(Consumer Services Division)
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Amending the rules in chapter 208-630 WAC to implement the Check Cashers and Sellers Act, chapter 31.45 RCW, as amended by the applicable Laws of 2009, and to generally amend the rules for clarity and consistency.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing twelve sections and amending twenty-six sections. See the accompanying rules for the specific sections.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 43.320.040.
Other Authority: RCW 31.45.200, chapter 510, Laws of 2009.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 09-19-117 on September 22, 2009.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: 1. WAC 208-630-110, the definition of ACH was added at the request of several commenters.
2. WAC 208-630-110, the definition of default was amended to add a reference to another applicable WAC.
3. WAC 208-630-110, the definition of gross monthly income is added at the request of commenters.
4. WAC 208-630-110, the definition of paid is amended to include ACH authorizations. This change was made based on comments.
5. WAC 208-630-180, the words "as a result of your actions" was added to the end of the second sentence to clarify that bonds are meant to benefit the state and persons who suffer loss as a result of the licensee's actions.
6. WAC 208-630-260(4), the CR-103 version prohibits a licensee from considering bad debts and certain judgments as assets for the purpose of calculating net worth. The CR-102 version mistakenly allowed a licensee to consider bad debts and certain judgments as assets.
7. WAC 208-630-461, the CR-103 version clarifies that the total loan amount available to a single borrower by all licensees is seven hundred dollars or thirty percent of the borrower's gross monthly income, whichever is lower.
8. WAC 208-630-462, the CR-103 version clarifies that records may be in hardcopy or electronic form. The CR-103 version amends the requirement to independently verify the borrower's gross monthly income to six months (the CR-102 required it every four months). The CR-103 adds an option to obtain a written declaration from the borrower about any change to the borrower's gross monthly income for companies that do not wish to independently verify the borrower's gross monthly income on every loan. These changes are based on comments.
9. WAC 208-630-464, the CR-103 version adds the ability for internet payday lenders to seek approval from the director for an internet based system of identification verification. The CR-102 version held this information in reserve until DFI could see a demonstration of industry practices for such a system. The CR-103 version also clarifies that records of verification can be kept in hardcopy or electronic form. These changes are based on comments.
10. WAC 208-630-501(1), the CR-103 version clarifies how to calculate a small loan's due date based on the law's requirement that if the due date falls within seven days of the borrower's pay date, the due date must be set after the borrower's second pay date. These changes are based on comments.
11. WAC 208-630-501(2), the CR-103 version clarifies that any extension of a borrower's due date must be made by written agreement. These changes are based on comments.
12. WAC 208-630-501(3), the CR-103 version adds a requirement for lenders that if the borrower's due date falls on a date the lender's business is not open, the due date must be extended to the next day the business is open.
13. WAC 208-630-501(4), the CR-130 [CR-103] adds language to include ACH authorizations in the definition of pay date. These changes are based on comments.
14. WAC 208-630-506, the CR-103 changes the word "notify" to "inform," the word used in the statute. These changes are based on comments.
15. WAC 208-630-510, the CR-103 version adds language that allows the borrower and lender to agree upon a time on the loan's due date by which the borrower must contact the lender if the borrower is not able to pay their loan on time, but does not allow the lender to set the time earlier than three o'clock p.m. These changes are based on comments.
16. WAC 208-630-520(5), the CR-103 is new language allowing the borrower and lender to enter into a written agreement for payment on terms different than the installment plan, but not less favorable to the borrower, and at no cost to the borrower. These changes are based on comments.
17. WAC 208-630-530 (3), (4), the CR-103 added two sections detailing the length of the payment plans based on the loan amount, pursuant to the statute. These changes are based on comments.
18. WAC 208-630-543, the CR-103 version clarifies that the communication limits apply to collection communications initiated by the lender and that lender responses to borrower initiated inquiries are not within the limits. These changes are based on comments.
19. WAC 208-630-547, the CR-103 version includes references to ACH authorizations and provides that when an installment plan is initiated, the initial ACH authorization is void. The lender may obtain another ACH authorization from the borrower for the installment plan payments. These changes are based on comments.
20. WAC 208-630-551, the CR-103 version adds language to include affiliates of lenders being prohibited from charging the borrower a fee to cash a check issued to the borrower as proceeds of a small loan.
21. WAC 208-630-556(1), the CR-103 version clarifies that only loans made on or after January 1, 2010, will be recorded in the database. These changes are based on comments.
22. WAC 208-630-556(2), the CR-103 version provides that the database system will allow direct interface with a lender's system. These changes are based on comments.
23. WAC 208-630-556(3), the CR-103 version clarifies that a computer and internet access is necessary to access the database system.
24. WAC 208-630-556 (12)(a), this section is amended to accommodate ACH authorization transactions. This change is based on comments.
