WSR 24-13-025
(Emergency Management Division)
[Filed June 7, 2024, 10:51 a.m., effective July 8, 2024]
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Update chapters 118-66, 118-67, and 118-68 WAC to be in alignment with associated RCW that have already undergone revision and been implemented. The purpose of these changes is to remove redundant language, update verbiage to reflect current technologies, and remove obsolete references.
Citation of Rules Affected by this Order: Amending chapters 118-66, 118-67, and 118-68 WAC.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 38.52.520.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 24-09-008 on April 4, 2024.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at the Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's own Initiative: New 0, Amended 24, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 24, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: June 7, 2024.
Adam R. Wasserman
Assistant Director of Emergency Communications
Chapter 118-66 WAC
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-020Purpose and priorities.
(1) These rules define the purposes for which available state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account moneys may be expended, consistent with the eligibility requirements, criteria, and priorities of RCW 38.52.540 and 38.52.545.
(2) RCW 38.52.540 authorizes the establishment of a state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account in the state treasury to be used only for the following purposes:
(a) ((To support the statewide coordination and management of the enhanced 9-1-1 system;
(b) For the implementation of wireless enhanced 9-1-1 statewide;
(c) For the modernization of enhanced 9-1-1 communications systems statewide; and
(d) To help supplement, within available funds, the operational costs of the statewide enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications system, including:
(i) Adequate funding of counties to enable implementation of wireless enhanced 9-1-1 service; and
(ii) Reimbursement of radio communications service companies for costs incurred in providing wireless enhanced 9-1-1 service pursuant to negotiated contracts between the counties or their agents and the radio communications service companies.))To procure, fund, and manage the statewide 911 emergency communications system network; and
(b) To purchase goods and services that support the counties and Washington state patrol public safety answering points in providing 911 baseline level of service statewide; and
(c) To assist the counties and Washington state patrol public safety answering points to provide 911 emergency communications systems and associated administrative, and operational costs; and
(d) To acquire 911 hardware, software, and technology appropriate to support a 911 emergency communications system, 911 emergency communications training, and public education; and
(e) To support the statewide coordination and management of the 911 emergency communications system; and
(f) For modernization needs of the 911 emergency communications system as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(3) RCW 38.52.545 ((provides that the))specifies rules defining the purposes for which available state ((enhanced 9-1-1 funds))911 moneys may be expended in which the state 911 coordinator, with the advice and assistance of the 911 advisory committee, must consider ((the base needs of individual counties for specific assistance, and establishes the following expenditure priorities for such funds))needs necessary to provide a baseline level of service by individual counties and their designated Washington state patrol public safety answering points. Priorities are available for 911 emergency communications system funding are as follows:
(a) To procure, fund, and manage the statewide network and supporting services, and assure that ((9-1-1))911 dialing is operational statewide; and
(b) To assist counties and Washington state patrol public safety answering points to provide 911 emergency communications systems and associated administrative and operational costs as necessary to assure they can achieve a ((basic))baseline level of service ((level for 9-1-1))for 911 operations; and
(c) To assist counties ((as practicable to acquire items of a capital nature appropriate to modernize 9-1-1 systems and increase 9-1-1 effectiveness))and their designated Washington state patrol public safety answering points to acquire 911 hardware, software, and technology to support a 911 emergency communications system baseline level of service.
(4) The state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 coordinator, with the advice and assistance of the ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 advisory committee, is authorized to enter into statewide agreements to improve the efficiency of ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 services for all counties and to specify by rule the additional purposes for which moneys, if available, may be expended from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-030Definitions.
(1) "((9-1-1))911 call(s)"((shall mean voice or data that is routed to a public safety answering point (PSAP) by dialing or accessing 9-1-1 in emergency situations.
(2) "9-1-1 demarcation point" shall mean the point at which the 9-1-1 network begins and provides the ingress from the telecommunications providers' network.
(3) "9-1-1 network" shall mean the system of circuits, networks and/or equipment managed and maintained by the Washington state E9-1-1 office to provide 9-1-1 communications from the 9-1-1 demarcation point to the PSAP demarcation point, including the information technology system known as emergency services internet protocol network (ESInet).
(4) "9-1-1))is a generic term referring to any request for public safety assistance, regardless of the media used to make that request. This term may appear in conjunction with specific media, such as "voice call," "video call," "text call," or "data-only call" when the specific media is of importance. The term "noninteractive call" refers to an emergency call that is initiated automatically, carries data, does not establish a two-way interactive media session, and typically does not involve a human at the "initiating" end.
(2) "911 coordinator electronic mobile device" shall mean equipment capable of receiving and delivering text, data, graphics, or other electronic media via a private computer network or the internet.
(3) "911 emergency communications system" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(4) "911 information technology services" shall mean the technical support and maintenance of eligible 911 equipment.
(5) "911 mapping administration" shall mean personnel, hardware, and software necessary to create and maintain geographical information system (GIS) data necessary for geospatial routing, location, interpretation, and to display the data on a PSAP call answering position.
(6) "911management information system (MIS)" shall mean equipment that collects, stores, and collates ((9-1-1))911 call ((data))information into reports and statistics.
(((5) "Address" shall mean the identification of a unique physical location by street name, number, postal community (and when available, zip code), latitude, longitude (and, when available, altitude). When applicable, the address may contain the identification of separately-occupied subunits, such as apartment or suite numbers, and where appropriate, other information such as building name or floor number which defines a unique physical location.
(6)))(7) "911 network" also referred to as the next generation 911 emergency services internet protocol network. This network shall meet the service level standards adopted by the state 911 coordination office.
(8) "911 public education coordination" shall mean the development and delivery of 911 public education.
(9) "911 training coordination" shall mean the development and delivery of a 911 call receiver training program.
(10)"Advisory committee" shall mean the ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 advisory committee as established by RCW 38.52.530.
(((7)))(11)"Alternate routing" shall mean ((a method))the capability of routing ((9-1-1))911 calls to a designated alternate ((PSAP)) location(s)((when all 9-1-1 lines are busy at the primary PSAP location))if all 911 connections are busy, unavailable, or out of service. May be activated upon request or automatically, if detectable, when 911 equipment fails or the PSAP itself is unavailable. This includes default routing which is a predetermined routing path coordinated between a carrier and a PSAP.
(((8) "ANI/ALI controllers" shall mean the equipment that processes the 9-1-1 calls and/or data and provides control functions for retrieving and interpreting information in the ANI and ALI databases.
(9) "ANI/ALI display equipment" shall mean the equipment at the PSAP call answering position necessary for the display of automatic number identification and automatic location identification.
(10)))(12)"Automatic location identification (ALI)"((shall mean a feature of the enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications system by which the name and address associated with the calling party's telephone number (identified by ANI feature) is forwarded to the PSAP for display))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(((11)))(13)"Automatic location identification (ALI) database service" shall mean the set of ((ALI)) records residing on ((a)) computer systems((at an E9-1-1 service provider))and the associated process, procedures, and programs used to create, store, and update the data for presentation to the public safety telecommunicator when a customer accesses the 911 emergency communications system.
(((12) "Automatic location identification/data management system (ALI/DMS)" shall mean a system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store, and update the data required for automatic location identification in support of enhanced 9-1-1.
(13) "Automatic number identification (ANI)" shall mean a feature of the enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications system that allows for the automatic display of the telephone number used to access 9-1-1.))
(14) (("B.01/P.01 grade of service" shall mean a level of service where the probability that one call out of one hundred (one percent) will be blocked during the average busy hour.
(15) "Call detail recorder" shall mean equipment used to store, record or print ANI/ALI information for 9-1-1 calls.))"Baseline level of 911 service" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(15) "Call handling equipment (CHE)" shall mean equipment and/or systems utilized by the PSAP to receive and process 911 communications. Sometimes this is referred to as customer premise equipment (CPE).
(16) "Computer aided dispatch (CAD)" shall mean equipment capable of receiving and disseminating detailed information related to ((emergency)) call taking and dispatching.
(17) "Coordinator professional development (CPD)" shall mean a defined group of support elements provided to all counties and Washington state patrol.
(18) (("Customer premise equipment (CPE)" shall mean equipment utilized by the PSAP to receive and process 9-1-1 communications.
(19) "Department" shall mean the Military Department as referred to in RCW 38.52.010.
(20) "Electronic mail" shall mean a means of delivering text, data, graphics and other electronic media via a private computer network or the internet.
(21)))"Eligible entities" shall mean the counties and Washington state patrol determined to be eligible for reimbursement of costs for a specified item.
(((22)))(19)"Emergency services communication system"((shall mean a multicounty or county-wide communications network, including an enhanced 9-1-1 system, which provides rapid public access for coordinated dispatching of services, personnel, equipment, and facilities for police, fire, medical, or other emergency services))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010 and 82.14B.020.
(((23) "Emergency service zone (ESZ)" shall mean a geographical area with a combination of designated police, fire, and emergency medical service providers.
(24) "Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) mapping administration" shall mean personnel, hardware, and software necessary to create and maintain geographical information system (GIS) data necessary to interpret Phase II E9-1-1 latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude), and to display the data on a PSAP call answering position.
(25) "Enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications system" shall mean a public communications system consisting of a network, database, and on-premises equipment that is accessed by dialing or accessing 9-1-1 and that enables reporting police, fire, medical, or other emergency situations to a public safety answering point. The system includes the capability to selectively route incoming 9-1-1 voice or data to the appropriate public safety answering point that operates in a defined 9-1-1 service area and capability to automatically display the name, address, and telephone number of incoming 9-1-1 voice or data at the appropriate public safety answering point. Enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications system includes the modernization to next generation 9-1-1 systems.
(26) "Enhanced 9-1-1 information technology services" shall mean the technical support and maintenance of eligible E9-1-1 equipment.
(27) "Enhanced 9-1-1 public education services" shall mean the development and delivery of 9-1-1 public education.
(28) "Enhanced 9-1-1 training coordination" shall mean the development and delivery of a 9-1-1 call receiver in-house training program.
(29)))(20)"Geographical information system (GIS)" shall mean an integrated system of hardware and software for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information.
(((30) "Instant call check" shall mean equipment which records 9-1-1 call conversations for immediate playback on demand.
(31) "Interconnected voice over internet protocol service (VoIP)" has the same meaning as established under RCW 82.14B.020.
(32) "Interconnected voice over internet protocol service line" has the same meaning as established under RCW 82.14B.020.
(33)))(21)"Language interpreter services" shall mean language translation services for ((9-1-1))911 calls.
(((34) "Location determination technology (LDT)" shall mean the technology used exclusively to determine position or geographic location using latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude) of a wireless 9-1-1 caller when the mobile switching center (MSC) starts a call or while the MSC is engaged in a call, or of a VoIP 9-1-1 caller when the VoIP switch starts a call or while the VoIP switch is engaged in a call.
(35)))(22) "Location" shall mean a civic location or geodetic location that contains enough detail for accurately routing a call to a PSAP serving the location.
(23)"Logging recorder" shall mean a device that is capable of time stamping, recording, and replaying ((9-1-1))911 voice and data.
(((36)))(24)"Mapping display" shall mean equipment capable of displaying ((9-1-1))911 call locations on a map.
(((37) "Master street address guide (MSAG)" shall mean a database of street names and address ranges within their associated postal communities defining emergency service zones for 9-1-1 purposes.
(38) "Mobile positioning center (MPC)" shall mean a point of interface to a wireless network for the emergency service network. The gateway mobile location center (GMLC) serves as the point of interface to the global system for mobile communications (GSM) wireless network. The MPC and GMLC serve as the entity that retrieves, forwards, stores and controls position data within the location network. The MPC/GMLC entity receives position information from the wireless network, forwards it to the emergency services network upon request and coordinates requests for position update.
(39) "Mobile switching center (MSC)" shall mean the wireless equivalent of a switching office that provides switching functions for wireless calls.
(40) "MSC Phase I software capabilities" shall mean software at an MSC that is necessary for the provision of Phase I E9-1-1 service and is used exclusively for this purpose.
(41) "MSC Phase II software capabilities" shall mean software at the MSC that is necessary for the provision of Phase II E9-1-1 service, and is exclusively used for this purpose.
(42) "Multicounty region" shall mean two or more counties served by a regional PSAP.
(43)))(25)"Next generation ((9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) network))911 emergency communications system"((shall mean the next evolutionary step in the development of the 9-1-1 emergency communications system known as E9-1-1 since the 1970s. NG9-1-1 is a system comprised of managed IP based networks and elements that augment present-day E9-1-1 features and functions and add new capabilities. NG9-1-1 will eventually replace the present E9-1-1 system. NG9-1-1 is designed to provide access to emergency services from all sources, and to provide multimedia data capabilities for PSAPs and other emergency service organizations))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010 and 82.14B.020.
