery groups per week for the duration of the treatment program. The court may terminate the deferred prosecution program if I violate this paragraph.

     15. I understand that if the court grants this Petition, during the period of deferred prosecution I will be required to contact my probation officer, the probation director or designee, or the court if there is no probation department, to request permission to travel or transfer to another state if my wrongful conduct involves: (i) an offense in which a person has incurred direct or threatened physical or psychological harm; (ii) an offense that involves the use or possession of a firearm; (iii) a second or subsequent misdemeanor offense of driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol; (iv) a sexual offense that requires me to register as a sex offender in Washington state. I understand that I will be required to pay an application fee with my travel or transfer request.

     15 16. I understand that if I fail or neglect to comply with any part of my service plan, or with any ignition interlock requirements, the court will hold a hearing to determine whether I should be removed from the deferred prosecution program. The termination of my parental rights with regard to the alleged victim due to abuse or neglect that occurred during the pendency of the deferred prosecution, shall be per se evidence that I did not successfully complete the service plan. After the hearing the court will either order that I continue with treatment or be removed from deferred prosecution and enter judgment. If I am convicted of a similar offense during the deferred prosecution, the court will revoke the deferred prosecution and enter judgment.

     16 17. I understand that if the court grants my petition for deferred prosecution, the charge(s) against me in this case will be dismissed when the court receives proof that I have successfully completed the child welfare service plan, or the service plan has been terminated because the alleged victim has reached his or her majority and there are no other minor children in the home.

     I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that I have read the foregoing and agree with all of its provisions and that all statements made are true and correct.

Dated at____ , Washington this __ day of _____, ____.



Defense Attorney/WSBA No.

Court of Washington


, No.



[ ] Count 1:

[ ] Count 2: _

[ ] Count 3:

[ ] ________



1. My true name is

2. My age is

3. I went through the

4. I Have Been Informed and Fully Understand that:
(a) I have the right to representation by a lawyer and that if I cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, one will be provided at no expense to me.
(b) I am charged with:

The elements are:

5. I Understand That I Have the Following Important Rights, and I Give Them All Up by Pleading Guilty:
(a) The right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury in the county where the crime is alleged to have been committed;
(b) The right to remain silent before and during trial, and the right to refuse to testify against myself;
(c) The right at trial to hear and question the witnesses who testify against me;
(d) The right at trial to testify and to have witnesses testify for me. These witnesses can be made to appear at no expense to me;
(e) I am presumed innocent unless the charge is proven beyond a reasonable doubt or I enter a plea of guilty;
(f) The right to appeal a finding of guilt after a trial.
6. In Considering the Consequences of my Guilty Plea, I Understand That:
(a) The crime with which I am charged carries a maximum sentence of _________ days in jail and a $____________ fine.
(b) The prosecuting authority will make the following recommendation to the judge:

(c) The judge does not have to follow anyone's recommendation as to sentence. The judge can give me any sentence up to the maximum authorized by law no matter what the prosecuting authority or anyone else recommends.
(d) The judge may place me on probation for up to five years if I am sentenced under RCW 46.61.5055 or up to two years for all other offenses and impose conditions of probation. If the court orders me to appear at a hearing regarding my compliance with probation and I fail to attend the hearing, the term of probation will be tolled until I appear before the court on the record.
(e) The judge may require me to pay costs, fees and assessments authorized by law. The judge may also order me to make restitution to any victims who lost money or property as a result of crimes I committed. The maximum amount of restitution is double the amount of the loss of all victims or double the amount of my gain.
(f) If I am not a citizen of the United States, a plea of guilty to an offense punishable as a crime under state law is grounds for deportation, exclusion from admission to the United States, or denial of naturalization pursuant to the laws of the United States.
Notification Relating to Specific Crimes. If any of the Following Paragraphs Apply, the Box Should Be Checked and the Paragraph Initialed by the Defendant.
[ ] g The crime of _____________________ has a mandatory minimum sentence of _______________ days in jail and $________ fine plus costs and assessments. The law does not allow any reduction of this sentence.
[ ] h If this crime involves a sexual offense, prostitution, or a drug offense associated with hypodermic needles, I will be required to undergo testing for the human immunodeficiency (AIDS) virus.
[ ] i This plea of guilty will result in suspension or revocation of my driving license or privilege by the Department of Licensing for a period of _________. This period may not include suspension or revocation based on other matters.
[ ] j I understand that I may not possess, own, or have under my control any firearm unless my right to do so is restored by a court of record and that I must immediately surrender any concealed pistol license. RCW 9.41.040.
[ ] k If this crime involves a drug offense, my eligibility for state and federal education benefits will be affected. 20 U.S.C. § 1091(r).
[ ] l If this case involves driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or being in actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, I have been informed and understand that I will be subject to

