WSR 22-06-058
[Filed February 25, 2022, 1:05 p.m.]
Subject of Possible Rule Making: Chapter 246-329 WAC, Childbirth centers. The department of health (department) is considering updates to clarify, consolidate, and modernize the chapter of rules.
Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: Chapter 18.46 RCW.
Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: The department is considering updates to sections of chapter 246-329 WAC, Childbirth centers, as part of a comprehensive review. Department staff, licensees, and interested parties have identified numerous areas of the rules that require clarification, consolidation, and modernization since the rules were last reviewed in 2007. Licensing fees may be considered as part of this review. The department received two petition requests in March and May of 2021 requesting a broad range of updates to the rules. These requests will be considered as part of this review. The department is also considering revising the chapter name from childbirth centers to birthing centers to align with chapter 18.46 RCW.
Rule making is necessary to bring the childbirth center rules up-to-date and ensure the most current industry standards are in place for the public's safety and well-being.
Process for Developing New Rule: Collaborative rule making.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting John Hilger, Department of Health, P.O. Box 47852, Olympia, WA 98504-7852, phone 360-236-2929, TTY 711, email
Additional comments: Interested parties may participate in the development of draft rules prior to a formal proposal by joining the birthing centers GovDelivery, attending rule workshops, and providing input on draft and proposed materials. To be included on an interested parties list, contact John Hilger, Program Manager, Community Health Systems, Department of Health, P.O. Box 47852, Olympia, WA 98504-7852, email, phone 360-236-2929.
February 24, 2022
Kristin Peterson, JD
Deputy Secretary for
Policy and Planning
for Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH