WSR 18-03-152 WITHDRAWAL OFPREPROPOSAL STATEMENT OF INQUIRY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Board of Naturopathy) [Filed January 23, 2018, 7:16 a.m.] The department of health, board of naturopathy (board) is requesting to withdraw the CR-101 for WAC 246-836-XXX, the board of naturopathy's consideration of creating rules establishing professional practice standards when authorizing medical marijuana, which was filed June 28, 2017, and published in WSR 17-14-056.
The board was part of a workgroup that developed uniform guidelines to address some of the developing concepts in medical marijuana industry regulation. The board then opened rule making to adopt into rule by reference these shared professional practice standard guidelines.
After discussing possible rule language, the board determined enforceable rule making was not the best approach for this topic. Consequently the board would like to withdraw this CR-101.
Individuals requiring information on this rule should contact Susan Gragg, board of naturopathy program manager, at 360-236-4941. Tami Thompson Regulatory Affairs Manager |