Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Chapter 246-221 WAC, Radiation protection standards; chapter 246-231 WAC, Packaging and transportation of radioactive material; and chapter 246-240 WAC, Radiation protection -- Medical use of radioactive material.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has coordinated international agreements that resulted in new transportation requirements for radioactive material. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) amended federal regulations as a result of these agreements and made minor amendments to medical use of radioactive material regulations. Under the formal agreement between the governor of the state of Washington and the chairman of the NRC, the Washington state radiation control program is required to remain compatible with NRC regulations. These rules eliminate conflicts, duplications, and gaps between the NRC and Washington state's radiation control programs.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 246-221-290 Appendix A -- Annual limits on intake (ALI) and derived air concentrations (DAC) of radionuclides for occupational exposure; effluent concentrations; concentrations for release to sanitary sewerage, 246-231-035 Deliberate misconduct, 246-231-200 Appendix A -- Determination of A1 and A2, 246-240-001 Purpose and scope, 246-240-010 Definitions, 246-240-069 Training for radiation safety officer, 246-240-072 Training for an authorized medical physicist, 246-240-075 Training for an authorized nuclear pharmacist, 246-240-078 Training for experienced radiation safety officer, teletherapy or medical physicist, authorized user, and nuclear pharmacist, 246-240-154 Training for uptake, dilution, and excretion studies, 246-240-163 Training for imaging and localization studies, 246-240-210 Training for use of unsealed radioactive material for which a written directive is required, 246-240-213 Training for the oral administration of sodium iodide I-131 requiring a written directive in quantities less than or equal to 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries), 246-240-216 Training for the oral administration of sodium iodide I-131 requiring a written directive in quantities greater than 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries), 246-240-219 Training for the parenteral administration of unsealed radioactive material requiring a written directive, 246-240-278 Training for use of manual brachytherapy sources, 246-240-281 Training for ophthalmic use of strontium-90, and 246-240-399 Training for use of remote afterloader units, teletherapy units, and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 70.98.050.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 10-14-098 on July 6, 2010.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 18, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 18, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: January 18, 2011.
Mary C. Selecky
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 09-06-003, filed 2/18/09,
effective 3/21/09)
WAC 246-221-290
Appendix A -- Annual limits on intake
(ALI) and derived air concentrations (DAC) of radionuclides
for occupational exposure; effluent concentrations;
concentrations for release to sanitary sewerage.
For each
radionuclide, Table I indicates the chemical form which is to
be used for selecting the appropriate ALI or DAC value. The
ALIs and DACs for inhalation are given for an aerosol with an
activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) of 1 µm (micron)
and for three classes (D,W,Y) of radioactive material, which
refer to their retention (approximately days, weeks or years)
in the pulmonary region of the lung. This classification
applies to a range of clearance half-times for D if less than
ten days, for W from ten to one hundred days, and for Y
greater than one hundred days. Table II provides
concentration limits for airborne and liquid effluents
released to the general environment. Table III provides
concentration limits for discharges to sanitary sewerage.
Note: | The values in Tables I, II, and III are presented in the computer "E" notation. In this notation a value of 6E-02 represents a value of 6 x 10-2 or 0.06, 6E+2 represents 6 x 102 or 600, and 6E+0 represents 6 x 100 or 6. |
Note that the columns in Table I of this appendix
captioned "Oral Ingestion ALI," "Inhalation ALI," and "DAC,"
are applicable to occupational exposure to radioactive
The ALIs in this appendix are the annual intakes of given
radionuclide by "Reference Man" which would result in either:
A committed effective dose equivalent of 0.05 Sv (5 rem),
stochastic ALI; or a committed dose equivalent of 0.5 Sv (50
rem) to an organ or tissue, nonstochastic ALI. The stochastic
ALIs were derived to result in a risk, due to irradiation of
organs and tissues, comparable to the risk associated with
deep dose equivalent to the whole body of 0.05 Sv (5 rem). The derivation includes multiplying the committed dose
equivalent to an organ or tissue by a weighting factor, wT. This weighting factor is the proportion of the risk of
stochastic effects resulting from irradiation of the organ or
tissue, T, to the total risk of stochastic effects when the
whole body is irradiated uniformly. The values of wT are
listed under the definition of weighting factor in WAC 246-221-005. The nonstochastic ALIs were derived to avoid
nonstochastic effects, such as prompt damage to tissue or
reduction in organ function.
A value of wT = 0.06 is applicable to each of the five
organs or tissues in the "remainder" category receiving the
highest dose equivalents, and the dose equivalents of all
other remaining tissues may be disregarded. The following
portions of the GI tract -- stomach, small intestine, upper
large intestine, and lower large intestine -- are to be
treated as four separate organs.
Note that the dose equivalents for an extremity, elbows,
arms below the elbows, feet and lower legs, knees, and legs
below the knees, skin, and lens of the eye are not considered
in computing the committed effective dose equivalent, but are
subject to limits that must be met separately.
When an ALI is defined by the stochastic dose limit, this
value alone is given. When an ALI is determined by the
non-stochastic dose limit to an organ, the organ or tissue to
which the limit applies is shown, and the ALI for the
stochastic limit is shown in parentheses. Abbreviated organ
or tissue designations are used:
LLI wall | = | lower large intestine wall; |
St. wall | = | stomach wall; |
Blad wall | = | bladder wall; and |
Bone surf | = | bone surface. |
The derived air concentration (DAC) values are derived
limits intended to control chronic occupational exposures. The relationship between the DAC and the ALI is given by:
DAC = ALI (in µCi)/(2000 hours per working year x 60 minutes/hour x 2 x 104 ml per minute) = [ALI/2.4 x 109] µCi/ml, |
where 2 x 104 ml per minute is the volume of air breathed per minute at work by Reference Man under working conditions of light work. |
The DAC values relate to one of two modes of exposure:
Either external submersion or the internal committed dose
equivalents resulting from inhalation of radioactive
materials. DACs based upon submersion are for immersion in a
semi-infinite cloud of uniform concentration and apply to each
radionuclide separately.
The ALI and DAC values include contributions to exposure
by the single radionuclide named and any in-growth of daughter
radionuclides produced in the body by decay of the parent. However, intakes that include both the parent and daughter
radionuclides should be treated by the general method
appropriate for mixtures.
The values of ALI and DAC do not apply directly when the
individual both ingests and inhales a radionuclide, when the
individual is exposed to a mixture of radionuclides by either
inhalation or ingestion or both, or when the individual is
exposed to both internal and external irradiation. See WAC 246-221-015. When an individual is exposed to radioactive
materials which fall under several of the translocation
classifications of the same radionuclide, such as, Class D,
Class W, or Class Y, the exposure may be evaluated as if it
were a mixture of different radionuclides.
It should be noted that the classification of a compound
as Class D, W, or Y is based on the chemical form of the
compound and does not take into account the radiological
half-life of different radionuclides. For this reason, values
are given for Class D, W, and Y compounds, even for very
short-lived radionuclides.
Table II "Effluent Concentrations"
The columns in Table II of this appendix captioned
"Effluents," "Air" and "Water" are applicable to the
assessment and control of dose to the public, particularly in
the implementation of the provisions of WAC 246-221-070. The
concentration values given in Columns 1 and 2 of Table II are
equivalent to the radionuclide concentrations which, if
inhaled or ingested continuously over the course of a year,
would produce a total effective dose equivalent of 0.50 mSv
(0.05 rem).
Consideration of nonstochastic limits has not been
included in deriving the air and water effluent concentration
limits because nonstochastic effects are presumed not to occur
at or below the dose levels established for individual members
of the public. For radionuclides, where the nonstochastic
limit was governing in deriving the occupational DAC, the
stochastic ALI was used in deriving the corresponding airborne
effluent limit in Table II. For this reason, the DAC and
airborne effluent limits are not always proportional as was
the case in the previous Appendix A of this chapter.
The air concentration values listed in Table II, Column 1
were derived by one of two methods. For those radionuclides
for which the stochastic limit is governing, the occupational
stochastic inhalation ALI was divided by 2.4 x 109, relating
the inhalation ALI to the DAC, as explained above, and then
divided by a factor of three hundred. The factor of three
hundred includes the following components: A factor of fifty
to relate the 0.05 Sv (5 rem) annual occupational dose limit
to the 1 mSv (0.1 rem) limit for members of the public, a
factor of three to adjust for the difference in exposure time
and the inhalation rate for a worker and that for members of
the public; and a factor of two to adjust the occupational
values, derived for adults, so that they are applicable to
other age groups.
For those radionuclides for which submersion, that is
external dose, is limiting, the occupational DAC in Table I,
Column 3 was divided by two hundred nineteen. The factor of
two hundred nineteen is composed of a factor of fifty, as
described above, and a factor of 4.38 relating occupational
exposure for two thousand hours per year to full-time exposure
(eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours per year). Note
that an additional factor of two for age considerations is not
warranted in the submersion case.
The water concentrations were derived by taking the most
restrictive occupational stochastic oral ingestion ALI and
dividing by 7.3 x 107. The factor of 7.3 x 107 (ml) includes
the following components: The factors of fifty and two
described above and a factor of 7.3 x 105 (ml) which is the
annual water intake of Reference Man.
Note 2 of this appendix provides groupings of
radionuclides which are applicable to unknown mixtures of
radionuclides. These groupings, including occupational
inhalation ALIs and DACs, air and water effluent
concentrations and releases to sewer, require demonstrating
that the most limiting radionuclides in successive classes are
absent. The limit for the unknown mixture is defined when the
presence of one of the listed radionuclides cannot be
definitely excluded as being present either from knowledge of
the radionuclide composition of the source or from actual
Table III "Releases to Sewers"
The monthly average concentrations for release to
sanitary sewerage are applicable to the provisions in WAC 246-221-190. The concentration values were derived by taking
the most restrictive occupational stochastic oral ingestion
ALI and dividing by 7.3 x 106 (ml). The factor of 7.3 x 106
(ml) is composed of a factor of 7.3 x 105 (ml), the annual
water intake by Reference Man, and a factor of ten, such that
the concentrations, if the sewage released by the licensee
were the only source of water ingested by a Reference Man
during a year, would result in a committed effective dose
equivalent of 5 mSv (0.5 rem).
Name | Symbol | Atomic Number |
Name | Symbol | Atomic Number |
Actinium | Ac | 89 | Molybdenum | Mo | 42 |
Aluminum | Al | 13 | Neodymium | Nd | 60 |
Americium | Am | 95 | Neptunium | Np | 93 |
Antimony | Sb | 51 | Nickel | Ni | 28 |
Argon | Ar | 18 | Nitrogen | N | 7 |
Arsenic | As | 33 | Niobium | Nb | 41 |
Astatine | At | 85 | Osmium | Os | 76 |
Barium | Ba | 56 | Oxygen | O | 8 |
Berkelium | Bk | 97 | Palladium | Pd | 46 |
Beryllium | Be | 4 | Phosphorus | P | 15 |
Bismuth | Bi | 83 | Platinum | Pt | 78 |
Bromine | Br | 35 | Plutonium | Pu | 94 |
Cadmium | Cd | 48 | Polonium | Po | 84 |
Calcium | Ca | 20 | Potassium | K | 19 |
Californium | Cf | 98 | Praseodymium | Pr | 59 |
Carbon | C | 6 | Promethium | Pm | 61 |
Cerium | Ce | 58 | Protactinium | Pa | 91 |
Cesium | Cs | 55 | Radium | Ra | 88 |
Chlorine | Cl | 17 | Radon | Rn | 86 |
Chromium | Cr | 24 | Rhenium | Re | 75 |
Cobalt | Co | 27 | Rhodium | Rh | 45 |
Copper | Cu | 29 | Rubidium | Rb | 37 |
Curium | Cm | 96 | Ruthenium | Ru | 44 |
Dysprosium | Dy | 66 | Samarium | Sm | 62 |
Einsteinium | Es | 99 | Scandium | Sc | 21 |
Erbium | Er | 68 | Selenium | Se | 34 |
Europium | Eu | 63 | Silicon | Si | 14 |
Fermium | Fm | 100 | Silver | Ag | 47 |
Fluorine | F | 9 | Sodium | Na | 11 |
Francium | Fr | 87 | Strontium | Sr | 38 |
Gadolinium | Gd | 64 | Sulfur | S | 16 |
Gallium | Ga | 31 | Tantalum | Ta | 73 |
Germanium | Ge | 32 | Technetium | Tc | 43 |
Gold | Au | 79 | Tellurium | Te | 52 |
Hafnium | Hf | 72 | Terbium | Tb | 65 |
Holmium | Ho | 67 | Thallium | Tl | 81 |
Hydrogen | H | 1 | Thorium | Th | 90 |
Indium | In | 49 | Thulium | Tm | 69 |
Iodine | I | 53 | Tin | Sn | 50 |
Iridium | Ir | 77 | Titanium | Ti | 22 |
Iron | Fe | 26 | Tungsten | W | 74 |
Krypton | Kr | 36 | Uranium | U | 92 |
Lanthanum | La | 57 | Vanadium | V | 23 |
Lead | Pb | 82 | Xenon | Xe | 54 |
Lutetium | Lu | 71 | Ytterbium | Yb | 70 |
Magnesium | Mg | 12 | Yttrium | Y | 39 |
Manganese | Mn | 25 | Zinc | Zn | 30 |
Mendelevium | Md | 101 | Zirconium | Zr | 40 |
Mercury | Hg | 80 |
Table 1 Occupational Values |
Table II Effluent Concentration |
Table III Releases to Sewers |
Col. 1 | Col. 2 | Col. 3 | Col. 1 | Col. 2 | Monthly Average Concen- tration |
Oral Ingestion |
Inhalation | |||||||
Atomic No. | Radionuclide | Class | ALI µCi |
ALI µCi |
DAC µCi/ml |
Air µCi/ml |
Water µCi/ml |
µCi/ml |
1 | Hydrogen-3 | Water, DAC includes skin absorption |
8E+4 |
8E+4 |
2E-5 |
1E-7 |
1E-3 |
1E-2 |
Gas (HT or T2) Submersion1: Use above values as HT and T2 oxidize in air and in the body to HTO. | ||||||||
4 | Beryllium-7 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 4E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 6E-4 | 6E-3 |
Y, oxides, halides, and nitrates | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
4 | Beryllium-10 | W, see 7Be | 1E+3 | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 7Be | - | 1E+1 | 6E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
6 | Carbon-112 | Monoxide | - | 1E+6 | 5E-4 | 2E-6 | - | - |
Dioxide | - | 6E+5 | 3E-4 | 9E-7 | - | - | ||
Compounds | 4E+5 | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | 6E-3 | 6E-2 | ||
6 | Carbon-14 | Monoxide | - | 2E+6 | 7E-4 | 2E-6 | - | - |
Dioxide | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
Compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | ||
7 | Nitrogen-132 | Submersion1 | - | - | 4E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
8 | Oxygen-152 | Submersion1 | - | - | 4E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
9 | Fluorine-182 | D, fluorides of H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr | 5E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (5E+4) |
- | - | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
W, fluorides of Be, Mg, Ca,
Sr, Ba, Ra, Al, Ga, In, Tl,
As, Sb, Bi, Fe, Ru, Os, Co,
Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn,
Cd, Hg, Sc, Y, Ti, Zr, V,
Nb, Ta, Mn, Tc, and Re Y, lanthanum fluoride |
- - |
9E+4 8E+4 |
4E-5 3E-5 |
1E-7 1E-7 |
- - |
- - |
11 | Sodium-22 | D, all compounds | 4E+2 | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 |
11 | Sodium-24 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
12 | Magnesium-28 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 7E+2 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, halides, and nitrates | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
13 | Aluminum-26 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 4E+2 | 6E+1 | 3E-8 | 9E-11 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, halides, and nitrates | - | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
14 | Silicon-31 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, oxides, hydroxides,
carbides, and nitrates Y, aluminosilicate glass |
- - |
3E+4 3E+4 |
1E-5 1E-5 |
5E-8 4E-8 |
- - |
- - |
14 | Silicon-32 | D, see 31Si | 2E+3 | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
W, see 31Si | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 31Si | - | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | 7E-12 | - | - | ||
15 | Phosphorus-32 | D, all compounds except phosphates given for W | 6E+2 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, phosphates of Zn2+, S3+, Mg2+, Fe3+, Bi3+, and lanthanides | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
15 | Phosphorus-33 | D, see 32P | 6E+3 | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
W, see 32P | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
16 | Sulfur-35 | Vapor | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
D, sulfides and sulfates except those given for W | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
LLI wall (8E+3) | - | - | - | 1E-4 | 1E-3 | |||
W, elemental sulfur, sulfides of Sr, Ba, Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, W, and Mo. Sulfates of Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, As, Sb, and Bi | 6E+3 - |
2E+3 |
9E-7 |
3E-9 |
- |
- |
17 | Chlorine-36 | D, chlorides of H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, chlorides of lantha- nides, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, Al, Ga, In, Tl, Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sc, Y, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Mn, Tc, and Re | - | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
17 | Chlorine-382 | D, see 36Cl | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
W, see 36Cl | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
17 | Chlorine-392 | D, see 36Cl | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 5E-4 | 5E-3 | |||
W, see 36Cl | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
18 | Argon-37 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E+0 | 6E-3 | - | - |
18 | Argon-39 | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-4 | 8E-7 | - | - |
18 | Argon-41 | Submersion1 | - | - | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
19 | Potassium-40 | D, all compounds | 3E+2 | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | 4E-6 | 4E-5 |
19 | Potassium-42 | D, all compounds | 5E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
19 | Potassium-43 | D, all compounds | 6E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 |
19 | Potassium-442 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 5E-4 | 5E-3 | |||
19 | Potassium-452 | D, all compounds | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (5E+4) |
- | - | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
20 | Calcium-41 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+3) | Bone surf (4E+3) | - | 5E-9 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 | |||
20 | Calcium-45 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 8E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
20 | Calcium-47 | W, all compounds | 8E+2 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
21 | Scandium-43 | Y, all compounds | 7E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
21 | Scandium-44m | Y, all compounds | 5E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
21 | Scandium-44 | Y, all compounds | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
21 | Scandium-46 | Y, all compounds | 9E+2 | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
21 | Scandium-47 | Y, all compounds | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
21 | Scandium-48 | Y, all compounds | 8E+2 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
21 | Scandium-492 | Y, all compounds | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
22 | Titanium-44 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 3E+2 | 1E+1 | 5E-9 | 2E-11 | 4E-6 | 4E-5 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, halides, and nitrates | - | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 4E-11 | - | - | ||
Y, SrTi0 | - | 6E+0 | 2E-9 | 8E-12 | - | - | ||
22 | Titanium-45 | D, see 44Ti | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 44Ti | - | 4E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 44Ti | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
23 | Vanadium-472 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 3E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, and halides | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
23 | Vanadium-48 | D, see 47V | 6E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, see 47V | - | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
23 | Vanadium-49 | D, see 47V | 7E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (9E+4) | Bone surf (3E+4) | - | 5E-8 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 47V | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
24 | Chromium-48 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 6E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
W, halides and nitrates | - | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
24 | Chromium-492 | D, see 48Cr | 3E+4 | 8E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 48Cr | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 48Cr | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
24 | Chromium-51 | D, see 48Cr | 4E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
W, see 48Cr | - | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 48Cr | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
25 | Manganese-512 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, halides, and nitrates | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
25 | Manganese-52m2 | D, see 51Mn | 3E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 5E-4 | 5E-3 | |||
W, see 51Mn | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
25 | Manganese-52 | D, see 51Mn | 7E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 51Mn | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
25 | Manganese-53 | D, see 51Mn | 5E+4 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
- | Bone surf (2E+4) | - | 3E-8 | - | - | |||
W, see 51Mn | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
25 | Manganese-54 | D, see 51Mn | 2E+3 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 51Mn | - | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
25 | Manganese-56 | D, see 51Mn | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 51Mn | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
26 | Iron-52 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 9E+2 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, and halides | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
26 | Iron-55 | D, see 52Fe | 9E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 52Fe | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
26 | Iron-59 | D, see 52Fe | 8E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 52Fe | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | - | - | ||
26 | Iron-60 | D, see 52Fe | 3E+1 | 6E+0 | 3E-9 | 9E-12 | 4E-7 | 4E-6 |
W, see 52Fe | - | 2E+1 | 8E-9 | 3E-11 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-55 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, oxides, hydroxides, halides, and nitrates | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-56 | W, see 55Co | 5E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 |
Y, see 55Co | 4E+2 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-57 | W, see 55Co | 8E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
Y, see 55Co | 4E+3 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-58m | W, see 55Co | 6E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 8E-4 | 8E-3 |
Y, see 55Co | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-58 | W, see 55Co | 2E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 55Co | 1E+3 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-60m2 | W, see 55Co | 1E+6 | 4E+6 | 2E-3 | 6E-6 | - | - |
St wall (1E+6) |
- | - | - | 2E-2 | 2E-1 | |||
Y, see 55Co | - | 3E+6 | 1E-3 | 4E-6 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-60 | W, see 55Co | 5E+2 | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | 2E-10 | 3E-6 | 3E-5 |
Y, see 55Co | 2E+2 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 5E-11 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-612 | W, see 55Co | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
Y, see 55Co | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
27 | Cobalt-62m2 | W, see 55Co | 4E+4 | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (5E+4) |
- | - | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
Y, see 55Co | - | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
28 | Nickel-56 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, and carbides | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Vapor | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
28 | Nickel-57 | D, see 56Ni | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 56Ni | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
Vapor | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
28 | Nickel-59 | D, see 56Ni | 2E+4 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 56Ni | - | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
Vapor | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
28 | Nickel-63 | D, see 56Ni | 9E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 56Ni | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
Vapor | - | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
28 | Nickel-65 | D, see 56Ni | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 56Ni | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
Vapor | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
28 | Nickel-66 | D, see 56Ni | 4E+2 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+2) | - | - | - | 6E-6 | 6E-5 | |||
W, see 56Ni | - | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
Vapor | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
29 | Copper-602 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 3E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
W, sulfides, halides, and nitrates | - |
1E+5 |
5E-5 |
2E-7 |
- |
- |
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
29 | Copper-61 | D, see 60Cu | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 60Cu | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 60Cu | - | 4E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
29 | Copper-64 | D, see 60Cu | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 60Cu | - | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 60Cu | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
29 | Copper-67 | D, see 60Cu | 5E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
W, see 60Cu | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 60Cu | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
30 | Zinc-62 | Y, all compounds | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
30 | Zinc-632 | Y, all compounds | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
30 | Zinc-65 | Y, all compounds | 4E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | 5E-6 | 5E-5 |
30 | Zinc-69m | Y, all compounds | 4E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
30 | Zinc-692 | Y, all compounds | 6E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 8E-4 | 8E-3 |
30 | Zinc-71m | Y, all compounds | 6E+3 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
30 | Zinc-72 | Y, all compounds | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
31 | Gallium-652 | D, all compounds excep those given for W | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, halides, and nitrates | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
31 | Gallium-66 | D, see 65Ga | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 65Ga | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
31 | Gallium-67 | D, see 65Ga | 7E+3 | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 65Ga | - | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
31 | Gallium-682 | D, see 65Ga | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 65Ga | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - | ||
31 | Gallium-702 | D, see 65Ga | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 65Ga | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
31 | Gallium-72 | D, see 65Ga | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 65Ga | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
31 | Gallium-73 | D, see 65Ga | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 65Ga | - | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-66 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, oxides, sulfides, and halides | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-672 | D, see 66Ge | 3E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
W, see 66Ge | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-68 | D, see 66Ge | 5E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
W, see 66Ge | - | 1E+2 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-69 | D, see 66Ge | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 66Ge | - | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-71 | D, see 66Ge | 5E+5 | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | 7E-3 | 7E-2 |
W, see 66Ge | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-752 | D, see 66Ge | 4E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
W, see 66Ge | - | 8E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-77 | D, see 66Ge | 9E+3 | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 66Ge | - | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
32 | Germanium-782 | D, see 66Ge | 2E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - |
St wall (2E+4) |
- | - | - | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
W, see 66Ge | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
33 | Arsenic-692 | W, all compounds | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
33 | Arsenic-702 | W, all compounds | 1E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
33 | Arsenic-71 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
33 | Arsenic-72 | W, all compounds | 9E+2 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
33 | Arsenic-73 | W, all compounds | 8E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
33 | Arsenic-74 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
33 | Arsenic-76 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
33 | Arsenic-77 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+3) | - | - | - | 6E-5 | 6E-4 | |||
33 | Arsenic-782 | W, all compounds | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
34 | Selenium-702 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, and elemental Se | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-73m2 | D, see 70Se | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 70Se | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-73 | D, see 70Se | 3E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 70Se | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-75 | D, see 70Se | 5E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
W, see 70Se | - | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-79 | D, see 70Se | 6E+2 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 8E-6 | 8E-5 |
W, see 70Se | - | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-81m2 | D, see 70Se | 4E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 70Se | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-812 | D, see 70Se | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (8E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 70Se | - | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
34 | Selenium-832 | D, see 70Se | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 70Se | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-74m2 | D, bromides of H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - |
St wall (2E+4) |
- | - | - | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
W, bromides of lantha- nides, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, Al, Ga, In, Tl, Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sc, Y, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Mn, Tc, and Re | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-742 | D, see 74mBr | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 5E-45E-3 | - | |||
W, see 74mBr | - | 8E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-752 | D, see 74mBr | 3E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 5E-4 | 5E-3 | |||
W, see 74mBr | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-76 | D, see 74mBr | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
W, see 74mBr | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-77 | D, see 74mBr | 2E+4 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 74mBr | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-80m | D, see 74mBr | 2E+4 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 74mBr | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-802 | D, see 74mBr | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (9E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 74mBr | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-82 | D, see 74mBr | 3E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 74mBr | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-83 | D, see 74mBr | 5E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
W, see 74mBr | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
35 | Bromine-842 | D, see 74mBr | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
W, see 74mBr | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
36 | Krypton-742 | Submersion1 | - | - | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-76 | Submersion1 | - | - | 9E-6 | 4E-8 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-772 | Submersion1 | - | - | 4E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-79 | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-81 | Submersion1 | - | - | 7E-4 | 3E-6 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-83m2 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-2 | 5E-5 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-85m | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-85 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-4 | 7E-7 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-872 | Submersion1 | - | - | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
36 | Krypton-88 | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - |
37 | Rubidium-792 | D, all compounds | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | |||
37 | Rubidium-81m2 | D, all compounds | 2E+5 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+5) |
- | - | - | 4E-3 | 4E-2 | |||
37 | Rubidium-81 | D, all compounds | 4E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
37 | Rubidium-82m | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
37 | Rubidium-83 | D, all compounds | 6E+2 | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
37 | Rubidium-84 | D, all compounds | 5E+2 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
37 | Rubidium-86 | D, all compounds | 5E+2 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
37 | Rubidium-87 | D, all compounds | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
37 | Rubidium-882 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
37 | Rubidium-892 | D, all compounds | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
38 | Strontium-802 | D, all soluble compound except SrTiO | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
Y, all insoluble compounds and SrTi0 | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-812 | D, see 80Sr | 3E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
Y, see 80Sr | 2E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-82 | D, see 80Sr | 3E+2 | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+2) | - | - | - | 3E-6 | 3E-5 | |||
Y, see 80Sr | 2E+2 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-83 | D, see 80Sr | 3E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 80Sr | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-85m2 | D, see 80Sr | 2E+5 | 6E+5 | 3E-4 | 9E-7 | 3E-3 | 3E-2 |
Y, see 80Sr | - | 8E+5 | 4E-4 | 1E-6 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-85 | D, see 80Sr | 3E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
Y, see 80Sr | - | 2E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-87m | D, see 80Sr | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 6E-4 | 6E-3 |
Y, see 80Sr | 4E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-89 | D, see 80Sr | 6E+2 | 8E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+2) | - | - | - | 8E-6 | 8E-5 | |||
Y, see 80Sr | 5E+2 | 1E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-90 | D, see 80Sr | 3E+1 | 2E+1 | 8E-9 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+1) | Bone surf (2E+1) | - | 3E-11 | 5E-7 | 5E-6 | |||
Y, see 80Sr | - | 4E+0 | 2E-9 | 6E-12 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-91 | D, see 80Sr | 2E+3 | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 80Sr | - | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
38 | Strontium-92 | D, see 80Sr | 3E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
Y, see 80Sr | - | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-86m2 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-86 | W, see 86mY | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-87 | W, see 86mY | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-88 | W, see 86mY | 1E+3 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-90m | W, see 86mY | 8E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-90 | W, see 86mY | 4E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+2) | - | - | - | 7E-6 | 7E-5 | |||
Y, see 86mY | - | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-91m2 | W, see 86mY | 1E+5 | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | 2E-3 | 2E-2 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-91 | W, see 86mY | 5E+2 | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+2) | - | - | - | 8E-6 | 8E-5 | |||
Y, see 86mY | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-92 | W, see 86mY | 3E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-93 | W, see 86mY | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 86mY | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-942 | W, see 86mY | 2E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
Y, see 86mY | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
39 | Yttrium-952 | W, see 86mY | 4E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (5E+4) |
- | - | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
Y, see 86mY | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
40 | Zirconium-86 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, halides, and nitrates | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, carbide | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
40 | Zirconium-88 | D, see 86Zr | 4E+3 | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
W, see 86Zr | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 86Zr | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
40 | Zirconium-89 | D, see 86Zr | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 86Zr | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 86Zr | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
40 | Zirconium-93 | D, see 86Zr | 1E+3 | 6E+0 | 3E-9 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (3E+3) | Bone surf (2E+1) | - | 2E-11 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
W, see 86Zr | - | 2E+1 | 1E-8 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (6E+1) | - | 9E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 86Zr | - | 6E+1 | 2E-8 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (7E+1) | - | 9E-11 | - | - | |||
40 | Zirconium-95 | D, see 86Zr | 1E+3 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (3E+2) | - | 4E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 86Zr | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 86Zr | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
40 | Zirconium-97 | D, see 86Zr | 6E+2 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, see 86Zr | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 86Zr | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-882 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-892 (66 min) |
W, see 88Nb | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-89 (122 min) |
W, see 88Nb | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-90 | W, see 88Nb | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-93m | W, see 88Nb | 9E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+4) | - | - | - | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | |||
Y, see 88Nb | - | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-94 | W, see 88Nb | 9E+2 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 2E+1 | 6E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-95m | W, see 88Nb | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
Y, see 88Nb | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-95 | W, see 88Nb | 2E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-96 | W, see 88Nb | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-972 | W, see 88Nb | 2E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
41 | Niobium-982 | W, see 88Nb | 1E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 88Nb | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - | ||
42 | Molybdenum-90 | D, all compounds except those given for Y | 4E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, oxides, hydroxides, and MoS | 2E+3 |
5E+3 |
2E-6 |
6E-9 |
- |
- |
42 | Molybdenum-93m | D, see 90Mo | 9E+3 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
Y, see 90Mo | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
42 | Molybdenum-93 | D, see 90Mo | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
Y, see 90Mo | 2E+4 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
42 | Molybdenum-99 | D, see 90Mo | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 90Mo | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
42 | Molybdenum-1012 | D, see 90Mo | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (5E+4) |
- | - | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
Y, see 90Mo | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-93m2 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, halides, and nitrates | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-93 | D, see 93mTc | 3E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-94m2 | D, see 93mTc | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-94 | D, see 93mTc | 9E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-95m | D, see 93mTc | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-95 | D, see 93mTc | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-96m2 | D, see 93mTc | 2E+5 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | 2E-3 | 2E-2 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-96 | D, see 93mTc | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-97m | D, see 93mTc | 5E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | - | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
- | St wall (7E+3) |
- | 1E-8 | - | - | |||
W, see 93mTc | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-97 | D, see 93mTc | 4E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-98 | D, see 93mTc | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-99m | D, see 93mTc | 8E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
W, see 93mTc | - | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-99 | D, see 93mTc | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | - | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
- | St wall (6E+3) |
- | 8E-9 | - | - | |||
W, see 93mTc | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-1012 | D, see 93mTc | 9E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - |
St wall (1E+5) |
- | - | - | 2E-3 | 2E-2 | |||
W, see 93mTc | - | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - | ||
43 | Technetium-1042 | D, see 93mTc | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
W, see 93mTc | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
44 | Ruthenium-942 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, halides | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
44 | Ruthenium-97 | D, see 94Ru | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 94Ru | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 94Ru | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
44 | Ruthenium-103 | D, see 94Ru | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 94Ru | - | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 94Ru | - | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
44 | Ruthenium-105 | D, see 94Ru | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 94Ru | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 94Ru | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
44 | Ruthenium-106 | D, see 94Ru | 2E+2 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+2) | - | - | - | 3E-6 | 3E-5 | |||
W, see 94Ru | - | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | 8E-11 | - | - | ||
Y, see 94Ru | - | 1E+1 | 5E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-99m | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 2E+4 |
6E+4 |
2E-5 |
8E-8 |
2E-4 |
2E-3 |
W, halides | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-99 | D, see 99mRh | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-100 | D, see 99mRh | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-101m | D, see 99mRh | 6E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-101 | D, see 99mRh | 2E+3 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-102m | D, see 99mRh | 1E+3 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
W, see 99mRh | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-102 | D, see 99mRh | 6E+2 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | 8E-6 | 8E-5 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 6E+1 | 2E-8 | 8E-11 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-103m2 | D, see 99mRh | 4E+5 | 1E+6 | 5E-4 | 2E-6 | 6E-3 | 6E-2 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 1E+6 | 5E-4 | 2E-6 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 1E+6 | 5E-4 | 2E-6 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-105 | D, see 99mRh | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+3) | - | - | - | 5E-5 | 5E-4 | |||
W, see 99mRh | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-106m | D, see 99mRh | 8E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 99mRh | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 4E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
45 | Rhodium-1072 | D, see 99mRh | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (9E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 99mRh | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 99mRh | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
46 | Palladium-100 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, nitrates | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
46 | Palladium-101 | D, see 100Pd | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 100Pd | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 100Pd | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
46 | Palladium-103 | D, see 100Pd | 6E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (7E+3) | - | - | - | 1E-4 | 1E-3 | |||
W, see 100Pd | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 100Pd | - | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
46 | Palladium-107 | D, see 100Pd | 3E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+4) | Kidneys (2E+4) | - | 3E-8 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 | |||
W, see 100Pd | - | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 100Pd | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - | ||
46 | Palladium-109 | D, see 100Pd | 2E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 100Pd | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 100Pd | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-1022 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
W, nitrates and sulfides | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-1032 | D, see 102Ag | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-104m2 | D, see 102Ag | 3E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-1042 | D, see 102Ag | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-105 | D, see 102Ag | 3E+3 | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-106m | D, see 102Ag | 8E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-1062 | D, see 102Ag | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St. wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
W, see 102Ag | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-108m | D, see 102Ag | 6E+2 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 2E+1 | 1E-8 | 3E-11 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-110m | D, see 102Ag | 5E+2 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-111 | D, see 102Ag | 9E+2 | 2E+3 | 6E-7 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | Liver (2E+3) |
- | 2E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
W, see 102Ag | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-112 | D, see 102Ag | 3E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 102Ag | - | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
47 | Silver-1152 | D, see 102Ag | 3E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
W, see 102Ag | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 102Ag | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-1042 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, sulfides, halides, and nitrates | - |
1E+5 |
5E-5 |
2E-7 |
- |
- |
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-107 | D, see 104Cd | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 104Cd | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-109 | D, see 104Cd | 3E+2 | 4E+1 | 1E-8 | - | - | - |
Kidneys (4E+2) | Kidneys (5E+1) | - | 7E-11 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 | |||
W, see 104Cd | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | - | - | - | ||
- | Kidneys (1E+2) | - | 2E-10 | - | - | |||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-113m | D, see 104Cd | 2E+1 | 2E+0 | 1E-9 | - | - | - |
Kidneys (4E+1) | Kidneys (4E+0) | - | 5E-12 | 5E-7 | 5E-6 | |||
W, see 104Cd | - | 8E+0 | 4E-9 | - | - | - | ||
- | Kidneys (1E+1) | - | 2E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+1 | 5E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-113 | D, see 104Cd | 2E+1 | 2E+0 | 9E-10 | - | - | - |
Kidneys (3E+1) | Kidneys (3E+0) | - | 5E-12 | 4E-7 | 4E-6 | |||
W, see 104Cd | - | 8E+0 | 3E-9 | - | - | - | ||
- | Kidneys (1E+1) | - | 2E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+1 | 6E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-115m | D, see 104Cd | 3E+2 | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | - | 4E-6 | 4E-5 |
- |
Kidneys (8E+1) | - |
1E-10 |
- |
- |
W, see 104Cd | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-115 | D, see 104Cd | 9E+2 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
W, see 104Cd | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-117m | D, see 104Cd | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
W, see 104Cd | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
48 | Cadmium-117 | D, see 104Cd | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
W, see 104Cd | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 104Cd | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-109 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, halides, and nitrates | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-1102 | D, see 109In | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
(69.1 min) | W, see 109In | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | |
49 | Indium-110 | D, see 109In | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
(4.9 h) | W, see 109In | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | |
49 | Indium-111 | D, see 109In | 4E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
W, see 109In | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-1122 | D, see 109In | 2E+5 | 6E+5 | 3E-4 | 9E-7 | 2E-3 | 2E-2 |
W, see 109In | - | 7E+5 | 3E-4 | 1E-6 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-113m2 | D, see 109In | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
W, see 109In | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-114m | D, see 109In | 3E+2 | 6E+1 | 3E-8 | 9E-11 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+2) | - | - | - | 5E-6 | 5E-5 | |||
W, see 109In | - | 1E+2 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-115m | D, see 109In | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 109In | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-115 | D, see 109In | 4E+1 | 1E+0 | 6E-10 | 2E-12 | 5E-7 | 5E-6 |
W, see 109In | - | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | 8E-12 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-116m2 | D, see 109In | 2E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 109In | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-117m2 | D, see 109In | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 109In | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-1172 | D, see 109In | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | 8E-4 | 8E-3 |
W, see 109In | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
49 | Indium-119m2 | D, see 109In | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (5E+4) |
- | - | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
W, see 109In | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-110 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
W, sulfides, oxides, hydroxides, halides, nitrates, and stannic phosphate | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-1112 | D, see 110Sn | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
W, see 110Sn | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-113 | D, see 110Sn | 2E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-117m | D, see 110Sn | 2E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | Bone surf (2E+3) | - | 3E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-119m | D, see 110Sn | 3E+3 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+3) | - | - | - | 6E-5 | 6E-4 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-121m | D, see 110Sn | 3E+3 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+3) | - | - | - | 5E-5 | 5E-4 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-121 | D, see 110Sn | 6E+3 | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+3) | - | - | - | 8E-5 | 8E-4 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-123m2 | D, see 110Sn | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
W, see 110Sn | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-123 | D, see 110Sn | 5E+2 | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+2) | - | - | - | 9E-6 | 9E-5 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-125 | D, see 110Sn | 4E+2 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+2) | - | - | - | 6E-6 | 6E-5 | |||
W, see 110Sn | - | 4E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-126 | D, see 110Sn | 3E+2 | 6E+1 | 2E-8 | 8E-11 | 4E-6 | 4E-5 |
W, see 110Sn | - | 7E+1 | 3E-8 | 9E-11 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-127 | D, see 110Sn | 7E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 |
W, see 110Sn | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
50 | Tin-1282 | D, see 110Sn | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 110Sn | - | 4E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-1152 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 8E+4 |
2E+5 |
1E-4 |
3E-7 |
1E-3 |
1E-2 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, halides, sulfides, sulfates, and nitrates | - |
3E+5 |
1E-4 |
4E-7 |
- |
- |
51 | Antimony-116m2 | D, see 115Sb | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 115Sb | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-1162 | D, see 115Sb | 7E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - |
St wall (9E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 115Sb | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-117 | D, see 115Sb | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
W, see 115Sb | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-118m | D, see 115Sb | 6E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 115Sb | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-119 | D, see 115Sb | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 115Sb | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-1202 | D, see 115Sb | 1E+5 | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | - | - |
(16 min) | St wall (2E+5) | - | - | - | 2E-3 | 2E-2 | ||
W, see 115Sb | - | 5E+5 | 2E-4 | 7E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-120 (5.76 d) |
D, see 115Sb | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 115Sb | 9E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-122 | D, see 115Sb | 8E+2 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (8E+2) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
W, see 115Sb | 7E+2 | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-124m2 | D, see 115Sb | 3E+5 | 8E+5 | 4E-4 | 1E-6 | 3E-3 | 3E-2 |
W, see 115Sb | 2E+5 | 6E+5 | 2E-4 | 8E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-124 | D, see 115Sb | 6E+2 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
W, see 115Sb | 5E+2 | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-125 | D, see 115Sb | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 115Sb | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-126m2 | D, see 115Sb | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 9E-4 | 9E-3 | |||
W, see 115Sb | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-126 | D, see 115Sb | 6E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
W, see 115Sb | 5E+2 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-127 | D, see 115Sb | 8E+2 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (8E+2) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
W, see 115Sb | 7E+2 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-1282 | D, see 115Sb | 8E+4 | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - |
(10.4 min) | St wall (1E+5) |
- |
- |
- |
1E-3 |
1E-2 |
W, see 115Sb | - | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-128 | D, see 115Sb | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
(9.01 h) | W, see 115Sb | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | |
51 | Antimony-129 | D, see 115Sb | 3E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 115Sb | - | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-1302 | D, see 115Sb | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 115Sb | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
51 | Antimony-1312 | D, see 115Sb | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (2E+4) | Thyroid (4E+4) | - | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | |||
W, see 115Sb | - | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | - | - | |||
- | Thyroid (4E+4) | - | 6E-8 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-116 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, and nitrates | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-121m | D, see 116Te | 5E+2 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (7E+2) | Bone surf (4E+2) | - | 5E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-121 | D, see 116Te | 3E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 116Te | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-123m | D, see 116Te | 6E+2 | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+3) | Bone surf (5E+2) | - | 8E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-123 | D, see 116Te | 5E+2 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+3) | Bone surf (5E+2) | - | 7E-10 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (1E+3) | - | 2E-9 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-125m | D, see 116Te | 1E+3 | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+3) | Bone surf (1E+3) | - | 1E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-127m | D, see 116Te | 6E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
- | Bone surf (4E+2) | - | 6E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-127 | D, see 116Te | 7E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 116Te | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-129m | D, see 116Te | 5E+2 | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
W, see 116Te | - | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-1292 | D, see 116Te | 3E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 116Te | - | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
52 | Tellurium-131m | D, see 116Te | 3E+2 | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (6E+2) | Thyroid (1E+3) | - | 2E-9 | 8E-6 | 8E-5 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | - | - | - | ||
- | Thyroid (9E+2) | - | 1E-9 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-1312 | D, see 116Te | 3E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (6E+3) | Thyroid (1E+4) | - | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | - | - | - | ||
- | Thyroid (1E+4) | - | 2E-8 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-132 | D, see 116Te | 2E+2 | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (7E+2) | Thyroid (8E+2) | - | 1E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | - | - | - | ||
- | Thyroid (6E+2) | - | 9E-10 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-133m2 | D, see 116Te | 3E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (6E+3) | Thyroid (1E+4) | - | 2E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | - | - | - | ||
- | Thyroid (1E+4) | - | 2E-8 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-1332 | D, see 116Te | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (3E+4) | Thyroid (6E+4) | - | 8E-8 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | - | - | - | ||
- | Thyroid (6E+4) | - | 8E-8 | - | - | |||
52 | Tellurium-1342 | D, see 116Te | 2E+4 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (2E+4) | Thyroid (5E+4) | - | 7E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
W, see 116Te | - | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | - | - | - | ||
Thyroid | ||||||||
- | (5E+4) | - | 7E-8 | - | - | |||
53 | Iodine-120m2 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - |
Thyroid (1E+4) | - | - | - | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-1202 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (8E+3) | Thyroid (1E+4) | - | 2E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-121 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (3E+4) | Thyroid (5E+4) | - | 7E-8 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-123 | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (1E+4) | Thyroid (2E+4) | - | 2E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-124 | D, all compounds | 5E+1 | 8E+1 | 3E-8 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (2E+2) | Thyroid (3E+2) | - | 4E-10 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 | |||
53 | Iodine-125 | D, all compounds | 4E+1 | 6E+1 | 3E-8 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (1E+2) | Thyroid (2E+2) |
- | 3E-10 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 | |||
53 | Iodine-126 | D, all compounds | 2E+1 | 4E+1 | 1E-8 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (7E+1) | Thyroid (1E+2) | - | 2E-10 | 1E-6 | 1E-5 | |||
53 | Iodine-1282 | D, all compounds | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-129 | D, all compounds | 5E+0 | 9E+0 | 4E-9 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (2E+1) | Thyroid (3E+1) | - | 4E-11 | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | |||
53 | Iodine-130 | D, all compounds | 4E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (1E+3) | Thyroid (2E+3) | - | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
53 | Iodine-131 | D, all compounds | 3E+1 | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (9E+1) | Thyroid (2E+2) | - | 2E-10 | 1E-6 | 1E-5 | |||
53 | Iodine-132m2 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (1E+4) | Thyroid (2E+4) | - | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-132 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (9E+3) | Thyroid (1E+4) | - | 2E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-133 | D, all compounds | 1E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (5E+2) | Thyroid (9E+2) | - | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 | |||
53 | Iodine-1342 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - |
Thyroid (3E+4) | - | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
53 | Iodine-135 | D, all compounds | 8E+2 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | - | - | - |
Thyroid (3E+3) | Thyroid (4E+3) | - | 6E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
