(Aging and Disability Services Administration)
Effective Date of Rule: March 1, 2012.
Purpose: Under section 6014 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), medicaid will not pay for long-term care services for individuals whose equity interest in their home exceeds $500,000. Effective January 1, 2011, these limits are to be increased each year by the percentage increase in the consumer price index urban (CPIU). Effective January 1, 2011, the excess home equity limits is $506,000. The standard utility allowance (SUA) reference has changed effective October 1, 2011, this emergency adoption corrects the reference. Eliminating reference to general assistance and/or disability lifeline and referencing to the correct aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash program or medical care services (MCS) program. This emergency adoption is coordinated with community services division's (CSD) emergency adoption in eliminating disability lifeline, this is to ensure that expenditures do not exceed funds appropriated under the 2011-2013 operating budget (2ESHB 1087) signed by Governor Gregoire on June 15, 2011.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 388-513-1305, 388-513-1315, 388-513-1350, 388-513-1380, 388-515-1505, 388-515-1506, 388-515-1507, 388-515-1509, 388-515-1512, and 388-515-1514.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530.
Other Authority: Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005.
Under RCW 34.05.350 the agency for good cause finds that state or federal law or federal rule or a federal deadline for state receipt of federal funds requires immediate adoption of a rule.
Reasons for this Finding: Federal standard change of the excess home equity provisions effective January 1, 2011, based on the CPIU. This CR-103E continues emergency rules filed under WSR 11-22-072 while the department completes the process for permanent adoption. The initial public notice (CR-101) was filed December 29, 2010, under WSR 11-02-032. The SUA changed effective October 1, 2011. The department is coordinating with the health care authority (HCA) regarding current recodifying and emergency WACs HCA and CSD has filed which affect WAC references in chapters 388-513 and 388-515 WAC regarding changes to ABD cash, and MCS. Also, the department filed a CR-101 on January 4, 2012, under WSR 12-02-082 for consolidating the medically needy in-home (MNI) and medically needy residential (MNR) waivers into the community options program entry system (COPES) waiver. This consolidation will require the department to repeal WAC pertaining to MNI and MNR.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 10, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 10, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: February 27, 2012.
Katherine I. Vasquez
Rules Coordinator
4264.5(1) Alternate living facilities include the following:
(a) An adult family home (AFH);
(b) An adult residential care facility (ARC);
(c) An adult residential rehabilitation center (ARRC);
(d) An adult residential treatment facility (ARTF);
(e) An assisted living facility (AL);
(f) A division of developmental disabilities (DDD) group home (GH); and
(g) An enhanced adult residential care facility (EARC).
(2) The monthly income standard for noninstitutional medical assistance under the categorically needy (CN) program that cannot exceed the special income level (SIL) equals the following amounts. For a client who lives in:
(a) An ARC, an ARRC, an ARTF, an AL, a DDD GH, or an EARC, the department-contracted rate based on a thirty-one day month plus the PNA; or
(b) An AFH, the department-contracted rate based on a thirty-one day month plus the PNA plus the cost of any add-on hours authorized by the department.
(3) The monthly income standard for noninstitutional medical assistance under the medically needy (MN) program equals the private facility rate based on a thirty-one-day month plus the PNA.
(4) ((The monthly income standard for noninstitutional
medical assistance under the general assistance (GA) program
equals the GA grant standard described in WAC 388-478-0045.
(5))) The department determines a client's nonexcluded
resources for noninstitutional medical assistance under the((:
(a) General assistance (GA) and temporary assistance for
needy families (TANF) programs as described in chapter 388-470 WAC; and
(b) SSI-related medical program as described in chapter 388-475 WAC.
(6))) SSI related program as described in chapter 388-475 WAC.
(5) The department determines a client's nonexcluded
income for noninstitutional medical assistance under the SSI
related program as described in((:
(a) Chapter 388-450 WAC for GA and TANF programs; and
(b) Chapter 388-475 WAC and WAC 388-506-0620 for
SSI-related medical programs)) chapter 388-475 WAC.
(((7))) (6) The department approves CN noninstitutional
medical assistance for a period of up to twelve months for a
client who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or who
is SSI-related as described in WAC 388-475-0050, if:
(a) The client's nonexcluded resources described in subsection (5) do not exceed the standard described in WAC 388-513-1350(1); and
(b) The client's nonexcluded income described in subsection (6) does not exceed the CN standard described in subsection (2).
(((8))) (7) The department approves MN noninstitutional
medical assistance for a period of months described in chapter 388-416 WAC for an SSI-related client, if:
(a) The client's nonexcluded resources described in subsection (5) do not exceed the standard described in WAC 388-513-1350(1); and
(b) The client satisfies any spenddown liability as described in chapter 388-519 WAC.
(9) ((The department approves GA and TANF
noninstitutional medical assistance for a period of months
described in chapter 388-416 WAC.
(10))) The client described in subsections (7) and (9)
keeps the PNA amount and pays remaining income to the facility
for board and room.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 06-07-077, § 388-513-1305, filed 3/13/06, effective 4/13/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 11.92.180, 43.20B.460, 48.85.020, 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, 74.[09.]575, 74.09.585; 20 C.F.R. 416.1110-1112, 1123 and 1160; 42 C.F.R. 435.403 (j)(2) and 1005; and Sections 17, 1915(c), and 1924 (42 U.S.C. 1396) of the Social Security Act. 00-01-051, § 388-513-1305, filed 12/8/99, effective 1/8/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.09.500. 99-06-045, § 388-513-1305, filed 2/26/99, effective 3/29/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 94-10-065 (Order 3732), § 388-513-1305, filed 5/3/94, effective 6/3/94. Formerly parts of WAC 388-83-036 and 388-99-036.]
Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 10-01-158, filed 12/22/09,
effective 1/22/10)
WAC 388-513-1315
Eligibility for long-term care
(institutional, waiver, and hospice) services.
This section
describes how the department determines a client's eligibility
for medical for clients residing in a medical institution, on
a waiver, or receiving hospice services under the
categorically needy (CN) or medically needy (MN) programs. Also described are the eligibility requirements for these
services under the ((general assistance (GA) program in
subsection (12))) aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash
assistance, medical care services (MCS) and the state funded
((nursing facility)) long-term care services program described
in subsection (11).