(26) "Next generation 911 demarcation point" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(((44) "Night service" shall mean a feature that forwards all 9-1-1 calls routed to a designated PSAP to an alternate directory number preassigned for that PSAP. The alternate directory number may be associated with another PSAP or other alternate destination.
(45) "Phase I address" shall mean the identification of a cell site and cell sector from which a 9-1-1 call originates, and includes identification of a cell site address, cell sector orientation, and/or a text description of the area.
(46) "Phase I ALI database" shall mean a computer database used to update the mobile directory number (MDN) information of wireless end user and cell site and cell sector information.
(47) "Phase I ALI data circuit" shall mean a dedicated 9-1-1 data circuit between an MSC and a service control point (SCP), and between an SCP and an ALI database.
(48) "Phase I (ALI)" shall mean the MDN information of wireless end users and the cell site and cell sector information.
(49) "Phase I E9-1-1 service" shall mean service that facilitates the selective routing of wireless 9-1-1 calls and the display of Phase I ALI at the PSAPs.
(50) "Phase I implementation plan" shall mean a plan of an RCSC or county for implementation of Phase I E9-1-1 service in a county or counties in Washington state, including, but not limited to: Phase I E9-1-1 service activation date; network flowchart (including the company's relevant MSCs); specification of the technology used for interface to the selective router and the ALI/data management system (ALI/DMS) and a 9-1-1 call flow description; procedures for updating cell site and cell sector information; default and diverse routing plans; and an outline of Phase I E9-1-1 service testing procedures.
(51) "Phase I interface to ALI database" shall mean the physical connection of Phase I ALI data circuits from a service control point (SCP) or selective router to the ALI database, and the ALI feature enabling of the circuits.
(52) "Phase I interface to selective router" shall mean the physical connection of the Phase I 9-1-1 voice network from an MSC of an RCSC to a selective router, and the selective router feature enabling of the 9-1-1 trunks.
(53) "Phase I master street address guide (MSAG)" shall mean records in a master street address guide associated with each cell sector that provide cell site and cell sector identification, address, coverage information, service provider name, and PSAP of the cell sector for automatic display at the PSAP when a wireless 9-1-1 call is processed by that cell sector.
(54) "Phase I testing" shall mean testing conducted by an RCSC when Phase I E9-1-1 service is implemented to ensure the service is working correctly and testing after a company makes Phase I E9-1-1 service affecting additions or changes to their networks.
(55) "Phase II address" shall mean the latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude) of the wireless end user.
(56) "Phase II ALI" shall mean the latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude) of the wireless end user, in addition to the mobile directory number information. When the latitude and longitude are not available the Phase II ALI defaults to Phase I ALI as defined in this chapter.
(57) "Phase II computer aided dispatch (CAD) system upgrades" shall mean upgrades to the PSAP CAD system necessary to interpret the Phase II ALI data stream or to provide output to display Phase II location.
(58) "Phase II E9-1-1 service" shall mean service provided by an RCSC that delivers Phase I E9-1-1 service and latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude) of the wireless end user.
(59) "Phase II implementation plan" shall mean a plan of an RCSC or county for implementation of Phase II E9-1-1 service in a county or counties in Washington state, including, but not limited to: Phase II E9-1-1 service activation date; network flowchart (including specification of the technology used for Phase II); and an outline of Phase II E9-1-1 service testing procedures.
(60) "Phase II testing" shall mean testing conducted by an RCSC when Phase II E9-1-1 service is implemented to ensure the service is working correctly, and periodic testing necessary for the maintenance of the service.
(61)))(27)"Place of primary use((,))"((as defined in RCW 82.04.065, shall mean the street address representative of where the subscriber's use of the mobile telecommunications service primarily occurs, which must be:
(a) The residential street address or the primary business street address of the subscriber; and
(b) Within the licensed service area of the home service provider.
(62) "PSAP demarcation point" shall mean the point at which the 9-1-1 network accesses the PSAP's CPE.
(63) "PSAP mapping" shall mean a system capable of converting latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude) to a map display at the 9-1-1 call answering positions at the PSAPs.
(64) "Pseudo-ANI (P-ANI)" shall mean a nondialable telephone number used to support routing of wireless 9-1-1 calls that may identify a wireless cell, cell sector, or PSAP to which the call should be routed; or a nondialable telephone number used to support routing of VoIP 9-1-1 calls that identifies the PSAP to which the call should be routed))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010 and 82.14B.020.
(((65)))(28)"Public safety answering point (PSAP)"((shall mean the public safety answering location for 9-1-1 calls originating in a given area. PSAPs are designated as primary or secondary, which refers to the order in which calls are directed for answering))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(((66)))(29)"Radio communications service company (RCSC)"((shall mean every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership, and person, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court, and every city or town making available facilities to provide commercial mobile radio communications services, or cellular communications service for hire, sale, and both facilities-based and nonfacilities-based resellers, and does not include radio-paging providers))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010 and 82.14B.020.
(((67) "Reverse ALI search" shall mean the ability to electronically query the ALI database to obtain an address associated with a known telephone number.
(68) "Route diversity" shall mean a method of assuring continuity of service by using multiple transmission routes to deliver a particular service between two points on a network.
(69) "Selective router" shall mean a device that provides the switching of 9-1-1 calls and controls delivery of a voice call with ANI to the PSAP and provides selective routing, speed calling, selective transfer, fixed transfer, and certain maintenance functions for each PSAP.
(70) "Selective routing" shall mean a feature that permits a 9-1-1 call to be routed to a predesignated PSAP based upon the address and/or location associated with the originating 9-1-1 access point.
(71) "Service control point (SCP)" (also referred to as "signal control point") shall mean a remote database within the signaling system 7 (SS7) signaling network that supplies the translation and routing data needed to deliver advanced network services.
(72)(a) "Service control point (SCP) Phase I capabilities" shall mean database and routing translations necessary for interpretation of data provided by the MSC on wireless 9-1-1 calls to allow 9-1-1 calls to be routed to the correct PSAP and display the correct MDN of the wireless phone and the correct cell site and cell sector information.
