WSR 23-16-028
(Board of Physical Therapy)
[Filed July 21, 2023, 8:44 a.m.]
Subject of Possible Rule Making: Physical therapists intramuscular needling requirements. The board of physical therapy (board) and department of health (department) are considering rule making in chapter 246-915 WAC, Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, to clarify statutory requirements for education and training and define an intramuscular needling endorsement. The board and department may consider associated training and education requirements, updating definitions, establishing a fee for the intramuscular needling endorsement, and creating a process to apply for the endorsement.
Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: 2SHB 1039 (chapter 198, Laws of 2023); RCW 18.74.023, 43.70.110, 43.70.250, and 43.70.280.
Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: 2SHB 1039 expands the scope of practice of physical therapists to perform intramuscular needling, also known as dry needling. Rules may be needed to clarify statutory requirements for education and training to receive an initial endorsement to perform intramuscular needling. The board and the department will also consider establishing the steps to apply for the endorsement, including establishing a fee.
Process for Developing New Rule: Collaborative rule making.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Allyson McIver, P.O. Box 47852, Olympia, WA 98504-7852, phone 360-236-2878, fax 360-236-2901, TTY 711, email, website
Additional comments: Interested parties can participate in the drafting of the proposed rules. The department and the board will be conducting rules workshops with interested parties and subject matter experts. The department will use existing GovDelivery lists and other known contact information to inform interested parties of opportunities to provide input on proposed rule language. To find out more information about our rule making, visit To subscribe to GovDelivery, please visit, select the "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the page, select "Health Professions," and then select "Physical Therapy Program." You may also check the box next to one or more of the other professions listed to receive information related to that specific profession.
July 18, 2023
Kathryn Dale, PT, DSc
Chair, Physical Therapy Board
and Kristin Peterson, JD
Chief of Policy
for Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH