Z1 Building owner notifications by the AHJ and building owner response.
Z1.1 Notification to building owners of covered commercial buildings by the AHJ. Based on records obtained from each county assessor and other available information sources, the AHJ must create a database of covered commercial buildings and building owners required to comply with the standard established in accordance with this section. The database may include buildings and building complexes presumed to meet the definition of covered commercial building and multifamily buildings greater than 50,000 square feet in floor area.
Z1.1.1 The database will contain information about buildings that may be subject to compliance, their owners, and information about multifamily residential buildings eligible for incentives. The database will also contain information to assist tracking and reporting on building owner compliance, and incentive application and distribution. Commerce will create a method for tracking building owner notification responses. Each building or building complex will be assigned a unique building identifier.
Z1.2 By July 1, 2021, the AHJ must provide the owners of covered commercial buildings with notification of compliance requirements. Notifications will be mailed to the mailing addresses county assessors have on file.
Z1.3 Failure by the AHJ to provide the notification in Z1.2 does not release the building owner of the legal obligation to comply with this law.
Z1.4 By July 1, 2021, the AHJ must provide notifications to the building owners of multifamily residential building where the floor area exceeds fifty thousand gross square feet, excluding the parking garage area.
Z2 Building owner response to notifications.
Z2.1 Correction of errors.Building owners are responsible for reviewing the property and building information provided by the AHJ through notification including, but not limited to, building or building complex ownership details, gross floor area, and other information as identified by the building owner.
Z2.1.1 Correction of errors documentation form. Building owners who are notified in error may submit a correction form to the AHJ. The correction form will be used to document gross floor area (conditioned and unconditioned) and/or building type. Building owners that submit the correction form must also submit the documentation required to demonstrate an exception as required in Section Z4.1 prior to the compliance date if applicable.
Washington State Reporting Requirements for Building Owners.
Z3 General Compliance. The building owner of a covered commercial building must report compliance with the standard to the AHJ in accordance with the schedule established under Section Z3.1 and every five years thereafter. For each reporting date, the building owner must submit documentation to demonstrate that:
1. The weather normalized energy use intensity of the covered commercial building measured in a period not to exceed two years prior to the reporting deadline specified in Normative Annex Z3.1 is less than or equal to the energy use intensity target (buildings that meet their energy targets); or
2. The covered commercial building has received conditional compliance from the department based on energy efficiency actions prescribed by the standard; or
3. The covered commercial building is exempt from the standard by demonstrating that the building meets one of the criteria for an exemption.
Z3.1 Compliance schedule. The building owner of a covered commercial building must report the building owner's compliance with the standard to the department in accordance with the appropriate initial compliance date as follows and every five years thereafter.
1. For a building with more than two hundred twenty thousand gross square feet, June 1, 2026;
2. For a building with more than ninety thousand gross square feet but less than two hundred twenty thousand and one gross square feet, June 1, 2027; and
3. For a building with more than fifty thousand gross square feet but less than ninety thousand and one square feet, June 1, 2028.
Z3.1.2 Application for conditional compliance. Applications for conditional compliance must be submitted to the AHJ one hundred eighty days prior to the compliance date to receive conditional compliance approval prior to the compliance date.
Z3.1.3 Application for exemption. Building owners submitting an application for exemption as specified in Section Z4.1 must be submitted to the AHJ one hundred eighty days prior to the compliance date to receive exemption approval prior to the compliance date.
Z4 Documentation of compliance with the standard. Documentation of compliance shall be submitted to the AHJ demonstrating the building owner has complied with the standard through submission of documentation in accordance with Section Z4.1, Z4.2, Z4.3, Z4.4 or Z4.5. Additional requirements for continued reporting may be required as specified in Z4.6.
Z4.1 Documentation of compliance through exemption.Building owners seeking approval of exemption shall submit to the AHJ the Z6.7 Form H, Application for exemption certificate documenting the following:
1. The building qualifies for one of the following exemptions:
a. Compliance with the exemption must be verified by the owner based on the building as it is to be occupied and operating on the compliance date.
b. Applications for exemptions may be submitted no sooner than 1 year prior to the compliance date and submitted to the AHJ no later than one hundred eighty days prior to the compliance date.
c. Exemptions certificates are only valid for the current compliance review cycle.
2. Covered commercial buildings are not eligible for exemption from the standards unless they meet one of the following criteria:
a. The building did not have a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy for a consecutive twelve months period within two years prior to the compliance date.
b. The building did not have physical occupancy by owner or tenant for at least fifty percent of the conditioned floor area throughout the consecutive twelve month period prior to the building compliance date.
c. The sum of the building's gross floor area minus unconditioned and semi-conditioned spaces, as defined in the Washington State Energy Code, is less than fifty thousand square feet;
d. More than 50% of the gross floor area of the building is primarily used for manufacturing or other industrial purposes, as defined under the following use designations of the Washington state edition of the International Building Code:
i. Factory group F; or
ii. High hazard group H.
e. The building is an agricultural structure;
f. The building is vacant due to renovation or pending demolition; or
g. The building meets at least one of the following conditions of financial hardship:
i. The building had arrears of property taxes or water or wastewater charges that resulted in the building's inclusion, within the prior two years, on a city's or county's annual tax lien sale list;
ii. The building has a court appointed receiver in control of the asset due to financial distress;
iii. The building is owned by a financial institution through default by a borrower;
iv. The building has been acquired by a deed in lieu of foreclosure within the previous twenty-four months;
v. The building has a senior mortgage subject to a notice of default;
vi. The building owner has an immediate and heavy financial need which cannot be satisfied from other reasonable available resources and which are caused by events that are beyond their control.
h. The building is a more recently built buildings that obtained an original occupancy permit no more than three years prior to the initial compliance date specified in Z3.1.
3. After documents have been submitted and reviewed, the AHJ will send notification of approval or denial.
a. If the exemption is approved the AHJ shall notify the applicant stating the application has been approved and update the AHJ records for the building.
b. If the exemption is denied the AHJ shall notify the applicant stating the application has been denied and update the AHJ records for the building.
4. When an application for exemption is denied the building owner must proceed with the process to demonstrate compliance with one of the compliance options in Washington state reporting requirements for building owners, Z4.2-Z4.5.
Z4.2 Buildings that meet the EUIt.Building owners must provide the following documentation to verify that the building weather normalized EUI is less than the building EUIt and that the energy management plan is complete and being implemented.
• Form A
• Form B
• Form C
Z4.3 Buildings that will meet the building investment criteria prior to the compliance date. Building owners must provide the following documentation to verify that the building has implemented all EEMs that meet the cost effectiveness criteria resulting from the energy audit and economic evaluation criteria from Normative Annex X. The energy management plan must be completed and implemented and all EEMs must be installed and commissioned prior to the compliance date.
• Form A
• Form B
• Form C, except buildings unable to meet Section 5.2, Building energy monitoring.
• Energy audit report.
