WSR 24-18-104
[Filed September 3, 2024, 1:23 p.m.]
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: WAC 458-16A-100 Senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemption—Definitions, 458-16A-120 Senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemption—Determining combined disposable income, 458-18-010 Deferral of special assessments and/or property taxes—Definitions, and 458-18A-010 Deferral of special assessments and/or property taxes—Definitions.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The department of revenue (department) is amending these rules to incorporate 2024 legislation, HB 2375. This legislation expanded the senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemption and deferral under chapter 84.36 and 84.38 RCW, respectively, and the limited income deferral under chapter 84.37 RCW, by modifying the definition of "residence" to include an accessory dwelling unit.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Updating these rules will provide clarity to county assessors who administer these property tax-related exemptions and deferrals.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 84.08.010, 84.08.070.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 84.36.383, 84.37.020, and 84.38.020.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Leslie Mullin, 6400 Linderson Way S.W., Tumwater, WA, 360-534-1589; Implementation and Enforcement: Jeannette Gute, 6400 Linderson Way S.W., Tumwater, WA, 360-534-1599.
Explanation of the Reason the Agency Believes the Expedited Rule-Making Process is Appropriate: The expedited rule-making process is applicable to these rule updates because the department is incorporating changes resulting from 2024 legislation.
September 3, 2024
Brenton Madison
Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 24-03-003, filed 1/3/24, effective 2/3/24)
WAC 458-16A-100Senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemptionDefinitions.
(1) Introduction. This rule contains definitions of the terms used for the senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities property tax exemption described in RCW 84.36.381 through 84.36.389.
(2) Accessory dwelling unit. "Accessory dwelling unit" means a separate, autonomous residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
(3)Annuity. "Annuity" means a series of long-term periodic payments, under a contract or agreement. It does not include payments for the care of dependent children. For purposes of this rule, "long-term" means a period of more than one full year from the annuity starting date.
Annuity distributions must be included in "disposable income," as that term is defined in subsection (((12)))(13) of this rule, regardless of whether the distributions are taxable under federal law. A one-time, lump sum, total distribution is not an "annuity" for purposes of this rule, and only the taxable portion that would be included in federal adjusted gross income should be included in disposable income.
(((3)))(4)Assessment year. "Assessment year" means the year the assessor lists and values the principal residence for property taxes. The assessment year is the calendar year prior to the year the taxes are due and payable. The assessment year is the year before the claimant receives the reduction in their property taxes because of the senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemption.
(((4)))(5)Capital gain. "Capital gain" means the amount the seller receives for property, other than inventory, over that seller's adjusted basis in the property. The seller's initial basis in the property is the property's cost plus taxes, freight charges, and installation fees. In determining the capital gain, the seller's costs of transferring the property to a new owner are also added onto the adjusted basis of the property. If the property is acquired in some other manner than by purchase, the seller's initial basis in the property is determined by the way the seller received the property (e.g., property exchange, payment for services, gift, or inheritance). The seller increases and decreases the initial basis of the property for events occurring between the time the property is acquired and when it is sold (e.g., increased by the cost of improvements made later to the property).
(((5)))(6)Claimant. "Claimant" means a person claiming the senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemption by filing an application with the assessor in the county where the property is located.
(((6)))(7)Combined disposable income. "Combined disposable income" means the annual disposable income of the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, and any cotenant occupying the residence for the assessment year, reduced by amounts paid by the claimant or the claimant's spouse or domestic partner for their:
(a) Legally prescribed drugs;
(b) Home health care as defined in subsection (((18)))(19) of this rule;
(c) Nursing home, boarding home, assisted living facility, or adult family home expenses;
(d) Health care insurance premiums for medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act;
(e) Costs related to medicare supplemental policies as defined in Title 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1395ss;
(f) Durable medical equipment, mobility enhancing equipment, medically prescribed oxygen, and prosthetic devices as defined in RCW 82.08.0283 (see also WAC 458-20-18801);
(g) Long-term care insurance as defined in RCW 48.84.020;
(h) Cost-sharing amounts as defined in RCW 48.43.005;
(i) Nebulizers as defined in RCW 82.08.803;
(j) Medicines of mineral, animal, and botanical origin prescribed, administered, dispensed, or used in the treatment of an individual by a person licensed under chapter 18.36A RCW;
(k) Ostomic items as defined in RCW 82.08.804;
(l) Insulin for human use;
(m) Kidney dialysis devices; and
(n) Disposable devices used to deliver drugs for human use, as defined in RCW 82.08.935.