54 | Xenon-1202 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-1212 | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-122 | Submersion1 | - | - | 7E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-123 | Submersion1 | - | - | 6E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-125 | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-127 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-129m | Submersion1 | - | - | 2E-4 | 9E-7 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-131m | Submersion1 | - | - | 4E-4 | 2E-6 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-133m | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-4 | 6E-7 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-133 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-135m2 | Submersion1 | - | - | 9E-6 | 4E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-135 | Submersion1 | - | - | 1E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - |
54 | Xenon-1382 | Submersion1 | - | - | 4E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
55 | Cesium-1252 | D, all compounds | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (9E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
55 | Cesium-127 | D, all compounds | 6E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
55 | Cesium-129 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
55 | Cesium-1302 | D, all compounds | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (1E+5) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
55 | Cesium-131 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
55 | Cesium-132 | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
55 | Cesium-134m | D, all compounds | 1E+5 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (1E+5) |
- | - | - | 2E-3 | 2E-2 | |||
55 | Cesium-134 | D, all compounds | 7E+1 | 1E+2 | 4E-8 | 2E-10 | 9E-7 | 9E-6 |
55 | Cesium-135m2 | D, all compounds | 1E+5 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
55 | Cesium-135 | D, all compounds | 7E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
55 | Cesium-136 | D, all compounds | 4E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 |
55 | Cesium-137 | D, all compounds | 1E+2 | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | 1E-6 | 1E-5 |
55 | Cesium-1382 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
56 | Barium-1262 | D, all compounds | 6E+3 | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
56 | Barium-128 | D, all compounds | 5E+2 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
56 | Barium-131m2 | D, all compounds | 4E+5 | 1E+6 | 6E-4 | 2E-6 | - | - |
St wall (5E+5) |
- | - | - | 7E-3 | 7E-2 | |||
56 | Barium-131 | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
56 | Barium-133m | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
56 | Barium-133 | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
56 | Barium-135m | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
56 | Barium-1392 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
56 | Barium-140 | D, all compounds | 5E+2 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+2) | - | - | - | 8E-6 | 8E-5 | |||
56 | Barium-1412 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
56 | Barium-1422 | D, all compounds | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
57 | Lanthanum-1312 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 6E-4 | 6E-3 |
W, oxides and hydroxides | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-132 | D, see 131La | 3E+3 | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 131La | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-135 | D, see 131La | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
W, see 131La | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-137 | D, see 131La | 1E+4 | 6E+1 | 3E-8 | - | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
- | Liver (7E+1) |
- | 1E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 131La | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | - | - | ||
- | Liver (3E+2) |
- | 4E-10 | - | - | |||
57 | Lanthanum-138 | D, see 131La | 9E+2 | 4E+0 | 1E-9 | 5E-12 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 131La | - | 1E+1 | 6E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-140 | D, see 131La | 6E+2 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, see 131La | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-141 | D, see 131La | 4E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
W, see 131La | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-1422 | D, see 131La | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 131La | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
57 | Lanthanum-1432 | D, see 131La | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 5E-4 | 5E-3 | |||
W, see 131La | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-134 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 5E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+2) | - | - | - | 8E-6 | 8E-5 | |||
Y, oxides, hydroxides, and fluorides | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-135 | W, see 134Ce | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 134Ce | - | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-137m | W, see 134Ce | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
Y, see 134Ce | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-137 | W, see 134Ce | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
Y, see 134Ce | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-139 | W, see 134Ce | 5E+3 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
Y, see 134Ce | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-141 | W, see 134Ce | 2E+3 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
Y, see 134Ce | - | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-143 | W, see 134Ce | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 134Ce | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
58 | Cerium-144 | W, see 134Ce | 2E+2 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 4E-11 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+2) | - | - | - | 3E-6 | 3E-5 | |||
Y, see 134Ce | - | 1E+1 | 6E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-1362 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall | ||||||||
(7E+4) | - | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
Y, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, and fluorides | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-1372 | W, see 136Pr | 4E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
Y, see 136Pr | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-138m | W, see 136Pr | 1E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
Y, see 136Pr | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-139 | W, see 136Pr | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 6E-4 | 6E-3 |
Y, see 136Pr | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-142m2 | W, see 136Pr | 8E+4 | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
Y, see 136Pr | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-142 | W, see 136Pr | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 136Pr | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-143 | W, see 136Pr | 9E+2 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 136Pr | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-1442 | W, see 136Pr | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
Y, see 136Pr | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-145 | W, see 136Pr | 3E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
Y, see 136Pr | - | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
59 | Praseodymium-1472 | W, see 136Pr | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (8E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
Y, see 136Pr | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-1362 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 1E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, and fluorides | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-138 | W, see 136Nd | 2E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 136Nd | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-139m | W, see 136Nd | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
Y, see 136Nd | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-1392 | W, see 136Nd | 9E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 5E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
Y, see 136Nd | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-141 | W, see 136Nd | 2E+5 | 7E+5 | 3E-4 | 1E-6 | 2E-3 | 2E-2 |
Y, see 136Nd | - | 6E+5 | 3E-4 | 9E-7 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-147 | W, see 136Nd | 1E+3 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 136Nd | - | 8E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-1492 | W, see 136Nd | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
Y, see 136Nd | - | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
60 | Neodymium-1512 | W, see 136Nd | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
Y, see 136Nd | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-1412 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | |||
Y, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, and fluorides | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-143 | W, see 141Pm | 5E+3 | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
Y, see 141Pm | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-144 | W, see 141Pm | 1E+3 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 141Pm | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-145 | W, see 141Pm | 1E+4 | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | - | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
- | Bone surf (2E+2) | - | 3E-10 | - | - | |||
Y, see 141Pm | - | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-146 | W, see 141Pm | 2E+3 | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | 7E-11 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 141Pm | - | 4E+1 | 2E-8 | 6E-11 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-147 | W, see 141Pm | 4E+3 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+3) | Bone surf (2E+2) | - | 3E-10 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 | |||
Y, see 141Pm | - | 1E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-148m | W, see 141Pm | 7E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 141Pm | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-148 | W, see 141Pm | 4E+2 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+2) | - | - | - | 7E-6 | 7E-5 | |||
Y, see 141Pm | - | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-149 | W, see 141Pm | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 141Pm | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-150 | W, see 141Pm | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
Y, see 141Pm | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
61 | Promethium-151 | W, see 141Pm | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 141Pm | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
62 | Samarium-141m2 | W, all compounds | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
62 | Samarium-1412 | W, all compounds | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | |||
62 | Samarium-1422 | W, all compounds | 8E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
62 | Samarium-145 | W, all compounds | 6E+3 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
62 | Samarium-146 | W, all compounds | 1E+1 | 4E-2 | 1E-11 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (3E+1) | Bone surf (6E-2) | - | 9E-14 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
62 | Samarium-147 | W, all compounds | 2E+1 | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (3E+1) | Bone surf (7E-2) | - | 1E-13 | 4E-7 | 4E-6 | |||
62 | Samarium-151 | W, all compounds | 1E+4 | 1E+2 | 4E-8 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+4) | Bone surf (2E+2) | - | 2E-10 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | |||
62 | Samarium-153 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
62 | Samarium-1552 | W, all compounds | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (8E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
62 | Samarium-156 | W, all compounds | 5E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
63 | Europium-145 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
63 | Europium-146 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
63 | Europium-147 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
63 | Europium-148 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 4E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
63 | Europium-149 | W, all compounds | 1E+4 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
63 | Europium-150 (12.62h) |
W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
63 | Europium-150 (34.2 y) |
W, all compounds | 8E+2 | 2E+1 | 8E-9 | 3E-11 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
63 | Europium-152m | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
63 | Europium-152 | W, all compounds | 8E+2 | 2E+1 | 1E-8 | 3E-11 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
63 | Europium-154 | W, all compounds | 5E+2 | 2E+1 | 8E-9 | 3E-11 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
63 | Europium-155 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | - | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
- | Bone surf (1E+2) | - | 2E-10 | - | - | |||
63 | Europium-156 | W, all compounds | 6E+2 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | 8E-6 | 8E-5 |
63 | Europium-157 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
63 | Europium-1582 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
64 | Gadolinium-1452 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall | ||||||||
(5E+4) | - | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
W, oxides, hydroxides, and fluorides | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
64 | Gadolinium-146 | D, see 145Gd | 1E+3 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 145Gd | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
64 | Gadolinium-147 | D, see 145Gd | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 145Gd | - | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
64 | Gadolinium-148 | D, see 145Gd | 1E+1 | 8E+3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) | Bone surf (2E+2) | - | 2E-14 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 145Gd | - | 3E-2 | 1E-11 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (6E-2) | - | 8E-14 | - | - | |||
64 | Gadolinium-149 | D, see 145Gd | 3E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 145Gd | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
64 | Gadolinium-151 | D, see 145Gd | 6E+3 | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | - | 9E-5 | 9E-4 |
- | Bone surf (6E+2) | - | 9E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 145Gd | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
64 | Gadolinium-152 | D, see 145Gd | 2E+1 | 1E-2 | 4E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (3E+1) | Bone surf (2E-2) | - | 3E-14 | 4E-7 | 4E-6 | |||
W, see 145Gd | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (8E-2) | - | 1E-13 | - | - | |||
64 | Gadolinium-153 | D, see 145Gd | 5E+3 | 1E+2 | 6E-8 | - | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
- | Bone surf (2E+2) | - | 3E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 145Gd | - | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
64 | Gadolinium-159 | D, see 145Gd | 3E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 145Gd | - | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
65 | Terbium-1472 | W, all compounds | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
65 | Terbium-149 | W, all compounds | 5E+3 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
65 | Terbium-150 | W, all compounds | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
65 | Terbium-151 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
65 | Terbium-153 | W, all compounds | 5E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
65 | Terbium-154 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
65 | Terbium-155 | W, all compounds | 6E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
65 | Terbium-156m (5.0 h) |
W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
65 | Terbium-156m (24.4 h) |
W, all compounds | 7E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
65 | Terbium-156 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
65 | Terbium-157 | W, all compounds | 5E+4 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+4) | Bone surf (6E+2) | - | 8E-10 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 | |||
65 | Terbium-158 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 2E+1 | 8E-9 | 3E-11 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
65 | Terbium-160 | W, all compounds | 8E+2 | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
65 | Terbium-161 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
66 | Dysprosium-155 | W, all compounds | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
66 | Dysprosium-157 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
66 | Dysprosium-159 | W, all compounds | 1E+4 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
66 | Dysprosium-165 | W, all compounds | 1E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
66 | Dysprosium-166 | W, all compounds | 6E+2 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (8E+2) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
67 | Holmium-1552 | W, all compounds | 4E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 6E-4 | 6E-3 |
67 | Holmium-1572 | W, all compounds | 3E+5 | 1E+6 | 6E-4 | 2E-6 | 4E-3 | 4E-2 |
67 | Holmium-1592 | W, all compounds | 2E+5 | 1E+6 | 4E-4 | 1E-6 | 3E-3 | 3E-2 |
67 | Holmium-161 | W, all compounds | 1E+5 | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
67 | Holmium-162m2 | W, all compounds | 5E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
67 | Holmium-1622 | W, all compounds | 5E+5 | 2E+6 | 1E-3 | 3E-6 | - | - |
St wall (8E+5) |
- | - | - | 1E-2 | 1E-1 | |||
67 | Holmium-164m2 | W, all compounds | 1E+5 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
67 | Holmium-1642 | W, all compounds | 2E+5 | 6E+5 | 3E-4 | 9E-7 | - | - |
St wall (2E+5) |
- | - | - | 3E-3 | 3E-2 | |||
67 | Holmium-166m | W, all compounds | 6E+2 | 7E+0 | 3E-9 | 9E-12 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
67 | Holmium-166 | W, all compounds | 9E+2 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (9E+2) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
67 | Holmium-167 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
68 | Erbium-161 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
68 | Erbium-165 | W, all compounds | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
68 | Erbium-169 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+3) | - | - | - | 5E-5 | 5E-4 | |||
68 | Erbium-171 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
68 | Erbium-172 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
69 | Thulium-1622 | W, all compounds | 7E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
69 | Thulium-166 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
69 | Thulium-167 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
69 | Thulium-170 | W, all compounds | 8E+2 | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
69 | Thulium-171 | W, all compounds | 1E+4 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+4) | Bone surf (6E+2) | - |
8E-10 |
2E-4 |
2E-3 |
69 | Thulium-172 | W, all compounds | 7E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (8E+2) | - | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
69 | Thulium-173 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 |
69 | Thulium-1752 | W, all compounds | 7E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - |
St wall (9E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
70 | Ytterbium-1622 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 7E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
Y, oxides, hydroxides, and fluorides | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
70 | Ytterbium-166 | W, see 162Yb | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 162Yb | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
70 | Ytterbium-1672 | W, see 162Yb | 3E+5 | 8E+5 | 3E-4 | 1E-6 | 4E-3 | 4E-2 |
Y, see 162Yb | - | 7E+5 | 3E-4 | 1E-6 | - | - | ||
70 | Ytterbium-169 | W, see 162Yb | 2E+3 | 8E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 162Yb | - | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
70 | Ytterbium-175 | W, see 162Yb | 3E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
Y, see 162Yb | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
70 | Ytterbium-1772 | W, see 162Yb | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 162Yb | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
70 | Ytterbium-1782 | W, see 162Yb | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 162Yb | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-169 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 3E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, oxides, hydroxides, and fluorides | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-170 | W, see 169Lu | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-171 | W, see 169Lu | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-172 | W, see 169Lu | 1E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 169Lu | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-173 | W, see 169Lu | 5E+3 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
- | Bone surf (5E+2) | - | 6E-10 | - | - | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-174m | W, see 169Lu | 2E+3 | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | Bone surf (3E+2) | - | 5E-10 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-174 | W, see 169Lu | 5E+3 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | - | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
- | Bone surf (2E+2) | - | 3E-10 | - | - | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-176m | W, see 169Lu | 8E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-176 | W, see 169Lu | 7E+2 | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
- | Bone surf (1E+1) | - | 2E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 8E+0 | 3E-9 | 1E-11 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-177m | W, see 169Lu | 7E+2 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
- | Bone surf (1E+2) | - | 2E-10 | - | - | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 8E+1 | 3E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-177 | W, see 169Lu | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-178m2 | W, see 169Lu | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St. wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-1782 | W, see 169Lu | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
Y, see 169Lu | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
71 | Lutetium-179 | W, see 169Lu | 6E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 |
Y, see 169Lu | - | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-170 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 3E+3 | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, carbides, and nitrates | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-172 | D, see 170Hf | 1E+3 | 9E+0 | 4E-9 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (2E+1) | - | 3E-11 | - | - | |||
W, see 170Hf | - | 4E+1 | 2E-8 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (6E+1) | - | 8E-11 | - | - | |||
72 | Hafnium-173 | D, see 170Hf | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 170Hf | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-175 | D, see 170Hf | 3E+3 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
- | Bone surf (1E+3) | - | 1E-9 | - | - | |||
W, see 170Hf | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-177m2 | D, see 170Hf | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 170Hf | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-178m | D, see 170Hf | 3E+2 | 1E+0 | 5E-10 | - | 3E-6 | 3E-5 |
- | Bone surf (2E+0) | - | 3E-12 | - | - | |||
W, see 170Hf | - | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (9E+0) | - | 1E-11 | - | - | |||
72 | Hafnium-179m | D, see 170Hf | 1E+3 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
- | Bone surf (6E+2) | - | 8E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 170Hf | - | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-180m | D, see 170Hf | 7E+3 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 170Hf | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-181 | D, see 170Hf | 1E+3 | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (4E+2) | - | 6E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 170Hf | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-182m2 | D, see 170Hf | 4E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
W, see 170Hf | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-182 | D, see 170Hf | 2E+2 | 8E-1 | 3E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+2) | Bone surf (2E+0) | - | 2E-12 | 5E-6 | 5E-5 | |||
W, see 170Hf | - | 3E+0 | 1E-9 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (7E+0) | - | 1E-11 | - | - | |||
72 | Hafnium-1832 | D, see 170Hf | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 170Hf | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
72 | Hafnium-184 | D, see 170Hf | 2E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 170Hf | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-1722 | W, all compounds except those given for Y |
4E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
Y, elemental Ta, oxides, hydroxides, halides, carbides, nitrates, and nitrides |
- | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-173 | W, see 172Ta | 7E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-1742 | W, see 172Ta | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-175 | W, see 172Ta | 6E+3 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-176 | W, see 172Ta | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-177 | W, see 172Ta | 1E+4 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-178 | W, see 172Ta | 2E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-179 | W, see 172Ta | 2E+4 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-180m | W, see 172Ta | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-180 | W, see 172Ta | 1E+3 | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 2E+1 | 1E-8 | 3E-11 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-182m2 | W, see 172Ta | 2E+5 | 5E+5 | 2E-4 | 8E-7 | - | - |
St wall (2E+5) |
- | - | - | 3E-3 | 3E-2 | |||
Y, see 172Ta | - | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-182 | W, see 172Ta | 8E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 1E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-183 | W, see 172Ta | 9E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 172Ta | - | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-184 | W, see 172Ta | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-1852 | W, see 172Ta | 3E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
Y, see 172Ta | - | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | - | - | ||
73 | Tantalum-1862 | W, see 172Ta | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) | - | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
Y, see 172Ta | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
74 | Tungsten-176 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
74 | Tungsten-177 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
74 | Tungsten-178 | D, all compounds | 5E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
74 | Tungsten-1792 | D, all compounds | 5E+5 | 2E+6 | 7E-4 | 2E-6 | 7E-3 | 7E-2 |
74 | Tungsten-181 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
74 | Tungsten-185 | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
74 | Tungsten-187 | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
74 | Tungsten-188 | D, all compounds | 4E+2 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+2) | - | - | - | 7E-6 | 7E-5 | |||
75 | Rhenium-1772 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 9E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - |
St wall (1E+5) |
- | - | - | 2E-3 | 2E-2 | |||
W, oxides, hydroxides, and nitrates | - | 4E+5 | 1E-4 | 5E-7 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-1782 | D, see 177Re | 7E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - |
St wall (1E+5) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 177Re | - | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-181 | D, see 177Re | 5E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 177Re | - | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-182 | D, see 177Re | 7E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 |
(12.7 h) | W, see 177Re | - | 2E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | |
75 | Rhenium-182 | D, see 177Re | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
(64.0 h) | W, see 177Re | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | |
75 | Rhenium-184m | D, see 177Re | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 177Re | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-184 | D, see 177Re | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 177Re | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-186m | D, see 177Re | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | - | - | - |
St wall (2E+3) |
St wall (2E+3) |
- | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
W, see 177Re | - | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-186 | D, see 177Re | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 177Re | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-187 | D, see 177Re | 6E+5 | 8E+5 | 4E-4 | - | 8E-3 | 8E-2 |
- | St wall (9E+5) |
- | 1E-6 | - | - | |||
W, see 177Re | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-188m2 | D, see 177Re | 8E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
W, see 177Re | - | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-188 | D, see 177Re | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 177Re | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
75 | Rhenium-189 | D, see 177Re | 3E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 177Re | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-1802 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 1E+5 | 4E+5 | 2E-4 | 5E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
W, halides and nitrates | - | 5E+5 | 2E-4 | 7E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 5E+5 | 2E-4 | 6E-7 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-1812 | D, see 180Os | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 180Os | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-182 | D, see 180Os | 2E+3 | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 180Os | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-185 | D, see 180Os | 2E+3 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 7E-10 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 180Os | - | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-189m | D, see 180Os | 8E+4 | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
W, see 180Os | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-191m | D, see 180Os | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 180Os | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-191 | D, see 180Os | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
W, see 180Os | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-193 | D, see 180Os | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
W, see 180Os | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
76 | Osmium-194 | D, see 180Os | 4E+2 | 4E+1 | 2E-8 | 6E-11 | - | - |
LLI wall (6E+2) | - | - | - | 8E-6 | 8E-5 | |||
W, see 180Os | - | 6E+1 | 2E-8 | 8E-11 | - | - | ||
Y, see 180Os | - | 8E+0 | 3E-9 | 1E-11 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-1822 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 4E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (4E+4) |
- | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
W, halides, nitrates, and metallic iridium | - | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-184 | D, see 182Ir | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-185 | D, see 182Ir | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-186 | D, see 182Ir | 2E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-187 | D, see 182Ir | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-188 | D, see 182Ir | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-189 | D, see 182Ir | 5E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+3) | - | - | - | 7E-5 | 7E-4 | |||
W, see 182Ir | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-190m2 | D, see 182Ir | 2E+5 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | 2E-3 | 2E-2 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-190 | D, see 182Ir | 1E+3 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 1E+3 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-192m | D, see 182Ir | 3E+3 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 2E+1 | 6E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-192 | D, see 182Ir | 9E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-194m | D, see 182Ir | 6E+2 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 2E+2 | 7E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 1E+2 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-194 | D, see 182Ir | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-195m | D, see 182Ir | 8E+3 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
