Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Technical edits to WAC 181-78A-100, 181-78A-205 and
181-78A-264, the professional educator standards board
deregulated school social worker programs and language no
longer is required.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Not applicable.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Technical clarification.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28A.410.210.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Professional educator standards board, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: David Brenna, 600 Washington Street South, Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 725-6238.
July 28, 2011
David Brenna
Legislative and
Policy Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 10-08-017, filed 3/29/10,
effective 4/29/10)
WAC 181-78A-100
Existing approved programs.
Chapter 181-78A WAC rules shall govern all policies related to
programs upon adoption by the professional educator standards
board, which shall provide assistance to programs in the
revision of their existing programs.
(1) All professional education programs shall be reviewed for approval under the 1997 program approval standards of chapter 181-78A WAC by August 31, 2000. Colleges and universities may permit individuals accepted into teacher preparation programs on or before August 31, 2000, to obtain certification by meeting requirements of programs approved under approval standards described in chapter 181-78 WAC if the individuals complete the program on or before August 31, 2003, and the college or university verifies program completion to the superintendent of public instruction on or before December 31, 2003: Provided, That the professional educator standards board or its designee may waive this deadline on a case-by-case basis.
(2) All principal/program administrator programs shall be reviewed for approval under the 2002 program approval standards of chapter 181-78A WAC by August 31, 2004. Colleges and universities may permit individuals accepted into principal/program administrator programs on or before August 31, 2004, to obtain a residency certificate by meeting requirements of programs approved under 1997 approval standards described in chapter 181-78A WAC if the individuals complete the program on or before August 31, 2006, and the college or university verifies program completion to the superintendent of public instruction on or before December 31, 2006. Provided, That the professional educator standards board or its designee may waive this deadline on a case-by-case basis.
(3) All school counselor((,)) or school psychologist((,
or school social worker)) programs shall be approved under the
2004 program approval standards of chapter 181-78A WAC by
August 31, 2005. Colleges and universities may permit
individuals accepted into the school counselor((,)) or school
psychologist((, or school social worker)) programs on or
before August 31, 2005, to obtain a residency certificate by
meeting requirements of programs approved under the 1997
approval standards described in chapter 181-78A WAC if the
individuals complete the program on or before August 31, 2007,
and the college or university verifies program completion to
the superintendent of public instruction on or before December
31, 2007. Provided that the professional educator standards
board or its designee may waive this deadline on a
case-by-case basis.
(4) Individuals who completed a principal/program administrator program on or before August 31, 2004, shall be granted an initial certificate if the preparing college or university verifies completion by December 31, 2004. Individuals who complete an educational staff associate program on or before August 31, 2005, shall be granted an initial certificate if the preparing college or university verifies completion by December 31, 2005.
(5) Institutions shall be given at least one year notification prior to a professional educator standards board review for compliance with these standards: Provided, That if an institution requests a visit with less than a year's notice, the professional educator standards board shall consider that request.
(6) The professional educator standards board shall determine the schedule for such approval reviews and whether an on-site visit or other forms of documentation and validation shall be used for the purposes of granting approval under the 1997 program approval standards. In determining the schedule for site visits, the board shall take into consideration the partnership agreement between the state and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) as such agreement relates to the NCATE accreditation cycle and allow NCATE accredited colleges/universities to follow the NCATE schedule for their state site visit. Non-NCATE accredited colleges/universities shall have a state approval site visit every five years. The professional educator standards board may require more frequent site visits at their discretion pursuant to WAC 181-78A-110(2).
(7) Each institution shall submit its program for review when requested by the professional educator standards board to ensure that the program meets the state's program approval standards and to provide assessment data relative to the performance standards to the professional educator standards board for the year prior to the site visit.
(a) Institutions shall follow professional educator standards board posted timelines to submit an institutional report that shall:
(i) Describe how the program approval standards are met for each educator preparation program scheduled for review (NCATE reports may fulfill this requirement);
(ii) Describe how "unmet" standards or program weaknesses, identified during the previous site visit, have been corrected;
(iii) Describe major program(s) changes implemented since the last site visit;
(iv) Summarize all WEST-E data since the last site visit;
(v) Summarize all program completer survey data compiled since the last site visit;
(vi) Include all professional education advisory board reports submitted since the last site visit;
(vii) Summarize complaints related to the program(s) and actions taken to remedy the complaints; and
(viii) Describe the criteria used by the program(s) to assess, in multiple ways over time, its candidates' knowledge and skills, including evidence of positive impact on student learning.