25. WAC 208-630-556 (12)(b) and (c), the CR-103 version details what it means for a loan to be in default, and when a loan in default is considered paid.
26. WAC 208-630-556 (12)(c)(ii), language is added to clarify the requirement.
27. WAC 208-630-570, the CR-103 version is amended to include ACH authorizations. These changes are based on comments.
28. WAC 208-630-601, the CR-103 version includes details for providing the informational content about the law changes to borrowers, including the requirement to provide the information for 2010 and providing the information on internet sites. These changes are based on comments.
29. WAC 208-630-670, the CR-103 version is amended to include ACH authorizations. These changes are based on comments.
30. WAC 208-630-700, the CR-103 version is amended to include details about ACH authorizations. These changes are based on comments.
31. WAC 208-630-740(2), this section was removed.
32. WAC 208-630-8201 (1)(k), the CR-103 version clarifies that it is a prohibited practice for a lender to not provide an installment plan when the borrower has notified the lender they cannot pay the small loan when due and they are eligible for an installment plan. These changes are based on comments.
33. WAC 208-630-830 (3)(b)(vi) and (vii), the CR-103 version clarifies that payment plans will be reported on in the 2010 reporting year and thereafter installment plans will be reported on. These changes are based on comments.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 15, Amended 8, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 9, Amended 18, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 24, Amended 26, Repealed 12; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: December 1, 2009.
Deborah Bortner, Director
Division of Consumer Services
"ACH" means automated clearing house, an electronic network for financial transactions that processes credit and debit transactions.
"Act" means chapter 31.45 RCW.
"Affiliate" means any person who directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is in common control with another person.
"Agent" for purposes of RCW 31.45.079 means a person who, pursuant to the terms of a written agreement and for compensation, performs small loan agent services on behalf of an exempt entity.
"Annual percentage rate" or "APR" means the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate, determined in accordance with the federal Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 1601 et seq.), and Regulation Z (12 C.F.R. Part 226 et seq.), as amended.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has developed an APR calculator (APRWIN) that licensees may download and use without charge. APRWIN is available on the OCC's web site at
"Board director" means a director of a corporation or a person occupying a similar status and performing a similar function with respect to an organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated.
"Check" means the same as defined in RCW 62A.3-104(f) and, for purposes of conducting the business of making small loans, includes other electronic forms of payment, including stored value cards, internet transfers, and automated clearing house transactions.
"Check casher" means an individual, partnership, unincorporated association, or corporation that, for compensation, engages, in whole or in part, in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders, or other commercial paper serving the same purpose.
"Check seller" means an individual, partnership, unincorporated association, or corporation that, for compensation, engages, in whole or in part, in the business of selling checks, drafts, money orders, or other commercial paper serving the same purpose.
"Close of business" for the purposes of RCW 31.45.86 and these regulations means the actual time a licensee closes for business at the location from which a small loan was originated or 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, whichever is earlier.
"Default" means:
(1) The borrower's failure to repay a small loan in compliance with the terms contained in the small loan agreement or note; or
(2) Failure to pay any installment plan payment within ten days after the date upon which the installment was scheduled to be paid. See WAC 208-630-556 (12)(b).
"Department" means the department of financial institutions.
"Exempt entity" means a person described in RCW 31.45.020 that is engaged in the business of making small loans.
"Gross monthly income" means an individual's total personal income earned during a month prior to any taxes or deductions.
"Installment plan" is a contract between a licensee and borrower that provides that the loaned amount will be repaid in substantially equal installments scheduled on or after a borrower's pay dates and no less than fourteen days apart.
"Investigation" means an examination undertaken for the purpose of detecting violations of chapter 31.45 RCW or these rules or obtaining information lawfully required under chapter 31.45 RCW or these rules.
"License" means a license issued by the director to engage in the business of check cashing or check selling under the provision of chapter 31.45 RCW.
"Loaned amount" means the outstanding principal balance and any fees authorized under RCW 31.45.073 that have not been paid by the borrower.
"Monetary instrument" means a check, draft, money order or other commercial paper serving the same purpose.
"Paid" means that moment in time when the licensee deposits the borrower's check, accepts cash, or initiates an ACH withdrawal from the borrower's account for the full amount owed on a valid small loan. If the borrower's check is dishonored and returned unpaid by the borrower's bank, the loan is not paid. If an ACH authorization is denied, the loan is not paid.
"Payday advance lender" or "payday lender" means a licensee under this chapter who has obtained a small loan endorsement under RCW 31.45.073.
"Payday advance loan," "payday loan" or "deferred deposit loan" means the same as a small loan.
"Postdated check" means a check delivered prior to its date, generally payable at sight or on presentation on or after the day of its date. "Postdated check" does not include any promise or order made or submitted electronically by a borrower to a licensee.
"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington.
"Small loan" or "loan" means a loan of up to the maximum amount and for a period of time up to the maximum term specified in RCW 31.45.073.
"Small loan agent services" means all or substantially all of the following services:
(1) Marketing and advertising small loans;
(2) Taking small loan applications;
(3) Assisting customers in completing small loan documentation;
(4) Providing required disclosures;
(5) Disbursing small loan proceeds;
(6) Collecting small loans;
(7) Retaining documents and records; and
(8) Making reports.
"State" means the state of Washington.
"Unsafe or unsound financial practice" means any action,
or lack of action, the likely consequences of which, if
continued, would ((impair)) materially impair the net worth of
a licensee or create an abnormal risk of loss to its
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 07-23-094, § 208-630-110, filed 11/20/07, effective 12/21/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-110, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(2) In order to make payday loans (small loans), a
business must first obtain a license as a check casher or
seller ((must first)) and then obtain a small loan
endorsement to ((its)) that license ((to make small loans in
accordance with chapter 31.45 RCW and this chapter)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-120, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-180, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-190, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-230, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(1) Time deposit. ((An assignment)) You may purchase and
maintain a certificate of deposit assigned in favor of the
director ((of a certificate of deposit)). The certificate of
deposit must be issued by a financial institution in the state
and whose deposits or shares are insured by an agency of the
government of the United States. The ((depositor is)) deposit
must be in an amount equal to or greater than the required
surety bond. You are entitled to receive all interest and
dividends on the certificate of deposit.
(2) Demonstration of sufficient net worth. ((A licensee
or applicant for a small loan endorsement may)) You must
demonstrate net worth ((in excess)) of at least three times
the amount of the required bond. ((The licensee shall)) You
must notify the director within ten business days of any date
upon which ((its)) your net worth decreases below the required
amount. ((A licensee that)) If you fail((s)) to maintain the
required level of net worth and continue((s)) to operate under
a small loan endorsement ((will be required to)), you must
immediately obtain a surety bond and maintain it for five
years after the date of noncompliance. During this five-year
period, the director will not accept a demonstration of net
worth in lieu of a surety bond.
(3) Reports required. ((A licensee that)) If you
maintain((s)) net worth in lieu of a surety bond ((shall)),
you must submit ((annually)) to the director an annual audited
financial statement and ((within forty-five days after the
close of each quarter)) a supplementary year-to-date financial
statement within forty-five days after the close of each
quarter, both prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. The financial statements must include
at a minimum a statement of assets and liabilities and a
profit and loss statement. The director may continue to
require other documents, agreements or information necessary
to properly evaluate and ensure that ((the licensee remains in
compliance)) you comply with this section.
(4) Bad debts and judgments. ((A licensee that)) If you
maintain((s)) net worth in lieu of a surety bond ((may)) you
must not consider bad debts and certain judgments as assets. The director may approve exceptions in writing. ((The
licensee)) You must charge off ((its)) your books any debt
upon which any payment is six months or more past due. ((The
licensee)) You may not count as an asset any unpaid judgment
more than two years old ((which has not been paid)). Time
consumed by an appeal from a judgment is not counted in the
two-year limit.
(5) Noncompliance. ((A licensee that does)) If you do
not comply with this section you must obtain and file with the
director a surety bond in the required amount in WAC
((208-630-030)) 208-630-240 and 208-630-250 by the date
specified by the director.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-260, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-360, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
WAC 208-630-461
What is the maximum amount that all
licensees may lend to a borrower?
The total outstanding
principal of all small loans made by all licensees to a single
borrower may not exceed seven hundred dollars or thirty
percent of the borrower's gross monthly income, whichever is
(2) A record of the borrower's receipt documenting payment of government benefits; or
(3) Other documentation as approved by the director, including, but not limited to, records of bank statements that show regular direct deposits from an identified source and verified to be in favor of the borrower, check cashing history, or an employer's verbal confirmation of the borrower's employment status and current gross income;
(4) You must obtain independent verification of a borrower's gross monthly income every one hundred eighty days;
(5) On loans made without independent verification of the borrower's gross monthly income, you must obtain from the borrower a written declaration of change or no change in their gross monthly income since the last independent verification.
(a) Driver's license issued in the United States, Canada, or Mexico;
(b) Any state's state identification card;
(c) Matricula consular;
(d) Tribal identification;
(e) Passport;
(f) Military identification; or
(g) Other forms or methods of verifying identification, as approved by the director, that provide a reliable means of verifying the borrower's identity.
(2) For loans made over the internet you must use a method of verifying identification, as approved by the director, that provides a reliable means of verifying the borrower's identity.
(3) You must keep a record of the identification information you accepted or a record of the results of the method of verifying identification you used as proof of the borrower's identity in the loan file.