[ ] the penalties described in the "DUI" Attachment.


[ ] these penalties: The mandatory minimum sentence of _______days in jail, _______ days of electronic home monitoring and $_________monetary penalty. I may will also be required to drive only motor vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device as imposed by the Department of Licensing and/or the court for ________ years. My driving privilege will be suspended or revoked by the Department of Licensing for the period of time stated in paragraph 6(i). In lieu of the minimum jail term, the judge may order me to serve ________ days in electronic home monitoring. If I do not have a dwelling, telephone service, or any other necessity to operate electronic home monitoring; if I live out of state; or if the judge determines I would violate the terms of electronic home monitoring, the judge may waive electronic home monitoring and impose an alternative sentence which may include additional jail time, work crew or work camp.

[ ] m I understand that if this crime involves sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree, communication with a minor for immoral purposes, or attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit a sex offense, or a kidnapping offense involving a minor, as defined in RCW 9A.44.130, I will be required to register with the county sheriff as described in the "Offender Registration" Attachment.
[ ] n If this crime involves stalking, harassment or communication with a minor for immoral purposes, I will be required to have a biological sample collected for purposes of DNA identification analysis. RCW 43.43.754.
[ ] o Travel Restrictions: I understand that I will be required to contact my probation officer, the probation director or designee, or the court if there is no probation department, to request permission to travel or transfer to another state if I am placed on probation for one year or more and this crime involves: (i) an offense in which a person has incurred direct or threatened physical or psychological harm; (ii) an offense that involves the use or possession of a firearm; (iii) a second or subsequent misdemeanor offense of driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol; (iv) a sexual offense that requires the offender to register as a sex offender in the sending state. I understand that I will be required to pay an application fee with my travel or transfer request.
7. I plead guilty to the crime(s) of___________________________ as charged in the complaint(s) or citation(s) and notice. I have received a copy of that complaint or citation and notice.
8. I make this plea freely and voluntarily.
9. No one has threatened harm of any kind to me or to any other person to cause me to make this plea.
10. No person has made promises of any kind to cause me to enter this plea except as set forth in this statement.
11. The judge has asked me to state in my own words what I did that makes me guilty of this crime.
This is my statement:

[ ] Instead of making a statement, I agree that the court may review the police reports and/or a statement of probable cause supplied by the prosecution to establish a factual basis for the plea.
12. My lawyer has explained to me, and we have fully discussed, all of the above paragraphs. I understand them all. I have been given a copy of this "Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty." I have no further questions to ask the judge.
I have read and discussed this statement with the defendant and believe that the defendant is competent and fully understands the statement.
Prosecuting Authority and Bar #/WSBA No. Defendant's Lawyer and Bar #/WSBA No.
Print Name Print name
The foregoing statement was signed by the defendant in open court in the presence of the defendant's lawyer and the undersigned judge. The defendant asserted that (check appropriate box):
[ ] (a) The defendant had previously read; or
[ ] (b) The defendant's lawyer had previously read to him or her; or
[ ] (c) An interpreter had previously read to the defendant the entire statement above and that the defendant understood it in full.
     I find the defendant's plea of guilty to be knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily made. Defendant understands the charges and the consequences of the plea. There is a factual basis for the plea. The defendant is guilty as charged.

