Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 07-16-077.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Chapter 478-120 WAC, Student conduct code for the University of Washington.
Hearing Location(s): Room 309, Husky Union Building (HUB), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, on October 30, 2007, at 12:00 noon.
Date of Intended Adoption: November 15, 2007.
Submit Written Comments to: Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director of Rules Coordination, UW Rules Coordination Office, Box 355509, Seattle, WA 98195-5509, e-mail, fax (206) 221-6917, by October 30, 2007.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Disability Services Office by October 19, 2007, TTY (206) 543-6452 or (206) 543-6450.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Amendments to the University of Washington's student conduct code include addressing student violations that occur beyond campus boundaries, and extending the administration of the conduct code to all three of the University of Washington campuses. Other housekeeping amendments bring the chapter up-to-date with its first substantive review since 1996.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposed amendments have been approved by vote of the University of Washington's faculty senate, and endorsed by the associated students of the University of Washington, the University of Washington's graduate and professional student senate, and fraternity and sorority leadership.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: University of Washington, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Eric Godfrey, Vice-Provost for Student Life, 476 Schmitz Hall, Box 355831, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, (206) 543-2965.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Chapter 478-120 WAC, Student conduct code for the University of Washington, does not impose a disproportionate impact on small businesses.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. Chapter 478-120 WAC, Student conduct code for the University of Washington, is not considered a significant legislative rule by the University of Washington.
September 17, 2007
Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff
Director of Rules Coordination
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-10-051, filed 4/29/96,
effective 5/30/96)
WAC 478-120-010
Student conduct code -- Authority.
Pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW and the authority granted by RCW 28B.20.130, the board of regents of the University of
Washington has established the following regulations on
student conduct and student discipline ((on the university
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-010, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96; Order 72-9, § 478-120-010, filed 11/30/72.]
(2) Admission to the university carries with it the presumption that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the academic community. As a condition of enrollment, all students assume responsibility to observe standards of conduct that will contribute to the pursuit of academic goals and to the welfare of the academic community. That responsibility includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Practicing high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity;
(b) Respecting the rights, privileges, and property of other members of the academic community and visitors to the campus, and refraining from any conduct that would interfere with university functions or endanger the health, welfare, or safety of other persons;
(c) Complying with the rules, regulations, procedures, policies, standards of conduct, and orders of the university and its schools, colleges, and departments.
(3) Specific instances of misconduct include, but are not limited to:
(a) Conduct that intentionally and substantially
obstructs or disrupts teaching or freedom of movement or other
lawful activities on ((the)) university ((campus)) premises or
in connection with any university-sponsored event or activity
and is not constitutionally and/or legally protected;
(b) Physical abuse of any person, or conduct intended to
threaten imminent bodily harm or to endanger the health or
safety of any person on ((the)) university ((campus))
(c) Conduct on ((the)) university ((campus)) premises
constituting a sexual offense, whether forcible or
nonforcible, such as rape, sexual assault, or sexual
(d) Malicious damage to or malicious misuse of university
property, or the property of any person where such property is
located on ((the)) university ((campus)) premises;
(e) Refusal to comply with any lawful order to leave
((the)) university ((campus)) premises or any portion thereof;
(f) Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous
chemicals or other dangerous weapons or instrumentalities on
((the)) university ((campus)) premises, except for authorized
university purposes, unless prior written approval has been
obtained from the university chief of police, or any other
person designated by the president of the university (see WAC 478-124-020 (2)(e)) (legal defense sprays are not covered by
this section);
(g) Unlawful possession, use, distribution, or
manufacturer of alcohol or controlled substances (as defined
in chapter 69.50 RCW) on ((the)) university ((campus))
premises or during university-sponsored activities;
(h) Intentionally inciting others to engage immediately
in any unlawful activity, which incitement leads directly to
such conduct on ((the)) university ((campus)) premises;
(i) Hazing, or conspiracy to engage in hazing, which includes:
(i) Any method of initiation into a student organization or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization or living group, that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious mental or emotional harm, to any student or other person attending the university; and
(ii) Conduct associated with initiation into a student organization or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to an organization or living group not amounting to a violation of (i)(i) of this subsection, but including such conduct as humiliation by ritual act and sleep deprivation. Consent is no defense to hazing. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions;
(j) Falsely reporting a violation of the student conduct code.