– Level 2 Energy audit
– Normative Annex X – Investment Criteria Form.
Z4.4 Buildings that will meet the EUIt through conditional compliance.Building owners must provide the following documentation to verify that the building weather normalized EUI is projected to be less than the building EUIt at the end of the measurement and verification period and that the energy management plan is complete and being implemented. EEMs required to meet the EUIt must be installed and commissioned prior to the compliance date. Should the building fail to meet the EUIt after the measurement and verification requirements required in Section, Verification of compliance have been completed, the building shall implement additional EEMs to and demonstrate the building EUI is less than the EUIt.
• Form A
• Form B
• Form C
• Energy Audit Report
– Level 2 Energy Audit
– Normative Annex X - Investment Criteria Form
• Continued reporting until completion as specified in Section Z4.6.
Z4.5 Buildings that will meet the building investment criteria through conditional compliance. Building owners must provide the following documentation to verify that the building has implemented all EEMs that meet the cost effectiveness criteria resulting from the energy audit and economic evaluation criteria from Normative Annex X. The energy management plan must be completed and implemented and all EEMs must be installed and commissioned prior to the compliance date. Should the building fail to meet the EUIt after the measurement and verification requirements required in Section, Verification of compliance have been completed, the building shall implement additional EEMs to meet the projected target.
• Form A
• Form B
• Form C, except buildings unable to meet Section 5.2 Building Energy Monitoring
• Energy audit report
– Level 2 Energy audit
– Normative Annex X - Investment Criteria Form
• Continued reporting until completion as specified in Section Z4.6.
Z4.5.1 Phased implementation. The building owner may include phased implementation of EEMs such that the building owner is not required to replace a system or equipment before the end of the system or equipment's useful life. System or equipment fitting this description shall be included in the energy audit and Normative Annex X - Investment Criteria submission with a schedule for replacement. Phased implementation shall be documented in the energy management plan and capital management plan required in Section 5.
Z4.6 Continued reporting until completion. Continued reporting is required as specified in Sections Z4.6.1 and Z4.6.2 until completion when: a) measurement and verification extends one year or more beyond the compliance date, or b) implementation is extended phased implementation.
Z4.6.1 Annual reporting. The following up to date reports shall be submitted to the AHJ annually, (date specific).
• Form A
• Form B
• Form C, except buildings unable to meet Section 5.2, Building energy.
Z4.6.2 Completion Reporting. The following up to date reports shall be submitted to the AHJ when all conditions of compliance have been verified and documented:
• Form A
• Form B
• Form C, except buildings unable to meet Section 5.2, Building energy monitoring. Buildings unable to meet Section 5.2 shall include the verification specified in Section 9.2.2 in the building energy management plan.
Z5 Violations, assessment of administrative penalties, mitigation and review of penalty decisions.
Z5.1 Authorization. The AHJ is authorized to impose administrative penalties upon building owners for failing to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the requirements of this standard.
Failure to submit documentation demonstrating compliance by the scheduled reporting date will result in progressive penalties by legal notice.
Z5.2 Notice of violation and opportunity to correct (NOVC) (first notice).
Z5.2.1 The department may issue a NOVC when a building owner has failed to submit documentation that demonstrates compliance with this standard by the scheduled reporting date.
Z5.2.2 A NOVC may be issued for any of the following reasons:
1. Failure to submit a compliance report in the form and manner prescribed by the AHJ;
2. Failure to meet an energy use intensity target or failure to receive conditional compliance approval;
3. Failure to provide accurate reporting consistent with the requirements of the standard; and
4. Failure to provide a valid exemption certificate.
The AHJ will identify in the NOVC which section(s) of law, code, or the standard for which the building owner has failed to demonstrate compliance.
Z5.2.3 The NOVC will specify the time by which the building owner must cure the violation by submitting documentation that demonstrates compliance with the identified section(s) of law, code, or the standard. The AHJ will give the building owner at least seven calendar days to submit such documentation.
Z5.2.4 If sufficient documentation is not submitted by the date specified in the NOVC, the AHJ will issue a notice of violation and intent to assess administrative penalties (NOVI) and the building owner will be subject to administrative penalties.
Z5.3 Notice of violation and intent to assess administrative penalties (second notice).
Z5.3.1 If a building owner fails to respond to a NOVC by submitting documentation demonstrating compliance by the date specified in the NOVC, the AHJ will issue a notice of violation and intent to assess administrative penalties (NOVI).
Z5.3.2 The AHJ will identify in the NOVI which section(s) of law, code, or the standard for which the building owner has failed to demonstrate compliance. The NOVI will also include a description of how the penalties the AHJ intends to assess will be calculated.
Building owners must respond to a NOVI within thirty days by either:
1. Submitting an application for exemption in accordance with Section Z4.1 if applicable;
2. Submitting a noncompliance mitigation plan in accordance with Z5.7;
3. Submitting its intent to pay the penalties by using the form provided by the AHJ; or
4. Submitting a request for an administrative proceeding to challenge or mitigate the penalty.
Z5.3.3 If the building owner does not timely request a hearing or submit an application for exemption, the building owner waives its right to a hearing and the director or their designee may issue a final order assessing the penalties described in the NOVI. If the building owner has submitted a mitigation plan, the final order will only assess penalties from the scheduled compliance date until the date of an approval of compliance or conditional compliance.
Z5.3.4 Building owners who submit an application for exemption that is denied may request a hearing by submitting a request for a hearing within thirty days of issuance of the decision denying its application for exemption. If the building owner does not request a hearing within thirty days, the building owner waives its right to a hearing and the director or their designee may issue a final order assessing the penalties described in the NOVI.
Z5.4 Assessment of administrative penalties.
Z5.4.1 Failure to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the standard by the date specified in a NOVC will result in the issuance of a NOVI and the assessment of administrative penalties at an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars plus an amount based on the duration of any continuing violation. The additional amount for a continuing violation may not exceed a daily amount equal to one dollar per year per gross square foot of floor area.
Z5.4.1.1 Penalties for building owners that submit a noncompliance mitigation plan. For building owners subject to a NOVI who respond within thirty days by submitting a noncompliance mitigation plan (Z5.7), fines shall be assessed on an annual basis or when the building owner achieves compliance or conditional compliance.
a. For applicants that submit a noncompliance mitigation plan and who submit documentation demonstrating completion, daily penalties will be assessed from the scheduled compliance date to the date of approval of compliance or conditional compliance. The penalty will be assessed at an amount not to exceed 30% of five thousand dollars plus a daily amount equal to $0.20 per gross square foot of floor area per year.
b. For applicants that submit a noncompliance mitigation plan but fail to submit documentation demonstrating completion, if the building does not comply with the standard by the next compliance date, the building owner will be assessed the maximum penalty of five thousand dollars plus a daily amount equal to $1.00 per gross square foot of floor area per year not to exceed a value greater than eighteen months of accrued penalty.
The AHJ may by rule increase the penalty rates to adjust for the effects of inflation.
Z5.4.2 When assessed penalties are not paid within one hundred eighty days of the date of a final order assessing penalties, the AHJ may assess further penalties. Total penalties assessed will not exceed five thousand dollars plus a daily amount equal to $1.00 per gross square foot of floor area per year.
Z5.4.3 Interest will accrue on civil penalties pursuant to RCW
43.17.240 if and when the debt becomes past due.
Z5.5 Due date and collection of penalties.
Z5.5.1 Penalties shall become due and payable on the later of:
1. Thirty days after receipt of the final order imposing the penalty; or
2. The date specified in the final order imposing the penalty.
Z5.5.2 If a penalty has not been paid by the due date, the AHJ may assign the debt to a collection agency as authorized by RCW
19.16.500 or take other action to pursue collection as authorized by law. If referred to a collection agency, the AHJ may add a reasonable fee, payable by the debtor, to the outstanding debt for the collection agency fee.
Z5.5.3 For building owners that are implementing a noncompliance mitigation plan but have not yet complied, the AHJ may assess the accumulated daily fine on June 1st of each year or shortly thereafter.
Z5.6 Payment of administrative penalties.
A check or money order payable in U.S. funds to the Washington state department of commerce can be mailed to:
Washington State Department of Commerce
Re: Clean Buildings Initiative, Energy Division
P.O. Box 42525
Olympia, WA 98504-2525
Z5.7 Noncompliance mitigation plan. Owners of covered commercial buildings that are out of compliance by the scheduled compliance date and have not corrected the violation by the date noted in a NOVC may reduce possible penalties by demonstrating that they are taking action to achieve compliance with the standard. To begin the process of mitigating noncompliance, a building owner must submit to the AHJ the noncompliance mitigation plan form selecting one of the following actions within thirty days of the date of a NOVI to avoid immediate issuance of penalty in accordance with Z5.4.1.
1. Compliance with the standard in accordance with Z4.2.
2. Conditional compliance with the standard in accordance with Z4.4.
3. Conditional compliance with the standard in accordance with Z4.5.
Z5.7.1 Mitigation completion. To demonstrate completion, the building owner shall complete all of the requirements of this standard and submit documentation as required by Section Z4.2, Z4.4 or Z4.5. Upon completion, the AHJ shall issue a final order assessing the reduced penalty as specified by Z5.4.1.1(a).
Z5.8 Administrative hearings.
Z5.8.1 Requesting a hearing. A building owner may request an administrative hearing after receiving an NOVI or after the denial of its application for an exemption by submitting a request within thirty days of the date of a NOVI or the denial of a timely application for exemption. All requests must be made in writing and filed at the address specified on the NOVI. For convenience, the AHJ will attach a form titled request for hearing to the NOVI that may be used to request an administrative hearing.
Requests for hearing must be accompanied by the following:
1. Washington State Building ID;
2. Submit Annex Z Forms A, B, and C.
Z5.8.2 Hearing process. The AHJ may refer matters to the office of administrative hearings (OAH). Administrative hearings will be conducted in accordance with chapter
34.05 WAC, Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 10-08 WAC, Model rules of procedure, and the procedural rules adopted in this chapter. In the case of a conflict between the model rules of procedure and the procedural rules adopted in this section, the procedural rules adopted in this section take precedence.
Z5.8.3 Initial orders to become final orders. Initial orders issued by the presiding officer will become final without further agency action unless, within twenty days:
1. The director determines that the initial order should be reviewed; or
2. A party to the proceeding files a petition for administrative review of the initial order. Upon occurrence of either event, notice shall be given to all parties to the proceeding.
Z5.8.4. Judicial review. A final order entered pursuant to this section is subject to judicial review pursuant to RCW
34.05.510 through
Z5.8.5 Collected penalties. The AHJ will deposit all penalties collected and received by the department under this section into the low-income weatherization and structural rehabilitation assistance account created in RCW
Z6 Compliance forms. The following section replace Normative Annex C Forms in Standard 100 and provide additional forms specified by rule Building owners are required to submit the applicable forms and the required supporting information to demonstrate compliance with the standard. These forms replace all referenced forms in this standard. The AHJ will make these forms available in an electronic format for submission to the AHJ.
Z6.1 Compliance with Standard 100 (Form A)
1. Building identification:
a. WA state building ID;
b. County;
c. County parcel number(s);
d. Portfolio manager property ID number;
e. Property name;
f. Parent property name;
g. Address 1 (street);
h. Address 2;
i. City;
j. State; and
k. Postal code.
2. Contact information:
a. Building owner name(s);
b. Contact name;
c. Address 1 (street);
d. Address 2;
e. City;
f. State/Province;
g. Country;
h. Postal code;
i. Telephone number;
j. Email address.
3. Qualified person:
a. Qualified person name;
b. Address 1 (street);
c. Address 2;
d. City;
e. State;
f. Postal code;
g. Telephone number;
h. Email address;
i. Licensed, certified (select all that apply);
ii. Licensure or certifying authority;
4. Energy manager (if different than the qualified person):
a. Energy manager name;
b. Address 1 (street);
c. Address 2;
d. City;
e. State/Province;
f. Postal code;
g. Country;
h. Telephone number;
i. Email address.
5. This compliance report is for:
a. Building that meets the EUIt.
b. Building that meets the building investment criteria prior to the compliance date.
c. Building that will meet the EUIt through conditional compliance.
d. Building that will meet the building investment criteria through conditional compliance.
e. Annual reporting
f. Completion reporting
6. Summary data:
a. Energy utilization index target (EUIt) (KBtu/ft2 yr) based on completed Z6.2 Form B.
b. Measured site EUI (kBtu/ft2) for the compliance year for this building based on Z6.3 Form C.
c. Measured weather normalized site EUI (kBtu/ft2) for the compliance year based on Z6.3 Form C.
d. List the months/year of the collected data (mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy) for the compliance year for this building from Z6.3 Form C.
e. Buildings unable to comply with Section 5.2, Building energy monitoring and complete Z6.3 Form C shall provide a reason statement.
7. Have the energy management requirements of Section 5 been met? [ ] Yes [ ] No
• Upload energy management plan as specified by the AHJ.
8. Have the operation and maintenance requirements of Section 6 been met? [ ] Yes [ ] No
• Upload operation and maintenance implementation documentation as specified by the AHJ.
9. Date the audit and economic evaluation was completed (N/A if none required).
• Upload audit reports as specified by Z6.4 Form D.
10. Have all EEMs required by Section 8 been implemented? [ ] Yes [ ] No
11. Have the requirements of Section 9 been completed? [ ] Yes [ ] No
12. We state that this building complies with ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100 as amended by the AHJ to conform with RCW
a. Signature of building owner:
• Date:
b. Signature of qualified person:
• Date:
c. Signature of energy manager:
• Date:
d. Signature of authority having jurisdiction:
• Conditional or final compliance
• Date:
Z6.2 Building activity and energy use intensity target (EUIt)(Form B). - Complete form provided by the AHJ with the following information:
1. Building identification:
a. Washington state building ID;
b. County;
c. County parcel number(s);
d. Portfolio manager property ID number;
e. Property name;
f. Parent property name;
g. Address 1 (street);
h. Address 2;
i. City;
j. State; and
k. Postal code.
2. List the building location climate zone, 4C or 5B. Determine the climate zone using ASHRAE climate zone as found on the map in Informative Annex G. Buildings located in Climate Zone 6 shall use Climate Zone 5B.
3. The gross floor area in square feet shall be reported as defined in Section 3.
4. If entire building is single activity/type not listed in Table 7-1, it should be listed as "building without target" on Z6.1 form. List "energy target" as "N/A" on Z6.2 Form B and Z6.2 Form B is considered complete.
5. Fill in fraction of gross floor area (A)i for each activity. For single-activity buildings this is 1.0.
6. Fill in the operating shifts normalization factor (S)i from Table 7-3 for each activity that has an area entered from Step 6.
7. Fill in the activity energy target (EUIt1)i from Table 7-2 (or table from AHJ) for each activity that has an area entered from Step 6.
8. Calculate weighted space EUI target (A × S × EUIt1)i for each activity that has an area entered from Step 6.
9. Add up fraction of floor area and enter sum in "Total fraction of floor area with target," and add up all weighted space EUI targets and enter sum as the "energy target" on Z6.2 and Z6.1 Forms B and A.
10. If more than 50% of gross floor area has no target, it should be listed as "building without target" on Z6.1 Form A. List "energy target" as "N/A" on Z6.2 Form B.
For single-activity buildings this is 1.0.
Z6.3 Energy-Use intensity Calculations (Form C).
Energy Use Intensity Calculations shall be reported via the U.S. EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (www.energystar.gov/benchmark). The energy manager is responsible for creating Energy Star portfolio manager record for each building.
Exception to Z6.3: Buildings unable to comply with Section 5.2, Building energy monitoring shall demonstrate compliance through Z4.3 or Z4.5.
The Energy Star portfolio manager building record shall be identical to the building activity/type, fraction floor area, operating shifts (hours of operation) and gross floor area of the building as reported on Form B. All inputs shall be up to date prior to reporting as required in Section Z4 and annually as required in Section, Annual updates of the net energy use and EUI.
Prior to submitting reports run the Energy Star portfolio manager data quality checker and make all corrections required to complete the report.
The energy manager shall use the EPA's Energy Star portfolio manager share properties feature and share the property data with the AHJ by enabling the read only access and exchange data feature.
For each report submitted under Section Z4, the energy manager shall create and submit a report documenting the required data fields listed (below) and other fields deemed necessary by the AHJ for the reporting period. This shall be submitted using the Washington state report specified in Energy Star portfolio manager.
Report fields shall include:
• Portfolio manager property ID;
• Portfolio manager parent property ID;
• Property name;
• Parent property name;
• Address 1;
• Address 2;
• City;
• County;
• State/Province;
• Postal Code;
• Primary property type - Self-selected;
• Primary property type - EPA calculated;
• List of all property use types at property;
• Property GFA - Self-reported (ft2);
• Property GFA - EPA calculated (buildings and parking) (ft2);
• Property GFA - EPA calculated (buildings) (ft2);
• Property GFA - EPA calculated (parking) (ft2);
• Largest property use type;
• Largest property use type - Gross floor area (ft2);
• 2nd Largest property use type
• 2nd Largest property use - Gross floor area (ft2);
• 3rd Largest property use type;
• 3rd Largest property use type - Gross floor area (ft2);
• Year built;
• Occupancy;
• Property notes;
• Property data administrator;
• Property data administrator - Email;
• Last modified date - Property;
• Last modified date - Electric meters;
• Last modified date - Gas meters;
• Last modified date - Nonelectric nongas energy meters;
• Local standard ID(s) Washington state building standard;
• Data center - Energy estimates applied;
• Electricity use - Grid purchase and generated from on-site renewable systems (kWh);
• Electricity use - Grid purchase (kWh);
• Electricity use – Generated from on-site renewable systems and used on-site (kWh);
• Natural gas use (therms);
• Fuel oil #1 use (kBtu);
• Fuel oil #2 use (kBtu);
• Fuel oil #4 use (kBtu);
• Fuel oil #5 and 6 use (kBtu);
• Diesel #2 use (kBtu);
• Kerosene use (kBtu);
• Propane use (kBtu);
• District steam use (kBtu);
• District hot water use (kBtu);
• District chilled water use (kBtu);
• Coal - Anthracite use (kBtu);
• Coal - Bituminous use (kBtu);
• Coke use (kBtu);
• Wood use (kBtu);
• Other use (kBtu);
• Default values;
• Temporary values;
• Estimated data flag - Electricity (grid purchase);
• Estimated data flag - Natural gas;
• Alert - Data center does not have an IT meter;
• Alert - Gross floor area is 0 ft2;
• Alert - Property has no uses;
• Data quality checker - Date run;
• Data quality checker run - ?
• Alert - Energy meter has less than 12 full calendar months of data;
• Alert - Energy meter has gaps;
• Alert - Energy meter has overlaps;
• Alert - Energy - No meters selected for metrics;
• Alert - Energy meter has single entry more than sixty-five days;
• Estimated values - Energy;
• Energy Star score;
• National median site energy use (kBtu);
• Site energy use (kBtu);
• Site EUI (kBtu/ft2);
• Weather normalized site energy use (kBtu);
• Weather normalized site EUI (kBtu/ft2);
• Weather normalized site electricity (kWh);
• Weather normalized site electricity intensity (kWh/ft2);
• Weather normalized site natural gas use (therms);
• Weather normalized site natural gas intensity (therms/ft2) energy current date;
• Electricity use - Generated from on-site renewable systems (kWh);
• Electricity use – Generated from on-site renewable systems and exported (kWh);
• Electricity Use - Grid purchase and generated from on-site renewable systems (kBtu);
• Electricity use - Grid purchase (kBtu);
• Electricity use - Generated from on-site renewable systems and used on site (kBtu);
• Natural gas use (kBtu);
• Percent of total electricity generated from on-site renewable systems;
• Cooling degree days (CDD) (°F);
• Heating degree days (HDD) (°F);
• Weather station name;
• Weather station ID.
Z6.4 End-use analysis requirements. Building owners shall demonstrate compliance with Form D by providing the documentation required by section Z6.4.1.
Z6.4.1 Energy Audit Forms (Form D). The energy audit form shall be provided electronically by completing the energy audit form included in the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Asset Score Tool, or an equivalent tool provided by the AHJ. This form shall be completed in compliance with the level 2 energy audit, as published in ASHRAE Standard 211, Standard for commercial building energy audits.
Form E - Not adopted.
Z6.5 Annex X, Investment criteria tool (Form F).