Interpreter's Declaration

(If required, attach to Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty.)

I am a certified interpreter or have been found otherwise qualified by the court to interpret in the _________________________________ language, which the defendant understands, and I have translated ___________________________________ for

(Identify document being translated)

the defendant from English into that language.

The defendant has acknowledged his or her understanding of both the translation and the subject matter of this document. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.

Location: .

Case Name: __________ Cause No.: ___________

     "DUI" Attachment: Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. (If required, attach to Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty.)

     Department Of Licensing - DUI Administrative Sanctions and Reinstatement Provisions (as amended through June 1, 2001 July 24, 2005)

ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS - RCW 46.20.3101 (Effective January 1, 1999)
REFUSED TEST First Refusal Within 7 Years And No Prior Administrative Action Within Past 7 Years Second or Subsequent Refusal Within Past 7 Years OR First Refusal And At Least One Prior Administrative Action Within Past 7 Years (Day for day credit for revocation period already served under suspension, revocation, or denial imposed under RCW 46.61.5055 and arising out of the Revocation consecutive to any court ordered suspension as a result of same incident. RCW 46.20.3101(4))
Adult 1-Year License Revocation 2-Year License Revocation
Minor 1-Year License Revocation 2-Year License Revocation Or Until Age 21 Whichever Is Longer
ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION TEST RESULT First Administrative Action Second or Subsequent Administrative Action
Adult With 0.08 or Greater 90-Day License Suspension 2-Year License Revocation
Minor With 0.02 or Greater 90-Day License Suspension 1-Year License Revocation Or Until Age 21 Whichever Is Longer

     Note: An individual convicted of DUI or physical control will have his/her driving privilege placed in probationary status for five years from the date he/she is eligible to reinstate his/her driver's license. (See RCW 46.61.5055 and 46.20.355) An individual granted a deferred prosecution under RCW 10.05.060 will have his/her driving privilege placed on probationary status for five years from the date of the incident, which was the basis for the deferred prosecution. (See RCW 46.20.355 and 10.05.060)

Suspended License* (RCW 46.20.311) Revoked License* (RCW 46.20.311)

File and maintain proof of financial responsibility for the future with the Department of Licensing as provided in chapter 46.29 RCW

Present written verification by a company doing business in this state that it has installed the required ignition interlock device on a vehicle owned and/or operated by the person seeking reinstatement

Pay $150 driver's license reissue fee (Effective June 11, 1998)

Driver's ability test NOT required

File and maintain proof of financial responsibility for the future with the Department of Licensing as provided in chapter 46.29 RCW

Present written verification by a company doing business in this state that it has installed the required ignition interlock device on a vehicle owned and/or operated by the person seeking reinstatement

Pay $150 driver's license reissue fee (Effective June 11, 1998)

Satisfactorily complete a driver's ability test

     *If suspension or revocation is the result of a criminal conviction, the driver must also show proof of either (1) enrollment and satisfactory participation in an approved alcohol treatment program or (2) completion of an alcohol information school, as determined by the court and/or treatment agency.

RCW 46.20.391 provides for a temporary restricted license: $100 fee, proof of functioning ignition interlock and financial responsibility; demonstrated necessity.

COURT DUI SENTENCING GRID (RCW 46.61.5055 as amended through June 1, 2001 July 24, 2005)

     "Prior Offense" includes the following: (as defined in RCW 46.61.5055)

     Original Convictions for the following: (1) DUI (RCW 46.61.502) (or an equivalent local ordinance); (2) Phys. Cont. (RCW 46.61.504) (or an equivalent local ordinance); (3) Veh. Homicide (RCW 46.61.520) or Veh. Assault (RCW 46.61.522) if either committed while under the influence; (4) Equiv. out-of-state statute for any of the above offenses.