(4) Disciplinary action may be taken in accord with this chapter regardless of whether that conduct also involves an alleged or proven violation of law.
(5) An instructor has the authority to exclude a student from any class session in which the student is disorderly or disruptive. If the student persists in the disorderly or disruptive conduct, the instructor should report the matter to the dean of the school or college, or, at the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma campuses, to the director of the program in which the student is enrolled. (See WAC 478-120-030(3).)
(6) Nothing herein shall be construed to deny students their legally and/or constitutionally protected rights.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 07-03-069, § 478-120-020, filed 1/17/07, effective 2/17/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-020, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96; Order 72-9, § 478-120-020, filed 11/30/72.]
(1) A student may be subject to disciplinary proceedings under the student conduct code if:
(a) The university is made aware that a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that such student has engaged in intentional unlawful conduct off-campus that involves the physical harm or abuse, or a direct threat of the physical harm or abuse, of any person, including but not limited to homicide, assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, arson, rape or sexual assault, criminal harassment, criminal stalking or the unlawful possession, use, storage or manufacture of weapons or destructive devices; and
(b) The university determines that a significant university interest is affected.
(2) A student may also be subject to disciplinary proceedings under the student conduct code if the university is made aware that the student has engaged in off-campus conduct that involves the physical harm or abuse, or the direct threat of physical harm or abuse, of another university student, or a university faculty or staff member. Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated under this section regardless of whether or not the incident is subject to criminal or civil proceedings.
(3) In furtherance of the university's interest in maintaining a positive relationship with its surrounding community, the university shall also have the authority to hold students accountable under the student conduct code for conduct within the "North of 45th" residential community immediately adjacent to the Seattle campus (bounded by NE 45th Street on the south, 15th Ave NE on the west, 22nd Ave NE and north of 54th Street, Ravenna Ave NE on the east and Ravenna Park on the north and including all residences located on either side of each of the aforementioned streets) as follows:
(a) A student may be subject to disciplinary proceedings under the code if the university is made aware that the student has been cited by the Seattle police or the university police for, and is determined to have committed, a violation of any state statute or city of Seattle municipal ordinance prohibiting misconduct that has a direct and significant quality-of-life impact on community residents, including but not limited to, creating a public nuisance due to noise, theft, intentional destruction of property, urinating in public, or criminal trespass.
(b) A first violation under (a) of this subsection will not subject the student to disciplinary sanctions under WAC 478-120-040 if the student voluntarily meets with a representative of the office of the vice-provost for student life to receive information and counseling regarding his or her responsibilities as a university community member and as a resident in the area. A second violation will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions if the student involved agrees to participate, in good faith, in a mediation with the person or persons affected by the misconduct under a mediation protocol established by the office of the vice-provost for student life.
(4) Nothing herein shall be construed as being intended to protect any person or class of persons from injury or harm, or construed to deny students their legally and/or constitutionally protected rights.
(a) The truth or falsity of the charges against the student;
(b) Whether the alleged misconduct violates this code; and if so,
(c) The sanctions to be imposed, if any.
The criteria for judging student misconduct shall include, but not be limited to, the standards of conduct as stated in WAC 478-120-020 and 478-120-025. Informal hearings shall use the procedures in chapter 34.05 RCW governing brief adjudicative proceedings. Formal hearings conducted by the faculty appeal board shall follow the procedures required by chapter 34.05 RCW for formal adjudicative proceedings. Informal settlements may be conducted under the authority of RCW 34.05.060.
(2) Persons who believe that a violation of the student
conduct code has been committed should contact the
((vice-president for student affairs)) vice-provost for
student life at the University of Washington Seattle campus,
or the chancellor of the University of Washington Bothell or
Tacoma campuses, whichever is appropriate.