Disposable income is not reduced by any of the amounts in this subsection (((6)))(7) if payments are reimbursed by insurance or a government program (e.g., medicare or medicaid). When the application is made, the combined disposable income is calculated for the assessment year.
(((7)))(8)Cotenant. "Cotenant" means a person who resides with the claimant and who has an ownership interest in the residence.
(((8)))(9)County median household income. "County median household income" means the median household income estimates for the state of Washington by county of the legal address of the principal place of residence, as published by the office of financial management.
(((9)))(10)Department. "Department" means the state department of revenue.
(((10)))(11)Depreciation. "Depreciation" means the annual deduction allowed to recover the cost of business or investment property having a useful life of more than one year. In limited circumstances, this cost, or a part of this cost, may be taken as a section 179 expense on the federal income tax return in the year business property is purchased.
(((11)))(12)Disability. "Disability" means the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. RCW 84.36.383; 42 U.S.C. Sec. 423 (d)(1)(A).
(((12)))(13)Disposable income. "Disposable income" means the adjusted gross income as defined in the Federal Internal Revenue Code of 2001, and as amended after that date, plus all items described below to the extent they are not included in or have been deducted from adjusted gross income:
(a) Capital gains, other than gain excluded from the sale of a principal residence that is reinvested prior to the sale or within the same calendar year in a different principal residence;
(b) Amounts deducted for loss;
(c) Amounts deducted for depreciation;
(d) Pension and annuity receipts;
(e) Military pay and benefits other than attendant-care and medical-aid payments. Attendant-care and medical-aid payments are any payments for medical care, home health care, health insurance coverage, hospital benefits, or nursing home benefits provided by the military;
(f) Veterans benefits other than:
(i) Attendant-care payments and medical-aid payments, defined as any payments for medical care, home health care, health insurance coverage, hospital benefits, or nursing home benefits provided by the VA;
(ii) Disability compensation, defined as payments made by the VA to a veteran because of a service-connected disability; and
(iii) Dependency and indemnity compensation, defined as payments made by the VA to a surviving spouse, child, or parent because of a service-connected death;
(g) Federal Social Security Act and railroad retirement benefits;
(h) Dividend receipts; and
(i) Interest received on state and municipal bonds.
(((13)))(14)Domestic partner. "Domestic partner" means a person registered under chapter 26.60 RCW or a partner in a legal union of two persons, other than a marriage, that was validly formed in another jurisdiction, and that is substantially equivalent to a domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW.
(((14)))(15)Domestic partnership. "Domestic partnership" means a partnership registered under chapter 26.60 RCW or a legal union of two persons, other than a marriage, that was validly formed in another jurisdiction, and that is substantially equivalent to a domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW.
(((15)))(16)Excess levies. "Excess levies" has the same meaning as provided in WAC 458-19-005 for "excess property tax levy."
(((16)))(17)Excluded military pay or benefits. "Excluded military pay or benefits" means military pay or benefits excluded from a person's federal gross income, other than those amounts excluded from that person's federal gross income for attendant-care and medical-aid payments. Members of the armed forces receive many different types of pay and allowances. Some payments or allowances are included in their gross income for federal income tax purposes while others are excluded. Excluded military pay or benefits include:
(a) Compensation for active service while in a combat zone or a qualified hazardous duty area;
(b) Death allowances for burial services, gratuity payment to a survivor, or travel of dependents to the burial site;
(c) Moving allowances;
(d) Travel allowances;
(e) Uniform allowances;
(f) Group term life insurance payments made by the military on behalf of the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, or the cotenant; and
(g) Survivor and retirement protection plan premiums paid by the military on behalf of the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, or the cotenant.
(((17)))(18)Family dwelling unit. "Family dwelling unit" means the dwelling unit occupied by a single person, any number of related persons, or a group not exceeding a total of eight related and unrelated nontransient persons living as a single noncommercial housekeeping unit. The term does not include a boarding or rooming house.
