WSR 20-08-089
[Filed March 27, 2020, 1:47 p.m., effective March 27, 2020, 1:47 p.m.]
Effective Date of Rule: Immediately upon filing.
Purpose: 2019's Clean Energy Transformation Act amends RCW
82.08.962 and
82.12.962 related to sales and use tax remittances for machinery and equipment used in generating electricity (sections 18 and 19, chapter 288, Laws of 2019, E2SSB 5116). Under the amendments, the sales and use tax remittances are available for certain clean energy projects when certified by the department of labor and industries (department) that the developer of the project complied with specific labor standard requirements and the machinery and equipment is installed on or after January 1, 2020, and completed by December 31, 2029. The department is required to adopt emergency rules to define and set minimum requirements for all labor standards associated with the certification for tax remittance; set requirements for all good faith efforts; and set other requirements to documentation and the certification process.
The emergency rules address:
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• | Standards for certification for: |
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º | Procurement from and contracts with women-owned, minority-owned, and veteran-owned businesses; |
º | Procurement from and contracts with entities that have a history of complying with federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations; |
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º | Apprenticeship utilization; |
º | Preferred entry for workers living in the area where the project is being constructed; |
º | Payment of prevailing wages; and |
º | Project labor agreements and community workforce agreements. |
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• | Requirements and processes related to application, records and documentation, and certification. |
An initial emergency rule (WSR 19-24-061) and CR-101 Preproposal statement of inquiry (WSR 19-24-062) were filed on November 27, 2019. This rule making renews the emergency rules while the permanent rule-making process continues. This emergency rule is adopted under new chapter 296-140 WAC, Clean energy labor standards certification. As directed by E2SSB 5116, the department is continuing work on permanent rule making for these requirements.
Citation of Rules Affected by this Order: New WAC 296-140-001, 296-140-002, 296-140-003, and 296-140-004.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Sections 18 and 19, chapter 288, Laws of 2019, RCW
82.08.962 and
82.12.962 (E2SSB 5116), Laws of 2018.
Under RCW
34.05.350 the agency for good cause finds that immediate adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule is necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety, or general welfare, and that observing the time requirements of notice and opportunity to comment upon adoption of a permanent rule would be contrary to the public interest.
Reasons for this Finding: An initial emergency rule (WSR 19-24-061) and CR-101 Preproposal statement of inquiry (WSR 19-24-062) were filed on November 27, 2019. This rule making renews the emergency rules while the permanent rule-making process continues.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 4, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at the Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: March 27, 2020.
Joel Sacks
Chapter 296-140 WAC
WAC 296-140-001Definitions.
(1) "Category 1 clean energy project" means a project to:
(a) Construct a facility capable of generating not less than 1000 watts AC of electricity using any of the following principal sources of power: Fuel cells; wind; biomass energy; geothermal resource; tidal or wave energy; or technology that converts otherwise lost energy from exhaust; or
(b) Construct solar energy systems capable of generating not less than 500 kilowatts AC of electricity.
(2) "Category 2 clean energy project" means a project to construct solar energy systems capable of generating more than 100 kilowatts AC, but no more than 500 kilowatts AC of electricity.
(3) "Community workforce agreement (CWA)" means a prehire collective bargaining agreement with one or more labor organizations that establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project and is an agreement described in 29 U.S.C. Sec. 158(f).
(4) "Department" means the department of labor and industries.
(5) "Good faith efforts" means the efforts by the project developer or its designated principle contractor that maximize the likelihood that the project will be built in compliance with the standards for certification. The totality of the circumstances and factors will be reviewed to determine good faith. Good faith efforts are not necessary when the standard requirements have been met.
(6) "Labor hours" means the total hours of laborers, workers, or mechanics receiving an hourly wage who are directly employed by the contractor and all subcontractors working upon the project. Labor hours does not include hours worked by foremen, superintendents, or owners except where the hours worked are counted in satisfying the required apprentice to journey supervision ratio as required by apprenticeship standards.
(7) "Local resident" means Washington laborers, workers, or mechanics receiving an hourly wage who live within fifty miles of the project being constructed unless the project is being constructed in a rural county, then it is defined as Washington workers who live within two hundred miles of the project.
(8) "Minority-owned business" means a business certified with the office of minority and women's business enterprises (OMWBE) as a minority business enterprise (MBE) or a minority women business enterprise (MWBE) under chapter 326-20 WAC.
(9) "Project labor agreement (PLA)" means a prehire collective bargaining agreement with one or more labor organizations that establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project and is an agreement described in 29 U.S.C. Sec. 158(f).
