Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: WAC 232-12-424 Public conduct on lands under cooperative agreement with the department -- Unlawful acts.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The department is recommending creation of a new WAC that will regulate public conduct on lands under cooperative agreement. Examples of regulated activities include violating posted safety zones, quality hunting site rules, and driving vehicles in areas that have been posted closed to motorized vehicle travel. The new rule will allow enforcement of private lands access rules that are mutually agreed to by the landowner and the department.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: When the fish and wildlife commission adopted chapter 232-13 WAC, the definition of "department land" was modified to exclude private lands. While this change was necessary to effectively implement chapter 232-13 WAC, the unintended consequence was that the department lost its ability to enforce public access and conduct on private lands under agreement. As a result, a new rule addressing the use of private lands under agreement is needed.
WAC 232-28-273 2009-2011 Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons and permit quotas.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The proposed WAC amends seasons for moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat. Winter surveys indicate moose populations are stable. The department recommends minor permit level adjustments in two moose hunt areas based on recent survey results. All bighorn sheep populations that currently are hunted either meet or exceed population objectives. The department recommends minor permit level changes (from 41 to 48) based on the population thresholds in the game management plan (2008). Mountain goat populations are stable in all hunted populations. Changes in permit levels are based on annual survey counts and tend to be conservative given the sensitivity of goats to overharvesting. The department recommends status quo permit levels in all areas, except reducing the permit level from 5 to 3 in the Goat Rocks-Tieton River population management unit due to recent survey counts.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Permit level changes are based on the population thresholds in the 2009-2015 Game management plan.
WAC 232-28-295 Landowner hunting permits.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The landowner hunting permit (LHP) program is designed to increase hunter access to private lands and to help some landowners address long-standing elk damage issues. The department recommends adding one new LHP cooperator in Asotin County - Grande Ronde Vista. The Grande Ronde Vista LHP is a consortium of landowners that includes the owner of a previous LHP, the 4-O Ranch.
Proposed deer and elk hunting on the Grande Ronde Vista LHP include:
Landowner permits: Seven deer permits (three point minimum) and twenty-three elk permits (eleven bull and twelve antlerless).
Public Special Permits: Three 3-pt minimum deer permits, six youth only antlerless deer permits, six bull elk permits, and twenty antlerless only elk permits.
The split of landowner and public deer and elk hunting opportunity is within the guidelines established in Commission Policy C6002.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: This proposal increases public deer and elk hunting access to private land in Asotin County.
WAC 232-28-331 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region one.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Game management units are used to help distribute hunters and manage segments of deer and elk populations. This proposal will clarify game management unit boundaries for hunters and reduce space required for publicizing the rules, thereby reducing expenditures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Simplifies and clarifies unit boundaries for deer and elk hunting.
WAC 232-28-332 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region two.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Game management units are used to help distribute hunters and manage segments of deer and elk populations. This proposal will clarify game management unit boundaries for hunters and reduce space required for publicizing the rules, thereby reducing expenditures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Simplifies and clarifies unit boundaries for deer and elk hunting.
WAC 232-28-333 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region three.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Game management units are used to help distribute hunters and manage segments of deer and elk populations. This proposal will clarify game management unit boundaries for hunters and reduce space required for publicizing the rules, thereby reducing expenditures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Simplifies and clarifies unit boundaries for deer and elk hunting.
WAC 232-28-334 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region four.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Game management units are used to help distribute hunters and manage segments of deer and elk populations. This proposal will clarify game management unit boundaries for hunters and reduce space required for publicizing the rules, thereby reducing expenditures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Simplifies and clarifies unit boundaries for deer and elk hunting.
WAC 232-28-335 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region five.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Game management units are used to help distribute hunters and manage segments of deer and elk populations. This proposal will clarify game management unit boundaries for hunters and reduce space required for publicizing the rules, thereby reducing expenditures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Simplifies and clarifies unit boundaries for deer and elk hunting.
WAC 232-28-336 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions -- Region six.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Game management units are used to help distribute hunters and manage segments of deer and elk populations. This proposal will clarify game management unit boundaries for hunters and reduce space required for publicizing the rules, thereby reducing expenditures.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Simplifies and clarifies unit boundaries for deer and elk hunting.
WAC 232-28-337 Deer and elk area descriptions.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Boundary adjustments are being proposed to better address current deer and elk damage issues.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposed rule amendment provides the means to reduce wildlife damage issues and direct deer and elk damage hunts by adjusting elk area boundaries.
WAC 232-28-351 2009-2011 Deer general seasons and definitions.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: This is the third year of the 2009-11 hunting season "rule-package" and as such, few changes are recommended. Changes during "off-years" are mainly to address crop and property damage problems; changes in population levels due to environmental conditions or disease outbreaks; and to balance harvest levels with established population objectives.
The major issue and purpose for recommending changes to the deer general season rules are to address the white-tailed deer declines in northeast Washington caused by the harsh winters of 2008 and 2009. The commission is being asked to consider:
• Reducing the archery antlerless opportunity during
the late season in northeast Washington to address
the decline and hasten population expansion;
• Retaining a four day youth, senior, and hunters with disability antlerless white-tail season in northeast Washington to maintain some limited antlerless opportunity for these hunters; and
• Reconsidering a four point white-tailed deer antler restriction for GMUs 117 and 121. The Steven's County Commissioners and the Steven's County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee formally petitioned the fish and wildlife commission to adopt a four point antler restriction for GMUs 117 and 121. It is their belief that an antler point restriction would hasten population expansion and improve the general health of the deer population.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposal provides
general season hunting opportunity for deer consistent with
population and harvest objectives while addressing property
damage concerns.
WAC 232-28-355 2010 Deer special permits.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: This is the third year of the 2009-11 hunting season "rule-package" and as such, few changes are recommended. Changes during "off-years" are mainly to address crop and property damage problems; changes in population levels due to environmental conditions or disease outbreaks; and to balance harvest levels with established population objectives.
The major changes in the recommended deer permit levels are to address:
• Calendar date adjustments;
• White-tailed deer declines in northeast Washington GMUs 101-121;
• Mitigation of property damage situations;
• Add some quality mule deer permits in northeast Washington GMUs; and
• Add antlerless deer permits in the Mission and Satsop GMUs (251 and 651) consistent with population objectives for those areas.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposal provides
special hunting permit opportunity for deer and elk consistent
with population and harvest objectives while addressing
property damage concerns.
WAC 232-28-356 2010 Elk special permits.
Purpose of the Proposal and its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: This is the third year of the 2009-11 hunting season "rule-package" and as such, few changes are recommended. Changes during "off-years" are mainly to address crop and property damage problems; changes in population levels due to environmental conditions or disease outbreaks; and to balance harvest levels with established population objectives.
The major changes in the recommended elk permit levels are to address:
• Calendar date adjustments;
• Mitigation of property damage situations;
• Increase bull permits in the Blue Mountains consistent with population objectives; and
• Provide additional antlerless elk permits for senior hunters.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposal provides
special hunting permit opportunity for deer and elk consistent
with population and harvest objectives while addressing
property damage concerns.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: [New section] WAC 232-13-160; and amending WAC 232-28-273, 232-28-295, 232-28-331, 232-28-332, 232-28-333, 232-28-334, 232-28-335, 232-28-336, 232-28-337, 232-28-351, 232-28-355, and 232-28-356.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.047.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 11-03-089 on January 19, 2011.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version:
WAC 232-12-424 Public conduct on lands under cooperative agreement with the department -- Unlawful acts.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• WAC 232-12-424 was changed to WAC 232-13-160 so
public conduct rules on department owned and
controlled lands are within the same chapter.
• The WAC title "Public conduct on lands under cooperative agreement with the department -- Unlawful acts" was changed to "Public conduct on private lands under cooperative agreement with the department -- Unlawful acts," to clarify that the lands affected by the rule are private.
• Subsection (4) was amended to read "For purposes of this section," to clarify that the definition relates to all of WAC 232-13-160, not a subsection of the rule.
WAC 232-28-273 Moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat
seasons and permit quotas.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• In the bighorn sheep hunt table, the "Tieton C" line
was deleted from the table. The reason for this
change was because the ram counts during recent
surveys were lower than expected.
• In the bighorn sheep hunt table, on the "Selah Butte A" line, the name of the hunt was changed to "Selah Butte," and the season was changed to Nov. 7 - 30, and the permit level was changed to 4. Lamb recruitment dropped to near zero following the disease die-off, and the recruitment of new rams will be slower than hoped. The shift in dates better aligns the season with the timeframe in which the bighorns are more likely to be near private property, and therefore, helps to prevent damage.
• In the bighorn sheep hunt table, on the "Umtanum" line, the permit level was changed to 4. The reason for this change was because lamb recruitment dropped to near zero following the disease die-off, and the recruitment of new rams will be slower than hoped.
WAC 232-28-295 Landowner hunting permits.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• Under Grande Ronde Vista Landowner Hunting Permits:
The access season dates for the Grande Ronde Vista
East A elk hunt were changed from Sept. 27-30 to
Sept. 19-22. The access season dates for the Grande
Ronde Vista West B elk hunt were changed from Nov.
19-22 to Sept. 23-26.
These changes were a result of ongoing negotiations with representatives from the Grand [Grande] Ronde Vista landowner cooperative. The changes addressed their concerns for quality hunting opportunities for bull elk.
• Under Grande Ronde Vista Special Hunting Permits: The access season dates for the Grande Ronde Vista West A elk hunt were changed from Sept. 15-18 to Sept. 27-30. The access season dates for the Grande Ronde Vista West B elk hunt were changed from Sept. 23-26 to Oct. 1-4. These changes were a result of ongoing negotiations with representatives from the Grand [Grande] Ronde Vista landowner cooperative. The changes addressed their concerns for quality hunting opportunities for bull elk.
WAC 232-28-331 Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region one.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference: None.
WAC 232-28-332 Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region two.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference: None.
WAC 232-28-333 Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region three.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• A number of changes were made to the Game Management
Unit (GMUs) boundary descriptions to provide better
descriptions of the GMUs. The changes reflect
standardized conventions for abbreviations and road
names; new road or place names that have changed
over time; replacement of boundary landmarks that
have become impossible to discern; and adaptation to
landscape features that have changed (e.g.,
landslides, new roads). These changes provide
clearer description language for GMU boundaries.
The new language has been confirmed by regional
staff and will be more readily discernible for
hunters on the ground.
• For Game Management Unit (GMU) 346 Little Naches, the following language was proposed. These changes correct an error in the boundary language that excluded a portion of land between the GMU boundary and the National Park boundary that should have been in the GMU.
GMU 346-LITTLE NACHES (Yakima and Kittitas counties):
Beginning at US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1388 and ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National
Scenic Trail) ((at Blowout Mountain)); SE on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1388 and Manastash Ridge to the end of USFS
Rd 1388; SE on Manastash Ridge to ((US Forest Service Trail
4W306; SE on US Forest Service Trail 4W306 to US Forest
Service Trail 1388; SE on US Forest Service Trail 1388 to US
Forest Service Trail 4W307; SE on US Forest Service Trail
4W307 to US Forest Service)) USFS Trail ((4W)) 694; E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail ((4W)) 694 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1701 (((T17N, R15E, NW 1/4 of Section 12)));
S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1701 to State Route (SR)
410; NW and SW on SR 410 to ((US Forest Service Trail 2000
(Pacific Crest Trail))) Mount Rainier National Park boundary
near Chinook Pass; N on ((US Forest Service)) the National
Park boundary to the Pierce-Yakima county line (Cascades
Mountain Range Crest) in T17N, R10E, Sec 35; NE on the
Pierce-Yakima county line to USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest
Trail) to US Forest Service)) in T17N, R10E, Sec 36; N on USFS
Trail 2000 to USFS Rd 1388 ((at Blowout Mountain)) and the
point of beginning.
• For Game Management Unit (GMU) 356 Bumping, the
following language was proposed. This change
corrects an error in the boundary language that
excluded a portion of land between the GMU boundary
and the National Park boundary that should have been
in the GMU.
GMU 356-BUMPING (Yakima County):
Beginning ((on US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest Trail) and SR)) at the Mount Rainier National Park
boundary and State Route (SR) 410 at Chinook Pass; NE on SR
410 to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1800 (Bumping Lake Rd); SW
on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1800 (((Bumping Lake
Rd))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 973 (Richmond Mine
((Rd)) Trail); SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 973
(((Richmond Mine Rd))) to the north fork of Rattlesnake Creek;
SE down the north fork of Rattlesnake Creek to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1502 (McDaniel Lake Rd); SE on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1502 (((McDaniel Lake Rd))) to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1500; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
1500 to US Hwy (US) 12; W on US ((Hwy)) 12 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic
Trail) at White Pass; N on the ((US Forest Service Trail 2000
(Pacific Crest Trail))) USFS Trail 2000 to the Mount Rainier
National Park boundary in T15N, R11E, Sec 20; N on the
National Park boundary to SR 410 at Chinook Pass and the point
of beginning. (((Lands within the boundary of Mt. Rainier
National Park along the Pacific Crest Trail are not open to
WAC 232-28-334 Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region four.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference: None.
WAC 232-28-335 Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region five.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• The boundary for GMU 568 Washougal was changed to:
GMU 568-WASHOUGAL (Clark and Skamania counties):
Beginning on the Lewis River at State Route (SR) 503; E
on Lewis River (Cowlitz-Clark County line) to Canyon Creek; SE
((along)) up Canyon Creek to ((N.E.)) NE Healy Rd; E on
((N.E.)) NE Healy Rd to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 54; E on
USFS Rd 54 to ((US Forest Service Rd 54 to US Forest Service
Rd 37; NW on US Forest Service Rd 37 to US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 53; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 53 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4205 (((Gumboat)) Gumboot Rd); S on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4205 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 42 (Green Fork Rd); SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 42 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 41 at Sunset Falls; E
on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 41 to Hemlock Rd; E on
Hemlock Rd to the Hemlock Rd bridge over the Wind River; SE
down the Wind River to the Columbia River; W down the Columbia
River to the Cape Horn Rd (including all islands in the
Columbia River which are both on the Washington side of the
state line and between Cape Horn Rd and the Wind River); N on
Cape Horn Rd to SR 14; W on SR 14 to Salmon Falls Rd; N on
Salmon Falls Rd to Canyon Creek Rd; NW on Canyon Creek Rd to
Washougal River Rd; E on Washougal River Rd to Skye Rd; NW on
Skye Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 39th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 39th St ((to
N.E.)) which turns into NE Miller Rd; SW on ((N.E.)) NE Miller
Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 28th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 28th St to
((N.E.)) NE 392nd Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 392nd Ave ((to N.E.))
which turns into NE Hughes Rd; S on ((N.E.)) NE Hughes Rd
approximately 1/8((th)) mile to the power transmission lines;
W along the northern margin of the power transmission lines to
((N.E.)) NE Ammeter Rd; SW on ((N.E.)) NE Ammeter Rd ((to
N.E.)) which turns into NE 322nd Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 322nd
Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 9th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 9th St to ((N.E.))
NE 312th Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 312th Ave ((to N.E.)) which
turns into NE 10th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 10th St ((to N.E.))
which turns into NE Zeek Rd; W on ((N.E.)) NE Zeek Rd to
((N.E.)) NE Blair Rd; NW on ((N.E.)) NE Blair Rd to ((N.E.))
NE Reilly Rd; NE on ((N.E.)) NE Reilly Rd ((to N.E.)) with
turns into NE 292nd Ave; ((NE)) E on ((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave to
((N.E.)) NE Stauffer Rd; NE then NW on ((N.E.)) NE Stauffer Rd
to ((N.E.)) NE Ireland Rd; W on ((N.E.)) NE Ireland Rd to
((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave to ((N.E.))
NE 53rd St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 53rd St ((to SR 500; NW on SR 500
to N.E.)) which turns into NE Bradford Rd then turns into NE
53rd St again to NE 237th Ave; N on 237th Ave to NE 232nd Ave;
N on ((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 68th St; W on
((N.E.)) NE 68th St to ((N.E.)) NE 217th Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE
217th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 83rd St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 83rd St to
((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave to NE 109th
St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 109th St to ((N.E.)) NE 212th Ave; N on
((N.E.)) NE 212th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Powell Rd; NE on ((N.E.))
NE Powell Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Rawson Rd; E on Rawson Rd to DNR
L-1400 Rd; E on DNR L-1400 Rd to DNR L-1410 Rd; NW on DNR
L-1410 Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Berry Rd; W then SW on ((N.E.)) NE
Berry Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 240th Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 240th Ave
((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 237th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE
237th St to ((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave
to ((N.E.)) NE Allworth Rd; W on ((N.E.)) NE Allworth Rd to
((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave; N on ((N.E.))) NE 222nd Ave ((to N.E.))
which turns into NE Cresap Rd((; NW on N.E. Cresap Rd to
N.E.)) which turns into NE 220th Ave((; N on N.E. 220th Ave))
to ((N.E.)) NE 259th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 259th St to ((N.E.))
NE 182nd Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 182nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 279th
St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 279th St to ((N.E.)) NE 197th Ave; N on
((N.E.)) NE 197th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Basket Flats Rd; E on
((N.E.)) NE Basket Flats Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Hantwick Rd; N then
NW on ((N.E.)) NE Hantwick Rd to Lucia Falls Rd; E on Lucia
Falls Rd to NE Railroad Ave; NW on NE Railroad Ave ((to
N.E.)), which turns into S Railroad Ave then N Railroad Ave in
the town of Yacolt, to W Yacolt Rd; W on W Yacolt Rd((; W on
N.E. Yacolt Rd)) to ((N.E.)) NE Amboy Rd; N on ((N.E.)) NE
Amboy Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 221st Ave; N on 221st Ave to SR 503;
NE along SR 503 to the Lewis River and point of beginning.
This change corrects clerical errors or omissions that occurred during the revision and improvement of the boundaries. Without these corrections the boundaries would be incomplete or incorrect.
• The boundary for GMU 574 Wind River was changed to:
GMU 574-WIND RIVER (Skamania and Klickitat counties):
Beginning at the town of Trout Lake; S on State Route
(SR) 141 to the SR 141 bridge over the White Salmon River
Bridge at Husum; S on the White Salmon River to the Columbia
River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of ((the)) Wind
River (including all islands in the Columbia River that are
both north of the Washington state line and between the White
Salmon River and ((the)) Wind River); NW up the Wind River to
the Hemlock Rd bridge ((over the Wind River)); E on Hemlock Rd
to ((the)) Wind River Rd; N on ((the)) Wind River Rd to
((the)) US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 6517 (Warren Gap Rd); E on
((the US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6517 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 65 (Panther Creek Rd); N on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 65 to ((US Forest Service Road 60)) USFS Rd
((24)) 60 (Carson-((Guler)) Gular Rd); NE on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 60 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 24 (also
called Carson-((Guler)) Gular Rd); E on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd ((24)) ((60)) 24 to SR 141; NE ((on SR 141)) on SR 141
to the town of Trout Lake((,)) and the point of beginning.
This change corrects clerical errors or omissions that occurred during the revision and improvement of the boundaries. Without these corrections the boundaries would be incomplete or incorrect.
WAC 232-28-336 Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region six.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference: None.
WAC 232-28-337 Deer and elk area descriptions.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• The boundary for Elk Area 6064 was changed to:
Elk Area No. 6064 Quinault Valley (Grays Harbor and Jefferson counties): That portion of GMU 638 (Quinault) within the Quinault River watershed east of Gatton Creek and Lake Quinault excluding US Forest Service (USFS) Colonel Bob Wilderness Area.
• This change retains the ability to implement a master hunter hunt in an elk area of checkerboard ownership of both private land and United States Forest Service land. Excluding the wilderness area eliminates land from the elk area that does not have safety issues and does not require master hunter participation to conduct a general season elk hunt. This change is a negotiated compromise between all of the involved stakeholders in the valley.
• The proposed change for Elk Area 5053 was deleted and the original boundary language listed below was restored:
Elk Area No. 5053 Randle (Lewis County): Beginning at the town of Randle and the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and State Route 131 (Forest Service 23 and 25 roads); south on State Route 131 to Forest Service 25 Road; south on Forest Service 25 Road to the Cispus River; west along the Cispus River to the Champion 300 line bridge; south and west on the Champion 300 line to the Champion Haul Road; north along the Champion Haul Road to Kosmos Road; north on Kosmos Road to U.S. Highway 12; east on U.S. Highway 12 to Randle and point of beginning. (All lands owned and managed by the Cowlitz Wildlife Area are excluded from this Elk Area.)
Additional discussion is needed with all of the vested
stakeholders before the new proposed boundary can be
implemented. The department will continue to work this issue
and revisit the topic for the upcoming 2012-2014 three-year
package process.
WAC 232-28-351 2009-2011 Deer general seasons and
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• All Option 2 hunts were removed from the rule, as
the fish and wildlife commission chose and adopted
Option 1 hunts. Additionally, for clarity, the term
"Option 1" was removed from all Option 1 hunts.
• Under Modern Firearm, Late General Season, Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer, Game Management Units (GMUs) 105 through 124: GMUs 117 and 121 were removed from this sequence to accommodate a 4 pt. min. restriction hunt in these GMUs. This corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
• Under Modern Firearm, Late General Season, Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer: White-tailed 4 pt. min., Nov. 5-19, for GMUs 117 and 121 was added. This corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
• Under Hunters 65 and Over, Disabled, or Youth General Season; Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer; Game Management Units (GMUs) 101-121: GMUs 117 and 121 were removed from this sequence to accommodate a 4 pt. min. or antlerless restriction hunt in these GMUs. This corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
• Under Hunters 65 and Over, Disabled, or Youth General Season; Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer: White-tailed 4 pt. min. or antlerless, Oct. 20-23, for GMUs 117 and 121 was added. This corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
• Under Early Archery General Deer Seasons: Add GMU 636 to Western Washington Black-tailed Deer, Sept. 1-23, 2 pt. min. or antlerless. This change corrects an error from 2010. All of the other deer seasons in 636 are either 2 pt. min. or 2 pt. min. and antlerless depending on the weapon type. This change makes them all consistent.
• Remove GMU 636 from Western Washington Black-tailed Deer, Sept. 1-18, any deer. This change corrects an error from 2010. All of the other deer seasons in 636 are either 2 pt. min. or 2 pt. min. and antlerless depending on the weapon type.
• Under Early Archery General Deer Seasons, Eastern Washington Mule Deer, Sept. 1-18: Delete GMUs 162, 166, and 169. This change removes a redundancy for these three GMUs which also correctly appear in the Sept. 1-23 time period.
• Under Late Archery General Deer Seasons, Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer: Change the starting date for GMUs 105, 108, 124, and 127 to Nov. 24. This change corrects an overlap with modern firearm special permits.
• Under Late Archery General Deer Seasons, Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer, Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121, white-tailed 4 pt. min.: Change the starting date to Nov. 24. This change corrects an overlap with modern firearm special permits.
• Under Late Muzzleloader General Deer Seasons, Western Washington, Black-tailed Deer: Delete GMU 651 from the split seasons of any buck and any deer, and add GMU 651 to the Nov. 24 to Dec. 15, any buck time period. This change corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
WAC 232-28-355 2010 Deer special permits.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• The date in the WAC title was changed to 2011 to
reflect the current year.
• Under Quality, Modern: The following White-tailed Buck hunts- Kelly Hill, Douglas, Aladdin, 49 Degrees North, and Huckleberry were changed from 3 pt. min. to Any buck in the Special Restrictions. This change corrects an omission filed with the code reviser.
• Under Quality, Modern: The Mt. Spokane White-tailed Buck hunts were changed from 3 pt. min. to Any buck in the Special Restrictions. This change corrects an omission filed with the code reviser.
• For the Mt. Spokane hunt, Modern: The dates were changed from Nov. 19-23 to Nov. 19-22. This change corrects an overlap between this modern firearm permit and a general archery season for elk.
• Under Quality:
o The Dayton, Modern ending date was changed from Nov. 27 to Nov. 23. This change avoids an overlap with muzzleloader special permits.
o The number of permits was changed for the following hunts:
▪ Chiwawa, Modern: 25 to 24.
▪ Slide Ridge, Modern: 10 to 9.
▪ Chiwawa, Archery: 14 to 13.
▪ Slide Ridge, Archery: 3 to 2.
▪ Desert, Archery: 18 to 20.
▪ Naneum, Archery: 7 to 8.
▪ Quilomene, Archery: 11 to 9.
▪ Teanaway, Archery: 14 to 13.
▪ L. T. Murray, Archery: 9 to 8.
▪ Quilomene, Muzzleloader: 2 to 3.
These changes reflect the allocation of special permits
for bulls between the three primary user groups.
• The Blue Mtns. Foothills, Muzzeloader [Muzzleloader]
start date was changed from Nov. 20 to Nov. 24.
This change avoids an overlap with modern firearm
special permits.
• For the Colfax hunt, 2nd deer, Modern, the permit number was changed from 75 to 125. This change is an attempt to address damage and nuisance complaints from citizens and town officials as well as concerns from enforcement staff.
• For the Colfax hunt, 2nd deer, Muzzleloader [Muzzeloader], the permit number was changed from 10 to 75. This change is an attempt to address damage and nuisance complaints from citizens and town officials as well as concerns from enforcement staff.
• Under Youth, Modern: Green River was changed from Any deer to Any buck. This change corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
• Under Hunters with Disabilities, Archery: West Klickitat was changed from 3 pt. min. or antlerless to antlerless. This change corrects an omission that was filed with the code reviser.
WAC 232-28-356 2010 Elk special permits.
Changes from the text of the proposed rule and reasons for difference:
• For the first Prescott hunt, eastern modern firearm
(EF), the date was changed from Sept. 21-25 to Sept.
20-23. This change corrects an overlap between this
modern firearm permit and both a general archery
season for deer and archery special permits for elk.
• For the first Peola hunt, eastern modern firearm (EF), the date was changed from Sept. 21-25 to Sept. 24-28. This change corrects an overlap between this modern firearm permit and a general archery season for deer.
• Under Quality:
o The date for Mission; Eastern Modern (EF) was changed from Sept. 20-24 to Sept. 19-23. This change avoids an overlap with muzzleloader deer season.
o The Green River bull hunt was changed from the Bull category to the Quality category, and the season dates were changed from Oct. 30-Nov. 5 to Nov. 12-18. After discussions with the Regional Manager the Quality category is a better fit for this hunt. Dates are negotiated annually with the landowner and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. The season date change is a result of that negotiated agreement.
o The number of permits was changed for the following hunts:
▪ Wenaha East; eastern modern firearm (EF); 13 to 16.
▪ Toutle; western modern firearm (WF); Nov. 5-15, 250 to 209.
▪ Prescott; eastern archery (EA); 6 to 2.
▪ Blue Creek; eastern archery (EA); 5 to 4.
▪ Dayton; eastern archery (EA); 8 to 7.
▪ Tucannon; eastern archery (EA); 9 to 7.
▪ Wenaha East; eastern archery (EA); 5 to 6.
▪ Mountain View; eastern archery (EA); 9 to 8.
▪ Peaches Ridge; eastern archery (EA); 74 to 81.
▪ Observatory; eastern archery (EA); 87 to 89.
▪ Goose Prairie; eastern archery (EA); 60 to 70.
▪ Bethel; eastern archery (EA); 18 to 25.
▪ Rimrock; eastern archery (EA); 98 to 85.
▪ Cowiche; eastern archery (EA); 12 to 11.
▪ Margaret; western archery (WA); 20 to 23.
▪ Toutle; western archery (WA); 175 to 124.
▪ Olympic; western archery (WA); 6 to 5.
▪ Prescott; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 2 to 1.
▪ Blue Creek; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 3 to 2.
▪ Dayton; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 4 to 3.
▪ Wenaha West; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 4 to 2.
▪ Wenaha East; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 3 to 2.
▪ Peaches Ridge; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 17 to 20.
▪ Observatory; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 16 to 17.
▪ Goose Prairie; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 10 to 13.
▪ Bethel; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 8 to 13.
▪ Margaret; western muzzleloader (WM); 15 to 13.
▪ Toutle; western muzzleloader (WM); 60 to 46.
These changes reflect the allocation of special permits
for bulls between the three primary user groups.
• Under Bulls:
o The Green River bull hunt was moved from the Bull category to the Quality category. After discussions with Regional Manager the Quality category is a better fit for this hunt.
o The number of permits was changed for the following hunts:
▪ Teanaway; eastern modern firearm (EF); 9 to 8.
▪ Peaches Ridge; eastern modern firearm (EF); 98 to 120.
▪ Observatory; eastern modern firearm (EF); 52 to 63.
▪ Goose Prairie; eastern modern firearm (EF); 55 to 77.
▪ Bethel; eastern modern firearm (EF); 31 to 61.
▪ Rimrock; eastern modern firearm (EF); 124 to 114.
▪ Teanaway; eastern archery (EA); 13 to 10.
▪ Skokomish; western archery (WA); 2 to 1.
▪ Teanaway; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 8 to 6.
▪ Skokomish; western muzzleloader (WM); 2 to 1.
▪ White River; western muzzleloader (WM); 4 to 3.
These changes reflect the allocation of special permits
for bulls between the three primary user groups.
• Under Antlerless:
o The number of permits was changed for the following hunts:
▪ Taneum; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 75 to 150.
▪ Manastash; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 100 to 250.
▪ Umtanum; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 100 to 200.
▪ Little Naches; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 75 to 150.
▪ Nile; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 10 to 5.
▪ Bumping; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 15 to 5.
▪ Bethel; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 10 to 5.
▪ Rimrock; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 50 to 200.
▪ Cowiche; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EF); 50 to 200.
▪ Taneum; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 75 to 100.
▪ Manastash; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 75 to 100.
▪ Umtanum; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 200 to 250.
▪ Nile; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 10 to 5.
▪ Bumping; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 25 to 5.
▪ Bethel; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 10 to 5.
▪ Cowiche; antlerless; eastern muzzleloader (EM); 100 to 200.
These changes are a response to recent surveys conducted
in mid-February.
• Under the Antlerless category, Blue Creek, EM
(eastern muzzleloader), Any, Dec. 9-Jan. 20,
Antlerless, GMU 154, the number of permits was
changed from 40 to 50. This change came as a result
of Region 1 wildlife and enforcement program staff
working with a landowner to address elk damage
issues. The change should reduce elk damage risk in
the Blue Creek Unit.
• Under Youth, Dungeness, the date was changed from Dec. 1-31 to Nov. 1-Dec. 31. The special restriction was changed from 3 pt. min. to Any elk. The boundary was changed to read Elk Area 6071, north of HWY 101. These changes address concerns expressed by the landowner and the hunt coordinator and have been coordinated with Enforcement staff.
• Under 65+ Senior:
o The name of the Northeast hunt was changed to Aladdin; Eastern Modern (EF); GMU 113 was deleted from the boundary, and the number of permits was changed from 10 to 5. These changes remove GMU 113 from an early season only opportunity and move it to an early and late season opportunity. The changes will help address potential damage issues identified by enforcement program.
o The name of the 49 Degrees North hunt was changed to Northeast; Eastern Modern (EF); GMU 113 was added to the boundary, and the number of permits was changed from 5 to 10. These changes remove GMU 113 from an early season only opportunity and move it to an early and late season opportunity. The changes will help address potential damage issues identified by enforcement program.
o The North Bend hunt was deleted for Western Modern, Western Muzzleloader, and Western Archery. This change reduces the potential for overharvest and reduces the total number of special permits which appear in other categories for this Elk Area, to 52 for the 2011 season.
o The Tri-Valley hunt was deleted for Western Modern, Western Muzzleloader, and Western Archery. As a result of further discussions between Wildlife Program and Enforcement Program, there is currently not a need for damage abatement in this Elk Area. This change removes the last of the special permits for this Elk Area for the 2011 season.
o The number of permits was changed for the following hunts:
▪ Taneum; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EM); Senior (65+); 5 to 15.
▪ Manastash; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EM); Senior (65+); 10 to 20.
▪ Umtanum; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EM); Senior (65+); 10 to 20.
▪ Cowiche; antlerless; eastern modern firearm (EM); Senior (65+); 5 to 15.
These changes are a response to recent surveys conducted
in mid-February.
• Under the Antlerless category, the following hunt
was deleted:
Randle | WM | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5053 | (( |
• Under the Youth category, the following hunt was
Randle | WM | Youth | Aug. 7-13 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5053 | 5 |
• Under the 65+ Senior category, the following hunt
was deleted:
Randle | WM | 65+ | Aug. 21-27 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5053 | 5 |
• Under the Master Hunter category, after the line
starting with "Turnbull," a new line was added as
Region 1 | EM | Master Hunter | Aug. 1 -March 31 | Antlerless | Designated areas in Region 1 | 20HC |
• Under the Master Hunter category, the following hunt
was deleted:
Randle | (( |
Master Hunter | Jan. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5053 | (( |
• Under the Master Hunter category, the following hunt
was deleted:
(( |
(( |
Master Hunter | Jan. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area
(( |
(( |
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 13, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: April 8, 2011.
Miranda Wecker, Chair
Fish and Wildlife Commission
WAC 232-13-160
Public conduct on private lands under
cooperative agreement with the department -- Unlawful acts.
It is unlawful to discharge firearms or archery equipment
within a posted safety zone on department controlled lands.
Violating this subsection is a misdemeanor, pursuant to RCW 77.15.230.
(2) It is unlawful to disobey posted notices or signs on department controlled lands. Violating this subsection is an infraction, pursuant to RCW 77.15.160.
(3) For purposes of this section, "department controlled lands" means land, water, and access areas, such as boat ramps and trail heads, which are privately owned and under cooperative agreement with the department.
(4) For purposes of this section, "under cooperative agreement with the department" means a legal, binding contract allowing public access to specified lands has been signed by the department and the landholder.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 10-94, filed 4/30/10,
effective 5/31/10)
WAC 232-28-273
2009-2011 Moose, bighorn sheep, and
mountain goat seasons and permit quotas.
It is unlawful to
fail to comply with the provisions of this section. A
violation of species, sex, size, number, area, season, or
eligibility requirements is punishable under RCW 77.15.410.
(1) Moose Permit Hunts
Who May Apply: Anyone may apply, EXCEPT those who harvested a
moose previously in Washington state. An individual may only
harvest one moose during their lifetime (except waived for
antlerless only hunts, master hunter hunts, and raffle and
auction hunts).
Bag Limit: One moose.
Weapon Restrictions: Permit holders may use any legal weapon.
Hunt Name |
Permit Season |
Permit Hunt Boundary Description |
Special Restrictions |
Permits | |
Kettle Range/East Okanogan | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 101, 105, 204 | Any Moose | (( |
Selkirk Mtns. A | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 113 | Any Moose | (( |
Selkirk Mtns. Bd | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 113 | Antlerless Only | 2 | |
Mt. Spokane A | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 124 east of Hwy 395 | Any Moose | 12 | |
Mt. Spokane B | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 124 east of Hwy 395 | Antlerless Only | 14 | |
Mt. SpokaneHC | Dec. 1 - Mar. 31 | GMUs 124, 127, and 130 within Spokane County | Antlerless Only | 20HC | |
Mt. Spokane Youth Onlya | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 124 east of Hwy 395 | Antlerless Only | 10 | |
49 Degrees North A | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 117 | Any Moose | 22 | |
49 Degrees North Bb | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 117 | Antlerless Only | 3 | |
49 Degrees North Cc | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 117 | Antlerless Only | 2 | |
49 Degrees North Youth Onlya | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMU 117 | Antlerless Only | 2 | |
Three Forks | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 108, 111 | Any Moose | 6 | |
Hangman A | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 127, 130 | Any Moose | 7 | |
Hangman B | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 127, 130 | Antlerless Only | 7 | |
Huckleberry Range A | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 121, 124 west of Hwy 395 | Any Moose | 6 | |
Huckleberry Range Bc | Oct. 1 - Nov. 30 | GMUs 121, 124 west of Hwy 395 | Antlerless Only | 2 |
bApplicants must possess a Disabled Hunter Permit.
cApplicants must be eligible to purchase a 65 years of age or older permit application.
dApplicants must be a certified hunter education instructor who meets program-defined eligibility criteria.
HCThis is a damage hunt administered by a WDFW designated hunt coordinator. Only master hunters may apply, and any weapon may be used. Successful applicants will be contacted on an as-needed basis to help with specific sites of nuisance moose activity in designated areas. Not all successful applicants will be contacted in any given year.
(2) Bighorn Sheep Permit Hunts
Who May Apply: Anyone may apply, EXCEPT those who harvested a
bighorn sheep previously in Washington state. An individual
may only harvest one bighorn sheep during their lifetime((.)) (except waived for raffle and auction hunts, and ewe only
Bag Limit: One bighorn ram (except in designated adult ewe
hunts, one bighorn adult ewe).
Hunt Name |
Permit Season |
Permit Hunt Boundary Description |
Special Restrictions |
Permits | |
Vulcan Mountain A | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 2 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Vulcan Mountain Ba | Oct. 1-10 | Sheep Unit 2 | Adult ewe only Any Legal Weapon |
(( |
(( |
Selah Butte (( |
(( |
Sheep Unit 4 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Umtanum | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 5 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Cleman Mountain A | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 7 | Any Legal Weapon | 3 | |
Cleman Mountain B | Nov. (( |
Sheep Unit 7 | Any Legal Weapon | 3 | |
Mt. Hull A | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 10 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Mt. Hull B | Oct. 1-10 | Sheep Unit 10 | Adult ewe only Any Legal Weapon |
(( |
Mt. Hull Cb | Oct. 1-10 | Sheep Unit 10 | Adult ewe only Any Legal Weapon |
1 | |
Lincoln Cliffs | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 12 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Quilomene | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 13 | Any Legal Weapon | 4 | |
Swakane | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 14 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Tieton A | Sept. 15 - (( |
Sheep Unit 15 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Tieton B | (( |
Sheep Unit 15 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Manson | Nov. (( |
Sheep Unit 16 | Any Legal Weapon | 2 | |
Asotin | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 17 | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
Chelan Butte | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 18 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Sinlahekin | Sept. 15 - Oct. 10 | Sheep Unit 19 | Any Legal Weapon | 1 |
bApplicants must be eligible to purchase a youth bighorn sheep permit application. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult during the hunt.
Bighorn Sheep Units:
Sheep Unit 2 Vulcan Mountain: Permit Area: Ferry County
north of the Kettle River near Curlew.
Sheep Unit 4 Selah Butte: Permit Area: That part of Yakima
and Kittitas counties between Ellensburg and Yakima east of
the Yakima River and north of Selah Creek, west of Interstate
82 and south of Interstate 90.
Sheep Unit 5 Umtanum: Permit Area: Those portions of Yakima
and Kittitas counties west of the Yakima River, north of Wenas
Creek, and east of USFS Road 1701 to Manastash Lake and its
drainage; south and east along the South Fork Manastash Creek
to Manastash Creek and the Yakima River.
Sheep Unit 7 Cleman Mountain: Permit Area: That part of
Yakima County south of Wenas Creek and east of USFS Road 1701,
north of Highway 410 and Highway 12 and west of the Yakima
Sheep Unit 10 Mt. Hull: Permit Area: That part of Okanogan
County within the following described boundary: Beginning at
Oroville; then south along U.S. Highway 97 to the Swanson's
Mill Road (old Mt. Hull Road) near Lake Andrews; then east to
the Dry Gulch Road; then north to the Oroville-Toroda Creek
Road (Molson Grade Road); then west to Oroville and the point
of beginning.
Sheep Unit 11 Wenaha Wilderness: Permit Area: That part of
GMU 169 within Crooked Creek drainage.
Sheep Unit 12 Lincoln Cliffs: Permit Area: That part of
Lincoln County north of Highway 2.
Sheep Unit 13 Quilomene: Permit Area: GMUs 329, 330, and 251
south of Colockum Creek.
Sheep Unit 14 Swakane: Permit Area: GMU 250.
Sheep Unit 15 Tieton: Permit Area: GMU 360.