(((18)))(19)Home health care. "Home health care" means the treatment or care of either the claimant or the claimant's spouse or domestic partner received in the home. It must be similar to the type of care provided in the normal course of treatment or care in a nursing home, although the person providing the home health care services need not be specially licensed. The treatment and care must meet at least one of the following criteria. It must be for:
(a) Medical treatment or care received in the home;
(b) Physical therapy received in the home;
(c) Food, oxygen, lawful substances taken internally or applied externally, necessary medical supplies, or special needs furniture or equipment (such as wheel chairs, hospital beds, or therapy equipment), brought into the home as part of a necessary or appropriate in-home service that is being rendered (such as a meals on wheels type program); or
(d) Attendant care to assist the claimant, or the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, with household tasks, and such personal care tasks as meal preparation, eating, dressing, personal hygiene, specialized body care, transfer, positioning, ambulation, bathing, toileting, self-medication a person provides for himself or herself, or such other tasks as may be necessary to maintain a person in their own home, but does not include improvements or repair of the home itself.
(((19)))(20)Income threshold 1. "Income threshold 1" means:
(a) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years prior to 2020, a combined disposable income equal to $30,000;
(b) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years 2020 through 2023, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of "income threshold 1" for the previous year or 45 percent of the county median household income; and
(c) For taxes levied for collection in calendar year 2024 and thereafter, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of "income threshold 1" for the previous year or 50 percent of the county median household income, adjusted every three years beginning August 1, 2023, and by March 1st every third year thereafter, as provided in RCW 84.36.385(8).
(((20)))(21)Income threshold 2. "Income threshold 2" means:
(a) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years prior to 2020, a combined disposable income equal to $35,000;
(b) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years 2020 through 2023, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of "income threshold 2" for the previous year or 55 percent of the county median household income; and
(c) For taxes levied for collection in calendar year 2024 and thereafter, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of "income threshold 2" for the previous year or 60 percent of the county median household income, adjusted every three years beginning August 1, 2023, and by March 1st every third year thereafter, as provided in RCW 84.36.385(8).
(((21)))(22)Income threshold 3. "Income threshold 3" means:
(a) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years prior to 2020, a combined disposable income equal to $40,000;
(b) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years 2020 through 2023, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of "income threshold 3" for the previous year or 65 percent of the county median household income; and
(c) For taxes levied for collection in calendar year 2024 and thereafter, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of "income threshold 3" for the previous year or 70 percent of the county median household income, adjusted every three years beginning August 1, 2023, and by March 1st every third year thereafter, as provided in RCW 84.36.385(8).
(((22)))(23)Lease for life. "Lease for life" means a lease that terminates upon the death of the lessee.
(((23)))(24)Legally prescribed drugs. "Legally prescribed drugs" means drugs supplied by prescription of a medical practitioner authorized to issue prescriptions by the laws of this state or another jurisdiction.
(((24)))(25)Life estate. "Life estate" means an estate whose duration is limited to the life of the party holding it or of some other person.
(a) Reservation of a life estate upon a principal residence placed in trust or transferred to another is a life estate.
(b) Beneficial interest in a trust is considered a life estate for the settlor of a revocable or irrevocable trust who grants to themselves the beneficial interest directly in their principal residence, or the part of the trust containing their personal residence, for at least the period of their life.
(c) Beneficial interest in an irrevocable trust is considered a life estate, or a lease for life, for the beneficiary who is granted the beneficial interest representing their principal residence held in an irrevocable trust, if the beneficial interest is granted under the trust instrument for a period that is not less than the beneficiary's life.
(((25)))(26)Owned. "Owned" includes "contract purchase" as well as "in fee," a "life estate," and any "lease for life." A residence owned by a marital community or domestic partnership or owned by cotenants is deemed to be owned by each spouse or each domestic partner or each cotenant.
(((26)))(27)Ownership by a marital community or domestic partnership. "Ownership by a marital community or domestic partnership" means property owned in common by both spouses or domestic partners. Property held in separate ownership by one spouse or domestic partner is not owned by the marital community or domestic partnership. The person claiming the exemption must own the property for which the exemption is claimed. For example, a person qualifying for the exemption by virtue of age, disability, or disabled veteran status may not claim this exemption on a residence owned by the person's spouse or domestic partner as a separate estate outside the marital community or domestic partnership unless the claimant has a life estate in that separate estate.
(((27)))(28)Pension. "Pension" generally means an arrangement providing for payments, not wages, to a person or to that person's family, who has fulfilled certain conditions of service or reached a certain age. Pension distributions may be triggered by separation from service, attainment of a specific age, disability, death, or other events. A pension may allow payment of all or a part of the entire pension benefit, in lieu of regular periodic payments.
(((28)))(29)Principal residence. "Principal residence" means the claimant owns and occupies the residence as their principal or main residence. It does not include a residence used merely as a vacation home. For purposes of this exemption:
(a) Principal or main residence means the claimant occupies the residence for more than six months each calendar year.