(10) "Registered apprentice" means an apprentice registered in an apprenticeship program approved by the Washington state apprenticeship and training council according to chapter
49.04 RCW.
(11) "Rural county" has the same definition as RCW
(12) "Women-owned business" means a business certified with the office of minority and women's business enterprises (OMWBE) as a women business enterprise (WBE) or a minority women business enterprise (MWBE) under chapter 326-20 WAC.
(13) "Veteran-owned business" means a business certified by the Washington state department of veteran affairs under RCW
43.60A.190 or a business considered a veteran-owned business under 38 C.F.R. Part 74.
WAC 296-140-002Labor standard certification for Category 1 clean energy projects under RCW 82.08.962 and 82.12.962. (1) To qualify for the department certification for the fifty percent tax remittance for a Category 1 clean energy project, the project must meet the following minimum requirements:
(a) Standard for procurement from and contracts with women, minority, or veteran-owned businesses.
(i) Have twenty-one percent of the contracts awarded to women-owned businesses, minority-owned businesses, or veteran-owned businesses; or
(ii) Good faith efforts which include, but are not limited to:
(A) Proactive outreach to firms that are women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses; advertising in local community publications and publications appropriate to identified firms;
(B) Participating in community job fairs, conferences, and trade shows;
(C) Identification of interested women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses that have the capability to perform the work of the contract;
(D) Providing reasonable time for women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses to fully and meaningfully respond to bid solicitations, that includes providing adequate information about the plans, specifications, and requirements of the contract along with timely responses to subcontractor inquiries and proposals;
(E) Apportioning contract work items into economically feasible units to facilitate women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses' participation and where possible, establishing flexible time frames for performance to encourage participation;
(F) Adequately researching interested subcontractors and their capabilities before rejecting their proposals; and
(G) Not relying on price alone in the selection of subcontractors and considering reasonable quotes from women, minority, and veteran-owned businesses, even if other quotes are less expensive.
(b) Standard for procurement from and contracts with entities that have a history of complying with federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations.
(i) Awards contracts to businesses that have no findings of violation of federal or state wage and hour laws and regulations in a final and binding order by an administrative agency or court of competent jurisdiction in the twenty-four month period prior to the bid date; or
(ii) Good faith efforts which include, but are not limited to:
(A) Efforts to hire contractors with a history of compliance with wage and hour laws.
(B) Adequately researching interested subcontractors and their wage and hour history before rejecting their proposals.
(C) If the only qualified contractor is one that does not meet the standard, requiring remedial measures that allow for ongoing review of compliance with wage and hour laws.
(c) Standard for apprenticeship utilization.
(i) Have a minimum of fifteen percent of the project's labor hours performed by registered apprentices; or
(ii) Good faith efforts which include, but are not limited to:
(A) The project developer or its designated principle contractor or subcontractors participate in state-approved apprenticeship programs but no apprentices were available or not enough apprentices were available during the project. It is expected that contractors participate in apprenticeship programs for occupations where they have employees being trained;
(B) If apprentices are not available for dispatch at the beginning of the project, it is expected that the contractor check back with the program periodically to see if apprentices are available;
(C) The following situations do not meet the requirements for good faith efforts:
(I) Falling short of the requirement due to subcontractors not using apprentices;
(II) Not using a state-approved apprenticeship program while you are trying to get your own program approved by the Washington state apprenticeship and training council;
(III) Not using a state-approved apprenticeship program due to cost;
(IV) Not using a state-approved apprenticeship program because you are an out-of-state contractor;
(V) Not replacing an apprentice that quit or was fired; or not using enough apprentices because certain work is too dangerous or the apprentices do not have the appropriate skills.
(d) Standard for preferred entry for workers living in the area where the project is being constructed:
(i) Have a minimum of thirty-five percent of total labor work hours performed by local residents except for projects located in rural counties, which may have a minimum of twenty percent of total labor hours by local residents; or
(ii) Good faith efforts which include, but are not limited to:
(A) Listing the job with the local Washington WorkSource office in advance of the start of the project or contract;
(B) Requesting the dispatch of local workers through union halls;
(C) Informing community partners/organizations of opportunities in advance of the start of the project or contract;
(D) Developing an employment hiring plan prior to the start of the project detailing how the local hiring requirements will be met; and
(E) Designating a jobs coordinator to be responsible for the local hire requirements with the experience and qualifications necessary to identify and recruit local workers, and provide referrals as appropriate to comply with local hire requirements.