(b) "Service control point (SCP) Phase II capabilities" shall mean specific functions and features necessary for interpretation of Phase II data provided by the MPC on wireless 9-1-1 calls to allow 9-1-1 calls to be routed to the correct PSAP and display the latitude and longitude (and, when available, altitude) of the caller.
(73) "Signaling system 7 (SS7)" shall mean an out of band signaling system used to provide basic routing information, call set-up and other call termination functions in which signaling is removed from the voice channel itself and put on a separate data network.
(74)))(30)"Statewide services" shall mean services which benefit all counties and the Washington state patrol and ((do))does not require local 911 excise tax revenue to be used prior to state reimbursement. Some are paid directly by the state ((E9-1-1))911 office and some are reimbursed through county contracts.
(((75) "Switching office" shall mean a telecommunications provider facility that houses the switching and trunking equipment serving telephones in a defined area.
(76) "Switching office enabling" shall mean the technology that allows the public network telephone switching office to recognize and accept the digits 9-1-1.
(77)))(31)"Telecommunications provider"((shall mean a telecommunications company as defined in RCW 80.04.010, a RCSC as defined herein, and a commercial mobile radio service provider as defined in 47 C.F.R., section 20.3, and providers of VoIP as defined herein and/or data service))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
(((78)))(32)"Telecommunications services priority (TSP)" shall mean a service that assigns a priority to telecommunications lines for service restoration.
(((79)))(33)"Teletype (TTY)" shall mean a telecommunications device that permits typed telephone conversations with or between deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired people with a machine at their location.
(((80)))(34)"Traffic studies" shall mean ((9-1-1))911 call studies performed by a telecommunications provider.
(((81)))(35)"Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)" shall mean a system designed to provide power, without delay or electrical transients, during a period when the normal power supply is incapable of performing acceptably and before generator or other auxiliary power is made available.
(((82)))(36)"Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) service" shall mean as defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 47 C.F.R. Sec. 9.3.
(((83) "VoIP ALI" shall mean a feature by which the name and registered address associated with the calling party's VoIP telephone number is forwarded to the PSAP for display.
(84) "VoIP ALI database" shall mean a set of VoIP ALI records residing on a computer system at an E9-1-1 service provider or VoIP positioning center.
(85) "VoIP interface to ALI database" shall mean the data connection between the VoIP positioning center (VPC) and the ALI database that serves the PSAP.
(86) "VoIP positioning center (VPC)" shall mean the entity that retrieves, forwards, stores and controls position data within the location network.
(87) "VoIP service provider" shall mean a provider of VoIP service as defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 47 C.F.R. Sec. 9.3.
(88) "VoIP service provider soft switch" shall mean the VoIP equivalent of a switching office that provides switching functions for VoIP calls.
(89) "VoIP testing" shall mean testing conducted by a VoIP service provider when E9-1-1 service is implemented to ensure the service is working correctly, and testing after a company makes E9-1-1 service affecting additions or changes to their networks.))
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-040County eligibility for funding.
(1) As required by RCW 38.52.510, each county must provide funding for the ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 emergency communications system in the county in an amount equal to the amount the maximum taxes under RCW 82.14B.030(1) would generate in the county or the amount necessary to provide full funding of the system in the county.
(2) A county in the state of Washington may be eligible to receive available funds from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account for certain eligible ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 emergency communications system expenses as described in this chapter only if the county has imposed the maximum county ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 tax allowed under RCW 82.14B.030 (1) and (2).
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-10-014, filed 4/25/03, effective 7/1/03)
WAC 118-66-042Radio communications service company (RCSC) ((eligibility for wireless funding))agreements.
(((1))) The state ((enhanced E9-1-1))911 coordinator is authorized to enter into statewide agreements to improve the efficiency of ((enhanced 9-1-1 services))911 emergency communications system for all counties, and may do so through execution of statewide agreements with RCSC(s).
(((2) Funds for wireless enhanced 9-1-1 service shall not be distributed to any radio communications service company that has not negotiated or in good faith attempted to negotiate a wireless enhanced 9-1-1 Phase I or Phase II service agreement with the applicable county(ies).))
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-045Washington state patrol (WSP) eligible expenses.
Upon designation by a county as a primary PSAP for wireless ((9-1-1))911 calls, a Washington state patrol communications center may be eligible to receive available wireless funds from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account for the following eligible ((components))categories, components of which are not listed in order of priority:
(1) Statewide dialing items:
(a) Coordinator professional development (CPD);
(b) ((Wireless Phase I E9-1-1 service components:
(i) Phase I automatic location identification (ALI);
(ii) Phase I address;
(iii) Service control point Phase I capabilities;
(iv) Phase I ALI database;
(v) Phase I interface to selective router;
(vi) Phase I interface to ALI database;
(vii) Phase I testing;
(viii) Phase I implementation plans;
(ix) Phase I implementation agreements;
(x) Pseudo-ANI (P-ANI);
(xi) MSC Phase I software capabilities;
(xii) Traffic studies between the MSC and selective router;
(xiii) Phase I ALI data circuits;
(c) Wireless E9-1-1 Phase II service components (including all Phase I components):
(i) Location determination technology;
(ii) Phase II implementation plan;
(iii) Phase II testing;
(iv) MSC Phase II software capabilities;
(v) Service control point Phase II capabilities; and
(vi) Mobile positioning center;
(d) NG9-1-1 network;
(e) 9-1-1 network equivalent (B.01/P.01 grade of service level required);
(f) Selective routing;
(g) Automatic location identification (ALI) database;
(h) Traffic studies between selective router and PSAP;
(i) Telecommunications service priority;
(j) Language interpretive service;
(k) Alternate routing and/or night service;
(l) Customer premise equipment (CPE)/telephone system and maintenance;
(m) TTY required for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
(n) ANI/ALI controllers and necessary interfaces to send data to other PSAP equipment;
(o) ANI/ALI display equipment for primary PSAPs;
(p) PSAP mapping and maintenance;
(q) 9-1-1 coordinator duties;))Next generation 911 emergency communications system;
(c) Automatic location identification (ALI) database service;
(d) Traffic studies;
(e) Telecommunications services priority (TSP);
(f) Language interpretive service;
(g) Alternate routing;
(h) Call handling equipment (CHE) telephone system and maintenance;
(i) TTY required for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
(j) Call handling equipment (CHE) display equipment for PSAPs;
(k) 911 coordinator duties;
(l) 911 coordinator electronic mobile device; and
(m) Associated administrative costs;
(2) ((Basic))Baseline service items:
(a) Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for PSAP ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 equipment and maintenance;
(b) ((Route diversity between selective router and PSAP;
(c) E9-1-1))911 mapping administration;
(((d) Instant call check equipment and maintenance;
(e)))(c) Mapping display for call answering positions ((that are ANI/ALI equipped));
(((f) 9-1-1))(d) 911 Management information system;
(((g) Call detail recorder or printer and maintenance;
(h)))(e) Headsets for ((9-1-1))911 call receivers; and
(f) Associated administrative costs;
(3) Capital items:
(a) Logging recorder for ((9-1-1))911 calls and maintenance;
(b) Computer aided dispatch (CAD) system hardware ((and)), software, and maintenance;
(c) Auxiliary generator and generator maintenance to provide ((9-1-1))911 eligible equipment/telephone services backup power;
(d) Clock synchronizer and maintenance; ((and))
(e) Console furniture for ((9-1-1))911 call receiving equipment and maintenance; and
(f) Associated administrative costs.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-050State eligible expenses.
