RCW 18.30.065 |
Board of denturist[s] |
WAC 246-812-480 Sexual misconduct, proposing revisions to clarify that forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Vicki Brown (360) 236-4865 |
RCW 18.30.065 |
Board [of] denturist[s] |
WAC 246-812-200, considering including legal process for the withdrawal of program approval. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Vicki Brown (360) 236-4865 |
RCW 18.35.161 |
Board of hearing and speech |
WAC 246-828-XXX Prohibiting the use of the title audioprosthologist. |
09-11-116 5/20/09 |
Janette Benham (360) 236-4857 |
SHB 2108 (chapter [189, Laws of 2014]) |
Board of hearing and speech |
Chapter 246-828 WAC, establishing a nine-month certification pathway for hearing aid specialists; implementing SHB 2108; making general housekeeping amendments; adding multicultural education as a CE option; CE and exam standard updates; adding temporary practice permits for military spouses; and clarifying that forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
14-14-064 6/26/14 New and expanded CR-101 anticipate filing 1/21/15 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Janette Benham (360) 236-4857 |
RCW 18.36A.160 |
Board of naturopathy |
Chapter 246-836 WAC, considering the practice of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in naturopathic practice. |
13-22-059 11/4/13 |
Anticipate filing fall 2015 |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.36A.160 18.36A.110 |
Board of naturopathy |
WAC 246-836-020, 246-836-030, 246-836-040, 246-836-050, 246-836-110, 246-836-120, acceptable licensure examinations. |
13-22-060 11/4/13 |
15-03-012 1/8/15 Hearing set for 2/27/15 |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.36A.160 ESHB 2315 (chapter 71, Laws of 2014) |
Board of naturopathy |
WAC 246-836-080, updating and clarifying continuing competency/continuing education requirements; adding continuing education on suicide assessment, treatment and management. |
13-21-028 10/8/13 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
18.130.062 and Executive Order 06-03 |
Board of naturopathy |
WAC 246-836-510, revisions to clarify that forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.54.070 18.130.250 |
Board of optometry |
Chapter 246-851 WAC, establishing a retired active status for licensed optometrists. |
14-06-100 3/5/14 |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.54.070 |
Board of optometry |
WAC 246-851-235 Credits for cultural competency in clinical care. |
10-05-060 2/11/10 |
14-18-041 8/27/14 Hearing held on 12/1/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.54.070 |
Board of optometry |
WAC 246-851-090 through 246-851-230, reviewing continuing competency rules for possible revision. |
14-13-100 6/17/14 |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.54.070 |
Board of optometry |
WAC 246-851-420, removing obsolete language requiring certain optometrists to include the letters "TX" on prescriptions. |
14-20-026 9/22/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.130.050 18.57.005 |
Board of osteopathic medicine and surgery |
Chapter 246-853 WAC, reentry to practice, retired active status, delegation of LLRP, USLME examination. |
13-19-083 9/17/13 |
Anticipate filing winter 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
ESHB 2315 (chapter 71, Laws of 2014) |
Board of osteopathic medicine and surgery |
Chapter 246-853 WAC, Osteopathic physician's assistants; developing rules on suicide assessment, treatment and management continuing education. |
Anticipate filing winter 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
ESHB 2315 (chapter 71, Laws of 2014) |
Board of osteopathic medicine and surgery |
Chapter 246-854 WAC, Osteopathic physicians; developing rules on suicide assessment, treatment and management continuing education. |
Anticipate filing spring 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
ESHB 2315 (chapter 71, Laws of 2014) |
Board of osteopathic medicine and surgery |
Chapter 246-854 WAC, Osteopathic physicians; developing rules on suicide assessment, treatment and management continuing education. |
Anticipate filing winter 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
ESHB 2160 and 2315 (chapters 116 and 71, Laws of 2014) |
Board of physical therapy |
Chapter 246-915 WAC, endorsement requirements to perform spinal manipulation; adopting suicide assessment continuing education requirements. |
14-13-104 6/17/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Kris Waidely (360) 236-4847 |
RCW 18.74.023 and SSB 5679 (chapter 30, Laws of 2013, 2nd sp. sess.) |