(3) Only the vice-provost for student life, the dean of
the school or college at the University of Washington Seattle
or, at the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma
campuses, the director of the program in which a student is
enrolled or the ((vice-president for student affairs))
chancellors of the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma
campuses, may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a
student under this code of conduct. (See WAC 478-120-050.)
The deans ((and the vice-president for student affairs)), the
vice-provost for student life, or the chancellors of the
University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma campuses may
delegate the authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings
consistent with this chapter to members of their staffs and to
students. They may also establish student or student-faculty
hearing bodies to advise or to act for them in disciplinary
matters. The person initiating a disciplinary proceeding
shall be referred to as the initiating officer.
(4) The initiating officer will begin a disciplinary proceeding by holding, or directing a member of his or her staff to hold, an informal hearing with the student charged with misconduct. Based on this informal disciplinary hearing, the initiating officer may choose to exonerate the student, dismiss the action, impose an appropriate sanction, and/or refer the matter to the appropriate university disciplinary committee. (See WAC 478-120-065.) If the initiating officer identifies a potential or existing exceptional circumstance, as defined in WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i),
"Exceptional circumstances exist when:
(A) The sanction of dismissal has been recommended; or
(B) The student has been charged with hazing; or
(C) The sanction of restitution (in excess of three hundred dollars) has been recommended; or
(D) Suspension has been recommended," the matter shall be referred directly to the faculty appeal board. (See WAC 478-120-100.)
(5) Students have the right to appeal any sanction imposed at an informal hearing to the appropriate university disciplinary committee, except that when such sanction identifies an existing or potential exceptional circumstance as defined in WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i), the matter shall be referred directly to the faculty appeal board.
(6) Any decisions of the university disciplinary
committees may be appealed to the faculty appeal board. All
decisions of the university disciplinary committees
identifying existing or potential exceptional circumstances as
defined in WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i) shall be referred
directly to the faculty appeal board. In addition, the
university disciplinary committees may, at any time, ((in
its)) at their discretion, refer a matter directly to the
faculty appeal board. The faculty appeal board performs
distinct functions. In most cases, the faculty appeal board
conducts an administrative review. In certain cases (defined
in WAC 478-120-100(3)), the faculty appeal board conducts a
formal hearing.
(7) Any decision based on a formal hearing conducted by the faculty appeal board may be appealed to the president of the university or the president's delegate for a final review. All orders of dismissal shall be reviewed by the president or the president's delegate. Orders entered by the president or the president's delegate are final. (See WAC 478-120-125.)
(8) The president or ((his or her)) delegate, or
chancellors or their delegates, may take emergency
disciplinary action when a student's conduct threatens the
health, welfare, or safety of the university community or
members thereof. (See WAC 478-120-140.)
(9) When questions of mental or physical health are
raised in conduct cases, the dean, the ((vice-president for
student affairs,)) vice-provost for student life, the
chancellors of the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma
campuses or their delegates, the university disciplinary
committees, or the faculty appeal board may request the
student to appear for examination before two
physician-consultants designated by the dean of the school of
medicine. ((If the student agrees,)) The
physician-consultants may call upon the student health center
for any other professional assistance they deem necessary. After examining the student and/or consulting with the
student's personal physician, the physician-consultants shall
make a recommendation to the dean, the ((vice-president for
student affairs,)) vice-provost for student life, the
chancellor of the University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma
campuses, whichever is appropriate, or their delegates, the
appropriate university disciplinary committee, or the faculty
appeal board as to whether the case should be handled as a
disciplinary matter or as a case for medical or other
treatment. Any decision made based upon the recommendation of
the physician-consultants may be appealed in accordance with
the provisions of this chapter.
(10) The following persons conducting proceedings under
this chapter shall have the authority to issue protective
orders and subpoenas: Deans, ((the vice-president for student
affairs,)) or at the University of Washington Bothell and
Tacoma campuses, the director of the program in which the
student is enrolled, the vice-provost for student life, the
chancellors of the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma
campuses, or the chairs of ((the)) their respective university
disciplinary committees, the chair of the faculty appeal
board, and the president or his or her delegate.
