WSR 19-17-021
[Filed August 13, 2019, 6:37 a.m.]
Subject: Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) 19-0027 Resource Exclusion for Health Care for Workers with Disabilities (HWD).
Effective Date: January 1, 2020.
Description: The health care authority (HCA) intends to submit SPA 19-0027 to implement section 1(3) of SHB 1199 concerning health care for working individuals with disabilities. Section 1(3) of SHB 1199 directs HCA to seek federal approval to exclude resources accumulated in a separate account designated by HWD enrollees, which they may establish and contribute to from their earnings after enrolling in the program.
HCA will work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to receive approval under Section 1902 (r)(2) of the Social Security Act to add this methodology to the medicaid state plan. The new methodology is less restrictive than the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) methodology. SSI methodology is used to determine eligibility for medicaid programs that are not based on the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) rules. This less restrictive rule excludes the value of exiting HWD clients' designated accounts when determining client eligibility for other non-MAGI coverage groups. Typically, non-MAGI requirements include a program limit for countable resources. The HWD program does not include a test for resources. The new rule, effective January 1, 2020, if approved, will encourage enrollees to earn and save more since they will not have to spend down the value of this resource for subsequent medicaid coverage.
SPA 19-0027 is expected to have no effect on annual aggregate payments/expenditures.
SPA 19-0027 is in the development process; therefore a copy is not yet available for review. HCA would appreciate any input or concerns regarding this SPA. To request a copy when it becomes available or submit comments, please contact the person named below (please note that all comments are subject to public review and disclosure, as are the names of those who comment).
Contact Stephen Kozak, Medicaid Eligibility Policy Manager, Medicaid Eligibility, 626 8th Avenue S.E., Olympia, WA 98504, phone 360-725-1343, TRS 711, email