Z6.5.1 To demonstrate compliance with the investment criteria of Normative Annex X, building owners shall complete and submit Form F.
Z6.5.2 Form F shall be developed by the AHJ. Form F shall be a life cycle cost evaluation tool compliant the NIST Standard 135 and capable of supporting the evaluation criteria required by Normative Annex X.
Z6.6 Documentation of a building of historic significance (Form G).
Energy efficiency measure exemptions for historic buildings. No individual energy efficiency measure identified by energy efficiency audits need to be implemented if it would compromise the historical integrity of a building or part of a building. Building owners seeking this exception shall provide the following documentation. Certified historic buildings are not exempt from the other requirements of this standard.
Plan for compliance. The owner of a qualifying historic building shall have the plan for compliance evaluated by a qualified historic preservationist, as defined in 36 C.F.R., Part 61, identifying any energy efficiency requirement that may compromise the historic integrity of the building or part of the building. Any element of the plan identified to compromise the historic integrity of the building or part of the building shall be omitted from the compliance plan. Evidence of this evaluation must be submitted to the AHJ for approval.
Documentation of a historic building. Building owners must provide documentation to the AHJ that proves its historic identification or eligibility. Valid documentation from any existing programs listed below is acceptable.
1. Examples of existing programs that verify historic property include:
a. The National Register of Historic Places;
b. The Washington heritage register;
c. Properties that are identified by the department of archaeology and historic preservation (DAHP) to be eligible for listing in either one of these registers; and
d. Properties which are listed in a local register of historic places; or
2. Other documentation approved by the AHJ.
Z6.7 Application for Exemption Certificate (Form H).
Apply for an exemption certificate by submitting the following documentation to the building owner in the form specified by the AHJ. The application must include:
1. Building identification
a. Washington state building ID;
b. County;
c. County parcel number(s);
d. Portfolio manager property ID number;
e. Property name;
f. Parent property name;
g. Address 1 (street);
h. Address 2;
i. City;
j. State; and
k. Postal code.
2. Contact information:
a. Building owner name(s);
b. Contact name;
c. Address 1 (street);
d. Address 2;
e. City;
f. State/Province;
g. Country;
h. Postal code;
i. Telephone number; and
j. Email address.
3. Building information:
a. Primary building activity from Table 7-1, or a description of the nonlisted building type;
b. Building gross floor area;
c. Building gross conditioned floor area.
4. Reason for exemption: Based on exemptions listed in Section Z4.1(2).
A list all of documents enclosed and any facts in support of this application. Provide at least two of the acceptable documents listed below:
a. Municipal or county records;
b. Documents from a qualified person;
c. Construction permit;
d. Certificate of occupancy or application for certificate of occupancy;
e. Demolition permit;
f. Financial statements such as statement of assets; liabilities, capital, and surplus, statement of revenue and expenses; or statement of case flow;
g. A letter from the building owner stating facts and explaining financial hardships;
h. More recently built buildings that obtained an original occupancy permit no more than three years prior to the compliance date specified in Z3.1; or
i. Approved documents by the AHJ.
5. Signature and statement of building owner stating that the authorized representative of the building, affirm and attest to the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the statements of material fact provided in this form.
Z7 Section 7—Tables as modified by Washington state.
Table 7-1 Commercial Building Types/Activities
| Building Activity Type1,2 | |
No. | Portfolio Manager Types | Portfolio Manager Sub-Types | Sub-Types: Detailed | Notes |
1 | Banking/financial services | Bank Branch | | |
2 | Banking/financial services | Financial Office | | |
3 | Education | Adult Education | | |
4 | Education | College/University | | |
5 | Education | K-12 School | Elementary/middle school | |
6 | Education | K-12 School | High school | |
7 | Education | Preschool/Daycare | | |
8 | Education | Vocational School | | |
9 | Education | Other - Education | | |
10 | Entertainment/public assembly | Aquarium | | |
11 | Entertainment/public assembly | Bar/Nightclub | | |
12 | Entertainment/public assembly | Bowling Alley | | |
13 | Entertainment/public assembly | Casino | | |
14 | Entertainment/public assembly | Convention Center | | |
15 | Entertainment/public assembly | Fitness Center/Health Club/Gym | | |
16 | Entertainment/public assembly | Ice/Curling Rink | | |
17 | Entertainment/public assembly | Indoor Arena | | |
18 | Entertainment/public assembly | Movie Theater | | |
19 | Entertainment/public assembly | Museum | | |
20 | Entertainment/public assembly | Performing Arts | | |
21 | Entertainment/public assembly | Race Track | | |
22 | Entertainment/public assembly | Roller Rink | | |
23 | Entertainment/public assembly | Social/Meeting Hall | | |
24 | Entertainment/public assembly | Stadium (Closed) | | |
25 | Entertainment/public assembly | Stadium (Open) | | |
26 | Entertainment/public assembly | Swimming Pool | | |
27 | Entertainment/public assembly | Zoo | | |
28 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Entertainment/culture | |
29 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Library | |
30 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Other public assembly | |
31 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Recreation | |
32 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Social/meeting | |
33 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Recreation | | |
34 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Stadium | | |
35 | Food sales and service | Bar/Nightclub | | |
36 | Food sales and service | Convenience Store with Gas Station | | |
37 | Food sales and service | Convenience Store without Gas Station | | |
38 | Food sales and service | Fast Food Restaurant | | |
39 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Grocery/food market | |
40 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Convenience store with gas | |
41 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Convenience store | |
42 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Other food sales | |
43 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Fast food | |
44 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Restaurant/cafeteria | |
45 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Other food service | |
46 | Food sales and service | Restaurant | | |
47 | Food sales and service | Supermarket/Grocery Store | | |
48 | Food sales and service | Wholesale Club/Supercenter | | |
49 | Food sales and service | Other - Restaurant/Bar | | |
50 | Healthcare | Ambulatory Surgical Center | | |
51 | Healthcare | Hospital (General Medical & Surgical)* | | |
52 | Healthcare | Medical Office | | 3 |
53 | Healthcare | Outpatient Rehabilitation/Physical Therapy | | |
54 | Healthcare | Residential Care Facility | | |
55 | Healthcare | Senior Care Community | | |
56 | Healthcare | Urgent Care/Clinic/Other Outpatient | | |
57 | Healthcare | Other - Specialty Hospital | | |
58 | Lodging/residential | Barracks | | |
59 | Lodging/residential | Hotel | Hotel | |
60 | Lodging/residential | Hotel | Motel or inn | |
61 | Lodging/residential | Multifamily Housing | | |
62 | Lodging/residential | Prison/Incarceration | | |
63 | Lodging/residential | Residence Hall/Dormitory | | |
64 | Lodging/residential | Residential Care Facility | | |
65 | Lodging/residential | Senior Care Community | | |
66 | Lodging/residential | Other - Lodging/Residential | | |
67 | Mixed use | Mixed Use Property | | 4 |
68 | Office | Medical Office | | 3 |
69 | Office | Office | Admin/professional office | |
70 | Office | Office | Bank/other financial | |
71 | Office | Office | Government office | |
72 | Office | Office | Medical office (diagnostic) | 3 |
73 | Office | Office | Other office | |
74 | Office | Veterinary Office | | |
75 | Office | Other - Office | | |
76 | Public services | Courthouse | | |
77 | Public services | Fire Station | | |
78 | Public services | Library | | |
79 | Public services | Mailing Center/Post Office | | |
80 | Public services | Police Station | | |
81 | Public services | Prison/Incarceration | | |