77 | Iridium-195 | D, see 182Ir | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 182Ir | - | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 7E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, see 182Ir | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
78 | Platinum-186 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
78 | Platinum-188 | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
78 | Platinum-189 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
78 | Platinum-191 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
78 | Platinum-193m | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+4) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
78 | Platinum-193 | D, all compounds | 4E+4 | 2E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+4) | - | - | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 | |||
78 | Platinum-195m | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
78 | Platinum-197m2 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
78 | Platinum-197 | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
78 | Platinum-1992 | D, all compounds | 5E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
78 | Platinum-200 | D, all compounds | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
79 | Gold-193 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, halides and nitrates | - | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-194 | D, see 193Au | 3E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
W, see 193Au | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-195 | D, see 193Au | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 193Au | - | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 4E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-198m | D, see 193Au | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 193Au | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-198 | D, see 193Au | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 193Au | - | 2E+3 | 8E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-199 | D, see 193Au | 3E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+3) | - | - | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | |||
W, see 193Au | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-200m | D, see 193Au | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 193Au | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 2E+4 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-2002 | D, see 193Au | 3E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, see 193Au | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
79 | Gold-2012 | D, see 193Au | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (9E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
W, see 193Au | - | 2E+5 | 1E-4 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 193Au | - | 2E+5 | 9E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-193m | Vapor | - | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
Organic D | 4E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 6E-5 | 6E-4 | ||
D, sulfates | 3E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | ||
W, oxides, hydroxides, halides, nitrates, and sulfides | - | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-193 | Vapor | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - |
Organic D | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-194 | Vapor | - | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 4E-11 | - | - |
Organic D | 2E+1 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 4E-11 | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 8E+2 | 4E+1 | 2E-8 | 6E-11 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-195m | Vapor | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - |
Organic D | 3E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 8E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-195 | Vapor | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - |
Organic D | 2E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-197m | Vapor | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - |
Organic D | 4E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 3E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-197 | Vapor | - | 8E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
Organic D | 7E+3 | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | 2E-8 | 9E-5 | 9E-4 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 6E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-199m2 | Vapor | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - |
Organic D | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
St wall (1E+5) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
D, see 193mHg | 6E+4 | 1E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
80 | Mercury-203 | Vapor | - | 8E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
Organic D | 5E+2 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 | ||
D, see 193mHg | 2E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | ||
W, see 193mHg | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
81 | Thallium-194m2 | D, all compounds | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - |
St wall (7E+4) |
- | - | - | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
81 | Thallium-1942 | D, all compounds | 3E+5 | 6E+5 | 2E-4 | 8E-7 | - | - |
St wall (3E+5) |
- | - | - | 4E-3 | 4E-2 | |||
81 | Thallium-1952 | D, all compounds | 6E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
81 | Thallium-197 | D, all compounds | 7E+4 | 1E+5 | 5E-5 | 2E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
81 | Thallium-198m2 | D, all compounds | 3E+4 | 5E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
81 | Thallium-198 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 5E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
81 | Thallium-199 | D, all compounds | 6E+4 | 8E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
81 | Thallium-200 | D, all compounds | 8E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
81 | Thallium-201 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 2E+4 | 9E-6 | 3E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
81 | Thallium-202 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 7E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
81 | Thallium-204 | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
82 | Lead-195m2 | D, all compounds | 6E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | 8E-4 | 8E-3 |
82 | Lead-198 | D, all compounds | 3E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
82 | Lead-1992 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
82 | Lead-200 | D, all compounds | 3E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
82 | Lead-201 | D, all compounds | 7E+3 | 2E+4 | 8E-6 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
82 | Lead-202m | D, all compounds | 9E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
82 | Lead-202 | D, all compounds | 1E+2 | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | 7E-11 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 |
82 | Lead-203 | D, all compounds | 5E+3 | 9E+3 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
82 | Lead-205 | D, all compounds | 4E+3 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
82 | Lead-209 | D, all compounds | 2E+4 | 6E+4 | 2E-5 | 8E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
82 | Lead-210 | D, all compounds | 6E-1 | 2E-1 | 1E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) | Bone surf (4E-1) | - | 6E-13 | 1E-8 | 1E-7 | |||
82 | Lead-2112 | D, all compounds | 1E+4 | 6E+2 | 3E-7 | 9E-10 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
82 | Lead-212 | D, all compounds | 8E+1 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 5E-11 | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+2) | - | - | - | 2E-6 | 2E-5 | |||
82 | Lead-2142 | D, all compounds | 9E+3 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
83 | Bismuth-2002 | D, nitrates | 3E+4 | 8E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
W, all other compounds | - | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-2012 | D, see 200Bi | 1E+4 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-2022 | D, see 200Bi | 1E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 6E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-203 | D, see 200Bi | 2E+3 | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-205 | D, see 200Bi | 1E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-206 | D, see 200Bi | 6E+2 | 1E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | 9E-6 | 9E-5 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-207 | D, see 200Bi | 1E+3 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 4E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-210m | D, see 200Bi | 4E+1 | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | - | - | - |
Kidneys (6E+1) | Kidneys (6E+0) | - | 9E-12 | 8E-7 | 8E-6 | |||
W, see 200Bi | - | 7E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-210 | D, see 200Bi | 8E+2 | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
- - |
Kidneys (4E+2) | - | 5E-10 | - | - | |||
W, see 200Bi | - | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | 4E-11 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-2122 | D, see 200Bi | 5E+3 | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 3E-10 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-2132 | D, see 200Bi | 7E+3 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 200Bi | - | 4E+2 | 1E-7 | 5E-10 | - | - | ||
83 | Bismuth-2142 | D, see 200Bi | 2E+4 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
St wall (2E+4) |
- | - | - | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
W, see 200Bi | - | 9E-2 | 4E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - | ||
84 | Polonium-2032 | D, all compounds except those given for W | 3E+4 | 6E+4 | 3E-5 | 9E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, oxides, hydroxides, and nitrates | - | 9E+4 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
84 | Polonium-2052 | D, see 203Po | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
W, see 203Po | - | 7E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | - | - | ||
84 | Polonium-207 | D, see 203Po | 8E+3 | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 3E-8 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
W, see 203Po | - | 3E+4 | 1E-5 | 4E-8 | - | - | ||
84 | Polonium-210 | D, see 203Po | 3E+0 | 6E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | 4E-8 | 4E-7 |
W, see 203Po | - | 6E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - | ||
85 | Astatine-2072 | D, halides | 6E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 8E-5 | 8E-4 |
W | - | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
85 | Astatine-211 | D, halides | 1E+2 | 8E+1 | 3E-8 | 1E-10 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 |
W | - | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | 8E-11 | - | - | ||
86 | Radon-220 | With daughters removed | - | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | 2E-8 | - | - |
With daughters present | - | 2E+1 | 9E-9 | 3E-11 | - | - | ||
(or 12 working level months) | (or 1.0 working level) | |||||||
86 | Radon-222 | With daughters removed | - | 1E+4 | 4E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
With daughters present | - | 1E+2 | 3E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
(or 4 working level months) | (or 0.33 working level) | |||||||
87 | Francium-2222 | D, all compounds | 2E+3 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | 6E-10 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
87 | Francium-2232 | D, all compounds | 6E+2 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | 8E-6 | 8E-5 |
88 | Radium-223 | W, all compounds | 5E+0 | 7E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - |
Bone surf (9E+0) | - | - | - | 1E-7 | 1E-6 | |||
88 | Radium-224 | W, all compounds | 8E+0 | 2E+0 | 7E-10 | 2E-12 | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) | - | - | - | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | |||
88 | Radium-225 | W, all compounds | 8E+0 | 7E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) | - | - | - | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | |||
88 | Radium-226 | W, all compounds | 2E+0 | 6E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - |
Bone surf (5E+0) | - | - | - | 6E-8 | 6E-7 | |||
88 | Radium-2272 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 1E+4 | 6E-6 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+4) | Bone surf (2E+4) | - | 3E-8 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
88 | Radium-228 | W, all compounds | 2E+0 | 1E+0 | 5E-10 | 2E-12 | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+0) | - | - | - | 6E-8 | 6E-7 | |||
89 | Actinium-224 | D, all compounds except those given for W and Y | 2E+3 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | Bone surf (4E+1) | - | 5E-11 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
W, halides and nitrates | - | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | 7E-11 | - | - | ||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 5E+1 | 2E-8 | 6E-11 | - | - | ||
89 | Actinium-225 | D, see 224Ac | 5E+1 | 3E-1 | 1E-10 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (5E+1) | Bone surf (5E-1) | - | 7E-13 | 7E-7 | 7E-6 | |||
W, see 224Ac | - | 6E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - | ||
Y, see 224Ac | - | 6E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - | ||
89 | Actinium-226 | D, see 224Ac | 1E+2 | 3E+0 | 1E-9 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (1E+2) | Bone surf (4E+0) | - | 5E-12 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 | |||
W, see 224Ac | - | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | 7E-12 | - | - | ||
Y, see 224Ac | - | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | 6E-12 | - | - | ||
89 | Actinium-227 | D, see 224Ac | 2E-1 | 4E-4 | 2E-13 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E-1) | Bone surf (8E-4) | - | 1E-15 | 5E-9 | 5E-8 | |||
W, see 224Ac | - | 2E-3 | 7E-13 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (3E-3) | - | 4E-15 | - | - | |||
Y, see 224Ac | - | 4E-3 | 2E-12 | 6E-15 | - | - | ||
89 | Actinium-228 | D, see 224Ac | 2E+3 | 9E+0 | 4E-9 | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
- | Bone surf (2E+1) | - | 2E-11 | - | - | |||
W, see 224Ac | - | 4E+1 | 2E-8 | - | - | - | ||
Bone surf | ||||||||
- | (6E+1) | - | 8E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 224Ac | - | 4E+1 | 2E-8 | 6E-11 | - | - | ||
90 | Thorium-2262 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 5E+3 | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - |
St wall | ||||||||
(5E+3) | - | - | - | 7E-5 | 7E-4 | |||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 1E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
90 | Thorium-227 | W, see 226Th | 1E+2 | 3E-1 | 1E-10 | 5E-13 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 |
Y, see 226Th | - | 3E-1 | 1E-10 | 5E-13 | - | - | ||
90 | Thorium-228 | W, see 226Th | 6E+0 | 1E-2 | 4E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+1) |
Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 3E-14 | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | |||
Y, see 226Th | - | 2E-2 | 7E-12 | 2E-14 | - | - | ||
90 | Thorium-229 | W, see 226Th | 6E-1 | 9E-4 | 4E-13 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (2E-3) |
- | 3E-15 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 226Th | - | 2E-3 | 1E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (3E-3) |
- | 4E-15 | - | - | |||
90 | Thorium-230 | W, see 226Th | 4E+0 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (9E+0) |
Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 1E-7 | 1E-6 | |||
Y, see 226Th | - | 2E-2 | 6E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 3E-14 | - | - | |||
90 | Thorium-231 | W, see 226Th | 4E+3 | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
Y, see 226Th | - | 6E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
90 | Thorium-232 | W, see 226Th | 7E-1 | 1E-3 | 5E-13 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
Bone surf (3E-3) |
- | 4E-15 | 3E-8 | 3E-7 | |||
Y, see 226Th | - | 3E-3 | 1E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (4E-3) |
- | 6E-15 | - | - | |||
90 | Thorium-234 | W, see 226Th | 3E+2 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+2) | - | - | - | 5E-6 | 5E-5 | |||
Y, see 226Th | - | 2E+2 | 6E-8 | 2E-10 | - | - | ||
91 | Protactinium-2272 | W, all compounds except those given for Y |
4E+3 | 1E+2 | 5E-8 | 2E-10 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 1E+2 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | - | - | ||
91 | Protactinium-228 | W, see 227Pa | 1E+3 | 1E+1 | 5E-9 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (2E+1) |
- | 3E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 227Pa | - | 1E+1 | 5E-9 | 2E-11 | - | - | ||
91 | Protactinium-230 | W, see 227Pa | 6E+2 | 5E+0 | 2E-9 | 7E-12 | - | - |
Bone surf (9E+2) |
- | - | - | 1E-5 | 1E-4 | |||
Y, see 227Pa | - | 4E+0 | 1E-9 | 5E-12 | - | - | ||
91 | Protactinium-231 | W, see 227Pa | 2E-1 | 2E-3 | 6E-13 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (5E-1) |
Bone surf (4E-3) |
- | 6E-15 | 6E-9 | 6E-8 | |||
Y, see 227Pa | - | 4E-3 | 2E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (6E-3) |
- | 8E-15 | - | - | |||
91 | Protactinium-232 | W, see 227Pa | 1E+3 | 2E+1 | 9E-9 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (6E+1) |
- | 8E-11 | - | - | |||
Y, see 227Pa | - | 6E+1 | 2E-8 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (7E+1) |
- | 1E-10 | - | - | |||
91 | Protactinium-233 | W, see 227Pa | 1E+3 | 7E+2 | 3E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
Y, see 227Pa | - | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
91 | Protactinium-234 | W, see 227Pa | 2E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 227Pa | - | 7E+3 | 3E-6 | 9E-9 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-230 | D, UF6, UO2F2, UO2(NO3)2 | 4E+0 | 4E-1 | 2E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (6E+0) |
Bone surf (6E-1) |
- | 8E-13 | 8E-8 | 8E-7 | |||
W, UO3, UF4, UCl4 | - | 4E-1 | 1E-10 | 5E-13 | - | - | ||
Y, UO2, U3O8 | - | 3E-1 | 1E-10 | 4E-13 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-231 | D, see 230U | 5E+3 | 8E+3 | 3E-6 | 1E-8 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+3) | - | - | - | 6E-5 | 6E-4 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 6E+3 | 2E-6 | 8E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-232 | D, see 230U | 2E+0 | 2E-1 | 9E-11 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+0) |
Bone surf (4E-1) |
- | 6E-13 | 6E-8 | 6E-7 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 4E-1 | 2E-10 | 5E-13 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 8E-3 | 3E-12 | 1E-14 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-233 | D, see 230U | 1E+1 | 1E+0 | 5E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
- | 3E-12 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 7E-1 | 3E-10 | 1E-12 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | 5E-14 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-2343 | D, see 230U | 1E+1 | 1E+0 | 5E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
- | 3E-12 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 7E-1 | 3E-10 | 1E-12 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | 5E-14 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-2353 | D, see 230U | 1E+1 | 1E+0 | 6E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) |
Bone surf (2E+0) | - | 3E-12 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 8E-1 | 3E-10 | 1E-12 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | 6E-14 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-236 | D, see 230U | 1E+1 | 1E+0 | 5E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) | Bone surf (2E+0) | - | 3E-12 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 8E-1 | 3E-10 | 1E-12 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | 6E-14 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-237 | D, see 230U | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 3E-5 | 3E-4 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 2E+3 | 6E-7 | 2E-9 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-2383 | D, see 230U | 1E+1 | 1E+0 | 6E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) | Bone surf (2E+0) |
- | 3E-12 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 8E-1 | 3E-10 | 1E-12 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | 6E-14 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-2392 | D, see 230U | 7E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | 9E-4 | 9E-3 |
W, see 230U | - | 2E+5 | 7E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 2E+5 | 6E-5 | 2E-7 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-240 | D, see 230U | 1E+3 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
W, see 230U | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 2E+3 | 1E-6 | 3E-9 | - | - | ||
92 | Uranium-natural3 | D, see 230U | 1E+1 | 1E+0 | 5E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
- | 3E-12 | 3E-7 | 3E-6 | |||
W, see 230U | - | 8E-1 | 3E-10 | 9E-13 | - | - | ||
Y, see 230U | - | 5E-2 | 2E-11 | 9E-14 | - | - | ||
93 | Neptunium-2322 | W, all compounds | 1E+5 | 2E+3 | 7E-7 | - | 2E-3 | 2E-2 |
- | Bone surf (5E+2) |
- | 6E-9 | - | - | |||
93 | Neptunium-2332 | W, all compounds | 8E+5 | 3E+6 | 1E-3 | 4E-6 | 1E-2 | 1E-1 |
93 | Neptunium-234 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
93 | Neptunium-235 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 8E+2 | 3E-7 | - | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+4) | Bone surf (1E+3) |
- | 2E-9 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 | |||
93 | Neptunium-236 | W, all compounds | 3E+0 | 2E-2 | 9E-12 | - | - | - |
(1.15E+5 y) | Bone surf (6E+0) |
Bone surf (5E-2) |
- | 8E-14 | 9E-8 | 9E-7 | ||
93 | Neptunium-236 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | - | - | - |
(22.5 h) | Bone surf (4E+3) |
Bone surf (7E+1) |
- | 1E-10 | 5E-5 | 5E-4 | ||
93 | Neptunium-237 | W, all compounds | 5E-1 | 4E-3 | 2E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 1E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
93 | Neptunium-238 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 6E+1 | 3E-8 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (2E+2) |
- | 2E-10 | - | - | |||
93 | Neptunium-239 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 2E+3 | 9E-7 | 3E-9 | - | - |
LLI wall (2E+3) | - | - | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 | |||
93 | Neptunium-2402 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 3E-4 | 3E-3 |
94 | Plutonium-234 | W, all compounds except PuO2 | 8E+3 | 2E+2 | 9E-8 | 3E-10 | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
Y, PuO2 | - | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | 3E-10 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-2352 | W, see 234Pu | 9E+5 | 3E+6 | 1E-3 | 4E-6 | 1E-2 | 1E-1 |
Y, see 234Pu | - | 3E+6 | 1E-3 | 3E-6 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-236 | W, see 234Pu | 2E+0 | 2E-2 | 8E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+0) |
Bone surf (4E-2) |
- | 5E-14 | 6E-8 | 6E-7 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 4E-2 | 2E-11 | 6E-14 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-237 | W, see 234Pu | 1E+4 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 5E-9 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 234Pu | - | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-238 | W, see 234Pu | 9E-1 | 7E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 2E-2 | 8E-12 | 2E-14 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-239 | W, see 234Pu | 8E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 2E-2 | 7E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | - | - | |||
94 | Plutonium-240 | W, see 234Pu | 8E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 2E-2 | 7E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | - | - | |||
94 | Plutonium-241 | W, see 234Pu | 4E+1 | 3E-1 | 1E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (7E+1) |
Bone surf (6E-1) |
- |
8E-13 |
1E-6 |
1E-5 |
Y, see 234Pu | - | 8E-1 | 3E-10 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (1E+0) |
- | 1E-12 | - | - | |||
94 | Plutonium-242 | W, see 234Pu | 8E-1 | 7E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf
(1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 2E-2 | 7E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | - | - | |||
94 | Plutonium-243 | W, see 234Pu | 2E+4 | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
Y, see 234Pu | - | 4E+4 | 2E-5 | 5E-8 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-244 | W, see 234Pu | 8E-1 | 7E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 2E-2 | 7E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | - | - | |||
94 | Plutonium-245 | W, see 234Pu | 2E+3 | 5E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
Y, see 234Pu | - | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | 6E-9 | - | - | ||
94 | Plutonium-246 | W, see 234Pu | 4E+2 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - |
LLI wall (4E+2) | - | - | - | 6E-6 | 6E-5 | |||
Y, see 234Pu | - | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | 4E-10 | - | - | ||
95 | Americium-2372 | W, all compounds | 8E+4 | 3E+5 | 1E-4 | 4E-7 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 |
95 | Americium-2382 | W, all compounds | 4E+4 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | - | 5E-4 | 5E-3 |
- | Bone surf (6E+3) |
- | 9E-9 | - | - | |||
95 | Americium-239 | W, all compounds | 5E+3 | 1E+4 | 5E-6 | 2E-8 | 7E-5 | 7E-4 |
95 | Americium-240 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
95 | Americium-241 | W, all compounds | 8E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
95 | Americium-242m | W, all compounds | 8E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
95 | Americium-242 | W, all compounds | 4E+3 | 8E+1 | 4E-8 | - | 5E-5 | 5E-4 |
- | Bone surf (9E+1) |
- | 1E-10 | - | - | |||
95 | Americium-243 | W, all compounds | 8E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
95 | Americium-244m2 | W, all compounds | 6E+4 | 4E+3 | 2E-6 | - | - | - |
St wall (8E+4) |
Bone surf (7E+3) |
- | 1E-8 | 1E-3 | 1E-2 | |||
95 | Americium-244 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 2E+2 | 8E-8 | - | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
- | Bone surf (3E+2) |
- | 4E-10 | - | - | |||
95 | Americium-245 | W, all compounds | 3E+4 | 8E+4 | 3E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
95 | Americium-246m2 | W, all compounds | 5E+4 | 2E+5 | 8E-5 | 3E-7 | - | - |
St wall (6E+4) |
- | - | - | 8E-4 | 8E-3 | |||
95 | Americium-2462 | W, all compounds | 3E+4 | 1E+5 | 4E-5 | 1E-7 | 4E-4 | 4E-3 |
96 | Curium-238 | W, all compounds | 2E+4 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 2E-4 | 2E-3 |
96 | Curium-240 | W, all compounds | 6E+1 | 6E-1 | 2E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (8E+1) |
Bone surf (6E-1) |
- | 9E-13 | 1E-6 | 1E-5 | |||
96 | Curium-241 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 3E+1 | 1E-8 | - | 2E-5 | 2E-4 |
- | Bone surf (4E+1) |
- | 5E-11 | - | - | |||
96 | Curium-242 | W, all compounds | 3E+1 | 3E-1 | 1E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (5E+1) |
Bone surf (3E-1) |
- | 4E-13 | 7E-7 | 7E-6 | |||
96 | Curium-243 | W, all compounds | 1E+0 | 9E-3 | 4E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 3E-8 | 3E-7 | |||
96 | Curium-244 | W, all compounds | 1E+0 | 1E-2 | 5E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (3E+0) |
Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 3E-14 | 3E-8 | 3E-7 | |||
96 | Curium-245 | W, all compounds | 7E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
96 | Curium-246 | W, all compounds | 7E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
96 | Curium-247 | W, all compounds | 8E-1 | 6E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
96 | Curium-248 | W, all compounds | 2E-1 | 2E-3 | 7E-13 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E-1) |
Bone surf (3E-3) |
- | 4E-15 | 5E-9 | 5E-8 | |||
96 | Curium-2492 | W, all compounds | 5E+4 | 2E+4 | 7E-6 | - | 7E-4 | 7E-3 |
- | Bone surf (3E+4) |
- | 4E-8 | - | - | |||
96 | Curium-250 | W, all compounds | 4E-2 | 3E-4 | 1E-13 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (6E-2) |
Bone surf (5E-4) |
- | 8E-16 | 9E-10 | 9E-9 | |||
97 | Berkelium-245 | W, all compounds | 2E+3 | 1E+3 | 5E-7 | 2E-9 | 3E-5 | 3E-4 |
97 | Berkelium-246 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 3E+3 | 1E-6 | 4E-9 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
97 | Berkelium-247 | W, all compounds | 5E-1 | 4E-3 | 2E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (9E-3) |
- | 1E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
97 | Berkelium-249 | W, all compounds | 2E+2 | 2E+0 | 7E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (5E+2) |
Bone surf (4E+0) |
- | 5E-12 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 | |||
97 | Berkelium-250 | W, all compounds | 9E+3 | 3E+2 | 1E-7 | - | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
- | Bone surf (7E+2) |
- | 1E-9 | - | - | |||
98 | Californium-2442 | W, all compounds except those given for Y | 3E+4 | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - |
St wall (3E+4) |
- | - | - | 4E-4 | 4E-3 | |||
Y, oxides and hydroxides | - | 6E+2 | 2E-7 | 8E-10 | - | - | ||
98 | Californium-246 | W, see 244Cf | 4E+2 | 9E+0 | 4E-9 | 1E-11 | 5E-6 | 5E-5 |
Y, see 244Cf | - | 9E+0 | 4E-9 | 1E-11 | - | - | ||
98 | Californium-248 | W, see 244Cf | 8E+0 | 6E-2 | 3E-11 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) |
Bone surf (1E-1) |
- | 2E-13 | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | |||
Y, see 244Cf | - | 1E-1 | 4E-11 | 1E-13 | - | - | ||
98 | Californium-249 | W, see 244Cf | 5E-1 | 4E-3 | 2E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (9E-3) |
- | 1E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 244Cf | - | 1E-2 | 4E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | - | - | |||
98 | Californium-250 | W, see 244Cf | 1E+0 | 9E-3 | 4E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+0) |
Bone surf (2E-2) |
- | 3E-14 | 3E-8 | 3E-7 | |||
Y, see 244Cf | - | 3E-2 | 1E-11 | 4E-14 | - | - | ||
98 | Californium-251 | W, see 244Cf | 5E-1 | 4E-3 | 2E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (1E+0) |
Bone surf (9E-3) |
- | 1E-14 | 2E-8 | 2E-7 | |||
Y, see 244Cf | - | 1E-2 | 4E-12 | - | - | - | ||
- | Bone surf (1E-2) |
- | 2E-14 | - | - | |||
98 | Californium-252 | W, see 244Cf | 2E+0 | 2E-2 | 8E-12 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (5E+0) |
Bone surf (4E-2) |
- | 5E-14 | 7E-8 | 7E-7 | |||
Y, see 244Cf | - | 3E-2 | 1E-11 | 5E-14 | - | - | ||
98 | Californium-253 | W, see 244Cf | 2E+2 | 2E+0 | 8E-10 | 3E-12 | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+2) |
- | - | - | 5E-6 | 5E-5 | |||
Y, see 244Cf | - | 2E+0 | 7E-10 | 2E-12 | - | - | ||
98 | Californium-254 | W, see 244Cf | 2E+0 | 2E-2 | 9E-12 | 3E-14 | 3E-8 | 3E-7 |
Y, see 244Cf | - | 2E-2 | 7E-12 | 2E-14 | - | - | ||
99 | Einsteinium-250 | W, all compounds | 4E+4 | 5E+2 | 2E-7 | - | 6E-4 | 6E-3 |
- | Bone surf (1E+3) |
- | 2E-9 | - | - | |||
99 | Einsteinium-251 | W, all compounds | 7E+3 | 9E+2 | 4E-7 | - | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
- | Bone surf (1E+3) |
- | 2E-9 | - | - | |||
99 | Einsteinium-253 | W, all compounds | 2E+2 | 1E+0 | 6E-10 | 2E-12 | 2E-6 | 2E-5 |
99 | Einsteinium-254m | W, all compounds | 3E+2 | 1E+1 | 4E-9 | 1E-11 | - | - |
LLI wall (3E+2) | - | - | - | 4E-6 | 4E-5 | |||
99 | Einsteinium-254 | W, all compounds | 8E+0 | 7E-2 | 3E-11 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (2E+1) |
Bone surf (1E-1) |
- | 2E-13 | 2E-7 | 2E-6 | |||
100 | Fermium-252 | W, all compounds | 5E+2 | 1E+1 | 5E-9 | 2E-11 | 6E-6 | 6E-5 |
100 | Fermium-253 | W, all compounds | 1E+3 | 1E+1 | 4E-9 | 1E-11 | 1E-5 | 1E-4 |
100 | Fermium-254 | W, all compounds | 3E+3 | 9E+1 | 4E-8 | 1E-10 | 4E-5 | 4E-4 |
100 | Fermium-255 | W, all compounds | 5E+2 | 2E+1 | 9E-9 | 3E-11 | 7E-6 | 7E-5 |
100 | Fermium-257 | W, all compounds | 2E+1 | 2E-1 | 7E-11 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (4E+1) |
Bone surf (2E-1) |
- | 3E-13 | 5E-7 | 5E-6 | |||
101 | Mendelevium-257 | W, all compounds | 7E+3 | 8E+1 | 4E-8 | - | 1E-4 | 1E-3 |
- | Bone surf (9E+1) |
- | 1E-10 | - | - | |||
101 | Mendelevium-258 | W, all compounds | 3E+1 | 2E-1 | 1E-10 | - | - | - |
Bone surf (5E+1) |
Bone surf (3E-1) |
- | 5E-13 | 6E-7 | 6E-6 | |||
- | Any single radionuclide not listed above with decay mode other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission and with radioactive half-life less than 2 hours | Submersion1 | - | 2E+2 | 1E-7 | 1E-9 | - | - |
- | Any single
radionuclide not
listed above with
decay mode other
than alpha emission
or spontaneous
fission and with
radioactive half-life
(( |
. . . . | - | 2E-1 | 1E-10 | 1E-12 | 1E-8 | 1E-7 |
- | Any single
radionuclide not
listed above that
decays by alpha
emission or
spontaneous fission,
or any mixture for
which either the
identity or the
concentration of
any radionuclide in
the mixture is not
known |
. . . . |
- |
4E-4 |
2E-13 |
1E-15 |
2E-9 |
2E-8 |
FOOTNOTES: 1"Submersion" means that values given are for submersion in a hemispherical semi-infinite cloud of airborne material.