Board of physical therapy |
Chapter 246-915 WAC, Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; opening the chapter to consider general updates, revisions, and housekeeping amendments. |
15-02-054 1/5/15 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Kris Waidely (360) 236-4847 |
RCW 18.74.023 18.74.038 |
Board of physical therapy |
WAC 246-915-995, proposing to repeal waiver of exam for physical therapist assistants because the rule is obsolete. |
14-22-081 11/3/14 |
Anticipate filling this period |
Kris Waidely (360) 236-4847 |
RCW 18.25.0171 |
Chiropractic quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-808-545, allowing a time of service discount for patients paying at the time of their appointment. |
14-22-046 10/30/14 |
Leann Yount (360) 236-4856 |
RCW 18.25.0171 18.130.050 (1) and (12) |
Chiropractic quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-808-550 Future care contracts prohibited, considering revising the current rule to clarify the requirements for future care contracts. |
10-06-017 2/22/10 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Leann Yount (360) 236-4856 |
RCW 18.25.0171 ESHB 2315 (chapter 71, Laws of 2014) |
Chiropractic quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-808-150, reviewing current continuing education (CE) requirements for chiropractors; adding CE for suicide assessment. |
09-09-031 4/7/09 |
14-22-106 11/5/14 Hearing held on 12/11/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Leann Yount (360) 236-4856 |
RCW 18.25.0171 |
Chiropractic quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-808-XXX, updating chapter rules for clarity. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Leann Yount (360) 236-4856 |
RCW 18.25.0171 |
Chiropractic quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-808-XXX, establishing an early remediation program, criteria and procedures. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Leann Yount (360) 236-4856 |
RCW 18.32.040 18.130.064 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-310 and 246-817–XXX, maintenance and retention of dental records and dental treatment records. |
09-13-097 6/17/09 |
14-04-022 1/27/14 Anticipate filing supplemental CR-102 this period |
Anticipate filing fall 2015 |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.32.0365 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-360, modifying the term "dental-related condition" consistent with the definition of "practice of dentistry." |
14-11-057 5/16/14 |
Anticipate filing a withdrawal this period |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.32.0365 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-510, 246-817-520, 246-817-525, 246-817-540, 246-817-545, expanded function dental auxiliaries (EFDA); acts that may not be performed by registered dental assistants or noncredentialed persons. |
10-23-081 11/15/10 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.32.0365 18.32.640 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-827-701 [246-817-701] through 246-817-760 and 246-817-771 through 246-817-790, administration of anesthetic agents for dental procedures. |
14-04-019 1/27/14 |
14-18-031 8/27/14 Anticipate filing supplemental CR-102 this period |
Anticipate filing fall 2015 |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.32.0365 18.340.020 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-XXX, creating a temporary practice permit for military spouses or registered domestic partners with an out-of-state credential who move into Washington with their military member spouse. |
14-15-079 7/16/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.32.0365 18.130.250 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-XXX, creating a new retired active credential for dental professionals. |
14-14-100 7/1/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.130.062 [18.32.0365] 18.130.062 18.130.050 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-460 Sexual misconduct, clarifying what forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct by a dental provider. |
14-24-021 11/21/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jennifer Santiago (360) 236-4893 |
RCW 18.32.020 18.32.685 |
Dental quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-817-360 Prescribing, dispensing or distributing drugs, proposing to repeal this section of rule as it is duplicative. |
(Exception) Anticipate filing this period |
Dental quality assurance commission |
18.130 18.155 |
