WSR 24-20-035
[Filed September 24, 2024, 9:28 a.m., effective November 1, 2024]
Effective Date of Rule: November 1, 2024.
Purpose: The first purpose of this rule making is to repeal Commission Rule 350-81 in its entirety. Commission Rule 350-81 was the Columbia River Gorge commission's (commission) land use ordinance that implemented the first revised management plan for the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, which was in effect between 2004 and 2020. In 2020, the commission enacted the second revised management plan, and in 2022, the commission adopted a new land use ordinance (Commission Rule 350-082) to implement the second revised plan. The commission maintained Commission Rule 350-81 for approximately one year after adopting the new land use ordinance to use for the land use applications that were in process when the commission adopted the new land use ordinance. At this time, there are no more pending land use applications, and all appeal periods have passed, so Commission Rule 350-81 is not needed. Commission Rule 350-81 is inconsistent with the second revised management plan and out-of-date. The second purpose of this proposal is to add the management plan requirements for grading plans for certain new structural development to Commission Rule 350-082-0080. The commission's initial adoption of this rule in April 2022 inadvertently omitted these requirements. The commission staff has been applying the requirements using the management plan directly, so there is no anticipated effect of this correction.
Citation of Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing 350-81-010, 350-81-012, 350-81-014, 350-81-016, 350-81-018, 350-81-020, 350-81-030, 350-81-032, 350-81-034, 350-81-036, 350-81-038, 350-81-040, 350-81-042, 350-81-044, 350-81-046, 350-81-050, 350-81-052, 350-81-054, 350-81-060, 350-81-070, 350-81-072, 350-81-074, 350-81-076, 350-81-078, 350-81-080, 350-81-082, 350-81-084, 350-81-086, 350-81-090, 350-81-092, 350-81-094, 350-81-096, 350-81-098, 350-81-100, 350-81-102, 350-81-104, 350-81-106, 350-81-108, 350-81-110, 350-81-112, 350-81-114, 350-81-120, 350-81-124, 350-81-126, 350-81-170, 350-81-180, 350-81-182, 350-81-190, 350-81-200, 350-81-210, 350-81-220, 350-81-230, 350-81-231, 350-81-232, 350-81-234, 350-81-236, 350-81-240, 350-81-250, 350-81-260, 350-81-262, 350-81-270, 350-81-280, 350-81-290, 350-81-300, 350-81-310, 350-81-320, 350-81-330, 350-81-335, 350-81-338, 350-81-340, 350-81-350, 350-81-360, 350-81-365, 350-81-370, 350-81-380, 350-81-390, 350-81-400, 350-81-410, 350-81-415, 350-81-420, 350-81-430, 350-81-440, 350-81-445, 350-81-450, 350-81-460, 350-81-470, 350-81-480, 350-81-485, 350-81-490, 350-81-500, 350-81-510, 350-81-520, 350-81-530, 350-81-540, 350-81-550, 350-81-560, 350-81-570, 350-81-580, 350-81-590, 350-81-600, 350-81-610, 350-81-620 and 350-81-630; and amending 350-082-0080.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 43.97.015; Or. Rev. Stat. § 196.150; 16 U.S.C. § 544e(c); 16 U.S.C. § 544f(l).
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 24-15-079 on July 18, 2024.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 1, Repealed 103; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at the Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's own Initiative: New 0, Amended 1, Repealed 103.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: September 10, 2024.
Connie Acker
Finance and Administration Manager
350-082-0080. Application for Review and Approval Required
(1) The application form required for National Scenic Area review is available at the Gorge Commission Office and on the Gorge Commission's website.
(2) All proposed developments and land uses shall be reviewed according to the standards in effect on the date the applicant submits a complete application for National Scenic Area review.
(3) A complete application is one that the Executive Director determines meets the requirements in this land use ordinance for a complete application form, a complete site plan showing the proposed site (site plans with alternative sites or building envelopes are not sufficient), all applicable information specified in the various sections of this land use ordinance, and other information that the Executive Director requires to make findings based on substantial evidence in the whole record and conclusions for compliance with the guidelines in this land use ordinance.
(4) The Executive Director will not accept an incomplete application for review.
(5) Prior to accepting an application or at any time during review of an application, the Executive Director may require the applicant to amend an application or withdraw an application and file a new application to resolve violations of applicable National Scenic Area standards or a prior Executive Director decision at the same time as the current application.
(6) The Executive Director shall accept and review the application pursuant to the procedures and requirements in 350-082-0080 through 350-082-0170 for consistency with the appropriate guidelines of this land use ordinance.