(2) If the principal exceeds five hundred dollars, you may charge interest or fees not to exceed in the aggregate ten percent of the portion of the principal in excess of five hundred dollars.
(3) If you make more than one loan to a single borrower, and the aggregated principal of all loans made to that borrower exceeds five hundred dollars at any one time, you may charge interest or fees not to exceed in the aggregate ten percent on the portion of the aggregated principal of all loans at any one time that is in excess of five hundred dollars.
(2) A loan's due date must be forty-five days or fewer from the origination date on the loan unless the term of the loan is extended by written agreement between you and the borrower at no additional cost to the borrower.
(3) If a small loan's due date falls on a date your business is not open, you must automatically extend the due date to your next business day.
(4) For purposes of this section, "pay date" means the borrower's scheduled pay date or the date the borrower's account is credited with any direct deposit or other electronic transfer of funds into their bank account, whichever is later.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 07-23-094, § 208-630-505, filed 11/20/07, effective 12/21/07.]
(2) If you extend a small loan's due date, the borrower's right to request an installment plan on that loan follows the extended date.
(3) If you extend a small loan's due date, you must update the data base with that new date as soon as practicable.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-510, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(1) The plan must be in writing;
(2) If the small loan is four hundred dollars or less the
term must be for a period of at least ((sixty)) ninety days
((unless a shorter period is agreed to by both the borrower
and the licensee));
(3) If the small loan is over four hundred dollars the term must be for a period of at least one hundred eighty days;
(4) The borrower may pay off the total amount due at any time without additional penalty, fee, or charge for prepayment; and
(5) You may enter into a written installment plan with a borrower on terms other than these as long as the terms are not less favorable to the borrower and there is no charge to the borrower.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-520, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(1) Be in writing and acknowledged by both the borrower and licensee; and
(2)Provide for at least three payments; and
(3) Provide for an installment plan length of not less than ninety days for a loan amount of up to and including four hundred dollars; or
(4) Provide for an installment plan length of not less than one hundred eighty days for a loan amount over four hundred dollars; and
(5) Be equal to the total amount of the ((payment))
installment plan balance divided by the number of payments
((())subject to reasonable rounding((); and
(2) Due at substantially equivalent intervals. For
example, a sixty-day, three hundred fifty dollar payment plan
entered into on May 1 providing for payments of one hundred
twenty dollars on May 20, one hundred twenty dollars on June
11, and one hundred ten dollars on June 29, complies with this
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-530, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(1) The date, time, and brief description of all telephone communications initiated by the licensee for collection purposes; and
(2) The date, time, and brief description of all written communications initiated by the licensee for collection purposes.
Returning a communication from a borrower is not initiating a communication with the borrower; however, the response must not violate any of the provisions of RCW 31.45.082.
The communication log may be in hard copy or electronic form, and must indicate the borrower's name.
The log must be maintained in a manner that will allow the examiner to review all collection communications covered under RCW 31.45.082 made during a period of time.
(1) If you have made multiple loans to a single borrower, you may not hold checks that total more than the lower of:
(a) Seven hundred dollars plus the allowable fees; or
(b) Thirty percent of the borrower's gross monthly income plus allowable fees.
(2) For purposes of this section, to "hold a check" does not include a check that has been deposited in your bank and subsequently returned unpaid by the borrower's bank.
(2) The initiation of an installment plan voids your authorization to use the borrower's original ACH authorization. You may accept another ACH authorization or authorizations consistent with the payment terms of the installment plan.
(1) Prevent the practice of refinancing a small loan with another small loan;
(2) Prevent multiple licensees from making simultaneous small loans to an individual borrower so that the loans' total principal balance is the lesser of seven hundred dollars or thirty percent of the borrower's gross monthly income;
(3) Prevent licensees from making more than eight loans to any one borrower in any twelve-month period;
(4) Prevent a licensee from making a loan to a borrower who already has an outstanding small loan principal balance of the lesser of seven hundred dollars or thirty percent of their gross monthly income;
(5) Prevent licensees from making a loan to a borrower who is in default on a small loan or is in an installment plan; and
(6) Ensure that licensees set the small loan due date no earlier than the borrower's next pay date that is more than seven days from the origination date.
(2) Do I have to buy any equipment, hardware, or software to use the data base system? You must have a computer with access to the internet and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher. Dial-up capacity of at least 56 kps is sufficient. DSL or broadband access will provide faster access and response. It is also possible to interface directly with the data base system; the data base vendor can provide you with information about that process.
(3) How and when may I access the data base system?
(a) The data base system is the means by which real-time access to the data is made available to you through your internet connection.
(b) You must use a computer and the internet to access the data base system.
(c) The data base system will be accessible twenty-four hours a day every day of the year, except for routine scheduled system maintenance and upgrades performed by the data base vendor.