82 | Public services | Social/Meeting Hall | | |
83 | Public services | Transportation Terminal/Station | | |
84 | Public services | Other - Public Service | | |
85 | Religious worship | Worship Facility | | |
86 | Retail | Automobile Dealership | | |
87 | Retail | Convenience Store with Gas Station | | |
88 | Retail | Convenience Store without Gas Station | | |
89 | Retail | Enclosed Mall | | 5 |
90 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Enclosed mall | 5 |
91 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Other retail | |
92 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Retail store | |
93 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | | 4 |
94 | Retail | Retail Store | | |
95 | Retail | Strip Mall | | 4 |
96 | Retail | Supermarket/Grocery Store | | |
97 | Retail | Wholesale Club/Supercenter | | |
98 | Retail | Other - Retail/Mall | Enclosed mall | 5 |
99 | Retail | Other - Retail/Mall | | 4 |
100 | Technology/science | Data Center | | 6 |
101 | Technology/science | Laboratory | | |
102 | Technology/science | Other - Technology/Science | Other service | |
103 | Services | Personal Services (Health/Beauty, Dry Cleaning, etc.) | | |
104 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Repair shop | |
105 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Vehicle service/repair shop | |
106 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Vehicle storage/maintenance | |
107 | Services | Other - Services | | |
108 | Utility | Energy/Power Station | | 7 |
109 | Utility | Other - Utility | | 7 |
110 | Warehouse/storage | Self-Storage Facility | | |
111 | Warehouse/storage | Distribution Center | | |
112 | Warehouse/storage | Nonrefrigerated Warehouse | | |
113 | Warehouse/storage | Refrigerated Warehouse | | |
Notes: | 1. Select the most specific building activity type that applies. |
| 2. For building type definitions see Energy Star portfolio manager definitions except as follows: |
| | • Data center: Is an activity space designed and equipped to meet the needs of high density computing equipment, such as server racks, used for data storage and processing, including dedicated uninterruptible power supplies and cooling systems and require a constant power load of 75 kW or more. Gross floor area shall only include space within the building including raised floor computing space, server rack aisles, storage silos, control console areas, battery rooms and mechanical rooms for dedicated cooling equipment. Gross floor area shall not include a server closet, telecommunications equipment closet, computer training area, office, elevator, corridors, or other auxiliary space. |
| | • Urgent care center/clinic/other outpatient office means the buildings used to diagnose and treat patients, usually on an unscheduled, walk-in basis, who have an injury or illness that requires immediate care but is not serious enough to warrant a visit to an emergency department. Includes facilities that provide same-day surgical, diagnostic and preventive care. |
| 3. All medical offices considered to be diagnostic type. |
| 4. Must use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings. |
| 5. Suggest considering use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings. |
| 6. This is a building or activity without an energy target. Included to provide definition only. |
| 7. This is a building or activity without an energy target. This may be exempt from the standard, see Section Z4.1 2, d. |
Table 7-2a Building Activity Site Energy Targets (EUIt1) (I-P Units)
| Building Activity Type1,2 | | Climate Zone 4C | Climate Zone 5B |
No. | Portfolio Manager Types | Portfolio Manager Sub-Types | Sub-Types: Detailed | Notes | EUIt | EUIt |
1 | Banking/financial services | Bank Branch | | | 69 | 71 |
2 | Banking/financial services | Financial Office | | | 69 | 71 |
3 | Education | Adult Education | | | 49 | 51 |
4 | Education | College/University | | | 102 | 102 |
5 | Education | K-12 School | Elementary/middle school | | 49 | 50 |
6 | Education | K-12 School | High school | | 48 | 49 |
7 | Education | Preschool/Daycare | | | 59 | 59 |
8 | Education | Vocational School | | | 49 | 51 |
9 | Education | Other - Education | | | 49 | 51 |
10 | Entertainment/public assembly | Aquarium | | | 55 | 59 |
11 | Entertainment/public assembly | Bar/Nightclub | | | 55 | 59 |
12 | Entertainment/public assembly | Bowling Alley | | | 73 | 78 |
13 | Entertainment/public assembly | Casino | | | 55 | 59 |
14 | Entertainment/public assembly | Convention Center | | | 50 | 52 |
15 | Entertainment/public assembly | Fitness Center/Health Club/Gym | | | 73 | 78 |
16 | Entertainment/public assembly | Ice/Curling Rink | | | 73 | 78 |
17 | Entertainment/public assembly | Indoor Arena | | | 67 | 70 |
18 | Entertainment/public assembly | Movie Theater | | | 67 | 70 |
19 | Entertainment/public assembly | Museum | | | 67 | 70 |
20 | Entertainment/public assembly | Performing Arts | | | 55 | 59 |
21 | Entertainment/public assembly | Race Track | | | 67 | 70 |
22 | Entertainment/public assembly | Roller Rink | | | 73 | 78 |
23 | Entertainment/public assembly | Social/Meeting Hall | | | 50 | 52 |
24 | Entertainment/public assembly | Stadium (Closed) | | | 67 | 70 |
25 | Entertainment/public assembly | Stadium (Open) | | | 67 | 70 |
26 | Entertainment/public assembly | Swimming Pool | | | 73 | 78 |
27 | Entertainment/public assembly | Zoo | | | 55 | 59 |
28 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Entertainment/culture | | 67 | 70 |
29 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Library | | 56 | 59 |
30 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Other public assembly | | 55 | 59 |
31 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Recreation | | 73 | 78 |
32 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Social/meeting | | 50 | 52 |
33 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Recreation | | | 73 | 78 |
34 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Stadium | | | 67 | 70 |
35 | Food sales and service | Bar/Nightclub | | | 361 | 378 |
36 | Food sales and service | Convenience Store with Gas Station | | | 244 | 253 |
37 | Food sales and service | Convenience Store without Gas Station | | | 260 | 269 |
38 | Food sales and service | Fast Food Restaurant | | | 427 | 454 |
39 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Grocery/food market | | 191 | 198 |
40 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Convenience store with gas | | 260 | 269 |
41 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Convenience store | | 244 | 253 |
42 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Other food sales | | 184 | 189 |
43 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Fast food | | 427 | 454 |
44 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Restaurant/cafeteria | | 361 | 378 |
45 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Other food service | | 293 | 308 |
46 | Food sales and service | Restaurant | | | 361 | 378 |
47 | Food sales and service | Supermarket/Grocery Store | | | 191 | 198 |
48 | Food sales and service | Wholesale Club/Supercenter | | | 68 | 75 |
49 | Food sales and service | Other - Restaurant/Bar | | | 361 | 378 |
50 | Healthcare | Ambulatory Surgical Center | | | 90 | 96 |
51 | Healthcare | Hospital (General Medical & Surgical)* | | | 215 | 215 |
52 | Healthcare | Medical Office | | 3 | | |
53 | Healthcare | Outpatient Rehabilitation/Physical Therapy | | | 90 | 96 |
54 | Healthcare | Residential Care Facility | | | 78 | 82 |
55 | Healthcare | Senior Care Community | | | 78 | 82 |
56 | Healthcare | Urgent Care/Clinic/Other Outpatient | | | 90 | 96 |
57 | Healthcare | Other - Specialty Hospital | | | 196 | 196 |
58 | Lodging/residential | Barracks | | | 88 | 90 |
59 | Lodging/residential | Hotel | Hotel | | 68 | 72 |
60 | Lodging/residential | Hotel | Motel or inn | | 74 | 77 |
61 | Lodging/residential | Multifamily Housing | | | 32 | 33 |
62 | Lodging/residential | Prison/Incarceration | | | 101 | 106 |
63 | Lodging/residential | Residence Hall/Dormitory | | | 88 | 90 |
64 | Lodging/residential | Residential Care Facility | | | 78 | 82 |
65 | Lodging/residential | Senior Care Community | | | 78 | 82 |
66 | Lodging/residential | Other - Lodging/Residential | | | 71 | 74 |
67 | Mixed use | Mixed Use Property | | 4 | | |
68 | Office | Medical Office | | 3 | 60 | 65 |
69 | Office | Office | Admin/professional office | | 63 | 66 |
70 | Office | Office | Bank/other financial | | 69 | 71 |
71 | Office | Office | Government office | | 66 | 69 |
72 | Office | Office | Medical office (diagnostic) | 3 | 60 | 65 |
73 | Office | Office | Other office | | 66 | 68 |
74 | Office | Veterinary Office | | | 90 | 96 |
