Thursday and Friday | January 24-25 | Tri-Cities |
Thursday and Friday | March 21-22 | Pullman |
Thursday and Friday | May 2-3 | Pullman |
Thursday and Friday | September 5-6 | Pullman |
Thursday and Friday | October 3-4 | Vancouver |
Thursday and Friday | November 21-22 | Spokane |
Thursday's meetings will begin at 10:00 a.m. and Friday's meetings will begin at 7:30 a.m., or at such later time as may be announced on the regents' web page at Such announcements will occur the week prior to the dates listed above, along with room locations for all meetings.
Inquires [Inquiries] about this schedule or board of regents' meetings, in general, may be directed to the WSU board of regents' office at (509) 335-4200.