(4) What must I do to maintain confidentiality of the borrower's information provided to the data base? In order to maintain the confidentiality and security of the borrower's information, you must not transmit information to the data base system using publicly accessible computers, computers that are not under your control, unsecured wireless connections, or other connections that are not secure. Maintaining a secure connection includes, but is not limited to, installing and regularly updating antivirus and antispyware software and a firewall.
(5) How do I use the data base system to determine a borrower's eligibility for a small loan? You must:
(a) Access the data base system using the assigned user identification and password provided by the security administrator of your company;
(b) Enter the borrower's Social Security number, individual tax identification number (ITIN), or alien identification number, and the borrower's gross monthly income into the system.
(6) What information will the data base system give me when an eligibility search is conducted? The data base system will state a borrower's eligibility or ineligibility for a small loan and will give a reason for the eligibility determination. If the borrower is eligible for a small loan, the data base system will provide the dollar amount the borrower is eligible to receive.
(7) What must I do once the initial search determines that the borrower is eligible for a small loan?
(a) If you receive an initial indication from the data base vendor that the borrower is eligible for a small loan, you must then submit all of the required borrower information necessary to register the transaction in the data base, as prescribed by the date base vendor.
(b) When the required information has been submitted to the data base, the data base system will confirm the initial borrower search. If the borrower's eligibility is confirmed, the small loan transaction will be recorded as open and assigned a transaction authorization number evidencing that the transaction has been authorized by the data base system. You must place the transaction authorization number on the small loan agreement.
(8) What must I do if the borrower is determined to be ineligible for a small loan? If the borrower is deemed ineligible you will be provided with a printable message with a reason for the determination. The message will also include the name, address, and toll-free support number of the data base vendor. You must provide a copy of the printable message to the borrower.
(9) If I make a mistake entering data and must void the transaction, what do I do? Follow the data base vendor's instructions to administratively void the transaction.
(10) If the data base system is inaccessible via the internet, how do I access the data base?
(a) You will be given at least twenty-four hours notice for scheduled maintenance or system upgrades. The notice will be by electronic mail to the designated security administrator, or by a broadcast message on the data base vendor's web site.
(b) In the event the data base system is unavailable, you must adhere to the following procedures:
(i) Confirm that the data base system remains unavailable by attempting to access the data base system with every borrower seeking a new small loan transaction. You need not comply with this procedure if you have been notified via electronic mail by the data base vendor of an expected period of time necessary to correct whatever problem is causing the data base system to remain unavailable;
(ii) Contact the data base vendor's toll-free help desk or voice response system to obtain a temporary transaction authorization number directly from the data base vendor; and
(iii) Enter the remaining transactional data into the data base system within twenty-four hours of obtaining the temporary transaction authorization number from the data base vendor.
(c) In the event that either the department of financial institutions or the data base vendor notifies you that the data base system is unavailable and that all alternative methods for registering a transaction and receiving a transaction authorization number are also unavailable:
(i) You are authorized to conduct transactions during the specific period of unavailability, after receiving written authorization, via electronic mail or facsimile from either the department of financial institutions or the data base vendor with the department of financial institutions' consent.
(ii) Copies of the written authorization for any transactions conducted during an unavailability period must be attached to the small loan agreement for those transactions. One copy of the authorization must be provided to the borrower and another copy must be kept as an audit record.
(d) Transactions created during a period of authorized unavailability must be registered with the data base within twenty-four hours of notification that the data base system is available; provided, however, that if the data base system is unavailable for more than twenty-four hours, then the period for registration shall be extended by twenty-four hours for each additional twenty-four-hour period of unavailability.
(e) Once the transaction has been registered with the data base, the transaction number assigned to that transaction must be placed on the licensee's record copy of the small loan agreement signed by the borrower for that transaction. If the borrower requests that transaction number at any time, the licensee must provide it to the borrower.
(11) Once a loan is made, how can it be canceled or rescinded as authorized under RCW 31.45.086? A borrower may rescind a small loan agreement before the close of business on the next day of business after the date of the transaction without incurring a transaction fee. If a borrower elects to cancel a small loan agreement you must close the transaction on the data base as soon as practicable after the borrower rescinds the small loan transaction. A loan that has been rescinded does not count toward the eight loan limit; nor will you incur a one dollar transaction fee on that loan.
(12) When must I update information on the data base system?
(a) When a borrower's small loan is paid (date of cash received, check deposited, or ACH authorization initiated), you must update open transactions on the data base system as soon as practicable to ensure that all identifying information regarding both the borrower and the transaction are accurate, including any comments on the transaction which you deem relevant. You must input the date and time a transaction closes, as well as the payment method, unless you previously entered the payment method.
(b) When a small loan that was in default is paid, it is considered paid when the loaned amount and default fee is paid.