Sheep Unit 16 Manson: Permit Area: Beginning at the mouth of
Granite Falls Creek on the south shore of Lake Chelan, E
across Lake Chelan to Willow Point; NW along the shoreline of
Lake Chelan to the mouth of Stink Creek; E along Stink Creek
to the intersection with Green's Landing Road; along Green's
Landing Road to Manson Boulevard; E on Manson Boulevard to
Lower Joe Creek Road; NE on Lower Joe Creek Road to Grade
Creek Road; NE on Grade Creek Road to US Forest Service Road
8210; NE on US Forest Service Road 8210 to intersection with
US Forest Service Road 8020; W on US Forest Service Road 8020
to Fox Peak; NW along Sawtooth Ridge (Chelan-Okanogan County
Line) to the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area boundary; S
along the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area boundary to
shore line of Lake Chelan; W across Lake Chelan to the mouth
of Riddle Creek on the South Shore; SE along South Shore of
Lake Chelan to the point of beginning.
Sheep Unit 17 Asotin: Permit Area: GMU 175.
Sheep Unit 18 Chelan Butte: Permit Area: Beginning at the
intersection of State Hwy 971 and US Hwy 97A, S to the W
shoreline of the Columbia River, N along the W shoreline of
the Columbia River for 21 miles to the mouth of Antione Creek,
W up Antione Creek to where it crosses Apple Acres Rd, W on
Apple Acres Rd to the intersection with Washington Creek Rd
(US Forest Service Rd 8135), N on Washington Creek Rd to its
end and then follow Washington Creek, W on Washington Creek to
where it crosses US Forest Service Rd 8010, S on US Forest
Service Rd 8010 (transitions into Purtteman Creek Rd) to
Purtteman Gulch, S into Purtteman Gulch to the N shoreline of
Lake Chelan, S along the shoreline to the S shoreline of Lake
Chelan to the mouth of First Creek, S up First Creek to the
intersection of State Hwy 971 (Navarre Coulee Rd), S on State
Hwy 971 to the point of beginning.
Sheep Unit 19 Sinlahekin: Beginning at the eastern boundary
of the Pasayten Wilderness border and the US-Canadian border;
E on the US-Canadian border to the border station on
Similkameen Rd (Co. Rd 4568); SE on the Similkameen Rd (Co. Rd
4568) to the Loomis-Oroville Rd (Co. Rd 9425); E on the
Loomis-Oroville Rd (Co. Rd 9425) to US Hwy 97 in Oroville; S
on US Hwy 97 to 12th Ave; W on 12th Ave (it curves S and
changes to Old Highway 97); S on Old Highway 97 to US Hwy 97;
S on US Hwy 97 to the South Pine Creek Rd (Co. Rd 9410); W on
the South Pine Creek Rd (Co. Rd 9410) to Fish Lake Rd (Co. Rd
4290); W on Fish Lake Rd (Co. Rd 4290) to South Fish Lake Rd
(Co. Rd 4282), along the south shore of Fish Lake; SW on South
Fish Lake Rd (Co. Rd 4282), to the Sinlahekin Rd (Co. Rd
4015); SW on the Sinlahekin Rd (Co. Rd 4015), along the north
shore of Conconully Lake, to the Salmon Creek North Fork Rd
(Co. Rd 2361), at the town of Conconully; N on US Forest
Service Rd 38 (Salmon Creek North Fork Rd, Co. Rd 2361) to US
Forest Service Rd 3820; N on US Forest Service Rd 3820 over
Lone Frank Pass, to US Forest Service Rd 39; N on US Forest
Service Rd 39 to the US Forest Service Rd 300 at Long Swamp
trailhead; W on the US Forest Service Rd 300 to US Forest
Service Trail 342; N on US Forest Service Trail 342 to US
Forest Service Trail 343; E on US Forest Service Trail 343 to
US Forest Service Trail 341; E on US Forest Service Trail 341
to US Forest Service Trail 375; E on US Forest Service Trail
375 to the eastern boundary of the Pasayten Wilderness Area; N
on the Pasayten Wilderness Area boundary to the US-Canadian
border and the point of beginning.
(3) Mountain Goat Permit Hunts
Who May Apply: Anyone may apply, except those who harvested a
mountain goat in Washington state after 1998. An individual
may only harvest one mountain goat during their lifetime,
except for those who harvested a goat prior to 1999. (Except
waived for raffle and auction hunts.)
Bag Limit: One (1) adult goat of either sex with horns four
(4) inches or longer. WDFW urges hunters to refrain from
shooting nannies with kids.
Hunt Name |
Permit Seasonb |
Subpopulations Open to Huntinga | Special Restrictions |
Permitsa | |
Mt. Baker | Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 | Chowder Ridge, Coleman Pinnacle, Lava Divide, Black Buttes, Lake Ann, SE Baker | Any Legal Weapon | 7 | |
North Lake Chelan | Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 | Skookum Pass Mtn., Big Goat Creek | Any Legal Weapon | 2 | |
Naches Pass | Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 | Fife's East, Fife's Peak, Crystal Mountain, Basin Lake | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Bumping River | Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 | Nelson Ridge, Cash Prairie, American Ridge, American Lake, Timber Wolf, Russell Ridge | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Blazed Ridge | Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 | Blowout Mtn., Blazed Ridge, Blazed North, Milk Creek, Rock Creek | Any Legal Weapon | 1 | |
Goat Rocks-Tieton River | Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 | Chimney Rocks, Goat Lake, McCall Glacier, Gilbert Peak | Any Legal Weapon | (( |
The director is authorized by the commission to identify the
hunt area as a condition of the hunt permit. Selected hunters
will receive a text description or map of their hunt area.
bPermit hunters may start hunting September 1 with archery
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 10-10-061 (Order 10-94), § 232-28-273, filed 4/30/10, effective 5/31/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-273, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210. 08-09-090 (Order 08-78), § 232-28-273, filed 4/18/08, effective 5/19/08; 07-11-017 (Order 07-62), § 232-28-273, filed 5/3/07, effective 6/3/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-273, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 05-11-022 (Order 05-89), § 232-28-273, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-273, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-13-047 (Order 03-129), § 232-28-273, filed 6/12/03, effective 7/13/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.655, 77.12.020. 02-11-069 (Order 02-98), § 232-28-273, filed 5/10/02, effective 6/10/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.020, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 01-10-048 (Order 01-69), § 232-28-273, filed 4/26/01, effective 5/27/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), § 232-28-273, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040. 99-10-102 (Order 99-40), § 232-28-273, filed 5/5/99, effective 6/5/99; 98-10-005 (Order 98-58), § 232-28-273, filed 4/22/98, effective 5/23/98.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 10-94, filed 4/30/10,
effective 5/31/10)
WAC 232-28-295
Landowner hunting permits.
A landowner
may enter into a contract with the department and establish
boundaries and other requirements for hunter access consistent
with commission policy.
It is unlawful for hunters to participate in landowner-permit
hunts unless the hunters possess both an access permit from
the landowner and a hunting permit from the department for the
species covered under landowner's contract. A violation of
this section is punishable under RCW 77.15.410.
(1) Buckrun
Buckrun is located in Grant County, near the town of Wilson
Hunting on Buckrun is managed for a quality experience by
scheduling hunt dates and keeping the number of hunters in the
field low. Hunters with limited flexibility for hunt dates
may experience scheduling problems. Hunters can generally
expect one day hunts during the permit seasons with written
authorization from the Buckrun manager. All hunters must
check in and out on hunt day. Hunts will be scheduled on a
first come basis by calling 509-345-2577 in advance.
((2009)) Buckrun Landowner Hunting Permits
The manager of Buckrun will distribute these hunting permits.
An access fee may be charged in order to utilize these
permits. No access fee will be charged for the raffle permit
winners. Only hunters possessing a modern firearm deer tag
are eligible for permits on Buckrun properties. Contact the
manager at 509-345-2577 for additional information.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Buckrun | 10 | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless Mule Deer or any Whitetail Deer | Buckrun |
Buckrun | 30 | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Any deer | Buckrun |
Buckrun Raffle | 10 | Oct. 26 - Dec. 31 | Any deer | Buckrun |
((2009)) Buckrun Special Hunting Permits
Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and
wildlife for these permits. Only hunters possessing a modern
firearm deer tag are eligible for Buckrun special permits. All hunters must check in and out. Schedule hunts in advance
by calling 509-345-2577.
Hunt Name | Permit Number | Permit Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Buckrun | 10 | Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless Mule Deer or any Whitetail Deer | Buckrun |
The Silver Dollar Association is located in Yakima and Benton
counties, on the western edge of the Hanford Reservation. A
legal description of the property is in the contract between
the Silver Dollar Association and the department.
((2009-10)) Silver Dollar Association Landowner Hunting
The manager of the Silver Dollar Association will distribute
these hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order
to utilize these permits.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Silver Dollar | 24 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Any Elk | Silver Dollar |
Silver Dollar | 8 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Antlerless | Silver Dollar |
Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and
wildlife for these permits.
Hunt Name | Permit Number | Permit Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Silver Dollar | 8 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Youth Only, Any Elk | Silver Dollar |
Silver Dollar Antlerless Elk | 6 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Youth Only, Antlerless Elk Only | Silver Dollar |
Silver Dollar Antlerless Elk | 2 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Persons of Disability Only, Antlerless Elk Only | Silver Dollar |
Blackrock Ranches is located in Yakima County, west of the
Hanford Reservation. A legal description of the property is
in the contract between Blackrock Ranches and the department.
((2009-10)) Blackrock Ranches Landowner Hunting Permits
The manager of Blackrock Ranches will distribute these hunting
permits. An access fee may be charged in order to utilize
these permits.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Blackrock Ranches | 6 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Any Elk | Blackrock Ranches |
Blackrock Ranches | 6 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Antlerless | Blackrock Ranches |
Hunters apply to the Washington department of fish and
wildlife for these permits.
Hunt Name | Permit Number | Permit Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Blackrock Ranches | 1 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Any Elk | Blackrock Ranches |
Blackrock Ranches | 3 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Antlerless Only | Blackrock Ranches |
Blackrock Ranches | 1 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Youth Only, Any Elk | Blackrock Ranches |
Blackrock Ranches | 3 | Aug. 1 - March 31 | Youth Only, Antlerless Only | Blackrock Ranches |
The Pine Mountain Ranch is located in Yakima County, 14 miles
west of Yakima. A legal description of the property is in the
contract between the Pine Mountain Ranch and the department.
((2009)) Pine Mountain Ranch Landowner Hunting Permits
The manager of the Pine Mountain Ranch will distribute these
hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order to
utilize these permits.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Pine Mountain Ranch | 2 | Nov. 2 - Dec. 31 | Any Buck | Pine Mountain Ranch |
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Pine Mountain Ranch | 1 | Nov. 2 - Dec. 31 | Any Bull | Pine Mountain Ranch |
Hunters apply to Washington department of fish and wildlife
for these permits.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Pine Mountain Ranch | 2 | Nov. 2 - Dec. 31 | Youth Only, Any Buck | Pine Mountain Ranch |
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Pine Mountain Ranch | 1 | Nov. 2 - Dec. 31 | Youth Only, Any Bull | Pine Mountain Ranch |
The Grande Ronde Vista is located in Asotin County, south of
Asotin. There are eastern and western sections of this
property. A legal description of the property is in the
contract between the Grande Ronde Vista and the department.
Grande Ronde Vista Landowner Hunting Permits
The manager of the Grande Ronde Vista will distribute these
hunting permits. An access fee may be charged in order to
utilize these permits.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Grande Ronde Vista East A | 6 | Oct. 15-18 | Mule Deer – 3 pt. min | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East B | 1 | Nov. 16-20 | Whitetail – 3 pt. min | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Grande Ronde Vista East A | 2 | Sept. 19-22 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East B | 1 | Oct. 24-27 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East C | 6 | Oct. 29 - Nov. 2 | Spike Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East D | 8 | Oct. 6-10 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East E | 4 | Nov. 19-25 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista West A | 1 | Sept. 10-13 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista West |
Grande Ronde Vista West B | 1 | Sept. 23-26 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista West |
Grande Ronde Vista Special Hunting Permits
Hunters apply to Washington department of fish and wildlife
for these permits.
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Grande Ronde Vista East A | 2 | Oct. 19-23 | Mule Deer – 3 pt. min | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East B | 1 | Nov. 10-15 | Whitetail – 3 pt. min | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East C | 6 | Oct. 15-23 | Youth Only, Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Hunt Name | Quota | Access Season | Special Restrictions | Boundary Description |
Grande Ronde Vista East A | 2 | Oct. 1-4 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East B | 1 | Nov. 12-15 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East C | 1 | Nov. 3-7 | Spike Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East D | 4 | Nov. 3-7 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East E | 2 | Nov. 26 - Dec. 2 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East F | 2 | Dec. 3-9 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East G | 2 | Dec. 10-16 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East H | 2 | Dec. 17-23 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East I | 2 | Dec. 31 - Jan. 6 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East J | 2 | Jan. 7-13 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East K | 2 | Jan. 14-20 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista East L | 2 | Jan. 21-27 | Antlerless Only | Grande Ronde Vista East |
Grande Ronde Vista West A | 1 | Sept. 27-30 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista West |
Grande Ronde Vista West B | 1 | Oct. 1-4 | Any Bull | Grande Ronde Vista West |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 10-10-061 (Order 10-94), § 232-28-295, filed 4/30/10, effective 5/31/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-295, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210. 08-09-090 (Order 08-78), § 232-28-295, filed 4/18/08, effective 5/19/08; 07-17-049 (Order 07-166), § 232-28-295, filed 8/9/07, effective 9/9/07; 07-11-017 (Order 07-62), § 232-28-295, filed 5/3/07, effective 6/3/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 07-01-049 (Order 06-300), § 232-28-295, filed 12/14/06, effective 1/14/07; 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-295, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020. 06-04-066 (Order 06-09), § 232-28-295, filed 1/30/06, effective 3/2/06.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 05-271, filed 1/3/06,
effective 2/3/06)
WAC 232-28-331
Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region one.
GMU 101-SHERMAN (Ferry and Okanogan counties):
Beginning at the Kettle River and the US-Canadian border near
the Ferry Customs Office, north of the town of Toroda; E on
the US-Canadian border to the Kettle River, east of the town
of Laurier; S down the Kettle River (Ferry-Stevens county
line) to the mouth of the Kettle River on Lake Roosevelt; S
down the western shore of Lake Roosevelt to the northeastern
corner of the Colville Indian reservation; W on the northern
Colville Indian reservation boundary to State Route (SR) 21; N
on SR 21 to SR 20 at the town of Republic; NW on SR 20 to
Toroda Creek Rd (((Okanogan County Rd 9495))) at the town of
Wauconda; NE on the Toroda Creek Rd (((Okanogan County Rd 9495
and Ferry County Rd 502))) to Toroda Creek at the town of
Toroda; E along Toroda Creek to its mouth on the Kettle River;
N up the Kettle River to the US-Canadian border near the Ferry
Customs Office north of the town of Toroda and point of
GMU 105-KELLYHILL (Stevens County):
Beginning at the Kettle River (Ferry-Stevens county line) and
the US-Canadian border east of the town of Laurier; E on the
US-Canadian border to Lake Roosevelt (Columbia River); SW
along the eastern shore of Lake Roosevelt (((Columbia River)))
to the US Hwy (US) 395 bridge; W on US ((Hwy)) 395 over the
bridge to the western shore of Lake Roosevelt; N on the
western shore of Lake Roosevelt to the mouth of the Kettle
River; N up the Kettle River (Ferry-Stevens county line) to
the US-Canadian border east of the town of Laurier and the
point of beginning.
GMU 108-DOUGLAS (Stevens County):
Beginning at the junction of US Hwy (US) 395 and State Route
(SR) 20 in the town of Colville; NW on US ((Hwy)) 395 (SR 20)
to the bridge over Lake Roosevelt; N up the southeastern shore
of Lake Roosevelt and Columbia River to the SR 25 bridge over
the Columbia River at the town of Northport; S on SR 25 to
Colville-Aladdin-Northport Rd in the town of Northport; SW on
the Colville-Aladdin-Northport Rd to SR 20, E of the town of
Colville; W on SR 20 to ((Hwy)) US 395 at the town of Colville
and point of beginning.
GMU 111-ALADDIN (Stevens and Pend Oreille counties):
Beginning at the junction of the Colville-Aladdin-Northport Rd and State Route (SR) 20 on the east side of Colville; N on Aladdin Rd to SR 25 at the town of Northport; N on SR 25 to the bridge over the Columbia River; NE along the southeastern shoreline of the Columbia River to the US-Canadian border; E along the US-Canadian border to the Pend Oreille River; S along the western shoreline of the Pend Oreille River to Tiger East Rd, which is due east of the town of Tiger; W on the Tiger East Rd to SR 20 at the town of Tiger; W and S on SR 20 to the junction with the Aladdin Rd, E of the town of Colville and point of beginning.
GMU 113-SELKIRK (Pend Oreille County):
Beginning on the western shore of the Pend Oreille River at the US-Canadian border; E on the US-Canadian border to the Washington-Idaho state line; S on the Washington-Idaho state line to the southwestern shore of the Pend Oreille River at the town of Newport; NW along the southwestern shore of the Pend Oreille River to the US-Canadian border and the point of beginning.
GMU 117-49 DEGREES NORTH (Stevens and Pend Oreille counties):
Beginning at junction of State Route (SR) 20 and US Hwy (US)
395 at the town of Colville; E on SR 20 to Tiger East Rd at
the town of Tiger; E on Tiger East Rd to western shore of the
Pend Oreille River; S along the southwestern shore of the Pend
Oreille River to the Washington-Idaho state line; S along the
Washington-Idaho state line to ((US Hwy 2)) US 2 in the town
of Newport; SW and S on ((US Hwy 2)) US 2 to the Deer
Park-Milan Rd; W on the Deer Park-Milan Rd to US ((Hwy)) 395
at the town of Deer Park; NW on US ((Hwy)) 395 to its junction
with SR 20 at the town of Colville and the point of the
GMU 121-HUCKLEBERRY (Stevens County):
Beginning at the US Hwy (US) 395 bridge over Lake Roosevelt
(Columbia River) ((northwest)) NW of the town of Kettle Falls;
SE on US ((Hwy)) 395 through Colville and Chewelah to State
Route (SR) 292 at Loon Lake; W on SR 292 to SR 231 at the town
of Springdale; S on SR 231 to the first tributary of Chamokane
Creek intersecting SR 231 south of the northeast corner of the
Spokane Indian reservation; ((W)) SW on the said tributary to
Chamokane Creek, the northern boundary of the Spokane Indian
reservation; W along the northern border of the Spokane Indian
Reservation border to eastern boundary of the Colville Indian
reservation on the Ferry-Stevens county line on Lake
Roosevelt; N along the Colville Indian reservation boundary to
its northern corner on Lake Roosevelt; W along Colville Indian
reservation boundary to the western shore of Lake Roosevelt; N
along western shore of Lake Roosevelt to the US ((Hwy)) 395
bridge over Lake Roosevelt northwest of the town of Kettle
Falls and the point of beginning.
GMU 124-MOUNT SPOKANE (Spokane, Stevens and Pend Oreille
Beginning at the junction of State Route (SR) 231 and SR 292
at the town of Springdale; E on SR 292 to US Hwy (US) 395 at
Loon Lake; SE on US ((Hwy)) 395 to the Deer Park-Milan Rd; E
on the Deer Park-Milan Rd to US ((Hwy)) 2; N and NE on US
((Hwy)) 2 to the Washington-Idaho state line at the town of
Newport; S on the Washington-Idaho state line to the Spokane
River; W and NW down the north shore of Spokane River to
Chamokane Creek (Spokane Indian reservation boundary
(((Chamokane Creek) north))); N along the ((eastern boundary
of the Spokane Indian reservation boundary ())Chamokane
Creek(())) to the last Chamokane Creek tributary before the
northeastern corner of the Spokane Indian reservation; ((E
from the northeastern corner of the Spokane Indian
reservation)) NE up said tributary to SR 231; N on SR 231 to
SR 292 at the town of Springdale and the point of beginning.
GMU 127-MICA PEAK (Spokane County):
Beginning at the mouth of Latah Creek (Hangman Creek) on the
Spokane River; E up the south shore of the Spokane River to
the Maple Street Bridge; N across the Maple Street Bridge to
the north shore of the Spokane River; E on the north shore of
the Spokane River to the Washington-Idaho state line;
((south)) S on the Washington-Idaho state line to State Route
(SR) 274 at the town of Willard; SW on SR 274 to SR 27 at the
town of Tekoa; NW on SR 27 to Fairbanks Rd; W on Fairbanks Rd
to Spring Valley Rd; NW on Spring Valley Rd to Dunn Rd; SW on
Dunn Rd to ((Merrit)) Merritt Rd; W on ((Merrit)) Merritt Rd
to US ((Route)) Hwy (US) 195; N on US ((Route)) 195 to
((I-90)) Interstate Hwy (I)-90; E on I-90 to Latah Creek
(((Hangman Creek))); N down Latah Creek (((Hangman Creek))) to
the Spokane River and the point of the beginning.
GMU 130-CHENEY (Spokane and Lincoln counties):
Beginning on the Spokane River and State Route (SR) 231; E up
the north shore of the Spokane River to the Maple Street
Bridge; S on the Maple Street Bridge to the south shore of the
Spokane River; W on the south shore of the Spokane River to
Latah Creek (Hangman Creek) in Spokane; S up Latah Creek
(((Hangman Creek))) to ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy (I)-90; W on
I-90 to US Hwy (US) 195; S on US ((Hwy)) 195 to Rosalia exit
and south to ((Gashouse)) Gashous Rd in the town of Rosalia; W
on ((Gashouse)) Gashous Rd to Squaw Rd; NW on Squaw Rd to
Blackman Rd; W on Blackman Rd to Texas Ferry Rd; S on Texas
Ferry Rd to ((Siegal)) Siegel Rd; W on ((Siegal)) Siegel Rd to
Belsby Rd; W on Belsby Rd to Henderson Rd; W on Henderson Rd
to Mullinix Rd; N on Mullinix Rd to Reed Rd; W on Reed Rd to
((Spuller)) Spuler Rd; S on ((Spuller)) Spuler Rd to Dewey Rd;
W on Dewey Rd to ((Stoner Rd; SW on Stoner Rd to)) SR 23; NW
along SR 23 to SR 231; N on SR 231 to US ((Hwy)) 2; E on US
((Hwy)) 2 to SR 231 at the town of Reardan; N along ((State
Hwy)) SR 231 to the Spokane River and to the point of
GMU 133-ROOSEVELT (Lincoln County):
Beginning at the ((west)) east end of the Grand Coulee Dam at
Lake Roosevelt; E along the Grant-Okanogan, Lincoln-Okanogan,
Lincoln-Ferry county lines on Lake Roosevelt to the Spokane
River; E up the Spokane River, following the Lincoln-Stevens
county line, to State Route (SR) 231; S on SR 231 to US Hwy
(US) 2 at the town of Reardan; W on US ((Hwy)) 2 to SR 21 at
the town of Wilbur; N on SR 21 to SR 174; NW on SR 174 to SR
155 at the town of Grand Coulee; NE on SR 155 to the access
road to the Grand Coulee Dam causeway (access restricted); E
on the causeway access road to the ((west)) east end of the
Grand Coulee Dam at Lake Roosevelt and the point of the
GMU 136-HARRINGTON (Lincoln and Grant counties):
Beginning at the town of Grand Coulee at State Route (SR) 174
and Rd W ((N.E.)) NE (Grand Coulee Hill Rd); SE on SR 174 to
US Hwy (US) 2 at the town of Wilbur; E on US ((Hwy)) 2 to SR
231; S on 231 to SR 23; S on SR 23 to ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy
(I)-90; SW on I-90 to Danekas Rd (Interstate Hwy Exit 231); W
on Danekas Rd to Tokio Rd; W on Tokio Rd to Marcellus Rd; N on
Marcellus Rd to Davis Rd; W on Davis Rd to Rd 12 ((N.E.)) NE;
W on Rd 12 ((N.E.)) NE to Rd W ((N.E.)) NE; N on Rd W ((N.E.))
NE to Rd X ((N.E.)) NE at the town of Marlin; N on Rd X
((N.E.)) NE to Kiner Rd (((Lincoln County Rd 9115))); NE, E,
N, E, and N on Kiner Rd (((Lincoln County Rd 9115))) to US
((Hwy)) 2, east of the town of Almira; SW on US ((Hwy)) 2 to
((Maxwell)) Main Rd; W on ((Maxwell Rd)) Main St to N 3rd St;
N on 3rd St to Old Coulee Rd ((at the town of Almira)); N on
Old Coulee Rd to Douglas Rd; W on Douglas Rd to Peterson Rd; N
on Peterson Rd to 51 NE Rd ((51)); E on 51 NE Rd ((51 N.E.))
to Rd W ((N.E.)) NE; N on Rd W ((N.E.)) NE to Grand Coulee
Hill Rd; N on Grand Coulee Hill Rd to SR 174 in the town of
Grand Coulee and the point of the beginning.
GMU 139-STEPTOE (Lincoln, Whitman, and Spokane counties):
Beginning at the Washington-Idaho state line and State Route
(SR) 274 at the town of Willard; W on SR 274 to SR 27 at the
town of Tekoa; NW on SR 27 to Fairbanks Rd; ((W on)) Fairbanks
Rd to Spring Valley Rd; NW on Spring Valley Rd to Dunn Rd; SW
on Dunn Rd to ((Merrit)) Merritt Rd; W on ((Merrit)) Merritt
Rd to the town of Rosalia; from Rosalia, W on ((Gashouse))
Gashous Rd to Squaw Rd; NW on Squaw Rd to Blackman Rd; W on
Blackman Rd to Texas Ferry Rd; S on Texas Ferry Rd to
((Siegal)) Siegel Rd; W on ((Siegal)) Siegel Rd to Belsby Rd;
W on Belsby Rd to Henderson Rd; W on Henderson Rd to Mullinix
Rd; N on Mullinix Rd to Reed Rd; W on Reed Rd to ((Spuller))
Spuler Rd; S on ((Spuller)) Spuler Rd to Dewey Rd; W on Dewey
Rd to ((Stoner Rd; SW on Stoner Rd to)) SR 23; N on SR 23 to
Lamont Rd; SW on Lamont Rd to Revere Rd; S on Revere Rd to
Jordan-Knott Rd; S on Jordan-Knott Rd to Rock Creek; S down
Rock Creek to the Palouse River; S down the Palouse River to
SR 26; E along SR 26 to US Hwy (US) 195 at the town of Colfax;
S on US ((Hwy)) 195 to SR 270; E on SR 270 to Washington-Idaho
state line; ((north)) N on the Washington-Idaho state line to
SR 274 at the town of Willard and the point of the beginning.
GMU 142-ALMOTA (Whitman County):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 195 and State Route (SR) 26 at the
town of Colfax; SE on US ((Hwy)) 195 to SR 270; E on SR 270,
through the town of Pullman to the Washington-Idaho state line
near Moscow, Idaho; S along the Washington-Idaho state line to
the Snake River (Asotin-Whitman county line), north of the
town of Clarkston; W along the Snake River (Asotin-Whitman,
Garfield-Whitman, and Columbia-Whitman county line) to the
mouth of the Palouse River (Franklin-Whitman county line); N
and E up the Palouse River (Franklin-Whitman and Whitman-Adams
county lines) to SR 26, west of the town of Gordon; E on SR 26
(Washtucna-Lacrosse Hwy) to US ((Hwy)) 195 at the town of
Colfax and the point of beginning.
GMU 145-MAYVIEW (Garfield and Asotin counties):
Beginning at the State Route (SR) 127 bridge crossing the
Snake River (Whitman-Garfield county line) at Central Ferry; E
along the Snake River (Whitman-Asotin and Whitman-Garfield
county lines) to the mouth of Alpowa Creek; S up Alpowa Creek
to the US Hwy (US) 12 bridge; W on US ((Hwy)) 12 to SR 127; N
on SR 127 (Central Ferry Hwy) to the bridge crossing the Snake
River (Garfield-Whitman county line) at Central Ferry and the
point of beginning.
GMU 149-PRESCOTT (Walla Walla, Columbia, and Garfield
Beginning on the Columbia River at the mouth of the Snake
River (Benton-Franklin-Walla Walla county line); NE and E
along the Snake River (Franklin-Walla Walla, Whitman-Columbia,
and Whitman-Garfield county lines) to State Route (SR) 127
bridge at Central Ferry; S on SR 127 (Central Ferry Hwy) to US
Hwy (US) 12 at Dodge Junction; SW on US ((Hwy)) 12, through
the towns of Dayton and Waitsburg, to SR 125 at the town of
Walla Walla; S on SR 125 to the Washington-Oregon state line;
W on the Washington-Oregon state line to the Columbia River
(Benton-Walla Walla county line); N along the Columbia River
(Benton-Walla Walla county line) to the mouth of the Snake
River and the point of beginning.
GMU 154-BLUE CREEK (Walla Walla and Columbia counties):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 12 at the town of Waitsburg; NE on US
((Hwy)) 12 to Lower Hogeye Rd at Long Station; E on Lower
Hogeye Rd to Bowman Hill Rd; SW on Bowman Hill Rd to the Payne
Hollow Rd; S on the Payne Hollow Rd to Jasper Mountain Rd; S
on Jasper Mountain Rd to Mt. Pleasant Rd; S on Mt. Pleasant Rd
to Dent Rd; S on Dent Rd to the Lewis Peak Rd; S on the Lewis
Peak Rd to Lewis Peak Trail; SE on Lewis Peak Trail to US
Forest Service (USFS) Trail 3211 (Mill Creek Watershed Intake
Trail); SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3211 to the
Washington-Oregon state line; W on the Washington-Oregon state
line to State Route (SR) 125; N on SR 125 to US ((Hwy)) 12; NE
on US ((Hwy)) 12 to the town of Waitsburg and the point of
GMU 157-MILL CREEK WATERSHED (Walla Walla and Columbia
Beginning at US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 3211 (Mill Creek
Watershed Intake Trail) at the Washington-Oregon state line;
NE and E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3211 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 64; S on the ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 64 to the Washington-Oregon state line; W on the
Washington-Oregon state line to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 3211 and the point of beginning.
GMU 162-DAYTON (Walla Walla and Columbia counties):
Beginning at the junction of US Hwy (US) 12 and Patit Rd in
the town of Dayton; E on the Patit Rd to the Hartsock Grade
Rd-Maloney Mountain Rd intersection; S on Maloney Mountain Rd
to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 4625 (Maloney Mountain Rd); S
and W on to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4625 to Skyline
Drive Rd; SE on Skyline Drive Rd to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 46 (Skyline Drive Rd); S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
46 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 64; S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 64 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3211
(Mill Creek Watershed Intake Trail); W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 3211 to the Lewis Peak Trail; NW on the
Lewis Peak Trail to Lewis Peak Rd; N on the Lewis Peak Rd to
Dent Rd; N on Dent Rd to Mt. Pleasant Rd; N on the Mt.
Pleasant Rd to the Jasper Mountain Rd; N on the Jasper
Mountain Rd to Payne Hollow Rd; N on Payne Hollow Rd to Bowman
Hill Rd; NE on Bowman Hill Rd to Lower Hogeye Rd; W on Lower
Hogeye Rd to US ((Hwy)) 12 at Long Station; NE on US ((Hwy))
12 to its junction with Patit Rd at the town of Dayton and the
point of beginning.
GMU 163-MARENGO (Columbia and Garfield counties):
Beginning at the junction of US Hwy (US) 12 and Patit Rd in
the town of Dayton; N and E on US ((Hwy)) 12 to the Tatman
Mountain Rd at Zumwalt; SE on Tatman Mountain Rd to Linville
Gulch Rd; S on the Linville Gulch Rd to the Blind Grade Rd; SW
on the Blind Grade Rd to the Tucannon Rd; N on the Tucannon Rd
to the Hartsock Grade Rd; S on the Hartsock Grade Rd to the
Patit Rd; W on the Patit Rd to US ((Hwy)) 12 in the town of
Dayton and the point of beginning.
GMU 166-TUCANNON (Columbia and Garfield counties):
Beginning at the intersection of the Hartsock Grade Rd and the
Tucannon ((River)) Rd; SE on the Tucannon ((River)) Rd to the
elk drift fence at the northern boundary of the W.T. Wooten
Wildlife Area; E and S along the elk drift fence to the US
Forest Service (USFS) Rd 40 (Mountain Rd) at the Umatilla
National Forest's northern boundary; S on the ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 40 (((Mountain Rd))) to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 4030 (Diamond Peak Rd); W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 4030 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
3113 (Diamond Peak Trail-Bullfrog Springs Trail-Oregon Butte
Trail) at Diamond Peak; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
3113 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3136 (Teepee Trail);
W along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3136 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 4608 (Teepee Rd) at Teepee Camp; W on the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4608 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 46 (Skyline Drive Rd); N on the ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 46 to Skyline Drive Rd; N on Skyline Drive Rd to the
Maloney Mountain Rd; W on Maloney Mountain Rd to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 4625 (Maloney Mountain Rd); E and N on the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4625 (Maloney Mountain Rd) to
the Hartsock Grade Rd; N on the Hartsock Grade Rd to the
Tucannon ((River)) Rd and the point of the beginning.
GMU 169-WENAHA (Columbia, Garfield and Asotin counties):
Beginning on the Washington-Oregon state line at the US Forest
Service (USFS) Rd 64; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 64 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 46 (Skyline Dr); E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 46 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
4608 (Teepee Rd) at Godman Springs; E on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 4608 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3136 (Teepee
Trail) at Teepee Camp; E on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 3136 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3113 (Oregon
Butte Trail-Bullfrog Springs Trail-Diamond Peak Trail); E on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3113 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 4030 (Diamond Peak Rd) at Diamond Peak; E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4030 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
40 (Mountain Rd); S along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 40 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4039 (South Boundary Rd); SW
along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4039 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 3133 (Three Forks Trail); NW on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3133 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 3100; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3100 to the
Washington-Oregon state line; due W on the Washington-Oregon
state line to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 64 and the point
of beginning.
GMU 172-MOUNTAIN VIEW (Garfield and Asotin counties):
Beginning on the Washington-Oregon state line at US Forest
Service (USFS) Trail 3100; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 3100 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3133 (Three
Forks Trail); SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 3133
(Three Forks Trail) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4039
(South Boundary Rd); NE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4039
to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 40 (Mountain Rd); N on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 40 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
44 (Mount Misery-Big Butte Rd) at Misery junction; E on ((US
Forest Service Rds)) USFS Rd 44((,)) to USFS Rd 43((, and)); E
on USFS Rd 43 to USFS Rd 4304 (((Mount Misery-Big Butte Rd)));
E on USFS Rd 4304 to West Mountain Rd; NE on the West Mountain
Rd to ((the)) Bennett Ridge Rd((-Mill Rd)); N ((and E)) on
((the)) Bennett Ridge Rd((-)) to Mill Rd; E on Mill Rd to
State Route (SR) 129 at the town of Anatone; SW on SR 129 to
the Washington-Oregon state line; due W on the
Washington-Oregon state line to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 3100 and the point of beginning.
GMU 175-LICK CREEK (Garfield and Asotin counties):
Beginning at the intersection of US Forest Service (USFS) Rd
40 (Mountain Rd) and the elk drift fence on the Umatilla
National Forest's northern boundary; E along the elk drift
fence to its end at the eastern border section line of Section
2, T9N, R43E; due S from the end to the elk drift fence on
section line of Section 2, T9N, R43E to Charley Creek; E down
Charley Creek to Asotin Creek; S down Asotin Creek to the
South Fork Asotin Creek Rd; S up the South Fork Asotin Creek
Rd to Campbell Grade Rd; E on the Campbell Grade Rd to Back Rd
(((Asotin County Rd 01550))); N and E on Back Rd (((Asotin
County Rd 01550))) to the Cloverland Rd; S on Cloverland Rd to
its junction with the Umatilla National Forest's eastern
boundary fence; E and S on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS
boundary fence past Big Butte to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
4303 (Big Butte Rd-Mount Misery Rd); W on ((US Forest Service
Rds)) USFS Rd 4304((,)) to USFS Rd 43((, and)); W on USFS Rd
43 to USFS Rd 44 (((Big Butte)); W on USFS Rd((-Mount Misery
Rd))) 44 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 40 (Mountain Rd) at
Misery junction; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 40
(Mountain Rd) to the intersection with the elk drift fence on
the Umatilla National Forest's northern boundary and the point
of beginning.
GMU 178-PEOLA (Garfield and Asotin counties):
Beginning at the intersection of US Hwy (US) 12 and Tatman
Mountain Rd at Zumwalt; E on US ((Hwy)) 12 to bridge near the
mouth of Alpowa Creek; N down Alpowa Creek to the Snake River;
E and S along the Snake River (Asotin-Whitman county line,
Washington-Idaho state line) to the mouth of Asotin Creek; W
along Asotin Creek to Charley Creek; W along Charley Creek to
the unit boundary marker at the eastern border section line of
Section 2, T9N, R43E; N on eastern border section line of
Section 2, T9N, R43E to end of the elk drift fence; W along
the elk drift fence to the boundary of the W.T. Wooten
Wildlife Area; NW and W along the elk drift fence to the
Tucannon ((River)) Rd; N on the Tucannon ((River)) Rd to Blind
Grade Rd; NE up Blind Grade Rd to the Linville Gulch Rd; N on
the Linville Gulch Rd to Tatman Mountain Rd; NW up Tatman
Mountain Rd to US ((Hwy)) 12 at Zumwalt and the point of
GMU 181-COUSE (Asotin County):
Beginning at the mouth of Asotin Creek on the Snake River at
the town of Asotin; S along the Snake River (Washington-Idaho
state line) to the Grande Ronde River; W along the north shore
of Grande Ronde River to State Route (SR) 129; NW on SR 129 to
Mill Rd in the town of Anatone; W on Mill Rd to Bennett Ridge
Rd; S and W on ((the Mill Rd-))Bennett Ridge Rd to West
Mountain Rd; SW on West Mountain Rd to Umatilla National
Forest eastern boundary fence at Big Butte; N along the
Umatilla National Forest boundary fence to ((the)) Cloverland
Rd; NE on ((the)) Cloverland Rd to Back Rd (((Asotin County Rd
01550))); W and S on Back Rd (((Asotin County Rd 01550))) to
Campbell Grade Rd; W on the Campbell Grade Rd to ((the)) South
Fork Asotin Creek Rd; NE on ((the)) South Fork Asotin Creek Rd
to Asotin Creek; NE down Asotin Creek to the Snake River at
the town of Asotin and the point of beginning.
GMU 186-GRANDE RONDE (Asotin County):
Beginning on the Washington-Oregon state line and State Route (SR) 129; N on SR 129 to the Grande Ronde River; E along the north shore of the Grande Ronde River to the Snake River (Washington-Idaho state line); S along the Snake River (Washington-Idaho state line) to the Washington-Oregon state line; W on the Washington-Oregon state line to SR 129 and the point of beginning.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-331, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 03-16-087 (Order 03-175), § 232-28-331, filed 8/5/03, effective 9/5/03; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-331, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 05-271, filed 1/3/06,
effective 2/3/06)
WAC 232-28-332
Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region two.
GMU 203-PASAYTEN (Okanogan and Whatcom counties):
Beginning at the western junction of the Pasayten Wilderness
Area-Ross Lake National Recreational Area border and the
US-Canadian border; E along the US-Canadian border to the
eastern junction of the Pasayten Wilderness Area boundary and
the US-Canadian border; S on the Pasayten Wilderness border to
US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 375; W on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 375 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 341; SW on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 341 to its junction with ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 533 and ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 343; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 343 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS 342; SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 342 to Pasayten Wilderness boundary; W on the Pasayten
Wilderness boundary to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 478
(Robinson Creek Trail); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
478 (((Robinson Creek Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 575; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 575 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 498; NW overland from the junction
of ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trails 575 and 498 to the
junction of ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trails 576 and 472; W
on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 576 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic
Trail); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific
Crest Trail))) to the Pasayten Wilderness Area border at Jim
Pass; W on the Pasayten Wilderness Area border to Ross Lake
National Recreational Area border; N on the Pasayten
Wilderness Area-Ross Lake National Recreational Area border to
the US-Canadian border and the point of the beginning.