(b) Confinement of the claimant to a hospital, nursing home, assisted living facility, adult family home, or home of a relative for the purpose of long-term care, does not disqualify the claim for exemption if:
(i) The residence is temporarily unoccupied;
(ii) The residence is occupied by the claimant's spouse or domestic partner or a person financially dependent on the claimant for support;
(iii) The residence is occupied by a caretaker who is not paid for watching the house;
(iv) The residence is rented for the purpose of paying nursing home, hospital, boarding home, or adult family home costs.
(c) For purposes of this subsection, "relative" means any individual related to the claimant by blood, marriage, or adoption.
(((29)))(30)Regular gainful employment. "Regular gainful employment" means consistent or habitual labor or service which results in an increase in wealth or earnings.
(((30)))(31)Regular property tax levies. "Regular property tax levies" has the same meaning as provided in WAC 458-19-005 for "regular property tax levy."
(((31)))(32)Replacement residence. "Replacement residence" means a residence that qualifies for the senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemption and replaces the prior residence of the person receiving the exemption.
(((32)))(33)Residence. "Residence" means a single-family dwelling unit whether the unit is separate or part of a multiunit dwelling, may include one accessory dwelling unit and includes up to one acre of the parcel of land on which the dwellings stand((s)). A residence also includes any additional property up to a total of five acres that comprises the residential parcel if land use regulations require this larger parcel size. The term also includes:
(a) A share ownership in a cooperative housing association, corporation, or partnership if the person claiming exemption can establish that his or her share represents the specific unit or portion of the structure in which they reside.
(b) A single-family dwelling situated on leased lands and on lands the fee of which is vested in the United States, any instrumentality thereof including an Indian tribe, the state of Washington, or its political subdivisions.
(c) A mobile home which has substantially lost its identity as a mobile unit by being fixed in location on land owned or rented by the owner of the mobile home and placed on a foundation, posts, or blocks with fixed pipe connections for sewer, water or other utilities even though it may be listed and assessed by the county assessor as personal property. It includes up to one acre of the parcel of land on which the mobile home is located if both the land and mobile home are owned by the same qualified claimant. It also includes any additional property up to a total of five acres that comprises the residential parcel if land use regulations require this larger parcel size.
(((33)))(34)Veteran. "Veteran" means a veteran of the armed forces of the United States.
(((34)))(35)Veteran with disabilities. "Veteran with disabilities" means a veteran of the armed forces of the United States entitled to and receiving compensation from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at:
(a) A combined service-connected evaluation rating of 80 percent or higher; or
(b) A total disability rating for a service-connected disability without regard to evaluation percent.
(((35)))(36)Veterans benefits. "Veterans benefits" means benefits paid or provided under any law, regulation, or administrative practice administered by the VA. Federal law excludes from gross income any veterans' benefits payments, paid under any law, regulation, or administrative practice administered by the VA.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 24-03-003, filed 1/3/24, effective 2/3/24)
WAC 458-16A-120Senior citizen, persons with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities exemptionDetermining combined disposable income.
(1) Introduction. This rule describes how an assessor determines a claimant's combined disposable income.
Examples. This rule includes examples that identify a set of facts and then state a conclusion. These examples should only be used as a general guide.
(2) Begin by calculating disposable income. The assessor must determine the disposable income of the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, and all cotenants. The assessor begins by obtaining a copy of the claimant's, the claimant's spouse's or domestic partner's, and any cotenant's federal income tax return. If the federal income tax returns are not provided, the assessor must calculate disposable income from copies of other income documents (e.g., W-2, 1099-R, 1099-INT, etc.). If the federal income tax returns are provided, adjusted gross income is found on the front pages of Form 1040. Even if a federal income tax return is provided, an assessor may request copies of supporting documents to verify the amount of the claimant's combined disposable income.
(a) Absent spouse or domestic partner. When a spouse or domestic partner has been absent for over a year and the claimant has no knowledge of their spouse's or domestic partner's location or whether the spouse or domestic partner has income, and the claimant has not received anything of value from the spouse or domestic partner or anyone acting on behalf of the spouse or domestic partner, the disposable income of the spouse or domestic partner is deemed to be zero for purposes of this exemption. The claimant must submit with the application a dated statement signed under the penalty of perjury. This statement must state that more than one year prior to filing the exemption application:
(i) The claimant's spouse or domestic partner was absent;
(ii) The claimant has not and does not know the location of their spouse or domestic partner;
(iii) The claimant has not had any communication with their spouse or domestic partner; and
(iv) The claimant has not received anything of value from their spouse or domestic partner or anyone acting on behalf of their spouse or domestic partner.