(c) When a loan is in default, you must mark the loan in the data base as in default as soon as practicable after the default as follow:
(i) A small loan is in default if not paid on the date and by the time indicated in the small loan agreement. If no time is indicated the small loan is in default the first day after the due date.
(ii) A small loan in an installment plan is in default if unpaid on the 11th day after the due date, with the due date being day zero. If the due date for an installment plan payment is January 1st and is not paid, the loan is considered in default and the data base must be updated on January 11th.
(13) How much will each data base transaction cost me? The data base vendor's transaction fee is one dollar per loan registered. The data base vendor will assess this fee for each transaction that has been registered on the data base.
(14) What happens if I do not pay the data base fees to the data base vendor? The data base vendor will lock you out of the data base system.
(15) What happens if I do not receive training and become certified in using the data base? If you or another designated person in the company do not receive training and certification to use the data base, you will not be given an access number for the data base.
(2) ((A licensee)) You must deliver to the borrower at
the time ((the licensee)) you make((s)) the small loan a
disclosure of the right to rescind the loan and the right to
convert the loan to ((a payment)) an installment plan. See
WAC 208-630-570.
(3) ((A licensee who complies with the federal Truth in
Lending Act and Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. Part 226, will be
deemed in compliance with this act.)) You must include a
statement on the front page of the application for a small
loan that is in at least twelve point type and is
substantially similar to the following: "At the time you
repay this loan, you should have sufficient funds to meet your
other financial obligations. If you cannot pay other bills
because you are paying off this debt, you should enter the
installment plan offered in connection with this loan."
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 07-23-094, § 208-630-560, filed 11/20/07, effective 12/21/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-560, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
Your right to rescind (cancel) this loan. You have the right to rescind this loan by returning the amount of the loan in cash, or returning the check given to you by us to our office by the close of business on our next business day following the date of this loan. We may not charge you for canceling the loan and we will return to you, or at your request destroy any postdated check or electronic equivalent authorization you have given to us. If the ACH authorization cannot be destroyed it becomes void if you cancel the loan.
Your right to ((a payment)) an installment plan when you
are unable to pay your small loan when it is due.
If ((this is your fourth (or greater) successive loan,
and if you are not in default)) you will be or are unable to
pay your loan when it is due, you may convert your loan to ((a
payment)) an installment plan with us by notifying us on or
before the loan's due date. (("Successive loans" means loans
made to you by us with no more than three business days
between the repayment in full of one loan and the beginning
date of the next loan.
A payment)) If your loan amount is four hundred dollars
or less, you may enter into an installment plan that allows
you to pay off your loan in substantially equal payments over
ninety days. If your loan amount is more than four hundred
dollars, you may enter into an installment plan that allows
you to pay off your loan in substantially equal payments over
one hundred eighty days.
An installment plan will allow you((, by paying a one
time fee equal to the finance charge on your loan,)) to pay
all that you owe ((in at least three payments over a period of
at least sixty days.
Your right to rescind (cancel) this loan. You have the
right to rescind (cancel) this loan by returning the amount of
the loan in cash, or returning the check given to you by us to
our office by the close of business on our next business day
following the date of this loan. We may not charge you for
canceling the loan and we will return to you any postdated
check or electronic equivalent you have given to us)) without
having to pay any additional fees, interest charges or other
charge for converting your small loan into an installment
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-570, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(a) A ((conspicuous)) notice substantially in the form
set forth in WAC 208-630-570; and
(b) A ((conspicuous)) notice of how consumers may contact
the department, substantially in the following form: "If you
have questions about your rights and responsibilities when
taking out a payday loan, contact the Department of Financial
Institutions at 1-800-RINGDFI (1-877-746-4334), or
360-902-8700, or 150 Israel Road S.W., Tumwater, Washington,
(2) ((Licensees that)) If you make small loans using the
internet you must post the notices required by subsections (1)
and (2) of this section in a conspicuous location on ((their))
your web sites.
(3) ((Licensees)) You may download a copy of the notice
required by subsection (1)(b) of this section from the
department's web site or by contacting the department
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 07-23-094, § 208-630-580, filed 11/20/07, effective 12/21/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-580, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-590, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LICENSEES (1) A ((licensee must maintain a)) record of transactions
conducted. ((Such a)) The record may be limited to the
following provided a sufficient audit trail is available
through records obtainable from ((the licensee's)) your bank
of account:
(a) Amount of the checks cashed;
(b) Amount of fees charged for cashing the check;
(c) Amount of cash deducted from the transaction for the sales of other services or products;
(d) Amount of each check or monetary instrument sold;
(e) Amount of fee charged for the monetary instrument;
(f) Amount of small loan proceeds disbursed;
(g) Fees charged for small loans;
(h) Amount of payments on small loans received;
(i) Origination date of each small loan;
(j) Termination date of each small loan;
(k) ((Payment)) Installment plan payment due dates;
(l) ((The)) Application information as required ((to be
maintained for applications in the)) by rule;
(m) Records of cash payments made on small loans. The
record must include the date of the payment, the borrower's
name, the amount of cash received, the identity of the
employee who received the cash, and whether the payment was
applied to a loan or ((payment)) installment plan;
(n) Copies of receipts required under WAC 208-630-505.