(11) In a case involving an alleged sexual offense, the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a disciplinary hearing and they shall both be informed of the outcome of such disciplinary proceeding.
(12) Any final order resulting from a disciplinary proceeding shall become a part of the student's disciplinary record, unless the student is exonerated. (See WAC 478-120-145.)
(13) In accord with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and pursuant to RCW 34.05.250, all hearings conducted under this chapter generally will be held in closed session out of respect for the privacy of all the students involved. However, the students involved may waive in writing this requirement and request a hearing in open session, and the initiating or presiding officer shall conduct the hearing in a room that will accommodate a reasonable number of observers. The initiating or presiding officer may exclude from the hearing room any persons who are disruptive of the proceedings and may limit the number who may attend the hearing in order to afford safety and comfort to the participants and orderliness to the proceedings.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-030, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96; Order 72-9, § 478-120-030, filed 11/30/72.]
(2) Additionally, the dean of each college or school, including the graduate school, or the dean's delegate, or the directors of programs in which the student is enrolled on the University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses may initiate any disciplinary action:
(a) Related to violations of university rules, regulations, procedures, policies, standards of conduct, and orders which pertain to that particular campus, college or school, or at the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma campuses, the program in which the student is enrolled; and
(b) Related to violations of rules, procedures, policies, and standards of conduct of that particular campus, college or school, or at the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma campuses, the program in which the student is enrolled. The student academic grievance procedure is a separate procedure and is set forth in the University Handbook (graduate school students should also refer to Graduate School Memorandum No. 33). Violations involving academic misconduct should be reported to the dean of the appropriate school or college, or program director at the University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses.
(3) Other departments of the university have proceedings separate and distinct from the student conduct code. For example:
(a) Campus traffic regulations are under the general
jurisdiction of the police department ((of)) at the University
of Washington Seattle campus and under the jurisdiction of
public safety officers at the University of Washington Bothell
and Tacoma campuses. ((The citation hearing office has
jurisdiction to hear and decide all cases involving alleged
violations of traffic regulations.)) (See chapters 478-116,
478-117 and 478-118 WAC.)
(b) The library fines appeals committee has the authority to consider appeals of library charges. (See chapter 478-168 WAC.)
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-050, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96; Order 72-9, § 478-120-050, filed 11/30/72.]
(2) During an informal disciplinary hearing, the student must be provided with the following information:
(a) The alleged misconduct and the reasons for the university's belief that the student engaged in the misconduct;
(b) The specific section(s) of the student conduct code allegedly violated; and
(c) The possible sanctions that may be imposed.
(3) Based on the findings of an informal hearing, the initiating officer shall enter in writing one of the following orders:
(a) An order exonerating the student or dismissing the disciplinary proceeding if it appears that there has been no misconduct;
(b) An initial order imposing a disciplinary sanction;
(c) An order referring the matter to the appropriate university disciplinary committee; or
(d) An order referring the matter directly to the faculty appeal board because exceptional circumstances as defined in WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i) may exist.
(4)(a) If the order imposes a sanction and exceptional circumstances as defined in WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i) exist, the matter shall be referred directly to the faculty appeal board and the student shall be informed that he or she has the right to request a formal hearing according to the procedures set forth in WAC 478-120-075(3).
(b) If the order imposes a sanction but exceptional circumstances do not exist, then the student must be informed that he or she has twenty-one calendar days from the date of the order (or twenty-five calendar days from the date of the mailing of the initial order) to request a hearing before the appropriate university disciplinary committee. If the student chooses not to appeal, the order becomes the final order.
(5) Within ten days of the conclusion of the hearing and any associated investigations, the student shall be provided with a written order which shall include a statement of the decision, the reasons for the decision, and information about appealing the decision. No unfavorable action may be taken against the student until the student has been given such notice and information. In a case involving an alleged sexual offense, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of that hearing. In a case where the student is a minor, the disciplinary sanctions imposed may be reported to the student's parents or legal guardian at the discretion of the initiating officer.