(7) The Executive Director may charge a fee for review of applications. The Gorge Commission shall set the fee after a public hearing.
(8) Applications for National Scenic Area review of a proposed use or development shall provide the following information.
(a) The applicant's name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address;
(b) The name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the landowner and all other persons or entities that hold easements or other partial interests that give a right to use or refuse use of land, as determined by the Executive Director;
(c) The county in which the proposed use or development would be located;
(d) The section, quarter section, township and range in which the proposed development would be located;
(e) The street address of the proposed use or development;
(f) The tax lot number(s) and size in acres of the parcel(s) involved;
(g) A description of the current land use for the parcel(s) involved and adjoining lands;
(h) A written description of the proposed use or development, including details on the height, exterior color(s), and construction materials of the proposed structures;
(i) A list of Key Viewing Areas from which the proposed use would be visible;
(j) A map of the project area. The map shall be drawn to scale. The scale of the map shall be large enough to allow the Executive Director to determine the location and extent of the proposed use or development and evaluate its effects on scenic, cultural, natural, and recreation resources. The map shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet (1:2,400), or a scale providing greater detail. If a parcel is very large, the map does not need to show the entire parcel; rather, it can show only those portions of the parcel affected by the proposed use. The map shall include the following elements:
(A) North arrow;
(B) Map scale;
(C) Boundaries, dimensions, and size of the subject parcel;
(D) Significant terrain features or landforms (e.g., cliffs, rock faces, slopes, stands of trees);
(E) Groupings and species of trees or other vegetation on the parcel;
(F) Location and species of vegetation that would be removed or planted;
(G) Bodies of water and watercourses, including intermittent and ephemeral streams;
(H) Location and width of existing and proposed roads, driveways, and trails;
(I) Location, dimensions, height, and size (in square feet) of existing and proposed structures;
(J) Location of existing and proposed services including wells or other water supplies, sewage disposal systems, power and telephone poles and lines, and outdoor lighting; and
(K) Location and depth of all proposed grading and ditching
(k) Elevation drawings, which shall show the appearance of proposed structures and shall include natural grade, finished grade, and the geometrical exterior of at least the length and width of structures as seen from a horizontal view. Elevation drawings shall be drawn to scale and include sizes and dimensions of windows, doors, and covered openings;
(l) The following applications for structural development shall include a grading plan:
(A) Applications involving more than 100 cubic yards of grading with slopes greater than 10 percent, except applications for trails in the SMAs.
(B) Applications involving more than 200 cubic yards of grading on sites visible from key viewing areas.
(C) Grading plans shall include the following:
(i) A map of the site, prepared at a scale of 1 inch equals 200 feet (1:2,400) or a scale providing greater detail, with contour intervals of at least 5 feet, including:
(I) Existing and proposed final grades;
(II) Location of all areas to be graded, with cut banks and fill slopes delineated; and
(III) Estimated dimensions of graded areas.
(ii) A narrative description (may be submitted on the grading plan site map and accompanying drawings) of the proposed grading activity, including:
(I) Its purpose;
(II) An estimate of the total volume of material to be moved;
(III) The height of all cut banks and fill slopes;
(IV) Provisions to be used for compactions, drainage, and stabilization of graded areas. (Preparation of this information by a licensed engineer or engineering geologist is recommended);
(V) A description of all plant materials used to revegetate exposed slopes and banks, including the species, number, size, and location of plants, and a description of irrigation provisions or other measures necessary to ensure the survival of plantings; and
(VI) A description of any other interim or permanent erosion control measures to be used.
(lm) A list of names and addresses of the adjacent property owners within a distance of the subject parcel as determined in 350-082-0110 Table 1 – Notice Requirements;
(mn) Any additional information that the applicant feels will assist in the evaluation of the proposal, including but not limited to, maps, drawings, and development plans; and
(no) The signature of the applicant, and the signature or other statement of the landowner and other persons or entities that hold easements or other partial interests that give a right to use or refuse use of land, as determined by the Executive Director indicating that they are aware of the application and that authorizes the Executive Director or the Executive Director's designee reasonable access to the site in order to evaluate the application and to conduct inspections during construction of an approved development or land use, and a final inspection when construction is completed.
(9) The Executive Director may require additional information necessary to demonstrate compliance with this land use ordinance, including but not limited to, a professional land survey and staking of proposed structure and building locations that are close to a property or buffer boundary, a professionally drawn site and landscaping plan, and copies of or other proof of prior building permits and land use permits.
(10) The Executive Director shall provide Firewise information to applicants with application forms and encourage and assist applicants to incorporate Firewise standards in their proposals as appropriate and as consistent with the resource protection provisions in the Management Plan.