Chapter 246-10 WAC, Administrative procedures—Adjudicative proceedings; a chapter review which may include: Clarification, streamlining, modernization, and implementation of ESHB 1381 (chapter 109, Laws of 2013). |
14-09-019 4/7/14 |
Tami Thompson (360) 236-4044 |
Chapters 43.70 18.130 18.155 |
Chapter 246-11 WAC, Model procedural rules for adjudicative proceedings conducted under the authority of a board or commission having disciplinary authority under the Uniform Disciplinary Act; a chapter review, which may include clarification, streamlining, and modernization of the rules. |
14-09-020 4/7/14 |
Tami Thompson (360)236-4044 |
SSB 5148 (chapter 260, Laws of 2013) |
New chapter in Title 246 WAC, donated prescription drugs and supplies; considering rules on patient eligibility to received [receive] donated medications. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Deborah Johnson (360) 236-4988 |
HB 1609 (chapter 19, Laws of 2013) |
Chapters 246-205, 246-235, 246-320, 246-324, 246-330, 246-335, 246-337 and 246-905 WAC, changing references from board of pharmacy to the pharmacy quality assurance commission. |
14-23-010 11/6/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Deborah Johnson (360) 236-4988 |
ESSB 6265 (chapter 220, Laws of 2014), RCW 43.70.052 |
Chapter 246-455 WAC, Hospital patient discharge information; amending and creating new rules to strengthen protections of patient health care information. |
14-16-094 8/5/14 |
Anticipate filing March 2015 |
Kris Reichl (360) 236-4311 |
RCW 70.58.082 43.70.150 |
Chapter 246-490 WAC, considering adding new sections to the chapter for delayed registration of births and amending WAC 246-490-070 Fraudulently registered or changed birth certificates. |
14-24-020 11/21/14 |
Anticipate filing March 2015 |
Kris Reichl (360) 236-4311 |
SSB 5148 (chapter 260, Laws of 2013) |
New chapter in Title 246 WAC, donated prescription drugs and supplies. Rules on patient eligibility to receive donated medications. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Deborah Johnson (360) 236-4988 |
Chapter 246-337 WAC, Residential treatment facilities; revise to align with current law and practices. |
12-22-029 10/31/12 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Lori Barney (360) 236-2937 |
Chapter |
Chapter 246-562 WAC, Physician J-1 visa waivers; revising rules to make consistent with current law. |
13-08-019 3/26/13 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Renee Fullerton (360) 236-2814 |
RCW 18.06.160 |
Chapter 246-803 WAC, East Asian practitioner; define and clarify the practice of point injection therapy. |
13-01-093 12/19/12 |
Vicki Brown (360) 236-4865 |
RCW 18.225.040 43.70.442 HB 1213 (chapter 73, Laws of 2013) |
Chapter 246-809 WAC, Mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers; implementing HB 1213 regarding continuing education, other licensing standards; clarifying, repealing obsolete language. |
14-16-097 8/5/14 |
Mariama Gondo (360) 236-2912 |
RCW 70.98.080 |
Title 246 WAC, computed tomography diagnostic X-ray systems. |
13-09-041 4/11/13 |
Michelle Austin (360) 236-3250 |
RCW 70.98.050 |
Chapters 246-220, 246-221, 246-232, 246-233, 246-235, 246-244, 246-246, 246-252 WAC, decommissioning planning and licensing materials; radiation protection. |
15-01-133 12/19/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Michelle Austin (360) 236-3250 |
RCW 18.130.062 Governor's Executive Order 06-03 |
WAC 246-16-100 Sexual misconduct, clarifying what forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
14-16-096 8/5/14 |
Maura Craig (360) 236-4997 |
RCW 43.70.040 70.38.135 |
WAC 246-310-XXX Hospital acute care bed methodology. |
09-16-118 8/4/09 |
Jan Sigman (360) 236-2956 |
RCW 43.70.040 70.38.135 |
WAC 246-310-280 through 246-310-289, revising certificate of need rules for kidney dialysis. |
13-15-005 7/5/13 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jan Sigman (360) 236-2956 |
RCW 43.70.040 70.38.135 |
WAC 246-310-700 through 246-310-755, revising certificate need rules for adult elective percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jan Sigman (360) 236-2956 |
RCW 43.70.040 70.38.135 |
WAC 246-310-290, revising certificate of need rules for hospice services. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jan Sigman (360) 236-2956 |
RCW 43.70.040 70.38.135 |
WAC 246-310-XXX, developing certificate of need rules for home health facilities. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Jan Sigman (360) 236-2956 |
42 C.F.R. 482 |
Chapter 246-320 WAC, amending hospital construction standards to align with federal and national standards. |
