WSR 24-16-060
[Filed July 31, 2024, 8:54 a.m.]
Following is the department of commerce (commerce) semi-annual rules development agenda for publication in the Washington State Register, pursuant to RCW 34.05.314. There may be additional rule-making activity not on the agenda as conditions warrant.
Please contact Amanda Hathaway if you have questions, or 360-789-0843.
Semi-Annual Rule-Making Agenda
July through December 2024
WAC Citation
Subject Matter/Purpose of Rule
Current Activity/Approximate Filing Date
365-196, 365-199
To incorporate recently enacted legislation for housing, urban growth areas, and the rural element in chapter 365-196 WAC. This includes changes in how local government plan for affordable housing, increases in residential density, accessory dwelling units, tiny housing, design review, local project review, urban growth area swaps, and infill development in limited areas of more intensive rural development.
CR-101: Filed June 21, 2023
CR-102: September 2024
CR-103: December 2024
365-196, 365-199, 365-190, 365-195
To create and update rules associated with E2SHB 1181 (2023) adding a climate element to comprehensive plans under RCW 36.70A.040. E2SHB 1181 creates a new regulatory requirement for commerce and requires commerce to update the WAC by December 2025.
CR-101: Filed January 17, 2024
CR-102: TBD
CR-103: TBD
Updating rules to maintain consistency with corresponding rules for local governments in WAC 194-29-070 in determining how these entities can achieve the goals set forth in RCW 43.19.648.
CR-105: Filed May 9, 2024
CR-103P: End of July, 2024
New 194-50-170
Amended 194-50-001, 194-50-010, 194-50-020, 194-50-030, 194-50-040, 194-50-050, 194-50-060, 194-50-070, 194-50-080, 194-50-090, 194-50-140, 194-50-150, 194-50-160
The passage of 2SHB 1390 in 2023 (chapter 291, Laws of 2023) added new requirements for the decarbonization of campus district energy systems to statute (RCW 19.27A.210). These statutory changes require commerce to clarify its rules for the clean building performance standard (chapter 194-50 WAC) in order to add additional requirements and maintain consistency.
CR-101: Filed December 11, 2023
CR-102: Filed May 1, 2024
CR-103: July, 2024
Amanda Hathaway
Rules Coordinator