(b) The site visit shall be conducted by a team whose membership is composed of:
(i) One member of the professional educator standards board;
(ii) One peer institution representative;
(iii) One individual with assessment expertise;
(iv) Two K-12 practitioners with expertise related to the programs scheduled for review; and
(v) A designated professional educator standards board staff member shall serve as team leader. Substitutions, drawn from (b)(i) through (iv) of this subsection, may be assigned when individuals are not available. Additions to the team shall be drawn from (b)(i) through (iv) of this subsection when necessary. The professional educator standards board liaison for that institution may be present, but shall not serve in an evaluative role. All members, including substitutes, shall be trained.
(c) The site visit shall be conducted in compliance with the protocol and process adopted and published by the professional educator standards board.
(d) The final site visit report and other appropriate documentation will be submitted to the professional educator standards board.
(e) Institutions may submit a reply to the report within two weeks following receipt of the report. The reply may address issues for consideration, including a request for appeal per subsection (g) of this section, limited to factual errors, evidence that the review disregarded state standards, failed to follow state procedures for review, or failed to consider evidence that was available at the time of the review.
(f) In considering the report, the professional educator standards board may grant approval according to WAC 181-78A-110 and 181-78A-100(6).
(g) Institutions may request a hearing in instances where it disagrees with the professional educator standards board's decision. The hearing will be conducted through the office of administrative hearings by an administrative law judge per chapter 34.05 RCW. The institution seeking a hearing will provide a written request to the professional educator standards board in accordance with WAC 10-08-035.
(8) Institutions seeking National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs, and National Association of School Psychologist accreditation may request from the professional educator standards board approval for concurrent site visits which would utilize the same documentation with the exception of material submitted by the institution to the state for the professional education advisory boards and the accountability standards.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. 10-08-017, § 181-78A-100, filed 3/29/10, effective 4/29/10; 08-16-005, § 181-78A-100, filed 7/23/08, effective 8/23/08; 06-24-082, § 181-78A-100, filed 12/5/06, effective 1/5/07; 06-14-010, § 181-78A-100, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-78A-100, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. 05-15-052, § 180-78A-100, filed 7/12/05, effective 8/12/05; 05-04-056, § 180-78A-100, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05; 04-21-038, § 180-78A-100, filed 10/15/04, effective 11/15/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 and 28A.410.010. 04-04-090, § 180-78A-100, filed 2/3/04, effective 3/5/04; 02-18-037, § 180-78A-100, filed 8/26/02, effective 9/26/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) and (2). 00-09-049, § 180-78A-100, filed 4/14/00, effective 5/15/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) and (2), 28A.410.010 and 28A.150.220(4). 99-01-174, § 180-78A-100, filed 12/23/98, effective 1/23/99.]
(1) The program areas for which an institution or organization may seek approval and maintain an approved preparation program are:
(a) Teacher.
(b) Administrator.
(c) Educational staff associate (ESA), school counselor.
(d) Educational staff associate, school psychologist.
(((e) Educational staff associate, school social
(2) An institution or organization may combine educational staff associate professional education advisory boards as long as one-half or more of the voting members are appointed by the associations representing the ESA roles involved and are divided equally among those roles.
(3) An institution or organization may have separate administrator professional education advisory boards for each administrator role as long as one-half or more of the voting members are appointed by the association representing the administrator role involved: Provided, That each administrator PEAB shall include at least one member appointed by the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP), one appointed by the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA), and one appointed by the Washington Federation of Independent Schools (WFIS).
(4) The failure of a designated organization, as specified in WAC 181-78A-209, to make appointments to the designated board, or to make such appointments in a timely manner, shall not cause the preparation program to lose its approval status.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. 11-01-047, § 181-78A-205, filed 12/7/10, effective 1/7/11; 09-20-110, § 181-78A-205, filed 10/7/09, effective 11/7/09; 06-14-010, § 181-78A-205, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-78A-205, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) and (2), 28A.410.010 and 28A.150.220(4). 99-01-174, § 180-78A-205, filed 12/23/98, effective 1/23/99.]
(a) One-half or more of the voting members shall be classroom teachers. All, but one, will be appointed by the president of the Washington Education Association. The remaining teacher shall be employed in a state-approved private school and appointed by the Washington Federation of Independent Schools.
(b) At least one principal appointed by the president of the Association of Washington School Principals.
(c) At least one school administrator appointed by the Washington Association of School Administrators.
(d) At least one educational staff associate (school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, school nurse, school occupational therapist, school physical therapist, or school speech language pathologist or audiologist) appointed by the president of the individual's professional association.
(e) At least one institution or organization representative who may serve in a voting or nonvoting role.
(f) At programs where career and technical education programs are offered, one career and technical education director or career and technical education teacher, with expertise in one of the approved career and technical education programs at the institution or organization, appointed by the Washington Association of Vocational Administrators in cooperation with the institution or organization.
(a) One-half or more of the voting members shall be administrators. One-half of these administrators shall be appointed by the president of the Washington Association of School Administrators. The remaining administrators shall be appointed by the president of the Association of Washington School Principals except one who shall be employed in an approved private school and appointed by the Washington Federation of Independent Schools.