(6) A student may request a hearing by the appropriate university disciplinary committee at any time during these informal proceedings. If such a request is made, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate university disciplinary committee.
(7) The official record of this informal hearing shall
consist of all documents prepared or considered by the dean
((or the vice-president for student affairs)), the
vice-provost for student life, or, at the University of
Washington Bothell and Tacoma campuses, the chancellors, or
the director of the program in which the student is enrolled,
or their delegates, with regard to the dispute at hand.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-065, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96.]
(1) If a student does not appeal to the appropriate body within twenty-one days of the initial order (or within twenty-five calendar days of the date when the university mailed the initial order to the student), the right to appeal is waived and the order becomes final.
(a) All initial orders shall be hand delivered or delivered by mail.
(b) Any student involved in a disciplinary hearing is
required to provide his or her current and accurate address to
the office of the ((vice-president for student affairs))
vice-provost for student life or the office of the chancellor
for the University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses,
whichever is appropriate, or their delegates.
(2) All petitions for appeal must be made in writing to the appropriate authority (the appropriate chair of one of the university disciplinary committees (Seattle, Bothell or Tacoma), the chair of the faculty appeal board, or the president). The petition must state the reasons for the appeal and indicate points of disagreement with the initial order.
(3) If a student wishes to request a formal hearing before the faculty appeal board, the student's written petition for appeal must also state that a formal hearing is being requested and must identify the specific exceptional circumstances (as defined in WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i)) warranting such a hearing. When conducting administrative reviews of informal hearings, the faculty appeal board shall make any inquiries necessary to ascertain whether the proceeding must be converted to a formal disciplinary hearing.
(4) After conducting the appropriate review, the appeal body or the president may sustain, reduce, or vacate the sanction imposed by the initial order, except if that review is in the form of a formal hearing before the faculty appeal board, that board may increase any sanction.
(5) Only the president or the president's delegate may issue a final order of dismissal.
(6) Sanctions, if any, will be imposed only after an order becomes final, except for actions taken under WAC 478-120-140.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-075, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96.]
(1) The president of the University of Washington Seattle
campus and the chancellors of the University of Washington
Bothell and Tacoma campuses shall designate a member of the
faculty or administration to serve as chair of ((the)) each
respective university disciplinary committee for a term of one
year. ((The)) All chairs may be reappointed for consecutive
(a) The chairs shall ensure that all procedural safeguards and guidelines are followed. Accordingly, the chairs shall decide all procedural questions that arise in relation to hearings, including rulings on evidence (as defined in WAC 478-120-095(3)) and challenges to the impartiality of committee members. The chairs shall have the discretion to regulate all aspects of the proceedings.
(b) The chairs shall take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that hearings are conducted in a safe and orderly manner.
(2) The three voting faculty members of ((the)) each
university disciplinary committee shall be selected at random
from the faculty senate at the University of Washington
Seattle, or at the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma
campuses, their respective faculty assembly or organization to
serve one-year terms. Voting faculty members may not be
reappointed to consecutive terms.
(a) Panels of eligible faculty members shall be randomly selected to serve on the committees in the order in which they were selected, except that at the University of Washington Seattle each faculty member of the committees must represent a different faculty senate group.
(b) Faculty members must have been members of the faculty for at least one year and hold the position of assistant professor or higher in order to be eligible to serve as voting members of the university disciplinary committees.
(3) The three voting student members of the university
disciplinary committees shall be selected at random from
((the)) each student body to serve one-year terms. Student
members of the committees may not be reappointed.
(a) Panels of eligible students shall be selected randomly from the entire full-time student body to serve as committee members or alternates in the order in which they were selected, except that at the University of Washington Seattle one member must be a professional or graduate student and the other two members must represent different undergraduate classes.
(b) To be eligible to serve on the university disciplinary committees, students must be full-time and in good standing with the university.