GMU 204-OKANOGAN EAST (Okanogan and Ferry counties):
Beginning on the eastern shore of Osoyoos Lake and the
US-Canadian border; E on the US-Canadian border to the Kettle
River near the Ferry Customs Office, north of the town of
Toroda; S down the Kettle River to the mouth of Toroda Creek;
W up Toroda Creek to Toroda Creek Rd (((Ferry County Rd
502))); SW on Toroda Creek Rd (((Ferry County Rd 502 and
Okanogan County Rd 9495))) to State Route (SR) 20 at the town
of Wauconda; E on SR 20 to SR 21 at the town of Republic; S on
SR 21 to the northern border of the Colville Indian
reservation; W on the northern border of the Colville Indian
reservation to the Okanogan River; N up the eastern shore of
the Okanogan River and the eastern shore of Osoyoos Lake to
the US-Canadian border and the point of beginning.
GMU 209-WANNACUT (Okanogan County):
Beginning where the Similkameen Rd (((County Rd 4568)))
crosses the US-Canadian border; E on the US-Canadian border to
the eastern shore of Lake Osoyoos; S along the eastern shore
of Lake Osoyoos and the eastern shore of Okanogan River to the
Fourth Street Bridge at the town of Tonasket; NW on Fourth
Street on the Fourth Street Bridge to County Hwy 7; S on
County Hwy 7 to North Pine Creek Rd (((County Rd 9410))); SW
on North Pine Creek Rd (((County Rd 9410))) to the Horse
Springs Coulee Rd (((County Rd 4371))), north of Aeneas Lake;
((north)) N on Horse Springs Coulee Road (((County Road
4371))) to Loomis-Oroville ((Highway (County Road 9425))) Rd,
west of Spectacle Lake; W and N on Loomis-Oroville ((Hwy
(County Rd 9425))) Rd to Similkameen Rd (((County Rd 4568)));
N on the Similkameen Rd (((County Rd 4568))) to the
US-Canadian border and the point of beginning.
GMU 215-SINLAHEKIN (Okanogan County):
Beginning at the eastern boundary of the Pasayten Wilderness
border and the US-Canadian border; E on the US-Canadian border
to the border station on Similkameen Rd (((County Rd 4568)));
SE on the Similkameen Rd (((County Rd 4568))) to the
Loomis-Oroville Rd (((County Rd 9425))); S on the
Loomis-Oroville Rd (((County Rd 9425))), through the town of
Loomis, then ((east)) E to the Horse Springs Coulee Rd
(((County Rd 4371))) west of Spectacle Lake; S on the Horse
Springs Coulee Rd (((County Rd 4371))) to the North Pine Creek
Rd (((County Rd 9410))); NE on the North Pine Creek Rd
(((County Rd 9410))) to County Hwy 7; NE on County Hwy 7 to
Fourth ((Street)) St and the Fourth ((Street)) St Bridge which
crosses the Okanogan River into the town of Tonasket; SE onto
the Fourth ((Street)) St Bridge and the Okanogan River; S
along the eastern shore of the Okanogan River to the Tunk
Creek Rd bridge crossing the Okanogan River at the town of
Riverside; SW ((from said bridge)) on Tunk Creek Rd to ((the
junction of Riverside)) State St; S on State St to 2nd St; W
on 2nd to Cutoff Rd (((County)); SW on Cutoff Rd ((9260) and))
to US Hwy (US) 97; N on US ((Hwy)) 97 to the South Pine Creek
Rd (((County Rd 9410))); W on the South Pine Creek Rd
(((County Rd 9410))) to Fish Lake Rd (((County Rd 4290))); W
on Fish Lake Rd (((County Rd 4290))) to South Fish Lake Rd
(((County Rd 4282))), along the south shore of Fish Lake; SW
on South Fish Lake Rd (((County Rd 4282))), to the Sinlahekin
Rd (((County Rd 4015))); SW on the Sinlahekin Rd (((County Rd
4015))), along the north shore of Conconully Lake, to Lake St
E, in the town of Conconully; W on Lake St E to N Main St; N
on N Main St to the Salmon Creek North Fork Rd (((County Rd
2361), at the town of Conconully)); N on US Forest Service
(USFS) Rd 38 (Salmon Creek North Fork Rd((, County Rd 2361) to
US Forest Service)),) to USFS Rd 3820; N on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 3820 over Lone Frank Pass, to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 39; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 39 to
the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 300 at Long Swamp trailhead;
W on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS 300 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 342; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 342 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 343; E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 343 to ((US Forest Service)) its
junction with USFS Trail 533 and USFS Trail 341; E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 341 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 375; E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 375 to the
eastern boundary of the Pasayten Wilderness Area; N on the
Pasayten Wilderness Area boundary to the US-Canadian border
and the point of beginning.
GMU 218-CHEWUCH (Okanogan County):
Beginning at Harts Pass on the US Forest Service (USFS) Trail
2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail); N on the ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 576 at Buffalo Pass; E on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 576 to its junction with ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 472; SE overland from the junction
of ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trails 576 and 472 to the
junction of ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trails 498 and 575; NE
on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 575 to the ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 478 (Robinson Creek Trail); SE on the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 478 (((Robinson Creek
Trail))) to the Pasayten Wilderness Area boundary; E on the
Pasayten Wilderness Area boundary to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 342; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 342 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 300; ((SW)) SE on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 300 to the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 39
(((Middle Fork Toats Coulee Creek Rd))) at Long Swamp
Trailhead; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 39 (((Middle
Fork Toats Coulee Creek Rd))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
37 (Boulder Creek Rd); SW and S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 37 (((Boulder Creek Rd))) to the Eastside Chewuch River Rd
(((County Rd 9137))); S on the Eastside Chewuch River Rd
(((County Rd 9137))) to State Route (SR) 20 at the town of
Winthrop; NW on SR 20 to the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail); N on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to Harts
Pass and the point of beginning.
GMU 224-PEARRYGIN (Okanogan County):
Beginning at the intersection of US Forest Service (USFS) Rd
39 and ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 3820; S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 3820, through Lone Frank Pass, to the North
Fork Salmon Creek Rd (((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 38); SE on
the North Fork Salmon Creek Rd (((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
38((, County Rd 2361))) to ((West Fork Rd (County Rd 2017))) N
Main St at the town of Conconully; S on N Main St to Broadway
St W; W on Broadway St W to West Fork Rd; SW on West Fork Rd
(((County Rd 2017) to US Forest Service)) to USFS Rd 42 (North
Summit Rd); SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 42 (((North
Summit Rd))) to State Route (SR) 20 at Loup Loup Summit; W on
SR 20, through the town of Twisp, to the Eastside Chewuch
River Rd at the town of Winthrop; N on the Eastside Chewuch
River Rd to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 37 (Boulder Creek
Rd); NE on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 37 (((Boulder
Creek Rd) to US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 39 (Middle Fork
Boulder Creek Rd); NE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 39
(((Middle Fork Boulder Creek Rd))) to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 3820 and the point of beginning.
GMU 231-GARDNER (Okanogan County):
Beginning at the crossing of US Forest Service (USFS) Trail
2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) and State Route
(SR) 20; S and E on SR 20 to the Twisp River Rd at the town of
Twisp; W on the Twisp River Rd (((County Rd 9114, US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 44, ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4440) to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 432 (North Fork Twisp River
Trail((); N))) at the Roads End Campground; W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 432 (((North Fork Twisp River Trail))) to
North Cascades National Park boundary at Twisp Pass; N and W
on North Cascades National Park boundary ((US Forest Service))
to the Skagit-Chelan County line; E on the Skagit-Chelan
County line to USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic
Trail); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific
Crest Trail))) to SR 20 and the point of beginning.
GMU 233-POGUE (Okanogan County):
Beginning at ((Sinlahekin Rd (County Rd 4015))) the
intersection of N Main St and ((West Fork Rd (County Rd 2017)
at)) Broadway St W in the town of Conconully; ((north on the))
N on Main St to Lake St E; E on Lake St E to Sinlahekin Rd; N
on Sinlahekin Rd (((County Rd 4015))) to ((the)) South Fish
Lake Rd (((County Rd 4282))); NE on ((the)) South Fish Lake Rd
(((County Rd 4282))), along the south end of Fish Lake to Fish
Lake Rd (((County Rd 4290))); E on Fish Lake Rd (((County Rd
4290))) to the South Pine Creek Rd (((County Rd 9410))); E on
the South Pine Creek Rd (((County Rd 9410))) to US Hwy (US)
97; S on US ((Hwy)) 97 to its junction with ((Riverside))
Cutoff Rd at the town of Riverside; NE ((from the junction of
Riverside)) on Cutoff Rd ((and US Hwy 97 to the bridge)) to
2nd St; E on 2nd St to State St; N on State St to Tunk Creek
Rd; NE on Tunk Creek Rd to the Tunk Valley Rd bridge crossing
the Okanogan River ((at the town of Riverside)); S down the
Okanogan River, through the town of Omak, to State Route (SR)
20 bridge at the town of Okanogan; W on SR 20 to US Forest
Service (USFS) Rd 42 (North Summit Rd), east of Loup Loup
Summit; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 42 (((North
Summit)) to West Fork Rd(() to)); N on West Fork Rd (((County
Rd 2017); N on West Fork Rd (County Rd 2017))) to Broadway St
W in the town of Conconully; E to Main St S and the point of
GMU 239-CHILIWIST (Okanogan County):
Beginning at the intersection of State Route (SR) 153 and SR
20, southeast of the town of Twisp; E on SR 20, past Loup Loup
Summit, to the SR 20 bridge crossing over the Okanogan River
at the town of Okanogan; SE on the said bridge to the ((bridge
over the)) Okanogan River ((at the town of Okanogan)); S along
the Okanogan River to the Columbia River (Douglas-Okanogan
county line); W along the Columbia River (Douglas-Okanogan
county line) to a point on the county line due east of the US
Hwy (US) 97 bridge crossing the mouth of the Methow River at
the town of Pateros; SE on US ((Hwy)) 97 to SR 153; NW and N
on SR 153 to SR 20, southeast of the town of Twisp, and the
point of beginning.
GMU 242-ALTA (Okanogan County):
Beginning at the junction of the Sawtooth Ridge line
(Chelan-Okanogan county line) and US Forest Service (USFS)
Trail 432 at Twisp Pass; E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
432 to Twisp River Rd at the Roads End Campground; E on the
Twisp River Rd (((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4440, ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 44, ((County Rd 9114))) to State
Route (SR) 20 at the town of Twisp; S and E on SR 20 to SR
153; S and SE on SR 153 to US Hwy (US) 97; N on the US ((Hwy))
97 to the bridge crossing the mouth of the Methow River at the
town of Pateros; E from the US ((Hwy)) 97 bridge to the
Douglas-Okanogan county line in Lake Pateros (Columbia River);
S along Douglas-Okanogan county line in Lake Pateros
(((Columbia River))) to Wells Dam; ((NW)) SE from Wells Dam,
along the dam's service road to ((the junction of)) Azwell Rd
((and)); NW on Azwell Rd to US ((Hwy)) 97; S on US ((Hwy)) 97
to Apple Acres Rd; W on Apple Acres Rd to Antoine Creek Rd
(((Chelan County Rd 8140))); NW on the Antoine Creek Rd
(((Chelan County)) to USFS Rd 8140; NW on USFS Rd 8140(())) to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 8020 (Manastash Ridge); N on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 8020 to the Sawtooth Ridge line
(Chelan-Okanogan county line) at Fox Peak; NW on the Sawtooth
Ridge line (((Chelan-Okanogan county line))) to its
intersection with ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 432 at
Twisp Pass and the point of beginning.
GMU 243-MANSON (Chelan County):
Beginning at the Chelan River in the town of Chelan, northwest
to Lake Chelan; NW along the south shore of Lake Chelan to the
Stehekin River; SE along the north shore of Lake Chelan to the
Lake Chelan National Recreation boundary; NE along the
National Recreation Area boundary to Sawtooth Ridge; SE along
Sawtooth Ridge line (Chelan-Okanogan county line) to US Forest
Service (USFS) Rd 8020 (Cooper Mtn Rd) at Fox Peak; SE on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 8020 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
8140 (Antoine Creek Rd); SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
8140 (((Antoine Creek Rd))) to Apple Acres Rd; NE on Apple
Acres Rd to US Hwy (US) 97; NE on US ((Hwy)) 97 to ((its
junction with)) Azwell Rd; SE ((from the junction of US Hwy 97
and)) on Azwell Rd to the Wells Dam service road; NE on the
said service road to Wells Dam on the Columbia River; SW down
the Columbia River (Chelan-Douglas county line) to the Chelan
River; NW up the Chelan River to the town of Chelan and the
point of beginning.
GMU 244-CLARK (Chelan County):
Beginning at the mouth of Stehekin River on Lake Chelan; SE
along the south shore of Lake Chelan to the Glacier Peak
Wilderness boundary at Bearcat Ridge; S, W and N on the
Glacier Peak Wilderness boundary to the ((Pacific Crest Trail
())US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National
Scenic Trail) at Kodak Peak; N on the ((Pacific Crest Trail
(US Forest Service)) (USFS) Trail 2000(())) to North Cascades
National Park; N and E on the North Cascades National Park
boundary to Lake Chelan National Recreation boundary at Hock
Mountain; S along the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area
boundary to the north shore of Lake Chelan; NW along the north
shore of Lake Chelan to the Stehekin River and the point of
GMU 245-CHIWAWA (Chelan County):
Beginning on US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail) and the Glacier Peak Wilderness
boundary at Kodak Peak; SE and NE on the Glacier Peak
Wilderness Area boundary to the Entiat River; SE down the
Entiat River to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5700 (Mad River
Rd) at the town of Ardenvoir; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 5700 (((Mad River Rd))) to the ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 5800; SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5800 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7520 (Eagle Creek Rd) at French
Corral; SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7520 (((Eagle
Creek Rd))) to State Route (SR) 209 (Chumstick Hwy), north of
Leavenworth; S on SR 209 (Chumstick Hwy) to US Hwy (US) 2; W
and N on US ((Hwy)) 2 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000
(Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) at Stevens Pass; N on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest
Trail))) to Glacier Peak Wilderness boundary at Kodak Peak and
the point of beginning.
GMU 246-SLIDE RIDGE (Chelan County):
Beginning on the south shore of Lake Chelan at the Glacier
Peak Wilderness boundary at Bearcat Ridge; SE along the south
shore of Lake Chelan to Twenty-five Mile Creek; SW up
Twenty-five Mile Creek to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 8410
(Slide Ridge Rd); S and E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
8410 (Slide Ridge Rd) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
1448, at Stormy Mountain; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 1448 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1445 (Fourmile
Ridge Trail); W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1445
(((Fourmile Ridge Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
1443; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1443 to Lake
Creek; SW down Lake Creek to the Entiat River; NW up the
Entiat River to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area boundary; NE
on the Glacier Peak Wilderness boundary to south shore of Lake
Chelan at Bearcat Ridge and the point of beginning.
GMU 247-ENTIAT (Chelan County):
Beginning at Twenty-five Mile Creek on the south shore of Lake
Chelan; SE along the south shore of Lake Chelan to the Chelan
River; SE down the Chelan River to the Columbia River
(Chelan-Douglas county line); SW along the Columbia River
(Chelan-Douglas county line) to the mouth of the Entiat River;
NW up the Entiat River to Lake Creek; NE up Lake Creek to US
Forest Service (USFS) Trail 1443; E on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 1443 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1445
(Fourmile Ridge Trail); E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
1445 (((Fourmile Ridge Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 1448; SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1448 to the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 8410 (Slide Ridge Rd) at Stormy
Mountain; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 8410 (((Slide
Ridge Rd))) to Twenty-five Mile Creek; N down Twenty-five Mile
Creek to the south shore of Lake Chelan and the point of
GMU 248-BIG BEND (Douglas and Grant counties):
Beginning on State Route (SR) 17 at the Chalk Hills Rd (K
((N.E.)) NE Rd); N on the Chalk Hills Rd (K ((N.E.)) NE Rd(()
to Box Canyon)), L NE Rd (((L N.E. Rd); N on Box Canyon Rd (L
N.E. Rd))) NE to the first intermittent stream crossed in
Section 30, T30N, R27E; N on the first intermittent stream
crossed in Section 30 T30N, R27E by the ((Box Canyon)) Chalk
Hills Rd (L ((N.E.)) NE Rd) to the Columbia River; E up the
Columbia River to the ((west)) east end of the Grand Coulee
Dam; W on the Grand Coulee Dam causeway access road
(((Limited)) access restricted) to SR 155; SW on SR 155 to SR
174 at the town of Grand Coulee; NE on SR 174 to the Grand
Coulee Dam feeder canal; SW up the Grand Coulee Dam feeder
canal to Banks Lake; S along the west shore of Banks Lake to a
point due east from Mold Rd (Rd 9 ((N.E.)) NE); W from the
point due east of Mold Rd on the west shore of Banks Lake to
Mold Rd (Rd 9 ((N.E.)) NE); W on Mold Rd (Rd 9 ((N.E.)) NE) to
SR 17; N along SR 17 to SR 172; W on SR 172, through the town
of Mansfield, to Bridgeport Hill Rd (((Mathieson Rd,)) Road B
((N.E. Rd)) NE); N on the Bridgeport Hill Rd (((Mathieson
Rd,)) Road B ((N.E. Rd)) NE) to ((West Foster Creek Rd; N on
West Foster Creek Rd to)) SR 17; E on SR 17 to the Chalk Hills
Rd (K ((N.E.)) NE Rd) and the point of beginning.
GMU 249-ALPINE (Kittitas and Chelan counties):
Beginning on US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail) and the Alpine Lakes Wilderness
boundary near Josephine Lake south of Stevens Pass; E, S, and
W on the Alpine Lakes Wilderness boundary to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic
Trail) near Kendall Peak Lake; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to the Alpine Lakes
Wilderness boundary near Josephine Lake and the point of
GMU 250-SWAKANE (Chelan County):
Beginning at the intersection of US Hwy (US) 2 and State Route
(SR) 209 (Chumstick Hwy (((SR 209))); SE on US ((Hwy)) 2 to
the Columbia River (Chelan-Douglas county line); NE on
Chelan-Douglas county line (in the Columbia River) to the
Entiat River; NW up the Entiat River to ((the Mad River Rd
())US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 5700(())) (Mad River Rd) at the
town of Ardenvoir; N on ((the Mad River Rd (US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 5700(())) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
5800; SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5800 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 7520 at French Corral; S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 7520 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7520
(Eagle Creek Rd); SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7520
(((Eagle Creek Rd))) to SR 209 (Chumstick Hwy); S on SR 209
(((Chumstick Hwy))) to US ((Hwy)) 2 and the point of the
GMU 251-MISSION (Kittitas and Chelan counties):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 2 and the Columbia River
(Chelan-Douglas county line); S down the Columbia River
(Chelan-Douglas county line) to Tarpiscan Creek; W up
Tarpiscan Creek to North Fork Tarpiscan Creek; W up North Fork
Tarpiscan Creek to WA Dept((.)) of Fish and Wildlife ((Rd
No.)) (WDFW) 14 Rd (Tarpiscan Rd); N approximately 100 feet on
((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd No.)) WDFW 14
(((Tarpiscan)) Rd(())) to ((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd
No.)) WDFW 10.10 Rd (North Fork ((Tarpiscan)) Creek Rd); W
along ((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd No.)) WDFW 10.10
(((North Fork Tarpiscan Creek)) Rd(())) to the ((WA Dept. of
Fish and Wildlife Rd)) WDFW 10 Rd (Colockum ((Pass)) Rd); W
along the ((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd)) WDFW 10
(((Colockum Pass)) Rd(())) to ((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Rd)) WDFW 9 Rd (Naneum Ridge Rd); NW on ((WA Dept. of Fish and
Wildlife Rd)) WDFW 9 (((Naneum Ridge)) Rd(())) to Naneum Ridge
(Chelan-Kittitas county line) at Wenatchee Mountain; NW along
Naneum Ridge (((Chelan-Kittitas county line))), past Mission
Peak, to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 9712 (Liberty-Beehive
Rd); NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 9712
(((Liberty-Beehive Rd))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
9716; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 9716 to US ((Hwy)) 97
at Swauk Pass; NW on the Wenatchee Mountain Range divide
(Kittitas-Chelan county line) to the Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Area boundary ((at)) near Navaho Peak; N and E on Alpine Lakes
Wilderness Area boundary to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail); N on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to US
((Hwy)) 2; E on US ((Hwy)) 2 to the Columbia River
(Chelan-Douglas county line) and the point of beginning.
GMU 254-SAINT ANDREWS (Douglas and Grant counties):
Beginning at the intersection of Main St and E Railroad Ave
(both State Route (SR) 172) in the town of Mansfield; NE on
Railroad St to SR 172 (Road 14 NE); E on SR 172 to SR 17; S on
SR 17 to Mold Rd (Rd 9 ((N.E.)) NE); E on the Mold Rd (Rd 9
((N.E.)) NE) to the road's end; due E from the end of Mold Rd
(Rd 9 ((N.E.)) NE) to the western shore of Banks Lake; S along
the west shore of Banks Lake to US Hwy (US) 2; W on US ((Hwy))
2 to SR 172; N ((and E)) on SR 172 ((to)) (Road C NW) and E
(Road 14 NW, Road 14 NE) on SR 172 to Main St (SR 172) at the
town of Mansfield; SE on Main St to E Railroad Ave and the
point of beginning.
GMU 260-FOSTER CREEK (Douglas County):
Beginning at the town of Brewster and the Columbia River
(Douglas-Okanogan county line); E on the Columbia River
(Douglas-Okanogan county line), past the town of Bridgeport to
the first intermittent stream crossed in Section 30, T30N,
R27E by ((the Box Canyon)) Chalk Hills Rd (Rd ((())L ((N.E.
Rd)) NE); S up the first intermittent stream crossed in
Section 30, T30N, R27E by ((the Box Canyon)) Chalk Hills Rd to
the ((Box Canyon)) Chalk Hills Rd (L ((N.E.)) NE Rd); E and S
on ((Box Canyon)) Chalk Hills Rd (Rd L ((N.E.)) NE, Rd K NE)
to ((the Chalk Hills Rd (K N.E. Rd); SW on the Chalk Hills Rd
(K N.E. Rd) to)) State Route (SR) 17; W on SR 17 to ((the West
Foster Rd; S on West Foster Rd to Dyer)) Bridgeport Hill Rd; S
on Bridgeport Hill Rd to Dyer Hill Rd (N Division Rd); W and N
on Dyer Hill Rd ((to Gallaher)) (N Division Rd ((()), Rd 20
((N.E. Rd); W)) NE) to NW on ((Gallaher Rd to)) Old Dyer
((Hill Rd (North Division Rd); N on Dyer Hill Rd to Cold
Springs Rd (Bonita Flats)) Rd(())) at the town of Dyer; W on
Cold Springs Rd (Rd 25 NW) to Bonita Flats Rd; W from the
intersection of Bonita Flats Rd(() to the Columbia River then
west)) and Cold Springs Rd to the Douglas-Okanogan county line
on the Columbia River; N up the Columbia River
(Douglas-Okanogan county line) to town of Brewster and the
point of beginning.
GMU 262-WITHROW (Douglas County):
Beginning at Cold Springs Rd (Rd 25 NW) and the Old Dyer
((Hill)) Rd at the town of Dyer; ((S)) SE on the Old Dyer
((Hill)) Rd (North Division Rd(() to Gallaher Rd ()), R 20
((N.E. Rd); E)) NE); SE on ((Gallaher)) Dyer Hill Rd (((20
N.E. Rd))) to Bridgeport Hill Rd (B ((N.E.)) NE Rd); S on the
Bridgeport Hill Rd to State Route (SR) 172; W and S on SR 172
(Rd 14 NW, Rd C NW) to US Hwy (US) 2; W on US ((Hwy)) 2,
through the town of Douglas, to E Poplar St in the town of
Waterville((,)); W on E Poplar to N Chelan Ave; S on N Chelan
Ave to W Locust St; W on W Locust St to S Central Ave; S on S
Central Ave to W Elm St; W on W Elm St to US 2; W on US 2 to
the Columbia River at the town of Orondo then west to the
Chelan-Douglas county line in the Columbia River; N up the
Columbia River (Chelan-Douglas, Okanogan-Douglas county line),
past the Wells Dam, to the point due west of the ((Cold
Springs Rd; E from the point on the Columbia River
(Chelan-Douglas county line) which is due east)) intersection
of Bonita Flats Rd and Cold Springs Rd (Rd 25 NW) at the end
of Bonita Flats Rd; E to ((Cold Springs Rd; E)) said
intersection; NE on the Cold Springs Rd to Old Dyer Rd at the
town of Dyer and the point of beginning.
GMU 266-BADGER (Douglas County):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 2 at the town of Orondo; E on US
((Hwy)) 2 to W Elm St at the town of Waterville; E on W Elm St
to S Central Ave; N on S Central Ave to W Locust St; E on W
Locust St to N Chelan Ave; N on N Chelan Ave to E Poplar St; E
on Poplar St to US 2; E on US 2, through the town((s)) of
((Waterville and)) Douglas, to ((the)) Westerman Rd (((K
S.W.)) Rd K SW); S on ((the)) Westerman Rd (K ((S.W.)) SW Rd)
to Alstown Cutoff Rd ((()) W (Rd 3 ((S.W. Rd) at the town of))
SW); W and S on Alstown((; W on the)) Cutoff Rd to Alstown Rd
(((3 S.W. Rd) to the)) W (Rd 4 SW), at the town of Alstown; W
on Alstown Rd W to Titchenal Canyon Rd; SW on ((the))
Titchenal Canyon Rd to ((the Sheehan Rd; S on the Sheehan Rd
to the)) Rock Island Grade Rd; SW on ((the)) Rock Island Grade
Rd to the Columbia River (Chelan-Douglas county line) at the
Rock Island Dam; N up the Columbia River (Chelan-Douglas
county line), through the town of Wenatchee, to a point in the
Columbia River due west of the town of Orondo; E to US ((Hwy))
2 at the town of Orondo and the point of beginning (includes
Turtle Rock Island).
GMU 269-MOSES COULEE (Douglas and Grant counties):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 2 and the Westerman Rd (((K S.W.)) Rd
K SW); E on US ((Hwy)) 2 to the Moses Coulee Rd; S on Moses
Coulee Rd to Coulee Meadows Rd; S on Coulee Meadows Rd to
Sagebrush Flats Rd ((J N.W.)) NW at the Douglas-Grant county
line; S on ((Rd J N.W. to Rd 23 N.W.; E on Rd 23 N.W. to
Sagebrush Flats Rd; S on)) Sagebrush Flats Rd J to Rd ((J
N.W.)) NW; S on J Rd ((J N.W.)) NW to Overen Rd (Rd 20
((N.W.)) NW); SW on ((the)) Overen Rd (((Rd 20 N.W.))) NW to
Baird Springs Rd NW; SW on Baird Springs Rd NW, across ((SR))
State Route 28, to ((the)) Crescent Bar Rd NW; S along ((the))
Crescent Bar Rd NW to the Crescent Bar boat launch on the
Columbia River; W from the Crescent Bar boat launch to the
Douglas-Kittitas county line on the Columbia River; N up the
Columbia River (Douglas-Kittitas county line) to ((the)) Rock
Island Grade Rd at the Rock Island Dam; N on Rock Island Grade
Rd to ((the Sheehan Rd; N on the Sheehan Rd to the)) Titchenal
Canyon Rd; N on ((the)) Titchenal Road Canyon Rd to ((the))
Alstown Rd ((()) W (Rd 3 ((S.W. Rd)) SW); E on ((the)) Alstown
Rd ((()) W to Alstown Cutoff Rd (Rd 3 ((S.W. Rd), through))
SW), at the town of Alstown; N and E on Alstown Cutoff Rd to
((the)) Westerman Rd (((K)) Rd ((S.W.)) K SW); N on ((the))
Westerman Rd to US ((Hwy)) 2 and the point of beginning.
GMU 272-BEEZLEY (Grant, Lincoln, and Douglas counties):
Beginning at the junction of State Route (SR) 155 and SR 174
in the town of Grand Coulee; SE on SR 174 to ((Rd W N.E. ())
NE Grand Coulee Hill Rd NE; S on Grand Coulee Hill Rd((); S on
Rd W N.E.)) NE to ((Rd)) 52 ((N.E.; E on Rd 52 N.E. to X Rd
N.E.;)) Rd NE; E and S on ((X)) 52 Rd NE to W Rd NE; S on W Rd
NE to 51 Rd ((N.E.)) NE; E on 51 Rd NE to Peterson Rd; S on
Peterson Rd to Douglas Rd; E on Douglas Rd to Old Coulee Rd; S
on Old Coulee Rd to ((Maxwell Rd)) N 3rd St, at the town of
Almira; S on N 3rd St to Main St; E on ((Maxwell Rd)) Main St
to SR 2; E on SR 2 to Kiner Rd; S on Kiner Rd to X Rd ((X
N.E.)) NE; S on ((Rd)) X ((N.E.)) Rd NE to ((Rd)) W ((N.E.))
Rd NE, at the town of Marlin; S on ((Rd)) W ((N.E.)) Rd NE to
North Frontage Rd E; W on North Frontage Rd ((to Rd U N.E.; S
on Rd U N.E.)) E to ((I-90)) U Rd; S on U Rd to Interstate Hwy
(I)-90; W on I-90 to the Columbia River (Grant-Kittitas county
line), at the Vantage Bridge; N up the Columbia River
(Grant-Kittitas county line) to a point due west of Crescent
Bar boat launch; E from the Grant-Kittitas county line on the
Columbia River to the Crescent Bar boat launch and Crescent
Bar Rd; N on Crescent Bar Rd to ((SR 28; N across SR 28 to))
Baird Springs Rd NW at SR 28; NE on Baird Springs Rd NW to
Overen Rd NW; NE on Overen Rd NW to J Rd ((J N.W.)) NW; N on J
Rd ((J N.W.)) NW to Sagebrush Flats Rd NW; N on Sagebrush
Flats Rd NW to Coulee Meadows Rd at the Grant-Douglas county
line; N on Coulee Meadows Rd to the Moses Coulee Rd; N on the
Moses Coulee Rd to US Hwy (US) 2; E on US ((Hwy)) 2 to the
west shore of Banks Lake; N along the west shore of Banks Lake
to the feeder canal for the Grand Coulee Dam; NE along the
feeder canal to SR 174; SW on SR 174 to SR 155 and the point
of beginning.
GMU 278-WAHLUKE (Grant, Franklin, and Adams counties):
Beginning at ((I-90)) Interstate (I)-90 and the Columbia River
(Grant-Kittitas county line) at the Vantage Bridge; NE and E
on I-90 to Beverly Burke Rd; S on Beverly Burke Rd to
Frenchman Hills Rd; E on Frenchman Hills Rd to State Route
(SR) 262; E on SR 262 to SR 17; N on SR 17 to I-90; E on I-90
to Rd U ((S.E.)) SE; S on Rd U ((S.E. to)) SE which turns into
Booker Rd at the Grant-Adams County Line; S on Booker Rd to SR
26; W on SR 26 to SR 17; S on SR 17 to Scootney Rd; SW on
Scootney Rd to Mail Rd; W on Mail Rd to Muse Rd; W on Muse Rd
to SR 24; W on SR 24 to the Columbia River (Benton-Grant
county line) at the Vernita Bridge; W and N along the Columbia
River (Benton-Grant((-)), Yakima-Grant, and
Kittitas-((Yakima)) Grant county lines) to I-90 at the Vantage
Bridge and the point of beginning.
GMU 284-RITZVILLE (Adams, Grant, Lincoln, and Whitman
Beginning at ((I-90)) Interstate (I)-90 and Rd U ((N.E.)) NE;
N on Rd U ((N.E.)) NE to North Frontage Rd; E on North
Frontage Rd to Rd W ((N.E.)) NE; N on Rd W ((N.E.)) NE to Rd
12 ((N.E.)) NE; E on Rd 12 ((N.E.)) NE to Davis Rd; E on Davis
Rd to Marcellus Rd; S on Marcellus Rd to Tokio Rd; E on Tokio
Rd to Danekas Rd; E on Danekas Rd to I-90; NE on I-90 to State
Route (SR) 23; S on SR 23 to Lamont Rd; SW on Lamont Rd to
Revere Rd; S on Revere Rd to Jordan-Knott Rd; S on
Jordan-Knott Rd to Rock Creek; S down Rock Creek to the
Palouse River; S and W down the Palouse River to Old SR 26,
west of the town of Hooper; W on Old SR 26, across the Palouse
River to SR 26; W on SR 26 to Booker Rd; N on Booker Rd ((to))
which turns into Rd U ((S.E.)) SE at the Adams-Grant County
Line; N on Rd U ((S.E.)) SE to I-90 and point of beginning.
GMU 290-DESERT (Grant County):
Beginning at ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy (I)-90 and Beverly Burke
Rd (((Rd R S.W.))) SW, SW of the town of George; E on I-90 to
State Route (SR) 17; S on SR 17 to SR 262; W on SR 262 to
Frenchman Hills Rd (((Rd 7 S.W.))) SW; W on Frenchman Hills Rd
(((Rd 7 S.W.))) SW to Beverly Burke Rd SW; N along Beverly
Burke Rd SW to I-90 and the point of beginning.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-332, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 03-16-087 (Order 03-175), § 232-28-332, filed 8/5/03, effective 9/5/03; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-332, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 09-53, filed 4/15/09,
effective 5/16/09)
WAC 232-28-333
Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region three.
GMU 328-NANEUM (Kittitas and Chelan counties):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 97 and US Forest Service (USFS) Rd
9716 at Blewett Pass; E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 9716
to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 9712 (Liberty-Beehive Rd); E
on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 9712 (((Liberty-Beehive Rd)))
to the Naneum Ridge (Chelan-Kittitas county line) at the west
boundary of Section 22, T21N, R19E; SE along the Naneum Ridge
(Chelan-Kittitas county line), past Mission Peak, to Naneum
Ridge Rd (WA Dept((.)) of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Rd 9) at
Wenatchee Mountain; SE on Naneum Ridge Rd (((WA Dept. of Fish
and Wildlife)) WDFW Rd 9) to Colockum ((Pass)) Rd (((WA Dept.
of Fish and Wildlife)) WDFW 10 Rd ((10))); S on Colockum
((Pass)) Rd (((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife)) WDFW 10 Rd
((10))) to the ((Highline)) North Branch Canal ((()); NW along
the North Branch Canal((); NW along the Highline Canal (North
Branch Canal))) to Lower Green Canyon Rd; S on Lower Green
Canyon Rd to US ((Hwy)) 97; N on US ((Hwy)) 97 to Blewett Pass
and the point of beginning.
GMU 329-QUILOMENE (Kittitas and Chelan counties):
Beginning on the Columbia River at the mouth of Tarpiscan
Creek; E from Tarpiscan Creek to the Douglas-Kittitas county
line on the Columbia River; S along the Columbia River
(Douglas-Kittitas county line) to a point north of the east
point of the Cape Horn cliffs in the center of sec. 16 T20N
R22E; S from the Columbia River (Douglas-Kittitas county line)
to the east point of the Cape Horn cliffs in the center of
sec. 16 T20N R22E; ((S)) SW up ((Cape Horn)) slope to ((its))
the cliff's rim overlooking West Bar; SE along ((the top of
Cape Horn and)) the rim of the ((West Bar)) cliffs (((cliffs))
overlooking West Bar(() to WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd
14.14; E along WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd 14.14 to WA
Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd 14.17)) until the cliffs
diminish near the section line dividing sections 25 and 26 in
T20N, R22E; continue E about 400 feet to WA Dept of Fish and
Wildlife (WDFW) 14.17 Rd; S and W along ((WA Dept. of Fish and
Wildlife Rd)) WDFW 14.17 Rd to ((WA Dept. of Fish and
Wildlife)) WDFW 14 Rd ((14 rear gate)); S on ((WA Dept. of
Fish and Wildlife)) WDFW 14 Rd ((14)) to Tekison Creek; ((SE))
S and E along Tekison Creek its mouth on the Columbia River; E
from Tekison Creek to the Grant-Kittitas county line on the
Columbia River; S along Columbia River (Grant-Kittitas county
line) to ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy (I)-90 bridge at the town of
Vantage; W along I-90 to ((Highline)) North Branch Canal
((()); N on North Branch Canal((); N on Highline Canal (North
Branch Canal))) to Colockum Rd (((WA Dept. of Fish and
Wildlife)) WDFW 10 Rd ((10))); N on Colockum Rd to ((North
Fork Tarpiscan Rd (WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd)) (WDFW
10.10 Rd); E on ((North Fork Tarpiscan)) WDFW 10.10 Rd to
Tarpiscan Rd (((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife)) WDFW 14 Rd
((14))); S on Tarpiscan Rd (((WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd
14) approximately 100 feet)) to Tarpiscan Creek; E down
Tarpiscan Creek to its mouth on the Columbia River and the
point of beginning.
GMU 330-West Bar (Kittitas County):
Beginning on the Columbia River at ((Cape Horn)) the east
point of the Cape Horn cliffs in the center of sec. 16 T20N
R22E; ((S up Cape Horn to its rim; SE along the rim of Cape
Horn and West Bar Cliffs (the cliffs overlooking West Bar) to
WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd 14.14; E along Rd 14.14 to WA
Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Rd 14.17; S along WA Dept. of Fish
and Wildlife Rd)) SW up the slope to up the rim of the cliffs
overlooking West Bar; SE along the rim until the cliff
diminishes near the section line of 25 and 26 in T20N, R22E;
continue E about 400 feet to WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife
(WDFW) 14.17 Rd; S and W on WDFW 14.17 Rd to ((WA Dept. of
Fish and Wildlife)) WDFW 14 Rd ((14 near the gate)); S on ((WA
Dept. of Fish and Wildlife)) WDFW 14 Rd((. 14)) to Tekison
Creek; ((SE)) E and S down Tekison Creek to its mouth on the
Columbia River; E from Tekison Creek to the Kittitas-Grant
county line on the Columbia River; N and W along the Columbia
River (Kittitas-Grant then Kittitas-Douglas county lines) to a
point north of ((Cape Horn)) the east point of the Cape Horn
cliffs in the center of sec. 16 T20N R22E; S from the
aforesaid point in the Columbia River to the east point of the
Cape Horn cliffs and the point of beginning.
GMU 334-ELLENSBURG (Kittitas County):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 97 and Lower Green Canyon Rd; N on
Lower Green Canyon Rd to ((Highline)) North Branch Canal; N, E
and S along ((Highline)) North Branch Canal to ((I-90))
Interstate Hwy (I)-90 and the Yakima Training Center boundary;
S and W along the Yakima Training Center boundary to I-82; N
on I-82 to Thrall Rd; W on Thrall Rd to Wilson Creek; S down
Wilson Creek to Yakima River; N up Yakima River to
((Umptanum)) Umtanum Rd; S ((up Umptanum)) on Umtanum Rd to
the South Branch Extension Canal; W on South Branch Extension
Canal to Bradshaw Rd; W on Bradshaw Rd to the elk fence; N
along the elk fence to Taneum Creek; NE down Taneum Creek to
the Yakima River; NE down the Yakima River to Thorp Hwy; NW
along the Thorp Hwy to State Route (SR) 10; SE on SR 10 to US
((Hwy)) 97 junction; N on US ((Hwy)) 97 to Lower Green Canyon
Rd and point of beginning.
GMU 335-TEANAWAY (Kittitas County):
Beginning at ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy (I)-90 and US Forest
Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic
Trail) at Snoqualmie Pass; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to the Alpine Lakes
Wilderness boundary; E on the Alpine Lakes Wilderness boundary
to the Chelan-Kittitas county line which is the Wenatchee
Mountain Range Divide; E on ((US Forest Service Trail 1226))
the Wenatchee Mountain Range Divide to US Hwy (US) 97 at
Blewett Pass; S on US ((Hwy)) 97 to State Route (SR) 10; N and
W on SR 10 to Thorp Hwy; SE on Thorp Hwy to Yakima River; SW
up the Yakima River to Taneum Creek; SW up Taneum Creek to
I-90; W on I-90 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000
(((Pacific Crest Trail))) at Snoqualmie Pass and the point of
GMU 336-TANEUM (Kittitas County):
Beginning at US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail) and ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy
(I)-90 at Snoqualmie Pass; E on I-90 to Taneum Creek; W up
Taneum Creek to the south fork of Taneum Creek; W up the south
fork of Taneum Creek to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1367;
W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1367 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1363 (Peaches Ridge Trail); S on US
Forest Trail 1363 (((Peaches Ridge Trail))) to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1388; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 1388 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific
Crest Trail))) to Blowout Mountain; N on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest)) to Cedar River Watershed
boundary; N on Cedar River Watershed boundary to USFS Trail
2000; N on USFS Trail(())) 2000 to I-90 at Snoqualmie Pass and
the point of beginning.