(1) To be eligible for long-term care (LTC) services described in this section, a client must:
(a) Meet the general eligibility requirements for medical programs described in WAC 388-503-0505 (2) and (3)(a) through (f);
(b) Attain institutional status as described in WAC 388-513-1320;
(c) Meet functional eligibility described in chapter 388-106 WAC for waiver and nursing facility coverage;
(d) Not have a penalty period of ineligibility as described in WAC 388-513-1363, 388-513-1364, 388-513-1365 or 388-513-1366;
(e) Not have equity interest greater than five hundred thousand dollars in their primary residence as described in WAC 388-513-1350; and
(f) Must disclose to the state any interest the applicant or spouse has in an annuity and meet annuity requirements described in chapter 388-561 WAC:
(i) This is required for all institutional or waiver services and includes those individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
(ii) A signed and completed eligibility review for long term care benefits or application for benefits form can be accepted for SSI individuals applying for long-term care services.
(2) To be eligible for institutional, waiver, or hospice services under the CN program, a client must either:
(a) Be related to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program as described in WAC 388-475-0050 (1), (2) and (3) and meet the following financial requirements, by having:
(i) Gross nonexcluded income described in subsection (8)(a) that does not exceed the special income level (SIL) (three hundred percent of the federal benefit rate (FBR)); and
(ii) Countable resources described in subsection (7) that do not exceed the resource standard described in WAC 388-513-1350; or
(b) Be approved and receiving ((the general assistance
expedited medicaid disability (GA-X) or general assistance
aged (GA-A) or general assistance disabled (GA-D) described in
WAC 388-505-0110(6))) aged, blind, or disabled cash assistance
described in WAC 388-400-0060 and meet citizenship
requirements for federally funded medicaid described in WAC 388-424-0010; or
(c) Be eligible for CN apple health for kids described in WAC 388-505-0210; or CN family medical described in WAC 388-505-0220; or family and children's institutional medical described in WAC 388-505-0230 through 388-505-0260. Clients not meeting the citizenship requirements for federally funded medicaid described in WAC 388-424-0010 are not eligible to receive waiver services. Nursing facility services require prior approval for the state funded nursing facility program described in WAC 388-438-0125 for noncitizen children; or
(d) Be eligible for the temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) program as described in WAC 388-400-0005. Clients not meeting disability or blind criteria described in WAC 388-475-0050 are not eligible for waiver services.
(3) The department allows a client to reduce countable resources in excess of the standard. This is described in WAC 388-513-1350.
(4) To be eligible for waiver services, a client must meet the program requirements described in:
(a) WAC 388-515-1505 through 388-515-1509 for COPES, New Freedom, PACE, and WMIP services; or
(b) WAC 388-515-1510 through 388-515-1514 for DDD waivers; or
(c) WAC 388-515-1540 for the medically needy residential waiver (MNRW); or
(d) WAC 388-515-1550 for the medically needy in-home waiver (MNIW).
(5) To be eligible for hospice services under the CN program, a client must:
(a) Meet the program requirements described in chapter 388-551 WAC; and
(b) Be eligible for a noninstitutional categorically needy program (CN-P) if not residing in a medical institution thirty days or more; or
(c) Reside at home and benefit by using home and community based waiver rules described in WAC 388-515-1505 through 388-515-1509 (SSI related clients with income over the MNIL and at or below the 300 percent of the FBR or clients with a community spouse); or
(d) Receive home and community waiver (HCS) or DDD waiver services in addition to hospice services. The client's responsibility to pay toward the cost of care (participation) is applied to the waiver service provider first; or
(e) Be eligible for institutional CN if residing in a medical institution thirty days or more.
(6) To be eligible for institutional or hospice services under the MN program, a client must be:
(a) Eligible for MN children's medical program described in WAC 388-505-0210, 388-505-0255, or 388-505-0260; or
(b) Related to the SSI program as described in WAC 388-475-0050 and meet all requirements described in WAC 388-513-1395; or
(c) Eligible for the MN SSI related program described in WAC 388-475-0150 for hospice clients residing in a home setting; or
(d) Eligible for the MN SSI related program described in WAC 388-513-1305 for hospice clients not on a medically needy waiver and residing in an alternate living facility.
(e) Be eligible for institutional MN if residing in a medical institution thirty days or more described in WAC 388-513-1395.
(7) To determine resource eligibility for an SSI-related client under the CN or MN program, the department:
(a) Considers resource eligibility and standards described in WAC 388-513-1350; and
(b) Evaluates the transfer of assets as described in WAC 388-513-1363, 388-513-1364, 388-513-1365 or 388-513-1366.
(8) To determine income eligibility for an SSI-related client under the CN or MN program, the department:
(a) Considers income available as described in WAC 388-513-1325 and 388-513-1330;
(b) Excludes income for CN and MN programs as described in WAC 388-513-1340;
(c) Disregards income for the MN program as described in WAC 388-513-1345; and
(d) Follows program rules for the MN program as described in WAC 388-513-1395.
(9) A client who meets the requirements of the CN program is approved for a period of up to twelve months.
(10) A client who meets the requirements of the MN program is approved for a period of months described in WAC 388-513-1395(6) for:
(a) Institutional services in a medical institution; or
(b) Hospice services in a medical institution.
(11) The department determines eligibility for ((the))
state funded ((nursing facility program described in WAC 388-438-0110 and 388-438-0125. Nursing facility services
under the state funded nursing facility program must be
preapproved by aging and disability services administration
(12) The department determines eligibility for
institutional services under the GA program described in WAC 388-448-0001 for a client who meets all other requirements for
such services but is not eligible for programs described in
subsections (9) through (11).
(13))) programs under the following rules:
(a) A client who is eligible for ABD cash assistance program described in WAC 388-400-0060 but is not eligible for federally funded medicaid due to citizenship requirements receives MCS medical described in WAC 182-508-0005. A client who is eligible for MCS may receive institutional services but is not eligible for hospice or HCB waiver services.
(b) A client who is not eligible for ABD cash assistance but is eligible for MCS coverage only described in WAC 182-508-0005 may receive institutional services but is not eligible for hospice or HCB waiver services.
(c) A noncitizen client who is not eligible under subsections (11)(a) or (b) and needs long-term care services may be eligible under WAC 388-438-0110 and WAC 388-438-0125. This program must be pre-approved by aging and disability services administration (ADSA).
(12) A client is eligible for medicaid as a resident in a psychiatric facility, if the client:
(a) Has attained institutional status as described in WAC 388-513-1320; and
(b) Is under the age of twenty-one at the time of application; or
(c) Is receiving active psychiatric treatment just prior to their twenty-first birthday and the services extend beyond this date and the client has not yet reached age twenty-two; or
(d) Is at least sixty-five years old.
(((14))) (13) The department determines a client's
eligibility as it does for a single person when the client's
spouse has already been determined eligible for LTC services.