(11) Requirements for applications for Emergency/Disaster Response Actions are contained in 350-082-0230.
(12) Completed application forms shall be submitted directly to the Gorge Commission office.
The following sections of the Columbia River Gorge Commission's rules are repealed:
Purposes and Applicability
Affected Area
Review and Approval Required
Uniform Application of Management Plan
Standards for Applications
Application for Review and Approval
Pre-Application Conference
Acceptance of Application
Notice of Development Review
Comment Period
Decision of the Executive Director
Expiration of Approvals
Changes or Alterations to an Approved Action
Development Eligible for Expedited Review
Resource and Treaty Rights Protections Guidelines
Procedures for Expedited Review Process
Emergency/Disaster Response Actions
Exempt Land Uses and Activities
Prohibited Land Uses and Activities
Uses Allowed Outright
Agricultural Buffer Zones in the General Management Area
Applying New Less-Stringent Regulations to Development Approved Under Prior Scenic Area Regulations
Existing Uses and Discontinued Uses
Indian Tribal Treaty Rights and Consultation
Buffers from Existing Recreation Sites
Agricultural Buildings
Temporary UseHardship Dwelling
Sewer and Water Services
Docks and Boathouses
Home Occupations and Cottage Industries
Bed and Breakfast Inns
Small-Scale Fishing Support and Fish Processing Operations
Resource Enhancement Projects
Disposal Sites for Spoil Materials from Public Road Maintenance Activities
Commercial Events
Columbia River Bridge Replacement
Special Uses in Historic Buildings
Consolidation of Lots
Land Divisions and Cluster Development
Lot Line Adjustments
Agricultural Land Designations
Uses Allowed OutrightAgricultural Land
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review ProcessAgricultural Land
Review UsesAgricultural Land
Review Uses with Additional Approval CriteriaLarge-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture
Approval Criteria for Life EstatesLarge-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture Designations
Approval Criteria for Specified Review Uses on Lands Designated Large-Scale or Small-Scale Agriculture
Uses Allowed Outright for Lands Designated AgricultureSpecial
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review ProcessAgricultureSpecial
Review Uses for Lands Designated AgricultureSpecial
Approval Criteria for Review Uses on Lands Designated AgricultureSpecial
Uses Prohibited on Lands Designated AgricultureSpecial
Range Conservation Plans
Forest Land Designations
Uses Allowed OutrightForest Land
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review ProcessForest Land
Review UsesForest Land
Review Uses with Additional Approval CriteriaCommercial Forest Land, or Large or Small Woodland Designations
Approval Criteria for Specified Review Uses on Lands Designated Commercial Forest Land or Large or Small Woodland
Approval Criteria for Fire Protection in GMA Forest Designations
Approval Criteria for Siting of Dwellings on Forest Land in the GMA
Approval Criteria for Life Estates in Commercial Forest Land or Small or Large Woodland
Open Space Designations
Uses Allowed OutrightOpen Space
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review ProcessOpen Space
Review UsesOpen Space
Residential Land Designations
Uses Allowed OutrightResidential Land
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review Process Residential Land
Review UsesResidential Land
Review Uses with Additional Approval CriteriaResidential Land
Approval Criteria for Specified Review Uses on Lands Designated Residential
Rural Center
Uses Allowed OutrightRural Center
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review ProcessRural Center
Review UsesRural Center
Commercial Land
Uses Allowed OutrightCommercial Designations
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review Process—Commercial Designations
Review UsesCommercial Designations
Approval Criteria for Review Uses on Lands Designated on Lands Designated Commercial
Uses Allowed OutrightPublic Recreation and Commercial Recreation
Uses Allowed through the Expedited Development Review ProcessPublic Recreation and Commercial Recreation
Review UsesPublic Recreation and Commercial Recreation
Approval Criteria for Non-Recreation Uses in GMA-Public Recreation Designations
Approval Criteria for Non-Recreation Uses in GMA-Commercial Recreation Designations.
General Management Area Scenic Review Criteria
Special Management Area Scenic Review Criteria
General Management Area Cultural Resource Review Criteria
Special Management Area Cultural Resource Review Criteria.
General Management Area Wetland Review Criteria
General Management Area Stream, Pond, Lake and Riparian Area Review Criteria
General Management Area Sensitive Wildlife Review Criteria
General Management Areas Rare Plant Review Criteria
Special Management Areas Natural Resource Review Criteria
General Management Areas Recreation Resource Review Criteria
Special Management Area Recreation Resource Review Criteria
Notice of Application Requirements