WSR 15-03-032
[Filed January 12, 2015, 10:21 a.m.]
Pursuant to RCW 34.05.314, the following is Western Washington University's semi-annual agenda for Washington Administrative Code (WAC) rules under development for the term January 1 through June 30, 2015:
1. Chapter 516-26 WAC, Student records. University review of chapter 516-26 WAC, Student records, with possible amendments, including but not limited to WAC 516-26-040 Right to copy education records, 516-26-090(2) Directory information, and housekeeping changes. Preproposal to be filed in the spring of 2015.
2. Chapter 516-36 WAC, Use of university facilitiesScheduling. Review and reorganization of the university's facility use and property WAC. Preproposal to be filed in 2015.
3. Chapter 516-37 WAC, Use of university facilitiesLibraries. Review and reorganization of the university's facility use and property WAC. Preproposal to be filed 2015.
4. Chapter 516-34 WAC, Leasing of university property for business purposes. Review and reorganization of the university's facility use and property WAC. Preproposal to be filed in 2015.
5. Chapter 516-24 WAC, General conduct. Review and possible amendment to chapter 516-24 WAC. Preproposal to be filed in 2015.
6. Chapter 516-52 WAC, Health and safety. Amendments to WAC 516-52-001 Smoking on campus, to comply with a state initiative that prohibits smoking in public places and workplaces and to address electronic cigarettes and other smoking devices. Preproposal CR-101 was filed February 2010 (WSR 10-05-049) and CR-102 anticipated to be filed in 2015.
Additional rule-making activity not on the agenda may occur as conditions warrant. For more information concerning the semi-annual agenda, please contact Suzanne Baker, Rules Coordinator, Western Washington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA 98225-9015, phone (360) 650-3117, e-mail
Suzanne M. Baker
Rules Coordinator