(b) At least one or more classroom teachers appointed by the president of the Washington Education Association.
(c) At least one educational staff associate (school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, school nurse, school occupational therapist, school physical therapist, or school speech language pathologist or audiologist) appointed by the president of the individual's professional association.
(d) At least one institution or organization representative who may serve in a voting or nonvoting role.
(a) At least one-half of the voting members shall be school counselors appointed by the president of the Washington School Counselors Association.
(b) At least one teacher appointed by the president of the Washington Education Association.
(c) At least one principal appointed by the Association of Washington School Principals.
(d) At least one administrator appointed by the Washington Association of School Administrators.
(e) At least one institution or organization representative who may serve in a voting or nonvoting role.
(a) At least one-half of the voting members shall be school psychologists appointed by the president of the Washington State Association of School Psychologists.
(b) At least one teacher appointed by the president of the Washington Education Association.
(c) At least one principal appointed by the Association of Washington School Principals.
(d) At least one administrator appointed by the Washington Association of School Administrators.
(e) At least one institution or organization representative who may serve in a voting or nonvoting role.
(a) At least one-half of the voting members shall be
school social workers appointed by the president of the
Washington Association of School Social Workers.
(b) At least one teacher appointed by the president of
the Washington Education Association.
(c) At least one principal appointed by the Association
of Washington School Principals.
(d) At least one administrator appointed by the
Washington Association of School Administrators.
(e) At least one institution or organization
representative who may serve in a voting or nonvoting role.
(6))) MEMBERSHIP APPOINTMENTS. Applicable to all professional
association appointments, if the professional association does
not respond to the program's request for an appointment of a
representative within sixty days of the receipt of the
request, a program may appoint the representative of its
choice in the role for which an appointment is being sought. If the program makes an appointment, it must notify the
appropriate professional association within one week that the
appointment has been made. If an association is unable to
appoint a representative due to the geographic restriction of
possible candidates, the PEAB will appoint an alternate to
represent that association with their consent.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. 11-01-047, § 181-78A-209, filed 12/7/10, effective 1/7/11; 09-20-110, § 181-78A-209, filed 10/7/09, effective 11/7/09; 07-04-004, § 181-78A-209, filed 1/24/07, effective 2/24/07. 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-78A-209, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010 and 28A.305.130 (1) through (4). 02-04-018, § 180-78A-209, filed 1/24/02, effective 2/24/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) and (2). 01-03-151, § 180-78A-209, filed 1/24/01, effective 2/24/01; 00-09-046, § 180-78A-209, filed 4/14/00, effective 5/15/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) and (2), 28A.410.010 and 28A.150.220(4). 99-01-174, § 180-78A-209, filed 12/23/98, effective 1/23/99.]
(1) The conceptual framework establishes the shared vision for the unit's efforts in preparing educators to work effectively in P-12 schools. The conceptual framework:
(a) Provides coherence among curriculum, instruction, field experiences, clinical practice, candidate assessment, and program evaluation;
(b) Establishes the philosophy, purpose, goals, and standards of the program or unit;
(c) Reflects renewing commitment to current research and best practices; and
(d) Supports the state's goals for P-12 student learning and program approval Standard V.
(2) Recruitment, admission, retention, and transition to the field.
(a) Programs recruit, admit, retain, and transition candidates to the field who:
(i) Demonstrate the content and pedagogical knowledge and skills for success as educators in schools;
(ii) Demonstrate the dispositions of a professional educator;
(iii) Address the program, state and partner districts' goals for increasing underrepresented populations in the workplace;
(iv) Address the content areas identified by work force data of the state and region.
(b) Learner expectations for program requirements, progression, and completion are identified, published, and accessible.
(c) Faculty regularly review recruitment and retention data for effectiveness of program.
Programs create, implement and communicate a recruitment and retention plan in response to data.
(3) Field experiences and clinical practice.
(a) The program(s) and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practices.
(b) Field experiences are integrated throughout the preparation program.
(i) Field experiences provide opportunity to plan, practice and reflect on methods of instruction and differentiation;
(ii) Field experiences provide opportunity to work in communities with populations dissimilar to the background of the candidate;
(iii) Faculty supervision, including on-site visits, will be provided on an on-going basis.
(c) Mentors are instructional leaders identified collaboratively with the partner school of district.
(i) Mentors and principals are provided with a set of internship expectations;
(ii) Mentors receive or provide evidence of training on mentoring of adult learners;
(iii) Mentors must be fully certificated school personnel and have a minimum of three years of professional experience in the role they are supervising;
(iv) Effectiveness of mentor preparation and communication are reviewed annually by faculty.
