Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Update the rules and language regarding registered student organizations, to accommodate a multicampus system, and to clarify requirements for participation and membership in such organizations.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 504-28-010, 504-28-020 and 504-28-050; and repealing WAC 504-28-030.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.30.150.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 09-01-190 on December 24, 2008.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 3, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 3, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 3, Repealed 1; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: May 8, 2009.
Ralph T. Jenks, Director
Procedures, Records, and Forms
and University Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-07-046, filed 3/8/95,
effective 4/8/95)
WAC 504-28-010
Student organizations.
(1) ((Recognition
process)) Registration.
(a) ((Recognition.)) The university ((recognizes))
registers a wide variety of student ((groups)) organizations
to facilitate the diverse interests of the student body. Attendant to ((recognition, groups)) registration,
organizations are granted certain privileges and assume
certain responsibilities as set forth in these rules. ((Recognition)) Registration in no way implies that the
university plans, organizes, or sanctions any particular
activity or policy of a student ((group)) organization. The
term registration as it applies to student organizations in
this chapter has the same meaning as the term recognition as
used with respect to student organizations in chapter 504-26 WAC.
(b) ((Union board. The union board recommends and
reviews policies pertaining to all student organizations. Based on those policies the associate director, activities and
recreational sports, determines whether or not it is
appropriate that the university recognize a particular
organization. The board serves as an appeal body.)) Pursuant
to established policies, the university department responsible
for student affairs makes student organization registration
(2) Membership in organizations.
(a) Full membership in student organizations ((will be))
is restricted to enrolled graduate and undergraduate students
at Washington State University.
(b) Faculty and others may participate as honorary or
associate members ((())at the option of the ((group)))
organization, as specified in the ((group's)) organization's
(c) Only a full member((s)) may be eligible to vote on
matters of business or hold an elective office in the
(((3) Obtaining recognition for organizations.
(a) To become an approved student organization,
recognition must be granted by the associate director,
activities and recreational sports, or the union board. Contact the activities/recreational sports office, CUB 337.
(b) Before requesting recognition, the group should hold
a meeting of interested persons to draft a constitution, elect
officers, and select an advisor. Constitutions normally
(i) Name of the organization.
(ii) Purpose and objectives.
(iii) Qualifications for membership.
(iv) Sources of financial support (e.g., dues, initiation
fees, local and national aid, and financial projects).
(v) Description of offices including qualifications,
duties and method of election.
(vi) National-local affiliations and any financial
obligation (to an affiliate) resulting therefrom.
(vii) Parliamentary authority and method of amending the
(viii) Adoption and amendment procedures.
(ix) A description of the organization's safety program.
(x) Responsibilities of the advisor.
(c))) (d) Washington State University ((will)) does not
((recognize)) register any student organization which directly
or indirectly denies membership to any student because of
race, religion, sex, color, national or ethnic origin, age,
marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/gender
expression, veteran status or disability except that the
permissibility of a single-sex organization ((will be)) is
evaluated in ((accord)) accordance with Title IX guidelines. ((Recognized)) Registered student organizations must
((insure)) ensure that additional policies and procedures do
not create de facto differentiation. Student organizations
that select their members based on commitment to a creed or a
set of beliefs (e.g., political or religious beliefs) may
limit full membership and participation privileges to eligible
individuals who, upon individual inquisition, affirm that they
agree with the organization's beliefs and support the
organization's goals; so long as no eligible individual is
excluded from membership and participation on the basis of
race, religion, sex, color, national or ethnic origin, age,
marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/gender
expression, veteran status, or disability except that the
permissibility of a single-sex organization is evaluated in
accordance with Title IX guidelines.
(((d))) (e) Students who ((feel)) believe they have been
denied membership in violation of (((c) of this)) subsection
(2)(d) of this section may appeal to the ((union board))
director of the university department responsible for student
(((e))) (f) Washington State University ((shall)) does
not ((recognize)) register a student ((group)) organization if
((recognition)) registration would violate local, state, or
federal law.
(((4))) (3) Requirements and responsibilities of
((recognized)) registered student organizations.
(a) Officers of ((organizations)) each organization are
responsible for seeing that ((the)) their organization abides
by university rules and regulations((,)) concerning
scheduling, financial projects, advertising, and other
policies ((of the union board)) applicable to their respective
campus as established by the department responsible for
student affairs.
(b) ((Recognized)) Registered student organizations must
have an advisor (see WAC 504-28-020 Advisors).
(c) Registered student organization funds must be
deposited into a ((faculty, student, and alumni)) registered
student organization account ((in the controller's office,
which acts as a free banking service)) with the university.
The university financial services office assists registered
student organizations in establishing accounts and processing
(d) Each registered student organization must keep the
following records ((must be kept)) current ((in)) with the
((activities/recreational sports office)) university
department responsible for student affairs:
(i) Constitution and bylaws.
(ii) Officer roster card.
(iii) Student organization report (((forms available in
the activities/recreational sports office);)) including
activities, accomplishments, and financial status.
(iv) ((Special)) Student event registration forms.
(((5))) (4) Privileges of ((recognized)) registered
student organizations.
(a) ((Recognized)) Registered student organizations have
the right to sponsor on-campus activities that comply with
university rules, policies, and guidelines.
