Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: During the 2009 legislative session, the legislature passed SSB [SHB] 2042 (chapter 100, Laws of 2009) which made changes to the motion picture competitiveness program. Some of the statutory changes require an update to chapter 130-20 WAC. Additionally, the program has been under way for over two years and the department has proposed some rule updates based on program experience.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 130-20-010, 130-20-020, 130-20-030, and 130-20-060.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 43.365.020.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 09-12-131 on June 3, 2009.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: August 5, 2009.
Rogers Weed
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 09-03-033, filed 1/12/09,
effective 2/12/09)
WAC 130-20-010
The following definitions
apply to this chapter, unless the context clearly requires
(1) "Applicant" means a television, film or commercial production company intending to produce a qualified production in Washington state.
(2) "Motion picture competitiveness program" means an
approved program that is a 501 (c)(6) nonprofit organization
with the ((sole)) primary purpose of revitalizing the state's
standing in the film production marketplace through
recommending and awarding financial assistance to qualified
(3) "Costs" mean actual expenses of preproduction, production and postproduction expended in Washington state for the production of motion pictures, including but not limited to payments made for salaries, wages, and health insurance and retirement benefits, the rental/lease costs of machinery, equipment and facilities, and the purchase of food, property, lodging, and permits for work conducted in Washington state.
(4) "Department" means the department of ((community,
trade, and economic development)) commerce.
(((5) "State film office" means a program within the
department with the responsibility of promoting Washington
state as a premier location for film and video production and
assisting production needs within the state.
(6))) (5) "Motion picture" means a recorded audio-visual
production intended for distribution to theaters, DVD, video,
or the internet, or television, or one or more episodes of a
single television series, television pilot or television
commercials. Motion picture does not mean production of ((a
television commercial that spends less than one hundred fifty
thousand dollars in the state of Washington or)) one or more
segments of a newscast or sporting event.
(((7))) (6) "Funding assistance" means financial
assistance from a motion picture competitiveness program.
(((8))) (7) "Person" means the same as defined in RCW 82.04.030.
(((9))) (8) "Qualified production" is a production that
has been certified by the motion picture competitiveness
program as fully meeting the requirements for funding
(((10))) (9) "Qualified expenditures" include production
costs for wages and benefits provided to residents of
Washington state for services performed in Washington state,
goods and services purchased, leased or employed from a legal
resident of this state, or a vendor or supplier who is located
and doing business in this state for one year. Qualified
expenditures do not include wages, salaries or other
compensation for services of nonresident production personnel.
(((11))) (10) "Motion picture competitiveness board"
means a board appointed by the governor that administers the
motion picture competitiveness program. The board evaluates
and awards funding assistance to motion picture projects
pursuant to the guidelines of this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.365.020. 09-03-033, § 130-20-010, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09; 07-03-015, § 130-20-010, filed 1/4/07, effective 2/4/07.]
(a) Certify that it is not engaged, to any extent, in the production of erotic material, as defined in RCW 9.68.050.
(b) The end credits of a film production must acknowledge that the production was filmed in Washington state. The type and style of acknowledgment shall be negotiated between the motion picture competitiveness board and the production company.
(c) Agree to pay all obligations the film production company incurs in Washington state.
(d) Complete a survey as required in WAC 130-20-060 and
file it with the ((state film office)) department following
the completion of the part of the project covered by the
contract with the competitiveness board and before
distribution of the funding assistance.
(e) Make every effort to maximize the hiring of local cast, crew and support services.
(f) Make industry standard payments for health insurance and a retirement plan for those positions typically covered by a collective bargaining agreement; and
(g) Enter into a contract with the motion picture competitiveness program accepting the terms above.
(2) The following activities are considered, but not limited to, qualified expenditures, provided the expenditure occurs in Washington state:
(a) Production costs include costs for preproduction, production and postproduction.
(b) Salaries of Washington state residents who are cast and crew, including wages and payments for health insurance and retirement plans, or fees of Washington state residents to include talent, management and labor.
