WSR 13-02-039




[ Filed December 21, 2012, 1:06 p.m. ]

Join us if you wish:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Red Lion Hotel Seattle Airport

18220 International Boulevard

Seattle, WA 98188

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

     The Washington state rehabilitation council (WSRC) is a board of fifteen governor-appointed volunteer system advocates. Our goal is to help the division of vocational rehabilitation (DVR) deliver effective, equitable, and timely services to increase the numbers of people with disabilities who become employed.

     The objectives for this meeting are to:

Orient new council members; and
Advance council mandates through committee work.

     All are welcome.

     To request reasonable accommodation, a spoken language interpreter, or to provide written comment please contact JoAnne Lang at or 1-866-252-2939.

     Public Transportation: The meeting location is near Sound Transit light rail and fixed route busing. To plan your trip reach Sound Transit customer service at (voice) 1-888-889-6368 or use 711 if you are deaf. Metro Transit can be reached at (voice) (206) 553-3000 or (TTY relay) 1-800-833-6388.

     The Washington state rehabilitation council received approval from the department of social and health services to meet in person at this facility.