The statement must also agree to provide this income information if the claimant is able to obtain it anytime within the next six years.
(b) Form 1040. If a claimant provides a copy of the Form 1040, the assessor will calculate the disposable income for the person or couple filing the return by adding to the reported adjusted gross income all of the items described below, but only to the extent these items were excluded or deducted from gross income.
(i) Gain from a sold residence. The excluded capital gain from selling a principal residence to the extent that excluded gain was not reinvested in a new principal residence is added onto the seller's adjusted gross income to determine the seller's disposable income.
(ii) Capital gains. If the federal income tax return shows capital gains or losses, the assessor examines a copy of the schedule or forms, if any, that were filed with the return. The assessor should examine the capital gains reported on Schedule D (Capital Gains and Losses) and on Forms 4684 (Casualty and Thefts), 4797 (Sales of Business Property), and 8829 (Business Use of Home).
The assessor adds to adjusted gross income, any amount of capital gains reduced by losses or deductions on the schedules or forms listed above to determine the total capital gains. The amount of capital gains that were excluded or deducted from adjusted gross income must be added to the adjusted gross income to determine disposable income.
(iii) Losses. Amounts deducted for losses are added to adjusted gross income to determine disposable income. Most losses are reported on the federal income tax return in parentheses to reflect that these loss amounts are to be deducted. Net losses are reported on Form 1040 as business losses, capital losses, other losses, rental or partnership-type losses, or as farm losses. The assessor adds these amounts to the adjusted gross income. Additionally, the assessor adds to adjusted gross income the amount reported as a penalty on early withdrawal of savings because the amount represents a loss under section 62 of the Internal Revenue Code.
(A) The claimant only reports the net amount of these losses on the front page of the Form 1040 federal income tax return. A loss may be used on other schedules or forms to reduce income before being transferred to the front page of the tax return to calculate adjusted gross income. The assessor adds to the adjusted gross income the amount of losses used to reduce income on these other schedules and forms. The amount of losses that were used to reduce adjusted gross income must be added to the adjusted gross income to determine disposable income.
For example, a claimant reports a $5,000 capital loss on the front page of the 1040. On the Schedule D, the claimant reports $2,000 in long-term capital gains from the sale of Company X stock and $7,000 in long-term capital losses from the sale of an interest in the Y limited partnership. The assessor has already added the $5,000 loss from the net capital loss reported on the front page of the tax return. The assessor would add onto adjusted gross income only the additional $2,000 in losses from the Schedule D that was used to offset the capital gain the claimant earned from the sale of Company X stock.
(B) The assessor should examine losses reported on Schedules C (Profit or Loss from Business), D (Capital Gains and Losses), E (Supplemental Income and Loss), F (Profit or Loss from Farming), and K-1 (Shareholder's Share of Income, Credits, Deductions, etc.), and on Forms 4684 (Casualty and Thefts), 4797 (Sales of Business Property), 8582 (Passive Activity Loss Limitations), and 8829 (Business Use of Home) to determine the total amount of losses claimed.
(iv) Depreciation. Amounts deducted for the depreciation, depletion, or amortization of an asset's costs are added onto the adjusted gross income to determine the disposable income. This includes section 179 expenses, as an expense in lieu of depreciation. Amounts deducted for depreciation, depletion, amortization, and 179 expenses may be found on Schedules C, C-EZ, E, F, K and K-1, and on Form 4835 (Farm Rental Income and Expenses). If the schedule or form results in a loss transferred to the front of the Form 1040 federal income tax return, the depreciation deduction to the extent it is represented in that loss amount should not be added onto the adjusted gross income, as this would result in it being added back twice;
(v) Pension and annuity receipts. Any nontaxable pension and annuity amounts are added to the recipient's adjusted gross income amount to determine the recipient's disposable income. The nontaxable pension and annuity amounts are the difference between the total pension and annuity amounts reported and the taxable amounts reported. If the total pension and annuity amounts are not reported on the tax return, the assessor may use a copy of the Form 1099-R (Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.) issued to the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, or the cotenant to determine the total pension and annuity amounts received. Pension and annuity amounts do not include distributions made from a traditional individual retirement account.