     Amended Convictions for the following: If the person was originally charged with DUI or Phys. Cont. or an equivalent local ordinance, or Veh. Homicide (RCW 46.61.520) or Veh. Assault (RCW 46.61.522). (1) Neg. Driving 1st (RCW 46.61.5249); (2) Reckless Driving (RCW 46.61.500); (3) Reckless Endangerment (RCW 9A.36.050); (4) Equiv. out-of-state or local ordinance for the above offenses. ♦

     Deferred Prosecution Granted for the following: (1) DUI (RCW 46.61.502) (or equivalent local ordinance); (2) Phys. Cont. (RCW 46.61.504) (or equivalent local ordinance); (3) Neg. Driving 1st (RCW 46.61.5249), (or equiv. local ord.), if the person was originally charged with DUI or Phys. Cont. (or an equiv. local ord.), or Veh. Homicide (RCW 46.61.520) or Veh. Assault (RCW 46.61.522).

"Within seven years" means that the arrest for a prior offense(s) occurred within 7 years of the arrest for the current offense. (as defined in RCW 46.61.5055.)
Alcohol Concentration Less Than .15 Or No Test Result No Prior Offenses Within Past 7 Years One Prior Offense Within Past 7 Years Two or More Prior Offenses Within Past 7 Years
Jail Time*** 1-365 Days (24 consecutive hours non-suspendable) 30-365 Days (30 days non-suspendable) 90-365 Days (90 days non-suspendable)
Electronic Home Monitoring* In Lieu of Mandatory Minimum Jail Time, Not Less Than 15 Days 60 Days 120 Days
Fine $350-$5,000 ($765 866 total minimum fine w/statutory assessments****) $500-$5,000 ($1,005 1,121 total minimum fine w/statutory assessments****) $1,000-$5,000 ($1,805 1,971 total minimum fine w/statutory assessments****)
Driver's License 90-Day Suspension 2-Year Revocation 3-Year Revocation
Ignition Interlock Device Court may order DOL Shall Require** Not Less Than 1 Year DOL Shall Require** Not Less Than 1 Year DOL Shall Require**
Alcohol/Drug Ed. or Treatment As Determined By The Court As Determined By The Court As Determined By The Court
Alcohol Concentration At Least .15 or Greater Or Test Refusal No Prior Offenses Within Past 7 Years One Prior Offense Within Past 7 Years Two or More Prior Offenses Within Past 7 Years
Jail Time*** 2-365 Days (2 consecutive days non suspendable mandatory) 45-365 Days (45 days non suspendable mandatory) 120-365 Days (120 days non suspendable mandatory)
Electronic Home Monitoring* In Lieu of Mandatory Minimum Jail Time, Not Less Than 30 Days 90 Days 150 Days
Fine $500-$5,000 ($1,005 1,121 total minimum fine w/statutory assessments****) $750-$5,000 ($1,405 1,546 total minimum fine w/statutory assessments****) $1,500-$5,000 ($2,605 2,821 total minimum fine w/statutory assessments****)
Driver's License 1-Year Revocation (2 years if BAC refused; RCW 46.61.5055(7)(c)) 900-Day Revocation (3 years if BAC refused; RCW 46.61.5055(7)(c)) 4-Year Revocation
Ignition Interlock Device Not Less Than 1 Year DOL Shall Require** Not Less Than 1 Year DOL Shall Require** Not Less Than 1 Year DOL Shall Require**
Alcohol/Drug Ed. or Treatment As Determined By The Court As Determined By The Court As Determined By The Court