GMU 340-MANASTASH (Kittitas County):
Beginning at ((I-82)) Interstate Hwy (I)-82 and State Route
(SR) 821; N on SR 821 to SR 823 (((Harrison Rd))); W on SR 823
(((Harrison Rd))) to Yakima River; N up Yakima River to
Umtanum Creek; W up Umtanum Creek to ((Ellensburg-)) Wenas Rd;
W and S along ((Ellensburg-)) Wenas Rd to ((North Fork Wenas
Rd ())Audubon Rd((, W5000))); NW along ((North Fork Wenas Rd
to Barber Springs Rd; W on Barber Springs Rd to US Forest
Service)) Audubon Rd to North Fork Wenas Creek at the junction
of WA Dept of Natural Resources (DNR) W5200 Rd; NW on North
Fork Wenas Creek to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1701; USFS Rd
1701 to USFS Trail ((4W))694; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail ((4W))694 and Manastash Ridge to end of USFS Trail 694;
NW on Manastash Ridge to ((US Forest Service Trail 4W307; NW
on US Forest Service Trail 4W307 to US Forest Service Trail
1388; NW on US Forest Service Trail 1388 to US Forest Service
Trail 4W306; NW on US Forest Service Trail 4W306 to US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1388 ((at Quartz Mountain)); NW along
((US Forest Service Rd)) USFS Trail 1388 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1363 (Peaches Ridge Trail); N and E along
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1363 (((Peaches Ridge Trail)
to US Forest Service)) to USFS Trail 1367; SE along ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1367 to South Fork Taneum Creek; E
down the South Fork Taneum Creek to Taneum Creek; E down
Taneum Creek to the elk fence; SE along the elk fence to
Bradshaw Rd; E on Bradshaw Rd to South Branch Extension Canal;
SE along the South Branch Extension Canal to Umtanum Rd; N on
Umtanum Rd to Yakima River; S down the Yakima River to Wilson
Creek; NE up Wilson Creek to Thrall Rd; E on Thrall Rd to
I-82; SE and SW on I-82 to SR 821 and the point of beginning.
GMU 342-UMTANUM (Kittitas and Yakima counties):
Beginning at US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1701 and ((Barber
Springs Rd (WA Dept. of Natural Resources Rd W5000) at T17N,
R15E, NE 1/4 of Section 12; SE on Barber Springs Rd to)) North
Fork Wenas Creek; S on North Fork Wenas Creek To WA Dept of
Natural Resources (DNR) W5000 Rd at the junction with DNR
W5200 Rd; SE on W5000 Rd to the ((North Fork Wenas Rd
())Audubon Rd(())); SE on the ((North Fork)) Audubon Rd to
Wenas Rd; NE on Wenas Rd to ((Wenas-Ellensburg Rd; NE on
Wenas-Ellensburg Rd to)) Umtanum Creek; E down the Umtanum
Creek to the Yakima River; S down the Yakima River to ((I-82))
Interstate Hwy (I)-82; SE on I-82 to US Hwy (US) 12 at the
city of Yakima; NW on US ((Hwy)) 12 to State Route (SR) 410;
NW on SR 410 (as it existed prior to 2009 landslide) to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1701; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 1701 to ((Barber Spring Rd-US Forest Service Trail 4W694
intersection)) North Fork Wenas Creek and the point of
GMU 346-LITTLE NACHES (Yakima and Kittitas counties):
Beginning at US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1388 and ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic
Trail) ((at Blowout Mountain)); SE on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 1388 and Manastash Ridge to the end of USFS Rd 1388;
SE on Manastash Ridge to ((US Forest Service Trail 4W306; SE
on US Forest Service Trail 4W306 to US Forest Service Trail
1388; SE on US Forest Service Trail 1388 to US Forest Service
Trail 4W307; SE on US Forest Service Trail 4W307 to US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail ((4W))694; E on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail ((4W))694 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1701
(((T17N, R15E, NW 1/4 of Section 12))); S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1701 to State Route (SR) 410; NW and SW on
SR 410 to ((US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest
Trail))) Mount Rainier National Park boundary near Chinook
Pass; N on ((US Forest Service)) the National Park boundary to
the Pierce-Yakima county line (Cascades Mountain Range Crest)
in T17N, R10E, Sec 35; NE on the Pierce-Yakima county line to
USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail) to US Forest Service))
in T17N, R10E, Sec 36; N on USFS Trail 2000 to USFS Rd 1388
((at Blowout Mountain)) and the point of beginning.
GMU 352-NILE (Yakima County):
Beginning on the ((Bumping Lake)) US Forest Service (USFS) Rd
1800 and State Route (SR) 410; E and ((S)) SE on SR 410 (as it
existed prior to the 2009 landslide) to the lower Nile
((Loop)) Rd (south SR 410 detour); W and N on the ((Lower))
Nile ((Loop)) Rd to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1500 (Clover
Springs Rd); W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1500 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1502 (McDaniel Lake Rd); W on the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1502 (((McDaniel Lake Rd))) to
Rattlesnake Creek; N down Rattlesnake Creek to the North Fork
of Rattlesnake Creek; W up the North Fork of Rattlesnake Creek
to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 973 (Richmond Mine ((Rd))
Trail); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 973 (((Richmond
Mine Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1800 (Bumping
Lake Rd); N on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1800
(((Bumping Lake Rd))) to SR 410 and the point of beginning.
GMU 356-BUMPING (Yakima County):
Beginning ((on US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest
Trail) and SR)) at the Mount Rainier National Park boundary
and State Route (SR) 410 at Chinook Pass; NE on SR 410 to US
Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1800 (Bumping Lake Rd); SW on the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1800 (((Bumping Lake Rd))) to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 973 (Richmond Mine ((Rd))
Trail); SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 973 (((Richmond
Mine Rd))) to the north fork of Rattlesnake Creek; SE down the
north fork of Rattlesnake Creek to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 1502 (McDaniel Lake Rd); SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 1502 (((McDaniel Lake Rd))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 1500; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1500 to US Hwy
(US) 12; W on US ((Hwy)) 12 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) at White
Pass; N on the ((US Forest Service Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest
Trail))) USFS Trail 2000 to the Mount Rainier National Park
boundary in T15N, R11E, Sec 20; N on the National Park
boundary to SR 410 at Chinook Pass and the point of beginning.
(((Lands within the boundary of Mt. Rainier National Park
along the Pacific Crest Trail are not open to hunting.)))
GMU 360-BETHEL (Yakima County):
Beginning on State Route (SR) 410 (as it existed prior to 2009
landslide) and ((the)) lower Nile ((Loop)) Rd; SE on SR 410 to
US Hwy (US) 12; SW on US ((Hwy)) 12 to US Forest Service
(USFS) Rd 1500 (Bethel Ridge Rd); N and E on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 1500 to Nile ((Loop)) Rd; SE on Nile
((Loop)) Rd (New SR 410) to south SR 410((, southeast of the
town of Nile,)) detour and the point of beginning.
GMU 364-RIMROCK (Yakima County):
Beginning on US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail) and US Hwy (US) 12 at White Pass;
E on US ((Hwy)) 12 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1302
(((Jump Off Rd) at Windy Point)); SW on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 1302 (((Jump Off Rd))) (WA Dept of Natural Resources
(DNR) C3000 Rd) to ((US Forest Service Trail 1127, southeast
of the)) Jump Off ((Lookout)); ((SW on US Forest Service Trail
1127 to US Forest Service Rd 613; SW on US Forest Service Rd
613 to US Forest Service Rd 1020; SW on US Forest Service Rd
1020 to US Forest Service Rd 615; SW on US Forest Service Rd
615 to US Forest Service Trail 1136; SW on US Forest Service
Trail 1136 to its southernmost point; W from US Forest Service
Trail 1136)) SW from Jump Off along the crest of Divide Ridge
to Darland Mountain; SW from Darland Mountain on USFS Trail
615 and Klickton Divide to where USFS Trial 615 ends; SW along
the Klickton Divide to Spenser Point; NW on the Yakama Indian
Reservation boundary from Spenser Point to the ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))); N on the
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest
Trail))) to US ((Hwy)) 12 at White Pass and the point of
GMU 368-COWICHE (Yakima County):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 12 to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd
1302 (((Jump Off Rd) at Windy Point)); NE and SE on US ((Hwy))
12 to ((I-82)) Interstate Hwy (I)-82; NW on I-82 to the Yakima
River; S down the Yakima River to Ahtanum Creek; W ((up
Ahtanum Creek to the south fork of Ahtanum Creek; SW up the
south fork of Ahtanum Creek to its junction with Reservation
Creek; SW up Reservation Creek)) and NW on the Yakama Indian
Reservation boundary to ((the main divide between the Diamond
Fork drainage and Ahtanum Creek drainage; N along the crest of
the main divide between the Diamond Fork drainage and the
Ahtanum Creek drainage to Darland Mountain; NE on US Forest
Service Trail 615 to US Forest Service Rd 1020; NE on US
Forest Service Rd 1020 to US Forest Service Rd 613; NE on US
Forest Service Rd 613 to US Forest Service Trail 1127; NE on
US Forest Service Trail 1127 to US Forest Service Rd 1302
(Jump Off Rd), SE of the Jump Off Lookout Station))
Reservation Creek and the main divide between the Diamond Fork
and Ahtanum Creek drainages; N along the aforementioned divide
to Darland Mountain; NE along the crest of Divide Ridge to
Jump Off and USFS Rd 1302 (WA Dept of Natural Resources (DNR)
C3000); NE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1302 (((Jump Off
Rd))) to US ((Hwy)) 12 and the point of beginning.
GMU 371-ALKALI (Kittitas and Yakima counties):
Beginning at the Vantage Bridge where ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy
(I)-90 crosses the Columbia River; S down the Columbia River
(Kittitas-Grant and Grant-Yakima county line) to the Priest
Rapids Dam; NW on the southern shore of the Columbia River
(Priest Rapids Lake) to the Yakima Training Center boundary; S
and W along the Yakima Training Center boundary to the main
gate on Firing Center Rd; W along Firing Center Rd to I-82; N
along I-82 to Yakima Training Center boundary at
((Vanderbuilt)) Vanderbilt Gap; N and E along the Yakima
Training Center boundary to I-90; E on I-90 to the Vantage
Bridge on Columbia River and the point of beginning.
GMU 372 RATTLESNAKE HILLS (Benton and Yakima counties):
Beginning at southern corner of Yakima Training Center border
on the Columbia River, northwest of the Priest Rapids Dam; SE
on the southern shore of the Columbia River (Priest Rapids
Lake) to the Priest Rapids Dam; E along the Columbia River
(Yakima-Grant, Grant-Benton county lines) to the Vernita
Bridge on State Route (SR) 24; E and S down the Columbia River
(Grant-Benton ((county line)) then ((the)) Benton-Franklin
county line((, along the Columbia River,))) to the mouth of
the Yakima River; NW up the Yakima River to SR 823 (((Harrison
Rd))) south of the town of Pomona; E along SR 823 (((Harrison
Rd))) to SR 821; SE on SR 821 to Firing Center Rd at ((I-82))
Interstate Hwy (I)-82; E on Firing Center Rd to the main gate
of the Yakima Training Center; S and E along the Yakima
Training Center boundary to southern corner of the Yakima
Training Center boundary on the Columbia River and the point
of beginning.
GMU 373-HORSE HEAVEN (Benton and Yakima counties):
Beginning at the mouth of the Yakima River and Columbia River;
SE down the Columbia River (Franklin-Benton and Benton-Walla
Walla county lines) to the Washington-Oregon state line; W on
the Columbia River (Washington-Oregon state line) from the
southern junction of the Benton-Walla Walla county lines to
Alder Creek (including all islands in the Columbia River north
of the Oregon state line and between Alder Creek and the
junction of the Benton-Walla Walla county lines); N on Alder
Creek to State Route (SR) 14; E on SR 14 to Alderdale Rd; N on
the Alderdale Rd to Ridge Rd; W and S on Ridge Rd to Donaho
Rd; W on Donaho Rd to Mabton-Bickleton ((Hwy)) Rd (Glade Rd);
N on Mabton-Bickleton Rd to the power transmission lines; SW
on the power transmission lines to the power line access road
in Section 3, T6N, R20E; N on power line access road to Yakama
reservation Road 272 at the Yakama Indian reservation
boundary; NE on the Yakama Indian reservation boundary to the
Mabton-Sunnyside Rd; N on the Mabton-Sunnyside Rd to the
Yakima River; E along the Yakima River the point of beginning.
GMU 379-Ringold (Franklin, Grant, and Adams counties):
Beginning at the Vernita Bridge on State Route (SR) 24 and the
west shore of the Columbia River (Grant-Benton county line); N
and E on SR 24 to Muse Rd; E on Muse Rd to Mail Rd; E on Mail
Rd to Scootney Rd; N on Scootney Rd to SR 17; S on SR 17 to US
Hwy (US) 395; S on US 395 through Pasco (via westbound
((I-182)) Interstate Hwy (I)-182) to the US 395 Blue Bridge
and the Franklin-Benton county line in the Columbia River; W
and N along the Columbia River (Benton-Franklin county line)
to the Vernita Bridge and the point of beginning.
GMU 381-Kahlotus (Franklin and Adams counties):
Beginning at the junction of State Route (SR) 17 and SR 26; E
on SR 26 to Old SR 26; E on Old SR 26 to the Palouse River
(Whitman-Franklin county line); S down the Palouse River to
Snake River (Franklin-Walla Walla county line); W and SW down
the Snake River to the Columbia River (Franklin-Benton-Walla
Walla county line junction); NW up the Columbia River
(Franklin-Benton county line) to the US Hwy (US) 395 Blue
Bridge; N on US 395 through Pasco (via eastbound ((I-182))
Interstate Hwy (I)-182) to SR 17; N on SR 17 to the SR 26
junction and the point of beginning.
GMU 382-EAST KLICKITAT (Klickitat County):
Beginning at the US Hwy (US) 97 Bridge on the Columbia River
at the town of Maryhill; N on US ((Hwy)) 97 to the Yakama
Indian reservation at Satus Pass; E along the Yakama Indian
reservation boundary to Yakama Reservation Rd 272 and the
power line access road in Sec 33 T7N; R20E; S and E on the
power transmission line access road to the ((electrical))
power transmission lines; N and E on the ((electrical)) power
transmission lines to the Mabton-Bickleton ((Hwy)) Rd (Glade
Rd); S on the Mabton-Bickleton ((Hwy)) Rd to Donaho Rd; E on
Donaho Rd to Ridge Rd; E and N on Ridge Rd to Alderdale Rd; SE
and S on Alderdale Rd to State Route (SR) 14; W on SR 14 to
Alder Creek; S down Alder Creek to the Columbia River; W down
the Columbia River to the US ((Hwy)) 97 Bridge at the town of
Maryhill and the point of beginning including all islands in
the Columbia River both north of the Washington-Oregon state
line and between Alder Creek and the US ((Hwy)) 97 Bridge at
GMU 388-GRAYBACK (Klickitat County):
Beginning at the US Hwy (US) 97 bridge crossing the Columbia
River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of the Klickitat
River at the town of Lyle (including all islands in the
Columbia River which are both north of the Washington state
line and between the US ((Hwy)) 97 bridge and the Klickitat
River); ((NW and)) N up the Klickitat River to the Yakama
Indian Reservation; E along the southern boundary of the
Yakama Indian Reservation to US ((Hwy)) 97 (Satus Pass Hwy); S
on US ((Hwy)) 97 to US ((Hwy)) 97 bridge crossing the Columbia
River and the point of beginning.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-333, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-333, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-333, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 05-11-024 (Order 05-90), § 232-28-333, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05; 05-02-046 (Order 04-327), § 232-28-333, filed 1/3/05, effective 2/3/05; 03-16-087 (Order 03-175), § 232-28-333, filed 8/5/03, effective 9/5/03; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-333, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-175, filed 8/5/03,
effective 9/5/03)
WAC 232-28-334
Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region four.
GMU 407-NORTH SOUND (Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish and King
Beginning at the NW corner of Whatcom county line and the
US-Canadian border; E on the US-Canadian border to a point due
north of Silver Lake Rd; S to Silver Lake Rd; S on Silver Lake
Rd to State Route (SR) 542 (Mount Baker Hwy); SW on SR 542
(Mount Baker Hwy) to Mosquito Lake Rd; S on Mosquito Lake Rd
to SR 9 (Valley Hwy); S on SR 9 (Valley Hwy) ((through)) to SR
20 in the town of Sedro-Woolley ((then)); W and S on SR 20 to
SR 9; S on SR 9 to SR 530 at the town of Arlington; NE on SR
530 to Jim Creek-Trafton Rd at the Trafton School in the town
of Trafton; SE along Jim Creek-Trafton Rd (242nd St. NE) to
the City of Seattle power transmission line; SW on the
transmission line to Jordan Rd in Section 20, T31N, R6E; SE
along Jordan Rd to SR 92 at the town of Granite Falls; E on SR
92 to South Alder Ave; S on South Alder Ave to ((East)) E
Pioneer St; E ((and SE)) on East Pioneer St to Menzel Lake Rd;
((S)) SE on Menzel Lake Rd to North Lake Roesiger Rd; S on
North Lake Roesiger Rd to South Lake Roesiger Rd; S on South
Lake Roesiger Rd to 242nd St SE; S on 242nd St SE to Woods
Creek Rd; S on Woods Creek Rd to US Hwy 2 at the town of
Monroe; W on US Hwy 2 to SR 203 at the town of Monroe; S on SR
203 to ((N.E.)) NE Woodinville-Duvall Rd at the town of
Duvall; W on ((N.E.)) NE Woodinville-Duvall Rd to the
Snoqualmie River; N down the Snoqualmie River to the Snohomish
River; W down the Snohomish River to its mouth on the Puget
Sound; W from the mouth of the Snohomish River to the northern
tip of Gedney Island; due W from the northern tip of Gedney
Island to a point on the Snohomish-Island county line; N along
the Island-Snohomish county line in Possession Sound and Port
Susan to Juniper Beach and N through Davis Slough to the
Island-Snohomish-Skagit county junction; W and N along
Island-Skagit county line through Skagit Bay and W through
Deception Pass to San Juan-Skagit county line; N on the San
Juan-Skagit county line to a point due West of Kelly's Point
on Guemes Island; E from the San Juan-Skagit county line to
Bellingham Channel; N through the middle of Bellingham
Channel((;)), then NE from Bellingham Channel to Carter Point
on Lummi Island; NW from Carter Point to the Skagit-Whatcom
county line; W along Skagit-Whatcom county line to the
Whatcom-San Juan county line; NW along the Whatcom-San Juan
county line to the US-Canadian border and the point of
GMU 410-ISLANDS (San Juan and Island counties):
Beginning at the junction of San Juan-Whatcom county lines and the US-Canadian border at the northernmost point in San Juan County; SE on the San Juan-Whatcom county line to the junction of San Juan-Whatcom-Skagit county lines; E on the Skagit-Whatcom county line to the first point where the Skagit-Whatcom county line turns SE; SE from the Skagit-Whatcom county line to Carter Point on Lummi Island; SW down the middle of Bellingham Channel to a point due W of Kelly's Point on Guemes Island and including Cypress Island; W to the Skagit-San Juan county line; S through Rosario Strait on the San Juan-Skagit county line to the San Juan-Skagit-Island county line; E on the Skagit-Island county line through Deception Pass and S through Skagit Bay to the Island-Snohomish-Skagit county junction; SE on the Island-Snohomish county line through Davis Slough, Juniper Beach, Port Susan, Possession Sound to the Island-Kitsap county line; NW on the Island-Kitsap-Jefferson county line through Puget Sound, Admiralty Inlet, and the Strait of Juan De Fuca; W on the Clallam-Jefferson-San Juan county lines to the US-Canadian border; N on the US-Canadian border, through Middle Bank, Haro Strait, and Boundary Pass, to the northernmost corner of San Juan-Whatcom county line and the point of beginning.
GMU 418-NOOKSACK (Whatcom and Skagit counties):
Beginning at the US-Canadian border and the western border of
the North Cascades National Park; S on the North Cascades
National Park boundary to Noisy Diobsud Wilderness Area
boundary; W and S on Noisy Diobsud Wilderness Area boundary to
a point due E of the head waters of Watson Creek; W to the
headwaters of Watson Creek; S down Watson Creek to Thunder
Creek; W down Thunder Creek to Baker River Rd; S along Baker
River Rd to State Route (SR) 20 at the town of Concrete; W
along SR 20 to SR 9 at the town of Sedro-Woolley; N along SR 9
to Mosquito Lake Rd; N on the Mosquito Lake Rd to SR 542
(Mount Baker Hwy); N on SR 542 (((Mount Baker Hwy))) to the
Silver Lake Rd; N on the Silver Lake Rd to its northern most
point; N from the Silver Lake Rd to the US-Canadian border; E
on the US-Canadian border to the western border of the North
Cascades National Park and the point of beginning.
GMU 426-DIABLO (Skagit and Whatcom counties):
Beginning at the US-Canadian border and the western boundary
of the Ross Lake National Recreation Area; S on the Ross Lake
National Recreation Area boundary, across SR 20 (North
Cascades Hwy) and Skagit River((;)), then NE and E on the Ross
Lake National Recreation Area boundary to a point 2 miles east
of Panther Creek, where the recreation boundary connects with
the Okanogan National Forest boundary; S on North Cascades
National Park boundary to the Skagit-Chelan county line at
Fisher Peak; SE along the Skagit-Chelan county line((, across
SR 20)) to the US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail); N on the ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to the Pasayten
Wilderness boundary at Jim Pass; W along the Pasayten
Wilderness boundary to the Ross Lake National Recreation Area
boundary; N along the Ross Lake National Recreation
Area-Pasayten Wilderness Area boundary to the US-Canadian
border; W along the US-Canadian border to the NW corner of the
Ross Lake National Recreation Area and the point of beginning.
GMU 437-SAUK (Skagit and Snohomish counties):
Beginning at the intersection of State Route (SR) 9 and SR 20,
W of the town of Sedro-Woolley; E along SR 20 to Baker River
Rd at the town of Concrete; N on Baker River Rd to Thunder
Creek; E up Thunder Creek to Watson Creek; N up Watson Creek
to its headwaters; E from the headwaters of Watson Creek to
Noisy Diobsud Wilderness boundary; N and E on Noisy Diobsud
Wilderness boundary to North Cascades National Park boundary;
S and E along the North Cascades National Park boundary to the
Ross Lake National Recreation boundary; S along the Ross Lake
National Recreation Area boundary, across the SR 20 (North
Cascade Hwy) and the Skagit River((;)), then E along the Ross
Lake National Recreation Area boundary to the North Cascades
National Park boundary near Big Devil Peak; SE on the North
Cascades National Park boundary to the Cascade River Rd; S on
Cascade River Rd to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 1590; S on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1590 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 769 (South Fork Cascade River Trail); S on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 769 (((South Fork Cascade River
Trail))) to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area boundary; W and S
on Glacier Peak Wilderness Area Boundary to the Suiattle
River; W down the Suiattle River to the Sauk River; N on the
Sauk River to SR 530 (Sauk Valley Rd); S on SR 530 to the town
of Darrington; W on SR 530 to SR 9 at the town of Arlington; N
on SR 9 to SR 20, W of the town of Sedro-Woolley, and the
point of beginning.
GMU 448-STILLAGUAMISH (Snohomish and Skagit counties):
Beginning at the intersection of ((Hwy)) State Route (SR) 530
(Arlington-Darrington Hwy) and Jim Creek Rd at the town of
Trafton; NE on SR 530 to the town of Darrington, where it is
called Seeman St; N on SR 530 (Sauk Valley Rd) to the Sauk
River; S on the Sauk River to Suiattle River; E along the
Suiattle River to the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area boundary; S
on the Glacier Peak Wilderness Area boundary to US Forest
Service (USFS) Trail 650, West of June Mountain; W on the ((US
Forest Service)) (USFS) Trail 650((,)) to ((US Forest
Service)) (USFS) Trail 1050 (Quartz Creek Trail) at Curry Gap;
S on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1050 (((Quartz Creek
Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6300; E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6300 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 1051; NE on Trail 1051 to Henry M. Jackson Wilderness
boundary; S along the Henry M. Jackson Wilderness boundary to
Meadow Creek; S down Meadow Creek to Rapid River; E up Rapid
River to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest
National Scenic Trail) at Lake Janus; S on the ((US Forest
Service Trail)) USFS 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to SR 2 at
Stevens Pass; W on SR 2 to Woods Creek Rd at the town of
Monroe; N on Woods Creek Rd to 242nd St SE; N on 242nd St SE
to South Lake Roesiger Rd; N on South Lake Roesiger Rd to
North Lake Roesiger Rd; N on North Lake Roesiger Rd to Menzel
Lake Rd; N on Menzel Lake Rd to East Pioneer St; ((NW and)) W
on East Pioneer St to South Alder Ave; N on South Alder Ave to
SR 92 (E Stanley St); W on SR 92 to Jordan Rd; NW on Jordan
Rd, through the town of Jordan, to the City of Seattle power
transmission lines; NE on the transmission lines to Jim
Creek-Trafton Rd (242nd St. NE); W on Jim Creek-Trafton Rd to
SR 530 at the town of Trafton and the point of beginning.
GMU 450-CASCADE (Skagit and Snohomish counties):
Beginning on the Glacier Peak Wilderness boundary and Jordan
Creek, W of Jordan Lakes; N and E on the wilderness boundary
to US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 769; N on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 769 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
1590; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 1590 to the ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 15 (Cascade River Rd); N on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 15 (((Cascade River Rd))) to the
North Cascades National Park boundary; E on the North Cascades
National Park boundary to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail); S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))) to the
Rapid River at Lake Janus; NW down the Rapid River to Meadow
Creek; N up Meadow Creek to Henry M. Jackson Wilderness Area
boundary; N along the Henry M. Jackson Wilderness boundary to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1051; S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1051 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
6300; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6300 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1050; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 1050 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 650 at Curry
Gap; E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 650 to the Glacier
Peak Wilderness boundary west of June Mountain; N on the
Glacier Peak Wilderness boundary, across the Suiattle River,
to Jordan Creek and the point of beginning.
GMU 454-ISSAQUAH (King and Snohomish counties):
Beginning at the mouth of the Snohomish River at the city of
Everett; SE up the Snohomish River to the Snoqualmie River; SE
up the Snoqualmie River to NE Woodinville-Duvall Rd; E on NE
Woodinville-Duvall Rd to State Route (SR) 203 at the town of
Duvall; S on SR 203 to SR 202 (Fall City-Snoqualmie Rd) at the
town of Fall City; S on SR 202 (Fall City-Snoqualmie Rd),
across the Snoqualmie River, to Preston-Fall City Rd; SW on
Preston-Fall City Rd to ((I-90)) SE 82nd St at the town of
Preston; E on SE 82nd St to Interstate Hwy (I)-90; E on I-90
to SR 18; S on SR 18 to the Raging River; SE along the Raging
River to Kerriston Rd; S on Kerriston Rd to the City of
Seattle Cedar River Watershed boundary; W, S and E along the
Cedar River Watershed boundary to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd
5100; S along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5100 to the posted
boundary of the Green River Watershed; S along the posted
boundary of the Green River Watershed to the ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 5410; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
5410 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5400; E on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 5400 to the junction with posted boundary of
the Green River Watershed; S on the posted Tacoma Green River
Watershed boundary to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7110
(Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 5200 line) near Lynn Lake; SW on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7110 (((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5200
line) to ((US Hwy)) SR 410; W on SR 410 to SR 164 at the city
of Enumclaw; W on SR 164 to SR 18 at the city of Auburn; W on
SR 18 to SR 99; N on SR 99 to SR 509; W on SR 509 to Redondo
Way South; NW on Redondo Way South to the town of Redondo on
Puget Sound; SW across Admiralty Inlet on the Pierce-King
county line to the point (([where] [were])) where the county
line turns southeast, northwest of Dash Point; W and N along
the King county line to King, Snohomish, and Kitsap county
line junction in the Puget Sound west of Point Wells; N on the
Snohomish county line through Possession Sound to a point on
the Snohomish county line due west of the northern tip of
Gedney Island (Hat Island); E to the northern tip of Gedney
Island (((Hat Island))); E from the northern tip of Gedney
Island (((Hat Island))) to the mouth of the Snohomish River
and the point of beginning.
GMU 460-SNOQUALMIE (King and Snohomish counties):
Beginning at State Route (SR) 203 and SR 2 at the town of
Monroe; E on SR 2 to US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000
(Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) at Stevens Pass; S on
the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest
Trail))) to the City of Seattle Cedar River Watershed; W on
the Cedar River Watershed boundary to Kerriston Rd; N on
Kerriston Rd to the Raging River; W and N along the Raging
River to SR 18; N on SR 18 to ((I-90)) Interstate Hwy (I)-90;
W on I-90 to SE 82nd St at the town of Preston; NE on SE 82nd
St to Preston-Fall City Rd; N on the Preston-Fall City Rd to
SR 202 (Fall City-Snoqualmie Rd); N on SR 202 (Fall
City-Snoqualmie Rd), across the Snoqualmie River, to SR 203; N
on SR 203 to SR 2 at the town of Monroe and the point of
GMU 466-STAMPEDE (King County):
Beginning on the US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail) and the east boundary of the City
of Seattle Cedar River Watershed; S on the ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (((Pacific Crest Trail))), past
Blowout Mountain, to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7038 at its
closest point to the ((Pacific Crest)) USFS Trail 2000 near
Windy Gap north of Pyramid Peak; NW on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 7038 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7036; NW on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7036 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
7030; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7030 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 7032; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
7032 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1172; W on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1172 to about 1/4 mile past
Williams Hole to the posted boundary of the City of Tacoma
Green River Watershed; N on the posted City of Tacoma Green
River Watershed boundary to the City of Seattle Cedar River
Watershed boundary; N along City of Seattle Cedar River
Watershed boundary to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000
(((Pacific Crest Trail))) and the point of beginning.
GMU 485-GREEN RIVER (King County):
Beginning at the junction of NW corner of the city of Tacoma
Green River Watershed and US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 5100; E
on the boundary between the Green River Watershed and the
Cedar River Watershed to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5060; S
on ((US Forest Service)) Rd 5060 to the posted boundary of the
Green River Watershed; along the southern boundary of the
Green River Watershed over Huckleberry Mountain and Grass
Mountain to the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5400; NW along
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5400 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 5410; N along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5410 to
posted boundary of the City of Tacoma Green River Watershed; N
along the posted boundary of the City of Tacoma Green River
Watershed to ((US Forest Service Rd)) USFS 5100; N along ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 5100 to City of Tacoma Green River
Watershed and City of Seattle Cedar River Watershed border and
the point of beginning.
GMU 490-CEDAR RIVER (King County):
The area within the posted boundary of the city of Seattle's Cedar River Watershed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-16-087 (Order 03-175), § 232-28-334, filed 8/5/03, effective 9/5/03; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-334, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 09-53, filed 4/15/09,
effective 5/16/09)
WAC 232-28-335
Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region five.
GMU 501-LINCOLN (Lewis, Thurston, Pacific, and Grays Harbor
Beginning at the intersection of ((I-5)) Interstate Hwy (I)-5
and State Route (SR) 6; ((west)) W on SR 6 to Stevens Rd; NW
on Stevens Rd to Elk Creek Rd at the town of Doty; W on Elk
Creek Rd to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 7000 line; W and N on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7400 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7400 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7050 line; NE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7050 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7000 line; NW and N on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7000 line to the ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7800 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7800 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7800 F line; NE on ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 7800 F line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 720 line; E on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 720 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 723
line; NW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 723 line to the
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco C line; NE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco C
line to Garrard Creek Rd; NE on Garrard Creek Rd to South Bank
Rd; E on South Bank Rd to North State St; N on North State St
to US Hwy (US) 12 at the town of Oakville; E on US ((Hwy)) 12
to I-5; S on I-5 to SR 6 and point of beginning.
GMU 503-RANDLE (Lewis County):
Beginning at the intersection of US Hwy (US) 12 and the
((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 100 Mainline (Kosmos Rd, Old
Champion Haul Rd); E on US ((Hwy)) 12 to State Route (SR) 131;
S on SR 131 to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 25; S on the ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 25 to the Cispus River; W on the
Cispus River to ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 271 line; S on the
((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 271 line to the ((Rainier Timber))
Rayonier 300 line; W on the ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 300
line to the ((Rainier Timber 100 line; N on the Rainier
Timber)) Rayonier 100 line (Kosmos Haul Rd); N on the Rayonier
100 line to US ((Hwy)) 12 and the point of beginning.
GMU 504-STELLA (Cowlitz County):
Beginning at the mouth of the Cowlitz River on the Columbia
River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of Germany Creek
(including all islands in the Columbia River which are both
north of the Washington-Oregon state line and between the
Cowlitz River and Germany Creek); N up Germany Creek to State
Route (SR) 4; E on SR 4 to Germany Creek Rd; N on Germany
Creek Rd to International Paper (IP) 1000 line; N on
((International Paper)) IP 1000 line to ((International
Paper)) IP 1050 line; E on ((International Paper)) IP 1050
line to ((International Paper)) IP 2200 line; E and S on
((International Paper)) IP 2200 to Woodside Dr; NE on Woodside
Dr to Delameter Rd; E on Delameter Rd to the three power
lines; N along the three power lines to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco)
9312 line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 9312 line to Growlers
Gulch Rd; E on Growlers Gulch Rd to Public ((Highway)) Hwy
(PH) 10 Rd; E along the Public ((Highway)) Hwy (PH) 10 Rd to
the A Street bridge over the Cowlitz River at the town of
Castle Rock; S down the Cowlitz River to the Columbia River
and point of beginning.
GMU 505-MOSSYROCK (Lewis County):
Beginning on ((I-5)) Interstate Hwy (I)-5 and the Cowlitz
River; NE up the Cowlitz River to the Mayfield Dam; NE along
the south shore of Mayfield Lake to the US Hwy (US) 12 bridge;
NE on US ((Hwy)) 12 to Winston Creek Rd; SE on Winston Creek
Rd to Longbell Rd; E on Longbell Rd to Perkins Rd; NE on
Perkins Rd to Green Mountain Rd; E on Green Mountain Rd to the
outlet of Swofford Pond; E along the Swofford Pond outlet to
Riffe Lake; E along the south shore of Riffe Lake to the
Cowlitz River; up the Cowlitz River to the ((Rainier Timber))
Rayonier 100 Mainline (Kosmos Haul Rd); N on the ((Rainier
Timber)) Rayonier 100 Mainline to US ((Hwy)) 12; W on US
((Hwy)) 12 to Davis Lake Rd; N and W on Davis Lake Rd to Main
St at town of Morton; W on Main St to SR 508; W on ((Highway))
SR 508 to Centralia-Alpha Rd; W and N on Centralia-Alpha Rd to
Salzer Valley Rd; W on Salzer Valley Rd to Summa St at the
town of Centralia; W on Summa St to Kresky Rd; N on Kresky Rd
to Tower St; N on Tower St to SR 507; W on SR 507 (Cherry St,
Alder St, and Mellen St) to I-5; S on I-5 to the Cowlitz River
and point of beginning.
GMU 506-WILLAPA HILLS (Wahkiakum, Pacific and Lewis counties):
Beginning at State Route (SR) 6 and 3rd St ((South)) S at the
town of Pe Ell; S on 3rd St ((South)) S to Muller Rd; S on
Muller Rd to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 1000 line; S on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1800 line; S on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1800 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 500 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
500 line to SR 407 (Elochoman Valley Rd) at Camp 2; S on SR
407 (((Elochoman Valley Rd))) to the Elochoman River; down the
Elochoman River to Foster Rd; N on Foster Rd to Risk Rd; W and
N along Risk Rd to SR 4; W on SR 4 to Skamokawa Creek; SW down
Skamokawa Creek to the Columbia River; W along Columbia River
to the mouth of the Deep River (including all islands in the
Columbia River which are both north of the Washington state
line and between Skamokawa Creek and Deep River); N along the
Deep River to SR 4; NW on SR 4 to the Salmon Creek Rd; NE on
Salmon Creek Rd to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5000 line; N on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
5800 line; NE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5800 line to power
transmission line((;)) (Section 21, T11N, R8W); E, NE, ((and))
then N on the power transmission line to the Trap Creek A
Line; E and N on the Trap Creek A Line to SR 6; E on SR 6 to
the town of Pe Ell and the point of beginning.
GMU 510-STORMKING (Lewis County):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 12 at the Silver Creek bridge; N up
Silver Creek to Silverbrook Rd; E on Silverbrook Rd to US
Forest Service (USFS) Rd 47; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 47 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 85; W and N on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 85 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
52; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 52 to the Nisqually
River; W down the Nisqually River to State Route (SR) 7; S on
((Hwy)) SR 7 to Main St at town of Morton; E on Main St to
Davis Lake Rd; E on Davis Lake Rd to US ((Hwy)) 12; E on US
((Hwy)) 12 to the Silver Creek bridge and point of beginning.
GMU 513-SOUTH RAINIER (Lewis County):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 12 at the Silver Creek bridge; N up
Silver Creek to Silverbrook Rd; E on Silverdale Rd to US
Forest Service (USFS) Rd 47; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 47 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 85; W and N on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 85 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
52; W and N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 52 to the
Nisqually River; E up the Nisqually River to the southern
boundary of Mount Rainier National Park; E along the south
park boundary to the USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National
Scenic Trail (((US Forest Service Trail 2000))); S along the
((Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
2000(())) to US ((Hwy)) 12; W on US ((Hwy)) 12 to the Silver
Creek bridge and point of beginning.
GMU 516-PACKWOOD (Lewis and Skamania counties):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 12 and US Forest Service (USFS) Trail
2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) at White Pass; S on
((Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest Service Trail 2000) to US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 to the Yakama Indian
Reservation border; S on the Yakama Indian Reservation border
to USFS Trail 2000; S on USFS Trail 2000 to USFS Trail 98 at
Sheep Lake; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 98 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2160 at Walupt Lake; W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 2160 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 21; S
and W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 21 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 23; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 23 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 263; S and W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS 263 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 261; S
on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 261 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
1 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 99; W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 99 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 26; N on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 26 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 2612; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2612 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 217; N and W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 217 to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 2600 line;
((Weyerhaeuser)) W on Weyco 2600 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 2658 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2658 line to
((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier (Campbell Group) 430 line; N on
((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 430 line to the ((Rainier Timber))
Rayonier Mainline 400 line; N and E on ((Rainier Timber))
Rayonier Mainline 400 line to ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 300
line; E on ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 300 line to ((Rainier
Timber)) Rayonier 271 line; N on ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier
271 line to the Cispus River; E on the Cispus River to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 25; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 25 to State Route (SR) 131; N on SR 131 to US ((Hwy)) 12; E
on US ((Hwy)) 12 to the ((Pacific Crest Trail (US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 2000(())) at White Pass and beginning.
GMU 520-WINSTON (Cowlitz, Lewis and Skamania counties):
Beginning at the bridge at intersection of ((I-5)) Interstate
Hwy (I)-5 and the Cowlitz River; S down the Cowlitz River to
the Toutle River; E up the Toutle River to the South Fork
Toutle River; SE up South Fork Toutle River to Johnson Creek;
NE up Johnson Creek to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 4400 line; N along
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4400 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
2421 line; N along ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2421 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2400 line; NW along ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 2400 line to Alder Creek; NW down Alder Creek to North
Fork Toutle River; W down the North Fork Toutle River to the
Green River; E up the Green River to US Forest Service (USFS)
Rd 2612; E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2612 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 217; N and W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 217 to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2600 line;
W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2600 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 2658 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2658 line to
((Rainier Timber (Campbell Group))) Rayonier 430 line; N on
((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 430 line to ((Rainier Timber))
Rayonier 400 Mainline; N and E on ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier
400 Mainline to ((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 100 Mainline; N on
((Rainier Timber)) Rayonier 100 Mainline to Cowlitz River; W
down the Cowlitz River to Riffe Lake; W along the south shore
to the Swofford Pond outlet; W along the Swofford Pond outlet
to Green Mountain Rd; W on Green Mountain Rd to Perkins Rd; SW
on Perkins Rd to Longbell Rd; W on Longbell Rd to Winston
Creek Rd; NW on Winston Creek Rd to US Hwy (US) 12; SW on US
((Hwy)) 12 to the Mayfield Lake bridge at Mayfield Lake; SW
down the south shore of Mayfield Lake to the Cowlitz River at
Mayfield Dam; SW down the Cowlitz River to I-5 bridge crossing
the Cowlitz River and point of beginning.
GMU 522-LOO-WIT (Cowlitz and Skamania counties):
Beginning on the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of
Hoffstadt Creek; SE up the North Fork Toutle River to Deer
Creek; SE up Deer Creek to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 3020 line; NW
along ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 3020 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 3000 line; E along ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 3000 line to
US Forest Service (USFS) Trail 216G; SE along ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 216G to ((the intersection of US Forest
Service Trail 238 and US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 216; S on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail ((238)) 216 to South Fork of
the Toutle River; E along South Fork Toutle River to its
headwaters and Mount St. Helens crater's edge; E along the
((Mount)) Mt. St. Helens crater's southern edge to the
headwaters of Ape Canyon Creek; NE down Ape Canyon Creek to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 225 (Smith Creek Trail); N
and NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 225 (((Smith Creek
Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 99; NE along ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 99 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
26; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 26 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
1 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 214; NW on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 214 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
211; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 211 to Coldwater
Creek; W down Coldwater Creek to Coldwater Lake; SW along the
northwest shore of Coldwater Lake to the outlet of Coldwater
Lake; SW down the outlet stream from Coldwater Lake to State
Route (SR) 504 bridge at mile post 45; W on SR 504 to
Hoffstadt Creek Bridge on Hoffstadt Creek; S and W down
Hoffstadt Creek to the North Fork Toutle River and point of
GMU 524-MARGARET (Cowlitz, Skamania and Lewis counties):
Beginning on the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of the
Green River; SE up the North Fork Toutle River to the mouth of
Hoffstadt Creek; N and E up Hoffstadt Creek to the State Route
(SR) 504 bridge over Hoffstadt Creek; E on SR 504 to the
bridge over the outlet to Coldwater Lake at mile post 45; NE
up the outlet stream of Coldwater Lake to Coldwater Lake; NE
along the northwest shoreline of Coldwater Lake to Coldwater
Creek inlet; E up Coldwater Creek to US Forest Service (USFS)
Trail 211; NE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 211 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Trail 214; SE on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Trail 214 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1; E on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 1 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 26; N on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 26 (Ryan
Lake Rd) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2612; W on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2612 to the Green River; W down the
Green River to its mouth on the North Fork of the Toutle River
and point of beginning.
GMU 530-RYDERWOOD (Cowlitz, Lewis and Wahkiakum counties):
Beginning at Stevens Rd and State Route (SR) 6, south of the
town of Doty; E on SR 6 to ((I-5)) Interstate Hwy (I)-5 at the
town of Chehalis; S on I-5 to the Cowlitz River; S along the
Cowlitz River to Public Hwy 10 on the A Street bridge at the
town of Castle Rock; W on the Public Hwy 10 to Growler's Gulch
Rd; W on Growler's Gulch Rd to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 9312 line;
W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 9312 line to three power lines; S
on the three power lines to Delameter Rd; SW on Delameter Rd
to Woodside Dr; SW on Woodside Dr to International Paper
((Rd)) (IP) 2200 line; N and W on ((International Paper Rd))
IP 2200 line to ((International Paper Rd)) IP 1050 line; W on
((International Paper Rd)) IP 1050 line to ((International
Paper Rd)) IP 1000 line; S on ((International Paper Rd)) IP
1000 line to the Germany Creek Rd; S on the Germany Creek Rd
to SR 4; W on SR 4 to Germany Creek; S along Germany Creek to
its mouth at the Columbia River; W along the Columbia River to
Skamokawa Creek (including all islands in the Columbia River
which are both north of the Washington state line and between
Skamokawa Creek and Germany Creek); NE up Skamokawa Creek to
SR 4; E on SR 4 to Risk Rd; SE on Risk Rd to Foster Rd; S on
Foster Rd to the Elochoman River; SE up the Elochoman River to
SR 407 (Elochoman Valley Rd); NE on SR 407 (((Elochoman Valley
Rd))) to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 500 line at Camp 2; NW on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 500 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1800
line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1800 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1000 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1000 line to Muller Rd; N on Muller Rd to 3rd St South in the
town of Pe Ell; N on 3rd St South to SR 6 at the town of Pe
Ell; N on SR 6 to Stevens Rd, south of the town of Doty, and
the point of beginning.
GMU 550-COWEEMAN (Cowlitz County):
Beginning at the mouth of the Toutle River on the Cowlitz
River; E along the Toutle River to the South Fork Toutle
River; up the South Fork Toutle River to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco)
4100 line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4100 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4950 line; S and E on ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 4950 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 235 line; SE on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 235 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 200
line; W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 200 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 240 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 240 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 243 line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
243 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135A line; S on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135A line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135
line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 134 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 134 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 133 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
133 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 130 line; SW on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 130 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1680
line; W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1680 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1600 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1600 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1400 line; W on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1400 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1420 line which is the Kalama/Coweeman Summit; SE on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1420 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1426 line; W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1426 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1428 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1428 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1429 line which turns into
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6400 line; SW down ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 6400 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6000 line; E on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
6450 line; SE for approximately one mile on ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 6450 line (crossing the Kalama River) to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6452 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
6452 line to Dubois Rd; SE on Dubois Rd to State Route (SR)
503; W on SR 503 to Cape Horn Creek; SE down Cape Horn Creek
to Merwin Reservoir; SW along the north shore of Merwin
Reservoir to the Lewis River; SW down the Lewis River to the
power transmission lines in Section 4, T5N, R2E; NW along the
power transmission lines to Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline
located east of the town of Kalama, approximately 1/2 mile
east of China Gardens Rd; N up the Natural Gas Pipeline right
of way to Ostrander Creek; W down Ostrander Creek to the
Cowlitz River; N on the Cowlitz River to the Toutle River and
point of beginning.
GMU 554-YALE (Cowlitz and Clark counties):
Beginning on State Route (SR) 503 at its crossing of Cape Horn
Creek; E on SR 503 to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 6600 line (Rock
Creek Rd); NE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6600 line (((Rock
Creek Rd))) to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6690 Rd; N and E on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6690 line to West Fork Speelyai Creek;
SE down West Fork Speelyai Creek to the main stem of the
Speelyai Creek; SW and SE down Speelyai Creek to SR 503; NE on
SR 503 to Dog Creek; S down Dog Creek to Yale Reservoir; S and
W along western shore of Reservoir to Yale Dam and the North
Fork Lewis River; W along the northern shore of the North Fork
Lewis River to ((State Route)) SR 503 bridge crossing; S and W
along SR 503 to ((N.E.)) NE 221st Ave; N about 1/4 mile on
((N.E.)) NE 221st Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Cedar Creek Rd; W along
((N.E.)) NE Cedar Creek Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Pup Creek Rd; N on
((N.E.)) NE Pup Creek Rd to ((N.E. Buncome)) NE Buncombe
Hollow Rd; N about 1/4 mile on ((N.E. Buncome)) NE Buncombe
Hollow Rd to ((electrical)) power transmission line; S and W
on the ((electrical)) power transmission line to the north
shore of the North Fork Lewis River; NE along the north shore
of the North Fork Lewis River to Merwin Reservoir at the
Merwin Dam; NE along the north shore of Merwin Reservoir to
Cape Horn Creek; NW up Cape Horn Creek to SR 503 and the point
of beginning.
GMU 556-TOUTLE (Cowlitz County):
Beginning on the intersection of State Route (SR) 503 (Lewis
River Rd) and US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 81 (Merrill Lake
Rd); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 81 to Weyerhaeuser
(Weyco) 7200 line; NW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7200 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7400 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7400 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5500 line; E and N on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5500 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
5670 line; N and E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5670 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5660 line; N on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
5660 line about a 1/4 mile to the South Fork Toutle River; E
on the South Fork Toutle River to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail ((238)) 216; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
((238)) 216 to ((the intersection of US Forest Service Trail
216 and US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 216G; NW on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 216G to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 3000 line;
W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 3000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 3020 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 3020 line to
Deer Creek; NW down Deer Creek to the North Fork Toutle River;
down the North Fork Toutle River to Alder Creek; up Alder
Creek to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2400 line; S on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2400 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
2421 line; S on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 2421 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4400 line; S and W along
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4400 line to Johnson Creek; S along
Johnson Creek to the South Fork Toutle River; SE up the South
Fork Toutle River to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4100 line; E on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4100 line to the ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
4950 line; S and E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 4950 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 235 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
235 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 200 line; W on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 200 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 240
line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 240 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 243 line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
243 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135A line; S on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135A line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135
line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 135 line to ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 134 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 134 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 133 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
133 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 130 line; SW on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 130 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1680
line; W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1680 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1600 line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1600 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1400 line; W on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1400 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1420 line which is the Kalama/Coweeman Summit; SE on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1420 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1426 line; W on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1426 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1428 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
1428 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1429 line; SW on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 1429 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
6400 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6400 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6000 line; E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
6000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6450 line; SE for
approximately one mile on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6450 line
(crossing the Kalama River) to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6452
line; SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6452 line to Dubois Rd; SE
on Dubois Rd to SR 503; E on SR 503 to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
6600 line (Rock Creek Rd); NE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6600
line (((Rock Creek Rd))) to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6690 ((Rd))
line; N and E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 6690 line to West Fork
Speelyai Creek; SE down West Fork Speelyai Creek to the main
stem of Speelyai Creek; SW and SE down Speelyai Creek to SR
503; NE on SR 503 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 81 and
point of beginning.
GMU 560-LEWIS RIVER (Cowlitz, Skamania, Klickitat, Yakima and
Lewis counties):
Beginning on State Route (SR) 141 and Mount Adams Recreational
Area Rd at the town of Trout Lake; N on the Mount Adams
Recreational Area Rd to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 82 (Mount
Adams Recreational Area Rd); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Road 82 to Yakama Indian Reservation boundary (Section 16,
T7N, R11E); N along the Yakama Indian reservation boundary
(Cascade Mountain Range Crest) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Trail 2000 (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail) in Section 3,
T11N, R11E; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000
(((Pacific Crest Trail))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
98 at Sheep Lake; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 98 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2160 at Walupt Lake; W on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2160 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
21; S and W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 21 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 23; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 23 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 263; S and W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 263 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
261; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 261 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Trail 1; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail
1 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 99; S and W on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 99 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 225
(Smith Creek Trail); S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 225
to Ape Canyon Creek; S and W up Ape Canyon Creek to ((Mount))
Mt. St. Helens crater's eastern edge; W along ((Mount)) Mt.
St. Helens crater's southern edge to headwaters of S Fork
Toutle River; W along S Fork Toutle River to Weyerhaeuser
(Weyco) 5660 line; S along ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5660 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5670 line; S and W on ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 5670 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5500 line; S and W
on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5500 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7400 line; S and E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7400 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7200 line; S and E on ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 7200 line to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 81; S on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 81 to ((State Route)) SR 503; N and E
on ((State Route)) SR 503 to Dog Creek; S down Dog Creek to
the N shore of Yale Reservoir; E along N shore of Yale
Reservoir to N Fork Lewis River; E up the Lewis River to Swift
Dam and Swift Reservoir; E along the N shore of Swift
Reservoir to N Fork Lewis River; E up N Fork Lewis River to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 90 Bridge (Eagle Cliff); E on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 90 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 51 (Curly Creek Rd); SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 51
(((Curly Creek Rd))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 30; NE
on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 30 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 24; SE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 24 to SR 141;
NE on SR 141 to Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd, at the town
of Trout Lake and point of beginning.
GMU 564-BATTLE GROUND (Clark, Skamania, and Cowlitz counties):
Beginning at the mouth of Ostrander Creek on the Cowlitz
River; E up Ostrander Creek approximately 1 1/2 miles to the
second Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline right of way crossing
Ostrander Creek, east of the railroad crossing; S along the
Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline right of way to the power
transmission lines right of way located east of the town of
Kalama, approximately 1/2 mile east of China Garden Rd; SE
along the power transmission lines right of way across the
north fork of the Lewis River in the northeast corner of
Section 4, T5N, R2E to ((N.E. Buncome)) NE Buncombe Hollow Rd;
S on ((N.E. Buncome)) NE Buncombe Hollow Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Pup
Creek Rd; S on ((N.E.)) NE Pup Creek Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Cedar
Creek Rd; E on ((N.E.)) NE Cedar Creek Rd to NE 221st Ave; S
along NE 221st Ave ((about 1/4 mile)) to SR 503((; SE along SR
503)), to ((N.E.)) NE Amboy Rd; S on ((N.E.)) NE Amboy Rd to
((N.E.)) W Yacolt Rd; E on W Yacolt Rd to N Railroad Ave; SE
on N Railroad Ave, which becomes S Railroad Ave; SE on S
Railroad Ave which becomes NE Railroad Ave; SE on NE Railroad
Ave to Lucia Falls Rd; W on Lucia Falls Rd to Hantwick Rd; SE
on Hantwick Rd to Basket Flats Rd; W on Basket Flats Rd to
((N.E.)) NE 197th Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 197th Ave to ((N.E.))
NE 279th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 279th St to ((N.E.)) NE 182nd
Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 182nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 259th St; E on
((N.E.)) NE 259th St to ((N.E.)) NE 220th Ave; S on ((N.E.))
NE 220th Ave ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE Cresap Rd; SE on
((N.E.)) NE Cresap Rd ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 222nd
Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Allworth Rd; E
on ((N.E.)) NE Allworth Rd to NE 232nd Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE
232nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 237th St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 237th St
((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 240th Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE
240th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Berry Rd; NE on ((N.E.)) NE Berry Rd
to the DNR L-1410 Rd; SE on DNR L-1410 Rd to the DNR L-1400
Rd; W on DNR L-1400 Rd ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE Rawson
Rd; W on ((N.E.)) NE Rawson Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Powell Rd; SW on
((N.E.)) NE Powell Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 212th Ave; S on ((N.E.))
NE 212th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 109th St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 109th
St to ((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave to
((N.E.)) NE 83rd St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 83rd St to ((N.E.)) NE
217th Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 217th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 68th St;
E on ((N.E.)) NE 68th St to ((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave; S on
((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave to ((SR 500; SE on SR 500 to N.E.)) NE
54th St; E on NE 54th St to NE 237th Ave; S on NE 237th Ave to
NE 53rd St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 53rd St which turns into NE
Bradford Rd then back into NE 53rd St to ((N.E.)) NE 292nd
Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Ireland Rd; E
on ((N.E.)) NE Ireland Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Stauffer Rd; E then
SW on ((N.E.)) NE Stauffer Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave; S on
((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE Reilly
Rd; SW on ((N.E.)) NE Reilly Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Blair Rd; SE on
((N.E.)) NE Blair Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Zeek Rd; E on ((N.E.)) NE
Zeek Rd ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 10th St; E on ((N.E.))
NE 10th St ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 312th Ave; S on
((N.E.)) NE 312th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 9th St; E on ((N.E.)) NE
9th St to ((N.E.)) NE 322nd Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 322nd Ave
((to N.E.)) which turns into NE Ammeter Rd; NE on ((N.E.)) NE
Ammeter Rd approximately 1/8((th)) mile to the power
transmission lines; E along the northern margin of the power
transmission lines to ((N.E.)) NE Hughes Rd; N on ((N.E.)) NE
Hughes Rd ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 392nd Ave; N on
((N.E.)) NE 392nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 28th St; E on ((N.E.)) NE
28th St to ((N.E.)) NE Miller Rd; NE on ((N.E.)) NE Miller Rd
((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 39th St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 39th
St to Skye Rd; SE on Skye Rd to ((Washougal River Rd; S on))
Washougal River Rd; S on Washougal River Rd to Canyon Creek
Rd; SE on Canyon Creek Rd to Salmon Falls Rd; S on Salmon
Falls Rd to State Route (SR) 14; E on SR 14 to Cape Horn Rd; S
on Cape Horn Rd to Columbia River; W down the Columbia River
to the Cowlitz River (including all islands in the Columbia
River which are both on the Washington side of the state line
and between Cape Horn Rd and the Cowlitz River); N along
Cowlitz River to Ostrander Creek and point of beginning.
GMU 568-WASHOUGAL (Clark and Skamania counties):
Beginning on the Lewis River at State Route (SR) 503; E on
Lewis River (Cowlitz-Clark County line) to Canyon Creek; SE
((along)) up Canyon Creek to ((N.E.)) NE Healy Rd; E on
((N.E.)) NE Healy Rd to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 54; E on
((US Forest Service Rd 54 to US Forest Service Rd 37; NW on US
Forest Service Rd 37 to US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 54 to USFS
Rd 53; S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 53 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 4205 (((Gumboat)) Gumboot Rd); S on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4205 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
42 (Green Fork Rd); SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 42 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 41 at Sunset Falls; E on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 41 to Hemlock Rd; E on Hemlock Rd to
the Hemlock Rd bridge over the Wind River; SE down the Wind
River to the Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to the
Cape Horn Rd (including all islands in the Columbia River
which are both on the Washington side of the state line and
between Cape Horn Rd and the Wind River); N on Cape Horn Rd to
SR 14; W on SR 14 to Salmon Falls Rd; N on Salmon Falls Rd to
Canyon Creek Rd; NW on Canyon Creek Rd to Washougal River Rd;
E on Washougal River Rd to Skye Rd; NW on Skye Rd to ((N.E.))
NE 39th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 39th St ((to N.E.)) which turns
into NE Miller Rd; SW on ((N.E.)) NE Miller Rd to ((N.E.)) NE
28th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 28th St to ((N.E.)) NE 392nd Ave; S
on ((N.E.)) NE 392nd Ave ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE
Hughes Rd; S on ((N.E.)) NE Hughes Rd approximately 1/8((th))
mile to the power transmission lines; W along the northern
margin of the power transmission lines to ((N.E.)) NE Ammeter
Rd; SW on ((N.E.)) NE Ammeter Rd ((to N.E.)) which turns into
NE 322nd Ave; S on ((N.E.)) NE 322nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 9th
St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 9th St to ((N.E.)) NE 312th Ave; N on
((N.E.)) NE 312th Ave ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE 10th St;
W on ((N.E.)) NE 10th St ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE Zeek
Rd; W on ((N.E.)) NE Zeek Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Blair Rd; NW on
((N.E.)) NE Blair Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Reilly Rd; NE on ((N.E.))
NE Reilly Rd ((to N.E.)) with turns into NE 292nd Ave; ((NE))
E on ((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Stauffer Rd; NE then
NW on ((N.E.)) NE Stauffer Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Ireland Rd; W on
((N.E.)) NE Ireland Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 292nd Ave; N on ((N.E.))
NE 292nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 53rd St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 53rd St
((to SR 500; NW on SR 500 to N.E.)) which turns into NE
Bradford Rd then turns into NE 53rd St again to NE 237th Ave;
N on 237th Ave to NE 232nd Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave to
((N.E.)) NE 68th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 68th St to ((N.E.)) NE
217th Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 217th Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 83rd St;
E on ((N.E.)) NE 83rd St to ((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave; N on
((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave to NE 109th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 109th
St to ((N.E.)) NE 212th Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 212th Ave to
((N.E.)) NE Powell Rd; NE on ((N.E.)) NE Powell Rd to ((N.E.))
NE Rawson Rd; E on Rawson Rd to DNR L-1400 Rd; E on DNR L-1400
Rd to DNR L-1410 Rd; NW on DNR L-1410 Rd to ((N.E.)) NE Berry
Rd; W then SW on ((N.E.)) NE Berry Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 240th
Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 240th Ave ((to N.E.)) which turns into
NE 237th St; W on ((N.E.)) NE 237th St to ((N.E.)) NE 232nd
Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 232nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE Allworth Rd; W
on ((N.E.)) NE Allworth Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave; N on
((N.E.)) NE 222nd Ave ((to N.E.)) which turns into NE Cresap
Rd((; NW on N.E. Cresap Rd to N.E.)) which turns into NE 220th
Ave((; N on N.E. 220th Ave)) to ((N.E.)) NE 259th St; W on
((N.E.)) NE 259th St to ((N.E.)) NE 182nd Ave; N on ((N.E.))
NE 182nd Ave to ((N.E.)) NE 279th St; E on ((N.E.)) NE 279th
St to ((N.E.)) NE 197th Ave; N on ((N.E.)) NE 197th Ave to
((N.E.)) NE Basket Flats Rd; E on ((N.E.)) NE Basket Flats Rd
to ((N.E.)) NE Hantwick Rd; N then NW on ((N.E.)) NE Hantwick
Rd to Lucia Falls Rd; E on Lucia Falls Rd to NE Railroad Ave;
NW on NE Railroad Ave ((to N.E.)), which turns into S Railroad
Ave then N Railroad Ave in the town of Yacolt, to W Yacolt Rd;
W on W Yacolt Rd((; W on N.E. Yacolt Rd)) to ((N.E.)) NE Amboy
Rd; N on ((N.E.)) NE Amboy Rd to ((N.E.)) NE 221st Ave; N on
221st Ave to SR 503; NE along SR 503 to the Lewis River and
point of beginning.
GMU 572-SIOUXON (Skamania and Clark counties):
Beginning at the Yale Dam at Yale Lake; N then E along the
shore of Yale Lake to the Lewis River; NE along the Lewis
River to Swift Reservoir; E along the north shore Swift
Reservoir to US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 90 at the Eagle Cliff
bridge; E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 90 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 51 (Curly Creek Rd); SE on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 51 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 30 (Wind
River Rd); N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 30 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 24 (Twin Butte Rd); S on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 24 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 60
(Carson Guler Rd); SW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 60 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 65; SW on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 65 to ((the US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6517 (Warren
Gap Rd); W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6517 to the Wind
River Rd; S on the Wind River Rd to Hemlock Rd at the town of
Stabler; W on Hemlock Rd to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 41
(Sunset-Hemlock Rd); W on the ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 41
to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Road 42 (Green Fork Rd) at
Sunset Falls; NE on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 42 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4205 (((Gumboat)) Gumboot Rd); N on
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 4205 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 53; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 53 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 54 (((N.E.)) NE Healy Rd); W on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 54 to Canyon Creek; N down Canyon
Creek to the Lewis River; NE up the Lewis River to the Yale
Dam and the point of beginning.
GMU 574-WIND RIVER (Skamania and Klickitat counties):
Beginning at the town of Trout Lake; S on State Route (SR) 141
to the SR 141 bridge over the White Salmon River Bridge at
Husum; S on the White Salmon River to the Columbia River; W
down the Columbia River to the mouth of ((the)) Wind River
(including all islands in the Columbia River that are both
north of the Washington state line and between the White
Salmon River and ((the)) Wind River); NW up the Wind River to
the Hemlock Rd bridge ((over the Wind River)); E on Hemlock Rd
to ((the)) Wind River Rd; N on ((the)) Wind River Rd to
((the)) US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 6517 (Warren Gap Rd); E on
((the US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 6517 to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 65 (Panther Creek Rd); N on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 65 to ((US Forest Service Road 60
(Carson-Guler Rd))) USFS Rd 60; NE on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 60 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 24 (also called
Carson-((Guler)) Gular Rd); E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
24 to SR 141; NE on SR 141 to the town of Trout Lake((,)) and
the point of beginning.
GMU 578-WEST KLICKITAT (Klickitat and Yakima counties):
Beginning at the mouth of the White Salmon River on the
Columbia River; N up the White Salmon River to the State Route
(SR) 141 bridge over the White Salmon River at Husum; N on SR
141 to Mount Adams Recreation Area Road, at the town of Trout
Lake; N on the Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd to US Forest
Service (USFS) Rd 82 (Mount Adams Recreational Area Rd); N on
((US Forest Service Road)) USFS Rd 82 to Yakama Indian
Reservation boundary (Section 16, T7N, R11E); S along the
Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the Reservation's SW
corner at King Mountain (Section 27, T7N, R11E); E along the
Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the end of King Mountain
Rd, about 1 mile; N along the Yakama Indian Reservation
boundary to its corner in Section 2, T7N, R11E; E along the
Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the NE corner of Section
4, T7N, R12E; SE along the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary
to the Klickitat River; S and SW down the Klickitat River to
the Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to the mouth of
the White Salmon River and the point of beginning (including
all islands in the Columbia River which are both north of the
Washington state line and between the Klickitat River and the
White Salmon River).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-335, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210. 07-11-017 (Order 07-62), § 232-28-335, filed 5/3/07, effective 6/3/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-335, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-335, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 05-11-022 (Order 05-89), § 232-28-335, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-335, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-16-087 (Order 03-175), § 232-28-335, filed 8/5/03, effective 9/5/03; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-335, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]
Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 09-53, filed 4/15/09,
effective 5/16/09)
WAC 232-28-336
Game management units (GMUs) boundary
descriptions -- Region six.
GMU 601-HOKO (Clallam County):
Beginning on the Makah Indian reservation boundary and the Strait of Juan de Fuca; SE along the shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the mouth of the Hoko River; S along the Hoko River to State Route (SR) 112; SE on SR 112 to the Hoko-Ozette Rd; SW on the Hoko-Ozette Rd to the Olympic National Park boundary near Ozette; N along the Olympic National Park boundary to the Makah Indian reservation boundary; E and N along the Makah Indian reservation boundary to the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the point of beginning.
GMU 602-DICKEY (Clallam County):
Beginning at the mouth of the Hoko River and the Strait of
Juan de Fuca; SE along the shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca
to the mouth of the Clallam River; S along the Clallam River
to State Route (SR) 112; S on SR 112 to ((the)) SR 113 (Burnt
Mountain Rd (((SR 113))); S on ((the Burnt Mountain Rd ())SR
113(())) to US Hwy (US) 101 at the town of Sappho; SW on US
((Hwy)) 101 to the LaPush Rd; SW on ((the)) LaPush Rd to the
Olympic National Park boundary; N along the Olympic National
Park boundary to ((the)) Hoko-Ozette Rd; NE on ((the))
Hoko-Ozette Rd to SR 112; NW on SR 112 to the Hoko River; NW
on the Hoko River to its mouth on the Strait of Juan De Fuca
and the point of beginning.
GMU 603-PYSHT (Clallam County):
Beginning at the mouth of the Clallam River on Strait of Juan
de Fuca; E along the shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to
the mouth of the Elwha River; S along the Elwha River to the
Olympic National Park boundary; W along the Olympic National
Park boundary to one mile west of Lake Crescent; S on the
Olympic National Park boundary to US Hwy (US) 101; W on US
((Hwy)) 101 to the State Route (SR) 113 (Burnt Mountain Rd
(((SR 113))); N on ((the Burnt Mountain Rd ())SR 113(())) to
SR 112; N on SR 112 to the Clallam River; N along the Clallam
River to its mouth and the point of beginning.
GMU 607-SOL DUC (Clallam County):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 101 at the town of Sappho; E on US
((Hwy)) 101 to the Olympic National Park boundary; S and W
along the Olympic National Park boundary to the Bogachiel
River; W along the Bogachiel River to US ((Hwy)) 101; N on US
((Hwy)) 101, through the town of Forks, to the town of Sappho
and the point of beginning.
GMU 612-GOODMAN (Jefferson and Clallam counties):
Beginning approximately two miles east of the town of LaPush
on the Olympic National Park boundary and LaPush Rd
intersection; NE on LaPush Rd to US Hwy (US) 101 at the town
of Forks; S on US ((Hwy)) 101, across the Hoh River, and west
to Olympic National Park Boundary; N on the Olympic National
Park boundary to LaPush Rd and the point of beginning.
GMU 615-CLEARWATER (Jefferson County):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 101 and the Bogachiel River; E along
the Bogachiel River to the Olympic National Park boundary; SE
and W on the Olympic National Park boundary to the Quinault
Indian reservation boundary; W on the Quinault Indian
reservation boundary to the Olympic National Park boundary; N
along the Olympic National Park boundary to US ((Hwy)) 101; E,
N, and W on US ((Hwy)) 101 to the Bogachiel River and the
point of beginning.
GMU 618-MATHENY (Jefferson and Grays Harbor counties):
Beginning at the boundary junction of Olympic National Park and the Quinault Indian reservation, east of the Queets River Rd; N, E, S, and W along the Olympic National Park boundary to the park and Quinault Indian reservation boundary junction, north of Lake Quinault; NW along the Quinault Indian reservation boundary to its junction with the boundary of Olympic National Park, east of the Queets River Rd, and the point of beginning, including the Olympic National Forest land and private land one mile west of Lake Quinault and bounded by the Olympic National Park and the Quinault Indian reservation.
GMU 621-OLYMPIC (Jefferson, Clallam and Mason counties):
Beginning at the Olympic National Park boundary and the Elwha
River; N along the Elwha River to US Hwy (US) 101; E on US
((Hwy)) 101, through Port Angeles and Sequim, to the Chimacum
Center Rd at the town of Quilcene; N on the Chimacum Center Rd
to the East Quilcene Rd; E on the East Quilcene Rd to Quilcene
Bay; S along the shore of Quilcene Bay to Dabob Bay; S along
the shore of Dabob Bay to Hood Canal; SW along the shore of
Hood Canal to Finch Creek; upstream on Finch Creek to US
((Hwy)) 101; S on US ((Hwy)) 101 to State Route (SR) 119 (Lake
Cushman Rd); W on SR 119 to Standstill Dr (Power Dam Rd); W on
Standstill Dr (((Power Dam Rd))) to Upper Cushman Dam and the
shore of Lake Cushman; NW on the west shore of Lake Cushman to
the North Fork Skokomish River; N along the North Fork
Skokomish River to the Olympic National Park boundary; N and W
on the Olympic National Park boundary to the Elwha River and
the point of beginning.
GMU 624-COYLE (Clallam and Jefferson counties):
Beginning at the mouth of the Elwha River ((and)) on the
Strait of Juan de Fuca; ((north)) N from the mouth of the
Elwha River to the Clallam county line in the Strait of Juan
De Fuca; NE on the Clallam county line to Clallam-San Juan
county line; NE on the Clallam-San Juan county line to the
Jefferson-San Juan county line; NE on the Jefferson-San Juan
county line to the Jefferson-Island county line; S then SE on
the Jefferson-Island county line to the Kitsap-Island county
line; SE on the Kitsap-Island county line to a point due east
of Point No Point; W from the Kitsap-Island county line to
Point No Point; NW, S, N, and SW along the coast of the Kitsap
peninsula to Cougar Spit; W from Cougar Spit to Finch Creek at
the town of Hoodsport; NE along the east shore of Hood Canal
to Dabob Bay; N along the shore of Dabob Bay and Quilcene Bay
to East Quilcene Rd; W on East Quilcene Rd to the Chimacum
Center Rd; S on Chimacum Center Rd to US Hwy (US) 101; N and W
on US ((Hwy)) 101 through Sequim and Port Angeles to the Elwha
River; N down the Elwha River to its mouth ((and)) on the
Strait of Juan de Fuca and the point of beginning.
GMU 627-KITSAP (Kitsap, Mason, and Pierce counties):
Beginning at the Hood Canal Bridge; E, S, N, and SE along the
shore of the Kitsap peninsula to Point No Point; due E from
Point No Point to Kitsap-Island county line in the Puget
Sound; S along the Kitsap-Island county line to the
Kitsap-Snohomish county line; S along the Kitsap-Snohomish
county line to Kitsap-King county line; S along the
Kitsap-King county line to the King-Pierce county line; S on
the King-Pierce county line to the outlet of the Tacoma
Narrows; S through the Tacoma Narrows, past Fox Island (which
is included in this GMU), to Carr Inlet; NW up Carr Inlet
around McNeil and Gertrude Islands (which are excluded from
this GMU), to Pitt Passage; SW through Pitt Passage and
Drayton Passage to the Pierce-Thurston county line in the
Nisqually Reach; NW along the Pierce-Thurston county line to
the Pierce-Mason county line; NW on the Pierce-Mason county
line in the Nisqually Reach to North Bay; along the east shore
of North Bay to State Route (SR) 3 at the town of Allyn; N on
SR 3 to the Old Belfair Hwy at the town of Belfair; N on the
Old Belfair Hwy to the Bear Creek-Dewatto Rd; W on the Bear
Creek-Dewatto Rd to the Dewatto Rd West; N along the Dewatto
Rd to ((its intersection with the)) Albert Pfundt Rd; N on the
Albert Pfundt Rd to Anderson Creek; E down Anderson Creek to
the east shore of the Hood Canal; N from Anderson Creek along
the east shore of Hood Canal to the Hood Canal bridge and the
point of beginning.
GMU 633-MASON (Mason and Kitsap counties):
Beginning at the mouth of Anderson Creek on the eastern shore
of Hood Canal; W along Anderson Creek to Albert Pfundt Rd; S
on the Albert Pfundt Rd to West Dewatto Rd; S on West Dewatto
Rd to Bear Creek-Dewatto Rd; E along Bear Creek-Dewatto Rd to
Old Belfair Hwy; S on Old Belfair Hwy to State Route (SR) 3 at
the town of Belfair; S on SR 3 to North Bay at the town of
Allyn; N along the west shore of North Bay; S along the east
shore of North Bay to Pierce-Mason county line at Case Inlet;
SE along the Pierce-Mason county line through Case Inlet to
the Mason-Thurston county line; W along the Mason-Thurston
county line through Dana Passage, Squaxin Passage, and Totten
Inlet to US Hwy (US) 101 at Oyster Bay; N on US ((Hwy)) 101 to
Finch Creek at the town of Hoodsport; E from Finch Creek
across Hood Canal to Cougar Spit on the east shore of the Hood
Canal; N from Cougar Spit along the east shore of Hood Canal
to the mouth of Anderson Creek and the point of beginning.
GMU 636-SKOKOMISH (Grays Harbor and Mason counties):
Beginning on the Olympic National Park boundary and the North
Fork of the Skokomish River; S along the North Fork Skokomish
River to Lake Cushman; SE along the west shore of Lake Cushman
to Standstill Dr (Power Dam Rd) at the Upper Cushman Dam; E on
the Standstill Dr to State Route (SR) 119((; SE on)) (Lake
Cushman Rd); SE on SR 119 to US Hwy (US) 101 at the town of
Hoodsport; S on US ((Hwy)) 101 to the Shelton-Matlock Rd at
the town of Shelton; W on the Shelton-Matlock Rd to the
Matlock-Brady Rd; S on the Matlock-Brady Rd to Deckerville Rd
south of the town of Matlock; W on Deckerville Rd to Boundary
Rd (Middle Satsop Rd); W and S on Boundary Rd (((Middle Satsop
Rd))) to Kelly Rd; N on Kelly Rd to US Forest Service (USFS)
Rd 2368 (Simpson Timber 500 line); N on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 2368 (((Simpson Timber 500 line))) to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 2260 (Simpson Timber 600 line); W on ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2260 (((Simpson Timber 600 line))) to
USFS Rd 22 (Wynoochee Rd (((US Forest Service Rd 22))); NW and
W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 22 (((Wynoochee Rd))) to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2294, 1/4 mile east of Big
Creek; NW on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2294, which
parallels Big Creek, to junction with ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 2281; W on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2281, to the
watershed divide between the Humptulips River watershed and
the Wynoochee River watershed; N on the ridge between the
Humptulips River watershed and Wynoochee River watershed to
Olympic National Park boundary; E along the Olympic National
Park boundary to the north fork of the Skokomish River and the
point of beginning.
GMU 638-QUINAULT RIDGE (Grays Harbor and Jefferson counties):
Beginning on the Olympic National Park boundary and the
Quinault Indian reservation boundary at the northwest corner
of Lake Quinault; NE along the west shore of Lake Quinault to
the Quinault River; NE on the Olympic National Park boundary,
which is along the Quinault River, to the Olympic National
Park boundary west of Bunch Creek; S and NE on the Olympic
National Park boundary to the ridge between the Wynoochee
River watershed and Humptulips River watershed; S along the
ridge between the Humptulips River watershed and the Wynoochee
River watershed to its intersection with US Forest Service
(USFS) Rd 2281; E along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2281 to
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2294; SE on ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 2294, paralleling Big Creek, to ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 22 (Donkey Creek Rd); W on the ((US Forest
Service)) USFS Rd 22 (((Donkey Creek Rd))) to US Hwy (US) 101;
N on US ((Hwy)) 101 to the Quinault Indian reservation
boundary; NE on the reservation boundary to Lake Quinault; NW
along the south shore of Lake Quinault to the Olympic National
Park boundary and the point of beginning.
GMU 642-COPALIS (Grays Harbor County):
Beginning at the Quinault Indian reservation and US Hwy (US)
101 south of Lake Quinault; S on US ((Hwy)) 101 to the Hoquiam
River in the city of Hoquiam; S along the Hoquiam River to the
north shore of Grays Harbor; W along the north shore of Grays
Harbor to the Pacific Ocean; N along the shore of the Pacific
Ocean to the Quinault Indian reservation boundary; E and NE
along the Quinault Indian reservation to US ((Hwy)) 101 south
of Lake Quinault and the point of beginning.
GMU 648-WYNOOCHEE (Grays Harbor County):
Beginning at the junction of US Hwy (US) 101 and the US Forest
Service (USFS) Rd 22 (Donkey Creek Rd); NE along the USFS Rd
22 (Donkey Creek Rd (((US Forest Service Rd 22))) to its
junction with the Donkey Creek-Grisdale Rd; ((continuing)) E
on ((this road (US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 22 (Donkey
Creek-Grisdale Rd) to Camp Grisdale (south of Wynoochee Lake);
S along ((the)) USFS Rd 22 (Wynoochee Rd (((US Forest Service
Rd 22))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2260 (Simpson Timber
600 line); E on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2260 (((Simpson
Timber 600 line))) to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 2368
(Simpson Timber 500 line); S on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd
2368 (((Simpson Timber 500 line))) to Kelly Rd; S on Kelly Rd
to Boundary Rd (Middle Satsop Rd); S on Boundary Rd (((Middle
Satsop Rd))) to Cougar Smith Rd; W on Cougar Smith Rd to the
west fork of the Satsop River; S down the west fork Satsop
River to the Satsop River; S down the Satsop River to US
((Hwy)) 12; W along US ((Hwy)) 12 to its junction with US
((Hwy)) 101 in the town of Aberdeen; SE along US ((Hwy)) 101
to the north shore of the Chehalis River; W along the north
shore of the Chehalis River to the north shore of Grays
Harbor; W along the north shore of Grays Harbor to the mouth
of the Hoquiam River; N up the Hoquiam River to US ((Hwy))
101; W and N along US ((Hwy)) 101 to its junction with the
USFS Rd 22 (Donkey Creek Rd (((US Forest Service Rd 22))) and
the point of beginning. INCLUDES Rennie Island.