(b) ((Recognized student organizations may use university
facilities and services through appropriate scheduling
(c) The activities/recreational sports office staff is
available to serve approved organizations in all areas of
(d) Free banking service is provided to approved
organizations through faculty student alumni accounts.)) The
university department responsible for student affairs assists
registered student organizations in understanding and
complying with university rules and policies.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150, 28B.30.095 and 28B.30.125. 95-07-046, § 504-28-010, filed 3/8/95, effective 4/8/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.095, 28B.30.125, 28B.30.150 and chapter 28B.19 RCW. 87-12-013 (Order 87-1), § 504-28-010, filed 5/26/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.125 and 28B.30.150. 80-07-015 (Order 80-2, Resolution No. 6/80-15), § 504-28-010, filed 6/11/80; Order 77-2, § 504-28-010, filed 8/3/77; Order 75-1, § 504-28-010, filed 7/7/75, effective 9/1/75; Order 73-5, § 504-28-010, filed 8/1/73; Order 5, § 504-28-010, filed 9/26/72; Order 3, § 504-28-010, filed 8/5/71.]
(2) Advisors assist the ((union board to implement the))
university department responsible for student affairs in
implementing policies for student organizations.
(3) Advisor responsibilities may include the following:
(a) Attending the organization's meetings.
(b) Assisting in planning the organization's program.
(c) Supervising the handling of funds and approving all expenditures and contracts.
(d) Assisting in arranging for university facilities and equipment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150, 28B.30.095 and 28B.30.125. 95-07-046, § 504-28-020, filed 3/8/95, effective 4/8/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.095, 28B.30.125, 28B.30.150 and chapter 28B.19 RCW. 87-12-013 (Order 87-1), § 504-28-020, filed 5/26/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.125 and 28B.30.150. 80-07-015 (Order 80-2, Resolution No. 6/80-15), § 504-28-020, filed 6/11/80; Order 77-2, § 504-28-020, filed 8/3/77; Order 5, § 504-28-020, filed 9/26/72; Order 3, § 504-28-020, filed 8/5/71.]
(((a))) A financial project is any approved activity of a
registered student organization which is undertaken to raise
funds and/or to defray expenses. Projects may be for the
benefit of organizations themselves or for charity groups.
(2) Approval.
(a) The ((union board and/or its designated
representative has been given the responsibility of approving
all)) registered student organization must obtain advice from
the university department responsible for student affairs on
financial projects ((so that the following services can be
provided)) in the following areas:
(i) Planning advice((.));
(ii) Advertising and publicity assistance((.));
(iii) Facility and equipment arrangements((.)); and
(iv) Consumer protection.
(b) The financial projects requested and the proposed
budget must be completed, approved, and filed with the
((activities/recreational sports office)) university
department responsible for student affairs in advance of the
proposed date using the ((special events)) student event
registration form. Forms are available ((in the
activities/recreational sports office)) at the university
department responsible for student affairs.
(c) For approval, the organization must have funds on
hand to cover ((100%)) 100 percent of the estimated expenses
of a proposed financial project.
(d) Projects involving films are subject to additional
((union board)) student affairs policies. Copies of the
policies are available in CUB scheduling and the
((activities/recreational sports office)) university
department responsible for student affairs.
(e) Scholarship fund projects must be administered in
accordance with university policy governing such funds. Sponsoring organizations may reserve the right to select
recipients and to establish the amount of grants in accordance
with policies of the ((student)) university and the financial
((aids)) aid office.
(f) ((Financial projects involving tables in the west
entrance of the CUB, on the mall, or on the library plaza must
be approved using the special events form. The forms may be
picked up in the activities/recreational sports office. After
approval the table requests are taken to scheduling to reserve
a table. There shall be only one table per organization,
available on a first-come, first-served basis.
(g))) Raffles are subject to state law. ((Contact the
activities/recreational sports office)) Registered student
organizations should contact the university department
responsible for student affairs for current regulations.
(((h) Retailing)) (g) Retail sales of student classroom
books, supplies, and equipment by university departments,
personnel, registered student organizations, or students on
((the)) a WSU campus is prohibited.
(3) Additional requirements.
(a) ((All advertising and publicity for each project must
(i) The name of the sponsoring organization.
(ii) The product or service being sold.)) Student
organizations are required to comply with university
facilities use rules and policies in order to use university
facilities for commercial and charitable uses associated with
financial projects.
(b) ((Any distributing, soliciting or selling must be
done without individuals hawking or shouting.
(c))) An organization seeking approval to sell a
((product)) good or service must provide proof of ownership
prior to approval.
(((d) Individual students wishing to sell goods on campus
must contact the director of the Compton Union Building.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.150, 28B.30.095 and 28B.30.125. 95-07-046, § 504-28-050, filed 3/8/95, effective 4/8/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.095, 28B.30.125, 28B.30.150 and chapter 28B.19 RCW. 87-12-013 (Order 87-1), § 504-28-050, filed 5/26/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.30.125 and 28B.30.150. 80-07-015 (Order 80-2, Resolution No. 6/80-15), § 504-28-050, filed 6/11/80; Order 75-1, § 504-28-050, filed 7/7/75, effective 9/1/75; Order 73-5, § 504-28-050, filed 8/1/73; Order 5, § 504-28-050, filed 9/26/72; Order 3, § 504-28-050, filed 8/5/71.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 504-28-030 | Scheduling of events. |