(c) Cost of set construction and operations, wardrobe, make-up, accessories, location fees and related services.
(d) Costs associated with photography, sound synchronization, lighting and related services and materials.
(e) Renting or leasing vehicles, equipment or facilities.
(f) In-state food, lodging, and per diems.
(g) Agency fees for insurance coverage and bonding if purchased from Washington state-based insurance agent.
(h) Postproduction expenditures directly attributable to the production of a motion picture or commercial for services including, but not limited to: Editing and related services, film processing, transfers of film to tape or digital format, sound mixing, computer graphics services, special effects, animation services, and music.
(i) Legal and accounting fees and expenses related to the production's activities in Washington state, provided such services are performed by Washington state licensed attorneys or accountants.
(j) "Preproduction" means costs for standard activities directly related to the production, which are incurred prior to the first day of principal photography for a motion picture.
(k) Other direct or indirect costs of producing a film in accordance with the generally accepted entertainment industry practices if expenditures occurred in the state of Washington.
(l) Other costs the competitiveness program believes add economic benefit to the state of Washington.
(3) The board is encouraged to consider the following when considering certifying a production for funding assistance:
(a) The additional income and tax revenue to be retained in the state for general purposes.
(b) Creation and retention of family wage jobs that provide health insurance and payments into a retirement plan.
(c) The impact of projects to maximize in-state labor and use of in-state film production and film postproduction companies.
(d) The impact on the local economy and the state economy as a whole.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.365.020. 09-03-033, § 130-20-020, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09; 07-03-015, § 130-20-020, filed 1/4/07, effective 2/4/07.]
(a) No more than twenty percent of a total actual expenditure in the state of at least five hundred thousand dollars for a single feature film produced in Washington state.
(b) No more than twenty percent of a total actual expenditure in the state of at least three hundred thousand dollars per television episode produced in Washington state (e.g., television series, pilot, movie of the week).
(c) No more than twenty percent of a total actual
expenditure in the state of at least one hundred fifty
thousand dollars for an infomercial or television commercial
produced in Washington state)) as specified in RCW 43.365.020.
(2) Funding assistance is subject to the amount available in the account managed by the motion picture competitiveness program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.365.020. 09-03-033, § 130-20-030, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09; 07-03-015, § 130-20-030, filed 1/4/07, effective 2/4/07.]
(1) The motion picture competitiveness program shall
ensure that no funds are disbursed until an applicant submits
answers to a survey developed by the ((state film office))
(2) The ((state film office)) department will make
available on its web site a survey template.
(3) The motion picture competitiveness program may extend the due date for timely filing of the survey if failure to file was the result of circumstances beyond the control of the motion picture production receiving the funding assistance.
(4) Surveys shall include the following information:
(a) The amount of funding assistance requested.
(b) The total amount of preproduction, production and postproduction spending made in the state.
(c) The number of total employment positions.
(d) The number of full-time and part-time/temporary employment positions as a percent of total employment.
(i) Full-time employment is forty hours or more per week, or positions held for the full shooting schedule;
(ii) Part-time/temporary employment is for positions held for less than the full shooting schedule.
(e) The number of jobs at the wage bands of less than thirty thousand dollars, thirty thousand to sixty thousand dollars, and sixty thousand dollars and greater per production.
(f) The number of jobs that have employer-provided health insurance and payments into a retirement plan by each wage band.
(g) Additional information as requested by the department
((or state film office)).
(((5) The state film office will continue to track total
production spending of projects, monitor the state's
competitiveness in the national marketplace, and continue to
build partnerships that streamline the delivery of production
services statewide.
(6))) (5) The department shall submit a summary of
descriptive statistics based on information from the survey
((each year)) by September 1 of even-numbered years.
(((7))) (6) The department shall provide the complete
surveys to the joint legislative audit and review committee
each year by September 1.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.365.020. 09-03-033, § 130-20-060, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09; 07-03-015, § 130-20-060, filed 1/4/07, effective 2/4/07.]