1. If the identity of each radionuclide in a mixture is known but the concentration of one or more of the radionuclides in the mixture is not known, the DAC for the mixture shall be the most restrictive DAC of any radionuclide in the mixture.
not present in the mixture, the inhalation ALI, DAC, and effluent and sewage concentrations for the mixture are the lowest values specified in this appendix for any radionuclide that is not known to be absent from the mixture; or |
If it is known that Ac-227-D and Cm-250-W are not present |
- | 7E-4 | 3E-13 | - | - | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Ac-227-W,Y, Th-229-W,Y, Th-230-W, Th-232-W,Y, Pa-231-W,Y, Np-237-W, Pu-239-W, Pu-240-W, Pu-242-W, Am-241-W, Am-242m-W, Am-243-W, Cm-245-W, Cm-246-W, Cm-247-W, Cm-248-W, Bk-247-W, Cf-249-W, and Cf-251-W are not present | - | 7E-3 | 3E-12 | - | - | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Sm-146-W, Sm-147-W, Gd-148-D,W, Gd-152-D,W, Th-228-W,Y, Th-230-Y, U-232-Y, U-233-Y, U-234-Y, U-235-Y, U-236-Y, U-238-Y, Np-236-W, Pu-236-W,Y, Pu-238-W,Y, Pu-239-Y, Pu-240-Y, Pu-242-Y, Pu-244-W,Y, Cm-243-W, Cm-244-W, Cf-248-W, Cf-249-Y, Cf-250-W,Y, Cf-251-Y, Cf-252-W,Y, and Cf-254-W,Y are not present | - | 7E-2 | 3E-11 | - | - | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Pb-210-D, Bi-210m-W, Po-210-D,W, Ra-223-W, Ra-225-W, Ra-226-W, Ac-225-D,W,Y, Th-227-W,Y, U-230-D,W,Y, U-232-D,W, Pu-241-W, Cm-240-W, Cm-242-W, Cf-248-Y, Es-254-W, Fm-257-W, and Md-258-W are not present | - | 7E-1 | 3E-10 | - | - | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Si-32-Y, Ti-44-Y, Fe-60-D, Sr-90-Y, Zr-93-D, Cd-113m-D, Cd-113-D, In-115-D,W, La-138-D, Lu-176-W, Hf-178m-D,W, Hf-182-D,W, Bi-210m-D, Ra-224-W, Ra-228-W, Ac-226-D,W,Y, Pa-230-W,Y, U-233-D,W, U-234-D,W, U-235-D,W, U-236-D,W, U-238-D,W, Pu-241-Y, Bk-249-W, Cf-253-W,Y, and Es-253-W are not present | - | 7E+0 | 3E-9 | - | - | - |
If it is known that Ac-227-D,W,Y, Th-229-W,Y, Th-232-W,Y, Pa-231-W,Y, Cm-248-W, and Cm-250-W are not present | - | - | - | 1E-14 | - | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Sm-146-W, Gd-148-D,W, Gd-152-D, Th-228-W,Y, Th-230-W,Y, U-232-Y, U-233-Y, U-234-Y, U-235-Y, U-236-Y, U-238-Y, U-Nat-Y, Np-236-W, Np-237-W, Pu-236-W,Y, Pu-238-W,Y, Pu-239-W,Y, Pu-240-W,Y, Pu-242-W,Y, Pu-244-W,Y, Am-241-W, Am-242m-W, Am-243-W, Cm-243-W, Cm-244-W, Cm-245-W, Cm-246-W, Cm-247-W, Bk-247-W, Cf-249-W,Y, Cf-250-W,Y, Cf-251-W,Y, Cf-252-W,Y, and Cf-254-W,Y are not present | - | - | - | 1E-13 | - | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Sm-147-W, Gd-152-W, Pb-210-D, Bi-210m-W, Po-210-D,W, Ra-223-W, Ra-225-W, Ra-226-W, Ac-225-D,W,Y, Th-227-W,Y, U-230-D,W,Y, U-232-D,W, U-Nat-W, Pu-241-W, Cm-240-W, Cm-242-W, Cf-248-W,Y, Es-254-W, Fm-257-W, and Md-258-W are not present | - | - | - | - | 1E-12 | - |
If, in addition, it is known that Fe-60, Sr-90, Cd-113m, Cd-113, In-115, I-129, Cs-134, Sm-145, Sm-147, Gd-148, Gd-152, Hg-194 (organic), Bi-210m, Ra-223, Ra-224, Ra-225, Ac-225, Th-228, Th-230, U-233, U-234, U-235, U-236, U-238, U-Nat, Cm-242, Cf-248, Es-254, Fm-257, and Md-258 are not present | - | - | - | - | 1E-6 | 1E-5 |
3. If a mixture of radionuclides consists of uranium and its daughters in ore dust (10 µm AMAD particle distribution assumed) prior to chemical separation of the uranium from the ore, the following values may be used for the DAC of the mixture: 6E-11 µCi of gross alpha activity from uranium-238, uranium-234, thorium-230, and radium-226 per milliliter of air; 3E-11 µCi of natural uranium per milliliter of air; or 45 micrograms of natural uranium per cubic meter of air.
Determine, for each radionuclide in the mixture, the ratio between the concentration present in the mixture and the concentration otherwise established in this section for the specific radionuclide when not in a mixture. The sum of such ratios for all of the radionuclides in the mixture may not exceed "1" (i.e., "unity").
DACB, and DACC, respectively, then the concentrations shall be limited so that the following relationship exists: |
CA | + |
CB | + |
CC | ≤1 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050 and 70.98.080. 09-06-003, § 246-221-290, filed 2/18/09, effective 3/21/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 94-01-073, § 246-221-290, filed 12/9/93, effective 1/9/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70 040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-221-290, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 81-01-011 (Order 1570), § 402-24-220, filed 12/8/80; Order 1095, § 402-24-220, filed 2/6/76; Order 1, § 402-24-220, filed 1/8/69; Rules (part), filed 10/26/66.]
Reviser's note: The brackets and enclosed material in the text of the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 08-09-093, filed 4/18/08,
effective 5/19/08)
WAC 246-231-035
Deliberate misconduct.
(1) For the
purpose of this chapter, deliberate misconduct by a person
means an intentional act or omission that the person knows:
(a) Would constitute a violation of a requirement, procedure, instruction, contract, purchase order, or policy; or
(b) Causes or would cause, if not detected, ((cause)) a
violation of any rule, regulation, or order; or any term,
condition, or limitation of any license or certificate issued
by the department.
(2) This section applies to any:
(a) Licensee;
(b) Certificate holder;
(c) Quality assurance program approval holder;
(d) Applicant for a license, certificate, or quality assurance program approval;
(e) Contractor (including a supplier or consultant) or subcontractor, to any person identified in (d) of this subsection; or
(f) Employee of any person identified in (a) through (e) of this subsection.
(3) A person subject to this section who knowingly provides any components, materials, or other goods or services that relate to any activities subject to these regulations may not:
(a) Engage in deliberate misconduct; or
(b) Deliberately submit to the department or to a person subject to this section information that the person knows to be incomplete or inaccurate in some respect that matters to the department.
(4) A person who violates subsection (3)(a) or (b) of this section may be subject to enforcement action in accordance with the procedures in 10 CFR 2 Subpart B.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 08-09-093, § 246-231-035, filed 4/18/08, effective 5/19/08.]
(2)(a) For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but which are not listed in this section, Table A-1, the A1 and A2 values contained in this section, Table A-3 may be used. Otherwise, the licensee shall obtain prior USNRC approval of the A1 and A2 values for radionuclides not listed in this section, Table A-1, before shipping the material.
(b) For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but which are not listed in this section, Table A-2, the exempt material activity concentration and exempt consignment activity values contained in this section, Table A-3 may be used. Otherwise, the licensee shall obtain prior USNRC approval of the exempt material activity concentration and exempt consignment activity values for radionuclides not listed in this section, Table A-2, before shipping the material.
(c) The licensee shall submit requests for prior approval, described under (a) and (b) of this subsection, to the USNRC in accordance with 10 CFR 71.1.
(3) In the calculations of A1 and A2 for a radionuclide not in this section, Table A-1, a single radioactive decay chain, in which radionuclides are present in their naturally occurring proportions, and in which no daughter radionuclide has a half-life either longer than ten days, or longer than that of the parent radionuclide, shall be considered as a single radionuclide, and the activity to be taken into account, and the A1 or A2 value to be applied shall be those corresponding to the parent radionuclide of that chain. In the case of radioactive decay chains in which any daughter radionuclide has a half-life either longer than ten days, or greater than that of the parent radionuclide, the parent and those daughter radionuclides shall be considered as mixtures of different radionuclides.
(4) For mixtures of radionuclides whose identities and respective activities are known, the following conditions apply:
(a) For special form radioactive material, the maximum quantity transported in a Type A package:
![]() |
(b) For normal form radioactive material, the maximum quantity transported in a Type A package:
![]() |
(c) Alternatively, the A1 value for mixtures of special form material may be determined as follows:
![]() |
(d) Alternatively, the A2 value for mixtures of normal form material may be determined as follows:
![]() |
(e) The exempt activity concentration for mixtures of nuclides may be determined as follows:
![]() |
(f) The activity limit for an exempt consignment for mixtures of radionuclides may be determined as follows:
![]() |
(5) When the identity of each radionuclide is known, but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known, the radionuclides may be grouped and the lowest A1 or A2 value, as appropriate, for the radionuclides in each group may be used in applying the formulas in subsection (4) of this section. Groups may be based on the total alpha activity and the total beta/gamma activity when these are known, using the lowest A1 or A2 values for the alpha emitters and beta/gamma emitters.
Table A-1.--A1 and A2 Values for Radionuclides
Symbol of radionuclide | Element and atomic number | A1 (TBq) | A1 (Ci)b | A2 (TBq) | A2 (Ci)b | Specific activity | |
(TBq/g) | (Ci/g) | ||||||
Ac-225 (a) | Actinium (89) | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 6.0X10-3 | 1.6X10-1 | 2.1X103 | 5.8X104 |
Ac-227 (a) | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 9.0X10-5 | 2.4X10-3 | 2.7 | 7.2X101 | |
Ac-228 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 8.4X104 | 2.2X106 | |
Ag-105 | Silver (47) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X104 |
Ag-108m (a) | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 9.7X10-1 | 2.6X101 | |
Ag-110m (a) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.8X102 | 4.7X103 | |
Ag-111 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 5.8X103 | 1.6X105 | |
Al-26 | Aluminum (13) | 1.0X10-1 | 2.7 | 1.0X10-1 | 2.7 | 7.0X10-4 | 1.9X10-2 |
Am-241 | Americium (95) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 1.3X10-1 | 3.4 |
Am-242m (a) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 3.6X10-1 | 1.0X101 | |
Am-243 (a) | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 7.4X10-3 | 2.0X10-1 | |
Ar-37 | Argon (18) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.7X103 | 9.9X104 |
Ar-39 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.3 | 3.4X101 | |
Ar-41 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.5X106 | 4.2X107 | |
As-72 | Arsenic (33) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 6.2X104 | 1.7X106 |
As-73 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 8.2X102 | 2.2X104 | |
As-74 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 3.7X103 | 9.9X104 | |
As-76 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 5.8X104 | 1.6X106 | |
As-77 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 3.9X104 | 1.0X106 | |
At-211 (a) | Astatine (85) | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 7.6X104 | 2.1X106 |
Au-193 | Gold (79) | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 3.4X104 | 9.2X105 |
Au-194 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.5X104 | 4.1X105 | |
Au-195 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 6.0 | 1.6X102 | 1.4X102 | 3.7X103 | |
Au-198 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 9.0X103 | 2.4X105 | |
Au-199 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 7.7X103 | 2.1X105 | |
Ba-131 (a) | Barium (56) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 3.1X103 | 8.4X104 |
Ba-133 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 9.4 | 2.6X102 | |
Ba-133m | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.2X104 | 6.1X105 | |
Ba-140 (a) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 2.7X103 | 7.3X104 | |
Be-7 | Beryllium (4) | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.3X104 | 3.5X105 |
Be-10 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 8.3X10-4 | 2.2X10-2 | |
Bi-205 | Bismuth (83) | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 1.5X103 | 4.2X104 |
Bi-206 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.8X103 | 1.0X105 | |
Bi-207 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 1.9 | 5.2X101 | |
Bi-210 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 4.6X103 | 1.2X105 | |
Bi-210m (a) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 2.1X10-5 | 5.7X10-4 | |
Bi-212 (a) | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 5.4X105 | 1.5X107 | |
Bk-247 | Berkelium (97) | 8.0 | 2.2X102 | 8.0X10-4 | 2.2X10-2 | 3.8X10-2 | 1.0 |
Bk-249 (a) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 6.1X101 | 1.6X103 | |
Br-76 | Bromine (35) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 9.4X104 | 2.5X106 |
Br-77 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 2.6X104 | 7.1X105 | |
Br-82 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X104 | 1.1X106 | |
C-11 | Carbon (6) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.1X107 | 8.4X108 |
C-14 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.6X10-1 | 4.5 | |
Ca-41 | Calcium (20) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 3.1X10-3 | 8.5X10-2 |
Ca-45 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.6X102 | 1.8X104 | |
Ca-47 (a) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 2.3X104 | 6.1X105 | |
Cd-109 | Cadmium (48) | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 9.6X101 | 2.6X103 |
Cd-113m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 8.3 | 2.2X102 | |
Cd-115 (a) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.9X104 | 5.1X105 | |
Cd-115m | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 9.4X102 | 2.5X104 | |
Ce-139 | Cerium (58) | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.5X102 | 6.8X103 |
Ce-141 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.8X104 | |
Ce-143 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.5X104 | 6.6X105 | |
Ce-144 (a) | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 1.2X102 | 3.2X103 | |
Cf-248 | Californium (98) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-3 | 1.6X10-1 | 5.8X101 | 1.6X103 |
Cf-249 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 8.0X10-4 | 2.2X10-2 | 1.5X10-1 | 4.1 | |
Cf-250 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X10-3 | 5.4X10-2 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | |
Cf-251 | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 7.0X10-4 | 1.9X10-2 | 5.9X10-2 | 1.6 | |
Cf-252 (h) | 5.0X10-2 | 1.4 | 3.0X10-3 | 8.1X10-2 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | |
Cf-253 (a) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X10-2 | 1.1 | 1.1X103 | 2.9X104 | |
Cf-254 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 3.1X102 | 8.5X103 | |
Cl-36 | Chlorine (17) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.2X10-3 | 3.3X10-2 |
Cl-38 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 4.9X106 | 1.3X108 | |
Cm-240 | Curium (96) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 7.5X102 | 2.0X104 |
Cm-241 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.1X102 | 1.7X104 | |
Cm-242 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0X10-2 | 2.7X10-1 | 1.2X102 | 3.3X103 | |
Cm-243 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 1.9X10-3 | 5.2X101 | |
Cm-244 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X10-3 | 5.4X10-2 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | |
Cm-245 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 9.0X10-4 | 2.4X10-2 | 6.4X10-3 | 1.7X10-1 | |
Cm-246 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 9.0X10-4 | 2.4X10-2 | 1.1X10-2 | 3.1X10-1 | |
Cm-247 (a) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 3.4X10-6 | 9.3X10-5 | |
Cm-248 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 3.0X10-4 | 8.1X10-3 | 1.6X10-4 | 4.2X10-3 | |
Co-55 | Cobalt (27) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 1.1X105 | 3.1X106 |
Co-56 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X104 | |
Co-57 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 3.1X102 | 8.4X103 | |
Co-58 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.2X103 | 3.2X104 | |
Co-58m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.2X105 | 5.9X106 | |
Co-60 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.2X101 | 1.1X103 | |
Cr-51 | Chromium (24) | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.4X103 | 9.2X104 |
Cs-129 | Cesium (55) | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 2.8X104 | 7.6X105 |
Cs-131 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.8X103 | 1.0X105 | |
Cs-132 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 5.7X103 | 1.5X105 | |
Cs-134 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 4.8X101 | 1.3X103 | |
Cs-134m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.0X105 | 8.0X106 | |
Cs-135 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 4.3X10-5 | 1.2X10-3 | |
Cs-136 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 2.7X103 | 7.3X104 | |
Cs-137 (a) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.2 | 8.7X101 | |
Cu-64 | Copper (29) | 6.0 | 1.6X102 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.4X105 | 3.9X106 |
Cu-67 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 2.8X104 | 7.6X105 | |
Dy-159 | Dysprosium (66) | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.1X102 | 5.7X103 |
Dy-165 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.0X105 | 8.2X106 | |
Dy-166 (a) | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 8.6X103 | 2.3X105 | |
Er-169 | Erbium (68) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 3.1X103 | 8.3X104 |
Er-171 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 9.0X104 | 2.4X106 | |
Eu-147 | Europium (63) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.4X103 | 3.7X104 |
Eu-148 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 6.0X102 | 1.6X104 | |
Eu-149 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 3.5X102 | 9.4X103 | |
Eu-150 (short lived) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.1X104 | 1.6X106 | |
Eu-150 (long lived) | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.1X104 | 1.6X106 | |
Eu-152 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.5 | 1.8X102 | |
Eu-152m | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 8.2X104 | 2.2X106 | |
Eu-154 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 9.8 | 2.6X102 | |
Eu-155 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.8X101 | 4.9X102 | |
Eu-156 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 2.0X103 | 5.5X104 | |
F-18 | Fluorine (9) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.5X106 | 9.5X107 |
Fe-52 (a) | Iron (26) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 2.7X105 | 7.3X106 |
Fe-55 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 8.8X101 | 2.4X103 | |
Fe-59 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 1.8X103 | 5.0X104 | |
Fe-60 (a) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 7.4X10-4 | 2.0X10-2 | |
Ga-67 | Gallium (31) | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 2.2X104 | 6.0X105 |
Ga-68 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 1.5X106 | 4.1X107 | |
Ga-72 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.1X105 | 3.1X106 | |
Gd-146 (a) | Gadolinium (64) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 6.9X102 | 1.9X104 |
Gd-148 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X10-3 | 5.4X10-2 | 1.2 | 3.2X101 | |
Gd-153 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 1.3X102 | 3.5X103 | |
Gd-159 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.9X104 | 1.1X106 | |
Ge-68 (a) | Germanium (32) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 2.6X102 | 7.1X103 |
Ge-71 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 5.8X103 | 1.6X105 | |
Ge-77 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.3X105 | 3.6X106 | |
Hf-172 (a) | Hafnium (72) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 4.1X101 | 1.1X103 |
Hf-175 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.9X102 | 1.1X104 | |
Hf-181 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 6.3X102 | 1.7X104 | |
Hf-182 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 8.1X10-6 | 2.2X10-4 | |
Hg-194 (a) | Mercury (80) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.3X10-1 | 3.5 |
Hg-195m (a) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 1.5X104 | 4.0X105 | |
Hg-197 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 9.2X103 | 2.5X105 | |
Hg-197m | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 2.5X104 | 6.7X105 | |
Hg-203 | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 5.1X102 | 1.4X104 | |
Ho-166 | Holmium (67) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 2.6X104 | 7.0X105 |
Ho-166m | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 6.6X10-2 | 1.8 | |
I-123 | Iodine (53) | 6.0 | 1.6X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 7.1X104 | 1.9X106 |
I-124 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 9.3X103 | 2.5X105 | |
I-125 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.4X102 | 1.7X104 | |
I-126 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 2.9X103 | 8.0X104 | |
I-129 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 6.5X10-6 | 1.8X10-4 | |
I-131 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 4.6X103 | 1.2X105 | |
I-132 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 3.8X105 | 1.0X107 | |
I-133 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 4.2X104 | 1.1X106 | |
I-134 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 9.9X105 | 2.7X107 | |
I-135 (a) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.3X105 | 3.5X106 | |
In-111 | Indium (49) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.5X104 | 4.2X105 |
In-113m | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.2X105 | 1.7X107 | |
In-114m (a) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 8.6X102 | 2.3X104 | |
In-115m | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 2.2X105 | 6.1X106 | |
Ir-189 (a) | Iridium (77) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.9X103 | 5.2X104 |
Ir-190 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 2.3X103 | 6.2X104 | |
Ir-192 (c) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.4X102 | 9.2X103 | |
Ir-194 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.1X104 | 8.4X105 | |
K-40 | Potassium (19) | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 2.4X10-7 | 6.4X10-6 |
K-42 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.2X105 | 6.0X106 | |
K-43 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.2X105 | 3.3X106 | |
Kr-81 | Krypton (36) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 7.8X10-4 | 2.1X10-2 |
Kr-85 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.5X101 | 3.9X102 | |
Kr-85m | 8.0 | 2.2X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0X105 | 8.2X106 | |
Kr-87 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 1.0X106 | 2.8X107 | |
La-137 | Lanthanum (57) | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 6.0 | 1.6X102 | 1.6X10-3 | 4.4X10-2 |
La-140 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 2.1X104 | 5.6X105 | |
Lu-172 | Lutetium (71) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 4.2X103 | 1.1X105 |
Lu-173 | 8.0 | 2.2X102 | 8.0 | 2.2X102 | 5.6X101 | 1.5X103 | |
Lu-174 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 2.3X101 | 6.2X102 | |
Lu-174m | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 2.0X102 | 5.3X103 | |
Lu-177 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 4.1X103 | 1.1X105 | |
Mg-28 (a) | Magnesium (12) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 2.0X105 | 5.4X106 |
Mn-52 | Manganese (25) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.6X104 | 4.4X105 |
Mn-53 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 6.8X10-5 | 1.8X10-3 | |
Mn-54 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 2.9X102 | 7.7X103 | |
Mn-56 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 8.0X105 | 2.2X107 | |
Mo-93 | Molybdenum (42) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 4.1X10-2 | 1.1 |
Mo-99 (a) (i) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.8X104 | 4.8X105 | |
N-13 | Nitrogen (7) | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 5.4X107 | 1.5X109 |
Na-22 | Sodium (11) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 2.3X102 | 6.3X103 |
Na-24 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 3.2X105 | 8.7X106 | |
Nb-93m | Niobium (41) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 8.8 | 2.4X102 |
Nb-94 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.9X10-3 | 1.9X10-1 | |
Nb-95 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.5X103 | 3.9X104 | |
Nb-97 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 9.9X105 | 2.7X107 | |
Nd-147 | Neodymium (60) | 6.0 | 1.6X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.0X103 | 8.1X104 |
Nd-149 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 4.5X105 | 1.2X107 | |
Ni-59 | Nickel (28) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 3.0X10-3 | 8.0X10-2 |
Ni-63 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 2.1 | 5.7X101 | |
Ni-65 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 7.1X105 | 1.9X107 | |
Np-235 | Neptunium (93) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 5.2X101 | 1.4X103 |
Np-236 (short-lived) | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 4.7X10-4 | 1.3X10-2 | |
Np-236 (long-lived) | 9.0X100 | 2.4X102 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 4.7X10-4 | 1.3X10-2 | |
Np-237 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X10-3 | 5.4X10-2 | 2.6X10-5 | 7.1X10-4 | |
Np-239 | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 8.6X103 | 2.3X105 | |
Os-185 | Osmium (76) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 2.8X102 | 7.5X103 |
Os-191 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.6X103 | 4.4X104 | |
Os-191m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 4.6X104 | 1.3X106 | |
Os-193 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | b2.0X104 | 5.3X105 | |
Os-194 (a) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.1X101 | 3.1X102 | |
P-32 | Phosphorus (15) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 1.1X104 | 2.9X105 |
P-33 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 5.8X103 | 1.6X105 | |
Pa-230 (a) | Protactinium (91) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 7.0X10-2 | 1.9 | 1.2X103 | 3.3X104 |
Pa-231 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 4.0X10-4 | 1.1X10-2 | 1.7X10-3 | 4.7X10-2 | |
Pa-233 | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.7X102 | 2.1X104 | |
Pb-201 | Lead (82) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.2X104 | 1.7X106 |
Pb-202 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.2X10-4 | 3.4X10-3 | |
Pb-203 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.1X104 | 3.0X105 | |
Pb-205 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 4.5X10-6 | 1.2X10-4 | |
Pb-210 (a) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 5.0X10-2 | 1.4 | 2.8 | 7.6X101 | |
Pb-212 (a) | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 5.1X104 | 1.4X106 | |
Pd-103 (a) | Palladium (46) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.8X103 | 7.5X104 |
Pd-107 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 1.9X10-5 | 5.1X10-4 | |
Pd-109 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 7.9X104 | 2.1X106 | |
Pm-143 | Promethium (61) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.3X102 | 3.4X103 |
Pm-144 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 9.2X101 | 2.5X103 | |
Pm-145 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 5.2 | 1.4X102 | |
Pm-147 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 3.4X101 | 9.3X102 | |
Pm-148m (a) | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 7.9X102 | 2.1X104 | |
Pm-149 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.5X104 | 4.0X105 | |
Pm-151 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.7X104 | 7.3X105 | |
Po-210 | Polonium (84) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 1.7X102 | 4.5X103 |
Pr-142 | Praseodymium (59) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.3X104 | 1.2X106 |
Pr-143 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.5X103 | 6.7X104 | |