Amended Convictions: See City of Walla Walla v. Greene, 154 Wn. 2d 722, 116 P. 3d 1008 (2005).
* Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM): For first time offenders, the court may impose electronic home monitoring in lieu of the mandatory minimum jail time. Courts may waive electronic home monitoring in writing stating the reasons therefore and facts relied upon. If EHM is waived, the court is required to impose an alternative sentence with similar punitive consequences. (RCW 46.61.5055.)
** Ignition Interlock (IID): For a person previously ordered to install ignition interlock under RCW 46.20.720 (3)(a) not less than 5 years, for a person previously ordered to install ignition interlock under RCW 46.20.720 (3)(b) not less than 10 years. Effective 6/10/04, DOL shall require after any alcohol related violation of RCW 46.61.502, 46.61.504 or equivalent local ordinances; the court may order IID, setting a calibration level and duration. 46.20.720 (as amended by Laws of 2004, ch. 95). For application in DUI Deferred Prosecution, see: RCW 10.05.140, which requires IID in a deferred prosecution of any alcohol-dependency based case. If the violation was committed while a passenger under 16 was in the vehicle, the court must order installation and use of IID for at least 60 days or extend a previously imposed IID requirement by at least 60 days; IID restrictions begin after any applicable period of suspension, revocation, or denial of driving privileges. RCW 46.61.5055. (As amended by Laws of 2003, ch. 103).
*** Mandatory conditions of probation if any jail time is suspended: (Court's jurisdiction extended to five years if it imposes less than one year in jail - RCW 46.61.5055) The individual: (i) The individual is not to drive a motor vehicle within this state without a valid license to drive and proof of financial responsibility for the future, (ii) the individual is not to drive a motor vehicle within this state while having an alcohol concentration of .08 or more within two hours after driving, (iii) the individual is not to refuse to submit to a test of his or her breath or blood to determine alcohol concentration upon request of a law enforcement officer who has reasonable grounds to believe the person was driving or was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle within this state while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Violation of any mandatory condition requires a minimum penalty of 30 days confinement, which may not be suspended or deferred, and an additional 30 day license suspension. RCW 46.61.5055(9). Courts are required to report violations of mandatory conditions to DOL. RCW 46.61.5055.
**** Statutory Assessments: PSEA 1, RCW 3.62.090(1); Alcohol Violators Fee, RCW 46.61.5054; Criminal Justice Funding (CJF) Penalty, RCW 46.64.055 (Note RCW 3.62.090 (1) and (2) apply to CJF penalty); Criminal Conviction Fee, RCW 3.62.085. (Similarly to forfeitable offenses listed in CrRLJ 3.2 (r) - (u), statutory assessments are rounded up to the next even dollar amount.) Local Government Criminal Justice Funding penalty: Effective July 22, 2001, the court must impose an additional local government criminal justice funding penalty of $50. RCW 46.64.055. PSEA applies.

______Court of Washington

For _____________________





No: ________________

Petition for Deferred Prosecution (DPPF)

Charges: ___________

Violation Date: ______

     Comes Now the defendant and petitions the court for deferred prosecution pursuant to RCW Chapter 10.05, and states as follows:

     1. I allege the wrongful conduct charged is the result of or caused by [ ] Alcoholism [ ] Drug Addiction [ ] Mental Problems, for which I need treatment.

     2. Unless I receive treatment for my problem, the probability of future reoccurrence is great.

     3. I agree to pay for the cost of diagnosis and treatment, if financially able to do so, subject to RCW 10.05.130.

     4. I understand that the court will not accept a petition for deferred prosecution from a person who sincerely believes that he or she is innocent of the crime(s) charged or does not suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental problems.

     5. If this charge is a violation of Title 46 or similar municipal ordinance, I have not previously been placed on a deferred prosecution for a Title 46 or similar municipal ordinance violation.

     6. A case history and assessment have been filed with this petition pursuant to RCW 10.05.020.

     7. I understand and acknowledge I have the following rights: (a) to have a lawyer represent me at all hearings; (b) to have a lawyer appointed at public expense if I cannot afford one; (c) to a speedy, public jury trial; (d) to appeal any conviction; (e) to remain silent and not testify; (f) to question witnesses who testify against me; (g) to call witnesses to testify for me, at no cost; (h) to be presumed innocent unless the charge(s) against me is proven beyond a reasonable doubt; and (i) to present evidence and a defense. By deferring prosecution on these charges, I understand I give up my right to: (a) a speedy trial; (b) a jury; (c) testify; (d) question witnesses; (e) call witnesses; and (f) present evidence or a defense.