75 | Office | Other - Office | | | 66 | 68 |
76 | Public services | Courthouse | | | 101 | 106 |
77 | Public services | Fire Station | | | 65 | 68 |
78 | Public services | Library | | | 56 | 59 |
79 | Public services | Mailing Center/Post Office | | | 51 | 54 |
80 | Public services | Police Station | | | 65 | 68 |
81 | Public services | Prison/Incarceration | | | 101 | 106 |
82 | Public services | Social/Meeting Hall | | | 50 | 52 |
83 | Public services | Transportation Terminal/Station | | | 55 | 59 |
84 | Public services | Other - Public Service | | | 66 | 69 |
85 | Religious worship | Worship Facility | | | 39 | 42 |
86 | Retail | Automobile Dealership | | | 59 | 66 |
87 | Retail | Convenience Store with Gas Station | | | 260 | 269 |
88 | Retail | Convenience Store without Gas Station | | | 244 | 253 |
89 | Retail | Enclosed Mall | | 5 | 58 | 64 |
90 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Enclosed mall | 5 | 58 | 64 |
91 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Other retail | | 55 | 62 |
92 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Retail store | | 68 | 75 |
93 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | | 4 | | |
94 | Retail | Retail Store | | | 68 | 75 |
95 | Retail | Strip Mall | | 4 | | |
96 | Retail | Supermarket/Grocery Store | | | 191 | 198 |
97 | Retail | Wholesale Club/Supercenter | | | 68 | 75 |
98 | Retail | Other - Retail/Mall | Enclosed mall | 5 | 58 | 64 |
99 | Retail | Other - Retail/Mall | | 4 | | |
100 | Technology/science | Data Center | | 6 | | |
101 | Technology/science | Laboratory | | | 237 | 249 |
102 | Technology/science | Other - Technology/Science | Other service | | 66 | 69 |
103 | Services | Personal Services (Health/Beauty, Dry Cleaning, etc.) | | | 66 | 69 |
104 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Repair shop | | 36 | 39 |
105 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Vehicle service/repair shop | | 60 | 64 |
106 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Vehicle storage/maintenance | | 41 | 44 |
107 | Services | Other - Services | | | 66 | 69 |
108 | Utility | Energy/Power Station | | 7 | | |
109 | Utility | Other - Utility | | 7 | | |
110 | Warehouse/storage | Self-Storage Facility | | | 36 | 44 |
111 | Warehouse/storage | Distribution Center | | | 36 | 44 |
112 | Warehouse/storage | Nonrefrigerated Warehouse | | | 36 | 44 |
113 | Warehouse/storage | Refrigerated Warehouse | | | 121 | 126 |
Notes: | 1. Select the most specific building activity type that applies. |
| 2. For building type definitions see Energy Star portfolio manager definitions except as follows: |
| | • Data center: Is an activity space designed and equipped to meet the needs of high density computing equipment, such as server racks, used for data storage and processing, including dedicated uninterruptible power supplies and cooling systems and require a constant power load of 75 kW or more. Gross floor area shall only include space within the building including raised floor computing space, server rack aisles, storage silos, control console areas, battery rooms and mechanical rooms for dedicated cooling equipment. Gross floor area shall not include a server closet, telecommunications equipment closet, computer training area, office, elevator, corridors, or other auxiliary space. |
| | • Urgent care center/clinic/other outpatient office means the buildings used to diagnose and treat patients, usually on an unscheduled, walk-in basis, who have an injury or illness that requires immediate care but is not serious enough to warrant a visit to an emergency department. Includes facilities that provide same-day surgical, diagnostic and preventive care. |
| 3. All medical offices considered to be diagnostic type. |
| 4. Must use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings. |
| 5. Suggest considering use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings. |
| 6. This is a building or activity without an energy target. Included to provide definition only. |
| 7. This is a building or activity without an energy target. This may be exempt from the standard, see Section Z4.1 2, d. |
Table 7-3 Building Operating Shifts Normalization Factor
| Building Activity Type1,2 | | Weekly Hours1,2 |
No. | Portfolio Manager Types | Portfolio Manager Sub-Types | Sub-Types: Detailed | Notes | 50 or less | 51 to 167 | 168 |
1 | Banking/financial services | Bank Branch | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
2 | Banking/financial services | Financial Office | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
3 | Education | Adult Education | | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
4 | Education | College/University | | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
5 | Education | K-12 School | Elementary/middle school | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
6 | Education | K-12 School | High school | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
7 | Education | Preschool/Daycare | | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
8 | Education | Vocational School | | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
9 | Education | Other - Education | | 4 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 1.9 |
10 | Entertainment/public assembly | Aquarium | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
11 | Entertainment/public assembly | Bar/Nightclub | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
12 | Entertainment/public assembly | Bowling Alley | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
13 | Entertainment/public assembly | Casino | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
14 | Entertainment/public assembly | Convention Center | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
15 | Entertainment/public assembly | Fitness Center/Health Club/Gym | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
16 | Entertainment/public assembly | Ice/Curling Rink | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
17 | Entertainment/public assembly | Indoor Arena | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
18 | Entertainment/public assembly | Movie Theater | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
19 | Entertainment/public assembly | Museum | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
20 | Entertainment/public assembly | Performing Arts | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
21 | Entertainment/public assembly | Race Track | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
22 | Entertainment/public assembly | Roller Rink | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
23 | Entertainment/public assembly | Social/Meeting Hall | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
24 | Entertainment/public assembly | Stadium (Closed) | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
25 | Entertainment/public assembly | Stadium (Open) | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
26 | Entertainment/public assembly | Swimming Pool | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
27 | Entertainment/public assembly | Zoo | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
28 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Entertainment/culture | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
29 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Library | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
30 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Other public assembly | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
31 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Recreation | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
32 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly | Social/meeting | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
33 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Recreation | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
34 | Entertainment/public assembly | Other - Stadium | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
35 | Food sales and service | Bar/Nightclub | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
36 | Food sales and service | Convenience Store with Gas Station | | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
37 | Food sales and service | Convenience Store without Gas Station | | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
38 | Food sales and service | Fast Food Restaurant | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
39 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Grocery/food market | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
40 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Convenience store with gas | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
