WSR 10-20-117


[ Filed October 4, 2010, 11:01 a.m. ]

3rd Quarter 2010 Petitions for Rule Making

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2010 Number of Petitions for Rule Making
First Quarter January - March
Number Date Received From Concerning Rule Making?
1 March 26, 2010 Washington State Crop Improvement Association Triticale seeds Yes
Second Quarter April - June
2 May 12, 2010 Organization of Kittitas County Timothy Hay Growers & Suppliers Timothy hay - to include all silene species on the detrimental contaminate list Yes
3 June 23, 2010 Seed Potato Commission Rewriting their marketing order Yes
Third Quarter July - September
4 September 21, 2010 Cattle Producers of Washington, Stevens County Cattlemen, Spokane County Cattlemen Livestock brand inspection - removing exemptions to inspections To be determined

Teresa Norman

Rules Coordinator

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