WSR 24-16-033
[Filed July 29, 2024, 8:35 a.m.]
On June 28, 2024, the office of superintendent of public instruction (OSPI) filed a CR-103P rule-making order (WSR 24-14-074) concerning permanent rule making for chapters 392-121, 392-122, and 392-425 WAC. As indicated in the CR-103P rule-making order (WSR 24-14-074), the permanent rule updates will become effective on July 29, 2024.
A previous emergency rule renewal (WSR 24-08-020) was filed on March 25, 2024, with an expiration date of July 23, 2024. Accordingly, on July 22, 2024, OSPI filed a CR-103E emergency rule-making order (WSR 24-15-101) to renew emergency rule making for chapters 392-121, 392-122, and 392-425 WAC, in order to ensure that the emergency rules continue to be in place until the permanent rules take effect.
Because the most recent emergency rule renewal filing will still be in effect on the same day that the permanent rules become effective, OSPI must rescind the CR-103E emergency rule-making order (WSR 24-15-101) in order to avoid any overlap between the emergency rules and permanent rules.
Therefore, this document serves as official notification that OSPI is rescinding the CR-103E emergency rule-making order (WSR 24-15-101), effective July 29, 2024.
Chris P. S. Reykdal
State Superintendent of Public Instruction