WSR 24-16-005
[Filed July 24, 2024, 3:53 p.m.]
Semi-Annual Rule-Making Agenda
July - December 2024
The employment security department (ESD) prepares a semi-annual rule-making agenda in January and July each year to inform the public of expected upcoming rule changes. Pursuant to RCW 34.05.314, the agenda is published in the Washington State Register.
ESD encourages the public to be involved in the rule-making processes by attending public hearings and submitting comments on rules. To stay informed of our progress and be notified of any changes, please sign up for email notifications Additional rule-making information is available on the ESD website at
Subject Matter or
WAC Chapter or Sections
Purpose and Scope of Rule Making
Preproposal NoticeFilings (CR-101)
Proposed Rule and Public Hearing Filings (CR-102 or
CR-105 Expedited)
Permanent Rule Filing (CR-103)
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Updating ESD's rule on benefit charging.
Filed June 20, 2024, as WSR 24-14-004
To be determined
To be determined
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Developing a process and standard of review for rescinding the withdrawal of an appeal.
Filed May 30, 2024, as WSR 42-12-044
To be determined
To be determined
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
New 192-03-010 and 192-03-020
Concerning allocation of payments across agency programs (unemployment insurance, paid family and medical leave, WA Cares fund).
Filed November 13, 2023, as WSR 23-23-076
Filed April 10, 2024, as WSR 24-09-025
To be determined
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
New 192-150-145 and 192-150-065
Implementing HB 1106 (2023).
Filed May 25, 2023, as WSR 23-12-017
Filed May 21, 2024, as WSR 24-11-139
To be determined
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
192-150-115 and 192-150-120
Implementing HB 1570 (2023).
Filed May 15, 2023, as WSR 23-11-067
To be determined
To be determined
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Addressing disqualification and ineligibility for failure to respond to a request for information from ESD.
Filed March 21, 2024, as WSR 24-08-006
Filed June 21, 2024, as WSR 24-14-005
To be determined
Paid Family and Medical Leave
To be determined
Repealing pandemic leave assistance rules, clarifying the definition of health care provider, documentation requirements for designated representatives, weekly claim reporting requirements, and additional clarification as needed.
To be determined
Anticipated July -August 2024
To be determined
To be determined
Long-Term Services and Supports Trust (WA Cares Fund)
To be determined
Implementing SHB 2467 (chapter 120, Laws of 2024), implementing portions of chapter 50B.04 RCW, and considering rules related to program definitions, qualified individuals, public records requests, verification of information submitted to the department, and other rules as needed.
Filed March 26, 2024, as WSR 24-08-028
To be determined
To be determined
ESD is responsible for initiating rule making to implement new state laws, meet federal requirements, and to meet unforeseen circumstances. Because of this variability, this agenda is prepared for informational purposes only and any dates noted herein are planning estimates that are subject to change. Additional rule making can occur in addition to what is listed on the agenda.
This agenda does not constitute a rule or rule-making action. Any errors or omissions in this agenda do not affect the actual rules or rule-making notices filed with the office of the code reviser and published in the Washington State Register.
The rule-making process can appear complex. ESD has outlined the process on its website to help constituents understand and become involved If you have additional questions, please contact the rules coordinator, Janette Benham, 360-790-6583, or email