GMU 651-SATSOP (Grays Harbor, Mason and Thurston counties):
Beginning at the US Hwy (US) 12 bridge on the Satsop River; N
up the Satsop River to its junction with the west fork of the
Satsop River; N up the west fork of the Satsop River to Cougar
Smith Rd; E on Cougar Smith Rd to Boundary Rd (Middle Satsop
Rd); N and E on Boundary Rd (((Middle Satsop Rd))) to
Deckerville Rd; E on Deckerville Rd to Matlock-Brady Rd; N on
Matlock-Brady Rd to the town of Matlock; E on Shelton-Matlock
Rd to its junction with US ((Hwy)) 101 west of the town of
Shelton; S on US ((Hwy)) 101 to its junction with State Route
(SR) 8; W on SR 8 to its junction with US ((Hwy)) 12; W along
US ((Hwy)) 12 to bridge over the Satsop River and the point of
GMU 652-PUYALLUP (Pierce and King counties):
Beginning at Redondo Junction on the shore of Puget Sound and
Redondo Way ((South)) S; SE on Redondo Way ((South)) S to
State Route (SR) 509; E on SR 509 to Pacific Hwy ((South)) S
(Old Hwy 99(() (SR 99))); S on Pacific Hwy ((South)) S to SR
18 at the city of Auburn; E on SR 18 to SR 164; SE on SR 164
to SR 410 (Chinook Pass Hwy) at the town of Enumclaw; E on SR
410 to the second set of power transmission lines near the Mud
Mountain Dam Rd; SW on the power transmission lines to the
White River; NW along the White River to ((the Kapowsin Tree
Farm ownership line (along west line of Section 6, T19N, R7E);
W and)) SR 410; S ((along the Kapowsin Tree Farm ownership
line)) on SR 410 to ((South Prairie Creek (Section 14, T19N,
R6E); S up South Prairie Creek)) SR 165; S on SR 165 to the
first intersection with a power transmission line at T19N,
R06E, Sec 21; SW on this power transmission line to Orville Rd
((East)) E at the Puyallup River; S on Orville Rd ((East)) E
to SR 161; S on SR 161 to the Mashel River; down the Mashel
River to the Nisqually River (Pierce-Thurston county line); NW
along the Nisqually River, ((which is)) along the
Pierce-Thurston county line, to the Nisqually Reach in the
Puget Sound; NW along the Thurston-Pierce county line in the
Nisqually Reach to a point on the Thurston-Pierce county line
southeast of Drayton Passage Channel; NE through Drayton
Passage and Pitt Passage to Carr Inlet; E and S around McNeil
Island to a point southwest of the Tacoma Narrows (including
McNeil, Gertrude, Anderson and Ketron Islands); NE through the
Tacoma Narrows to a point on the Pierce-King county line
northeast of the main channel of the Tacoma Narrows; E on the
Pierce-King county line to the point where the county line
turns southeast, northwest of Dash Point; E to Redondo
Junction on the eastern shore of the Puget Sound and the point
of beginning.
GMU 653-WHITE RIVER (King and Pierce counties):
Beginning at the lookout station at ((Grass Mountain mainline
())US Forest Service (USFS) Rd 7110(())) (Grass Mountain
mainline) and the city of Tacoma Green River Watershed
boundary; E on the Green River Watershed boundary to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7032; E along ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 7032 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7030; SE along
((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7030 to ((Forest Service)) USFS
Rd 7036; SE along ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7036 to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7038; SE on ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 7038 to ((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000 (Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail) at its closest point to ((US
Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7038 near Windy Gap north of Pyramid
Peak; S on the (((US Forest Service)) USFS Trail 2000(()
Pacific)) to Pierce-Yakima County Line (Cascades Crest
((Trail))) in T17N, R10E, Sec 35; S on the county line to the
((Mount)) Mt. Rainier National Park boundary ((at)) in T17 R,
R10E, Sec 35; S on the park boundary to Chinook Pass; N and W
on the ((Mount)) Mt. Rainier National Park boundary to the
Carbon River; NW down the Carbon River to the power
transmission line at T19N, R06E, Sec 21; NE along the power
transmission line to ((South Prairie Creek; N along South
Prairie Creek)) SR 165; NE on SR 165 to ((intersection with
Kapowsin Tree Farm ownership line (Section 14, T19N, R6E); E
and N along Kapowsin Tree Farm ownership line)) SR 410; NE on
SR 410 to the White River (((along west line of Section 6,
T19N, R7E))); SE along the White River to the power
transmission lines on the north side of the White River near
Mud Mountain Dam Rd; NE on the power transmission lines to
State Route (SR) 410; E on SR 410 to ((US Forest Service))
USFS Rd 7110; N on ((US Forest Service)) USFS Rd 7110 to the
city of Tacoma Green River Watershed and the point of
GMU 654-MASHEL (Pierce County):
Beginning at the power transmission line at the Puyallup River
Bridge on Orville Rd ((East)) E; NE on the power
((transmission)) line to the Carbon River; SE along the Carbon
River to the west boundary of Mt. Rainier National Park; S on
the Mt. Rainier National Park boundary to the Nisqually River;
W down the Nisqually River to the mouth of the Mashel River; N
up the Mashel River to the State Route (SR) 161 bridge
(Eatonville-LaGrande Rd); N on SR 161 through Eatonville to
Orville Rd ((East (Kapowsin-Eatonville Rd))) E; N on Orville
Rd ((East)) E to the Puyallup River bridge and the point of
GMU 658-NORTH RIVER (Grays Harbor and Pacific counties):
Beginning at the Pacific Ocean and the south shore of Grays
Harbor at the Westport Jetty; E along the south shore of Grays
Harbor to the mouth of the Chehalis River at the town of
Aberdeen; E up the Chehalis River to the US Hwy (US) 101
bridge ((and US Hwy 101)); S on US ((Hwy)) 101 to the Willapa
River at the town of Raymond; W down the Willapa River to
Willapa Bay; W along the north shore of Willapa Bay to the
Pacific Ocean; N along the Pacific ((Ocean)) Coast to the
south shore of Grays Harbor at the Westport Jetty and the
point of beginning.
GMU 660-MINOT PEAK (Grays Harbor and Pacific counties):
Beginning at the intersection of US Hwy (US) 12 and US ((Hwy))
101 at the town of Aberdeen; E and S on US ((Hwy)) 12 to
((North)) N State St at the town of Oakville; S on ((North)) N
State St to South Bank Rd; W on South Bank Rd to Garrard Creek
Rd; SW on Garrard Creek Rd to Oakville-Brooklyn Rd; W on
Oakville-Brooklyn Rd to North River Valley Rd; W on North
River Valley Rd to Smith Creek Rd; W on Smith Creek Rd to US
((Hwy)) 101; N on US ((Hwy)) 101 to US ((Hwy)) 12 at the town
of Aberdeen and the point of beginning.
GMU 663-CAPITOL PEAK (Grays Harbor and Thurston counties):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 12 and State Route (SR) 8 at the town
of Elma; E on SR 8 to US ((Hwy)) 101; E on US ((Hwy)) 101 to
Delphi Rd SW; S on Delphi Road SW to 110th Ave SW; E on 110th
Ave SW to Littlerock Rd; S on Littlerock Rd to US ((Hwy)) 12;
NW on US ((Hwy)) 12 to SR 8 at the town of Elma and the point
of beginning.
GMU 666-DESCHUTES (Thurston County):
Beginning on US Hwy (US) 101 at the Mason-Thurston county line
southeast of Oyster Bay; NE on the Mason-Thurston county line,
through Totten Inlet, Squaxin Passage and Dana Passage, to the
Pierce-Thurston county line in the Nisqually Reach; SE through
the Nisqually Reach along the Pierce-Thurston county line to
the mouth of the Nisqually River; SE on the Nisqually River to
State Route (SR) 507; SW on SR 507 to Old Hwy 99 SE (((SR
99))) at the town of Tenino; SW on Old Hwy 99 SE (((SR 99) to
I)) to SR 12 at Interstate Hwy-5; W on SR 12 to Littlerock Rd;
N on the Littlerock Rd to 110th Ave SW; W on 110th Ave SW to
Delphi Rd SW; N on Delphi Rd SW to US ((Hwy)) 101; NW on US
((Hwy)) 101 to the Mason-Thurston county line southeast of
Oyster Bay and the point of beginning.
GMU 667-SKOOKUMCHUCK (Thurston and Lewis counties):
Beginning at the State Route (SR) 507 bridge on the Nisqually
River; SE up the Nisqually River (Pierce-Thurston county line)
to SR 7 bridge at the town of Elbe on Alder Lake; S on SR 7 to
((SR 508)) Main St at the town of Morton; S on Main St to SR
508; W on SR 508 to the Centralia-Alpha Rd; W and N on the
Centralia-Alpha Rd to Salzer Valley Rd; W on Salzer Valley Rd
to Summa St at the town of Centralia; W on Summa St to Kresky
Rd; N on Kresky Rd to Tower St; N on Tower St to SR 507; W on
SR 507 (Cherry St, Alder St, and Mellen St) to ((I-5))
Interstate Hwy (I)-5; N on I-5 to Old Hwy 99 SE (((SR 99)));
NE on Old Hwy 99 SE (((SR 99))) to SR 507; NE on SR 507 to the
Nisqually River bridge and the point of beginning.
GMU 672-FALL RIVER (Pacific, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties):
Beginning at the intersection of US Hwy (US) 101 and State
Route (SR) 6 at the town of Raymond; N on US ((Hwy)) 101 to
Smith Creek Rd; NE on Smith Creek Rd to North River Valley Rd;
E on North River Valley Rd to Oakville-Brooklyn Rd; E on the
Oakville-Brooklyn Rd to Garrard Creek Rd; S on Garrard Creek
Rd to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) C line at mile post 5; W on the
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco C line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 723
line; S on the ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 723 line to ((the
Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 720 line; W on the ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
720 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7800 F line; S on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7800 F line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7800 line; S and SE on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7800 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7000 line; SW on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7000 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7050 line; S on
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7050 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
7400 line; S and E on ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7400 line to
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 7000 line; E on ((the Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 7000 line to Elk Creek Rd; E on Elk Creek Rd to Stevens
Rd at the town of Doty; E on Stevens Rd to SR 6; S, W and NW
on SR 6 to US ((Hwy)) 101 at the town of Raymond and the point
of beginning.
GMU 673-WILLIAMS CREEK (Pacific County):
Beginning at US Hwy (US) 101 bridge crossing the Willapa River
at the town of Raymond; S on US ((Hwy)) 101 to State Route
(SR) 6; SE on SR 6 to the Trap Creek A line; S and W on the
Trap Creek A line to power transmission lines; S((, SW)) and
((then W)) SW on the power transmission lines to Weyerhaeuser
(Weyco) 5800 line (Section ((21)) 22, T11N, R8W); SW along the
((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco 5800 line to ((Weyerhaeuser)) Weyco
5000 line (Deep River main line); SW on the ((Weyerhaeuser))
Weyco 5000 line (((Deep River main line))) to the Salmon Creek
Rd; SW along the Salmon Creek Rd to SR 4; W on SR 4 to US
((Hwy)) 101 at Johnson's Landing; W on US ((Hwy)) 101 to the
Naselle River bridge; W down the Naselle River to Willapa Bay;
N along the east shore of Willapa Bay to the Willapa River; SE
and NE up the Willapa River to the US ((Hwy)) 101 bridge and
the point of beginning.
GMU 681-BEAR RIVER (Pacific and Wahkiakum counties):
Beginning at the US Hwy (US) 101 bridge at the Naselle River;
E on US ((Hwy)) 101 to State Route (SR) 4; SE on SR 4 to Deep
River bridge; S down the Deep River to the Columbia River; W
along the shore of the Columbia River to the mouth of the
Wallacut River (including all islands in the Columbia both
north of the Washington-Oregon state line and between the Deep
River and the Wallacut River); N up the Wallacut River to US
((Hwy)) 101; NW on US ((Hwy)) 101 to alternate US ((Hwy)) 101,
north of the Ilwaco Airport; N on alternate US ((Hwy)) 101 to
US ((Hwy)) 101; E and NE on US ((Hwy)) 101 to Bear River; N
down Bear River to Willapa Bay; N along the eastern shore of
Willapa Bay to the mouth of the Naselle River; SE up the
Naselle River to the US ((Hwy)) 101 bridge and the point of
GMU 684-LONG BEACH (Pacific County):
Beginning at the mouth of Bear River on Willapa Bay; S up Bear
River to US Hwy (US) 101; W and SW on US ((Hwy)) 101 to
alternate US ((Hwy)) 101, north of the Ilwaco Airport; S on
alternate US ((Hwy)) 101 to US ((Hwy)) 101; W on US ((Hwy))
101 to the Wallacut River; S along the Wallacut River to the
Columbia River; W down the Columbia River to its mouth on the
Pacific Ocean (including all islands in the Columbia River
both north of the Washington-Oregon state line and between the
Wallacut River and the mouth of the Columbia River); N, E, S,
and E along the shoreline of the Long Beach peninsula to Bear
River and the point of beginning.
GMU 699-LONG ISLAND (Pacific County):
Includes all of Long Island.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-336, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-336, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 03-06-110 (Order 03-23), § 232-28-336, filed 3/5/03, effective 4/5/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 10-94, filed 4/30/10,
effective 5/31/10)
WAC 232-28-337
Deer and elk area descriptions.
Elk Area No. 1008 West Wenaha (Columbia County): That part of
GMU 169 west of USFS trail 3112 from Tepee Camp (east fork of
Butte Creek) to Butte Creek, and west of Butte Creek to the
Washington-Oregon state line.
Elk Area No. 1009 East Wenaha (Columbia, Garfield, Asotin
counties): That portion of GMU 169 east of USFS trail 3112
from Tepee Camp (east fork Butte Creek) to Butte Creek, and
east of Butte Creek to the Washington-Oregon state line.
Elk Area No. 1010 (Columbia County): GMU 162 excluding
National Forest land and the Rainwater Wildlife Area.
Elk Area No. 1011 (Columbia County): That part of GMU 162
east of the North Touchet Road, excluding National Forest
Elk Area No. 1012 (Columbia County): That part of GMU 162
west of the North Touchet Road, excluding National Forest land
and the Rainwater Wildlife Area.
Elk Area No. 1013 (Asotin County): GMU 172, excluding
National Forest lands.
Elk Area No. 1014 (Columbia-Garfield counties): That part of
GMU 166 Tucannon west of the Tucannon River and USFS Trail No.
3110 (Jelly Spr.-Diamond Pk. Trail).
Elk Area No. 1015 Turnbull (Spokane County): Located in GMU
130, designated areas within the boundaries of Turnbull
National Wildlife Refuge.
Elk Area No. 1016 (Columbia County): GMU-162 Dayton,
excluding the Rainwater Wildlife Area.
Elk Area No. 2032 Malaga (Kittitas and Chelan counties):
Beginning at the mouth of Davies Canyon on the Columbia River;
west along Davies Canyon to the cliffs above (north of) the
North Fork Tarpiscan Creek; west and north along the cliffs to
the Bonneville Power Line; southwest along the power line to
the North Fork Tarpiscan Road in Section 9, Township 20N,
Range 21E; north and west along North Fork Tarpiscan Road to
Colockum Pass Road (Section 9, Township 20N, Range 21E); south
and west on Colockum Pass Road to section line between
Sections 8 & 9; north along the section line between Sections
8 and 9 as well as Sections 4 & 5 (T20N, R21E) & Sections 32 &
33 (T21N, R21E) to Moses Carr Road; west and north on Moses
Carr Road to Jump Off Road; south and west on Jump Off Road to
Shaller Road; north and west on Shaller Road to Upper Basin
Loop Road; north and west on Upper Basin Loop Road to Wheeler
Ridge Road; north on Wheeler Ridge Road to the Basin Loop Road
(pavement) in Section 10 (T21N, R20E); north on Basin Loop
Road to Wenatchee Heights Road; west on Wenatchee Heights Road
to Squilchuck Road; south on Squilchuck Road to Beehive Road
(USFS Rd 9712); northwest on Beehive Road to USFS Rd 7100 near
Beehive Reservoir; north and west on USFS Rd 7100 to Peavine
Canyon Road (USFS Rd 7101); north and east on Peavine Canyon
Road to Number Two Canyon Road; north on Number Two Canyon
Road to Crawford Street in Wenatchee; east on Crawford Street
to the Columbia River; south and east along the Columbia River
to Davies Canyon and point of beginning. (Naneum Green Dot,
Washington Gazetteer, Wenatchee National Forest)
Elk Area No. 2033 Peshastin (Chelan County): Starting at the
Division St bridge over the Wenatchee River in the town of
Cashmere; S on Aplets Way then Division St to Pioneer St; W on
Pioneer St to Mission Creek Rd; S on Mission Creek Rd to
Binder Rd; W on Binder Rd to Mission Creek Rd; S on Mission
Creek Rd to Tripp Canyon Rd; W on Tripp Canyon Rd to where
Tripp Canyon Rd stops following Tripp Creek; W on Tripp Creek
to its headwaters; W up the drainage, about 1000 feet, to US
Forest Service (USFS) Rd 7200-160; W on USFS Rd 7200-160 to
Camas Creek Rd (USFS Rd 7200); W on Camas Creek Rd (USFS 7200
Rd) (excluding Camas Land firearm closure*) to US Hwy 97; N on
US Hwy 97 to Mountain Home Rd (USFS 7300 Rd); N on Mountain
Home Rd to the Wenatchee River in the town of Leavenworth; S
on the Wenatchee River to the Division St bridge in Cashmere
and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 2051 Tronsen (Chelan County): All of GMU 251
except that portion described as follows: Beginning at the
junction of Naneum Ridge Road (WDFW Rd 9) and Ingersol Road
(WDFW Rd 1); north and east on Ingersol Road to Colockum Road
(WDFW Rd 10); east on Colockum Road and Colockum Creek to the
intersection of Colockum Creek and the Columbia River; south
on the Columbia River to mouth of Tarpiscan Creek; west up
Tarpiscan Creek and Tarpiscan Road (WDFW Rd 14) and North Fork
Road (WDFW Rd 10.10) to the intersection of North Fork Road
and Colockum Road; southwest on Colockum Road to Naneum Ridge
Road; west on Naneum Ridge Road to Ingersol Road and the point
of beginning.
Elk Area No. 3068 Klickitat Meadows (Yakima County):
Beginning at Darland Mountain, southeast along the main divide
between the Diamond Fork drainage and the Ahtanum Creek
drainage to the point due west of the headwaters of
Reservation Creek (Section 18, T12N, R14E); then along a line
due west to Spencer Point (as represented in the DNR 100k
map); northeast from Spencer Point to US Forest Service (USFS)
Trail 1136; north along USFS Trail 1136 to USFS Trail 615;
east on USFS Trail 615 to Darland Mountain and the point of
Elk Area No. 3681 Ahtanum (Yakima County): That part of GMU
368 beginning at the power line crossing on Ahtanum Creek in
T12N, R16E, Section 15; west up Ahtanum Creek to South Fork
Ahtanum Creek; southwest up South Fork Ahtanum Creek to its
junction with Reservation Creek; southwest up Reservation
Creek and the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the main
divide between the Diamond Fork drainage and Ahtanum Creek
drainage; north along the crest of the main divide between the
Diamond Fork drainage and the Ahtanum Creek drainage to
Darland Mountain; northeast on US Forest Service Trail 615 to
US Forest Service Road 1020; northeast on US Forest Service
Road 1020 to US Forest Service Road 613; northeast on US
Forest Service Road 613 to US Forest Service Trail 1127;
northeast on US Forest Service Trail 1127 to US Forest Service
Road 1302 (Jump Off Road), southeast of the Jump Off Lookout
Station; northeast on US Forest Service Road 1302 (Jump Off
Road) to Highway 12; northeast on Highway 12 to the Naches
River; southeast down the Naches River to Cowiche Creek; west
up Cowiche Creek and South Fork Cowiche Creek to Summitview
Avenue; northwest on Summitview Avenue to Cowiche Mill Road;
west on Cowiche Mill Road to the power line in the northeast
corner of T13N, R15E, SEC 13; southeast along the power line
to Ahtanum Creek and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 3721 Corral Canyon (Benton and Yakima counties):
That part of GMU 372 beginning at the Yakima River Bridge on
SR 241 just north of Mabton; north along SR 241 to the
Rattlesnake Ridge Road (mile post #19); east on Rattlesnake
Ridge Road to the Hanford Reach National Monument's (HRNM)
southwest corner boundary; east and south along the HRNM
boundary to SR 225; south on SR 225 to the Yakima River Bridge
in Benton City; west (upstream) along Yakima River to point of
beginning (SR 241 Bridge).
Elk Area No. 3722 Blackrock (Benton and Yakima counties):
That part of GMU 372 beginning at southern corner of the
Yakima Training Center border on Columbia River, northwest of
Priest Rapids Dam; southeast on southern shore of Columbia
River (Priest Rapids Lake) to Priest Rapids Dam; east along
Columbia River to the Hanford Reach National Monument's (HRNM)
western boundary; south along the HRNM boundary to the
Rattlesnake Ridge Road; west on Rattlesnake Ridge Road to SR
241; south on SR 241 to the Yakima River Bridge just north of
Mabton; west along Yakima River to SR 823 (Harrison Road)
south of town of Pomona; east along SR 823 (Harrison Road) to
SR 821; southeast on SR 821 to Firing Center Road at I-82;
east on Firing Center Road to main gate of Yakima Training
Center; south and east along Yakima Training Center boundary
to southern corner of Yakima Training Center boundary on
Columbia River and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 3911 Fairview (Kittitas County): Beginning at
the intersection of the BPA Power Lines in T20N, R14E, Section
36 and Interstate 90; east along the power lines to Highway
903 (Salmon La Sac Road); northwest along Highway 903 to
Pennsylvania Avenue; northeast along Pennsylvania Avenue to
No. 6 Canyon Road; northeast along No. 6 Canyon Road to Cle
Elum Ridge Road; north along Cle Elum Ridge Road to Carlson
Canyon Road; northeast along Carlson Canyon Road to West Fork
Teanaway River; east along West Fork Teanaway River to North
Fork Teanaway River; north along North Fork Teanaway River to
Teanaway Road; southeast on Teanaway Road to Ballard Hill
Road; east on Ballard Hill Rd and Swauk Prairie Road to Hwy
970; northeast on Hwy 970 to Hwy 97; south on Hwy 97 to the
power lines in T20N, R17E, Section 34; east on the power lines
to Naneum Creek; south on Naneum Creek approximately 1/2 mile
to power lines in T19N, R19E, Section 20; east along BPA power
lines to Colockum Pass Road in T19N, R20E, Section 16; south
on Colockum Pass Road to BPA power lines in T18N, R20E,
Section 6; east and south along power lines to Parke Creek;
north on Parke Creek to Whiskey Jim Creek; east on Whiskey Jim
Creek to the Wild Horse Wind Farm Boundary; south and East on
Wild Horse Wind Farm boundary to the Vantage Highway; east
along the Vantage Highway to the first power line crossing;
southwest along the power lines to where they intersect with
the second set of BPA power lines in T17N, R21E, Section 18;
southeast along the BPA power lines to I-90; west along I-90
to the Yakima Training Center boundary; south and west along
the Yakima Training Center boundary to I-82; north on I-82 to
Thrall Road; west on Thrall Road to Wilson Creek; south on
Wilson Creek to Yakima River; north on Yakima River to gas
pipeline crossing in T17N, R18E, Section 25; south and west on
the gas pipeline to Umtanum Creek; west on Umtanum Creek to
the Durr Road; north on the Durr Road to Umtanum Road; north
on Umtanum Road to South Branch Canal; west on South Branch
Canal to Bradshaw/Hanson Road; west on Bradshaw Road to the
elk fence; north and west along the elk fence to power line
crossing in T19N, R16E, Section 10; west along the power line
(south branch) to Big Creek; north on Big Creek to Nelson
Siding Road; west and north on Nelson Siding Road to I-90;
east on I-90 to point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 3912 Old Naches (Yakima County): Starting at the
elk fence and Roza Canal along the south boundary T14N, R19E,
Section 8; following the elk fence to the bighorn sheep
feeding site in T15N, R16E, Section 36; south on the feeding
site access road to the Old Naches Highway; west and south on
the Old Naches Highway to State Route 12 and the Naches River;
down the Naches River to the Tieton River; up the Tieton River
approximately 2 miles to the intersection of the metal
footbridge and the elk fence at the south end of the bridge in
T14N, R16E, Section 3; south along the elk fence to the top of
the cliff/rimrock line; southwest along the top of the
cliff/rimrock line to the irrigation canal in T14N, R16E,
Section 9; southwest along the irrigation canal to the elk
fence in T14N, R16E, Section 8; south along the elk fence to
the township line between T12N, R15E and T12N, R16E; south
along the township line to the South Fork Ahtanum Creek;
downstream along the South Fork Ahtanum Creek and Ahtanum
Creek to the Yakima River; upstream along the Yakima River to
Roza Canal and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 4041 Grandy Creek (Skagit County): Begin at the
intersection of CP 190 Road and CP 132 Road (Section 28, T36N,
R5E); east along the CP 132 Road to the CP 130 Road; east and
south along CP 130 Road to CP 110 Road, west, south and east
along CP 110 Road to Childs Creek; south down Childs Creek to
State Route 20; east on State Route 20 to Grandy Creek; south
down Grandy Creek to the Skagit River; south on a line to
South Skagit Hwy; west on South Skagit Hwy to State Route 9;
north on State Route 9 to State Route 20; east on State Route
20 to Helmick Road; north on Helmick Road to CP 190 Road to CP
132 Road and the point of beginning. (WA Atlas & Gazetteer &
Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Map)
Elk Area No. 4601 North Bend (King County): That portion of
GMU 460 beginning at the interchange of State Route (SR) 18
and I-90; W on I-90 to SE 82nd St, Exit 22, at the town of
Preston; N on SE 82nd Street to Preston Fall City Rd SE (Old
SR 203); N on Preston Fall City Rd SE to SE Fall City
Snoqualmie Rd (SR 202) at the town of Fall City; E on SE Fall
City Snoqualmie Rd to the crossing of Tokul Creek; N and E up
Tokul Creek to its crossing with Tokul Rd SE; S on SE Tokul Rd
to SE 53rd Way; E on SE 53rd Way where it turns into 396th Dr
SE then S on 396th Dr SE to SE Reinig Rd; E on SE Reinig Rd to
428th Ave SE; N on 428th Ave SE to where it turns into North
Fork Rd SE; N and E on North Fork Rd SE to Ernie's Grove Rd; E
on Ernie's Grove Rd to SE 70th St; N on SE 70th St to its ends
at Fantastic Falls on the North Fork Snoqualmie River; SW down
the North Fork Snoqualmie River to Fantastic Falls and the Mt
Si Natural Resource Conservation Area boundary then S and E
along the southern boundary of the Mt Si NRCA to the "School
Bus" turnaround at SE 114th St; S on 480th Ave SE to SE 130th
St; S and E on SE 130th St to its end; SSE overland from the
end of SE 130th St, over the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, to
the end of 486th Ave SE; S on 486th Ave SE to the intersection
with SE Middle Fork Road; Due S, from said intersection, up
Grouse Mountain toward its peak, to the logging road adjacent
to Grouse Mountain Peak; S down the logging road to Grouse
Ridge Access Rd; W on Grouse Ridge Access Road which becomes
SE 146th St; W on SE 146th St to I-90 then east along I-90 to
the W boundary of Olallie/Twin Falls State Park then S along
the state park western boundary to its most western boundary
where it intersects with the boundary of the Iron Horse State
Park; W along the boundary of Iron Horse State Park to the
boundary of the Rattlesnake Lake Recreation Area; W along the
boundary of the Rattlesnake Lake Recreation Area to Cedar
Falls Rd SE; N along the Cedar Falls Rd to SE 174th Way; W on
SE 174th Way to SE 174th St; W on SE 174th St to SE 173rd St;
W on SE 173rd St to SE 170th Pl; W on SE 170th Pl to SE 169th
St; W on SE 169th St to 424th Ave SE; N on 424th Ave SE to SE
168th St; W on SE 168th St to 422 Ave SE; N on 422 Ave SE to
426th Way SE; S on 426th Way SE to SE 164th St; E on SE 164th
St to Uplands Way SE; W on Uplands Way SE to the crossing with
the Power Transmission Lines; W along the Power Transmission
Lines to the Winery Rd; NW on the Winery Rd to SE 99th Rd; W
and N on SE 99th Rd to the I-90 interchange, at Exit 27; SW on
I-90 to the interchange with SR 18 and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 4941 Skagit River (Skagit County): That portion
of GMU 437 beginning at the intersection of State Route 9 and
State Route 20; east on State Route 20 to Cape Horn Road NE;
south down Cape Horn Road NE to the power line crossing which
passes over the Skagit River; east on the power line to the
Skagit River; south and west down the Skagit River to
((Pressentine [Pressentin])) Pressentin Creek; south up
((Pressentine [Pressentin])) Pressentin Creek to the South
Skagit Highway; west on South Skagit Highway to State Route 9;
north on State Route 9 to point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5029 Toledo (Lewis and Cowlitz counties):
Beginning at the Cowlitz River and State Highway 505 junction;
east along the Cowlitz River to the Weyerhaeuser 1800 Road;
south along Weyerhaeuser 1800 Road to Cedar Creek Road; east
along Cedar Creek Road to Due Road; south on Due Road to
Weyerhaeuser 1823 Road; south along Weyerhaeuser 1823 Road to
the Weyerhaeuser 1945 Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser 1945
Road to the Weyerhaeuser 1900 Road; south along the
Weyerhaeuser 1900 Road to the North Fork Toutle River; west
along the North Fork Toutle River to the Toutle River; west on
the Toutle River to the Cowlitz River; North along the Cowlitz
River to the junction of State Highway 505 and the point of
Elk Area No. 5049 Ethel (Lewis County): That part of GMU 505
beginning at the intersection of Jackson Highway and Highway
12; south along Jackson Highway to Buckley Road; south on
Buckley Road to Spencer Road; east on Spencer Road to Fuller
Road; north on Fuller Road to Highway 12; east on Highway 12
to Stowell Road; north on Stowell Road to Gore Road; west on
Gore Road to Larmon Road; west on Larmon Road to Highway 12;
west on Highway 12 to Jackson Highway and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5050 Newaukum (Lewis County): That part of GMU
505 beginning at the intersection of Interstate 5 and Highway
12; east on Highway 12 to Larmon Road; east on Larmon Road to
Leonard Road; north on Leonard Road through the town of
Onalaska to Deggler Road; north on Deggler Road to Middle Fork
Road; east on Middle Fork Road to Beck Road; north on Beck
Road to Centralia-Alpha Road; west on Centralia-Alpha Road to
Logan Hill Road; south then west on Logan Hill Road to Jackson
Highway; south on Jackson Highway to the Newaukum River; west
along the Newaukum River to Interstate 5; south on Interstate
5 to Highway 12 and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5051 Green Mountain (Cowlitz County): Beginning
at the junction of the Cowlitz River and the Toutle River;
east along the Toutle River to the North Fork Toutle River;
east along the North Fork Toutle River to the Weyerhaeuser
1900 Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser 1900 Road to the
Weyerhaeuser 1910 Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser 1910 Road
to the Weyerhaeuser 2410 Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser
2410 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4553 Road; south along the
Weyerhaeuser 4553 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4500 Road; south
along the Weyerhaeuser 4500 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4400
Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser 4400 Road to the
Weyerhaeuser 4100 Road; east along the Weyerhaeuser 4100 Road
to the Weyerhaeuser 4700 Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser
4700 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4720 Road; west along the
Weyerhaeuser 4720 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4730 Road; west
along the Weyerhaeuser 4730 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4732
Road; west along the Weyerhaeuser 4732 Road to the
Weyerhaeuser 4790 Road; west along the Weyerhaeuser 4790 Road
to the Weyerhaeuser 1390 Road; south along the Weyerhaeuser
1390 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 1600 Road; west along the
Weyerhaeuser 1600 Road to the Weyerhaeuser Logging Railroad
Tracks at Headquarters; west along the Weyerhaeuser Logging
Railroad Track to Ostrander Creek; west along Ostrander Creek
to the Cowlitz River; north along the Cowlitz River to the
Toutle River and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5052 Mossyrock (Lewis County): Beginning at the
intersection of Winston Creek Road and State Highway 12; east
on State Highway 12 to the Cowlitz River; east on the Cowlitz
River to Riffe Lake; southeast along the south shore of Riffe
Lake to Swofford Pond outlet creek; south on Swofford Pond
outlet creek to Green Mountain Road; west on Green Mountain
Road to Perkins Road; west on Perkins Road to Longbell Road;
south on Longbell Road to Winston Creek Road; north on Winston
Creek Road to State Highway 12 and the point of beginning.
(All lands owned and managed by the Cowlitz Wildlife Area are
excluded from this Elk Area.)
Elk Area No. 5053 Randle (Lewis County): ((Beginning at the
town of Randle and the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and
State Route 131 (Forest Service 23 and 25 roads); south on
State Route 131 to Forest Service 25 Road; south on Forest
Service 25 Road to the Cispus River; west along the Cispus
River to the Champion 300 line bridge; south and west on the
Champion 300 line to the Champion Haul Road; north along the
Champion Haul Road to Kosmos Road; north on Kosmos Road to
U.S. Highway 12; east on U.S. Highway 12 to Randle and point
of beginning. (All lands owned and managed by the Cowlitz
Wildlife Area are excluded from this Elk Area.))) Beginning at
the town of Randle and the intersection of U.S. Highway 12 and
State Route 131 (Forest Service 23 and 25 roads); south on
State Route 131 to Forest Service 25 Road; south on Forest
Service 25 Road to the Cispus River; west along the Cispus
River to the Champion 300 line bridge; south and west on the
Champion 300 line to the Champion Haul Road; north along the
Champion Haul Road to Kosmos Road; north on Kosmos Road to
U.S. Highway 12; east on U.S. Highway 12 to Randle and point
of beginning. (All lands owned and managed by the Cowlitz
Wildlife Area are excluded from this Elk Area.)
Elk Area No. 5054 Boistfort (Lewis County): Beginning at the
town of Vader; west along State Highway 506 to the Wildwood
Road; north along the Wildwood Road to the Abernathy 500 line
gate (Section 20, T11N, R3W, Willamette Meridian); northwest
along the 500, 540, and 560 lines to the Weyerhaeuser 813
line; northwest along the 813, 812, 5000J, 5000 and 4000 lines
to the Pe Ell/McDonald Road (Section 15, T12N, R4W); west
along the Pe Ell/McDonald Road to the Lost Valley Road;
northeast along the Lost Valley Road to the Boistfort Road;
north along the Boistfort Road to the King Road; east along
the King Road to the town of Winlock and State Highway 603;
south along Highway 505 to Interstate 5; south along
Interstate 5 to State Hwy 506; west along State Hwy 506 to the
town of Vader and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5056 Grays River Valley (Wahkiakum County): On
or within 3/4 mile of agricultural land in the Grays River
Valley within the following sections: T10N, R7W, Sections 8,
9, 17, 18 and T10N, R8W, Sections 13, 23, 24, 26.
Elk Area No. 5057 Carlton (Lewis County): That part of 513
(South Rainier) lying east of Highway 123 and north of Highway
Elk Area No. 5058 West Goat Rocks (Lewis County): Goat Rocks
Wilderness west of the Pacific Crest Trail.
Elk Area No. 5059 Mt. Adams Wilderness (Skamania and Yakima
counties): The Mt. Adams Wilderness.
Elk Area No. 5060 Merwin (Cowlitz County): Begin at the State
Route 503 and the Longview Fibre Road WS-8000 junction; north
and west on the Longview Fibre Road WS-8000 to Day Place Road;
west on Day Place Road to Dubois Road; south on Dubois Road to
State Route 503; east on State Route 503 to the State Route
503 and the Longview Fibre Road WS-8000 junction and point of
Elk Area No. 5061 Wildwood (Lewis County): Beginning at the
junction of the Pacific West Timber (PWT) 600 Road and the
Wildwood Road (SE1/4 S29 T11N R3W); southwest on the 600 Road
to the 800 Road (NW1/4 S36 T11N R4W); southwest on the 800
Road to the 850 Road (SW1/4 S3 T10N R4W); northwest on the 850
Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4720 Road (S20 T11N R4W); north on
the Weyerhaeuser 4720 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 4700 Road (S17
T11N R4W); east on the Weyerhaeuser 4700 Road to the
Weyerhaeuser 5822 Road (NW1/4 S16 T11N R4W); east on the
Weyerhaeuser 5822 Road to the Weyerhaeuser 5820 Road (NW1/4
S10 T11N R4W); southeast on the Weyerhaeuser 5820 Road to the
PWT 574 Road (SE1/4 S10 T11N R4W); south on the PWT 574 Road
to the 570 Road (NW1/4 S14 T11N R4W); south on the 570 Road to
the 500 Road (NW1/4 S14 T11N R4W); northeast on the 500 Road
to the 560 Road (SW1/4 S12 T11N R4W); east on the 560 Road to
the 540 Road (SE1/4 S12 T11N R4W); east and south on the 540
Road to the 500 Road (SE1/4 S18 T11N R3W); east on the PWT 500
Road to the Wildwood Road (N1/2 S20 T11N R3W); south on the
Wildwood Road to the point of beginning, the PWT 600 Road
junction (SE1/4 S29 T11N R3W).
Elk Area No. 5062 Trout Lake (Klickitat County): Those
portions of GMUs 560 (Lewis River) and 578 (West Klickitat)
beginning at the intersection of SR 141 and Sunnyside Road;
north on Sunnyside Road to Mount Adams Recreational Area Road;
north on Mount Adams Recreational Area Road to USFS Road 23;
north on USFS Road 23 to DNR T-4300 Road; west on DNR T-4300
Road to Trout Lake Creek Road; south on Trout Lake Creek Road
to SR 141; east and south on SR 141 to the intersection of SR
141 and Sunnyside Road to the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5063 Pumice Plain (Cowlitz and Skamania
counties): That part of GMU 522 beginning at the confluence
of the N. Fork Toutle River and Castle Creek; East along the
N. Fork Toutle River to USFS trail 207; south along USFS trail
207 to USFS trail 216E; southwest along USFS trail 216E to
USFS trail 216; west along USGS trail 216 to USGS 216G;
northwest along USFS trail 216G to USGS trail 221; north along
USFS 221 to Castle Creek; northwest along Castle Creek to N.
Fork Toutle River and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5064 Upper Smith Creek (Skamania County): That
part of GMU 522 beginning at the U.S. Forest Service Rd. 99
and U.S. Forest Service Trail 225 (Smith Creek Trail)
junction; south on Trail 225 to Ape Canyon Creek; south and
west up Ape Canyon Creek to U.S. Forest Service Trail 216
(Loowit Trail); north on Trail 216 to U.S. Forest Service
Trail 216D (Abraham Trail); north on Trail 216D to U.S. Forest
Service Trail 207 (Truman Trail); north and east on Trail 207
to U.S. Forest Service Rd. 99; north and east on U.S. Forest
Service Rd. 99 to the junction of U.S. Forest Service Rd. 99
and U.S. Forest Service Trail 225 and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5065 Mount Whittier (Skamania County): That part
of GMU 522 beginning at the U.S. Forest Service Trail 1
(Boundary Trail) and U.S. Forest Service Trail 214 (Whittier
Ridge Trail) junction; west on the U.S. Forest Service Trail 1
to U.S. Forest Service Trail 230 (Coldwater Trail); north on
U.S. Forest Service Trail 230 to U.S. Forest Service Trail 211
(Lakes Trail); east on Trail 211 to U.S. Forest Service Trail
214; south on U.S. Forest Service Trail 214 to the junction of
U.S. Forest Service Trail 214 and U.S. Forest Service Trail 1
and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5090 JBH (Wahkiakum County): The mainland
portion of the Julia Butler Hansen National Wildlife Refuge,
as administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as
described: Beginning at the junction of State Route 4 and
Steamboat Island Slough Road, northwest on Steamboat Island
Slough Road to Brooks Slough Road, east on Brooks Slough Road
to State Route 4, south on State Route 4 to Steamboat Slough
Road and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 5099 Mudflow (Cowlitz County): That part of GMU
522 beginning on the North Fork Toutle River at the mouth of
Hoffstadt Creek; SE up the North Fork Toutle River to Deer
Creek; SE up Deer Creek to Weyerhaeuser (Weyco) 3020 line; NW
along Weyco 3020 line to Weyco 3000 line; E along Weyco 3000
line to Weyco 3000P line; E on the 3000P line to Weyco 5600
Line to the Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument
Boundary; N on the Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic
Monument Boundary to SR 504; W on SR 504 to Hoffstadt Creek
Bridge on Hoffstadt Creek; S and W down Hoffstadt Creek to the
North Fork Toutle River and point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6010 Mallis (Pacific County): That part of GMUs
506, 672, and 673 within one and one-half mile either side of
((State Road)) SR 6 between the east end of Elk Prairie
((Road)) Rd and the Mallis Landing ((Road)) Rd, and all lands
within a half mile of Elk Creek Rd bounded on the south by
Monohon Landing Rd.
Elk Area No. 6011 Centralia Mine (Lewis County): That portion
of GMU 667 within Centralia Mine property boundary.
