WSR 20-17-128
[Filed August 18, 2020, 1:36 p.m.]
Notice of Interpretive or Policy Statement
Under RCW
34.05.230, enclosed are statements related to one repealed and four amended policy statements, issued by the department of labor and industries. Four are from the insurance services division, and one is from the fraud prevention and labor standards division.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Tracy West, rules coordinator, at 360-902-6954.
Title: Policy 4.05 - Determining the Worker's Employment Pattern for the Purpose of Calculating the Monthly Wage.
Date Amended: April 1, 2020.
Description: The policy was updated from an interim to a permanent policy, additional examples were added for clarification, and updates were made to reflect current practice.
Contact: Suzy Campbell, 7273 Linderson Way, Tumwater, WA 98501, Mailstop 4270, 360-902-5003,
Title: Policy 14.40 - Tinnitus with Compensable Hearing Impairment.
Date Repealed: July 15, 2020.
Description: The policy was repealed as all relevant policy information was moved to policy 14.45 to combine related hearing loss information.
Contact: Jordan Ely, 7273 Linderson Way, Tumwater, WA 98501, Mailstop 4270, 360-902-4616,
Title: Policy 14.45 - Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Awards for Hearing Loss Claims.
Date Amended: July 15, 2020.
Description: The policy was updated to align with changes made from case laws, improve the clarity of information, and to correct grammar and punctuation.
Contact: Jordan Ely, 7273 Linderson Way, Tumwater, WA 98501, Mailstop 4270, 360-902-4616,
Title: Policy 19.11 - Liens Against Third Party Recoveries with Loss of Consortium or Pain and Suffering.
Date Amended: August 15, 2020.
Description: The policy was updated to reflect new case law, add a new clarifying definition, and updates were made to reflect current practice.
Contact: Heather Lattin, 7273 Linderson Way, Tumwater, WA 98501, Mailstop 4270, 360-902-6522,
Title: Policy 74.02 - Adjusting Claim Cost Penalties.
Date Amended: January 15, 2020.
Description: The policy was updated to correct grammar, punctuation, and improve the clarity of writing. Irrelevant sections were removed, and statutory and policy references were added.
Contact: Suzy Campbell, 7273 Linderson Way, Tumwater, WA 98501, Mailstop 4270, 360-902-5003,