14-15-045 7/10/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
John Williams (360) 236-2944 |
WAC 246-335-015 Definition of authorizing practitioner for in-home services. |
Anticipate filing this period |
John Hilger (360) 236-2929 |
RCW 43.70.340 |
Chapters 246-358, 246-359, 246-361 WAC, temporary worker housing and cherry harvest camps operation regulations and processes, and inspection processes. |
13-22-014 10/28/13 |
14-24-107 12/2/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Debra Fisher (360) 236-2952 |
RCW 18.205.100 18.205.060 |
Chapter 246-811 WAC, Chemical dependency professionals and chemical dependency professional trainees, developing standards for alternative training to obtain certification. |
13-20-078 9/30/13 |
Betty Moe (360) 236-4912 |
ESSB [2SSB] 6312 (chapter 225, Laws of 2014) |
Chapter 246-811 WAC, revising settings where a chemical dependency professional may practice. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Betty Moe (360) 236-4912 |
RCW 18.130.250 43.70.250 |
WAC 246-812-990, 246-817-990, 246-851-990, 246-853-990, adopting fees for retired active credentials for dentists, denturists, optometrists and osteopathic physicians. |
14-22-049 10/30/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Sherry Thomas (360) 236-4612 |
RCW 18.29.130 |
WAC 246-815-140 Continuing education for dental hygienists. |
13-21-056 10/15/13 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Vicki Brown (360) 236-4865 |
RCW 18.34.120 18.130.040 |
WAC 246-824-075, revising continuing education requirements for dispensing opticians. |
14-06-103 3/5/14 |
14-21-154 10/21/14 Hearing was held on 12/16/14 |
Anticipate filing this session |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.108.025 18.108.085 |
DOH/board of massage |
Chapter 246-830 WAC, Massage practitioners; chapter review to clarify, streamline and modernize the rules. |
14-15-103 7/18/14 |
Megan Brown (360) 236-4945 |
RCW 18.50.040(3) 18.50.135 |
WAC 246-834-060 Application requirements for licensure as a midwife, 246-834-220 Credit toward educational requirements for licensure as a midwife, 246-834-230 Preceptor for midwife-in-training program. |
13-15-141 7/23/13 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Kathy Weed (360) 236-4883 |
RCW 18.50.102 2SHB 1773 (chapter 187, Laws of 2014) |
Chapter 246-834 WAC, Midwives; updating rules to include elements of newborn care up to two weeks of age as authorized by 2SHB 1773 (2014). |
15-02-031 12/30/14 |
Kathy Weed (360) 236-4883 |
RCW 18.50.102 2SHB 1773 (chapter 187, Laws of 2014) |
WAC 246-834-XXX, considering rules regarding the credential renewal requirements for licensed midwives. |
14-15-108 7/21/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Kathy Weed (360) 236-4883 |
RCW 18.55.095 |
Chapter 246-849 WAC, Ocularists; chapter review and alternative apprenticeship pathways to licensure. |
13-24-104 12/3/13 |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.250.020 18.250.060 |
WAC 246-916-020 Athletic trainers, reviewing barriers to licensure for graduates of nonaccredited education programs. |
14-04-047 1/17/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Janette Benham (360) 236-4857 |
RCW 18.250.020 SHB 2430 (chapter 194, Laws of 2014) |
Chapter 246-916 WAC, Athletic trainers; adding a new section for continuing education requirements. |
14-14-065 1/26/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Janette Benham (360) 236-4857 |
RCW 18.84.040 |
WAC 246-926-180, amending the parenteral procedures for radiologic technologists. |
10-15-101 7/20/10 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.84.040 18.84.095 |
Chapter 246-926 WAC, Radiologic technology; military equivalency of training or experience in meeting credentialing standards. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.84.040 18.84.020 |
WAC 246-926-300, consider scope of practice for radiological assistants. |
13-21-034 10/9/13 |
Sue Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.89.050 18.89.140 |
WAC 246-928-442 Respiratory therapist acceptable continuing education. |
10-17-098 8/17/10 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
18.89.050 |
WAC 246-928-XXX, creating a new section to clarify the scope of practice regarding the administration of medications by respiratory therapists. |
10-17-099 8/17/10 |
Susan Gragg (360) 236-4941 |
RCW 18.73.081 18.73.140 70.168.050 |
WAC 246-976-320 Air ambulance services, considering amendments to align with federal law. |
14-21-111 10/16/14 |
Catie Holstein (360) 236-2830 |