Elk Area No. 6012 Tri Valley (Grays Harbor and Mason
counties): Those portions of GMUs 648 (Wynoochee) and 651
(Satsop) within one mile of Brady-Matlock Road from State
Highway 12 north to the junction with Schaefer State Park Road
(east Satsop Road) and all lands within one mile of Wynoochee
Valley Road from State Highway 12 north to the junction with
Cougar Smith Road, and all lands within one mile of Wishkah
Valley Road from north Aberdeen city limit to mile post 16 and
all lands within 2 miles north of SR 12 between the Satsop
River and Schouweiler and Hurd roads and then a line north
from the end of Hurd Road to a point 2 miles north of SR 12.
Elk Area No. 6013 (Pierce County): That part of GMU 652
beginning at the intersection of Highway 167 and Highway 410;
north on Highway 167 to Highway 18; east on Highway 18 to
Highway 164; southeasterly on Highway 164 to Highway 410;
westerly on Highway 410 to Highway 167 and the point of
Elk Area No. 6054 Puyallup River (Pierce County): That
portion of GMU 654 beginning at the intersection of Mount
Rainier National Park's western boundary and State Route (SR)
706; W on SR 706 to 278th Ave E; N on 278th Ave E to WA Dept
of Natural Resources' (DNR) 1300 Rd; NW on DNR 1300 Rd to
Scott Turner Rd; NW on Scott Turner Rd to Alder Cutoff Rd; W
and NE on Alder Cutoff Rd to Center St SE in the town of
Eatonville; NW on Center St SE to SR 161; N and W on SR 161 to
Orville Rd E; N on Orville Rd E, past Lake Ohop and Lake
Kapowsin, to the bridge crossing the Puyallup River; SE up the
Puyallup River to Mount Rainier National Park's western
boundary; S on Mount Rainier National Park's western boundary
to SR 706 and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6061 Twin Satsop Farms (Mason County): That
portion of GMU 651 starting at the junction of the Deckerville
Road and the Brady-Matlock Road; southwest to the junction
with the West Boundary Road; north on West Boundary Road to
the Deckerville Road; east on the Deckerville Road to the
junction of Brady-Matlock Road and point of beginning. In
addition, the area within a circle with a radius of two miles
centered on the junction of State Route 108 and the Eich Road.
Elk Area No. 6062 South Bank (Grays Harbor County): That
portion of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) described as follows:
Beginning at Highway 12 and Wakefield Road Junction (South
Elma); south on Wakefield Road, across the Chehalis River to
the South Bank Road; southeast on the South Bank Road to
Delezene Road; south on the Delezene Road to a point one mile
from the South Bank Road; southeast along a line one mile
southwest of the South Bank Road to the Oakville-Brooklyn
Road; east on the Oakville-Brooklyn Road to Oakville and
Highway 12; northwest on Highway 12 to Wakefield Road to Elma
and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6063 (Grays Harbor and Jefferson counties):
Private lands within Elk Area 6064 east of Highway 101.
Elk Area No. 6064 Quinault Valley (Grays Harbor and Jefferson
counties): That portion of GMU 638 (Quinault) within the
Quinault River watershed east of Gatton Creek and Lake
Quinault excluding US Forest Service (USFS) Colonel Bob
Wilderness Area.
Elk Area No. 6066 Chehalis Valley (Grays Harbor County): That
portion of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) beginning at Highway 12 and
Highway 107 junction near Montesano; east and south on Highway
12 to Oakville; south on Oakville-Brooklyn Road to a point one
mile west of South Bank Road; northwest along a line one mile
southwest of South Bank Road to Delezene Road; north along
Delezene Road to South Bank Road; northwest along South Bank
Road to Wakefield Road; north on Wakefield Road to Chehalis
River; west on Chehalis River to Highway 107 bridge; north on
Highway 107 to Highway 12 and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6067 North Minot (Grays Harbor County): The
portion of GMU 660 (Minot Peak) beginning at the junction on
State Route 107 and the Melbourne A-line, on the Melbourne
A-line to the Vesta F-line; south on Vesta F-line to Vesta
H-line (Vesta Creek Road); south on Vesta Creek Road to the
North River Road; south and east on North River Road to the
Brooklyn Road; east on Brooklyn Road to the Garrard Creek
Road; east and north on Garrard Creek Road to the South Bank
Road; east on South Bank to South State Street (Oakville);
north on South State Street to U.S. 12; northwest and west on
U.S. 12 to State Route 107; south and southwest on SR 107 to
the Melbourne A-line and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6068 Willapa (Grays Harbor County): That part of
GMU 658 south of SR 105 between the intersection of SR 105 and
Hammond Road and the SR 105 bridge over Smith Creek; and
within one mile north of SR 105 west from Hammond Road and
east of the SR 105 bridge over Smith Creek.
Elk Area No. 6069 Hanaford (Lewis and Thurston counties):
That part of GMU 667 (Skookumchuck) beginning at the
intersection of Salzer Valley ((Road)) Rd and S Pearl St
(Centralia((-Alpha Road; east and north))); N on ((Salzer
Valley Road)) S Pearl St to ((Little Hanaford Road; west)) N
Pearl St; N on ((Little Hanaford Road to Teitzel Road; north
on Teitzel Road to Big Hanaford Road; west on Big Hanaford
Road)) N Pearl St to State ((Route)) Hwy 507; ((north)) W and
N on State ((Route)) Hwy 507 to Skookumchuck ((Road; east))
Rd; E on Skookumchuck ((Road)) Rd to the first bridge over the
Skookumchuck River; ((east)) E along the Skookumchuck River to
the Skookumchuck ((Road)) Rd bridge; ((east)) E on
Skookumchuck ((Road)) Rd to the steel tower power line;
((southwest)) SW along the power line to Big Hanaford ((Road;
east)) Rd; E and ((south)) S along Big Hanaford ((Road)) Rd to
Weyerhaeuser ((Road)) Rd E150; ((east)) E on Weyerhaeuser
((Road)) Rd E150 to Weyerhaeuser ((Road)) Rd E247; ((south)) S
and ((west)) W on Weyerhaeuser ((Road)) Rd E247 to
Weyerhaeuser ((Road)) Rd E240; ((south)) S on Weyerhaeuser
((Road)) Rd E240 to North Fork ((Road; south)) Rd; S on North
Fork ((Road)) Rd to Centralia-Alpha ((Road; west)) Rd; W on
Centralia-Alpha ((Road)) Rd to Salzer Valley ((Road)) Rd and
the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6071 Dungeness (Clallam County): Portions of
GMUs 621 (Olympic) and 624 (Coyle) beginning at the mouth of
the Dungeness River; east and south along the coast of the
Strait of Juan ((De)) de Fuca to the mouth of Jimmycomelately
Creek on Sequim Bay; south and west up Jimmycomelately Creek
to US Hwy 101; east on US Hwy 101 to Chicken Coop Road; east
and north on Chicken Coop Road to the Clallam-Jefferson county
line; south and west along the Clallam-Jefferson county line
to the Olympic National Park boundary; north and west along
the Olympic Park boundary to McDonald Creek; north along
McDonald Creek to US Hwy 101; east along US Hwy 101 to the
Dungeness River; north down the Dungeness River to its mouth
and the point of beginning.
Elk Area No. 6072 Sol Duc Valley (Clallam County): That
portion of GMU 607 (Sol Duc) between the Sol Duc River and Hwy
101 from a point at the Sol Duc River bridge over Hwy 101
approximately 2 miles north of Forks to the westernmost Sol
Duc River bridge over Hwy 101 at a point approximately 1 mile
east of Lake Pleasant.
Elk Area No. 6073 Clearwater Valley (Jefferson County): That
portion of GMU 615 (Clearwater) within one mile of the
Clearwater Road from the Quinault Indian Reservation boundary
to a point 4 miles to the north.
Deer Area No. 1010 (Columbia County): GMU 162 excluding
National Forest land and the Rainwater Wildlife Area.
Deer Area No. 1020 Prescott (Columbia and Garfield counties):
That portion of GMU 149 between Hwy 261 and Hwy 127.
Deer Area No. 1021 Clarkston (Asotin County): That portion of
GMU 178 beginning at the junction of the Highway 12 bridge and
Alpowa Creek; east on Highway 12 to Silcott Road; south and
east on Silcott Road to Highway 128; southwest on Highway 128
to McGuire Gulch Road; southeast along the bottom of McGuire
Gulch to Asotin Creek; east on Asotin Creek to the Snake
River; north and west on the Snake River to Alpowa Creek;
southwest of Alpowa Creek to the Highway 12 bridge and the
point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 1030 Republic (Ferry County): That area within
one-half mile surrounding the incorporated town of Republic.
Deer Area No. 1035 Highway 395 Corridor (Stevens County):
That portion of GMU 121 beginning at the intersection of US
Highway (Hwy) 395 (State Route 20) and State Route (SR) 25: S
on SR 25 to Old Kettle Rd; E on Old Kettle Rd to Mingo
Mountain Rd; S on Mingo Mountain Rd to Greenwood Loop Rd; E on
Greenwood Loop Rd to the bridge over the Colville River; S on
the Colville River to the bridge over Gold Creek Loop/Valley
Westside Rd; W and S on Valley Westside Rd to the Orin-Rice
Rd; E on Orin-Rice Rd to Haller Creek Rd; S on Haller Creek Rd
to Skidmore Rd; E and S on Skidmore Rd to Arden Hill Rd; E on
Arden Hill Rd to Townsend-Sackman Rd; S on Townsend-Sackman Rd
to Twelve Mile Rd; S on Twelve Mile Rd to Marble Valley Basin
Rd; S on Marble Valley Basin Rd to Zimmer Rd; S on Zimmer Rd
to Blue Creek West Rd; E on Blue Creek West Rd to Dry Creek
Rd; S on Dry Creek Rd to Duncan Rd; E on Duncan Rd to Tetro
Rd; S on Tetro Rd to Heine Rd; E and S on Heine Rd to
Farm-to-Market Rd; S on Farm-to-Market Rd to Newton Rd (also
known as Rickers Lane); E on Newton Rd to US Hwy 395; N on US
Hwy 395 to McLean Rd and Twelve Mile Rd (also known as Old
Arden Hwy); N on McLean Rd and Twelve Mile Rd to US Hwy 395; N
on US Hwy 395 to Old Arden Hwy (again); N on Old Arden Hwy to
US Hwy 395; N on US Hwy 395, through the town of Colville,
then W on US Hwy 395 (SR 20) to SR 25 and the point of
Deer Area No. 1050 Spokane North (Spokane County): From the
intersection of the Spokane River and the Idaho-Washington
state line, N to Hauser Lake Rd, W to Starr Rd, S to Newman
Lake Dr, W and N to Foothills Rd, W to Forker Rd, N and W to
Hwy 206 (Mt Spokane Park Rd), N to Feehan Rd, N to Randall Rd,
W to Day Mt Spokane Rd, N to Big Meadows Rd, W to Madison Rd,
N to Tallman Rd, W to Elk-Chattaroy Rd, N to Laurel Rd, E to
Conklin Rd, N to Nelson Rd, E to Jackson Rd, N to Oregon Rd, E
to Jefferson Rd, N to Frideger Rd, W to Elk-Camden Rd, S to
Boundary Rd, N and W to Dunn Rd, S to Oregon Rd, W to Hwy 2, S
on US Hwy 2 to the Deer Park-Milan Rd, W on the Deer
Park-Milan Rd to US Hwy 395 at the town of Deer Park, NW on US
Hwy 395 and W onto Williams Valley Rd, W and S to Hattery Rd
(Owens Rd), S and E to Swenson Rd, S to Hwy 291, west to Stone
Lodge Rd, west to the Spokane River, E on the Spokane River to
the Idaho state border and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 1060 Spokane South (Spokane County): That part
of GMU 127 beginning at the intersection of Spokane River and
Barker Rd Bridge, Barker Rd S to 24 Ave, 24 Ave W to Barker
Rd, Barker Rd S to 32 Ave, 32 Ave W to Linke Rd, Linke Rd S
and E to Chapman Rd, Chapman Rd S to Linke Rd, Linke Rd S to
Belmont Rd, Belmont Rd W to Hwy 27, Hwy 27 S to Palouse Hwy,
Palouse Hwy W to Valley Chapel Rd, Valley Chapel Rd S to
Spangle Creek Rd, Spangle Creek Rd SW to Hwy 195, Hwy 195 N to
I-90, I-90 E to Latah Creek at I-90-Latah Creek Bridge, Latah
Creek NE to Spokane River, Spokane River E to the Barker Rd
Bridge and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 1070 Spokane West (Spokane County): That part
of GMU 130 beginning at the intersection of I-90 and Latah
Creek at I-90-Latah Creek Bridge, NE to Hwy 195 S on Hwy 195 S
to Paradise Rd, Paradise Rd W to Smythe Road, Smythe Road NW
to Anderson Rd, Anderson Rd W to Cheney Spokane Rd, Cheney
Spokane Rd SW to Hwy 904/1st St in the town of Cheney, 1st SW
to Salnave Rd/Hwy 902, Salnave Rd NW to Malloy Prairie Rd,
Malloy Prairie Rd W to Medical Lake Tyler Rd, Medical Lake
Tyler Rd N to Gray Rd, Gray Rd W then N to Fancher Rd, Fancher
Rd NW to Ladd Rd, Ladd Rd N to Chase Rd, Chase Rd E to
Espanola Rd, Espanola Rd N turns into Wood Rd, Wood Rd N to
Coulee Hite Rd, Coulee Hite Rd E to Seven Mile Rd, Seven Mile
Rd E to Spokane River, Spokane River S to Latah Creek, Latah
Creek S to I-90 at the Latah Creek Bridge and the point of
Deer Area No. 1080 Colfax (Whitman County): That part of GMUs
139 and 142 beginning at the intersection of Hwy 195 and
Crumbaker Rd, NE on Crumbaker Rd to Brose Rd, E on Brose Rd to
Glenwood Rd, S on Glenwood Rd to Hwy 272, SE on Hwy 272 to
Clear Creek Rd, SE on Clear Creek Rd to Stueckle Rd, S on
Stueckle Rd to Paulouse River Rd, E to Kenoyier Rd SE to
Abbott Rd, S on Abbott Rd to Parvin Rd, S on Parvin Rd to
McIntosh Rd, S on McIntosh Rd to 4 mile Rd/Shawnee Rd, W on
Shawnee Rd to Hwy 195, N on Hwy 195 to Prune Orchard Rd, W on
Prune Orchard Rd to Almota Rd, S on Almota Rd to Duncan
Springs Rd, W and NW on Duncan Springs Rd to Airport Rd, NW on
Airport Rd to Fairgrounds Rd, N on Fairgrounds Rd to Endicott
Rd, NNW on Endicott Rd to Morley Rd, E and S and E on Morley
Rd to Hwy 295 (26), NE on Hwy 295 to West River Dr then follow
Railroad Tracks NW to Manning Rd, E on Manning Rd to Green
Hollow Rd, E and S on Green Hollow Rd to Bill Wilson Rd, E on
Bill Wilson Rd to Hwy 195, S on Hwy 195 to Crumbaker Rd and
the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2010 Benge (Adams and Whitman counties): That
part of GMU 284 beginning at the town of Washtucna; north on
SR 261 to Weber Road; east on Weber Road to Benzel Road; north
on Benzel Road to Wellsandt Road; east on Wellsandt Road to
Hills Road; south on Hills Road to Urquhart Road; east on
Urquhart Road to Harder Road, East on Harder Road to McCall
Road; east on McCall Road to Gering Road; east on Gering Road
to Lakin Road; east on Lakin Road to Revere Road; south on
Revere Road to George Knott Road; south on George Knott Road
to Rock Creek; south along Rock Creek to the Palouse River;
south and west along the Palouse River to SR 26; west on SR 26
to Washtucna and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2011 Lakeview (Grant County): That part of GMU
272 beginning at the junction of SR 28 and First Avenue in
Ephrata; west on First Avenue to Sagebrush Flats Road; west on
Sagebrush Flats Road to Norton Canyon Road; north on Norton
Canyon Road to E Road NW; north on E Road NW to the
Grant-Douglas county line; east along the county line to the
point where the county line turns north; from this point
continue due east to SR 17; south on SR 17 to SR 28 at Soap
Lake; south on SR 28 to the junction with First Avenue in
Ephrata and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2012 Methow Valley (Okanogan County): All
private land in the Methow Watershed located outside the
external boundary of the Okanogan National Forest and north of
the following boundary: starting where the Libby Creek Road
(County road 1049) intersects the Okanogan National Forest
boundary; east on road 1049 to State Hwy 153; north on Hwy 153
to the Old Carlton Road; east on the Old Carlton Road to the
Texas Creek Road (County road 1543); east on the Texas Creek
Road to the Vintin Road (County road 1552); northeast on the
Vintin Road to the Okanogan National Forest boundary.
Deer Area No. 2013 North Okanogan (Okanogan County):
Restricted to private land only located within the following
boundary: Beginning in Tonasket at the junction of Havillah
((Road)) Rd and Hwy 97; ((northeast)) NE on Havillah ((Road))
Rd to Dry Gulch Extension ((road; north)) Rd; N to Dry Gulch
((Road, north)) Rd; N on Dry Gulch ((Road)) Rd to
Oroville-Chesaw ((Road; west)) Rd; W on Oroville-Chesaw
((Road)) Rd to Molson ((Road; north)) Rd; N on Molson ((Road))
Rd to Nine Mile ((road, north)) Rd; N and ((west)) W on Nine
Mile ((Road)) Rd to the Canadian border at the old Sidley Town
Site; ((west)) W along the border to the east shore of Lake
Osoyoos; ((south)) S around Lake Osoyoos to the Okanogan
River; ((south)) S along the east bank of the Okanogan River
to the Tonasket Fourth Street Bridge ((at Riverside over the
Okanogan River; east)); E on ((Tunk Creek Rd to Chewiliken
Valley Rd; northeast along Chewiliken Valley Road to Talkire
Lake Road; north on Talkire Lake Rd)) Fourth Street to Hwy
((20; west on Hwy 20 to the junction of Hwy 20 and Hwy)) 97;
((north)) N on Hwy 97 to point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2014 Central Okanogan (Okanogan County):
Restricted to private land only located within the following
boundary: Beginning in Tonasket on the Okanogan River at the
Fourth ((St)) Street Bridge; ((south)) S along Hwy 7 to Pine
Creek ((Road; west)) Rd; W along Pine Creek Rd to Horse Spring
Coulee Rd; ((north)) W and N on Horse Spring Coulee Rd to
Beeman Rd; ((west)) W on Beeman Rd to North Lemanasky Rd;
((south)) S along North Lemanasky ((Road)) Rd to Pine Creek
Rd; ((south)) S on Pine Creek Rd to Hagood Cut-off ((Road;
south)) Rd; S on Hagood Cut-off Rd to South Pine Creek Rd;
((east)) E on South Pine Creek Rd to Hwy 97; ((south)) S on
Hwy 97 to Town of Riverside North Main Street junction;
((southeast)) SE on North Main Street to Tunk Valley ((road))
Rd and the Okanogan River Bridge; ((north)) E on Tunk Creek Rd
to Chewiliken Valley Rd; NE along Chewiliken Valley Rd to
Talkire Lake Rd; N on Talkire Lake Rd to Hwy 20; W on Hwy 20
to the ((west shore)) junction of ((the Okanogan River to the
Tonasket)) Hwy 20 and Hwy 97; N on Hwy 97 to Fourth Street
((bridge and the)); W on Fourth Street to point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2015 Omak (Okanogan County): Restricted to
private land only located within the following boundary:
Beginning at Hwy 97 and Riverside Cut-off road; west on
Riverside Cut-off Rd to Conconully Road; south on Conconully
Rd to Danker Cut-off road; west on Danker Cut-off road to
Salmon Creek Rd; north on Salmon Creek Rd to Spring Coulee Rd;
south on Spring Coulee Rd to B&O Road North Rd; southwest on
B&O North Rd to Hwy 20; east on Hwy 20 to B&O Rd; south on B&O
Rd to the Town of Malott and the bridge over the Okanogan
River; north along the west bank of the Okanogan River to the
Town of Riverside and the Tunk Valley road bridge; west on
Tunk Valley road to State Street in Riverside; south on State
Street to 2nd Street; west on 2nd Street to Hwy 97 and the
point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 2016 Conconully (Okanogan County): Restricted
to private land only located within the following boundary:
Beginning at the Conconully town limit at the south edge of
Town and the east shore of Conconully Reservoir; south along
the east shore of the reservoir to Salmon Creek; south along
the east bank of Salmon Creek to Salmon Creek road at the old
Ruby Town site; south on Salmon Creek road to Green Lake road;
northeast on Green Lake road to Conconully road; north on
Conconully road to the south limit of the Town of Conconully
and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 3071 Whitcomb (Benton County): That part of GMU
373 made up by the Whitcomb Unit of the Umatilla National
Wildlife Refuge.
Deer Area No. 3072 Paterson (Benton County): That part of GMU
373 made up by the Paterson Unit of the Umatilla National
Wildlife Refuge.
Deer Area No. 3088 High Prairie (Klickitat County): That
portion of GMU 388 (Grayback) that is south of SR 142.
Deer Area No. 3682 Ahtanum (Yakima County): That part of GMU
368 beginning at the power line crossing on Ahtanum Creek in
T12N, R16E, Section 15; west up Ahtanum Creek to South Fork
Ahtanum Creek; southwest up South Fork Ahtanum Creek to its
junction with Reservation Creek; southwest up Reservation
Creek and the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary to the main
divide between the Diamond Fork drainage and Ahtanum Creek
drainage; north along the crest of the main divide between the
Diamond Fork drainage and the Ahtanum Creek drainage to
Darland Mountain; northeast on US Forest Service Trail 615 to
US Forest Service Road 1020; northeast on US Forest Service
Road 1020 to US Forest Service Road 613; northeast on US
Forest Service Road 613 to US Forest Service Trail 1127;
northeast on US Forest Service Trail 1127 to US Forest Service
Road 1302 (Jump Off Road), southeast of the Jump Off Lookout
Station; northeast on US Forest Service Road 1302 (Jump Off
Road) to Hwy 12. Northeast on Hwy 12 to the Naches River. Southeast down the Naches River to Cowiche Creek. West up
Cowiche Creek and the South Fork Cowiche Creek to Summitview
Ave. Northwest on Summitview Ave to Cowiche Mill Road. West
on Cowiche Mill Road to the power line in the northeast corner
of T13N, R15E, SEC 13. Southeast along the power line to
Ahtanum Creek and the point of beginning.
Deer Area No. 4004 (San Juan County): That part of GMU 410
made up of Shaw Island.
Deer Area No. 4005 (San Juan County): That part of GMU 410
made up of Lopez Island.
Deer Area No. 4006 (San Juan County): That part of GMU 410
made up of Orcas Island.
Deer Area No. 4007 (San Juan County): That part of GMU 410
made up of Decatur Island.
Deer Area No. 4008 (San Juan County): That part of GMU 410
made up of Blakely Island.
Deer Area No. 4009 (Skagit County): That part of GMU 410 made
up of Cypress Island.
Deer Area No. 4010 (San Juan County): That part of GMU 410
made up of San Juan Island.
Deer Area No. 4011 (Island County): That part of GMU 410 made
up of Camano Island.
Deer Area No. 4012 (Island County): That part of GMU 410 made
up of Whidbey Island.
Deer Area No. 4013 (King County): That part of GMU 454 made
up of Vashon and Maury islands.
Deer Area No. 4926 Guemes (Skagit County): That part of GMU
407 (North Sound) on Guemes Island.
Deer Area No. 5064: That part of GMU 564 in the Columbia
River near the mouth of the Cowlitz River made up of
Cottonwood Island and Howard Island.
Deer Area No. 6014 (Pierce County): That part of GMU 652 made
up of Anderson Island.
Deer Area No. 6020: Dungeness-Miller Peninsula (Clallam and
Jefferson counties): That part of GMU 624 west of Discovery
Bay and Salmon Creek.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 10-10-061 (Order 10-94), § 232-28-337, filed 4/30/10, effective 5/31/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-337, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210. 08-09-090 (Order 08-78), § 232-28-337, filed 4/18/08, effective 5/19/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020. 08-01-052 (Order 07-292), § 232-28-337, filed 12/13/07, effective 1/13/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 07-01-049 (Order 06-300), § 232-28-337, filed 12/14/06, effective 1/14/07; 06-17-095 (Order 06-196), § 232-28-337, filed 8/15/06, effective 9/15/06; 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-337, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 06-02-063 (Order 05-271), § 232-28-337, filed 1/3/06, effective 2/3/06; 05-11-023 (Order 05-84), § 232-28-337, filed 5/10/05, effective 5/15/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-337, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-13-047 (Order 03-129), § 232-28-337, filed 6/12/03, effective 7/13/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 10-94, filed 4/30/10,
effective 5/31/10)
WAC 232-28-351
2009-2011 Deer general seasons and
It is unlawful to fail to comply with bag,
possession, and season limits except as described below.
Violations of this section are punishable under RCW 77.15.410.
Bag Limit: One (1) deer per hunter during the license year
except where otherwise permitted by Fish and Wildlife
Commission rule.
Hunting Method: Hunters must select one of the hunting
methods (modern firearm, archery, muzzleloader).
Any Buck Deer Seasons: Open only to the taking of deer with
visible antlers (buck fawns illegal).
Antler Point: To qualify as an antler point, the point must
be at least one inch long measured on the longest side.
restricted GMUs must meet minimum antler point requirements. Minimum antler point requirements are antler points on one
side only. Eye guards are antler points when they are at
least one inch long.
2 Point minimum GMUs: 437, 636, 654, and 681.
3 Point minimum GMUs: All mule deer in 100, 200, and 300
series GMUs; white-tailed deer in GMUs 127, 130, 133, 136,
139, 142, 145, 149, 154, 162, 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178,
181, 186, and black-tailed deer in GMU 578.
Permit Only Units: The following GMUs require a special
permit to hunt deer: 290 (Desert), 329 (Quilomene), 371
(Alkali), and 485 (Green River).
GMUs Closed to Deer Hunting: 157 (Mill Creek Watershed), 490
(Cedar River), and 522 (Loo-wit).
Black-tailed Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer
(species Odocoileus hemionus) found west of a line drawn from
the Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along
the Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to the
Klickitat River; south down Klickitat River to the Columbia
Mule Deer: Any member of black-tailed/mule deer (species
Odocoileus hemionus) found east of a line drawn from the
Canadian border south on the Pacific Crest Trail and along the
Yakama Indian Reservation boundary in Yakima County to the
Klickitat River; south down Klickitat River to the Columbia
White-tailed Deer: Means any white-tailed deer (member of the
species Odocoileus virginianus) except the Columbian whitetail
deer (species Odocoileus virginianus leucurus).
License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which
includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: Valid modern firearm deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Modern firearm deer tag hunters may use rifle, handgun, shotgun, bow or muzzleloader, but only during modern firearm seasons.
Hunt Season | 2009 Dates | 2010 Dates | 2011 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten, Olympic Peninsula, and Henry Jackson Wilderness Areas and Lake Chelan Recreation Area | 3 pt. min. | |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer |
Oct. 17-31 | Oct. 16-31 | Oct. 15-31 | 407, 418, 426, 448 through 466, 501 through 520, 524 through 556, 560, 568, 572, 574, 601 through 633, 638 through 653, 658 through 673, 684 | Any buck |
GMUs 410, 564, Deer Areas 4013, 4926, 6014, and 6020 | Any deer | ||||
578 | 3 pt. min. | ||||
437, 636, 654, 681 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Oct. 17-30 | Oct. 16-29 | Oct. 15-28 | 101 (( |
Any white-tailed buck |
Oct. 17-25 | Oct. 16-24 | Oct. 15-23 | 203 through 284, 328, 330 through 368, 372 | Any white-tailed buck | |
Oct. 17-25 | Oct. 16-24 | Oct. 15-23 | 127 through 154, 162 through 186 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | |
379, 381 | Any white-tailed deer | ||||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121 | Oct. 15-28 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. | ||
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Oct. 17-25 | Oct. 16-24 | Oct. 15-23 | 101 through 154, 162 through 186, 203 through 284, 328, 330 through 368, 372, 379, 381 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. |
Oct. 17-30 | Oct. 16-29 | Oct. 15-28 | 373, 382, 388 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | |
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer |
Nov. 19-22 | Nov. 18-21 | Nov. 17-20 | 407, 454, 466, 501 through 520, 524 through 560, 568, 572, 601 through 633, 638 through 653, 658 through 673, 684 and 699 | Any buck |
636, 654, 681 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
Nov. 19-22 | Nov. 18-21 | Nov. 17-20 | GMUs 410 and 564, Deer Areas 4013, 4926, 6014, 6020 | Any deer | |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Nov. 7-19 | Nov. 6-19 | Nov. 5-19 | 105 (( |
Any white-tailed buck |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121 |
Nov. 5-19 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. | ||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Oct. 17-30 | Oct. 21-24 | Oct. 15-28 | (( |
Any white-tailed deer |
Oct. 20-23 | 101, 105, 108, 111, 113 | Any white-tailed deer | |||
Oct. 17-25 | Oct. 16-24 | Oct. 15-23 | 127 through 142, 145, 154, Deer Area 1010, and 172 through 178 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121 |
Oct. 20-23 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. or antlerless | ||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Dec. 9-15 | Dec. 9-15 | Dec. 9-15 | GMUs 130-142 | White-tailed, antlerless only |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: Valid archery deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Special Notes: Archery tag holders can only hunt during archery seasons with archery equipment (WAC 232-12-054).
Hunt Area | 2009 Dates | 2010 Dates | 2011 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
Early Archery General Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer |
Sept. 1-25 | Sept. 1-24 | Sept. 1-23 | 407 through 426, 448, 450, 454, 466, 501, 504, 505, 510, 513, 520, 554, 564, 568, 572, 621 through 633, 642 through 652, 658 through 672, 684 and 699 | Any deer |
460, 503, 574, 601, 603, 615, 673 | Any buck | ||||
437, 636, 654, 681 | 2 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
578 | 3 pt. min. | ||||
Sept. 1-20 | Sept. 1-19 | Sept. 1-18 | 516, 524, 556, 560, (( |
Any deer | |
506, 530, 550, 602, 607, 612, 618 | Any buck | ||||
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Sept. 1-25 | Sept. 1-24 | Sept. 1-23 | 105 through 127, 145, 162, 163, 166, 169, 243, 334 | 3 pt. min. |
142, 175 through 181, 186, Deer Area 1010, 244 through 247, 249, 250, 260, 372, 373, 379, 381, 388 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Sept. 1-20 | Sept. 1-19 | Sept. 1-18 | 149, 154, (( |
3 pt. min. | |
Sept. 1-15 | Sept. 1-15 | Sept. 1-15 | 101, 130 through 139, 204 through 242, 248, 254, 262, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 382 | 3 pt. min. | |
Sept. 16-25 | Sept. 16-24 | Sept. 16-23 | 101, 130 through 139, 204 through 242, 248, 254, 262, 266, 269, 272, 278, 284, 382 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Sept. 1-24 | Sept. 1-23 | 101 (( |
Any white-tailed buck | ||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer | Sept. 1-25 | Sept. 1-24 | Sept. 1-23 | 124, 204 through 250, 254 through 284, 373, 379, 381 | Any white-tailed deer |
Sept. 1-25 | Sept. 1-24 | Sept. 1-23 | 127 through 145, 162, 163, 166, 169, 175, 178, 181, 186 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Sept. 1-20 | Sept. 1-19 | Sept. 1-18 | 154, 172 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Sept. 1-20 | Sept. 1-19 | Sept. 1-18 | 149 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121 | Sept. 1-23 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. | ||
Late Archery General Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 8 | 437, 636, 654, 681 | 2 pt. min. or antlerless |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 15 | 466, 510 through 520, 524, 556, 638, 648, and 699 | Any deer | |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 15 | 460, 506, 530, 560, 572, 601, 607 through 618 | Any buck | |
Nov. 24 - Dec. 31 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 31 | 603, 624, 652 | Any buck | ||
Nov. 25 - Dec. 31 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 31 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 31 | 407, 410, 454, 505, 564, 627, 642, 660 through 672 | Any deer | |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Nov. 21-30 | Nov. 21-30 | Nov. 21-30 | 209, 215, 233, 243, 250 | 3 pt. min. |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 8 | 346, 352, 364, 388, Deer Area 3682 | 3 pt. min. | |
145, 163, 178 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
272, 278, 373 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Dec. 2-8 | Dec. 2-8 | Dec. 2-8 | 133, 136 | Antlerless only | |
Dec. 9-31 | Dec. 9-31 | Dec. 9-31 | Deer Area 1021 | Antlerless only | |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 10 - Dec. 15 | 101 | Any white-tailed deer |
Nov. 24 - Dec. 9 | 105, 108 | Any white-tailed deer | |||
Nov. 25 - Dec.15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | (( |
105, 108 (( |
Any white-tailed deer | |
Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | 124 | Any white-tailed deer | |||
Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | 127 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |||
Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 8 | 145, 163, 178 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 15 | 204, 209, 215, 233, 243, 272, 278, 373 | Any white-tailed deer | |
Dec. 2-8 | Dec. 2-8 | Dec. 2-8 | 133, 136 | Antlerless only | |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 9 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. | ||
Dec. 10-15 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. or antlerless |
License Required: A valid big game hunting license, which includes a deer species option.
Tag Required: Valid muzzleloader deer tag on his/her person for the area hunted.
Hunting Method: Muzzleloader only.
Special Notes: Muzzleloader tag holders can only hunt during muzzleloader seasons and must hunt with muzzleloader equipment.
Hunt Area | 2009 Dates | 2010 Dates | 2011 Dates | Game Management Units (GMUs) | Legal Deer |
High Buck Hunts | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Sept. 15-25 | Alpine Lakes, Glacier Peak, Pasayten, Olympic Peninsula, and Henry Jackson Wilderness areas, and Lake Chelan Recreation Area | 3 pt. min. |
Early Muzzleloader General Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer |
Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | Sept. 25 - Oct. 3 | Sept. 24 - Oct. 2 | 407, 418, 426, 448, 450, 501, 504, 505, 506, 510, 513, 516, 520, 530, 554, 556, 568, 572, 574, 603, 607, 612, 615, 624, 638, 642, 648, 660, 663, 672, 673, 684 | Any buck |
410, 454, 564, 627, 652, 666, Deer Areas 4926 and 6020 | Any deer | ||||
437, 636 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
578 | 3 pt. min. | ||||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | Sept. 25 - Oct. 3 | Sept. 24 - Oct. 2 | 101 (( |
White-tailed, any buck |
142 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
133, 136, 145, 149, 175, 181, 186 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | ||||
373, 379 | White-tailed, any deer | ||||
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer in GMUs 117 and 121 |
Sept. 24 - Oct. 2 | 117, 121 | White-tailed, 4 pt. min. | ||
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Sept. 26 - Oct. 4 | Sept. 25 - Oct. 3 | Sept. 24 - Oct. 2 | 101 through 124, 133, 136, 142, 145, 149, 175, 181, 186, 203, 204, 209, 215, 231, 233, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251, 254, 260, 262, 266, 269, 272, 284, 328, 330 through 342, 352 through 360, 368, 373, 382 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. |
278, 379 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Late Muzzleloader General Deer Seasons | |||||
Western Washington Black-tailed Deer |
Nov. 26 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 15 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | 407, 410, 501, 504, 564, 633, 666, 684, and Deer Areas 4926 and 6020 | Any deer |
654 | 2 pt. min. | ||||
460, 550, 602, 651, 658 | Any buck | ||||
Nov. 26 - Dec. 6 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 6 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 6 | (( |
Any buck | |
Dec. 7-15 | Dec. 7-15 | Dec. 7-15 | (( |
Any deer | |
Eastern Washington White-tailed Deer |
Nov. 26 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 8 | 113 | Any white-tailed buck |
172, 181 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | ||||
Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 379 | Any white-tailed deer | |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 1 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 1 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 1 | 130, 133, 136, 139 | White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | 381 | Any white-tailed deer | |
Eastern Washington Mule Deer |
Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | 382 | 3 pt. min. |
Nov. 25 - Dec. 1 | Nov. 24 - Dec. 1 | Nov. 23 - Dec. 1 | 130 | Antlerless | |
Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | Nov. 20-30 | 381 | 3 pt. min. or antlerless | |
Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | Nov. 20 - Dec. 8 | 379 | 3 pt. min. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 10-10-061 (Order 10-94), § 232-28-351, filed 4/30/10, effective 5/31/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240. 09-09-083 (Order 09-53), § 232-28-351, filed 4/15/09, effective 5/16/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210. 08-09-090 (Order 08-78), § 232-28-351, filed 4/18/08, effective 5/19/08; 07-11-017 (Order 07-62), § 232-28-351, filed 5/3/07, effective 6/3/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-11-032 (Order 06-92), § 232-28-351, filed 5/8/06, effective 6/8/06; 05-11-022 (Order 05-89), § 232-28-351, filed 5/10/05, effective 6/10/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047 and 77.12.020. 04-11-036 (Order 04-98), § 232-28-351, filed 5/12/04, effective 6/12/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 03-13-047 (Order 03-129), § 232-28-351, filed 6/12/03, effective 7/13/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 10-94, filed 4/30/10,
effective 5/31/10)
WAC 232-28-355
((2010)) 2011 Deer special permits.
is unlawful to fail to comply with bag, possession, and season
limits except as described below. Violations of this section
are punishable under RCW 77.15.410.
Deer Special Permit Hunting Seasons (Open to Permit Holders
Hunters must purchase a deer hunting license prior to purchase of a permit application. Hunters may only apply for permits consistent with the tag required for the hunt choice; however, Multiple Season Permit holders may apply for archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm permit hunts. Hunters drawn for a special permit hunt must comply with weapon restrictions, dates, and other conditions listed for the hunt.
Quality | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Kelly Hill White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, (( |
GMU 105 | 5 |
Kelly Hill Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 19-23 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 105 | 1 |
Douglas White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, (( |
GMU 108 | 5 |
Douglas Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 19-23 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 108 | 1 |
Aladdin White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, (( |
GMU 111 | 5 |
Aladdin Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 19-23 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 111 | 1 |
49 Degrees North White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, (( |
GMU 117 | 5 |
49 Degrees North Mule Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 19-23 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 117 | 1 |
Huckleberry White-tailed Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, (( |
GMU 121 | 5 |
Huckleberry Mule Deer Buck | Modern | Any | Nov. 19-23 | Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 121 | 1 |
Mt. Spokane | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, (( |
GMU 124 | 5 |
Watershed | Any Tag | Any | Oct. 1-10 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 157 | 5 |
Dayton | Modern | Any | Nov. 19-23 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 162 | 3 |
Tucannon | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
(( |
GMU 166 | 1 |
Wenaha | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Mule deer, 3 pt. min. | GMU 169 | 2 |
Lick Creek | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
(( |
GMU 175 | 1 |
Grande Ronde | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
(( |
GMU 186 | 1 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 204 | (( |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 215 | (( |
Chewuch | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 218 | 15 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 224 | 15 |
Gardner | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 231 | 10 |
Pogue | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 233 | (( |
Alta | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 242 | (( |
Manson | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 243 | 8 |
Chiwawa | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 245 | (( |
Slide Ridge | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 246 | (( |
Entiat | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 247 | 25 |
Swakane | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 250 | 17 |
Mission | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 251 | 8 |
Ritzville | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any buck | GMU 284 | 9 |
Desert | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Any buck | GMU 290 | 15 |
Desert | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 290 | 4 |
Naneum | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 328 | 15 |
Quilomene | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 329 | 14 |
Teanaway | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 335 | 15 |
L.T. Murray | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMUs 336, 340 | 16 |
Bethel | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 360 | 5 |
Cowiche | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 368 | 10 |
Alkali | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 371 | 5 |
Kahlotus | Modern | Any | Nov. 10-19 | Any buck | GMU 381 | 10 |
Grayback | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 388 | 40 |
Nooksack | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 418 | 25 |
Skagit | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 426 | 10 |
Sauk | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
2 pt. min. | GMU 437 | 25 |
Stillaguamish | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 448 | 10 |
Snoqualmie | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 460 | 10 |
Green River | Modern | Any | (( |
Any buck | GMU 485 | 10 |
Lewis River | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 560 | 1 |
Washougal | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 568 | 2 |
Siouxon | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 572 | 1 |
Wind River | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 574 | 40 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 578 | 40 |
Wynoochee | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 648 | 10 |
Satsop | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 651 | 10 |
Mashel | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
2 pt. min. | GMU 654 | 10 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 663 | 10 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 667 | 10 |
Chiliwist | Archery | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Any buck | GMU 239 | (( |
Entiat | Archery | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Any buck | GMU 247 | 48 |
Chiwawa | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 245 | (( |
Slide Ridge | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 246 | (( |
Desert | Archery | Any | Nov. 29 - Dec. 12 | Any buck | GMU 290 | (( |
Naneum | Archery | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 328 | (( |
Quilomene | Archery | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 329 | (( |
Teanaway | Archery | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 335 | (( |
L.T. Murray | Archery | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMUs 336, 340 | (( |
West Klickitat | Archery | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 578 | 100 |
Kitsap | Archery | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 627 | 10 |
Skokomish | Archery | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
2 pt. min. | GMU 636 | 10 |
Blue Mtns. Foothills | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, 3 pt. min. or antlerless | GMUs 149, 154, 162, 166 | (( |
Alta | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 242 | (( |
Chiwawa | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 245 | 2 |
Slide Ridge | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 246 | 1 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 251 | 17 |
Desert | Muzzleloader | Any | Oct. (( |
Any buck | GMU 290 | 2 |
Teanaway | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 335 | 2 |
L.T. Murray | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMUs 336, 340 | 2 |
Bald Mountain | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMUs 342, 346 | 10 |
Naneum | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Any buck | GMU 328 | 2 |
Quilomene | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. (( |
Any buck | GMU 329 | (( |
West Klickitat | Muzzleloader | Any | Dec. 1-8 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 578 | 100 |
Olympic | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 1-(( |
Any buck | GMU 621 | 5 |
Bucks | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Palouse | Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 127-142 | 750 |
Blue Mtns.
Foothills (( |
Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 149, 154, 162-166 | (( |
Blue Mtns.
(( |
Modern | Any | Nov. (( |
White-tailed, 3 pt. min. | GMUs 145, 172-181 | 50 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 204 | 50 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 215 | 50 |
Chewuch | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 218 | 15 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 224 | 15 |
Gardner | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 231 | 15 |
Pogue | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 233 | 20 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 239 | 15 |
Alta | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Any white-tailed buck | GMU 242 | (( |
Big Bend | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 248 | 10 |
Ritzville | Archery | Any | Dec. 1-8 | Any buck | GMU 284 | 4 |
Alkali | Archery | Any | (( |
Any buck | GMU 371 | 4 |
(( |
Roosevelt | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
ONLY 2 pt. x 2 pt. mule deer bucks | GMU 133 | (( |
Harrington | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
ONLY 2 pt. x 2 pt. mule deer bucks | GMU 136 | (( |
Steptoe | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
ONLY 2 pt. x 2 pt. mule deer bucks | GMU 139 | (( |
Almota | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
ONLY 2 pt. x 2 pt. mule deer bucks | GMU 142 | (( |
Dayton | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 162 | 25 |
Tucannon | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 166 | 10 |
Wenaha | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 169 | (( |
Mountain View | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 172 | 15 |
Ritzville | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25-30 | Any buck | GMU 284 | 1 |
Alkali | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Any buck | GMU 371 | 1 |
Whitcomb | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 10-14 | Any buck | Deer Area 3071 | 7 |
Paterson | Muzzleloader | Any | Sept. 10-14 | Any buck | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
Kahlotus | Muzzleloader | Any | Oct. (( |
Any buck | GMU 381 | (( |
Antlerless | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
(( |
Lincoln | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 501 | 15 |
Stella | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 504 | 15 |
Mossyrock | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 505 | 30 |
South Rainier | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 513 | 10 |
Winston | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | 20 |
Pysht | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 603 | 15 |
Olympic | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 621 | 35 |
Skokomish | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 636 | 20 |
Wynoochee | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 648 | 110 |
Mashel | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 654 | 40 |
North River | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 35 |
Minot Peak | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 660 | 20 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 663 | (( |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 667 | 20 |
Entiat | Archery | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Antlerless | GMU 247 | (( |
Swakane | Archery | Any | Nov. 21-30 | Antlerless | GMU 250 | (( |
Whitcomb | Archery | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 3071 | 7 |
Paterson | Archery | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
Whitcomb | Archery | Any | Sept. 26-30 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3071 | 7 |
Paterson | Archery | Any | Sept. 26-30 | Antlerless | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
Grayback | Archery | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 388 | 100 |
Sherman | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 101 | 40 |
(( |
Selkirk | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 25 - Dec. 8 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 113 | 30 |
Whitcomb | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 3071 | 7 |
Paterson | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 3072 | 10 |
Mossyrock | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 505 | 10 |
Stormking | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 510 | 5 |
South Rainier | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 513 | 5 |
Packwood | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 516 | 5 |
Winston | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | 5 |
Coweeman | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 550 | 30 |
Yale | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 2 |
Toutle | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 556 | 3 |
Olympic | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 621 | 20 |
North River | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 5 |
Satsop | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 24 - Dec. 15 | Antlerless | GMU 651 | 100 |
2nd Deer | ||||||
Second deer permits are only valid with the purchase of a second deer license. The second deer license must be for the same tag type as the first deer license. | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Colville River | Any | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | Deer Area 1035 | 25 |
Benge | Any | Any | Dec. 9-31 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2010 | 30 |
Lakeview | Any | Any | Jan. 1-30, 2012 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2011 | 20 |
Methow | Any | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 2012 | 100 |
North Okanogan | Any | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 2013 | (( |
Central Okanogan | Any | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 2014 | (( |
Omak | Any | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 2015 | 25 |
Conconully | Any | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 2016 | 25 |
Mt. Spokane | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 124 | 50 |
Spokane North | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | Deer Area 1050 | 350 |
Mica Peak | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 127 | 25 |
Spokane South | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | Deer Area 1060 | 125 |
Cheney | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 130 | 100 |
Spokane West | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 1070 | 75 |
Roosevelt | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 133 | 150 |
Harrington | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 136 | 150 |
Steptoe | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 139 | 150 |
Colfax | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 1080 | (( |
Almota | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 142 | 100 |
Mayview | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | Antlerless | GMU 145 | 50 |
Blue Creek | Modern | Any | Nov. 8-19 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 154 | 50 |
Dayton | Modern | Any | Nov. 8-19 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 162 | 80 |
Ten Ten | Modern | Any | Nov. 8-19 | Antlerless | Deer Area 1010 | 60 |
Marengo | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 163 | 50 |
Peola | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-12 | White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 178 | 50 |
East Okanogan | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 204 | (( |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 215 | 40 |
Chewuch | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 218 | 10 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 224 | 10 |
Gardner | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 231 | 10 |
Pogue | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 233 | 10 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 239 | 10 |
Alta | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 242 | 10 |
Big Bend | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 248 | 33 |
Mission | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | (( |
Mission | Modern | Any | Nov. 1-20 | Antlerless | GMU 251 | 15 |
St. Andrews | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 254 | 20 |
Foster Creek | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 260 | 20 |
Withrow | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 262 | 18 |
Badger | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 266 | 13 |
Desert | Modern | Any | Dec. 13-26 | Antlerless | GMU 290 | 50 |
Kahlotus | Modern | Any | Dec. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 381 | 20 |
East Klickitat | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 382 | 30 |
Grayback | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 388 | 20 |
Shaw | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4004 | 20 |
Lopez | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4005 | 30 |
Orcas | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4006 | 30 |
Decatur | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4007 | 30 |
Blakely | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4008 | 30 |
Cypress | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4009 | 30 |
San Juan | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4010 | 30 |
Camano | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4011 | 30 |
Whidbey | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4012 | 100 |
Vashon-Maury | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4013 | 100 |
Guemes | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4926 | 30 |
Randle | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 503 | 5 |
Willapa Hills | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 506 | 10 |
Stormking | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 510 | 15 |
Packwood | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 516 | 15 |
Ryderwood | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 530 | 10 |
Coweeman | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 550 | 10 |
Yale | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 10 |
Lewis River | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 3 |
Washougal | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 10 |
Siouxon | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 3 |
Wind River | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 3 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 10 |
High Prairie | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 3088 | 15 |
Anderson | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 6014 | 40 |
Kitsap | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 627 | 10 |
Mashel | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 654 | 10 |
North River | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 16 |
Deschutes | Modern | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 666 | 40 |
Mt. Spokane | Archery | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 124 | 25 |
Mica Peak | Archery | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 127 | 25 |
Clarkston | Archery | Any | Nov. 20 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | Deer Area 1021 | 30 |
Spokane North | Archery | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | Deer Area 1050 | 75 |
Spokane South | Archery | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | Deer Area 1060 | 25 |
Shaw | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4004 | 20 |
Lopez | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4005 | 20 |
Orcas | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4006 | 20 |
Decatur | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4007 | 20 |
Blakely | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4008 | 20 |
Cypress | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4009 | 20 |
San Juan | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4010 | 20 |
Camano | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4011 | 20 |
Whidbey | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4012 | 20 |
Vashon-Maury | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4013 | 20 |
Guemes | Archery | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4926 | 20 |
Anderson | Archery | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 6014 | 8 |
Miller | Archery | Any | Dec. 15-30 | Antlerless | Deer Area 6020 | 30 |
Green Bluff | Muzzleloader | Any | Dec. 9-31 | White-tailed, antlerless | That portion of GMU 124 east of Hwy 2 | 75 |
Mt. Spokane | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | GMU 124 | 25 |
Spokane North | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
White-tailed, antlerless | Deer Area 1050 | 25 |
Cheney | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 130 | 25 |
Spokane West | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 1070 | 25 |
Colfax | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 1080 | (( |
Roosevelt | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 133 | 25 |
Harrington | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 136 | 25 |
Mayview | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 145 | 25 |
Chiwawa | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 245 | 8 |
Swakane | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 250 | 5 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | 5 |
Foster Creek | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 260 | 10 |
Moses Coulee | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 269 | 10 |
Lakeview | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. 1-18 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2011 | 10 |
Shaw | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4004 | 20 |
Lopez | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4005 | 20 |
Orcas | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4006 | 20 |
Decatur | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4007 | 20 |
Blakely | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4008 | 20 |
Cypress | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4009 | 20 |
San Juan | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4010 | 20 |
Camano | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4011 | 20 |
Whidbey | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4012 | 20 |
Vashon-Maury | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4013 | 20 |
Guemes | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
(( |
Deer Area 4926 | 20 |
East Klickitat | Muzzleloader | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 382 | 15 |
Yale | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 2 |
Washougal | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 10 |
West Klickitat | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 10 |
High Prairie | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 3088 | 5 |
Anderson | Muzzleloader | Any | (( |
Antlerless | Deer Area 6014 | 3 |
Youth | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Ferry | Modern | Youth | Oct. 15-28 | Antlerless | GMU 101 | 25 |
Blue Mtns.
Foothills (( |
Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 149, 154, 163, Deer Area 1010 | 30 |
Blue Mtns.
(( |
Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 145, 172-181 | 30 |
(( |
East Okanogan | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 204 | (( |
Wannacut | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 209 | 10 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 215 | 20 |
Chewuch | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 218 | (( |
Pearrygin | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 224 | (( |
Gardner | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 231 | (( |
Pogue | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 233 | 10 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 239 | (( |
Alta | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 242 | (( |
Chiwawa | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 245 | (( |
Entiat | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 247 | (( |
Swakane | Modern | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 250 | (( |
Mission | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | (( |
Bridge Port | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 20 |
Palisades | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 20 |
Benge | Modern | Youth | Oct. 30 - Nov. 7 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2010 | 30 |
Horse Heaven Hills | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 373 | 10 |
Kahlotus | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 381 | 10 |
East Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Any buck | GMU 382 | 5 |
East Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 382 | 20 |
Grayback | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Any buck | GMU 388 | 5 |
Grayback | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 388 | 10 |
Green River | Modern | Youth | (( |
Any (( |
GMU 485 | 5 |
Lincoln | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 501 | 10 |
Stella | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 504 | 10 |
Mossyrock | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 505 | 10 |
Stormking | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 510 | 10 |
South Rainier | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 513 | 10 |
Packwood | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 516 | 10 |
Winston | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | 10 |
Yale | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 10 |
Toutle | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 556 | 25 |
Lewis River | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 5 |
Washougal | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 10 |
Siouxon | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 5 |
Wind River | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 10 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Any buck | GMU 578 | 5 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 10 |
Skokomish | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
(( |
GMU 636 | 5 |
Satsop | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
(( |
GMU 651 | 10 |
Mashel | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
(( |
GMU 654 | (( |
North River | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
(( |
GMU 658 | 10 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Youth | Oct. 8-31 | Antlerless | GMU 667 | 40 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Youth | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
GMU 667 | (( |
East Okanogan | Muzzleloader | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 204 | 5 |
Wannacut | Muzzleloader | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 209 | 5 |
Pogue | Muzzleloader | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Muzzleloader | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 239 | 5 |
Alta | Muzzleloader | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Youth | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | (( |
Senior 65+ | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Blue Mtns.
Foothills (( |
Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 145, 149, 154, Deer Area 1010 | 30 |
East Okanogan | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 204 | 5 |
Wannacut | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 209 | 5 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 215 | 5 |
Chewuch | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 218 | 10 |
Pearrygin | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 224 | 10 |
Gardner | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 231 | 5 |
Pogue | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 239 | 10 |
Alta | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Chiwawa | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 245 | 8 |
Entiat | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 247 | 8 |
Swakane | Modern | 65+ | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 250 | 8 |
Mission | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | 8 |
Bridgeport | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 10 |
Palisades | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 10 |
Sunnyside | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 372 | 10 |
Horse Heaven Hills | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 373 | 10 |
Kahlotus | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 381 | 10 |
East Klickitat | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 382 | 20 |
Grayback | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 388 | 5 |
Green River | Modern | 65+ | Nov. 12-18 | Antlerless | GMU 485 | 5 |
Lincoln | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 501 | 5 |
Stella | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 504 | 5 |
Mossyrock | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 505 | 15 |
Stormking | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 510 | 5 |
South Rainier | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 513 | 5 |
Packwood | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 516 | 5 |
Winston | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | 5 |
Yale | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 5 |
Toutle | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 556 | 10 |
Lewis River | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 2 |
Washougal | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 10 |
Siouxon | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 2 |
Wind River | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 2 |
West Klickitat | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 5 |
Copalis | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 642 | 20 |
North River | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 10 |
Williams Creek | Modern | 65+ | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 673 | (( |
Hunters with Disabilities | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
East Okanogan | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 204 | (( |
Wannacut | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 209 | 5 |
Sinlahekin | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 215 | (( |
Chewuch | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 218 | 5 |
Pearrygin | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 224 | 5 |
Gardner | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 231 | (( |
Pogue | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 233 | 5 |
Chiliwist | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 239 | 5 |
Alta | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 242 | 5 |
Chiwawa | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 245 | 7 |
Entiat | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 247 | 7 |
Mission | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | 7 |
Saint Andrews | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 254 | 7 |
Bridge Port | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 7 |
Palisades | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 7 |
Horse Heaven Hills | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 373 | 10 |
Kahlotus | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Nov. 1-9 | Antlerless | GMU 381 | 10 |
East Klickitat | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 382 | 15 |
Grayback | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 388 | 5 |
(( |
Lincoln | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 501 | 2 |
Stella | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 504 | 2 |
Mossyrock | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 505 | 3 |
Stormking | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 510 | 2 |
South Rainier | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 513 | 2 |
Packwood | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 516 | 2 |
Winston | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | 2 |
Yale | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 2 |
Toutle | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 556 | 3 |
Lewis River | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 1 |
Washougal | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 7 |
Siouxon | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 2 |
Wind River | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 1 |
West Klickitat | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 2 |
Capitol Peak | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 663 | 20 |
Skookumchuck | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 667 | 30 |
North River | Modern | Hunter with Disability | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 3 |
Wind River | Archery | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 1 |
West Klickitat | Archery | Hunter with Disability | (( |
(( |
GMU 578 | 1 |
East Okanogan | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 204 | 3 |
Sinlahekin | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 215 | 3 |
Gardner | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 231 | 3 |
Chiwawa | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 245 | 3 |
Mission | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 251 | 3 |
Entiat | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 247 | 3 |
Saint Andrews | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 254 | 3 |
Bridge Port | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 248, 260 | 3 |
Palisades | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 266, 269 | 3 |
Capitol Peak | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 663 | 2 |
North River | Muzzleloader | Hunter with Disability | (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 1 |
Master Hunter | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Republic | Any/2nd tag | Master Hunter | (( |
Any deer | Designated properties within Deer Area 1030 | (( |
Region 1 | Any/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Aug. 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in Region 1 | 10HC |
Miller | Any/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Jan.1-20, 2012 | Antlerless deer; archery and crossbow equipment only | That part of Deer Area 6020 east of Sequim Bay | 30 |
Lakeview | Any/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Dec. 9-31 | Antlerless | Deer Area 2011 | 20 |
Hunter Education Instructor Incentive Permits | |||||
- | Special deer permits will be allocated through a random drawing to those hunter education instructors that qualify. | ||||
- | Permit hunters must use archery equipment during archery seasons, muzzleloader equipment during muzzleloader seasons, and any legal weapon during modern firearm seasons. | ||||
- | Qualifying hunter education instructors must be certified and have been in active status for a minimum of three consecutive years, inclusive of the year prior to the permit drawing. | ||||
- | Instructors who are drawn, accept a permit, and are able to participate in the hunt, will not be eligible for these incentive permits for a period of ten years thereafter. | ||||
- | Permittees may purchase a second license for use with the permit hunt only. | ||||
Area | Dates | Restrictions | GMUs | Permits | |
Region 1 | All general season and permit seasons established for GMUs included with the permit | Any white-tailed deer | Any 100 series GMU EXCEPT GMU 157 | 2 | |
Region 2 | Any white-tailed deer | GMUs 204-215 | 2 | ||
Region 2 | Any deer | GMUs 215-251 | 1 | ||
Region 2 | Any deer | GMU 290 | 1 | ||
Region 3 | Any deer | GMUs 335-368, 382, 388 | 1 | ||
Region 4 | Any deer | Any 400 series GMU EXCEPT GMUs 485 and 490 | 2 | ||
Region 5 | Legal buck for 500 series GMU of choice or antlerless | Any 500 series GMU open for a general deer hunting season or a special deer permit hunting season | 6 | ||
Region 6 | Legal buck for GMU of choice | GMUs 654, 660, 672, 673, 681 | 1 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 10-10-061 (Order 10-94), § 232-28-355, filed 4/30/10, effective 5/31/10.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 10-94, filed 4/30/10,
effective 5/31/10)
WAC 232-28-356
((2010)) 2011 Elk special permits.
It is
unlawful to fail to comply with bag, possession, and season
limits except as described below. Violations of this section
are punishable under RCW 77.15.410.
Special Elk Permit Hunting Seasons (Open to Permit Holders
Hunters must purchase an elk hunting license prior to purchase
of a permit application. Hunters may only apply for permits
consistent with the tag required for the hunt choice; however,
Multiple Season Permit holders may apply for Eastern or
Western Washington archery, muzzleloader, or modern firearm
permit hunts. Applicants must have purchased the proper tag
for these hunts. The elk tag prefixes required to apply for
each hunt are shown in the following table. Hunters drawn for
a special permit hunt must comply with weapon restrictions,
dates, and other conditions listed for the hunt.
Quality | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Turnbull | EA, EF, EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 1015 | 1 |
Prescott | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 149 | 1 |
Prescott | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 149 | (( |
Blue Creek | EF | Any | Sept. 21-25 | Any bull | GMU 154 | 1 |
Blue Creek | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 154 | 6 |
Watershed | EA, EF, EM | Any | Oct. (( |
3 pt. min. or antlerless | GMU 157 | 45 |
Dayton | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 162 | (( |
Ten Ten | EF | Any | Sept. 21-25 | Any bull | Elk Area 1010, GMU 163 | 1 |
Ten Ten | EF | Any | Oct. 24 - Nov. 6 | Any bull | Elk Area 1010, GMU 163 | 14 |
Tucannon | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 166 | (( |
Wenaha West | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 1008 | (( |
Wenaha East | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 1009 | (( |
(( |
EF | Any | Sept. 21-25 | Any bull | (( |
1 |
Mountain View | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 172 | (( |
Lick Creek | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 175 | (( |
Peola | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 178 | 1 |
Peola | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 178 | (( |
Couse | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 181 | 2 |
(( |
Mission | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 251 | 1 |
Colockum | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 328, 329 | 2 |
Colockum | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 328, 329 | 1 |
Teanaway | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 335 | 1 |
Peaches Ridge | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 336, 346 | 1 |
Observatory | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 340, 342 | 1 |
Little Naches | EF | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMU 346 | 7 |
Goose Prairie | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 352, 356 | 1 |
Bethel | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 360 | 1 |
Rimrock | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 364 | 1 |
Cowiche | EF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 368 | 1 |
Nooksack | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 418 | 4 |
Green River | WF | Any | Nov. 12-18 | Any bull | GMU 485 | 6 |
Wahkiakum | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 506, 530 | 1 |
Packwood | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 516 | 1 |
Margaret | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 524 | (( |
Margaret | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Any bull | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 556 | (( |
Toutle | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Any bull | GMU 556 | (( |
Lewis River | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 560 | 2 |
Siouxon | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 572 | 2 |
Carlton | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 5057 | 5 |
West Goat Rocks | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 5058 | 5 |
Mt. Adams | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 5059 | 5 |
Mudflow | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5099 | 5 |
Peninsula | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMUs 602, 607, 612 | 1 |
Clearwater | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 615 | 2 |
Matheny | WF | Any | Oct. 1-11 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 618 | 3 |
Quinault | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 638 | (( |
Wynoochee | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 648 | 1 |
Satsop | WF | Any | Oct. 1-11 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 651 | 1 |
Dungeness | WF | Any | Oct. 3-11 | 3 pt. min. | Elk Area 6071 | 2 |
White River | WF | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 653 | 1 |
Prescott | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 149 | (( |
Blue Creek | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 154 | 4 |
Dayton | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 162 | (( |
Ten Ten | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | Elk Area 1010, GMU 163 | 7 |
Tucannon | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 166 | (( |
Wenaha West | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | Elk Area 1008 | 4 |
Wenaha East | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | Elk Area 1009 | (( |
Mountain View | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 172 | (( |
Lick Creek | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 175 | (( |
Peola | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 178 | (( |
Couse | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Any bull | GMU 181 | 1 |
(( |
Colockum | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 328, 329 | 2 |
Peaches Ridge | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 336, 346 | (( |
Observatory | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 340, 342 | (( |
Goose Prairie | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 352, 356 | (( |
Bethel | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 368 | (( |
Klickitat Meadows | EA | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 3068 | 1 |
Nooksack | WA | Any | Sept. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 418 | 2 |
Margaret | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 556 | (( |
Mudflow | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5099 | 5 |
Olympic | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 621, EXCEPT for Elk Area 6071 | (( |
(( |
White River | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 653 | 13 |
Prescott | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 149 | (( |
Blue Creek | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 154 | 2 |
Dayton | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 162 | (( |
Ten Ten | EM | Any | Oct. 1-14 | Any bull | Elk Area 1010, GMU 163 | 3 |
Tucannon | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 166 | (( |
Wenaha West | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | Elk Area 1008 | 2 |
Wenaha East | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | Elk Area 1009 | (( |
Mountain View | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 172 | (( |
Lick Creek | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 175 | 1 |
Peola | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 178 | (( |
Couse | EM | Any | Oct. 1-(( |
Any bull | GMU 181 | 1 |
(( |
Mission | EM | Any | Oct. 1-11 | Any bull | GMU 251 | 1 |
Colockum | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMUs 328, 329 | 1 |
Peaches Ridge | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMUs 336, 346 | (( |
Observatory | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMUs 340, 342 | (( |
Goose Prairie | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMUs 352, 356 | (( |
Bethel | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMU 364 | 17 |
Cowiche | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | GMU 368 | 6 |
Klickitat Meadows | EM | Any | Oct. 1-10 | Any bull | Elk Area 3068 | 1 |
Nooksack | WM | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 418 | 2 |
Margaret | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 556 | (( |
Mudflow | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5099 | 5 |
Bulls | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Prescott | EF | Any | Dec. 1-15 | Any bull | GMU 149 | 2 |
Prescott | EF | Any | Dec. 16-31 | Any bull | GMU 149 | 2 |
Grande Ronde | EF | Any | Oct. 24 - Nov. 6 | Any bull | GMU 186 | 1 |
Mission | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 251 | 1 |
Teanaway | EF | Any | Dec. 18-31 | Any bull | GMU 335 | (( |
Peaches Ridge | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 336, 346 | (( |
Observatory | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 340, 342 | (( |
Goose Prairie | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMUs 352, 356 | (( |
Bethel | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 368 | 17 |
Klickitat Meadows | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | Elk Area 3068 | 1 |
Alkali | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any elk | GMU 371 | 20 |
Nooksack | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
Spike only | GMU 418 | 6 |
(( |
Upper Smith Creek | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5064 | 2 |
Mount Whittier | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5065 | 1 |
Olympic | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 621, EXCEPT for Elk Area 6071 | 14 |
Skokomish | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 636 | (( |
White River | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Any bull | GMU 653 | 30 |
Grande Ronde | EA | Any | Sept. 6-19 | Any bull | GMU 186 | 1 |
Teanaway | EA | Any | Nov. 24 - Dec. 8 | Any bull | GMU 335 | (( |
Alkali | EA | Any | Sept. 1-24 | Any bull | GMU 371 | 5 |
Nooksack | WA | Any | Sept. 1-(( |
Spike only | GMU 418 | 2 |
Upper Smith Creek | WA | Any | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5064 | 2 |
Lewis River | WA | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 560 | 5 |
Siouxon | WA | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 572 | 5 |
Skokomish | WA | Any | Sept. 6-18 | 3 pt. min. | GMU 636 | 1 |
Grande Ronde | EM | Any | Oct. 1-14 | Any bull | GMU 186 | 1 |
Teanaway | EM | Any | Dec. 9-17 | Any bull | GMU 335 | (( |
Alkali | EM | Any | Sept. (( |
Any bull | GMU 371 | 10 |
Nooksack | WM | Any | Sept. (( |
Spike only | GMU 418 | 2 |
Upper Smith Creek | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5064 | 2 |
Mount Whittier | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5065 | 1 |
Yale | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 554 | 15 |
Olympic | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 621, EXCEPT for Elk Area 6071 | 5 |
Skokomish | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
3 pt. min. | GMU 636 | (( |
White River | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Any bull | GMU 653 | (( |
Antlerless Elk | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Aladdin | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 111 | 15 |
Selkirk | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 113 | 20 |
49 Degrees North | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 117 | 45 |
Turnbull | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 6 |
Turnbull | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 6 |
Turnbull | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 6 |
Mayview-Peola | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 145, 178 | (( |
Prescott | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 149 | 20 |
Blue Creek | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 154 | (( |
Dayton | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1012 | 50 |
Marengo-Dayton | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 163 and Elk Area 1011 | (( |
Mountain View | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1013 | (( |
Dayton | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1016 | (( |
Lick Creek | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 175 | (( |
(( |
Couse | EF | Any | Oct. 4-(( |
Antlerless | GMU 181 | 30 |
Malaga | EF | Any | Sept. 14-24 | Antlerless | Elk Area 2032 | 10 |
Malaga | EF | Any | Nov. 6 - Dec. 31 | Antlerless | Elk Area 2032 | 35 |
West Bar | EF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 330 | 5 |
West Bar | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 330 | 5 |
Teanaway | EF | Any | Dec. 18, 2011 - Jan. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 335 | 50 |
Taneum | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 336 | (( |
Manastash | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 340 | (( |
Umtanum | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 342 | (( |
Little Naches | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 346 | (( |
Nile | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 352 | (( |
Bumping | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 356 | (( |
Bethel | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 360 | (( |
Rimrock | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 364 | (( |
Cowiche | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 368 | (( |
Klickitat Meadows | EF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 3068 | 5 |
North Bend | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 4601 | 7 |
Mossyrock | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 505 | 50 |
Willapa Hills | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 506 | 35 |
Winston | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | (( |
Winston | WF | Any | Jan. 1-16, 2012 | Antlerless | GMU 520 | 200 |
Margaret | WF | Any | Nov. 23-30 | Antlerless | GMU 524 | (( |
Ryderwood | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 530 | (( |
Coweeman | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 550 | (( |
Coweeman | WF | Any | Jan. 1-(( |
Antlerless | GMU 550 | (( |
Toutle | WF | Any | Nov. 23-30 | Antlerless | GMU 556 | (( |
Lewis River | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 100 |
Washougal | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 75 |
Siouxon | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 30 |
Wind River | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 75 |
West Klickitat | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 150 |
Toledo | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5029 | (( |
(( |
Green Mt. | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5051 | 10 |
Boistfort | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5054 | (( |
Wildwood | WF | Any | Jan. 16-30, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5061 | (( |
Upper Smith Creek | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5064 | 4 |
Mount Whittier | WF | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5065 | 2 |
Mudflow | WF | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5099 | 10 |
Raymond | WF | Any | Dec. 16-31 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6010 | 10 |
Raymond | WF | Any | Jan. 1-20, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6010 | 5 |
Raymond | WF | Any | Feb. 1-28, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6010 | 5 |
North Minot | WF | Any | Oct. 20-31 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6067 | 5 |
Hanaford | WF | Any | Nov. 5-15 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6069 | 5 |
North River | WF | Any | Nov. 8-13 | Antlerless | GMU 658 | 10 |
Deschutes | WF | Any | Jan. 10-20, 2012 | Antlerless | GMU 666 | 10 |
Williams Creek | WF | Any | Nov. 8-16 | Antlerless | GMU 673 | 50 |
(( |
Turnbull | EA | Any | Sept. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 14 |
Dayton | EA | Any | Sept. 1-19 | Antlerless | Elk Area 1016 | (( |
Malaga | EA | Any | Sept. 1-7 | Antlerless | Elk Area 2032 | 20 |
Klickitat Meadows | EA | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 3068 | 9 |
Alkali | EA | Any | Sept. 1-24 | Antlerless | GMU 371 | 5 |
North Bend | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 4601 | (( |
Margaret | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 524 | (( |
Toutle | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 556 | (( |
(( |
Upper Smith Creek | WA | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5064 | 4 |
Mudflow | WA | Any | Sept. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5099 | 10 |
Lewis River | WA | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 15 |
Siouxon | WA | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 5 |
Aladdin | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 111 | 10 |
Selkirk | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 113 | 10 |
49 Degrees North | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 117 | 20 |
Turnbull | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 9 |
Turnbull | EM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 9 |
Dayton | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1016 | 25 |
Blue Creek | EM | Any | Dec. 9 - Jan. 20 | Antlerless | GMU 154 | (( |
Mountain View | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1013 | (( |
Lick Creek | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 175 | (( |
Mayview-Peola | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMUs 145, 178 | (( |
Couse | EM | Any | Dec. 1-31 | Antlerless | GMU 181 | 30 |
Couse | EM | Any | Jan. 1-20 | Antlerless | GMU 181 | 30 |
Malaga | EM | Any | Oct. 9-21 | Antlerless | Elk Area 2032 | 35 |
West Bar | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 330 | 5 |
Taneum | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 336 | (( |
Manastash | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 340 | (( |
Umtanum | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 342 | (( |
Nile | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 352 | (( |
Bumping | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 356 | (( |
Bethel | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 360 | (( |
Cowiche | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 368 | (( |
Alkali | EM | Any | Sept. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 371 | 10 |
Teanaway | EM | Any | Dec. 9-17 | Antlerless | GMU 335 | 6 |
Klickitat Meadows | EM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 3068 | 4 |
North Bend | WM | Any | Oct. 2-8 | Antlerless | Elk Area 4601 | (( |
Stella | WM | Any | Jan. 1-16, 2012 | Antlerless | GMU 504 | 75 |
Toledo | WM | Any | Dec. 8-20 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5029 | (( |
Mossyrock | WM | Any | Jan. 1-16, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5052 | 15 |
(( |
Boistfort | WM | Any | Jan. 1-16, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5054 | (( |
Willapa Hills | WM | Any | Dec. 8-(( |
Antlerless | GMU 506 | 15 |
Green Mt. | WM | Any | Jan. 1-16, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5051 | 30 |
Wildwood | WM | Any | Jan. 1-15, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5061 | (( |
Mudflow | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5099 | 10 |
Winston | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 520 | (( |
Margaret | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 524 | (( |
Ryderwood | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 530 | (( |
Coweeman | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 550 | (( |
Yale | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 40 |
Yale | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 554 | 35 |
Toutle | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 556 | (( |
Lewis River | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 560 | 50 |
Washougal | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 568 | 50 |
Siouxon | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 572 | 15 |
Wind River | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 574 | 100 |
West Klickitat | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 578 | 150 |
(( |
Upper Smith Creek | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5064 | 4 |
Mount Whittier | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5065 | 2 |
North Minot | WM | Any | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 6067 | 10 |
Mashel | WM | Any | Jan. 1-15, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6054 | 25 |
North River | WM | Any | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 658 | 20 |
(( |
Youth - Only youth hunters may apply. Weapon must be consistent with weapon/tag restriction noted for hunt. | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
North Bend | WF, WM, WA | Youth | Oct. 15-21 | Antlerless | Elk Area 4601 | 5 |
Toledo | WF, WM, WA | Youth | Aug. 1-7 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5029 | (( |
Mudflow | WF, WM, WA | Youth | Nov. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5099 | 3 |
Mudflow | WF, WM, WA | Youth | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5099 | 4 |
Dungeness | WF, WM, WA | Youth | (( |
(( |
Elk Area 6071,
north of HWY 101
(( |
(( |
65+ Senior - Only hunters 65 and older may apply. Weapon must be consistent with weapon/tag restriction noted for hunt. | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Aladdin | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 111 | 5 |
Northeast | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 and Dec. 16-31 | Antlerless | GMUs 113, 117 | 10 |
Prescott | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 149 | 5 |
Blue Creek | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 154 | 5 |
Dayton | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 | Antlerless | Elk Area 1016, GMU 163 | 10 |
Lick Creek | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 175 | 5 |
Peola | EF | 65+ | Oct. 29 - Nov. 6 | Antlerless | GMU 178 | 5 |
Taneum | EF | 65+ | Nov. 2-6 | Antlerless | GMU 336 | 15 |
Manastash | EF | 65+ | Nov. 2-6 | Antlerless | GMU 340 | 20 |
Umtanum | EF | 65+ | Nov. 2-6 | Antlerless | GMU 342 | 20 |
Cowiche | EF | 65+ | Nov. 2-6 | Antlerless | GMU 368 | 15 |
Alkali | EF | 65+ | Oct. 15 - Nov. 4 | Antlerless | GMU 371 | 5 |
Margaret | WF, WM, WA | 65+ | Nov. 23-30 | Antlerless | GMU 524 | (( |
Toledo | WF, WM, WA | 65+ | Aug. 15-21 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5029 | (( |
Hanaford | WF, WM, WA | 65+ | Jan. 1-15, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6069 | 5 |
Hanaford | WF, WM, WA | 65+ | Jan. 16-30, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6069 | 5 |
Hunters with Disabilities - Only hunters with disabilities may apply. Weapon must be consistent with weapon/tag restriction noted for hunt. | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Turnbull | EF, EM, EA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 6 |
Observatory | EF, EM | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
GMUs 340, 342 | 5 |
Little Naches | EF, EM, EA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. 1-10 | Any (( |
GMU 346 | 5 |
Little Naches | EF, EM, EA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Nov. (( |
Antlerless | GMU 346 | 5 |
Alkali | EF | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. (( |
Any (( |
GMU 371 | 5 |
Corral Canyon | EF, EM, EA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Sept. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 3721 | 2 |
Toledo | WF, WM, WA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Aug. 8-14 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5029 | (( |
(( |
Mudflow | WF, WM, WA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5099 | 4 |
Mudflow | WF, WM, WA | Hunters w/ Disabilities | Sept. (( |
Any (( |
Elk Area 5099 | 4 |
Centralia Mine | WF(( |
Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 6011 | 3 |
Centralia Mine | WF(( |
Hunters w/ Disabilities | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 6011 | 3 |
Master Hunter - Only master hunters may apply. Weapon must be consistent with weapon/tag restriction noted for hunt. Additional weapon restrictions may be conditioned on local situation for each hunt. For those hunts allowing the purchase of a second tag, only one elk may be killed in the unit under the authorization of the permit. | ||||||
Hunt Name | Weapon/Tag | Hunters | Hunt Dates | Special Restrictions | Boundary | Permits |
Turnbull | Any elk tag | Master Hunter | Dec. 10-31 | Antlerless | Elk Area 1015 | 6 |
Region 1 | EF | Master Hunter | Aug. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated areas in Region 1 | 20HC |
Malaga | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Aug. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 2032 | 100HC |
Peshastin | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Aug. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 2033 | 100HC |
Green Mt. | Any elk tag | Master Hunter | Jan. 17-30 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5051 | 20 |
Mossyrock | Any elk tag | Master Hunter | Jan. 17-30 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5052 | 10 |
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Pumice Plains | Any elk tag | Master Hunter | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5063 | 5 |
Pumice Plains | Any elk tag | Master Hunter | Oct. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5063 | 2 |
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Fairview | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in Elk Area 3911 | 50HC |
Rattlesnake Hills | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Aug. 1 - Feb. 28, 2012 | Antlerless (( |
Designated Areas in GMU 372 | 20HC |
North Bend | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Aug. 15, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in Elk Area 4601 | 25HC |
Skagit River | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | (( |
Antlerless | Designated Areas in Elk Area 4941 | 15HC |
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Any elk
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Master Hunter | Aug. 1(( |
Antlerless | Designated Areas in
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Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area (( |
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Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area (( |
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Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area (( |
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Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Aug. (( |
Antlerless | Elk Area (( |
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Trout Lake** | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Dec. 15-31 | Antlerless | Elk Area 5062 | 3 |
Trout Lake** | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Jan. 1-14,
(( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5062 | 3 |
Trout Lake** | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Jan. 15-30,
(( |
Antlerless | Elk Area 5062 | 3 |
Region 5 | WF | Master Hunter | Aug. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated areas in Region 5 | 20HC |
North River | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Dec. 16, 2011 - Feb. 28, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in GMU 658 | 10HC |
Raymond | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Oct. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6010 | 5HC |
Dungeness | Any elk tag/2nd tag | Master Hunter | Sept. 1, 2011 - Feb. 28, 2012 | Antlerless | Elk Area 6071 north of Hwy 101 only | 10HC |
Region 6 | WF | Master Hunter | Aug. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012 | Antlerless | Designated Areas in Region 6 | 10HC |
**May only hunt on privately owned lands. Must use only archery or legal shotgun (10 or 12 gauge; slugs only). | |
HCThis is a damage hunt administered by a WDFW designated hunt coordinator. Successful applicants will be contacted on an as-needed basis to help with specific sites of elk damage on designated landowner's property. Not all successful applicants will be contacted in any given year depending on elk damage activity for that year. |
Hunter Education Instructor Incentive Permits | |||||
– | Special elk permits will be allocated through a random drawing to those hunter education instructors that qualify. | ||||
– | Permit hunters must use archery equipment during archery seasons, muzzleloader equipment during muzzleloader seasons, and any legal weapon during modern firearm seasons. | ||||
– | Qualifying hunter education instructors must be certified and have been in active status for a minimum of three consecutive years, inclusive of the year prior to the permit drawing. | ||||
– | Instructors who are drawn, accept a permit, and are able to participate in the hunt, will not be eligible for these incentive permits for a period of ten years thereafter. | ||||
– | Permittees may purchase a second license for use with the permit hunt only. | ||||
Area | Dates | Restrictions | GMUs | Permits | |
Region 3 | All general season and permit seasons established for GMUs included with the permit | Any elk | GMUs 336-368 | 2 | |
Region 5 | Any elk | All 500 series GMUs EXCEPT GMU 522 | 4 | ||
Region 6 | (( |
GMUs 654, 660, 672, 673, 681 | 1 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047, 77.12.020, 77.12.570, 77.12.210, 77.12.150, 77.12.240, 77.32.070, 77.32.530. 10-10-061 (Order 10-94), § 232-28-356, filed 4/30/10, effective 5/31/10.]