(((15))) (14) If an individual under age twenty one is
not eligible for medicaid under SSI related in WAC 388-475-0050 or ((general assistance (GA) described in WAC 388-448-0001 and 388-505-0110(6))) ABD cash assistance
described in WAC 388-400-0060 or MCS described in
182-508-0005, consider eligibility under WAC 388-505-0255 or
(((16))) (15) Noncitizen individuals under age nineteen
can be considered for the apple health for kids program
described in WAC 388-505-0210 if they are admitted to a
medical institution for less than thirty days. Once an
individual resides or is likely to reside in a medical
institution for thirty days or more, the department determines
eligibility under WAC 388-505-0260 and must be preapproved for
coverage by ADSA as described in WAC 388-438-0125.
(16) Noncitizen clients not eligible under subsection (15) of this section can be considered for LTC services under WAC 388-438-0125. These clients must be pre-approved by ADSA.
(17) The department determines a client's total responsibility to pay toward the cost of care for LTC services as follows:
(a) For SSI-related clients residing in a medical institution see WAC 388-513-1380;
(b) For clients receiving HCS CN waiver services see WAC 388-515-1509;
(c) For clients receiving DDD CN waiver services see WAC 388-515-1514;
(d) For clients receiving HCS MN waiver services see WAC 388-515-1540 or 388-515-1550; or
(e) For TANF related clients residing in a medical institution see WAC 388-505-0265.
(18) Clients not living in a medical institution who are considered to be receiving SSI benefits for the purposes of medicaid do not pay service participation toward their cost of care. Clients living in a residential setting do pay room and board as described in WAC 388-515-1505 through 388-515-1509 or WAC 388-515-1514. Groups deemed to be receiving SSI and for medicaid purposes are eligible to receive CN-P medicaid. These groups are described in WAC 388-475-0880.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530. 10-01-158, § 388-513-1315, filed 12/22/09, effective 1/22/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, 74.09.575, and Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, 42 C.F.R. Section 435. 09-07-036, § 388-513-1315, filed 3/10/09, effective 4/10/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, 74.39.010. 07-19-129, § 388-513-1315, filed 9/19/07, effective 10/20/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 06-07-077, § 388-513-1315, filed 3/13/06, effective 4/13/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.10.020, chapters 71A.10 and 71A.12 RCW, 2004 c 276. 04-18-054, § 388-513-1315, filed 8/27/04, effective 9/27/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 11.92.180, 43.20B.460, 48.85.020, 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, 74.[09.]575, 74.09.585; 20 C.F.R. 416.1110-1112, 1123 and 1160; 42 C.F.R. 435.403 (j)(2) and 1005; and Sections 17, 1915(c), and 1924 (42 U.S.C. 1396) of the Social Security Act. 00-01-051, § 388-513-1315, filed 12/8/99, effective 1/8/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.09.500. 99-06-045, § 388-513-1315, filed 2/26/99, effective 3/29/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.08.090 and 42 CFR 435.1005. 98-04-003, § 388-513-1315, filed 1/22/98, effective 2/22/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 96-11-072 (Order 3980), § 388-513-1315, filed 5/10/96, effective 6/10/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 1995 c 312 § 48. 95-19-007 (Order 3895), § 388-513-1315, filed 9/6/95, effective 10/7/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 94-10-065 (Order 3732), § 388-513-1315, filed 5/3/94, effective 6/3/94.]
(1) The resource standard used to determine eligibility for LTC services equals:
(a) Two thousand dollars for:
(i) A single client; or
(ii) A legally married client with a community spouse, subject to the provisions described in subsections (8) through (11) of this section; or
(b) Three thousand dollars for a legally married couple, unless subsection (3) of this section applies.
(2) When both spouses apply for LTC services the department considers the resources of both spouses as available to each other through the month in which the spouses stopped living together.
(3) When both spouses are institutionalized, the department will determine the eligibility of each spouse as a single client the month following the month of separation.
(4) If the department has already established eligibility and authorized services for one spouse, and the community spouse needs LTC services in the same month, (but after eligibility has been established and services authorized for the institutional spouse), then the department applies the standard described in subsection (1)(a) of this section to each spouse. If doing this would make one of the spouses ineligible, then the department applies (1)(b) of this section for a couple.
(5) When a single institutionalized individual marries, the department will redetermine eligibility applying the rules for a legally married couple.
(6) The department applies the following rules when determining available resources for LTC services:
(a) WAC 388-475-0300, Resource eligibility;
(b) WAC 388-475-0250, How to determine who owns a resource; and
(c) WAC 388-470-0060(6), Resources of an alien's sponsor.
(7) For LTC services the department determines a client's countable resources as follows:
(a) The department determines countable resources for SSI-related clients as described in WAC 388-475-0350 through 388-475-0550 and resources excluded by federal law with the exception of:
(i) WAC 388-475-0550(16);
(ii) WAC 388-475-0350 (1)(b) clients who have submitted an application for LTC services on or after May 1, 2006 and have an equity interest greater than five hundred thousand dollars in their primary residence are ineligible for LTC services. This exception does not apply if a spouse or blind, disabled or dependent child under age twenty-one is lawfully residing in the primary residence. Clients denied or terminated LTC services due to excess home equity may apply for an undue hardship waiver described in WAC 388-513-1367. Effective January 1, 2011, the excess home equity limits increase to five hundred six thousand dollars. On January 1, 2012 and on January 1 of each year thereafter, this standard may be increased or decreased by the percentage increased or decreased in the consumer price index-urban (CPIU). For current excess home equity standard starting January 1, 2011 and each year thereafter, see http://www.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(b) For an SSI-related client one automobile per household is excluded regardless of value if it is used for transportation of the eligible individual/couple.
(i) For an SSI-related client with a community spouse, the value of one automobile is excluded regardless of its use or value.
(ii) A vehicle not meeting the definition of automobile is a vehicle that has been junked or a vehicle that is used only as a recreational vehicle.
(c) For an SSI-related client, the department adds together the countable resources of both spouses if subsections (2), (5) and (8)(a) or (b) apply, but not if subsection (3) or (4) apply.
(d) For an SSI-related client, excess resources are reduced:
(i) In an amount equal to incurred medical expenses such as:
(A) Premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance/copayment charges for health insurance and medicare;
(B) Necessary medical care recognized under state law, but not covered under the state's medicaid plan;
(C) Necessary medical care covered under the state's medicaid plan incurred prior to medicaid eligibility.
(ii) As long as the incurred medical expenses:
(A) Are not subject to third-party payment or reimbursement;
(B) Have not been used to satisfy a previous spend down liability;
(C) Have not previously been used to reduce excess resources;
(D) Have not been used to reduce client responsibility toward cost of care;
(E) Were not incurred during a transfer of asset penalty described in WAC 388-513-1363, 388-513-1364, 388-513-1365 and 388-513-1366; and
(F) Are amounts for which the client remains liable.
(e) Expenses not allowed to reduce excess resources or participation in personal care:
(i) Unpaid expense(s) prior to waiver eligibility to an adult family home (AFH) or boarding home is not a medical expense.
(ii) Personal care cost in excess of approved hours determined by the CARE assessment described in chapter 388-106 WAC is not a medical expense.
(f) The amount of excess resources is limited to the following amounts:
(i) For LTC services provided under the categorically needy (CN) program:
(A) Gross income must be at or below the special income level (SIL), 300% of the federal benefit rate (FBR).
(B) In a medical institution, excess resources and income must be under the state medicaid rate.
(C) For CN waiver eligibility, incurred medical expenses must reduce resources within allowable resource limits for CN-waiver eligibility. The cost of care for the waiver services cannot be allowed as a projected expense.
(ii) For LTC services provided under the medically needy (MN) program when excess resources are added to nonexcluded income, the combined total is less than the:
(A) Private medical institution rate plus the amount of recurring medical expenses for institutional services; or
(B) Private hospice rate plus the amount of recurring medical expenses, for hospice services in a medical institution.
(C) For MN waiver eligibility, incurred medical expenses must reduce resources within allowable resource limits for MN-waiver eligibility. The cost of care for the waiver services cannot be allowed as a projected expense.
(g) For a client not related to SSI, the department applies the resource rules of the program used to relate the client to medical eligibility.
(8) For legally married clients when only one spouse meets institutional status, the following rules apply. If the client's current period of institutional status began:
(a) Before October 1, 1989, the department adds together one-half the total amount of countable resources held in the name of:
(i) The institutionalized spouse; or
(ii) Both spouses.
(b) On or after October 1, 1989, the department adds together the total amount of nonexcluded resources held in the name of:
(i) Either spouse; or
(ii) Both spouses.
(9) If subsection (8)(b) of this section applies, the department determines the amount of resources that are allocated to the community spouse before determining countable resources used to establish eligibility for the institutionalized spouse, as follows:
(a) If the client's current period of institutional status began on or after October 1, 1989 and before August 1, 2003, the department allocates the maximum amount of resources ordinarily allowed by law. Effective January 1, 2009, the maximum allocation is one hundred and nine thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. This standard increases annually on January 1st based on the consumer price index. (For the current standard starting January 2009 and each year thereafter, see long-term care standards at http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml); or
(b) If the client's current period of institutional status began on or after August 1, 2003, the department allocates the greater of:
(i) A spousal share equal to one-half of the couple's combined countable resources as of the beginning of the current period of institutional status, up to the amount described in subsection (9)(a) of this section; or
(ii) The state spousal resource standard of forty-five thousand one hundred four dollars effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009. Effective July 1, 2009 this standard increases to forty-eight thousand six hundred thirty-nine dollars (this standard increases every odd year on July 1st). This increase is based on the consumer price index published by the federal bureau of labor statistics. For the current standard starting July 2009 and each year thereafter, see long-term care standards at http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(10) The amount of the spousal share described in (9)(b)(i) can be determined anytime between the date that the current period of institutional status began and the date that eligibility for LTC services is determined. The following rules apply to the determination of the spousal share:
(a) Prior to an application for LTC services, the couple's combined countable resources are evaluated from the date of the current period of institutional status at the request of either member of the couple. The determination of the spousal share is completed when necessary documentation and/or verification is provided; or
(b) The determination of the spousal share is completed as part of the application for LTC services if the client was institutionalized prior to the month of application, and declares the spousal share exceeds the state spousal resource standard. The client is required to provide verification of the couple's combined countable resources held at the beginning of the current period of institutional status.
(11) The amount of allocated resources described in subsection (9) of this section can be increased, only if:
(a) A court transfers additional resources to the community spouse; or
(b) An administrative law judge establishes in a fair hearing described in chapter 388-02 WAC, that the amount is inadequate to provide a minimum monthly maintenance needs amount for the community spouse.
(12) The department considers resources of the community spouse unavailable to the institutionalized spouse the month after eligibility for LTC services is established, unless subsection (5) or (13)(a), (b), or (c) of this section applies.
(13) A redetermination of the couple's resources as described in subsection (7) is required, if:
(a) The institutionalized spouse has a break of at least thirty consecutive days in a period of institutional status;
(b) The institutionalized spouse's countable resources exceed the standard described in subsection (1)(a), if subsection (8)(b) applies; or
(c) The institutionalized spouse does not transfer the amount described in subsections (9) or (11) to the community spouse or to another person for the sole benefit of the community spouse as described in WAC 388-513-1365(4) by either:
(i) The first regularly scheduled eligibility review; or
(ii) The reasonable amount of additional time necessary to obtain a court order for the support of the community spouse.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and 74.09.575. 09-12-058, § 388-513-1350, filed 5/28/09, effective 7/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530. 08-13-072, § 388-513-1350, filed 6/16/08, effective 7/17/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.575, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530. 07-19-128, § 388-513-1350, filed 9/19/07, effective 10/20/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, 74.09.575, 2005 Federal Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) Public Law 109-171, and Section 1924 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396r-5). 07-01-073, § 388-513-1350, filed 12/18/06, effective 1/18/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). 05-07-033, § 388-513-1350, filed 3/9/05, effective 4/9/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.575; 2003 1st sp.s. c 28, and section 1924 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396R-5). 04-04-072, § 388-513-1350, filed 2/2/04, effective 3/4/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500 and Section 1924 (42 U.S.C. 1396R-5). 01-18-055, § 388-513-1350, filed 8/30/01, effective 9/30/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 11.92.180, 43.20B.460, 48.85.020, 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, 74.[09.]575, 74.09.585; 20 C.F.R. 416.1110-1112, 1123 and 1160; 42 C.F.R. 435.403 (j)(2) and 1005; and Sections 17, 1915(c), and 1924 (42 U.S.C. 1396) of the Social Security Act. 00-01-051, § 388-513-1350, filed 12/8/99, effective 1/8/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.09.500. 99-06-045, § 388-513-1350, filed 2/26/99, effective 3/29/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.530, 74.09.575 and Section 1924 (42 USC 1396r-5). 98-11-033, § 388-513-1350, filed 5/14/98, effective 6/14/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090 and 74.09.575. 97-09-112, § 388-513-1350, filed 4/23/97, effective 5/24/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and Title XIX State Agency Letter 95-44. 96-09-033 (Order 3963), § 388-513-1350, filed 4/10/96, effective 5/11/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and Title XIX State Agency Letter 94-49, notice of increase in SSI level. 95-05-022 (Order 3832), § 388-513-1350, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 94-23-129 (Order 3808), § 388-513-1350, filed 11/23/94, effective 12/24/94; 94-10-065 (Order 3732), § 388-513-1350, filed 5/3/94, effective 6/3/94. Formerly parts of WAC 388-95-337 and 388-95-340.]
(1) For a client receiving institutional or hospice services in a medical institution, the department applies all subsections of this rule.
(2) For a client receiving waiver services at home or in an alternate living facility, the department applies only those subsections of this rule that are cited in the rules for those programs.
(3) For a client receiving hospice services at home, or in an alternate living facility, the department applies rules used for the community options program entry system (COPES) for hospice applicants with income under the medicaid special income level (SIL) (300% of the federal benefit rate (FBR)), if the client is not otherwise eligible for another noninstitutional categorically needy medicaid program. (Note: For hospice applicants with income over the medicaid SIL, medically needy medicaid rules apply.)
(4) The department allocates nonexcluded income in the following order and the combined total of (4)(a), (b), (c), and (d) cannot exceed the medically needy income level (MNIL):
(a) A personal needs allowance (PNA) of:
(i) Seventy dollars for the following clients who live in a state veteran's home and receive a needs based veteran's pension in excess of ninety dollars:
(A) A veteran without a spouse or dependent child.
(B) A veteran's surviving spouse with no dependent children.
(ii) The difference between one hundred sixty dollars and the needs based veteran's pension amount for persons specified in subsection (4)(a)(i) of this section who receive a veteran's pension less than ninety dollars.
(iii) One hundred sixty dollars for a client living in a state veterans' home who does not receive a needs based veteran's pension;
(iv) Forty-one dollars and sixty-two cents for all
clients in a medical institution receiving ((general
assistance)) ABD cash assistance.
(v) Effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 fifty-five dollars and forty-five cents for all other clients in a medical institution. Effective July 1, 2008 this PNA increases to fifty-seven dollars and twenty-eight cents.
(vi) Current PNA and long-term care standards can be found at http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(b) Mandatory federal, state, or local income taxes owed by the client.
(c) Wages for a client who:
(i) Is related to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program as described in WAC 388-475-0050(1); and
(ii) Receives the wages as part of a department-approved training or rehabilitative program designed to prepare the client for a less restrictive placement. When determining this deduction employment expenses are not deducted.
(d) Guardianship fees and administrative costs including any attorney fees paid by the guardian, after June 15, 1998, only as allowed by chapter 388-79 WAC.
(5) The department allocates nonexcluded income after deducting amounts described in subsection (4) in the following order:
(a) Income garnished for child support or withheld according to a child support order in the month of garnishment (for current and back support):
(i) For the time period covered by the PNA; and
(ii) Is not counted as the dependent member's income when determining the family allocation amount.
(b) A monthly maintenance needs allowance for the community spouse not to exceed, effective January 1, 2008, two thousand six hundred ten dollars, unless a greater amount is allocated as described in subsection (7) of this section. The community spouse maintenance allowance is increased each January based on the consumer price index increase (from September to September, http://www.bls.gov/cpi/). Starting January 1, 2008 and each year thereafter the community spouse maintenance allocation can be found in the long-term care standards chart at http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml. The monthly maintenance needs allowance:
(i) Consists of a combined total of both:
(A) One hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level. This standard increases annually on July 1st (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty/); and
(B) Excess shelter expenses as described under subsection (6) of this section.
(ii) Is reduced by the community spouse's gross countable income; and
(iii) Is allowed only to the extent the client's income is made available to the community spouse.
(c) A monthly maintenance needs amount for each minor or dependent child, dependent parent or dependent sibling of the community spouse or institutionalized person who:
(i) Resides with the community spouse:
(A) In an amount equal to one-third of one hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level less the dependent family member's income. This standard increases annually on July 1st (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty/).
(ii) Does not reside with the community spouse or institutionalized person, in an amount equal to the MNIL for the number of dependent family members in the home less the dependent family member's income.
(iii) Child support received from a noncustodial parent is the child's income.
(d) Medical expenses incurred by the institutional client and not used to reduce excess resources. Allowable medical expenses and reducing excess resources are described in WAC 388-513-1350.
(e) Maintenance of the home of a single institutionalized client or institutionalized couple:
(i) Up to one hundred percent of the one-person federal poverty level per month;
(ii) Limited to a six-month period;
(iii) When a physician has certified that the client is likely to return to the home within the six-month period; and
(iv) When social services staff documents the need for the income exemption.
(6) For the purposes of this section, "excess shelter expenses" means the actual expenses under subsection (6)(b) less the standard shelter allocation under subsection (6)(a). For the purposes of this rule:
(a) The standard shelter allocation is based on thirty percent of one hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level. This standard increases annually on July 1st (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty/); and
(b) Shelter expenses are the actual required maintenance expenses for the community spouse's principal residence for:
(i) Rent;
(ii) Mortgage;
(iii) Taxes and insurance;
(iv) Any maintenance care for a condominium or cooperative; and
(v) The food stamp standard utility allowance ((for four
persons)) described in WAC 388-450-0195, provided the
utilities are not included in the maintenance charges for a
condominium or cooperative.
(7) The amount allocated to the community spouse may be greater than the amount in subsection (6)(b) only when:
(a) A court enters an order against the client for the support of the community spouse; or
(b) A hearings officer determines a greater amount is needed because of exceptional circumstances resulting in extreme financial duress.
(8) A client who is admitted to a medical facility for ninety days or less and continues to receive full SSI benefits is not required to use the SSI income in the cost of care for medical services. Income allocations are allowed as described in this section from non-SSI income.
(9) Standards described in this section for long-term care can be found at: http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, 42 C.F.R. Section 435. 09-07-037, § 388-513-1380, filed 3/10/09, effective 4/10/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530. 08-13-072, § 388-513-1380, filed 6/16/08, effective 7/17/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and 2006 c 372. 07-19-126, § 388-513-1380, filed 9/19/07, effective 10/20/07; 07-01-072, § 388-513-1380, filed 12/18/06, effective 1/18/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530 and 2005 c 518 § 207 and Sec. 1924 Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396r-5). 06-07-144, § 388-513-1380, filed 3/21/06, effective 4/21/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). 05-07-033, § 388-513-1380, filed 3/9/05, effective 4/9/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.575; 2003 1st sp.s. c 28, and section 1924 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396R-5). 04-04-072, § 388-513-1380, filed 2/2/04, effective 3/4/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500 and Section 1924 (42 U.S.C. 1396R-5). 01-18-055, § 388-513-1380, filed 8/30/01, effective 9/30/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and Section 1924(g) of the Social Security Act. 00-17-058, § 388-513-1380, filed 8/9/00, effective 9/9/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.36.160, 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500 and Section 1924(g) of the Social Security Act, Section 4715 of the BBA of 1997 (Public Law 105-33, HR 2015). 99-11-017, § 388-513-1380, filed 5/10/99, effective 6/10/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 43.20B.460, 11.92.180, and Section 1924 (42 USC 396r-5). 98-08-077, § 388-513-1380, filed 3/31/98, effective 4/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.530 and Social Security Act, Federal Register, March 10, 1997, pgs. 10856 - 10859, 42 U.S.C. 1396 (a)(l)(m). 97-16-008, § 388-513-1380, filed 7/24/97, effective 7/24/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and Title XIX State Agency Letter 95-44. 96-09-033 (Order 3963), § 388-513-1380, filed 4/10/96, effective 5/11/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 95-11-045 (Order 3848), § 388-513-1380, filed 5/10/95, effective 6/10/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and Title XIX State Agency Letter 94-49, notice of increase in SSI level. 95-05-022 (Order 3832), § 388-513-1380, filed 2/8/95, effective 3/11/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 94-10-065 (Order 3732), § 388-513-1380, filed 5/3/94, effective 6/3/94. Formerly WAC 388-95-360.]
(2) The HCB service programs are:
(a) Community options program entry system (COPES);
(b) Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE);
(c) Washington medicaid integration partnership (WMIP); or
(d) New Freedom consumer directed services (New Freedom).
(3) Roads to community living (RCL) services. For RCL services this chapter is used only to determine your cost of care. Medicaid eligibility is guaranteed for three hundred sixty-five days upon discharge from a medical institution.
(4) Hospice services if you don't reside in a medical institution and:
(a) Have gross income at or below the special income level (SIL); and
(b) Aren't eligible for another CN or medically needy (MN) medicaid program.
(5) WAC 388-515-1506 describes the general eligibility requirements for HCS CN waivers.
(6) WAC 388-515-1507 describes eligibility for waiver services when you are eligible for medicaid using noninstitutional CN rules.
(7) WAC 388-515-1508 describes the initial financial eligibility requirements for waiver services when you are not eligible for noninstitutional CN medicaid described in WAC 388-515-1507(1).
(8) WAC 388-515-1509 describes the rules used to determine your responsibility in the cost of care for waiver services if you are not eligible for medicaid under a CN program listed in WAC 388-515-1507(1). This is also called client participation or post eligibility.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530 and Washington state 2007-09 operating budget (SHB 1128). 08-22-052, § 388-515-1505, filed 11/3/08, effective 12/4/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.575, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and 2007 c 522. 07-19-127, § 388-515-1505, filed 9/19/07, effective 10/20/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 42 C.F.R. 441.302(a), Social Security Act section 1915(c) waiver rules, 42 C.F.R. 438. 06-18-058, § 388-515-1505, filed 8/31/06, effective 10/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530. 06-03-079, § 388-515-1505, filed 1/12/06, effective 2/12/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, and 74.09.575. 05-03-077, § 388-515-1505, filed 1/17/05, effective 2/17/05; 02-05-003, § 388-515-1505, filed 2/7/02, effective 3/10/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, and 74.09.500. 01-02-052, § 388-515-1505, filed 12/28/00, effective 1/28/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 42 C.F.R. 435.601, 42 C.F.R. 435.725-726, and Sections 4715 and 4735 of the Federal Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-33) (H.R. 2015). 00-01-087, § 388-515-1505, filed 12/14/99, effective 1/14/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 96-14-058 (Order 100346), § 388-515-1505, filed 6/27/96, effective 7/28/96; 95-20-030 (Order 3899), § 388-515-1505, filed 9/27/95, effective 10/28/95; 94-10-065 (Order 3732), § 388-515-1505, filed 5/3/94, effective 6/3/94. Formerly WAC 388-83-200.]
(a) Meet the program and age requirements for the specific program:
(i) COPES, per WAC 388-106-0310;
(ii) PACE, per WAC 388-106-0705;
(iii) WMIP waiver services, per WAC 388-106-0750;
(iv) New Freedom, per WAC 388-106-1410;
(v) Hospice, per chapter ((388-551)) 182-551 WAC; or
(vi) Roads to community living (RCL), per WAC 388-106-0250, 388-106-0255 and 388-106-0260.
(b) Meet the disability criteria for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program as described in WAC 388-475-0050;
(c) Require the level of care provided in a nursing facility described in WAC 388-106-0355;
(d) Be residing in a medical institution as defined in
WAC ((388-500-0005)) 182-500-0050, or likely to be placed in
one within the next thirty days without HCB services provided
under one of the programs listed in subsection (1)(a);
(e) Have attained institutional status as described in WAC 388-513-1320;
(f) Be determined in need of services and be approved for a plan of care as described in subsection (1)(a);
(g) Be able to live at home with community support services and choose to remain at home, or live in a department-contracted:
(i) Enhanced adult residential care (EARC) facility;
(ii) Licensed adult family home (AFH); or
(iii) Assisted living (AL) facility.
(h) Not be subject to a penalty period of ineligibility for the transfer of an asset as described in WAC 388-513-1363 through 388-513-1366;
(i) Not have a home with equity in excess of the requirements described in WAC 388-513-1350.
(2) Refer to WAC 388-513-1315 for rules used to determine countable resources, income, and eligibility standards for long-term care services.
(3) Current income and resource standard charts are located at: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.html.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530 and Washington state 2007-09 operating budget (SHB 1128). 08-22-052, § 388-515-1506, filed 11/3/08, effective 12/4/08.]
(a) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility described in WAC 388-474-0001. This includes SSI clients under 1619B status;
(b) SSI-related CN medicaid described in WAC 388-475-0100 (2)(a) and (b);
(c) SSI-related healthcare for workers with disabilities program (HWD) described in WAC 388-475-1000. If you are receiving HWD, you are responsible to pay your HWD premium as described in WAC 388-475-1250. This change is effective April 1, 2009;
(d) ((General assistance expedited medicaid disability
(GAX) or general assistance based on aged/blind/disabled
criteria)) Aged, blind, or disabled (ABD) cash assistance
described in WAC ((388-505-0110(6))) 388-400-0060 and are
receiving CN medicaid.
(2) You do not have a penalty period of ineligibility for the transfer of an asset as described in WAC 388-513-1363 through 388-513-1366. This does not apply to PACE or hospice services.
(3) You do not have a home with equity in excess of the requirements described in WAC 388-513-1350.
(4) You do not have to meet the initial eligibility income test of having gross income at or below the special income level (SIL).
(5) You do not pay (participate) toward the cost of your personal care services.