((Enhanced 9-1-1))(1) A 911 emergency communications system((s are))is comprised of multiple ((components.))features, functions, and services whose costs may be eligible, subject to available funds, ((expenses for implementation, operation, and maintenance costs of these components may be eligible)) for reimbursement ((if incurred)) by eligible entities. The components and services listed below may ((be eligible))qualify for reimbursement to eligible entities from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account based on a reasonable prioritization by the state ((E9-1-1))911 coordinator, with the advice and assistance of the ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 advisory committee and in accordance with the purposes and priorities established by statute and regulation((, including WAC 118-66-020)). The state ((E9-1-1))911 coordinator will adopt policies defining specific details related to reimbursement eligibility.
(((1)))(2) Expenses for the ((following wireline service components may be eligible for reimbursement))items listed below may be eligible for reimbursement from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account from funds generated under the ((state wireline/VoIP enhanced 9-1-1 account (RCW 82.14B.030 (5) and (7)) as statewide dialing items:
(a) Switching office enabling;
(b) Automatic number identification (ANI);
(c) Traffic studies between switching offices and the selective router;
(d) ALI/DMS service;
(e) Reverse ALI search capability.
(2) Expenses for the following wireless components may be eligible for reimbursement from state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the state wireless enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030(6)) as statewide dialing items:
(a) Wireless Phase I E9-1-1 service components:
(i) Phase I automatic location identification (ALI);
(ii) Phase I address;
(iii) Service control point Phase I capabilities;
(iv) Phase I ALI database;
(v) Phase I interface to selective router;
(vi) Phase I interface to ALI database;
(vii) Phase I testing;
(viii) Phase I implementation plans;
(ix) Phase I implementation agreements;
(x) Pseudo-ANI (P-ANI);
(xi) MSC Phase I software capabilities;
(xii) Traffic studies between the MSC and selective router;
(xiii) Phase I ALI data circuits;
(b) Wireless E9-1-1 Phase II service components (including all Phase I components):
(i) Location determination technology;
(ii) Phase II implementation plan;
(iii) Phase II testing;
(iv) MSC Phase II software capabilities;
(v) Service control point Phase II capabilities; and
(vi) Mobile positioning center.
(3) Expenses for the following components are shared with wireline/VoIP and wireless enhanced 9-1-1 services and may be eligible for reimbursement from state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the state wireline/VoIP enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030 (5) and (7)) and from state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the statewide wireless enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030(6)):))authority derived from RCW 82.14B.030 (5), (6), (7), and (8).
(a) Statewide dialing items:
(i) Coordinator professional development (CPD);
(ii) ((NG9-1-1 network;
(iii) 9-1-1 network equivalent (B.01/P.01 grade of service level required);
(iv) Selective routing;
(v)))Next generation 911 emergency communications system;
(iii) Automatic location identification (ALI) database service;
(((vi)))(iv) Traffic studies ((between selective router and PSAP));
(((vii) Telecommunications service priority;
(viii)))(v) Telecommunications service priority (TSP);
(vi) Language interpretive service;
(((ix)))(vii) Alternate routing ((and/or night service));
(((x) Customer premise))(viii) Call handling equipment (((CPE)/telephone system))(CHE) and maintenance;
(((xi)))(ix) TTY required for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
(((xii) ANI/ALI controllers and necessary interfaces to send data to other PSAP equipment;
(xiii) ANI/ALI display equipment for primary PSAPs;
(xiv) PSAP mapping and maintenance;
(xv) County 9-1-1))(x) CHE display equipment for PSAPs;
(xi) PSAP mapping and maintenance;
(xii) 911 coordinator duties;
(((xvi) MSAG coordination and maintenance;
(xvii) Mapping/GIS coordination and maintenance;
(xviii) 9-1-1))(xiii) 911 information technology services;
(((xix) 9-1-1))(xiv) 911 call receiver salaries and benefits;
(((xx) 9-1-1))(xv) 911 public education coordination;
(((xxi) 9-1-1))(xvi) 911 training coordination;
(xvii) 911 coordinator electronic mobile device; and
(xviii) Associated administrative costs.
(b) ((Basic))Baseline service items:
(i) Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for PSAP ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 equipment and maintenance;
(ii) ((Route diversity between selective router and PSAP;
(iii) 9-1-1))911 Coordinator training;
(((iv) MSAG training;
(v)))(iii) Mapping/GIS training;
(((vi)))(iv) Information technology (IT) training;
(((vii)))(v) Call receiver training;
(((viii) E9-1-1))(vi) 911 mapping administration;
(((ix) Instant call check equipment and maintenance;
(x)))(vii) Mapping display for call answering positions ((that are ANI/ALI equipped));
(((xi) 9-1-1))(viii) 911 Management information system;
(((xii) Call detail recorder or printer and maintenance;
(xiii)))(ix) Headsets for ((9-1-1))911 call receivers;
(((xiv) Enhanced 9-1-1))(x) 911 document destruction; and
(((xv) 9-1-1 coordinator electronic mail))(xi) Associated administrative costs.