41 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Convenience store | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
42 | Food sales and service | Food Sales | Other food sales | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
43 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Fast food | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
44 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Restaurant/cafeteria | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
45 | Food sales and service | Food Service | Other food service | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
46 | Food sales and service | Restaurant | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
47 | Food sales and service | Supermarket/Grocery Store | | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
48 | Food sales and service | Wholesale Club/Supercenter | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
49 | Food sales and service | Other - Restaurant/Bar | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.5 |
50 | Healthcare | Ambulatory Surgical Center | | 4,7 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
51 | Healthcare | Hospital (General Medical & Surgical)* | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
52 | Healthcare | Medical Office | | 4,7 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
53 | Healthcare | Outpatient Rehabilitation/Physical Therapy | | 4,7 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
54 | Healthcare | Residential Care Facility | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
55 | Healthcare | Senior Care Community | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
56 | Healthcare | Urgent Care/Clinic/Other Outpatient | | 4,7 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
57 | Healthcare | Other - Specialty Hospital | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
58 | Lodging/residential | Barracks | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
59 | Lodging/residential | Hotel | Hotel | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
60 | Lodging/residential | Hotel | Motel or inn | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
61 | Lodging/residential | Multifamily Housing | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
62 | Lodging/residential | Prison/Incarceration | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
63 | Lodging/residential | Residence Hall/Dormitory | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
64 | Lodging/residential | Residential Care Facility | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
65 | Lodging/residential | Senior Care Community | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
66 | Lodging/residential | Other - Lodging/Residential | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
67 | Mixed use | Mixed Use Property | | 6 | | | |
68 | Office | Medical Office | | 4,7 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
69 | Office | Office | Admin/professional office | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
70 | Office | Office | Bank/other financial | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
71 | Office | Office | Government office | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
72 | Office | Office | Medical office (diagnostic) | 4 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
73 | Office | Office | Other office | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
74 | Office | Veterinary Office | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
75 | Office | Other - Office | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
76 | Public services | Courthouse | | 4 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 1.1 |
77 | Public services | Fire Station | | 3 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 1.1 |
78 | Public services | Library | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
79 | Public services | Mailing Center/Post Office | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
80 | Public services | Police Station | | 3 | 0.8 | 0.8 | 1.1 |
81 | Public services | Prison/Incarceration | | | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
82 | Public services | Social/Meeting Hall | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
83 | Public services | Transportation Terminal/Station | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.1 | 1.6 |
84 | Public services | Other - Public Service | | 4 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
85 | Religious worship | Worship Facility | | 5 | 0.9 | 1.7 | 1.7 |
86 | Retail | Automobile Dealership | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
87 | Retail | Convenience Store with Gas Station | | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
88 | Retail | Convenience Store without Gas Station | | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
89 | Retail | Enclosed Mall | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
90 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Enclosed mall | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
91 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Other retail | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
92 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | Retail store | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
93 | Retail | Lifestyle Center | | | | | |
94 | Retail | Retail Store | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
95 | Retail | Strip Mall | | | | | |
96 | Retail | Supermarket/Grocery Store | | 4 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 1.3 |
97 | Retail | Wholesale Club/Supercenter | | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
98 | Retail | Other - Retail/Mall | Enclosed mall | 4 | 0.6 | 1.0 | 1.5 |
99 | Retail | Other - Retail/Mall | | | | | |
100 | Technology/science | Data Center | | | | | |
101 | Technology/science | Laboratory | | 3 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
102 | Technology/science | Other - Technology/Science | Other service | 3 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
103 | Services | Personal Services (Health/Beauty, Dry Cleaning, etc.) | | 4 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
104 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Repair shop | 4 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
105 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Vehicle service/repair shop | 4 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
106 | Services | Repair Services (Vehicle, Shoe, Locksmith, etc.) | Vehicle storage/maintenance | 4 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
107 | Services | Other - Services | | 4 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
108 | Utility | Energy/Power Station | | | | | |
109 | Utility | Other - Utility | | | | | |
110 | Warehouse/storage | Self-Storage Facility | | 4 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.4 |
111 | Warehouse/storage | Distribution Center | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.4 |
112 | Warehouse/storage | Nonrefrigerated Warehouse | | 3 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.4 |
113 | Warehouse/storage | Refrigerated Warehouse | | 3,8 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.4 |
Notes: | 1. Do not count the hours when the property is occupied only by maintenance, security, the cleaning crew, or other support personnel. Do not count the hours when the property is occupied only by maintenance staff. |
| 2. Working hours are based on the average use over the twelve month period selected to document energy use in form C. |
| 3. The weekly hours are the total number of hours per week where the majority of workers are present. If there are two or more shifts of workers, add the hours. When developing targets using Section 7.2.3 for mixed use buildings, use the hours each separate activity, the hours per week the majority of workers are present. |
| 4. The weekly hours are the hours that be majority of the building is open to serve the public. When developing targets using Section 7.2.3 for mixed use buildings, the hours each separate activity is open to the public. |
| 5. The weekly hours the facility is open for operation, which may include worship services, choir practice, administrative use, committee meetings, classes, or other activities. |
| 6. Must use of Section 7.2.3 method for mixed use buildings. |
| 7. Health care buildings may use other weekly hours if they are required to operate building systems additional hours to protect patient safety. Provide documentation of the requirement in the energy management plan. |
| 8. Refrigerated warehouse greater than 167 hours assumes the workers on shift are loading and/or unloading vehicles. |