Pt-188 (a) | Platinum (78) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 2.5X103 | 6.8X104 |
Pt-191 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 8.7X103 | 2.4X105 | |
Pt-193 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.4 | 3.7X101 | |
Pt-193m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.8X103 | 1.6X105 | |
Pt-195m | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 6.2X103 | 1.7X105 | |
Pt-197 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.2X104 | 8.7X105 | |
Pt-197m | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.7X105 | 1.0X107 | |
Pu-236 | Plutonium (94) | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.0X10-3 | 8.1X10-2 | 2.0X101 | 5.3X102 |
Pu-237 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 4.5X102 | 1.2X104 | |
Pu-238 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 6.3X10-1 | 1.7X101 | |
Pu-239 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 2.3X10-3 | 6.2X10-2 | |
Pu-240 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 8.4X10-3 | 2.3X10-1 | |
Pu-241 (a) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-2 | 1.6 | 3.8 | 1.0X102 | |
Pu-242 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 1.5X10-4 | 3.9X10-3 | |
Pu-244 (a) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 6.7X10-7 | 1.8X10-5 | |
Ra-223 (a) | Radium (88) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 7.0X10-3 | 1.9X10-1 | 1.9X103 | 5.1X104 |
Ra-224 (a) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 5.9X103 | 1.6X105 | |
Ra-225 (a) | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 4.0X10-3 | 1.1X10-1 | 1.5X103 | 3.9X104 | |
Ra-226 (a) | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 3.0X10-3 | 8.1X10-2 | 3.7X10-2 | 1.0 | |
Ra-228 (a) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | |
Rb-81 | Rubidium (37) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 3.1X105 | 8.4X106 |
Rb-83 (a) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.8X102 | 1.8X104 | |
Rb-84 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.8X103 | 4.7X104 | |
Rb-86 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 3.0X103 | 8.1X104 | |
Rb-87 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 3.2X10-9 | 8.6X10-8 | |
Rb (nat) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 6.7X106 | 1.8X108 | |
Re-184 | Rhenium (75) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.9X102 | 1.9X104 |
Re-184m | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.6X102 | 4.3X103 | |
Re-186 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.9X103 | 1.9X105 | |
Re-187 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 1.4X10-9 | 3.8X10-8 | |
Re-188 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 3.6X104 | 9.8X105 | |
Re-189 (a) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.5X104 | 6.8X105 | |
Re (nat) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 0.0 | 2.4X10-8 | |
Rh-99 | Rhodium (45) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 3.0X103 | 8.2X104 |
Rh-101 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 4.1X101 | 1.1X103 | |
Rh-102 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 4.5X101 | 1.2X103 | |
Rh-102m | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.3X102 | 6.2X103 | |
Rh-103m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.2X106 | 3.3X107 | |
Rh-105 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 3.1X104 | 8.4X105 | |
Rn-222 (a) | Radon (86) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 4.0X10-3 | 1.1X10-1 | 5.7X103 | 1.5X105 |
Ru-97 | Ruthenium (44) | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 1.7X104 | 4.6X105 |
Ru-103 (a) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.2X103 | 3.2X104 | |
Ru-105 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.5X105 | 6.7X106 | |
Ru-106 (a) | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 1.2X102 | 3.3X103 | |
S-35 | Sulphur (16) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 1.6X103 | 4.3X104 |
Sb-122 | Antimony (51) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.5X104 | 4.0X105 |
Sb-124 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.5X102 | 1.7X104 | |
Sb-125 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 3.9X101 | 1.0X103 | |
Sb-126 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 3.1X103 | 8.4X104 | |
Sc-44 | Scandium (21) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 6.7X105 | 1.8X107 |
Sc-46 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 1.3X103 | 3.4X104 | |
Sc-47 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 3.1X104 | 8.3X105 | |
Sc-48 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 5.5X104 | 1.5X106 | |
Se-75 | Selenium (34) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.5X104 |
Se-79 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.6X10-3 | 7.0X10-2 | |
Si-31 | Silicon (14) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.4X106 | 3.9X107 |
Si-32 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 3.9 | 1.1X102 | |
Sm-145 | Samarium (62) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 9.8X101 | 2.6X103 |
Sm-147 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 8.5X10-1 | 2.3X10-8 | |
Sm-151 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 9.7X10-1 | 2.6X101 | |
Sm-153 | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.6X104 | 4.4X105 | |
Sn-113 (a) | Tin (50) | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 3.7X102 | 1.0X104 |
Sn-117m | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 3.0X103 | 8.2X104 | |
Sn-119m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 1.4X102 | 3.7X103 | |
Sn-121m (a) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | |
Sn-123 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 3.0X102 | 8.2X103 | |
Sn-125 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X103 | 1.1X105 | |
Sn-126 (a) | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.8X10-2 | |
Sr-82 (a) | Strontium (38) | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.3X103 | 6.2X104 |
Sr-85 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 8.8X102 | 2.4X104 | |
Sr-85m | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 1.2X106 | 3.3X107 | |
Sr-87m | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 4.8X105 | 1.3X107 | |
Sr-89 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.9X104 | |
Sr-90 (a) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 5.1 | 1.4X102 | |
Sr-91 (a) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.3X105 | 3.6X106 | |
Sr-92 (a) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 4.7X105 | 1.3X107 | |
T(H-3) | Tritium (1) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.6X102 | 9.7X103 |
Ta-178 (long-lived) | Tantalum (73) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 4.2X106 | 1.1X108 |
Ta-179 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 4.1X101 | 1.1X103 | |
Ta-182 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 2.3X102 | 6.2X103 | |
Tb-157 | Terbium (65) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 5.6X10-1 | 1.5X101 |
Tb-158 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 5.6X10-1 | 1.5X101 | |
Tb-160 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 4.2X102 | 1.1X104 | |
Tc-95m (a) | Technetium (43) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 8.3X102 | 2.2X104 |
Tc-96 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.2X104 | 3.2X105 | |
Tc-96m (a) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.4X106 | 3.8X107 | |
Tc-97 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 5.2X10-5 | 1.4X10-3 | |
Tc-97m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 5.6X102 | 1.5X104 | |
Tc-98 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 3.2X10-5 | 8.7X10-4 | |
Tc-99 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.3X10-4 | 1.7X10-2 | |
Tc-99m | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 1.9X105 | 5.3X106 | |
Te-121 | Tellurium (52) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.4X103 | 6.4X104 |
Te-121m | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 2.6X102 | 7.0X103 | |
Te-123m | 8.0 | 2.2X102 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 3.3X102 | 8.9X103 | |
Te-125m | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.7X102 | 1.8X104 | |
Te-127 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 9.8X104 | 2.6X106 | |
Te-127m (a) | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 3.5X102 | 9.4X103 | |
Te-129 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 7.7X105 | 2.1X107 | |
Te-129m (a) | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X104 | |
Te-131m (a) | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 3.0X104 | 8.0X105 | |
Te-132 (a) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 3.1X104 | 3.0X105 | |
Th-227 | Thorium (90) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 5.0X10-3 | 1.4X10-1 | 1.1X103 | 3.1X104 |
Th-228 (a) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 3.0X101 | 8.2X102 | |
Th-229 | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 5.0X10-4 | 1.4X10-2 | 7.9X10-3 | 2.1X10-1 | |
Th-230 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 7.6X10-4 | 2.1X10-2 | |
Th-231 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 2.0X104 | 5.3X105 | |
Th-232 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 4.0X10-9 | 1.1X10-7 | |
Th-234 (a) | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 8.6X102 | 2.3X104 | |
Th(nat) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 8.1X10-9 | 2.2X10-7 | |
Ti-44 (a) | Titanium (22) | 5.0X10-1 | 1.4X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 6.4 | 1.7X102 |
Tl-200 | Thallium (81) | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 2.2X104 | 6.0X105 |
Tl-201 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 7.9X103 | 2.1X105 | |
Tl-202 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0X103 | 5.3X104 | |
Tl-204 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 1.7X101 | 4.6X102 | |
Tm-167 | Thulium (69) | 7.0 | 1.9X102 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 3.1X103 | 8.5X104 |
Tm-170 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.2X102 | 6.0X103 | |
Tm-171 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | |
U-230 (fast lung absorption) (a)(d) | Uranium (92) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0X10-1 | 2.7 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X104 |
U-230 (medium lung absorption) (a)(e) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X10-3 | 1.1X10-1 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X104 | |
U-230 (slow lung absorption) (a)(f) | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.0X10-3 | 8.1X10-2 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X104 | |
U-232 (fast lung absorption) (d) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 1.0X10-2 | 2.7X10-1 | 8.3X10-1 | 2.2X101 | |
U-232 (medium lung absorption) (e) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 7.0X10-3 | 1.9X10-1 | 8.3X10-1 | 2.2X101 | |
U-232 (slow lung absorption) (f) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 1.0X10-3 | 2.7X10-2 | 8.3X10-1 | 2.2X101 | |
U-233 (fast lung absorption) (d) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 9.0X10-2 | 2.4 | 3.6X10-4 | 9.7X10-3 | |
U-233 (medium lung absorption) (e) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 3.6X10-4 | 9.7X10-3 | |
U-233 (slow lung absorption) (f) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-3 | 1.6X10-1 | 3.6X10-4 | 9.7X10-3 | |
U-234 (fast lung absorption) (d) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 9.0X10-2 | 2.4 | 2.3X10-4 | 6.2X10-3 | |
U-234 (medium lung absorption) (e) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 2.3X10-4 | 6.2X10-3 | |
U-234 (slow lung absorption) (f) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-3 | 1.6X10-1 | 2.3X10-4 | 6.2X10-3 | |
U-235 (all lung absorption types) (a), (d), (e), (f) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 8.0X10-8 | 2.2X10-6 | |
U-236 (fast lung absorption) (d) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 2.4X10-6 | 6.5X10-5 | |
U-236 (medium lung absorption) (e) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 2.0X10-2 | 5.4X10-1 | 2.4X10-6 | 6.5X10-5 | |
U-236 (slow lung absorption) (f) | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 6.0X10-3 | 1.6X10-1 | 2.4X10-6 | 6.5X10-5 | |
U-238 (all lung absorption types) (d), (e), (f) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 1.2X10-8 | 3.4X10-7 | |
U (nat) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 2.6X10-8 | 7.1X10-7 | |
U (enriched to 20% or less) (g) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | See Table A-4 | See Table A-4 | |
U (dep) | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | See Table A-4 | See Table A-3 | |
V-48 | Vanadium (23) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 6.3X103 | 1.7X105 |
V-49 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.0X102 | 8.1X103 | |
W-178 (a) | Tungsten (74) | 9.0 | 2.4X102 | 5.0 | 1.4X102 | 1.3X103 | 3.4X104 |
W-181 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 2.2X102 | 6.0X103 | |
W-185 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 3.5X102 | 9.4X103 | |
W-187 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 2.6X104 | 7.0X105 | |
W-188 (a) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.7X102 | 1.0X104 | |
Xe-122 (a) | Xenon (54) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.8X104 | 1.3X106 |
Xe-123 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 7.0X10-1 | 1.9X101 | 4.4X105 | 1.2X107 | |
Xe-127 | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.0X103 | 2.8X104 | |
Xe-131m | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 4.0X101 | 1.1X103 | 3.1X103 | 8.4X104 | |
Xe-133 | 2.0X101 | 5.4X102 | 1.0X101 | 2.7X102 | 6.9X103 | 1.9X105 | |
Xe-135 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 9.5X104 | 2.6X106 | |
Y-87 (a) | Yttrium (39) | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 1.7X104 | 4.5X105 |
Y-88 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 5.2X102 | 1.4X104 | |
Y-90 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 2.0X104 | 5.4X105 | |
Y-91 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 9.1X102 | 2.5X104 | |
Y-91m | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 1.5X106 | 4.2X107 | |
Y-92 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 2.0X10-1 | 5.4 | 3.6X105 | 9.6X106 | |
Y-93 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 3.0X10-1 | 8.1 | 1.2X105 | 3.3X106 | |
Yb-169 | Ytterbium (70) | 4.0 | 1.1X102 | 1.0 | 2.7X101 | 8.9X102 | 2.4X104 |
Yb-175 | 3.0X101 | 8.1X102 | 9.0X10-1 | 2.4X101 | 6.6X103 | 1.8X105 | |
Zn-65 | Zinc (30) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 3.0X102 | 8.2X103 |
Zn-69 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.8X106 | 4.9X107 | |
Zn-69m (a) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.0X10-1 | 1.6X101 | 1.2X105 | 3.3X106 | |
Zr-88 | Zirconium (40) | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 3.0 | 8.1X101 | 6.6X102 | 1.8X104 |
Zr-93 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | 9.3X10-5 | 2.5X10-3 | |
Zr-95 (a) | 2.0 | 5.4X101 | 8.0X10-1 | 2.2X101 | 7.9X102 | 2.1X104 | |
Zr-97 (a) | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 4.0X10-1 | 1.1X101 | 7.1X104 | 1.9X106 |
(a) | A1 and/or A2 values include contributions from daughter nuclides with half-lives less than ten days. |
(b) | (Reserved.) |
(c) | The quantity may be determined from a measurement of the rate of decay or a measurement of the radiation level at a prescribed distance from the source. |
(d) | These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UF6, UO2F2 and UO2(NO3)2 in both normal and accident conditions of transport. |
(e) | These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UO3, UF4, UCI4 and hexavalent compounds in both normal and accident conditions of transport. |
(f) | These values apply to all compounds of uranium other than those specified in notes (d) and (e) of this table. |
(g) | These values apply to unirradiated uranium only. |
(h) | A1 = 0.1 TBq (2.7 Ci) and A2 = 0.001 TBq (0.027 Ci) for Cf-252 for domestic use. |
(i) | A2 = 0.74 TBq (20 Ci) for Mo-99 for domestic use. |
Table A-2. -- Exempt Material Activity Concentrations and Exempt Consignment Activity Limits for Radionuclides
Symbol of radionuclide | Element and atomic number | Activity concentration for exempt material (Bq/g) | Activity concentration for exempt material (Ci/g) | Activity limit for exempt consignment (Bq) | Activity limit for exempt consignment (Ci) |
Ac-225 | Actinium (89) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Ac-227 | - | 1.0X10-1 | 2.7X10-12 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Ac-228 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ag-105 | Silver (47) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ag-108m (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ag-110m | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ag-111 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Al-26 | Aluminum (13) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Am-241 | Americium (95) | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Am-242m (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Am-243 (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Ar-37 | Argon (18) | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Ar-39 | - | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Ar-41 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
As-72 | Arsenic (33) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
As-73 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
As-74 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
As-76 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
As-77 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
At-211 | Astatine (85) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Au-193 | Gold (79) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Au-194 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Au-195 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Au-198 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Au-199 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ba-131 | Barium (56) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ba-133 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ba-133m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ba-140 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Be-7 | Beryllium (4) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Be-10 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Bi-205 | Bismuth (83) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Bi-206 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Bi-207 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Bi-210 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Bi-210m | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Bi-212 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Bk-247 | Berkelium (97) | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Bk-249 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Br-76 | Bromine (35) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Br-77 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Br-82 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
C-11 | Carbon (6) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
C-14 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ca-41 | Calcium (20) | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ca-45 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ca-47 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cd-109 | Cadmium (48) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cd-113m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cd-115 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cd-115m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ce-139 | Cerium (58) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ce-141 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ce-143 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ce-144 (b) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cf-248 | Californium (98) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cf-249 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Cf-250 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cf-251 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Cf-252 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cf-253 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cf-254 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Cl-36 | Chlorine (17) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cl-38 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cm-240 | Curium (96) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cm-241 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cm-242 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cm-243 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cm-244 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cm-245 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Cm-246 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Cm-247 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cm-248 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Co-55 | Cobalt (27) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Co-56 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Co-57 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Co-58 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Co-58m | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Co-60 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cr-51 | Chromium (24) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Cs-129 | Cesium (55) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cs-131 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cs-132 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cs-134 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cs-134m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cs-135 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Cs-136 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Cs-137 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Cu-64 | Copper (29) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Cu-67 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Dy-159 | Dysprosium (66) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Dy-165 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Dy-166 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Er-169 | Erbium (68) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Er-171 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-147 | Europium (63) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-148 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-149 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Eu-150 (short lived) | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-150 (long lived) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-152 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-152m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-154 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Eu-155 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Eu-156 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
F-18 | Fluorine (9) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Fe-52 | Iron (26) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Fe-55 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Fe-59 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Fe-60 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ga-67 | Gallium (31) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ga-68 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ga-72 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Gd-146 | Gadolinium (64) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Gd-148 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Gd-153 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Gd-159 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ge-68 | Germanium (32) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ge-71 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Ge-77 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Hf-172 | Hafnium (72) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hf-175 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hf-181 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hf-182 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hg-194 | Mercury (80) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hg-195m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hg-197 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Hg-197m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Hg-203 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ho-166 | Holmium (67) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ho-166m | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
I-123 | Iodine (53) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
I-124 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
I-125 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
I-126 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
I-129 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
I-131 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
I-132 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
I-133 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
I-134 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
I-135 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
In-111 | Indium (49) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
In-113m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
In-114m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
In-115m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ir-189 | Iridium (77) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ir-190 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ir-192 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Ir-194 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
K-40 | Potassium (19) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
K-42 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
K-43 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Kr-81 | Krypton (36) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Kr-85 | - | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Kr-85m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X1010 | 2.7X10-1 |
Kr-87 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
La-137 | Lanthanum (57) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
La-140 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Lu-172 | Lutetium (71) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Lu-173 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Lu-174 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Lu-174m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Lu-177 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Mg-28 | Magnesium (12) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Mn-52 | Manganese (25) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Mn-53 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Mn-54 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Mn-56 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Mo-93 | Molybdenum (42) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Mo-99 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
N-13 | Nitrogen (7) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Na-22 | Sodium (11) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Na-24 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Nb-93m | Niobium (41) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Nb-94 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Nb-95 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Nb-97 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Nd-147 | Neodymium (60) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Nd-149 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ni-59 | Nickel (28) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Ni-63 | - | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Ni-65 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Np-235 | Neptunium (93) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Np-236 (short-lived) | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Np-236 (long-lived) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Np-237 (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Np-239 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Os-185 | Osmium (76) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Os-191 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Os-191m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Os-193 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Os-194 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