(4) In addition to the chairs, a quorum shall be two faculty members and two student members. The chairs shall select alternates from the panels of eligible faculty or students as needed to produce a quorum.
(5) ((A)) Committee members may be disqualified from a
particular hearing for bias, prejudice, conflict of interest,
or any other reason which may prevent him or her from serving
as an impartial judge of the matter before the committees.
(a) ((A)) Committee members may excuse ((himself or
herself)) themselves for any of the causes set forth in this
section by submitting a written statement to the appropriate
committee chair stating facts and reasons for the
(b) A student before any of the university disciplinary committees may challenge the impartiality of a committee member by written petition. The appropriate chair shall determine whether to grant the petition and excuse the committee member from the case, and shall state the facts and reasons for that determination in writing.
(c) Any person who has been delegated the authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings is disqualified from serving as a member of the university disciplinary committees.
(6) The appropriate chair may relieve a member of ((the))
his or her university disciplinary committee from serving on
that committee for a particular case, for a specific period of
time, or for the rest of the year after the member submits a
written request to the chair.
(7) Members of the university disciplinary committees shall begin their terms on the first day of classes of winter quarter. Those terms shall expire on the first day of classes of the next winter quarter, except that cases in process shall be continued until a decision is reached. The new panels of committee members shall be identified by the outgoing chairs, or by the person designated by the appropriate chair, through random procedures established by the chair.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-085, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96.]
(1) When a hearing is scheduled before ((the)) a
university disciplinary committee, the chair of the
appropriate committee shall provide the student with written
notice of the following information:
(a) The time and place of the hearing;
(b) The allegations of misconduct against the student;
(c) A list of all witnesses who may be called to testify;
(d) A description of all documentary and real evidence to be presented at the hearing, including a copy of his or her disciplinary file; and
(e) The sanctions that may be imposed at the hearing if the allegations of misconduct are found to be true.
(2) The chair of ((the)) each committee shall adhere to
the following procedures at all disciplinary hearings:
(a) The student shall be provided with a reasonable opportunity (at least seven days) to gather evidence, contact witnesses, and prepare a defense for the hearing.
(b) The student may be accompanied by an advisor of the student's choice.
(c) The student is entitled to hear all testimony and examine all evidence that is presented at the hearing. In response, the student may present evidence and witnesses on his or her own behalf and may ask questions of any other witnesses.
(d) No student shall be compelled to give self-incriminating evidence.
(3) Evidence shall be admissible at the hearing if it is the type of evidence that reasonably prudent members of the university community would rely upon in the conduct of their affairs.
(4) The initiating officer (the appropriate dean, ((the
vice-president for student affairs, or his or her delegate))
or at the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma
campuses, director of the program in which the student is
enrolled, the vice-provost for student life, the chancellors
of the University of Washington Bothell and Tacoma campuses,
or their delegates) must prove by a preponderance of the
evidence presented at the hearing that the student has engaged
in the alleged misconduct. The committee shall base its
factual determination solely on the evidence presented at the
(a) Decisions of the university disciplinary committee will be made based on a simple majority vote of the committees.
(b) If ((the)) a university disciplinary committee cannot
reach a decision by simple majority vote, an order shall be
entered referring the matter to the faculty appeal board. Where exceptional circumstances exist, the student shall be
notified of the right to request a formal hearing. Otherwise,
the faculty appeal board shall conduct an administrative
review as provided under WAC 478-120-100 (1) and (2).
(5) If at any time after a matter has been referred to
((the)) a university disciplinary committee the appropriate
chair determines that the matter should properly be before the
faculty appeal board, the chair may refer the matter to the
faculty appeal board and shall provide the student with
written notice of the referral and of the opportunity to
request a formal hearing if exceptional circumstances exist. (See WAC 478-120-100 (3)(b)(i).)
(6) If the committee determines that the student has violated the university's rules, regulations, procedures, policies, standards of conduct, or orders, it shall then determine the appropriate sanction to be imposed. When determining the appropriate sanction, the committee shall review the evidence presented at the hearing and the student's past record of conduct at the university.