(c) Capital:
(i) Logging recorder for ((9-1-1))911 calls and maintenance;
(ii) Computer aided dispatch (CAD) system hardware ((and)), software, and maintenance;
(iii) Auxiliary generator and generator maintenance to provide ((9-1-1))911 eligible equipment/telephone services backup power;
(iv) Clock synchronizer and maintenance; ((and))
(v) Console furniture for ((9-1-1))911 call receiving equipment and maintenance; and
(vi) Associated administrative costs.
(((4) Within available funds and consistent with statutory and regulatory purposes and priorities, the state enhanced 9-1-1 coordinator (with the advice and assistance of the enhanced 9-1-1 advisory committee) has the discretion to allocate state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds to eligible entities as reimbursement for wireline/VoIP and wireless enhanced 9-1-1 eligible expenses.
(5) Eligible expenses for wireline/VoIP components established in WAC 118-66-050(1) may only be eligible for reimbursement from state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the state wireline/VoIP enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030 (5) and (7)). Such funds shall be allocated based on statutory and regulatory purposes and priorities and WAC 118-66-020.
(6) Eligible expenses for wireless components established in WAC 118-66-050(2) may only be eligible for reimbursement from enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the state wireless enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030(6)). Such funds shall be allocated based on statutory and regulatory purposes and priorities and WAC 118-66-020.
(7) Eligible expenses for components established in WAC 118-66-050(3) may be eligible for reimbursement from state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the state wireline/VoIP enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030 (5) and (7)) and state enhanced 9-1-1 account funds generated under the state wireless enhanced 9-1-1 excise tax (RCW 82.14B.030(6)). (All shared components.) The amount allocated from each tax source will be based on an equitable distribution determined by the state E9-1-1 coordinator with the advice and assistance of the enhanced 9-1-1 advisory committee. Such funds shall be allocated based on statutory and regulatory purposes and priorities and WAC 118-66-020.))
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-060County eligible expenses.
(1) In addition to the state reimbursement eligible items listed in WAC ((118-66-050))118-66-020 (1) through (3), PSAP and ((9-1-1))911 administration cost items are eligible county ((9-1-1))911 expenses, including the following items, which are not listed in order of priority:
(a) Management services;
(b) Human resources services;
(c) Legal costs;
(d) Financial services;
(e) PSAP and ((9-1-1))911 administration lease/purchase costs;
(f) ((E9-1-1))911 building repair and maintenance, and major systems replacement/repair;
(g) ((E9-1-1))911 property and liability insurance;
(h) PSAP and ((9-1-1))911 administrative telephone system; and
(i) ((E9-1-1/NG9-1-1))911/NG911 reserve accounts((; and
(j) Radio communications services companies wireless enhanced 9-1-1 recovery expenses)).
(2) The items listed ((in subsection (1) of this section))above are not eligible for funding from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account nor shall such items be used in the determination of eligibility in receiving state assistance from the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 account.
(3) When the items listed ((in subsection (1) of this section))above are used with other PSAP operations such as dispatching, the county ((9-1-1))911 eligible amount shall be determined by percentage of use.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-10-014, filed 4/25/03, effective 7/1/03)
WAC 118-66-081Funding applications.
Requests for funding shall be submitted in accordance with application formats developed by the state ((E9-1-1))911 coordinator and shall include plans and budget information justifying the funding request, an annual schedule of eligible items, funding levels, and funding priority. The state ((E9-1-1))911 coordinator will establish a schedule of annual application dates.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 11-03-004, filed 1/5/11, effective 2/5/11)
WAC 118-66-090Other rules.
Through other governmental agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission and the Washington utilities and transportation commission, rules have and will be adopted which will impact the statewide operation of ((enhanced 9-1-1))911. By this reference, this rule is intended to be consistent with and complementary to these other rules.
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 118-66-085
Reporting requirements for radio communications service companies (RCSCs).
Chapter 118-67 WAC
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-020Purpose.
(1) RCW 38.52.561 authorizes the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 coordinator, with the advice and assistance of the ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 advisory committee, to set nondiscriminatory, uniform technical and operational standards consistent with the rules of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for the transmission of ((9-1-1))911 calls from radio communications service companies to ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 emergency communications systems. These standards must not exceed the requirements set by the FCC.
(2) ((The FCC, in its orders may refer to or approve standards adopted by the following standards bodies:
(a) Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS);
(b) Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF);
(c) National Emergency Number Association (NENA).
(3))) This chapter is based upon and does not exceed FCC requirements contained in 47 C.F.R. ((§ 20.18))Chapter 1.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-030Definitions.
(1) (("Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS)" shall mean the membership organization that provides the tools necessary for the industry to identify standards, guidelines and operating procedures that make the interoperability of existing and emerging telecommunications products and services possible.
(2) "Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF)" shall mean the working group of ATIS that provides a venue for the telecommunications industry, public safety and other stakeholders to develop and refine technical and operational interconnection issues that will ensure E9-1-1 service will be available for everyone.
(3)))"911 only devices" shall mean a nonservice initialized device that is manufactured with the capability of dialing 911 only and that cannot receive incoming calls.
(2) "Device" shall mean a piece of technology equipment designed to perform specific functions and with the capability to access the 911 emergency communications system.
(3) "Dispatchable location" means a location delivered to the PSAP with a 911 call that consists of the validated street address of the calling party, plus additional information such as suite, apartment, or similar information necessary to adequately identify the location of the calling party.
(4) "Electronic serial number (ESN)" shall mean the unique 11-digit serial number assigned to the device by the manufacturer.
(5)"Federal Communications Commission (FCC)" shall mean the agency of the federal government established under the Communications Act of 1934, as revised, for the purpose of regulating interstate communication by wire and radio.
(((4) "Electronic serial number (ESN)" shall mean the unique 11-digit serial number assigned to the handset by the manufacturer.
(5)))(6)"International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI)" shall mean the unique 15-digit serial number assigned to a global system for mobile communication (GSM) handset used on a GSM wireless network.
(((6) "National Emergency Number Association (NENA)" shall mean the group established to foster the technological advancement, availability, and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system.))
(7) "Nonservice initialized ((handsets))devices" shall mean a ((handset))device for which there is no valid service contract with an RCSC.
(8) (("Phase I enhanced 9-1-1 service" shall mean wireless 9-1-1 service where the RCSC is required to provide the telephone number of the originator of a 9-1-1 call and the location of the cell site or base station receiving a 9-1-1 call from any mobile handset accessing their systems to the designated PSAP through the use of ANI and Pseudo-ANI (see WAC 118-66-030).