(d) All Washington educator preparation programs operating field experiences in Washington state shall establish and maintain field placement agreements with all Washington school districts in which candidates are placed for field experiences leading to certification or endorsement under WAC 181-78A-125.
(e) Entry and exit criteria and a process for mitigating concerns during clinical practice are provided for candidates and the mentor.
(f) Requirements for specific educator preparation programs.
(i) Teacher programs.
(A) Programs shall administer the pedagogy assessment adopted by the professional educator standards board to all candidates in a residency certificate program.
(B) Clinical practice (defined as supervised planning, instruction, and reflection) for teacher candidates should consist of no less than four hundred fifty hours in classroom settings.
(ii) School counselor programs.
(A) Candidates complete a supervised internship in the schools that includes a minimum of four hundred hours of on the job professional service and one hour per week of individual supervision provided by the mentor.
(B) Prior to the internship, the candidate will complete a faculty supervised practicum (a distinctly defined clinical experience intended to enable the candidate to develop basic counseling skills and integrate professional knowledge).
(iii) School psychology programs.
(A) Candidates complete a supervised internship in the schools that includes a minimum of one thousand two hundred hours of on the job professional service and one hour per week of individual supervision provided by the mentor.
(B) Prior to the internship, the candidate will complete a faculty supervised practicum (a distinctly defined clinical experience intended to enable the candidate to develop basic school psychology skills and integrate professional knowledge).
(iv) ((School social worker programs.
(A) Candidates complete a supervised internship in the
schools that includes a minimum of three hundred hours of on
the job professional service and one hour per week of
individual supervision provided by the mentor.
(B) Prior to the internship, the candidate will complete
a faculty supervised practicum (a distinctly defined clinical
experience intended to enable the candidate to develop basic
school social work skills and integrate professional
(v))) Administrator programs.
(A) The internship for administrators shall take place in an education setting serving under the general supervision of a certificated practitioner who is performing in the role for which certification is sought.
(B) Components of the required internship shall include demonstration by the candidate that he or she has the appropriate, specific relevant skills pursuant to WAC 181-78A-270.
(C) An approved preparation program for superintendents shall require an internship of at least three hundred sixty hours.
(D) An approved preparation program for principals shall require for those persons beginning their internship August 1, 2009, and after, an internship which requires practice as an intern during the full school year. A "full school year" shall mean five hundred forty hours of which at least one-half shall be during school hours, when students and/or staff are present: Provided further, That an approved preparation program for principals shall require an internship that shall include demonstration by the candidate that she or he has the appropriate, specific skills pursuant to the standards identified in WAC 181-78A-270(2) and meets, at minimum, the standards-based benchmarks approved and published by the professional educator standards board. The benchmarks may not be changed without prior professional educator standards board approval.
(4) Program and faculty collaboration.
(a) Faculty within the program and unit collaborate for continuous program improvement.
(b) Faculty collaborate with content area specialists.
(c) Programs collaborate with P-12 schools to assess and respond to work force, student learning, and professional development needs.
(d) Faculty collaborate with members of the broader professional community.
(e) Faculty collaborate with members of under-represented populations for program improvement.
(5) Diversity in learning experiences.
(a) Candidates have significant interaction with diverse populations including colleagues, faculty, P-12 practitioners, and P-12 students and families.
(i) Candidates reflect on interactions with diverse populations in order to integrate professional growth in cultural competency as a habit of practice.
(ii) Candidates integrate their cultural and linguistic backgrounds into classroom activities in order to build the multicultural capacity of the preparation program cohort.
(b) Faculty model equity pedagogy through:
(i) Interaction with diverse populations;
(ii) Reflective practice on their own professional growth in cultural competency;
(iii) Culturally relevant communication and problem solving; and
(iv) Personalized instruction that addresses cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210 and 2009 c 548, 2010 c 235, 2009 c 128 [2009 c 468]. 10-17-029, § 181-78A-264, filed 8/9/10, effective 9/9/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. 10-07-077, § 181-78A-264, filed 3/17/10, effective 4/17/10; 06-14-010, § 181-78A-264, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-78A-264, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. 05-23-040, § 180-78A-264, filed 11/9/05, effective 12/10/05; 04-21-038, § 180-78A-264, filed 10/15/04, effective 11/15/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. 03-19-021, § 180-78A-264, filed 9/5/03, effective 10/6/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) through (4). 02-04-014, § 180-78A-264, filed 1/24/02, effective 2/24/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010, 28A.305.130 (1) and (2). 01-03-153, § 180-78A-264, filed 1/24/01, effective 2/24/01; 99-23-023, § 180-78A-264, filed 11/9/99, effective 12/10/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130 (1) and (2), 28A.410.010 and 28A.150.220(4). 99-01-174, § 180-78A-264, filed 12/23/98, effective 1/23/99.]