(6) If you live in a department contracted facility listed in WAC 388-515-1506 (1)(g), you pay room and board up to the ADSA room and board standard. The ADSA room and board standard is based on the federal benefit rate (FBR) minus the current personal needs allowance (PNA) for HCS CN waivers in an alternate living facility.
(a) If you live in an assisted living (AL) facility, enhanced adult residential center (EARC), or adult family home (AFH) you keep a PNA of sixty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents and use your income to pay up to the room and board standard.
(b) If subsection (6)(a) applies and you are receiving HWD described in WAC 388-475-1000, you are responsible to pay your HWD premium as described in WAC 388-475-1250, in addition to the room and board standard.
(7) If you are eligible for ((general assistance
expedited medicaid disability (GAX) or general assistance
based on aged/blind/disabled criteria described in WAC 388-505-0110(6),)) aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash
assistance program described in WAC 388-400-0060 you do not
participate in the cost of personal care and you may keep the
(a) When you live at home, you keep the cash grant amount
authorized under ((the general assistance program)) WAC 388-478-0033;
(b) When you live in an AFH, you keep a PNA of
thirty-eight dollars and eighty-four cents, and pay any
remaining income and ((general assistance)) ABD cash grant to
the facility for the cost of room and board up to the ADSA
room and board standard; or
(c) When you live in an assisted living facility or enhanced adult residential center, you are only eligible to receive a ABD cash grant of thirty-eight dollars and eighty-four cents, which you keep for your PNA.
(8) Current resource and income standards are located at: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(9) Current PNA and ADSA room and board standards are located at: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/ltcstandardsPNAchartsubfile.shtml.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act. 09-14-043, § 388-515-1507, filed 6/24/09, effective 7/25/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530 and Washington state 2007-09 operating budget (SHB 1128). 08-22-052, § 388-515-1507, filed 11/3/08, effective 12/4/08.]
(1) If you are single and living at home as defined in WAC 388-106-0010, you keep all your income up to the federal poverty level (FPL) for your personal needs allowance (PNA).
(2) If you are married living at home as defined in WAC 388-106-0010, you keep all your income up to the medically needy income level (MNIL) for your PNA.
(3) If you live in an assisted living (AL) facility, enhanced adult residential center (EARC), or adult family home (AFH), you:
(a) Keep a PNA from your gross nonexluded income. The PNA is sixty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents effective July 1, 2008; and
(b) Pay for your room and board up to the ADSA room and board standard.
(4) In addition to paying room and board, you may also have to pay toward the cost of personal care. This is called your participation. Income that remains after the PNA and any room and board deduction is reduced by allowable deductions in the following order:
(a) If you are working, the department allows an earned income deduction of the first sixty-five dollars plus one-half of the remaining earned income.
(b) Guardianship fees and administrative costs including any attorney fees paid by the guardian only as allowed by chapter 388-79 WAC;
(c) Current or back child support garnished or withheld from your income according to a child support order in the month of the garnishment if it is for the current month. If the department allows this as deduction from your income, the department will not count it as your child's income when determining the family allocation amount;
(d) A monthly maintenance needs allowance for your community spouse not to exceed that in WAC 388-513-1380 (5)(b) unless a greater amount is allocated as described in subsection (e) of this section. This amount:
(i) Is allowed only to the extent that you make your income available to your community spouse; and
(ii) Consists of a combined total of both:
(A) One hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level. This standard increases annually on July 1 (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty/); and
(B) Excess shelter expenses. For the purposes of this section, excess shelter expenses are the actual required maintenance expenses for your community spouse's principal residence. These expenses are determined in the following manner:
(I) Rent, including space rent for mobile homes, plus;
(II) Mortgage, plus;
(III) Taxes and insurance, plus;
(IV) Any required payments for maintenance care for a condominium or cooperative, minus;
(V) The food assistance standard utility allowance (SUA)
(((for long-term care services this is set at the standard
utility allowance for a four-person household),)) described in
WAC 388-450-0195 provided the utilities are not included in
the maintenance charges for a condominium or cooperative,
(VI) The standard shelter allocation. This standard is based on thirty percent of one hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level. This standard increases annually on July 1 (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty).
(e) Is reduced by your community spouse's gross countable income.
(f) The amount allocated to the community spouse may be greater than the amount in subsection (d)(ii) only when:
(i) There is a court order approving the higher amount for the support of your community spouse; or
(ii) A hearings officer determines a greater amount is needed because of exceptional circumstances resulting in extreme financial duress.
(g) A monthly maintenance needs amount for each minor or dependent child, dependent parent, or dependent sibling of your community or institutional spouse. The amount the department allows is based on the living arrangement of the dependent. If the dependent:
(i) Resides with your community spouse, the amount is equal to one-third of the community spouse allocation as described in WAC 388-513-1380 (5)(b)(i)(A) that exceeds the dependent family member's income (child support received from a noncustodial parent is considered the child's income);
(ii) Does not reside with the community spouse, the amount is equal to the MNIL based on the number of dependent family members in the home less their separate income (child support received from a noncustodial parent is considered the child's income).
(h) Your unpaid medical expenses which have not been used to reduce excess resources. Allowable medical expenses are described in WAC 388-513-1350.
(i) The total of the following deductions cannot exceed the SIL (three hundred percent of the FBR):
(i) Personal needs allowance in subsections (1), (2) and (3)(a) and (b); and
(ii) Earned income deduction of the first sixty-five dollars plus one-half of the remaining earned income in subsection (4)(a); and
(iii) Guardianship fees and administrative costs in subsection (4)(b).
(5) You must pay your provider the combination of the room and board amount and the cost of personal care services after all allowable deductions.
(6) You may have to pay third party resources described in WAC 388-501-0200 in addition to the room and board and participation. The combination of room and board, participation, and third party resources is the total amount you must pay.
(7) Current income and resource standards for long-term care (including SIL, MNIL, FPL, FBR) are located at: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(8) If you are in multiple living arrangements in a month (an example is a move from an adult family home to a home setting on HCB services), the department allows you the highest PNA available based on all the living arrangements and services you have in a month.
(9) Current PNA and ADSA room and board standards are located at: http://www.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/ltcstandardsPNAchartsubfile.shtml.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, and 74.09.530 and Washington state 2007-09 operating budget (SHB 1128). 08-22-052, § 388-515-1509, filed 11/3/08, effective 12/4/08.]