(9) "Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service" shall mean wireless 9-1-1 service where the RCSC is required to provide the telephone number of the originator of a 9-1-1 call and the location by latitude and longitude to the designated PSAP.
(10)))"Radio communications service company (RCSC)"((shall mean every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, partnership, and person, their lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by any court, and every city or town making available facilities to provide commercial mobile radio communications services, or cellular communications service for hire, sale, and both facilities-based and nonfacilities-based resellers, and does not include radio-paging providers.
(11) "9-1-1 Only Handsets" shall mean a nonservice initialized handset that is manufactured with the capability of dialing 9-1-1 only and that cannot receive incoming calls))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010 and 82.14B.020.
(9) "Real-time text (RTT)" is text that is transmitted instantly as it is typed or created.
(10) "Text-to-911" is a service typically provided by mobile carriers, which allows for the sending of short messages to a PSAP from any text enabled device.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-040Introduction.
(1) Radio communications service companies (RCSCs) shall comply with the technical and operational standards established by the Federal Communications Commission for the transmission of 9-1-1 calls in section 47 C.F.R. Chapter I((, § 20.18)) of the FCC Rules.
(2) The authority given to the state ((enhanced 9-1-1))911 coordinator by RCW 38.52.561 is limited to setting standards as set forth in that section and does not constitute authority to regulate radio communications service companies.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-050((Phase II accuracy.))911 location accuracy requirements.
(((1))) RCSCs shall meet or exceed the location accuracy standards ((for Phase II enhanced 9-1-1:
(a) For network-based technologies: 100 meters for 67 percent of calls, 300 meters for 95 percent of calls;
(b) For handset-based technologies: 50 meters for 67 percent of calls, 150 meters for 95 percent of calls.
(c) For the remaining 5 percent of calls, location attempts must be made and a location estimate for each call must be provided to the appropriate PSAP.
(2) Adhere to schedules for implementation of Phase I and Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service (see paragraphs 20.18 (d) through (g) of the FCC Rules and subsequent modifications of the FCC's Richardson Order and Phase II Compliance Deadlines in CC Docket 94-102):))set forth by the FCC.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-060((Phase I enhanced 9-1-1 service.))911 location information.
(((1) Within six months of a request by the designated public safety answering point as set forth in WAC 118-67-100, RCSCs must provide the telephone number of the originator of a 9-1-1 call and the location of the cell site or base station receiving a 9-1-1 call from any mobile handset accessing their systems to the designated public safety answering point through the use of ANI and pseudo-ANI.
(2) When the directory number of the handset used to originate a 9-1-1 call is not available to the serving carrier, such carrier's obligations under paragraph (1) of this section extend only to delivering 9-1-1 calls and available call party information, including that prescribed in WAC 118-67-120 to the designated public safety answering point.
(3) With respect to 9-1-1 calls accessing their systems through the use of TTYs, RCSCs must comply with the requirements in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section, as to calls made using a digital wireless system.))
RCSCs, using any and all industry adopted standards, must deliver one of the following to the PSAP:
(1) Dispatchable location; or
(2) Device latitude and longitude with callback number.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-090((Handset))Device-based location technologies.
((RCSCs that employ a handset-based location technology may phase in deployment of Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service, subject to the following requirements:
(1) Without respect to any PSAP request for deployment of Phase II 9-1-1 enhanced service, the RCSC shall:
(a) Ensure that 100 percent of all new digital handsets activated are location-capable.
(b) By December 31, 2005, achieve 95 percent penetration of location-capable handsets among its subscribers.
(2) Once a PSAP request is received, the RCSC shall, in the area served by the PSAP, within six months:
(a) Install any hardware and/or software in the CMRS network and/or other fixed infrastructure, as needed, to enable the provision of Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service; and
(b) Begin delivering Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service to the PSAP.
(3) For all 9-1-1 calls from portable or mobile phones that do not contain the hardware and/or software needed to enable the RCSC to provide Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service, the RCSC shall, after a PSAP request is received, support, in the area served by the PSAP, Phase I location for 9-1-1 calls or other available best practice method of providing the location of the portable or mobile phone to the PSAP.
(4))) RCSCs employing ((handset))device-based location technologies shall ensure that location-capable ((portable or mobile phones))devices shall conform to industry interoperability standards designed to enable the location of such ((phones))devices by multiple RCSCs.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-110TTY access to ((9-1-1))911 services.
RCSCs subject to this section must be capable of transmitting ((9-1-1))911 calls from individuals with speech or hearing disabilities through means other than mobile radio ((handsets))devices, e.g., through the use of text telephone devices (TTY), text-to-911, and real-time text (RTT). Operators of digital wireless systems must comply with the provisions of this paragraph.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-120Nonservice initialized ((handsets))devices.
RCSCs that donate a nonservice initialized ((handset))device for purposes of providing access to ((9-1-1))911 services are required to:
(1) Program each ((handset))device with ((9-1-1))911 plus the decimal representation of the seven least significant digits of the electronic serial number, international mobile equipment identifier or any other identifier unique to that ((handset))device;
(2) Affix to each handset a label that is designed to withstand the length of service expected for a nonservice initialized ((phone))device, and that notifies the user that the ((handset))device can only be used to dial ((9-1-1))911, that the ((9-1-1))911 operator will not be able to call the user back, and that the user should convey the exact location of the emergency as soon as possible; and
(3) Institute a public education program to provide the users of such ((handsets))devices with information regarding the limitations of nonservice initialized ((handsets))devices.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 04-01-066, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04)
WAC 118-67-130Manufacturers of ((9-1-1-only handsets))911 only devices.
Manufacturers of ((9-1-1-only handsets))911 only devices that are manufactured after May 3, 2004, are required to:
(1) Program each ((handset))device with ((9-1-1))911 plus the decimal representation of the seven least significant digits of the electronic serial number, International Mobile Equipment Identifier or any other identifier unique to that ((handset))device;
(2) Affix to each ((handset))device a label that is designed to withstand the length of service expected for a nonservice initialized phone, and which notifies the user that the ((handset))device can only be used to dial ((9-1-1))911, that the ((9-1-1))911 operator will not be able to call the user back, and that the user should convey the exact location of the emergency as soon as possible; and
(3) Institute a public education program to provide the users of such ((handsets))devices with information regarding the limitations of ((9-1-1-only handsets))911 only devices.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 118-67-070
Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service.
WAC 118-67-080
Network-based location technologies.
WAC 118-67-100
Requirements for PSAPs.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-09-045, filed 4/13/01, effective 5/14/01)
WAC 118-68-010Purpose.
The purpose of chapter 118-68 WAC is to adopt standards for the protection of life through assuring that telephone systems provide adequate location information through ((enhanced)) 911 emergency communications systems pursuant to RCW 38.52.505.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-09-045, filed 4/13/01, effective 5/14/01)
WAC 118-68-020Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply when used in chapter 118-68 WAC:
(1) The "authority having jurisdiction" is defined as the fire chief for municipal corporations, or the county fire marshal or designee as appointed by the governing body for unincorporated areas.
(2) "Building unit identifier" means room number or equivalent designation of a specific portion of a structure, or an apartment number in multifamily residences.
(3) "Call back telephone number" means a phone number which can be called from ((the public switched network))voice and data networks to be used by the public safety answering point to recontact the location from which the 911 call was placed. The number may or may not be the number of the ((station))device used to originate the 911 call.
(4) "Determination of noncompliance" means written notification that a system is not in compliance with this regulation. Information contained therein shall include, but not be limited to, system deficiencies requiring correction to bring the system into compliance and a date by which noted corrections shall be made.
(5) (("Director of fire protection" means the state fire marshal or his/her designee.
(6) "Emergency location identification number (ELIN)" means a valid North American Numbering Plan format telephone number assigned to the MLTS operator by the appropriate authority that is used to route the call to a PSAP and is used to retrieve the ALI for the PSAP. The ELIN may be the same number as the ANI. The North American Numbering Plan number may in some cases not be a dialable number.
(7) "Emergency response location" means a location to which a 911 emergency response team may be dispatched. The location should be specific enough to provide a reasonable opportunity for the emergency response team to quickly locate a caller anywhere within it.
(8) "Fire official" means the person or his/her designee appointed by the city, town or county for the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Fire Code. Adopted by reference in the State Building Code, chapter 19.27 RCW and energy related building standards, chapter 19.27A RCW.
(9) "MLTS" means a multiline telephone system comprised of common control units, telephones and control hardware and software. This includes network and premises based systems and includes systems owned or leased by governmental agencies and nonprofit entities, as well as for profit businesses.
(10) "On-site notification" means a system capability whereby a call to 911 is directed through the 911 network to a public safety answering point and simultaneously to a display unit colocated with the fire alarm annunciator panel for the building which will display the caller's location to a minimum of the building unit identifier.
(11)))"Dispatchable location" has the same meaning as defined in WAC 118-67-030.
(6)"Public safety answering point (PSAP)"((means a facility equipped and staffed to receive 911 calls))has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-09-045, filed 4/13/01, effective 5/14/01)
WAC 118-68-040Compliance.
All facilities covered by this regulation shall comply with its provisions by May 1, 2001. Additionally, all facilities shall comply with FCC regulation 34 FCC Rcd 6607 (8) by August 1, 2019.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-09-045, filed 4/13/01, effective 5/14/01)
WAC 118-68-050Inspection.
(1) For the purpose of directing emergency response, the authority having jurisdiction is authorized to approve the adequacy of automatic location information displayed on the ((enhanced)) 911 equipment serving its jurisdiction, when 911 calls are made. Such authority shall issue a determination of noncompliance to the telephone system owner when an automation location information display is not in compliance. For systems which are in compliance the testing authority shall issue a notice of compliance noting the date of inspection and test circumstances.
(2) The authority having jurisdiction shall ensure that the telecommunications system is connected to the public switched network such that calls to 911 result in automatic location information displays as herein defined:
(a) For the 1994 Uniform Building Code Occupancy Group Classification R-1 except congregate residences, hotels, and motels, the minimum information requirements are:
2.a.1 Customer name
2.a.2 Street address and city
2.a.3 Building unit identifier
2.a.4 Call back telephone number
(b) For congregate residences, hotels, and motels as defined in the 1994 Uniform Building Code Group Classification R-1 the minimum information requirements as in (a) above or:
2.b.1 Customer name
2.b.2 Street address and city
2.b.3 Building unit identifier, or additional information supplied by automatic simultaneous connection of the caller, the PSAP and a knowledgeable designated individual(s) who will be able to supplement the ALI record with specific location information by effectively communicating with the PSAP
(c) For multiple unaffiliated business users as defined in chapter 80.36 RCW, the minimum information requirements are:
2.c.1 Business name
2.c.2 Street address and city
2.c.3 Building unit identifier (or more specific location information)
2.c.4 Call back telephone number
(d) For common and public schools, as defined in RCW 28A.150.010 and 28A.150.020, the minimum information requirements for any school district having a private telecommunications system acquired after January 1, 1997, that allows connection to the public switched network:
2.d.1 Individual school name
2.d.2 Street address and city
2.d.3 Building unit identifier
2.d.4 Call back telephone number
(e) For schools with phone systems installed prior to January 1, 1997, at any time the facility is occupied, it shall provide direct access to telephones that are connected to the public switched network, such that calls to 911 result in automatic location information.
(f) For certification of voluntary compliance for uses not defined above, the minimum information requirements are:
2.f.1 Business or agency name
2.f.2 Street address and city
2.f.3 Building unit identifier (or more specific location information)
2.f.4 Call back telephone number
(3) Additionally, the above entities shall comply with FCC rules related to section 506 of the Ray Baum's Act pertaining to dispatchable location regardless of the technological platform used.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-09-045, filed 4/13/01, effective 5/14/01)
WAC 118-68-070Right of review.
(1) The authority having jurisdiction shall promulgate procedures through which a facility may seek review of initial decisions. Such procedures shall conform to the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, to the extent that act is applicable, and shall be pursuant to brief adjudicative procedures, RCW 34.05.482 through 34.05.485.
(2) At a minimum, such procedures shall provide that a facility aggrieved by an initial order of the authority having jurisdiction or ((his/her))their designee may petition for review, in writing, stating why the initial order is in error, to the designated agency head within ((ten))10 days of the initial order. If no petition is made within ((ten))10 days, the initial order becomes final. In any event, the decision of the designated agency head shall be deemed the final decision of the agency.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-09-045, filed 4/13/01, effective 5/14/01)
WAC 118-68-090((Separability.))Severability.
If any provision of this regulation or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the regulation or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.