RCW 18.83.050 18.83.170 |
Examining board of psychology |
Chapter 246-924 WAC, Allowable course work taken outside a doctoral degree program; licensure by endorsement; considering converting existing interpretive statement and memoranda into rule. |
14-07-113 3/19/14 |
Betty Moe (360) 236-4912 |
RCW 18.83.050 18.130.062 Executive Order 06-03 |
Examining board of psychology |
WAC 246-924-358 Sexual misconduct, clarifying what forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
14-23-028 11/12/14 |
Betty Moe (360) 236-4912 |
SHB 1737 (chapter 203, Laws of 2013) |
Medical quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-918 WAC, proposing the revision of physician assistant (PA) rules pursuant to SHB 1737 (chapter 203, Laws of 2013) to update PA rules to incorporate current national standards and best practices. |
13-20-098 10/1/13 |
14-21-109 10/16/14 Hearing held on 12/5/14 |
Anticipate filing February 2015 |
Daidria Pittman (360) 236-2727 |
ESHB 2315 (chapter 17 [71], Laws of 2014) |
Medical quality assurance commission |
Chapters 246-919 and 246-918 WAC continuing education in suicide assessment, treatment and management for physicians and physician assistants. |
14-21-030 10/6/14 |
Daidria Pittman (360) 236-2727 |
RCW 18.71.017 18.130.050 18.71.430 |
Medical quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-919-430 (physicians) and 246-918-XXX (physician assistants), requiring additional practice information at renewal. Previously suspended under Executive Order 10-06. |
09-14-114 6/30/09 |
10-21-098 6/30/09 (expired) Rule will be reviewed by the commission to determine next steps |
Daidria Pittman (360) 236-2727 |
RCW 18.71.017 18.130.180 Governor's Executive Order 06-03 |
Medical quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-919-630 Sexual misconduct, clarifying what forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
14-22-047 10/30/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Daidria Pittman (360) 236-2727 |
RCW 18.71.017 18.71.002 |
Medical quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-919-XXX, continuing competency/maintenance of licensure (MOL). |
Anticipate filing this period |
Daidria Pittman (360) 236-2727 |
RCW 18.79.110 18.79.150 18.79.240 |
Nursing care quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-840-045, 246-840-090, 246-840-130, 246-840-455, and 246-840-500 through 246-840-575, practical and registered nurses; nursing education, clinical site approvals, international education refresher courses and nursing program approvals. |
13-21-067 10/16/13 |
Mindy Schaffner (360) 236-4745 |
RCW 18.79.010 18.79.110 SB 5092 (chapter 229, Laws of 2013) |
Nursing care quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-840-125 and 246-840-202 through 246-840-207, retired active credential and nursing continuing competency; update, clarify, modify existing standards, if needed; create exemptions for those seeking advanced degrees and incorporate new suicide prevention training requirements. |
14-21-007 10/21/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Teresa Corrado (360) 236-4708 |
RCW 18.79.010 18.79.110 ESHB 2315 (chapter 71, Laws of 2014) |
Nursing care quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-840 WAC, Continuing education on suicide assessment, treatment and management. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Teresa Corrado (360) 236-4708 |
RCW 18.79.010 18.79.110 |
Nursing care quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-840-300 through 246-840-455, amend advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP) rules to recognize clinical nurse specialists (CNS) and add licensure requirements for CNS. |
14-09-117 4/23/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Willie Hunt (360) 236-4751 |
RCW 18.59.090 18.130.050 |
Occupational therapy practice board |
WAC 246-847-030 Occupational therapists acting in a consulting capacity, 246-847-055 Initial application for individuals who have not practiced within the past four years, 246-847-068 Expired license, 246-847-070 Inactive credential, 246-847-125 Applicants currently licensed in other states or territories, 246-847-XXX Renewal for those that have not practiced in four years. |
08-15-088 7/17/08 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Kathy Weed (360) 236-4883 |
RCW 18.65.005 |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-872 WAC, Automated drug distribution devices; WAC 246-869-120 Mechanical devices in hospitals and creating a new chapter in Title 246 WAC for pharmacy technology. |
14-23-046 11/13/14 |