P-32 | Phosphorus (15) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
P-33 | - | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Pa-230 | Protactinium (91) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pa-231 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Pa-233 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pb-201 | Lead (82) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pb-202 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pb-203 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pb-205 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pb-210 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Pb-212 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Pd-103 | Palladium (46) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Pd-107 | - | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Pd-109 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pm-143 | Promethium (61) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pm-144 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pm-145 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pm-147 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pm-148m | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pm-149 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pm-151 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Po-210 | Polonium (84) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Pr-142 | Praseodymium (59) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Pr-143 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pt-188 | Platinum (78) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pt-191 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pt-193 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pt-193m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pt-195m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pt-197 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pt-197m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Pu-236 | Plutonium (94) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Pu-237 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Pu-238 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Pu-239 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Pu-240 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Pu-241 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Pu-242 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Pu-244 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Ra-223 (b) | Radium (88) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ra-224 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ra-225 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Ra-226 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Ra-228 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Rb-81 | Rubidium (37) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Rb-83 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Rb-84 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Rb-86 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Rb-87 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Rb (nat) | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Re-184 | Rhenium (75) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Re-184m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Re-186 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Re-187 | - | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Re-188 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Re-189 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Re (nat) | - | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Rh-99 | Rhodium (45) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Rh-101 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Rh-102 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Rh-102m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Rh-103m | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Rh-105 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Rn-222 (b) | Radon (86) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Ru-97 | Ruthenium (44) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ru-103 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ru-105 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ru-106 (b) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
S-35 | Sulphur (16) | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Sb-122 | Antimony (51) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Sb-124 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sb-125 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sb-126 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Sc-44 | Scandium (21) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Sc-46 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sc-47 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sc-48 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Se-75 | Selenium (34) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Se-79 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Si-31 | Silicon (14) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Si-32 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sm-145 | Samarium (62) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Sm-147 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Sm-151 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Sm-153 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sn-113 | Tin (50) | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Sn-117m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sn-119m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Sn-121m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Sn-123 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sn-125 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Sn-126 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Sr-82 | Strontium (38) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Sr-85 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sr-85m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Sr-87m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sr-89 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Sr-90 (b) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Sr-91 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Sr-92 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
T(H-3) | Tritium (1) | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Ta-178 (long-lived) | Tantalum (73) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Ta-179 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Ta-182 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Tb-157 | Terbium (65) | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Tb-158 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tb-160 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tc-95m | Technetium (43) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tc-96 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tc-96m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Tc-97 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
Tc-97m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Tc-98 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tc-99 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Tc-99m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Te-121 | Tellurium (52) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Te-121m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Te-123m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Te-125m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Te-127 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Te-127m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Te-129 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Te-129m | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Te-131m | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Te-132 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Th-227 | Thorium (90) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Th-228 (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Th-229 (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Th-230 | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Th-231 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Th-232 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Th-234 (b) | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Th (nat) (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
Ti-44 | Titanium (22) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Tl-200 | Thallium (81) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tl-201 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tl-202 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tl-204 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Tm-167 | Thulium (69) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tm-170 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Tm-171 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X108 | 2.7X10-3 |
U-230 (fast lung absorption) (b), (d) |
Uranium (92) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
U-230 (medium lung absorption) (e) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-230 (slow lung absorption) (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-232 (fast lung absorption) (b), (d) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
U-232 (medium lung absorption) (e) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-232 (slow lung absorption) (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-233 (fast lung absorption) (d) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-233 (medium lung absorption) (e) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
U-233 (slow lung absorption) (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
U-234 (fast lung absorption) (d) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-234 (medium lung absorption) (e) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
U-234 (slow lung absorption) (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
U-235 (all lung absorption types) (b), (d), (e), (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-236 (fast lung absorption) (d) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-236 (medium lung absorption) (e) | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
U-236 (slow lung absorption) (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U-238 (all lung absorption types) (b), (d), (e), (f) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
U (nat) (b) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
U (enriched to 20% or less) (g) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
U (dep) | - | 1.0 | 2.7X10-11 | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 |
V-48 | Vanadium (23) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
V-49 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
W-178 | Tungsten (74) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
W-181 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
W-185 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
W-187 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
W-188 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Xe-122 | Xenon (54) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Xe-123 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X109 | 2.7X10-2 |
Xe-127 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Xe-131m | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Xe-133 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 |
Xe-135 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X1010 | 2.7X10-1 |
Y-87 | Yttrium (39) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Y-88 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Y-90 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Y-91 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Y-91m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Y-92 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Y-93 | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
Yb-169 | Ytterbium (70) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Yb-175 | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Zn-65 | Zinc (30) | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Zn-69 | - | 1.0X104 | 2.7X10-7 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Zn-69m | - | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Zr-88 | Zirconium (40) | 1.0X102 | 2.7X10-9 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Zr-93 (b) | - | 1.0X103 | 2.7X10-8 | 1.0X107 | 2.7X10-4 |
Zr-95 | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X106 | 2.7X10-5 |
Zr-97 (b) | - | 1.0X101 | 2.7X10-10 | 1.0X105 | 2.7X10-6 |
(a) | (Reserved) |
(b) | Parent nuclides and their progeny included in secular equilibrium are listed in the following: |
Sr-90 | Y-90 |
Zr-93 | Nb-93m |
Zr-97 | Nb-97 |
Ru-106 | Rh-106 |
Cs-137 | Ba-137m |
Ce-134 | La-134 |
Ce-144 | Pr-144 |
Ba-140 | La-140 |
Bi-212 | Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64) |
Pb-210 | Bi-210, Po-210 |
Pb-212 | Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64) |
Rn-220 | Po-216 |
Rn-222 | Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214, Po-214 |
Ra-223 | Rn-219, Po-215, Pb-211, Bi-211, Tl-207 |
Ra-224 | Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64) |
Ra-226 | Rn-222, Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214, Po-214, Pb-210, Bi-210, Po-210 |
Ra-228 | Ac-228 |
Th-226 | Ra-222, Rn-218, Po-214 |
Th-228 | Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64) |
Th-229 | Ra-225, Ac-225, Fr-221, At-217, Bi-213, Po-213, Pb-209 |
Th-nat | Ra-228, Ac-228, Th-228, Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64) |
Th-234 | Pa-234m |
U-230 | Th-226, Ra-222, Rn-218, Po-214 |
U-232 | Th-228, Ra-224, Rn-220, Po-216, Pb-212, Bi-212, Tl-208 (0.36), Po-212 (0.64) |
U-235 | Th-231 |
U-238 | Th-234, Pa-234m |
U-nat | Th-234, Pa-234m, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Rn-222, Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214, Po-214, Pb-210, Bi-210, Po-210 |
U-240 | Np-240m |
Np-237 | Pa-233 |
Am-242m | Am-242 |
Am-243 | Np-239 |
(c) | (Reserved) |
(d) | These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UF6, UO2F2 and UO2(NO3)2 in both normal and accident conditions of transport. |
(e) | These values apply only to compounds of uranium that take the chemical form of UO3, UF4, UCl4 and hexavalent compounds in both normal and accident conditions of transport. |
(f) | These values apply to all compounds of uranium other than those specified in notes (d) and (e) of this table. |
(g) | These values apply to unirradiated uranium only. |
A1 | A2 | |||||||
Contents | (TBq) | (Ci) | (TBq) | (Ci) | Activity
for exempt
material (Bq/g) |
Activity concentration for exempt material (Ci/g) | Activity limits for exempt consignments (Bq) | Activity limits for exempt consignments (Ci) |
Only beta or gamma emitting radionuclides are known to be present | 1 x 10-1 | 2.7 x 100 | 2 x 10-2 | 5.4 x 10-1 | 1 x 101 | 2.7 x 10-10 | 1 x 104 | 2.7 x 10-7 |
Only alpha emitting radionuclides are known to be present | 2 x 10-1 | 5.4 x 100 | 9 x 10-5 | 2.4 x 10-3 | 1 x 10-1 | 2.7 x 10-12 | 1 x 103 | 2.7 x 10-8 |
No relevant data are available | 1 x 10-3 | 2.7 x 10-2 | 9 x 10-5 | 2.4 x 10-3 | 1 x 10-1 | 2.7 x 10-12 | 1 x 103 | 2.7 x 10-8 |
Specific Activity | ||
Enrichment1 wt % U-235 present |
TBq/g | Ci/g |
0.45 | 1.8 x 10-8 | 5.0 x 10-7 |
0.72 | 2.6 x 10-8 | 7.1 x 10-7 |
1 | 2.8 x 10-8 | 7.6 x 10-7 |
1.5 | 3.7 x 10-8 | 1.0 x 10-6 |
5 | 1.0 x 10-7 | 2.7 x 10-6 |
10 | 1.8 x 10-7 | 4.8 x 10-6 |
20 | 3.7 x 10-7 | 1.0 x 10-5 |
35 | 7.4 x 10-7 | 2.0 x 10-5 |
50 | 9.3 x 10-7 | 2.5 x 10-5 |
90 | 2.2 x 10-6 | 5.8 x 10-5 |
93 | 2.6 x 10-6 | 7.0 x 10-5 |
95 | 3.4 x 10-6 | 9.1 x 10-5 |
1 | The figures for uranium include representative values for the activity of the uranium-234 that is concentrated during the enrichment process. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 08-09-093, § 246-231-200, filed 4/18/08, effective 5/19/08; 99-15-105, § 246-231-200, filed 7/21/99, effective 8/21/99.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 06-05-019, filed 2/6/06,
effective 3/9/06)
WAC 246-240-001
Purpose and scope.
This chapter
contains the requirements and provisions for the medical use
of radioactive material and for issuance of specific licenses
authorizing the medical use of this material. These
requirements and provisions provide for the radiation safety
of workers, the general public, patients, and human research
subjects. The requirements and provisions of chapters
246-220, 246-221, 246-222, 246-232, 246-235, and 246-254 WAC,
apply to applicants and licensees subject to this chapter
unless specifically exempted. ((When a requirement in this
chapter differs from the requirement in an existing license
condition, the requirement in this chapter shall govern.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 06-05-019, § 246-240-001, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-240-001, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91; Order 1084, § 402-32-010, filed 1/14/76; Order 1, § 402-32-010, filed 1/8/69; Rules (part), filed 10/26/66.]
(1) Area of use means a portion of an address of use that has been set aside for the purpose of receiving, preparing, using, or storing radioactive material.
(2) Authorized medical physicist means an individual who:
(((1))) (a) Meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-072 and
246-240-081; or
(((2))) (b) Is identified as an authorized medical
physicist or teletherapy physicist on:
(((a))) (i) A specific medical use license issued by the
department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an
agreement state;
(((b))) (ii) A medical use permit issued by a U.S. NRC
master material licensee;
(((c))) (iii) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC or agreement
state broad scope medical use licensee; or
(((d))) (iv) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC master
material license broad scope medical use permittee.
(3) Authorized nuclear pharmacist means a pharmacist who:
(((1))) (a) Meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-075 and
246-240-081; or
(((2))) (b) Is identified as an authorized nuclear
pharmacist on:
(((a))) (i) A specific license issued by the department,
the U.S. NRC or an agreement state, that authorizes medical
use or the practice of nuclear pharmacy;
(((b))) (ii) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC master
material licensee that authorizes medical use or the practice
of nuclear pharmacy;
(((c))) (iii) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC or agreement
state broad scope medical use licensee that authorizes medical
use or the practice of nuclear pharmacy; or
(((d))) (iv) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC master
material license broad scope medical use permittee that
authorizes medical use or the practice of nuclear pharmacy; or
(((3))) (c) Is identified as an authorized nuclear
pharmacist by a commercial nuclear pharmacy that has been
authorized to identify authorized nuclear pharmacists; or
(((4))) (d) Is designated as an authorized nuclear
pharmacist in accordance with WAC 246-235-100(2).
(4) Authorized user means a physician, dentist, or podiatrist who:
(((1))) (a) Meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-081 and
246-240-154, 246-240-163, 246-240-210, 246-240-213,
246-240-216, 246-240-278, 246-240-301, or 246-240-399; or
(((2))) (b) Is identified as an authorized user on:
(((a))) (i) A department, U.S. NRC, or agreement state
license that authorizes the medical use of radioactive
material; or
(((b))) (ii) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC master
material licensee that is authorized to permit the medical use
of radioactive material; or
(((c))) (iii) A permit issued by a department, U.S. NRC,
or agreement state specific licensee of broad scope that is
authorized to permit the medical use of radioactive material;
(((d))) (iv) A permit issued by a U.S. NRC master
material license broad scope permittee that is authorized to
permit the medical use of radioactive material.
(5) Brachytherapy means a method of radiation therapy in which sources are used to deliver a radiation dose at a distance of up to a few centimeters by surface, intracavitary, intraluminal, or interstitial application.
(6) Brachytherapy source means a radioactive source or a manufacturer-assembled source train or a combination of these sources that is designed to deliver a therapeutic dose within a distance of a few centimeters.
(7) Client's address means the area of use or a temporary job site for the purpose of providing mobile medical service in accordance with WAC 246-240-125.
(8) Cyclotron means a particle accelerator in which the charged particles travel in an outward spiral or circular path. A cyclotron accelerates charged particles at energies usually in excess of 10 megaelectron volts and is commonly used for production of short half-life radionuclides for medical use.
(9) Dedicated check source means a radioactive source that is used to assure the constant operation of a radiation detection or measurement device over several months or years.
(10) Dentist means an individual licensed by a state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to practice dentistry.
(11) High dose-rate remote afterloader, as used in this chapter, means a brachytherapy device that remotely delivers a dose rate in excess of 12 gray (1200 rads) per hour at the point or surface where the dose is prescribed.
(12) Low dose-rate remote afterloader, as used in this chapter, means a brachytherapy device that remotely delivers a dose rate of less than or equal to 2 gray (200 rads) per hour at the point or surface where the dose is prescribed.
(13) Management means the chief executive officer or other individual having the authority to manage, direct, or administer the licensee's activities, or that person's delegate or delegates.
(14) Manual brachytherapy, as used in this chapter, means a type of brachytherapy in which the brachytherapy sources (e.g., seeds, ribbons) are manually placed topically on or inserted either into the body cavities that are in close proximity to a treatment site or directly into the tissue volume.
(15) Medical event means an event that meets the criteria in WAC 246-240-651.
(16) Medical institution means an organization in which more than one medical discipline is practiced.
(17) Medical use means the intentional internal or external administration of radioactive material or the radiation from radioactive material to patients or human research subjects under the supervision of an authorized user.
(18) Medium dose-rate remote afterloader, as used in this chapter, means a brachytherapy device that remotely delivers a dose rate of greater than 2 gray (200 rads), but less than or equal to 12 grays (1200 rads) per hour at the point or surface where the dose is prescribed.
(19) Mobile medical service means the transportation of radioactive material to and its medical use at the client's address.
(20) Output means the exposure rate, dose rate, or a quantity related in a known manner to these rates from a brachytherapy source or a teletherapy, remote afterloader, or gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit for a specified set of exposure conditions.
(21) Patient intervention means actions by the patient or human research subject, whether intentional or unintentional, such as dislodging or removing treatment devices or prematurely terminating the administration.
(22) Podiatrist means an individual licensed by a state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to practice podiatry.
(23) Positron emission tomography (PET) radionuclide production facility means a facility operating an accelerator for the purpose of producing PET radionuclides.
(24) Preceptor means an individual who provides, directs, or verifies training and experience required for an individual to become an authorized user, an authorized medical physicist, an authorized nuclear pharmacist, or a radiation safety officer.
(25) Prescribed dosage means the specified activity or range of activity of unsealed radioactive material as documented:
(((1))) (a) In a written directive; or
(((2))) (b) In accordance with the directions of the
authorized user for procedures performed under WAC 246-240-151
and 246-240-157.
(26) Prescribed dose means:
(((1))) (a) For gamma stereotactic radiosurgery, the
total dose as documented in the written directive;
(((2))) (b) For teletherapy, the total dose and dose per
fraction as documented in the written directive;
(((3))) (c) For manual brachytherapy, either the total
source strength and exposure time or the total dose, as
documented in the written directive; or
(((4))) (d) For remote brachytherapy afterloaders, the
total dose and dose per fraction as documented in the written
(27) Pulsed dose-rate remote afterloader, as used in this chapter, means a special type of remote afterloading brachytherapy device that uses a single source capable of delivering dose rates in the "high dose-rate" range, but:
(((1))) (a) Is approximately one-tenth of the activity of
typical high dose-rate remote afterloader sources; and
(((2))) (b) Is used to simulate the radiobiology of a low
dose-rate treatment by inserting the source for a given
fraction of each hour.
(28) Radiation safety officer means an individual who:
(((1))) (a) Meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-069 and
246-240-081; or
(((2))) (b) Is identified as a radiation safety officer
on a specific medical use license issued by the department
prior to October 5, 2005, the U.S. NRC or an agreement state;
(((3))) (c) A medical use permit issued by a commission
master material licensee.
(29) Sealed source and device registry means the national registry that contains all the registration certificates, generated by both the U.S. NRC and the agreement states, that summarize the radiation safety information for the sealed sources and devices and describe the licensing and use conditions approved for the product.
(30) Stereotactic radiosurgery means the use of external radiation in conjunction with a stereotactic guidance device to very precisely deliver a therapeutic dose to a tissue volume.
(31) Structured educational program means an educational program designed to impart particular knowledge and practical education through interrelated studies and supervised training.
(32) Teletherapy, as used in this chapter, means a method of radiation therapy in which collimated gamma rays are delivered at a distance from the patient or human research subject.
(33) Temporary job site means a location where mobile medical services are conducted other than those location(s) of use authorized on the license.
(34) Therapeutic dosage means a dosage of unsealed radioactive material that is intended to deliver a radiation dose to a patient or human research subject for palliative or curative treatment.
(35) Therapeutic dose means a radiation dose delivered from a source containing radioactive material to a patient or human research subject for palliative or curative treatment.
(36) Treatment site means the anatomical description of the tissue intended to receive a radiation dose, as described in a written directive.
(37) Type of use means use of radioactive material under WAC 246-240-151, 246-240-157, 246-240-201, 246-240-251, 246-240-301, 246-240-351, or 246-240-501.
(38) Unit dosage means a dosage prepared for medical use for administration as a single dosage to a patient or human research subject without any further manipulation of the dosage after it is initially prepared.
(39) Written directive means an authorized user's written order for the administration of radioactive material or radiation from radioactive material to a specific patient or human research subject, as specified in WAC 246-240-060.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050 and 70.98.080. 09-06-003, § 246-240-010, filed 2/18/09, effective 3/21/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-010, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-010, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06; 98-13-037, § 246-240-010, filed 6/8/98, effective 7/9/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050 and 70.98.080. 92-06-008 (Order 245), § 246-240-010, filed 2/21/92, effective 3/23/92.]