(2) ((Licensees)) You must maintain a cash reconciliation
summarizing each day's activity and reconciling cash on hand
at the opening of business to cash on hand at the close of
business. Such reconciliation must separately reflect cash
received from the sale of checks, redemption of returned
items, bank cash withdrawals, cash disbursed in cashing of
checks, cash disbursed in making small loans, cash received in
payment of small loans and bank cash deposits.
(3) You must keep records of the disbursement of loan
proceeds and the receipts of all payments on the balance of
small loans. The receipt must ((be kept and must)) indicate
the date of the transaction, the borrower's name, amount of
receipt, and whether the disbursement or payment is on a loan
or ((payment)) installment plan.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 07-23-094, § 208-630-610, filed 11/20/07, effective 12/21/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-610, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(2) Records required to be maintained may be in paper form or on any electronic, magnetic, optical or other storage media, or any combination thereof, so long as the licensee maintains the necessary technology to permit access to the records by the department for the period required by law.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-670, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(2) If the borrower notifies you that he or she is unable to repay the loan when it is due and an installment plan is initiated, you must return or destroy any postdated check or ACH authorization the borrower has given you prior to entering into the installment plan. If destruction of an ACH authorization is not possible, the initiation of an installment plan voids your authorization to use the original ACH authorization. You may accept another ACH authorization or authorizations from the borrower consistent with the payment terms of the installment plan.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-700, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-740, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(a) Directly or indirectly employ any scheme, device, or artifice to defraud or mislead any borrower, to defraud or mislead any lender, or to defraud or mislead any person;
(b) Directly or indirectly engage in any unfair or deceptive practice toward any person;
(c) Directly or indirectly obtain property by fraud or misrepresentation;
(d) Make a small loan to any person physically located in Washington through use of the internet, facsimile, telephone, kiosk, or other means without first obtaining a small loan endorsement;
(e) Directly or indirectly refer a borrower, or encourage
a borrower, to use the services of more than one payday
lending business that results in an amount outstanding that
exceeds the loan limit in RCW 31.45.073; ((and))
(f) Directly or indirectly structure a loan transaction in order to exceed the loan limit in RCW 31.45.073;
(g) Directly or indirectly pressure a borrower to not enter into an installment plan;
(h) Directly or indirectly pressure an applicant or borrower to borrow more money than they state they want; provided, it is not a violation of this subsection for a licensee to inform a borrower as to his or her maximum loan amount or that he or she is subject to a limit of eight loans per twelve-months period;
(i) Cash a postdated check before the date written on the check except as permitted by RCW 31.45.070(2);
(j) Make a loan without processing it through the data base system except as specifically allowed in law or rule;
(k) Refuse to provide an installment plan to a borrower who has notified you before the due date of the small loan that they cannot pay the small loan; and
(l) Engage in any device or subterfuge to evade the requirements of the act.
(2) In addition to any other penalties, any transaction
in violation of ((this section)) subsection (1)(d) of this
section is uncollectible and unenforceable.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 07-23-094, § 208-630-8201, filed 11/20/07, effective 12/21/07.]
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS(1) Annual financial statements. The financial statements must include at least a balance sheet and a statement of income prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. If you have established a fiscal year different from the calendar year, the financial statements are due not later than one hundred five days after the close of the fiscal year.
(2) Annual assessment report (AAR). ((Each licensee))
You must submit an AAR ((of its)) on your Washington
activities, in a form prescribed by the director. The AAR
must contain the following:
(a) The total dollar volume of checks cashed during the period, if applicable; and
(b) The total dollar volume of checks sold during the period, if applicable; and
(c) The total dollar volume of small loans made during the period, if applicable; and
(d) The annual assessment fee calculation. See WAC 208-630-400.
(3) Consolidated annual report (CAR). ((Each licensee))
You must submit a CAR ((of its)) on your Washington
activities, in a form prescribed by the director. The CAR
must contain at least the following:
(a) For all licensees, the CAR must contain:
(i) The total number of employees and annual payroll during the period;
(ii) The total number and dollar volume of transactions during the period;
(iii) The total dollar amount of fees collected during the period;
(iv) The total number and dollar amount of undeposited checks taken or held in connection with check cashing and small loan endorsement business at the end of the period;
(v) The total number and dollar amount of returned (NSF) checks taken or held in connection with check cashing and small loan business at the end of the period, and the total dollar amount of fees collected for returned (NSF) checks during the period;
(vi) The total number and dollar amount of charge-offs (losses), net of any recoveries, for the period; and
(vii) The total dollar amount of net income before and after taxes earned under authority of this chapter.