Anticipate filing 2016 |
Peggy Crain (360) 236-4861 |
RCW 18.64.005 18.64A.030 18.74.410 |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
Chapters 246-878, 246-871, 246-903, 246-873 WAC; compounding practices. |
13-11-096 5/20/13 |
Anticipate filing fall 2015 |
Peggy Crain (360) 236-4861 |
SSB 5416 and HB 1609 (chapters 276 and 19, Laws of 2013) |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-870 WAC and WAC 246-887-020 and 246-887-030, electronic transmission of prescription information, Uniform Controlled Substances Act. |
(Exception) 14-24-076 11/26/14 Hearing set for 1/29/15 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Peggy Crain (360) 236-4861 |
RCW 18.64.005 |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-873-060 Emergency outpatient medications. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Doreen Beebe (360) 236-4861 |
Chapters 18.64 |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-869 WAC; WAC 246-858-040, 246-863-060, 246-901-100, 246-901-120 and 246-901-130, standards for pharmacy business practices. |
14-22-048 10/28/14 |
Doreen Beebe (360) 236-4861 |
HB 1609 (chapter 19, Laws 2013) RCW 18.64.005 69.50.320 69.41.080 |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-886 WAC, Animal control—Legend drugs and controlled substances; WAC 246-887-220 through 246-887-290, Uniform Controlled Substances Act - Chemical capture programs; change board name and move rules from existing section to new sections. |
14-23-040 11/12/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Doreen Beebe (360) 236-4861 |
Chapter |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
Chapter 246-887 WAC, update implementation of Uniform Controlled Substance[s] Act to include substances rescheduled/scheduled in federal regulations. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Doreen Beebe (360) 236-4861 |
RCW 18.64.005 18.130.062 Executive Order 06-03 |
Pharmacy quality assurance commission |
WAC 246-860-100, revisions to clarify that forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
Anticipate filing this period |
Doreen Beebe (360) 236-4861 |
RCW 18.130.050 18.22.015 |
Podiatric medical board |
Chapter 246-922 WAC, Podiatric physicians and surgeons, amending or repealing sections of rule related to: Tasks performed by unlicensed personnel; exam requirements; and approved schools of podiatric medicine. |
14-03-041 1/8/14 |
Anticipate filing winter 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
RCW 18.22.005 18.22.015 18.22.120 |
Podiatric medical board |
WAC 246-922-300 and 246-922-310, considering amending continuing education requirements for podiatric physicians and surgeons. |
14-08-075 3/31/14 |
Anticipate filing spring 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
RCW 18.130.050 18.22.015 |
Podiatric medical board |
Chapter 246-922 WAC, Sexual misconduct, clarifying what forcible or nonconsensual acts are within the definition of sexual misconduct. |
Anticipate filing spring 2015 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
RCW 18.22.015 18.22.083 18.130.050 |
Board of podiatry |
Chapter 246-922 WAC, considering amending or repealing sections related to tasks performed by unlicensed personnel, exam requirements, and approved schools of podiatric medicine. |
14-03-041 1/8/15 |
Brett Cain (360) 236-4766 |
RCW 18.92.020 |
Veterinary board of governors |
WAC 246-933-460 Organizations, institutions or individuals approved by the veterinary board to provide continuing education courses. |
14-23-039 11/12/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.92.020 |
Veterinary board of governors |
WAC 246-933-XXX, considering criteria for review of veterinary continuing education related to complimentary or alternative veterinary medicine. |
14-21-010 10/2/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.92.020 |
Veterinary board of governors |
WAC 246-933-200, considering rule making to define veterinary-client-patient relationship. |
14-05-025 2/10/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.92.020 |
Veterinary board of governors |
WAC 246-935-050 Animal health care tasks, reviewing level of supervision required for administration of rabies vaccine by veterinary technicians or unregistered assistants. |
14-03-039 1/8/14 |
Anticipate filing this period |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |
RCW 18.92.020 |
Veterinary board of governors |
WAC 246-933-XXX, considering requirements for veterinarians to provide a written prescription when requested. |
14-20-049 9/24/14 |
Judy Haenke (360) 236-4947 |