(vi) Federal Social Security Act and railroad retirement benefits. Any nontaxable Social Security benefit or equivalent railroad retirement amount reported on the Form 1040 federal income tax return is added to the adjusted gross income of the person receiving these benefits to determine that person's disposable income. The nontaxable Social Security benefit or equivalent railroad retirement amount is the difference between the total Social Security benefits or equivalent railroad retirement amounts reported and the taxable amounts reported. If the total amount of the Social Security benefit or equivalent railroad retirement amount is not reported on the tax return, the assessor may use a copy of the Form SSA-1099 or Form RRB-1099 issued to the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, or the cotenant to determine the Social Security benefits or the railroad retirement benefits received.
(vii) Excluded military pay and benefits. Military pay and benefits excluded from federal adjusted gross income, other than military pay and benefits for attendant care or medical aid, are added to the adjusted gross income of the military personnel receiving the military pay or benefits to determine that person's disposable income. Excluded military pay and benefits are not reported on the Form 1040. Excluded military pay and benefits such as pay earned in a combat zone, basic allowance for subsistence (BAS), basic allowance for housing (BAH), and certain in-kind allowances, are reported on Form W-2. The claimant should disclose when excluded military pay and benefits were received and provide copies of the Form W-2 or other documents that verify the amounts received.
(viii) Veterans benefits. Federal law excludes from gross income any veterans benefit payments paid under any law, regulation, or administrative practice administered by the VA. The following veterans benefits are not added to a veteran's adjusted gross income:
(A) Attendant-care payments and medical-aid payments, defined as any payments for medical care, home health care, health insurance coverage, hospital benefits, or nursing home benefits provided by the VA;
(B) Disability compensation, defined as payments made by the VA to a veteran because of a service-connected disability; and
(C) Dependency and indemnity compensation, defined as payments made by the VA to a surviving spouse, child, or parent.
VA benefits are not reported on the Form 1040. The claimant should disclose when excluded veterans benefits were received and provide copies of documents that verify the amount received.
(ix) Dividend receipts. Exempt-interest dividends received from a regulated investment company (mutual fund) are reported on the tax-exempt interest line of the Form 1040 and added to the recipient's adjusted gross income to determine that recipient's disposable income.
(A) The assessor may ask a claimant whether the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, or any cotenants have received exempt-interest dividends.
(B) Generally, the mutual fund owner will receive a notice from the mutual fund telling them the amount of the exempt-interest dividends received. These exempt-interest dividends are not shown on Form 1099-DIV or Form 1099-INT. Although exempt-interest dividends are not taxable, the owner must report them on the Form 1040 tax return if they have to file; and
(x) Interest received on state and municipal bonds. Interest received on state or local government bonds is generally not subject to federal income tax. The tax-exempt interest is reported on the Form 1040 and added to the bond owner's adjusted gross income to determine the bond owner's disposable income.
(3) Calculate the combined disposable income. Once the assessor has calculated the disposable income for the claimant, the claimant's spouse or domestic partner, and any cotenants, the assessor will add the disposable incomes together. To calculate the combined disposable income for the claimant, the assessor will subtract from the sum of the disposable income, the amounts paid by the claimant or the claimant's spouse or domestic partner during that calendar year for the deductible amounts listed in WAC 458-16A-100(((6)))(7).
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 24-03-004, filed 1/3/24, effective 2/3/24)
WAC 458-18-010Deferral of special assessments and((/or)) property taxesDefinitions.
(1) Introduction. This rule provides definitions of the terms used to administer the deferral program in chapter 84.38 RCW and this section through WAC 458-18-100 for special assessments and((/or)) property taxes on residential housing.
(2) "Boarding house" means a residence in which lodging and meals are provided. Each resident of a boarding house is charged a lump sum to cover the costs of lodging and meals with no separate accounting for the fair selling price of the meals.
(3) "Claimant" means a person who either elects under chapter 84.38 RCW or is required under RCW 84.64.050, to defer payment of special assessments and((/or)) real property taxes accrued on their residence by filing a declaration to defer as allowed under chapter 84.38 RCW. Only one individual per household may file a declaration to defer.
(4) "Cooperative housing" means any existing structure, including surrounding land and improvements, which contains one or more dwelling units and is owned by:
(a) An association with resident shareholders who are granted renewable leasehold interests in dwelling units in the building. Unlike owners of a condominium, the resident shareholders who hold a renewable leasehold interest do not own their dwelling units; or
(b) An association organized under the Cooperative Association Act (chapter 23.86 RCW).