(7) The chair of the appropriate university disciplinary committee shall provide the student with a written statement of the committee's decision within ten days of the conclusion of the hearing. This written statement shall include the committee's factual findings, the conclusions that have been drawn from those findings, the reasons for those conclusions, and the sanctions, if any, to be imposed. If sanctions are imposed, the student must also be informed of the appropriate procedures for appealing the committee's decision to the faculty appeal board. In a case involving an alleged sexual offense, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of the hearing. In a case where the student is a minor, the written statement of the committee's decision may be reported to the student's parents or legal guardian at the discretion of the chair of the appropriate university disciplinary committee.
(8) This written statement of the committee's decision shall be the committee's initial order. If the student chooses not to appeal, the initial order of the appropriate university disciplinary committee becomes the final order at the end of the appeal period set forth in WAC 478-120-075(1), except that orders of dismissal shall be referred to the president.
(9) The student may choose to present evidence to the
chair of the appropriate university disciplinary committee
rather than at a hearing before the full committee. The
student's waiver of the right to a hearing before ((the)) a
university disciplinary committee must be submitted in writing
to the chair of the appropriate committee. The chair will
submit the student's evidence and arguments to the full
committee and the committee will make its decision based on
the chair's report.
(10) All proceedings of the committees will be conducted with reasonable dispatch and be terminated as soon as possible, consistent with fairness to all parties involved. The chair shall have the discretion to continue the hearing.
(11) An adequate summary of the proceedings will be kept. Such a summary shall include all documents that were considered by the appropriate committee and may include a tape recording of the testimony and any other documents related to the hearing.
(12) A report of ((the)) a university disciplinary
committee shall, upon written request and release by the
student or students involved, and subject to the requirements
of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, be made
available to members of the university community through the
((vice-president for student affairs)) vice-provost for
student life, or the office of the chancellor at the
University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses, whichever
is appropriate, or their delegates.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-095, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96.]
(1) The faculty appeal board may conduct an administrative review when exceptional circumstances do not exist or the student has not requested a formal hearing in writing.
(2) The procedures for conducting such administrative review are set forth in WAC 478-120-105. The chair shall maintain a record of all administrative reviews conducted by the faculty appeal board. At a minimum, such a record shall include all documents that were considered by the board and may include a tape recording of all testimony and all other documents related to the review.
(3) The faculty appeal board shall conduct a formal hearing when:
(a) The student requests a formal hearing before the faculty appeal board in writing setting forth the exceptional circumstances that exist (see below); and
(b) The chair reviews the student's written request and determines that exceptional circumstances do exist. Additionally, the faculty appeal board may conduct a formal hearing in other circumstances as the board deems appropriate. If the faculty appeal board does not conduct a formal hearing, it shall conduct an administrative review of the prior decision.
(i) Exceptional circumstances exist when:
(A) The sanction of dismissal has been recommended; or
(B) The student has been charged with hazing; or
(C) The sanction of restitution (in excess of three hundred dollars) has been recommended; or
(D) Suspension has been recommended.
(ii) If the faculty appeal board decides not to grant a student's written request for a formal hearing, the chair shall provide the student with a written copy of the board's decision and a brief statement of the reasons for denying the petition within ninety days as specified in WAC 478-120-115(2).
(4) If a matter is referred directly to the faculty appeal board and there is no initial order, then the faculty appeal board shall determine whether exceptional circumstances exist or could exist. If exceptional circumstances exist or could exist, then the board shall notify the student in writing that he or she has twenty-one days from the date of the notice or twenty-five days from the date of mailing the notice to request a formal hearing. If the student fails to make such a request, any right to a formal hearing is waived.
(5) Formal hearings conducted by the faculty appeal board shall be according to the procedural guidelines set forth in WAC 478-120-115 and chapter 34.05 RCW.