(1) Is certified by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. NRC, or an agreement state, and who meets the requirements of subsections (4) and (5) of this section. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page, at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Hold a bachelor's or graduate degree from an accredited college or university in physical science or engineering or biological science with a minimum of twenty college credits in physical science;
(b) Have five or more years of professional experience in health physics (graduate training may be substituted for no more than two years of the required experience) including at least three years in applied health physics; and
(c) Pass an examination administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which evaluates knowledge and competence in radiation physics and instrumentation, radiation protection, mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity, radiation biology, and radiation dosimetry; or
(i) Hold a master's or doctor's degree in physics, medical physics, other physical science, engineering, or applied mathematics from an accredited college or university;
(ii) Have two years of full-time practical training and/or supervised experience in medical physics:
(A) Under the supervision of a medical physicist who is certified in medical physics by a specialty board recognized by the commission or an agreement state; or
(B) In clinical nuclear medicine facilities providing diagnostic and/or therapeutic services under the direction of physicians who meet the requirements for authorized users in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-163 or 246-240-210; and
(iii) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, that assesses knowledge and competence in clinical diagnostic radiological or nuclear medicine physics and in radiation safety; or
(d) Obtain written certification under oath signed by a preceptor radiation safety officer that the individual has achieved a level of radiation safety knowledge sufficient to function independently as a radiation safety officer for a medical use licensee; or
(2)(a) Has completed a structured educational program consisting of both:
(i) Two hundred hours of classroom and laboratory training in the following areas:
(A) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(B) Radiation protection;
(C) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(D) Radiation biology; and
(E) Radiation dosimetry; and
(ii) One year of full-time radiation safety experience under the supervision of the individual identified as the radiation safety officer on a department or agreement state license or license issued by the U.S. NRC that authorizes similar type(s) of use(s) of radioactive material involving the following:
(A) Shipping, receiving, and performing related radiation surveys;
(B) Using and performing checks for proper operation of instruments used to determine the activity of dosages, survey meters, and instruments used to measure radionuclides;
(C) Securing and controlling radioactive material;
(D) Using administrative controls to avoid mistakes in the administration of radioactive material;
(E) Using procedures to prevent or minimize radioactive contamination and using proper decontamination procedures;
(F) Using emergency procedures to control radioactive material; and
(G) Disposing of radioactive material; or
(b) Is a medical physicist who has been certified by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. NRC, or an agreement state under WAC 246-240-072 and has experience in radiation safety for similar types of use of radioactive material for which the licensee is seeking the approval of the individual as radiation safety officer and who meets the requirements in subsections (4) and (5) of this section; or
(3) Is an authorized user, authorized medical physicist, or authorized nuclear pharmacist identified on the licensee's license or a medical physicist who has been certified by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state under WAC 246-240-072 and has experience with the radiation safety aspects of similar types of use of radioactive material for which the individual has radiation safety officer responsibilities; and
(4) Has obtained written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor radiation safety officer, that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsection (5) of this section, and in subsection (1)(a) and (b), or (c)(i) and (ii) of this section, or subsection (2)(a) or (b) of this section, or subsection (3) of this section and has achieved a level of radiation safety knowledge sufficient to function independently as a radiation safety officer for a medical use licensee; and
(5) Has training in the radiation safety, regulatory issues, and emergency procedures for the types of use for which a licensee seeks approval. This training requirement may be satisfied by completing training that is supervised by an authorized medical physicist, authorized user, authorized nuclear pharmacist, or radiation safety officer, as appropriate, who is authorized for the type(s) of use for which the licensee is seeking approval.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-069, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-069, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state and who meets the requirements in subsections (2)(b) and (3) of this section. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Hold a master's or doctor's degree in physics, medical physics, other physical science, engineering, or applied mathematics from an accredited college or university;
(b) Have two years of full-time practical training and/or supervised experience in medical physics:
(i) Under the supervision of a medical physicist who is certified in medical physics by a specialty board recognized by the commission or an agreement state; or
(ii) In clinical radiation facilities providing high energy, external beam therapy (photons and electrons with energies greater than or equal to one million electron volts) and brachytherapy services under the direction of physicians who meet the requirements for authorized users in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-278 or 246-240-399;
(c) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which assesses knowledge and competence in clinical radiation therapy, radiation safety, calibration, quality assurance, and treatment planning for external beam therapy, brachytherapy, and stereotactic radiosurgery; or
(2)(a) Holds a master's or doctor's degree in physics, medical physics, other physical science, engineering, or applied mathematics from an accredited college or university; and has completed one year of full-time training in medical physics and an additional year of full-time work experience under the supervision of an individual who meets the requirements for an authorized medical physicist for the type(s) of use modalities for which the individual is seeking authorization. This training and work experience must be conducted in clinical radiation facilities that provide high energy, external beam therapy and brachytherapy services and must include:
(i) Performing sealed source leak tests and inventories;
(ii) Performing decay corrections;
(iii) Performing full calibration and periodic spot checks of external beam treatment units, stereotactic radiosurgery units, and remote afterloading units as applicable; and
(iv) Conducting radiation surveys around external beam treatment units, stereotactic radiosurgery units, and remote afterloading units as applicable; and
(b) Has obtained written certification under oath that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsections (1)(a) and (b) and (3), or (2)(a) and (3) of this section, and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized medical physicist for each type of therapeutic medical unit for which the individual is requesting authorized medical physicist status. The written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor authorized medical physicist who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-072, 246-240-078, or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements for an authorized medical physicist for each type of therapeutic medical unit for which the individual is requesting authorized medical physicist status; and
(3) Has training for the type(s) of use in the modalities for which authorization is sought that includes hands-on device operation, safety procedures, clinical use, and the operation of a treatment planning system. This training requirement may be satisfied by satisfactorily completing either a training program provided by the vendor or by training supervised by an authorized medical physicist authorized for the type(s) of use for which the individual is seeking authorization.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-072, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-072, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state and who meets the requirements in subsection (2)(b) of this section. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Have graduated from a pharmacy program accredited by the American Council On Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) or have passed the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC) examination;
(b) Hold a current, active license to practice pharmacy;
(c) Provide evidence of having acquired at least four thousand hours of training/experience in nuclear pharmacy practice. Academic training may be substituted for no more than two thousand hours of the required training and experience; and
(d) Pass an examination in nuclear pharmacy administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which assesses knowledge and competency in procurement, compounding, quality assurance, dispensing, distribution, health and safety, radiation safety, provision of information and consultation, monitoring patient outcomes, research and development; or
(2)(a) Has completed two hundred hours in a structured educational program consisting of both:
(i) Didactic training in the following areas:
(A) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(B) Radiation protection;
(C) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(D) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and
(E) Radiation biology; and
(ii) Supervised practical experience in a nuclear pharmacy involving:
(A) Shipping, receiving, and performing related radiation surveys;
(B) Using and performing checks for proper operation of instruments used to determine the activity of dosages, survey meters, and, if appropriate, instruments used to measure alpha-or beta-emitting radionuclides;
(C) Calculating, assaying, and safely preparing dosages for patients or human research subjects;
(D) Using administrative controls to avoid medical events in the administration of radioactive material; and
(E) Using procedures to prevent or minimize radioactive contamination and using proper decontamination procedures; and
(b) Has obtained written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor authorized nuclear pharmacist, that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsections (1)(a), (b), and (c) or (2)(a) of this section and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized nuclear pharmacist.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 06-05-019, § 246-240-075, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(2) Physicians, dentists, or podiatrists identified as authorized users for the medical use of radioactive material on a license issued by the department or agreement state, or U.S. NRC broad scope license, or license issued before October 24, 2006, who perform only those medical uses for which they were authorized on that date need not comply with the training requirements of WAC 246-240-151 and 246-240-399.
(3) Individuals who need not comply with training requirements as described in this section may serve as preceptors for, and supervisors of, applicants seeking authorization on state of Washington radioactive materials licenses for the same uses for which these individuals are authorized.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 06-05-019, § 246-240-078, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state and who meets the requirements of subsection (3)(b) of this section. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. NRC or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Meet the requirements in subsection (3)(a) of this section; and
(b) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which assesses knowledge and competence in radiation safety, radionuclide handling, and quality control; or
(2) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-163 or 246-240-210 or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements; or subsection (3)(a) of this section; or
(3)(a) Has completed sixty hours of training and experience, including a minimum of eight hours of classroom and laboratory training, in basic radionuclide handling techniques applicable to the medical use of unsealed radioactive material for uptake, dilution, and excretion studies. The training and experience must include:
(i) Classroom and laboratory training in the following areas:
(A) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(B) Radiation protection;
(C) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(D) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and
(E) Radiation biology; and
(ii) Work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-154, 246-240-163, or 246-240-210 or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements, involving:
(A) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;
(B) Performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;
(C) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;
(D) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of unsealed radioactive material;
(E) Using procedures to contain spilled radioactive material safely and using proper decontamination procedures; and
(F) Administering dosages of radioactive drugs to patients or human research subjects; and
(b) Has obtained written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-154, 246-240-163, or 246-240-210, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements, that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in (a) of this subsection and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for the medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-151.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-154, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-154, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state and who meets the requirements in subsection (3)(b) of this section. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the U.S. NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Satisfy the requirements in subsection (3)(a) of this section; and
(b) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which assesses knowledge and competence in radiation safety, radionuclide handling, and quality control; or
(2) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-210 and meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-163 (3)(a)(ii)(G) and 246-240-210 or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements; or
(3)(a) Has completed seven hundred hours of training and experience, including a minimum of eighty hours of classroom and laboratory training, in basic radionuclide handling techniques applicable to the medical use of unsealed radioactive material for imaging and localization studies. The training and experience must include, at a minimum:
(i) Classroom and laboratory training in the following areas:
(A) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(B) Radiation protection;
(C) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(D) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use;
(E) Radiation biology; and
(ii) Work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user, who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-163, or 246-240-210 and 246-240-163 (3)(a)(ii)(G), or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements, involving:
(A) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;
(B) Performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;
(C) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;
(D) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of unsealed radioactive material;
(E) Using procedures to safely contain spilled radioactive material and using proper decontamination procedures;
(F) Administering dosages of radioactive drugs to patients or human research subjects; and
(G) Eluting generator systems appropriate for preparation of radioactive drugs for imaging and localization studies, measuring and testing the eluate for radionuclidic purity, and processing the eluate with reagent kits to prepare labeled radioactive drugs; and
(b) Has obtained written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-163, or 246-240-210 and 246-240-163 (3)(a)(ii)(G) or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements, that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in (a) of this subsection and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for the medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-151 and 246-240-157.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-163, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-163, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Successfully complete a residency training in a radiation therapy or nuclear medicine training program or a program in a related medical specialty that includes seven hundred hours of training and experience as described in subsection (2) of this section. Eligible training programs must be approved by the Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Committee on Postgraduate Training of the American Osteopathic Association;
(b) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which tests knowledge and competence in radiation safety, radionuclide handling, quality assurance, and clinical use of unsealed by-product material; and
(c) Obtain written certification under oath that the individual has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for the medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-201. The written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements. The preceptor authorized user, who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078 or 246-240-210 must have experience in administering dosages in the same dosage category or categories (i.e., this section) as the individual requesting authorized user status; or
(2) Has completed seven hundred hours of training and experience, including a minimum of two hundred hours of classroom and laboratory training, in basic radionuclide handling techniques applicable to the medical use of unsealed radioactive material requiring a written directive. The training and experience must include:
(a) Classroom and laboratory training in the following areas:
(i) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(ii) Radiation protection;
(iii) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(iv) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and
(v) Radiation biology; and
(b) Work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in subsection (1) or (2) of this section, or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements. A supervising authorized user, who meets the requirements in this subsection, must also have experience in administering dosages in the same dosage category or categories (i.e., this section) as the individual requesting authorized user status. The work experience must involve:
(i) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;
(ii) Performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;
(iii) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;
(iv) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of unsealed radioactive material;
(v) Using procedures to contain spilled radioactive material safely and using proper decontamination procedures;
(vi) Eluting generator systems, measuring and testing the eluate for radionuclidic purity, and processing the eluate with reagent kits to prepare labeled radioactive drugs; and
(vii) Administering dosages of radioactive drugs to patients or human research subjects involving a minimum of three cases in each of the following categories for which the individual is requesting authorized user status:
(A) Oral administration of less than or equal to 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries) of sodium iodide I-131 for which a written directive is required;
(B) Oral administration of greater than 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries) of sodium iodide I-131. Experience with at least three cases in this also satisfies the requirement in (b)(vii)(A) of this subsection;
(C) Parenteral administration of any beta emitter, or a photon-emitting radionuclide with a photon energy less than 150 keV for which a written directive is required; and/or
(D) Parenteral administration of any other radionuclide for which a written directive is required; and
(E) Has obtained written certification under oath that
the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements
in subsection (1)(a) and (((b))) (2)(b)(vii) of this section,
WAC 246-240-078, and has achieved a level of competency
sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for
the medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-201. The
written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor
authorized user who meets the requirements in this section, or
equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements. The
preceptor authorized user, who meets the requirements in this
subsection (2), must also have experience in administering
dosages in the same dosage category or categories (i.e., this
section) as the individual requesting authorized user status.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-210, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-210, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process includes all of the requirements in subsection (3) of this section and whose certification has been recognized by the department, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at; or
(2) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-210 for uses listed in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(A) and (B), 246-240-216, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements; or
(3)(a) Has successfully completed eighty hours of classroom and laboratory training, applicable to the medical use of sodium iodide I-131 for procedures requiring a written directive. The training must include:
(i) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(ii) Radiation protection;
(iii) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(iv) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and
(v) Radiation biology; and
(b) Has work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, 246-240-213, 246-240-216, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements. A supervising authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-210(2), must also have experience in administering dosages as specified in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(A) or (B). The work experience must involve:
(i) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;
(ii) Performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;
(iii) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;
(iv) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of radioactive material;
(v) Using procedures to contain spilled radioactive material safely and using proper decontamination procedures; and
(vi) Administering dosages to patients or human research subjects, that includes at least three cases involving the oral administration of less than or equal to 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries) of sodium iodide I-131; and
(c) Has obtained written certification under oath that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in (a) and (b) of this subsection and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-201. The written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, 246-240-213, 246-240-216, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements. A preceptor authorized user, who meets the requirement in WAC 246-240-210(2), must also have experience in administering dosages as specified in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(A) or (B).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-213, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-213, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process includes all of the requirements in subsection (3) of this section and whose certification has been recognized by the department, the U.S. NRC or an agreement state. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at; or
(2) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-210 for uses listed in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(B), or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements; or
(3)(a) Has successfully completed eighty hours of classroom and laboratory training, applicable to the medical use of sodium iodide I-131 for procedures requiring a written directive. The training must include:
(i) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(ii) Radiation protection;
(iii) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(iv) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and
(v) Radiation biology; and
(b) Has work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, 246-240-216, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements. A supervising authorized user, who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-210(2), must also have experience in administering dosages as specified in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(B).
The work experience must involve:
(i) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;
(ii) Performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;
(iii) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;
(iv) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of radioactive material;
(v) Using procedures to contain spilled radioactive material safely and using proper decontamination procedures; and
(vi) Administering dosages to patients or human research subjects, that includes at least three cases involving the oral administration of greater than 1.22 gigabecquerels (33 millicuries) of sodium iodide I-131; and
(c) Has obtained written certification under oath that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in (a) and (b) of this subsection and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-201. The written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, 246-240-216, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements. A preceptor authorized user, who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-210(2), must have experience in administering dosages as specified in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(B).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-216, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-216, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-210 for uses listed in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(C) or (D), or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements; or
(2) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-278 or 246-240-399, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements and who meets the requirements in subsection (4) of this section; or
(3) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the U.S. NRC or an agreement state under WAC 246-240-278 or 246-240-399, and who meets the requirements in subsection (4) of this section.
(4)(a) Has successfully completed eighty hours of classroom and laboratory training, applicable to parenteral administrations, for which a written directive is required, of any beta emitter or any photon-emitting radionuclide with a photon energy less than 150 keV, and/or parenteral administration of any other radionuclide for which a written directive is required. The training must include:
(i) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(ii) Radiation protection;
(iii) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(iv) Chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and
(v) Radiation biology; and
(b) Has work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, 246-240-219, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements, in the parenteral administration, for which a written directive is required, of any beta emitter or any photon-emitting radionuclide with a photon energy less than 150 keV, and/or parenteral administration of any other radionuclide for which a written directive is required. A supervising authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-210 must have experience in administering dosages as specified in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(C) and/or (D). The work experience must involve:
(i) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely, and performing the related radiation surveys;
(ii) Performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages, and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;
(iii) Calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;
(iv) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of unsealed radioactive material;
(v) Using procedures to contain spilled radioactive material safely, and using proper decontamination procedures; and
(vi) Administering dosages to patients or human research subjects, that include at least three cases involving the parenteral administration, for which a written directive is required, of any beta emitter, or any photon-emitting radionuclide with a photon energy less than 150 keV and/or at least three cases involving the parenteral administration of any other radionuclide, for which a written directive is required; and
(5) Has obtained written certification under oath that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsection (2) or (3) of this section, and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user for the parenteral administration of unsealed radioactive material requiring a written directive. The written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-210, 246-240-219, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements. A preceptor authorized user, who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-210, must have experience in administering dosages as specified in WAC 246-240-210 (2)(b)(vii)(C) and/or (D).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-219, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-219, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. NRC, or an agreement state. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the commission or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Successfully complete a minimum of three years of residency training in a radiation oncology program approved by the Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Committee on Postgraduate Training of the American Osteopathic Association;
(b) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which tests knowledge and competence in radiation safety, radionuclide handling, treatment planning, quality assurance, and clinical use of high and low dose-rate brachytherapy; and
(c) Obtain written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-278 or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements, that the individual has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user of manual brachytherapy sources for the medical uses authorized in WAC 246-240-251; or
(2)(a) Has completed a structured educational program in basic radionuclide handling techniques applicable to the use of manual brachytherapy sources that includes:
(i) Two hundred hours of classroom and laboratory training in the following areas:
(A) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(B) Radiation protection;
(C) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity; and
(D) Radiation biology; and
(ii) Five hundred hours of work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-278 or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements at a medical institution, involving:
(A) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;
(B) Checking survey meters for proper operation;
(C) Preparing, implanting, and removing brachytherapy sources;
(D) Maintaining running inventories of material on hand;
(E) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of radioactive material;
(F) Using emergency procedures to control radioactive material; and
(b) Has completed three years of supervised clinical experience in radiation oncology, under an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-278 or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements, as part of a formal training program approved by the Residency Review Committee for Radiation Oncology of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Committee on Postdoctoral Training of the American Osteopathic Association. This experience may be obtained concurrently with the supervised work experience required by (a)(ii) of this subsection; and
(c) Has obtained written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-278 or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements, that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsection (1)(a) of this section, or (a) and (b) of this subsection and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user of manual brachytherapy sources for the medical uses authorized under WAC 246-240-251.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-278, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-278, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is an authorized user under WAC 246-240-278 or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements; or
(2)(a) Has completed twenty-four hours of classroom and laboratory training applicable to the medical use of strontium-90 for ophthalmic radiotherapy. The training must include:
(i) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(ii) Radiation protection;
(iii) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity; and
(iv) Radiation biology; and
(b) Supervised clinical training in ophthalmic radiotherapy under the supervision of an authorized user at a medical institution that includes the use of strontium-90 for the ophthalmic treatment of five individuals.
This supervised clinical training must involve:
(i) Examination of each individual to be treated;
(ii) Calculation of the dose to be administered;
(iii) Administration of the dose; and
(iv) Follow up and review of each individual's case history; and
(c) Has obtained written certification under oath, signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-278, 246-240-281, or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements, that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsections (1) and (2) of this section and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user of strontium-90 for ophthalmic use.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 06-05-019, § 246-240-281, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]
(1) Is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the U.S. NRC, or an agreement state. (Specialty boards whose certification process has been recognized by the NRC or an agreement state will be posted on the NRC's web page at To be recognized, a specialty board shall require all candidates for certification to:
(a) Successfully complete a minimum of three years of residency training in a radiation therapy program approved by the Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Committee on Postgraduate Training of the American Osteopathic Association; and
(b) Pass an examination, administered by diplomates of the specialty board, which tests knowledge and competence in radiation safety, radionuclide handling, treatment planning, quality assurance, and clinical use of stereotactic radiosurgery, high and low dose-rate brachytherapy, and external beam therapy; or
(2)(a) Has completed a structured educational program in basic radionuclide techniques applicable to the use of a sealed source in a therapeutic medical unit that includes:
(i) Two hundred hours of classroom and laboratory training in the following areas:
(A) Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(B) Radiation protection;
(C) Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity; and
(D) Radiation biology; and
(ii) Five hundred hours of work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-399 or equivalent agreement state or U.S. NRC requirements at a medical institution, involving:
(A) Reviewing full calibration measurements and periodic spot-checks;
(B) Preparing treatment plans and calculating treatment doses and times;
(C) Using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of radioactive material;
(D) Implementing emergency procedures to be followed in the event of the abnormal operation of the medical unit or console;
(E) Checking and using survey meters; and
(F) Selecting the proper dose and how it is to be administered; and
(b) Has completed three years of supervised clinical experience in radiation therapy, under an authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-399 or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements, as part of a formal training program approved by the Residency Review Committee for Radiation Oncology of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Committee on Postdoctoral Training of the American Osteopathic Association. This experience may be obtained concurrently with the supervised work experience required by (a)(ii) of this subsection; and
(c) Has obtained written certification under oath that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements in subsection (1)(a) of this section, or (a) and (b), and (d) of this subsection and has achieved a level of competency sufficient to function independently as an authorized user of each type of therapeutic medical unit for which the individual is requesting authorized user status. The written certification under oath must be signed by a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in WAC 246-240-078, 246-240-399 or equivalent U.S. NRC or agreement state requirements for an authorized user for each type of therapeutic medical unit for which the individual is requesting authorized user status; and
(d) Has received training in device operation, safety procedures, and clinical use for the type(s) of use for which authorization is sought. This training requirement may be satisfied by satisfactory completion of a training program provided by the vendor for new users or by receiving training supervised by an authorized user or authorized medical physicist, as appropriate, who is authorized for the type(s) of use for which the individual is seeking authorization.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.98.050. 07-14-131, § 246-240-399, filed 7/3/07, effective 8/3/07; 06-05-019, § 246-240-399, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06.]