(2) To qualify for the department certification for the seventy-five percent tax remittance for a Category 1 clean energy project, the project must meet the following minimum requirements:
(a) Meet the standards for certification for the fifty percent tax remittance under WAC 296-140-002(1); and
(b) Pay all workers performing labor hours on the project wages not less than prevailing wages as determined by the department under chapter
39.12 RCW.
(3) To qualify for the department certification for the one hundred percent remittance for a Category 1 clean energy project, the project must have: A signed PLA or CWA for the project prior to construction starting on the project. Separately meeting the standards for certification for the fifty percent and seventy-five percent tax remittance under subsections (1) and (2) of this section are not required.
(4) The inability to meet any of the standards based on conflicts with state or federal law may constitute good faith.
WAC 296-140-003Labor standard certification for Category 2 clean energy projects under RCW 82.08.962 and 82.12.962. To qualify for the department certification for the fifty percent tax remittance for a Category 2 clean energy project, the project must meet the standards for procurement from and contracts with women, minority, or veteran-owned businesses, procurement from and contracts with entities that have a history of complying with federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations, apprenticeship utilization, and preferred entry for workers living in the area where the project is being constructed under WAC 296-140-002 (1) and (4).
WAC 296-140-004Application, records and documentation, and certification.
(1) Businesses applying for the department certification must complete an application in a form required by the department prior to the start of the project.
(2) Businesses must maintain records and documentation open to review to verify compliance with the labor standards or the good faith efforts. Records and documentation include, but are not limited to:
(a) Standard for procurement from and contracts with women, minority, or veteran-owned businesses:
(i) A list of all businesses that have had contracts on the project, including information about their certifications for the women-owned businesses, minority-owned businesses, or veteran-owned businesses that have been contracted with on the project, including:
(A) A description of the work of the contract;
(B) The dollar amount of the contract;
(ii) Written confirmation from each women-owned business, minority-owned business, or veteran-owned business that it is participating in the contract;
(iii) Documentation and evidence to support good faith efforts as necessary; and
(iv) Other records and documentation requested by the department.
(b) Standard for procurement from and contracts with entities that have a history of complying with federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations.
(i) A list of all the businesses contracted with, including the unified business identifier number, the federal employer identification number, other identifying information requested by the department, and information obtained concerning their federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations compliance history;
(ii) A copy of documents related to the contract invitation or bid such as the contract solicitation, bid request, or request for proposal; a copy of the responding bids, proposals, or offer; and a copy of any final contracts and amendments;
(iii) A description of the process used to determine prospective contractors' compliance with federal and state wage and hour laws and regulations;
(iv) Documentation and evidence to support good faith efforts as necessary; and
(v) Other records and documentation requested by the department.
(c) Standard for apprenticeship utilization.
(i) The name, occupational title, and registration number for each registered apprentice;
(ii) The number of apprentices and labor hours worked, categorized by occupational title and employer;
(iii) The number of journey level workers and labor hours worked, categorized by occupational title and employer;
(iv) Copies of weekly or monthly reporting forms and payroll records used to capture the required information;
(v) A statement affirming the hours reported meeting the definition of "labor hours" as defined by WAC 296-140-001;
(vi) Documentation and evidence to support good faith efforts as necessary; and
(vii) Other records and documentation requested by the department.
(d) Standard for preferred entry by local workers.
(i) The total number of workers performing labor hours on the project;
(ii) The total number of workers performing labor hours hired who meet the definition of a local worker under WAC 296-140-001 for the job category selected;
(iii) Employment records that contain the address of individuals hired to work on the project;
(iv) Documentation and evidence to support good faith efforts as necessary; and
(v) Other records and documentation requested by the department.
(e) Standard for payment of prevailing wages.
(i) Documentation showing all workers performing labor hours on the project were paid not less than chapter
39.12 RCW prevailing rates of wage; and
(ii) Payroll records. For projects that are also public works, labor and industries public work reporting online system for the project will eliminate the need to maintain documents and is acceptable as the system of record.
(f) Records and documents for a standard for a PLA or CWA. A signed copy of the PLA or CWA for the project.
(3) The department may require periodic reporting of compliance in a form and method prescribed by the department. Where a project seeking certification under this rule is also a public works project, public works reporting requirements may satisfy reporting requirements.
(4) For Category 1 clean energy projects seeking certification for the fifty and seventy-five percent tax remittance and Category 2 clean energy projects seeking certification for the fifty percent tax remittance, businesses must submit notice of project completion in a form required by the department. After receiving the notice of competition, the department will determine if the certification standards are met based on a review of the documentation as requested by the department. If the standards were met, the department will issue the certification to the applicant.
(5) For Category 1 clean energy projects seeking certification for the one hundred percent tax remittance, the department will issue certification upon the receipt of the required application for certification and a signed copy of the PLA or CWA for the project.