(a) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility described in WAC 388-474-0001. This includes SSI clients under 1619B status. These clients have medicaid eligibility determined and maintained by the Social Security Administration;
(b) Healthcare for workers with disabilities (HWD) described in WAC 388-475-1000 through 388-475-1250;
(c) SSI-related CN-P medicaid described in WAC 388-475-0100 (2)(a) and (b) or meets the requirements in WAC 388-475-0880 and is CN-P eligible after the income disregards have been applied;
(d) CN-P medicaid for a child as described in WAC 388-505-0210 (1), (2), (7) or (8); or
(e) ((General assistance expedited medicaid disability
(GA-X) or general assistance based on aged/blind/disabled
criteria described in WAC 388-505-0110(6))) Aged, blind or
disabled (ABD) cash assistance described in WAC 388-400-0060.
(2) If you are eligible for a CN-P medicaid program listed in subsection (1) above, you do not have to pay (participate) toward the cost of your personal care and/or habilitation services.
(3) If you are eligible for a CN-P medicaid program listed in subsection (1) above, you do not need to meet the initial eligibility income test of gross income at or below the special income level (SIL), which is three hundred percent of the federal benefit rate (FBR).
(4) If you are eligible for a CN-P medicaid program listed in subsection (1), you pay up to the ADSA room and board standard described in WAC 388-515-1505. Room and board and long-term care standards are located at http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(a) If you live in an ARC, AFH or DDD group home, you keep a personal needs allowance (PNA) and use your income to pay up to the ADSA room and board standard. Effective January 1, 2009 the PNA is sixty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents.
(5) If you are eligible for a premium based medicaid program such as healthcare for workers with disabilities (HWD), you must continue to pay the medicaid premium to remain eligible for that CN-P program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.575, 74.09.500, 74.09.530. 08-24-069, § 388-515-1512, filed 12/1/08, effective 1/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and Washington state 2007-09 operating budget (SHB 1128). 08-11-083, § 388-515-1512, filed 5/20/08, effective 6/20/08.]
(1) If you are an SSI-related client living at home as defined in WAC 388-106-0010, you keep all your income up to the SIL (three hundred percent of the FBR) for your personal needs allowance (PNA).
(2) If you are an SSI-related client and you live in an ARC, AFH or DDD group home, you:
(a) Keep a personal needs allowance (PNA) from your gross nonexcluded income. Effective January 1, 2009 the PNA is sixty-two dollars and seventy-nine cents; and
(b) Pay for your room and board up to the ADSA room and board rate described in http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml.
(3) Income that remains after the allocation described in (2) above, is reduced by allowable deductions in the following order:
(a) If you are working, we allow an earned income deduction of the first sixty-five dollars plus one-half of the remaining earned income;
(b) Guardianship fees and administrative costs including any attorney fees paid by the guardian only as allowed by chapter 388-79 WAC;
(c) Current or back child support garnished from your income or withheld according to a child support order in the month of the garnishment if it is for the current month. If we allow this as deduction from your income, we will not count it as your child's income when determining the family allocation amount;
(d) A monthly maintenance needs allowance for your community spouse not to exceed that in WAC 388-513-1380 (5)(b) unless a greater amount is allocated as described in subsection (e) of this section. This amount:
(i) Is allowed only to the extent that your income is made available to your community spouse; and
(ii) Consists of a combined total of both:
(A) One hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level. This standard increases annually on July 1st (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty/); and
(B) Excess shelter expenses. For the purposes of this section, excess shelter expenses are the actual required maintenance expenses for your community spouse's principal residence. These expenses are determined in the following manner:
(I) Rent, including space rent for mobile homes, plus;
(II) Mortgage, plus;
(III) Taxes and insurance, plus;
(IV) Any required payments for maintenance care for a condominium or cooperative minus;
(V) The food assistance standard utility allowance (((for
long term care services this is set at the standard utility
allowance (SUA) for a four-person household),)) provided the
utilities are not included in the maintenance charges for a
condominium or cooperative, minus;
(VI) The standard shelter allocation. This standard is based on thirty percent of one hundred fifty percent of the two person federal poverty level. This standard increases annually on July 1st (http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty); and
(VII) Is reduced by your community spouse's gross countable income.
(iii) May be greater than the amount in subsection (d)(ii) only when:
(A) There is a court order approving a higher amount for the support of your community spouse; or
(B) A hearings officer determines a greater amount is needed because of exceptional circumstances resulting in extreme financial duress.
(e) A monthly maintenance needs amount for each minor or dependent child, dependent parent or dependent sibling of your community or institutionalized spouse. The amount we allow is based on the living arrangement of the dependent. If the dependent:
(i) Resides with your community spouse, the amount is equal to one-third of the community spouse allocation as described in WAC 388-513-1380 (5)(b)(i)(A) that exceeds the dependent family member's income (child support received from a noncustodial parent is considered the child's income);
(ii) Does not reside with the community spouse, the amount is equal to the MNIL based on the number of dependent family members in the home less their separate income (child support received from a noncustodial parent is considered the child's income).
(f) Your unpaid medical expenses which have not been used to reduce excess resources. Allowable medical expenses are described in WAC 388-513-1350.
(g) The total of the following deductions cannot exceed the SIL (three hundred percent of the FBR):
(i) Personal needs allowances in subsection (1) for in home or subsection (2)(a) in a residential setting; and
(ii) Earned income deduction of the first sixty-five dollars plus one-half of the remaining earned income in subsection (3)(a); and
(iii) Guardianship fees and administrative costs in subsection (3)(b).
(4) If you are eligible for ((general assistance
expedited medicaid disability (GA-X) or general assistance
based on aged/blind/disabled criteria described in WAC 388-505-0110(6),)) aged, blind or disabled (ABD) cash
assistance described in WAC 388-400-0060 you do not
participate in the cost of personal care and you may keep the
(a) When you live at home, you keep the cash grant amount
authorized under the ((general assistance)) ABD cash program;
(b) When you live in an AFH, you keep a PNA of
thirty-eight dollars and eighty-four cents, and pay any
remaining income and ((general assistance)) ABD cash grant to
the facility for the cost of room and board up to the ADSA
room and board standard described in
http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/manuals/eaz/sections/LongTermCare/LTCstandardspna.shtml; or
(c) When you live in an ARC or DDD group home, you are only eligible to receive a cash grant of thirty-eight dollars and eighty-four cents which you keep for your PNA.
(5) The combination of the room and board amount and the cost of personal care and/or habilitation services (participation) after all allowable deductions have been considered is called your total responsibility. You pay this amount to the ARC, AFH or DDD group home provider.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.575, 74.09.500, 74.09.530. 08-24-069, § 388-515-1514, filed 12/1/08, effective 1/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.500, 74.09.530, and Washington state 2007-09 operating budget (SHB 1128). 08-11-083, § 388-515-1514, filed 5/20/08, effective 6/20/08.]