If you have any questions please contact Bari Schreiner at (360) 407-6998 or e-mail
Rule makings listed as "To be determined" were suspended under Executive Order 11-03. Ecology has not made a decision yet about when these rule makings may continue. When a decision is made, ecology will send out notice to our interested parties lists.
WAC Chapter | Program | Chapter Title | CR-101 Filing Date | CR-102 Filing Date |
CR-103 Filing Date | Program Contact |
173-26-070 AO # 08-15 8/08 |
Shorelands and environmental assistance | Spokane County shoreline master program | 8/5/08 | To be determined | Peter Skowlund | |
197-11 AO # 12-01 5/12 |
Shorelands and environmental assistance | State Environmental Policy Act | 5/24/12 | 10/24/12 | 12/28/12 | Fran Sant |
173-204 AO # 08-07 9/11 |
Toxics cleanup | Sediment management standards | 2/10/09 Withdrawal and new CR-101 filing 10/25/11 |
8/15/12 Continuance filed 10/9/12 |
2/14/13 | Martha Hankins |
173-350 AO # 10-06 3/10 |
Waste 2 resources | Solid waste handling standards | 5/26/10 | 9/18/12 | 2/7/13 | Kyle Dorsey |
173-334 AO # 12-02 7/12 |
Waste 2 resources | Children's safe products -- Reporting rule | 7/16/12 | 5/1/13 | 7/25/13 | John Williams |
173-201A AO # 11-08 10/11 |
Water quality | Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington (implementation tools rule) | 10/25/11 Withdrawal and new CR-101 9/13/12 |
6/19/13 | 12/11/13 | Becca Conklin |
173-201A AO # 12-03 8/12 |
Water quality | Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington (human health criteria rule) | 9/13/12 | 11/6/13 | 4/16/14 | Becca Conklin |
173-525 AO # 05-03 3/05 |
Water resources | Grays Elochoman instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 25 | 3/2/05 | 4/19/10 Continuance filed 6/16/10 Expired 11/1/10 |
To be determined | Jennifer Holderman |
173-526 AO # 05-04 3/05 |
Water resources | Cowlitz instream resources protection and water management program WRIA 26 | 3/2/05 | 4/19/10 Continuance filed 6/16/10 Expired 11/1/10 |
To be determined | Jennifer Holderman |
508-14 AO # 10-16 11/10 |
Office of the Columbia River | Columbia basin project -- Groundwaters | 11/15/10 | 2/1/14 | 7/1/14 | Carolyn Comeau |
Bari Schreiner