(5) "Department" means the state department of revenue.
(6) "Devisee" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 21.35.005((: Any person designated in a will to receive a disposition of real or personal property)).
(7) "Domestic partner" means a person registered under chapter 26.60 RCW or a partner in a legal union of two persons, other than a marriage, that was validly formed in another jurisdiction, and that is substantially equivalent to a domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW.
(8) "Domestic partnership" means a partnership registered under chapter 26.60 RCW or a legal union of two persons, other than a marriage, that was validly formed in another jurisdiction, and that is substantially equivalent to a domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW.
(9) "Equity value" means the amount by which the true and fair value of a residence exceeds the total amount of all liens, obligations, and encumbrances against the property, excluding deferral liens. As used in this context, the "true and fair value" of a residence is the value shown on the county tax rolls maintained by the assessor for the assessment year in which the deferral claim is made.
(10) "Fire and casualty insurance" means a policy with an insurer that is authorized by the ((state insurance commission))Washington state office of the insurance commissioner to insure property in this state.
(11) "Heir" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 21.35.005((: Any person, including the surviving spouse, who is entitled under the statutes of intestate succession to the property of a decedent)).
(12) "Income threshold" means:
(a) For taxes levied for collection in calendar years prior to 2020, a combined disposable income equal to $45,000; and
(b) For taxes levied for collection in calendar year 2020 and thereafter, a combined disposable income equal to the greater of the income threshold for the previous year, or 75 percent of the county median household income, adjusted every three years beginning August 1, 2023, as provided in RCW 84.36.385(8).
(i) Beginning with the adjustment made by August 1, 2023, as provided in RCW 84.36.385(8), if the income threshold in a county is not adjusted based on percentage of county median income, then the income threshold must be adjusted based on the growth of the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) for the prior 12-month period as published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(ii) In no case may the adjustment be greater than one percent and if the income threshold adjustment is negative, the income threshold for the prior year continues to apply. The adjusted threshold must be rounded to the nearest one dollar.
(13) "Irrevocable trust" means a trust that may not be revoked after its creation by the trustor.
(14) "Lease for life" means a lease that terminates upon the death of the lessee.
(15) "Lien" means any interest in property given to secure payment of a debt or performance of an obligation, including a deed of trust. A lien includes the total amount of special assessments and((/or)) property taxes deferred and the interest. It also may include any other outstanding balances owed to local governments for special assessments.
(16) "Life estate" means an estate that consists of total rights to use, occupy, and control real property but is limited to the lifetime of a designated party; this party is often called a "life tenant."
(17) "Local government" means any city, town, county, water-sewer district, public utility district, port district, irrigation district, flood control district, or any other municipal corporation, quasi municipal corporation, or other political subdivision authorized to levy special assessments.
(18) "Perjury" means the willful assertion as to a matter of fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge made by a claimant upon the declaration to defer that the claimant knows to be false.
(19) "Real property taxes" means ad valorem property taxes levied on a residence in this state. The term includes foreclosure costs, interest, and penalties accrued as of the date the declaration to defer is filed.
(20) "Residence" has the same ((definition))meaning as provided in RCW 84.36.383 ((and is defined as:
(a) A single-family dwelling unit whether the unit is separate or part of a multiunit dwelling and includes up to one acre of the parcel of land on which the dwelling stands. Residence also includes any additional property up to a total of five acres that comprises the residential parcel if local land use regulations require this larger parcel size;
(b) A share ownership in a cooperative housing association, corporation, or partnership if the person claiming exemption can establish that their share represents the specific unit or portion of such structure in which they reside; or
(c) A single-family dwelling situated upon lands the fee of which is vested in the United States or any instrumentality of the United States, including an Indian tribe, or in the state of Washington, notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 84.04.080 and 84.04.090, such a residence is deemed real property)).
(21) "Revocable trust" means an agreement that entitles the trustor to have the full right to use the real property and to revoke the trust and retake complete ownership of the property at any time during their lifetime. The trustee of a revocable trust holds only bare legal title to the real property. Full equitable title to the property remains with the trustor; the original property owner.
(22) "Rooming house" means a residence where persons may rent rooms.
(23) "Special assessment" means the charge or obligation imposed by a local government upon real property specially benefited by improvements.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 13-08-030, filed 3/27/13, effective 4/27/13)
WAC 458-18A-010Deferral of special assessments and((/or)) property taxes—Definitions.