     8. I stipulate to the admissibility and sufficiency of the facts in the attached police reports. I acknowledge that the above items will be entered and used to support a finding of guilty if the deferred prosecution is revoked.

     9. If my deferred prosecution is revoked and I am found guilty, I understand that I may be sentenced up to the maximum penalty allowed by law.

     10. I understand that if I proceed to trial and I am found guilty, I may be allowed to seek suspension of some or all fines and incarceration if I seek treatment. I understand that I may seek treatment from a public or private agency at any time, whether or not I have been found guilty or placed on deferred prosecution.

     11. I understand that for some crimes, a deferred prosecution will enhance mandatory penalties for subsequent offenses committed within a seven-year period. I understand that a deferred prosecution will be a prior offense under RCW 46.61.5055 (driving under the influence, physical control of a vehicle under the influence, negligent driving if originally charged as driving under the influence or physical control of a vehicle under the influence, vehicular homicide, or vehicular assault).

     12. I understand that if the court grants this Petition, I may not operate a motor vehicle on the public highways without a valid operator's license and proof of liability insurance pursuant to RCW 46.29.490. I understand that if my wrongful conduct is the result of or caused by alcohol dependency, I may shall also be required to install an ignition interlock or other device on any motor vehicle I operate as set forth in under RCW 46.20.720. The required periods of use of the interlock shall be not less than the periods provided for in RCW 46.20.720 (2)(a), (b) and (c). I may also be required to pay restitution to victims, pay court costs, and pay probation costs authorized by law. To help ensure continued sobriety and reduce the likelihood of reoffense, the court may order reasonable conditions during the period of the deferred prosecution including, but not limited to, attendance at self-help recovery support groups for alcoholism or drugs, complete abstinence from alcohol and all nonprescribed mind-altering drugs, periodic urinalysis or breath analysis, and maintaining law-abiding behavior. Alcoholism programs shall require a minimum of two self-help recovery groups per week for the duration of the treatment program. The court may terminate the deferred prosecution program if I violate this paragraph.

     13. I understand that if the court grants this Petition, during the period of deferred prosecution I will be required to contact my probation officer, the probation director or designee, or the court if there is no probation department, to request permission to travel or transfer to another state if my wrongful conduct involves: (i) an offense in which a person has incurred direct or threatened physical or psychological harm; (ii) an offense that involves the use or possession of a firearm; (iii) a second or subsequent misdemeanor offense of driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol; (iv) a sexual offense that requires me to register as a sex offender in Washington state. I understand that I will be required to pay an application fee with my travel or transfer request.

     13 14. I understand that if I fail or neglect to comply with any part of my treatment plan or with any ignition interlock requirements, then the court will hold a hearing to determine whether I should be removed from the deferred prosecution program. After the hearing the court will either order that I continue with treatment or be removed from deferred prosecution and enter judgment. If I am convicted of a similar offense during the deferred prosecution, the court will revoke the deferred prosecution and enter judgment.

     14 15. I understand that the charge(s) against me in this case will be dismissed three years from the end of the two-year treatment plan program, and following proof to the court that I have complied with the conditions imposed by the court following successful completion of the two-year treatment program, but no less than five years from the date the deferred prosecution is granted, if the court grants may petition for deferred prosecution and if I fully comply with all the terms of the court order placing me on deferred prosecution.

     I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that I have read the foregoing and agree with all of its provisions and that all statements made are true and correct.

Dated at____ , Washington this __ day of _____, ____.



Defense Attorney/WSBA No.

     Reviser's note: The typographical errors in the above material occurred in the copy filed by the State Supreme Court and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.

     Reviser's note: The brackets and enclosed material in the text of the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.

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