(a) At the conclusion of the formal hearing, the faculty appeal board shall enter an initial order based on the findings of that hearing. That initial order shall include a written statement of the board's decision and the basis for that decision, including procedures for appealing the decision to the president or president's delegate. The initial order shall be provided to the student within ninety days of the conclusion of the hearing. In a case involving an alleged sexual offense, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the board's decision. In a case where the student is a minor, the board's decision may be reported to the student's parents or legal guardian at the discretion of the initiating officer.
(b) An initial order from a formal hearing may be appealed to the president of the university or the president's delegate for a final administrative review.
(c) If the student chooses not to appeal, the initial order of the faculty appeal board shall become the final order, except that orders of dismissal entered by the faculty appeal board shall be reviewed by the president or the president's delegate.
(6) The record in cases in which the faculty appeal board conducts a formal hearing shall be as specified in WAC 478-120-115(15).
(7) Board members may be disqualified from a particular formal hearing for bias, prejudice, conflict of interest, or any other reason which may prevent them from serving as impartial judges of the matter before the board.
(a) A committee member may excuse himself or herself for any of the causes set forth in this section by submitting a written statement to the board chair stating facts and reasons for the disqualification.
(b) A student before the faculty appeal board may challenge the impartiality of a board member by written petition. The chair shall determine whether to grant the petition and excuse the board member, stating the facts and reasons for the determination in writing.
(c) Faculty who have been delegated the authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings are disqualified from serving as members of the faculty appeal board.
(8) At the discretion of the chair, board members may be excused from a particular hearing on the basis of compelling personal need after submitting a written request to the chair explaining the basis of the request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-100, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96; Order 72-9, § 478-120-100, filed 11/30/72.]
(1) In such an emergency situation, the president or ((a
delegate)) chancellors, or their delegates, shall issue a
written order to be served upon the student describing the
terms of the emergency suspension and the reasons for imposing
the suspension. The order shall be effective immediately.
(2) The president or delegate, or chancellors or their
delegates, shall then refer the matter to the ((vice-president
for student affairs or his or her delegate)) vice-provost for
student life at the University of Washington Seattle campus or
the appropriate campus official at the University of
Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses, whichever is
appropriate, who shall proceed as quickly as feasible to
complete any proceedings that would be required if the matter
did not involve an immediate danger.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-140, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96.]
(2) The dean of a college or school at the University of
Washington Seattle, or the director of the program in which
the student is enrolled at the University of Washington
Bothell and Tacoma campuses initiating disciplinary action
shall report in writing to the office of the ((vice-president
for student affairs)) vice-provost for student life, or the
office of the chancellor for the University of Washington
Bothell or Tacoma campuses, whichever is appropriate, or their
delegates, all cases in which disciplinary action is taken. The dean at the University of Washington Seattle shall also
inform the registrar of any action affecting a student's
official standing in the university. The office of the
((vice-president for student affairs)) vice-provost for
student life, or the office of the chancellor for the
University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses, shall
notify the dean of the college or school or director of the
program in which the student is enrolled of any disciplinary
action it takes and also shall notify the registrar or campus
officer of student affairs of any action affecting a student's
official standing in the university.
(3) Disciplinary records of students not exonerated shall
be maintained by the ((vice-president for student affairs))
vice-provost for student life, or the chancellor at the
University of Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses, whichever
is appropriate, or their delegates, and the registrar for
seven years after disciplinary action has been taken and/or
after the administrative purpose has been served.
(4) Disciplinary records of exonerated students shall not be maintained.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
the ((vice-president for student affairs)) vice-provost for
student life, or the chancellor at the University of
Washington Bothell or Tacoma campuses, whichever is
appropriate, or their delegates, at ((his or her)) their
discretion, upon written request by the student, may expunge
the student's disciplinary record.
(6) Records and information regarding student disciplinary proceedings are subject to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and supporting regulations (20 U.S.C. 1232g), and to chapter 478-140 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 28B.10.900 through 28B.10.903. 96-10-051, § 478-120-145, filed 4/29/96, effective 5/30/96.]