(viii) Such other relevant information as the director may require, in a form prescribed by the director.
(b) For all licensees with a small loan endorsement, the CAR must contain:
(i) The total dollar volume of small loans made during
the period, including payment plans made prior to December 31,
2009, and installment plans ((loans)) made after January 1,
(ii) The total number of loans made for the period;
(iii) The total number of borrowers for the period;
(iv) The number of borrowers whose accounts were referred to collection agencies;
(v) The number of loans rescinded during the period;
(vi) For reporting year 2010, the number of borrowers
((entering)) who entered into a payment plan during 2009;
(vii) The number of installment plans entered into for the period;
(((vii))) (viii) The number of borrowers who defaulted;
(ix) The number of loans made to borrowers to be paid through an ACH (automated clearing house) or other electronic transaction;
(((viii))) (x) The number of loans made to borrowers
through other than a physical visit to the licensee's location
(e.g., internet, telephone, etc.); and
(((ix))) (xi) The number of active military borrowers
during the period.
(c) For all licensees with small loan endorsements and total loan volume of at least ten million dollars in principal for the reporting period, the CAR must contain the following:
(i) The number of loans per borrower for the period;
(ii) The number of loans per military borrower during the period; and
(iii) The number of loans with terms in each of the following categories for the period:
(A) One to seven days;
(B) Eight to fourteen days;
(C) Fifteen to twenty-one days;
(D) Twenty-two to thirty-one days; and
(E) Thirty-two or more days.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 08-16-092, § 208-630-830, filed 8/5/08, effective 9/5/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-830, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040. 08-16-092, § 208-630-8301, filed 8/5/08, effective 9/5/08.]
(a) Your company filing for a chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy;
(b) Your company receiving notification of a license revocation procedure against it in any state;
(c) You, or a director, officer, partner, member or controlling person of the company being convicted of a crime;
(d) You, or a director, officer, partner, member or controlling person of the company receiving notification of the filing of criminal charges or a criminal indictment or information, in any way related to check cashing, check selling or small loan activities.
(2) You must notify the director in writing at least fifteen days prior to a change of control. In the case of a corporation, control is defined as a change of ownership by a person or group acting in concert to acquire fifty percent of the stock, or the ability of a person or group acting in concert to elect a majority of the board directors or otherwise effect a change in policy of the corporation. The director may require such information as deemed necessary to determine whether a new application is required. In the case of entities other than corporations, change in control means any change in controlling persons of the organization, either active or passive. Change of control investigation fees are billed to the persons or group at the rate billed for applications.
(a) The date you will cease small loan activity;
(b) A list of all open and pending transactions;
(c) Your contact address and e-mail address; and
(d) Your plan for the orderly closure of open loans on the data base system.
(2) For purposes of this section, the term "ceasing operations" means that you have closed the offices to the public or have removed public access to the web site, if such access is the sole means of communication with customers. This provision does not apply if you have given customers a reasonable alternative for communications and payments.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-880, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-890, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-910, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
(2) A licensee is prohibited from allowing the ((bank
of)) financial institution holding the trust account to charge
back checks or drafts deposited to the trust account and
subsequently dishonored against ((said)) the trust account.
(3) A licensee((,)) whose license has expired or been
suspended((,)) or terminated((, or not renewed, shall)) must
not make withdrawals from the trust account without the
director's consent, until a closing report has been received
according to these rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.04.165, 43.320.040, 31.45.030, 31.45.050, 31.45.200. 05-22-009, § 208-630-950, filed 10/21/05, effective 11/21/05.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 208-630-430 | When may a licensee expect a fee increase? |
WAC 208-630-440 | How will a licensee know about fee increases? |
WAC 208-630-460 | When must a licensee inform the director of significant changes in business? |
WAC 208-630-540 | Must a licensee comply with the federal Truth in Lending Act when entering into a payment plan? |
WAC 208-630-550 | May the licensee and the borrower enter into a payment plan prior to the fourth consecutive loan? |
WAC 208-630-750 | What fees may licensees charge to collect a delinquent small loan? |
WAC 208-630-770 | May a licensee allow a borrower to refinance or "rollover" a small loan with another small loan? |
WAC 208-630-780 | May a licensee use a name or place of business other than that named on the license or small loan endorsement? |
WAC 208-630-790 | What is the limit on the amount of checks a licensee may hold from one borrower? |
WAC 208-630-800 | May a licensee holding a borrower's check for a period longer than the statutory limit of forty-five days charge additional fees? |
WAC 208-630-810 | May a licensee charge additional fees to cash monetary instruments issued as part of a small loan? |
WAC 208-630-820 | May a licensee charge any fees if a borrower decides to convert their loan to a payment plan? |