Introduction. This ((section))rule is intended to provide definitions of the terms most frequently used to administer the deferral program for special assessments and((/or)) property taxes on residential housing created by chapter 84.37 RCW. Unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, the words and phrases used in this chapter have the following meanings:
(1) "Boarding house" means a residence in which lodging and meals are provided. Each resident of a boarding house is charged a lump sum to cover the costs of lodging and meals with no separate accounting for the fair selling price of the meals.
(2) "Claimant" means a person who elects under chapter 84.37 RCW to defer payment of special assessments and((/or)) real property taxes accrued on his or her residence by filing a declaration to defer as allowed under chapter 84.37 RCW. If more than one individual in a household wishes to defer special assessments and((/or)) taxes, only one may file a declaration to defer; in other words, only one claimant per household is allowed.
(3) "Cooperative housing" means any existing structure, including surrounding land and improvements, that contains one or more dwelling units and is owned by:
(a) An association with resident shareholders who are granted renewable leasehold interests in dwelling units in the building. Unlike owners of a condominium, the resident shareholders who hold a renewable leasehold interest do not own their dwelling units; or
(b) An association organized under the Cooperative Association Act (chapter 23.86 RCW).
(4) "Department" means the state department of revenue.
(5) "Domestic partner" means a person registered under chapter 26.60 RCW or a partner in a legal union of two persons, other than a marriage, that was validly formed in another jurisdiction, and that is substantially equivalent to a domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW.
(6) "Domestic partnership" means a partnership registered under chapter 26.60 RCW or a legal union of two persons, other than a marriage, that was validly formed in another jurisdiction, and that is substantially equivalent to a domestic partnership under chapter 26.60 RCW.
(7) "Equity value" means the amount by which the true and fair value of a residence exceeds the total amount of all liens, obligations, and encumbrances against the property excluding the deferral liens. As used in this context, the "true and fair value" of a residence is the value shown on the county tax rolls maintained by the assessor for the assessment year in which the deferral claim is made.
(8) "Fire and casualty insurance" means a policy with an insurer that is authorized by the ((state insurance commission))Washington state office of the insurance commissioner to insure property in this state.
(9) "Good cause" means factors peculiar to each claimant. At a minimum, the applicant must be able to demonstrate that factors outside of his or her control were the cause for missing the statutory deadline. This includes factors which would effectively prevent a reasonable person facing similar circumstances from filing a timely application, such as acting or failing to act based on authoritative written advice received directly from persons upon which a reasonable person would normally rely, severe weather conditions preventing safe travel to the point of filing, incapacity due to illness or injury, and other factors of similar gravity. Inadvertence or oversight is not a basis for a "good cause" extension of the filing deadline.
(10) "Irrevocable trust" means a trust that may not be revoked after its creation by the trustor.
(11) "Lease for life" means a lease that terminates upon the death of the lessee.
(12) "Lien" means any interest in property given to secure payment of a debt or performance of an obligation, including a deed of trust. A lien includes the total amount of special assessments and((/or)) property taxes deferred and the interest thereon. It also may include any other outstanding balance owed to local government for special assessments.
(13) "Life estate" means an estate that consists of total rights to use, occupy, and control real property, but is limited to the lifetime of a designated party; this party is often called a "life tenant."
(14) "Local government" means any city, town, county, water-sewer district, public utility district, port district, irrigation district, flood control district, or any other municipal corporation, quasi municipal corporation, or other political subdivision authorized to levy special assessments.
(15) "Perjury" means the willful assertion as to a matter of fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge made by a claimant upon the declaration to defer that the claimant knows to be false.
(16) "Real property taxes" means ad valorem property taxes levied on a residence in this state. The term includes foreclosure costs, interest, and penalties accrued as of the date the declaration to defer is filed.
(17) "Residence" has the same meaning given in RCW 84.36.383((; it means a single-family dwelling unit whether the unit is separate or part of a multiunit dwelling and includes up to one acre of the parcel of land on which the dwelling stands, and it includes any additional property up to a total of five acres that comprises the residential parcel if local land use regulations require this larger parcel size)).
(18) "Revocable trust" means an agreement that entitles the trustor to have the full right to use the real property and to revoke the trust and retake complete ownership of the property at any time during his or her lifetime. The trustee of a revocable trust holds only bare legal title to the real property. Full equitable title to the property remains with the trustor; the original property owner.
(19) "Rooming house" means a residence where persons may rent rooms.
(20) "Special assessment" means the charge or obligation imposed by local government upon real property specially benefited by improvements.