WSR 24-17-078
[Filed August 16, 2024, 3:06 p.m.]
Subject of Possible Rule Making: Chapter 132H-126 WAC, Student code of conduct.
Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: Chapter 34.05 RCW and RCW 28B.50.140.
Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: On April 19, 2024, the United States Department of Education (department) released its final rule to fully effectuate Title IX's promise that no person experiences sex discrimination in federally funded education. Before issuing the proposed regulations, the department received feedback on its Title IX regulations, as amended in 2020, from a wide variety of stakeholders. The final regulations strengthen several major provisions from the current regulations and provide schools with information to meet their Title IX obligations while providing appropriate discretion and flexibility to account for variations in school size, student populations, and administrative structures. The final regulations also provide greater clarity regarding: the definition of "sex-based harassment"; the scope of sex discrimination, including schools' obligations not to discriminate based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity; and schools' obligations to provide an educational environment free from discrimination based on sex. The final regulations are effective on August 1, 2024, and apply to complaints of sex discrimination regarding alleged conduct that occurs on or after that date. Existing policies and procedures will remain in place for complaints of alleged conduct that occurs prior to August 1, 2024.
Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: United States Department of Education.
Process for Developing New Rule: Proposed changes are being presented to the campus community for feedback and a public meeting will be held.
Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication by contacting Lori McRea Keller, 3000 Landerholm Circle S.E., phone 425-564-6155, TTY 425-564-6189, email, website
August 16, 2024
Loreen M. Keller
Associate Director
Policies and Special Projects